Ada Kartel Di Penerbangan Domestik Indonesia? (Is There a Cartel on Indonesian Domestic Flights?) by akar-rumput

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· @akar-rumput ·
Ada Kartel Di Penerbangan Domestik Indonesia? (Is There a Cartel on Indonesian Domestic Flights?)

> Kartel adalah kelompok produsen independen yang bertujuan menetapkan harga, untuk membatasi suplai dan kompetisi. Berdasarkan hukum anti monopoli, kartel dilarang di hampir semua negara. Walaupun demikian, kartel tetap ada baik dalam lingkup nasional maupun internasional, formal maupun informal. 

Dalam beberapa minggu ini, pengguna jasa penerbangan domestik di Indonesia dibuat kesal dan marah dengan tingginya harga tiket pesawat untuk seluruh rute penerbangan tujuan domestik, kenaikan tarif berkisar 100% hingga 300 %, ditambah lagi dengan penetapan biaya bagasi berbayar oleh pihak Lion Air dan Citilink, sungguh sebuah nilai yang fantastis. Fenomena naiknya harga tiket pesawat ini sudah kelihatan di akhir bulan november 2018, namun banyak yang memakluminya karena akan memasuki peak season liburan sekolah, natal dan tahun baru, namun setelah peak season saat ini tiket pesawat rute domestik masih bertahan pada tarif batas tertingginya.

Sebagian besar rute penerbangan domestik Indonesia dikuasai oleh Maskapai Lion air grup dengan anak perusahaannya Batik Air, Wings Air, Malindo Air dan Garuda Indonesia dengan anak perusahaannya Citilink, Sriwijaya Air dan Nam Air.

>  Menurut Faisal Basri (Pengamat ekonomi) Pasar penerbangan di Indonesia sudah memasuki fase oligopoli yang ketat. Oligopoli merupakan keadaan pasar dengan produsen berjumlah sedikit, sehingga mereka atau seorang dari mereka dapat memengaruhi harga.  

Sebagai perbandingan, saya mengecek dari sebuah aplikasi tiket online, harga tiket pesawat rute Internasional dari Jakarta-Singapore lebih murah daripada tiket Jakarta-Batam (Domestik) yang mempunyai waktu tempuh yang sama.


Begitu juga harga tiket Jakarta-Kuala lumpur (Internasional) lebih murah daripada Jakarta-Medan (Domestik), saya tidak paham apa yang menyebabkan harga tiket pesawat domestik ini lebih mahal daripada Internasional. 


Saya menganalisa bahwa ada upaya maskapai yang menaikkan tarif secara terencana dan bersama-sama, dan masyarakat pengguna jasa penerbangan tidak punya pilihan lain, mau tidak mau harus membeli tiket yang mahal tersebut karena jasa penerbangan dikuasai oleh beberapa *airline* saja. 

Pemerintah pun melalui menteri perhubungan tidak responsif terhadap protes publik agar tiket pesawat domestik diturunkan, pemerintah seakan setuju dengan tarif yang ditetapkan oleh pihak maskapai.

Namun karena tingginya protes publik, membuat INACA (Indonesia National Air Carriers Association) sehari yang lalu mengatakan akan menurunkan harga tiket beberapa rute domestik dengan kisaran 20-60%.

Masyarakat berharap agar harga tiket pesawat domestik segera diturunkan dan berlaku untuk semua rute, agar tercipta keadilan sosial bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.


![images (10).jpeg]( [Image](

> Cartel is a group of independent producers whose aim is to set prices, to limit supply and competition. Under the anti-monopoly law, cartels are banned in almost all countries. However, the cartel remains both national and international, formal and informal.

In the past few weeks, users of domestic aviation services in Indonesia have been annoyed and angry with the high price of airline tickets for all domestic flight routes, tariff increases range from 100% to 300%, coupled with payment of paid baggage fees by Lion Air and Citilink, truly a fantastic value. The phenomenon of the increase in airplane ticket prices has been seen at the end of November 2018, but many understand it because it will enter the peak season of school holidays, Christmas and New Year, but after the peak season domestic flight ticket prices are still at their highest limit rates.

Most of Indonesia's domestic flight routes are controlled by the airline Lion air group with its subsidiaries Batik Air, Wings Air, Malindo Air and Garuda Indonesia with its subsidiaries Citilink, Sriwijaya Air and Nam Air.

> According to Faisal Basri (Economic Observer) The aviation market in Indonesia has entered a strict oligopoly phase. Oligopoly is a market condition with few producers, so that they or one of them can influence prices.

For comparison, I checked from one of app online ticket seller, the price of airplane tickets for international routes from Jakarta-Singapore is cheaper than Jakarta-Batam (Domestic) tickets which have the same travel time.


Likewise, the price of Jakarta-Kuala lumpur (International) tickets is cheaper than Jakarta-Medan (Domestic), I do not understand what causes the price of tickets for domestic flights to be more expensive than International.


I analyze that there have been attempts by airlines to raise tariffs in a planned and joint manner, and the people of flight service users have no other choice, inevitably have to buy expensive tickets because flight services are controlled by only a few airlines.

The government, through the minister of transportation, was not responsive to public protests so that domestic plane tickets were lowered, the government seemed to agree with the tariff set by the airline.

However, due to the high public protest, INACA (Indonesia National Air Carriers Association) said a day ago that it would reduce ticket prices for some domestic routes in the range of 20-60%.

The public hopes that the price of domestic flight tickets will be lowered immediately and applies to all routes, in order to create social justice for all Indonesian people.


👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 10 others
properties (23)
created2019-01-15 08:13:21
last_update2019-01-15 08:13:21
last_payout2019-01-22 08:13:21
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value3.294 SBD
curator_payout_value1.031 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Ada Kartel Di Penerbangan Domestik Indonesia? (Is There a Cartel on Indonesian Domestic Flights?)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (75)
@minnowvotes ·
You got a 12.14% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @akar-rumput!
properties (22)
created2019-01-15 17:41:36
last_update2019-01-15 17:41:36
last_payout2019-01-22 17:41:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Ada Kartel Di Penerbangan Domestik Indonesia? (Is There a Cartel on Indonesian Domestic Flights?)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@steemdunk ·
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properties (22)
created2019-01-21 14:24:51
last_update2019-01-21 14:24:51
last_payout2019-01-28 14:24:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Ada Kartel Di Penerbangan Domestik Indonesia? (Is There a Cartel on Indonesian Domestic Flights?)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD