Tiempo y Espacio, Fortuna / Time and Space, Fortune by amart29

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· @amart29 · (edited)
Tiempo y Espacio, Fortuna / Time and Space, Fortune
<div class=text-justify>

<p class="justificar">Un saludos a todos, el siguiente relato fue inspirado por el arte digital de @xpilar, los invito a que visiten su blog. La imagen que motivó este relato es la siguiente.   </p>
<hr class="wp-block-separator" />
<p class="justificar">Greetings to all, the following story was inspired by the digital art of  @xpilar, I invite you to visit his blog. The picture that motivated  this story is the following.   </p>
<hr class="wp-block-separator" />
<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/4HFqJv9qRjVeVQzX3gvDHytNF793bg88B7fESPieLQ8dxJ7MhibnapLzGz3dFeHEkDZRKtENfLzGntcpXozjarZmFxxwpDp6vy6LP8uhC1waLUbyMA9GutGZJd6VagoY4Dwdr3J4wDu4ZNSo9CikM7U5UqTFDDJnRVQ?format=match&amp;mode=fit&amp;width=640" alt="" /></center>

<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/f85of4KXmvsYFWs3hGZA6iEgiS2gakFCuyuEisJgAPW2vbQeVwKxGJpyZyHUFRVcRri37bTF7heR1pkwDUYA8vcDYH45kTFCh59VQC7pqZPHsZJ84rjbm6f9UQj2N6SGLJQ1x8tPsQiYn2HabdQkyPMZeKL9oEqZsDkbtVLq7o2TF7sQHXNdbfQqPio74tGKxp7RCFw15p" alt="" /></center>

<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/f85of4KXmvsYFWs3hGZA6iEgiS2gakFCuyuEisJgAPW2vbQeVwKxGJpyZyHUFRVcRri37bTF7heR1pkwDUYA8vcDYH45kTFCh59VQC7pqZPHsZJ84rjbm6f9UQj2N6SGLJQ1x8tPsQiYn2HabdQkyPMZeKL9oEqZsDkbtVLq7o2TF7sQHXNdbfQqPio74tGKxp7RCFw15p" alt="" /></center>

<p class="justificar">Por primera vez en su vida fue tan afortunado, para un habitante de 
Belerofonte, uno de los mundos más pobres de todas las colonias, poder 
tener un viaje completamente pago a Taranis era realmente algo 
inconcebible, aquella mañana en que, como siempre, entró a la tienda de 
alimentos a comprar un pastelillo y una taza de café para desayunar, 
antes de abordar el ascensor a la mina, además de su habitual abono de 
lotería semanal, nunca se imaginó de que por fin, su número sería el 
afortunado, de entre los quince cien mil millones que entraban en juego.</p>
<p class="justificar">No ganó el premio mayor, eso hubiese cambiado su vida por completo, 
ganó algo más modesto, fue uno de los mil afortunados, en las treinta y 
dos colonias, que obtuvo un viaje a Taranis, uno de los más exclusivos y
 costosos balnearios que existen, el único mundo santuario que habia 
sido abierto a la actividad turística de lujo, mientras la mayoría de 
ellos son parques para excursionistas aficionados a actividades al aire 
libre, Taranis cuenta con hoteles, casinos, centros de compras, 
balnearios y parques acuáticos.</p>
<p class="justificar">Fue alojado en uno de los más lujosos hoteles frente al lago Gigante,
 el premio incluía tres mil créditos para gastarlos en las diversas 
atracciones, ya había visitado dos casinos, pero eso de jugar no le 
gustó, prefirió aprovecharlo en varios de los espectáculos que se 
presentaban, acróbatas de Aurora, Bailarinas de Perseo 9 y una variada 
selección de prestidigitadores venidos de varios mundos y estaciones 
espaciales; además tomó clases de nado con traje subacuático y realizo 
varias excursiones en sumergible al fondo del lago.</p>
<p class="justificar">En su última noche, decidió tomar un viaje en un pequeño bote 
autoguiado que lo pasearía por una parte del lago para contemplar el 
cristalino cielo nocturno del planeta, su viaje empezó poco antes del 
anochecer, pudo ver una familia de delfines de agua dulce saltando en el
 horizonte mientras contemplaba el ocaso, luego la salida de dos de las 
lunas de Terenis y el eclipsamiento de una por la otra.</p>
<p class="justificar">Mientras esto sucedía, no pudo notar que el pequeño bote se dirigía a
 los restos emergidos de un antiguo robot draga averiado, de la época de
 la terraformación del planeta, que hasta hace pocas horas estuvo en el 
fondo del lago y a consecuencia de algunas excavaciones en el fondo, que
 estuvieron haciendo los robots de mantenimiento, se liberó de las rocas
 que lo tenían sujeto y emergió parcialmente, asomando en la superficie,
 una de sus aristas.</p>
<p class="justificar">El sistema de guiado del bote no tenía incluido en su base de datos 
ese nuevo objeto y sólo una pequeña parte, difícilmente visible de la 
draga, se asomaba en la superficie, por lo que los sensores no pudieron 
diferenciarla de vegetación flotante, esa pequeña arista fue suficiente 
para hacer un boquete lo bastante grande en el casco del bote.</p>
<p class="justificar">El agua empezó a entrar abundantemente y la línea de flotación del 
bote a descender rápidamente, al cabo de escasos minutos, el agua ya 
cubría los pies de Alexis, quien ya no se sentía tan afortunado, la IA 
del bote lo guio hasta la orilla en medio de unas rocas en las que quedó
 retenido y no pudo seguir avanzando, se lanzó al agua y con dificultad 
nado en medio de la oscuridad hasta la orilla, para ver tras él cómo el 
bote se ladeaba y quedaba parcialmente hundido en medio de aquellas 
<p class="justificar">Bueno aun sigo siendo afortunado, pensó, al menos no me ahogue en el 
lago. Al cabo de tres horas, un bote de rescate llegó para llevarlo de 
regreso al hotel; cansado y adolorido por toda su imprevista aventura, 
su suerte acabaría aquella noche, pues se quedaría dormido mientras 
tomaba un baño de tina caliente, ahogándose, para ser encontrado la 
mañana siguiente por el robot mucama, cuando se disponía a limpiar la 
<center><em><strong>Texto de @amart29 y arte digital de @xpilar, Mayo de 2019</strong></em></center>
<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/f85of4KXmvsYFWs3hGZA6iEgiS2gakFCuyuEisJgAPW2vbQeVwKxGJpyZyHUFRVcRri37bTF7heR1pkwDUYA8vcDYH45kTFCh59VQC7pqZPHsZJ84rjbm6f9UQj2N6SGLJQ1x8tPsQiYn2HabdQkyPMZeKL9oEqZsDkbtVLq7o2TF7sQHXNdbfQqPio74tGKxp7RCFw15p" alt="" /></center>

<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/f85of4KXmvsYFWs3hGZA6iEgiS2gakFCuyuEisJgAPW2vbQeVwKxGJpyZyHUFRVcRri37bTF7heR1pkwDUYA8vcDYH45kTFCh59VQC7pqZPHsZJ84rjbm6f9UQj2N6SGLJQ1x8tPsQiYn2HabdQkyPMZeKL9oEqZsDkbtVLq7o2TF7sQHXNdbfQqPio74tGKxp7RCFw15p" alt="" /></center>

<p class="justificar">For the first time in his life he was so lucky, for an inhabitant of 
Bellerophon, one of the poorest worlds of all the colonies, to have a 
completely paid trip to Taranis was really something inconceivable, that
 morning when, as always, he entered the food store to buy a pastry and a
 cup of coffee for breakfast, before boarding the elevator to the mine, 
in addition to his usual weekly lottery ticket, he never imagined that 
finally, his number would be the lucky one, between the fifteen hundred 
thousand million that came into play.</p>
<p class="justificar">He did not win the jackpot, that would have changed his life 
completely, he won something more modest, he was one of the lucky 
thousand, in the thirty-two colonies, who got a trip to Taranis, one of 
the most exclusive and expensive spas that exist , the only sanctuary 
world that had been open to luxury tourist activity, while most of them 
are parks for outdoor hikers, Taranis has hotels, casinos, shopping 
centers, spas and water parks.</p>
<p class="justificar">He was lodged in one of the most luxurious hotels in front of the 
Giant Lake, the prize included three thousand credits to spend in the 
different attractions, he had already visited two casinos, but that of 
playing did not like it, he preferred to take advantage of it in several
 of the shows that they presented, acrobats of Aurora, Dancers of 
Perseus 9 and a varied selection of conjurers from various worlds and 
space stations; He also took swimming lessons with an underwater suit 
and made several submersible trips to the bottom of the lake.</p>
<p class="justificar">On his last night, he decided to take a trip in a small self-guided 
boat that would take him by a part of the lake to contemplate the 
crystalline night sky of the planet, his trip began shortly before 
nightfall, he could see a family of freshwater dolphins jumping in the 
horizon while contemplating the decline, then the departure of two of 
Terenis' moons and the eclipse of one by the other.</p>
<p class="justificar">While this was happening, he could not notice that the small boat was
 heading for the remains of an old robot dredge robot, from the time of 
the terraforming of the planet, which until a few hours ago was at the 
bottom of the lake and as a result of some excavations in the bottom, 
which the maintenance robots were doing, was released from the rocks 
that held it and emerged partially, poking out on the surface, one of 
its edges.</p>
<p class="justificar">The guidance system of the boat did not have this new object included
 in its database and only a small part, hardly visible from the dredge, 
appeared on the surface, so the sensors could not differentiate it from 
floating vegetation, that small edge It was enough to make a big enough 
hole in the hull of the boat.</p>
<p class="justificar">The water began to enter abundantly and the waterline of the boat to 
descend quickly, after a few minutes, the water already covered the feet
 of Alexis, who no longer felt so lucky, the AI ​​of the boat guided him
 to the shore in half of rocks in which he was retained and could not 
move forward, he threw himself into the water and with difficulty swam 
in the middle of the darkness to the shore, to see behind him how the 
boat tilted and was partially sunk in the middle of those rocks .</p>
<p class="justificar">Well, I'm still lucky, he thought, at least I did not drown in the  lake. After three hours, a rescue boat arrived to take him back to the  hotel; tired and sore for all his unforeseen adventure, his luck would  end that night, he would fall asleep while taking a hot tub bath,  drowning, to be found the next morning by the robot maid, when he was  about to clean the room.</p>
<center><em><strong>Text of @amart29 and digital art of @xpilar, May 2019</strong></em></center>

<center><img src="https://steemitimages.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" alt="" /></center>

## <center>Otros relatos de la serie **_Tiempo y Espacio_** / Other stories from the series **_Time and Space_**</center>

- [Los Puentes / The Bridges](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/lospuentesthebridges-yqtn0he1rb)
- [El Vacío / The Void](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/elvacothevoid-gtg8113ctb)
- [Eventos poco Afortunados / Unfortunate Events](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/eventospocoafortunadosunfortunateevents-n2uo06wf6g)
- [Silecio / Silence](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/silenciosilence-zhydq04eql)
- [Al Final / At the End](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/alfinalattheend-m4l3retsdb)
- [Ascenso / Climb](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/ascensoclimb-5zvgzhyyf5)
- [Taranis / Taranis](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/taranistaranis-3u1x49r0bq)
- [Día de Pesca / Fishing Day](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/dadepescafishingday-cdi0dgfuyc)
- Fortuna / Fortune
- [Después de la Tormenta / After the Storm](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/despusdelatormentaafterthestorm-kkqpq9ct3f)
- [Orfeo](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/orfeo-b7q0qqi6pt) / [Orpheus](https://steemit.com/busy/@amart29/orpheus)
- [Minando mundos / Mining worlds](https://steemit.com/spanish/@amart29/minando-mundos-mining-worlds)
- [Cangrejos](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/cangrejos-jhk43r1yvp) / [Crabs](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/crabs-rqbi6wi2sm)
- [El Zoológico Terrestre / The Earth Zoo](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/elzoolgicoterrestretheearthzoo-zic91q8wr5)
- [El Destino de Fenrir / The Fate of Fenrir](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/eldestinodefenrirthefateoffenrir-j5t2ukxljn)
- [Mundo Océano / Ocean World](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/mundoocanooceanworld-gqo1skggbf)
- [Púlsar / Pulsar](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/plsarpulsar-2fywq05ybp)
- [Esferas](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/esferas-rd3tlkwd8l) / [Spheres](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/spheres-mm50if6prm)
- [El Laboratorio de la Isla / The Island Laboratory](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/ellaboratoriodelaislatheislandlaboratory-86s8vbs7vj)
- [El Reactor (1/2) / The Reactor (1/2)](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/elreactor12thereactor12-4eyxmb8cm3)
- [El Reactor (2/2) / The Reactor (2/2)](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/elreactor22thereactor22-87q78b2hca)
- [Terror Nocturno / Night Terror](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/terrornocturnonightterror-4yczv6cwom)
- [La Masa Gris / The Grey Mass](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/lamasagristhegreymass-7sth6f18he)
- [Encuentro](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/encuentro-d48z8y8w6v) / [Meeting](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/meeting-v2tutq4oeg)
- [El Nodo / The Node](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/elnodothenode-otb0z9j045)
- [Los Inus / The Inus](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/losinustheinus-9hbl4beuuh)
- [Singularidad / Singularity](https://steemit.com/spanish/@amart29/singularidad-singularity-relato-corto-short-story)
- [Evolución / Evolution](https://steemit.com/steempress/@amart29/evolucinevolution-jpskul8gb6)

<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/f85of4KXmvsYFWs3hGZA6iEgiS2gakFCuyuEisJgAPW2vbQeVwKxGJpyZyHUFRVcRri37bTF7heR1pkwDUYA8vcDYH45kTFCh59VQC7pqZPHsZJ84rjbm6f9UQj2N6SGLJQ1x8tPsQiYn2HabdQkyPMZeKL9oEqZsDkbtVLq7o2TF7sQHXNdbfQqPio74tGKxp7RCFw15p" alt="" /></center>

<p class="justificar">Sólo me queda agradecer a @xpilar por permitirme usar su arte digital en mi publicación y por motivarla. <strong><em>Muchas Gracias @xpilar</em></strong></p>
<p class="justificar">Gracias a todos por visitar mi publicación, espero sus comentario y agradezco su apoyo, hasta la próxima</p>
<hr class="wp-block-separator" />
<p class="justificar">I can only thank @xpilar for allowing me to use his digital art in my publication and for motivating my creation. <strong><em>Thank you very much @xpilar</em></strong></p>
<p class="justificar">Thank you all for visiting my publication, I hope your comments and I appreciate your support, until next time</p>
<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/p/f85of4KXmvsYFWs3hGZA6iEgiS2gakFCuyuEisJgAPW2vbQeVwKxGJpyZyHUFRVcRri37bTF7heR1pkwDUYA8vcDYH45kTFCh59VQC7pqZPHsZJ84rjbm6f9UQj2N6SGLJQ1x8tPsQiYn2HabdQkyPMZeKL9oEqZsDkbtVLq7o2TF7sQHXNdbfQqPio74tGKxp7RCFw15p" alt="" /></center> <br /><center><hr/><em>Posted from my blog with <a href='https://wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/'>SteemPress</a> : http://materia-oscura.mipropia.com/2019/05/24/fortuna-fortune/ </em><hr/></center>



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properties (23)
created2019-05-24 03:50:09
last_update2019-05-24 18:20:21
last_payout2019-05-31 03:50:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.728 SBD
curator_payout_value0.200 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Tiempo y Espacio, Fortuna / Time and Space, Fortune"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (99)
@steemitboard ·
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created2019-05-25 12:12:57
last_update2019-05-25 12:12:57
last_payout2019-06-01 12:12:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Tiempo y Espacio, Fortuna / Time and Space, Fortune"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@minnowsupport ·
<p>Congratulations!  This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by amart29 from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows.  Please find us at the <a href="https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw"> Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel</a>.  It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.</p> <p>If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: <a href="https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&amp;delegatee=minnowsupport&amp;vesting_shares=102530.639667%20VESTS">50SP</a>, <a href="https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&amp;delegatee=minnowsupport&amp;vesting_shares=205303.639667%20VESTS">100SP</a>, <a href="https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&amp;delegatee=minnowsupport&amp;vesting_shares=514303.639667%20VESTS">250SP</a>, <a href="https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&amp;delegatee=minnowsupport&amp;vesting_shares=1025303.639667%20VESTS">500SP</a>, <a href="https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&amp;delegatee=minnowsupport&amp;vesting_shares=2053030.639667%20VESTS">1000SP</a>, <a href="https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&amp;delegatee=minnowsupport&amp;vesting_shares=10253030.639667%20VESTS">5000SP</a>. <br><strong>Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.</strong></p>
properties (22)
created2019-05-25 16:09:15
last_update2019-05-25 16:09:15
last_payout2019-06-01 16:09:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Tiempo y Espacio, Fortuna / Time and Space, Fortune"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD