ARK Development Report — December 2019 by arkecosystem

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ARK Development Report — December 2019

***2019 has come to an end and with it another very active and short month on the development front. This month was short due to holidays and time off. We would like to thank everyone that continues to be a part of our ecosystem through their contributions.***

The ARK Monthly Development Report covers all pull requests (opened, closed, merged) as well as all issues opened and closed in every ARK Ecosystem public repository, the number of contributors during that month, the number of new stargazers and total lines of GitHub code added or deleted. This info is presented here in a concise one-page blog.
>  ***Get involved with ARK development and participate in our bounty program at []( and our Tier 0 program at [](***

You can track this weekly data directly on GitHub by opening the repository of interest, clicking on ‘*issues*’, and opening the latest ‘*Weekly report digest*’.

Thanks to all who contribute each month and help out with development!

Here’s the **Monthly Digest** from **Sun, Dec 1, 2019 12:00 AM** to **Tue, Dec 31, 2019 12:00 AM**.

Throughout public repositories we had:

* **33,437** lines of code added.

* **14,731** lines of code deleted.

* **1,009** files changed.

## Contributors

Last month there were **16** contributors.

*air1one, alexbarnsley, dated, deanpress, Drakeler55, faustbrian, Highjhacker, ItsANameToo, KovacZan, Lemii, luciorubeens, Nigui, sleepdefic1t, supaiku0, vasild, zillionn*

Thank you for your contributions! 🎉

## Pull Requests

Last month we had **91** pull-requests. Of which:

* **7** Still Open.

* **77** Merged.

* **7** Closed.

## Still Open

Last month, **7** pull-requests were opened.

— **dated**

* #1585 [fix: re-render chart if currency changed while being inactive](

* #1583 [test: plugin manager unit tests](

— **Highjhacker**

* #7 [docs: update python crypto api documentation and examples](

— **ItsANameToo**

* #800 [feat: more tests](

— **luciorubeens**

* #1589 [feat: add advanced mode option to profile settings](

— **sleepdefic1t**

* #53 [refactor: unify ledger display flow](

* #198 [feat: implement AIP 11](

## Closed

Last month, **7** pull-requests were closed.

— **alexbarnsley**

* #1581 [[WIP] fix: plugin destroy when not enabled](

— **dated**

* #3314 [[WIP] refactor(core-api): stricter validation of orderBy iteratees](

— **Highjhacker**

* #1503 [[WIP do not merge] refactor : Utils migration](

— **rainydio**

* #3297 [refactor(core-transactions): move expected negative balance checks out](

— **sleepdefic1t**

* #31 [[wip]chore: improve security](

— **vasild**

* #61 [Introduce Schnorr signatures](

* #3326 [feat(core-api): include the input on schema error](

## Merged

Last month, **77** pull-requests were merged.

— **air1one**

* #3287 [refactor: align maxPayload / maxTransactionBytes values](

* #3336 [fix(core-state): use parent findByPublicKey method for temp-wallet-manager](

* #3333 [test(e2e): simplify e2e init & network launch](

* #3350 [fix(core magistrate): business/bridgechain update handlers — revertForSender](

* #3331 [feat(core-p2p): improve incoming WS message check + IP banning on worker](

* #3359 [fix(core-p2p): master merge fixes for core-p2p worker](

* #3354 [fix(core-p2p): handle disconnect packets](

— **alexbarnsley**

* #1574 [chore: update electron-builder](

* #79 [refactor: use ky instead of got](

* #3 [docs: update ts examples](

* #1572 [fix: ledger transaction amount on confirm modal](

* #498 [docs: update desktop wallet plugins](

* #1573 [refactor: remove wallet api and peer version](

* #26 [refactor: use ky instead of got](

* #1575 [chore: add test coverage reporters](

* #1578 [refactor: plugins allow sandbox destroy](

* #1469 [fix: network modal missing version](

* #1551 [fix: add network fails](

* #1552 [fix: hidden delegate dropdown on search](

* #1562 [fix: transaction amount on confirmation modal](

* #1579 [chore: bump version 2.7.0](

* #1580 [chore: bump workflow version 2.7.0](

* #1584 [release: 2.7.0](

— **dated**

* #1582 [fix: delete plugin path of installed plugin when updating and various tweaks](

* #1501 [feat: plugin manager](

* #59 [chore: update workflow config](

* #791 [fix: check that sender is requested address](

* #793 [chore: collect coverage from vue files](

* #1568 [chore: update status badge and other readme tweaks](

* #3313 [fix(core-api): businesses/bridgechains search by name](

* #3320 [fix(core-database): handle forgedTotal and voteBalance in orderBy query param](

* #3310 [refactor(core-api): accept address, publicKey, delegate name as business id](

* #781 [fix: build sum over payments to same address](

* #785 [fix: various & i18n of magistrate asset properties](

* #3344 [refactor(core-api): add shared username schema](

* #784 [feat: add blur to app when modal is open](

* #3319 [feat(core-api): stricter resource-based orderBy schema](

* #3345 [refactor(crypto): throw error if multi payment has less than two payments](

— **deanpress**

* #3321 [fix(core): fix “file path exists” error](

* #3317 [chore: add tmp-shm and tmp-wal to .gitignore](

— **Drakeler55**

* #500 [Devnet setup](

— **faustbrian**

* #3355 [release: 2.5.31](

* #62 [test: mock responses with nock](

* #3356 [release: 2.6.0-next.7](

* #3332 [release: 2.5.30](

— **Highjhacker**

* #100 [feat: AIP 11 & 18 implementation](

— **ItsANameToo**

* #789 [feat: add check for businesses / bridgechains being enabled](

* #61 [fix: node fees](

* #796 [feat: wrap locked balances](

* #792 [feat: delegate pagination](

* #798 [chore: update dependencies](

* #504 [chore: add devnet setup to navigation](

* #797 [feat: add changelog](

— **KovacZan**

* #76 [chore: spotless plugin can only run with java 8](

* #79 [style: rename AbstractTransaction to AbstractBuilder](

* #78 [chore: remove throw statement if spotless is not run on java 8](

— **Lemii**

* #3338 [fix(crypto): throw error instead of omitting long vendorField values](

— **luciorubeens**

* #1571 [fix: unknown typo](

— **Nigui**

* #3311 [feat(core-p2p): increase maximum token symbol length](

* #3334 [fix(core): network generate command](

— **sleepdefic1t**

* #49 [chore: remove unnecessary consts](

* #48 [chore: add ux headers](

* #46 [feat: support nanos-secure-sdk version 1.60](

* #51 [refactor(transactions): decouple ledger-sdk code](

* #502 [chore(desktop wallet): rm delegate reg. ledger task](

* #50 [chore: pass size_t for buffers](

— **supaiku0**

* #3360 [refactor: call checkNetworkHealth more deterministically](

* #3353 [refactor: enable htlc types via dedicated milestone](

* #3358 [refactor(core-p2p): discover peers when checking network health](

— **vasild**

* #57 [feat: Implement AIP11 transaction types](

* #59 [Use an external Base58 library instead of own one](

* #3342 [refactor: make the canEnterTransactionPool() interface more robust](

* #62 [feat: Implement AIP18 multi signature transfers and missing builders](

* #3323 [chore: document canEnterTransactionPool()](

* #3352 [core-p2p: relax postBlock rate limit](

* #3341 [fix(core-database): don’t assume blocksInCurrentRound is defined](

— **zillionn**

* #1 [docs(exchange-json-rpc): transactions typos](

## Issues

Last month we had **47** issues. Of which:

* **7** Still Open.

* **40** Closed.

## Still Open

— **alessiodf**

* #3349 [High incidence of forks on devnet (due to postBlock throttling?)](

— **dated**

* #1567 [market chart disappears when changing currency from settings page](

— **faustbrian**

* #64 [[3.0] Merge CLI and RPC](

— **fix**

* #1570 [Use TOR request to preserve privacy](

— **ItsANameToo**

* #794 [test: unit test vue component](

* #787 [feat: business / bridgechain details](

— **KovacZan**

* #3364 [Restrict length of a website](

## Closed

— **air1one**

* #3218 [Align values “max block size”, “max transactions bytes”, “max payload”](

— **alexbarnsley**

* #11 [[desktop-wallet][2000 USD] Plugin Discovery](

* #3200 [Transactions endpoint is slow before being cached](

— **arkmoon**

* #72 [[request] arkecosystem/client “got” dependency breaks on the frontend with webpack](

— **aspiehler**

* #426 [iOS Wallet UI General Feedback](

— **biolypl**

* #3267 [Example forger configuration command from documentation fails](

* #3269 [Core unable to decrypt passphrase](

— **dated**

* #3328 [returned data of API with one direction is not reverse of data with other direction](

* #3343 [[2.6][T4] .username schema not enforced on all api endpoints](

* #3308 [[2.6][T4] businesses/{id} and businesses/{id}/bridgechains accepts only publicKey](

* #3309 [[2.6][T4] businesses/{id} endpoint always returns data regardless of business attribute](

* #3315 [[2.6][T4] orderBy not working with some camel cased iteratees](

— **deanpress**

* #3301 [Database issues cause non-descriptive process exit codes](

* #3322 [[2.6] Transaction API returns empty response when canEnterTransactionPool is false and no error is pushed by the transaction’s handler](

* #3302 [Wallet.assertKnownAttribute() causes unit test failure for custom wallet attributes inside core packages](

— **faustbrian**

* #77 [Implement AIP11](

* #1424 [Resolve Codacy issues](

* #25 [[python-crypto][1000 USD] Implement AIP11 & AIP18](

* #78 [Implement AIP18](

* #5 [Migrate to TypeScript](

* #63 [Disable network connection for nock](

* #74 [Add default amount of 0 to transactions (excluding type 0)](

— **galperins4**

* #780 [Explorer amount for multi payment incorrect if address has more than one tx in single multipament transaction](

— **ItsANameToo**

* #776 [feat: pagination for standy / resigned delegates](

* #770 [Refactor: locked balance](

* #795 [chore: update dependencies](

* #788 [feat: optional bridgechain / business pages](

* #771 [Docs: backwards compatibility](

— **kristjank**

* #59 [AIP59 — Generic Blockchain Development Kit](

* #102 [Hashed Time-Locked Contracts Discussion](

* #103 [BridgeChain Transaction Type Discussion](

— **Lemii**

* #3339 [Certain endpoints are queryable by both URI and query params](

* #3335 [[2.6][T3] Vendorfield value gets omitted when it exceeds maximum length](

— **mudlee**

* #3329 [Round saving error in 2.6.0-next.6](

* #3340 [Schema validation in custom transactions can easily be broken](

— **Pleiadien**

* #427 [Import desktop wallet into mobile change from watch only not retained when exit app](

— **rainydio**

* #3277 [Handling plugin require errors](

— **roccomuso**

* #3325 [Get unconfirmed balance given an address](

* #3324 [Getting Unprocessable Entity when calling transactions/unconfirmed](

— **zillionn**

* #1459 [Search delegate popup](

## Releases

Last month there were **3** releases.

### Core

* [2.5.30]( at *Mon, Dec 9, 2019 12:27 PM*

* [2.5.31]( at *Thu, Dec 19, 2019 7:08 AM*

### Explorer

* [2.5.0]( at *Fri, Dec 13, 2019 1:33 PM*

## Star Gazers

Last month there were **15** stargazers.

*57-Wolve, ATField2501, Cactus-15–49, flavertonrr, HAOYUatHZ, kuaikeduo, laurentlourenco, lpfloyd, mikekosulin, rigwild, robmcguinness, SebastianElvis, tbergman, Toure2ray, ZHIMEISUI*

**You all are the stars! 🌟**

***Read our new [whitepaper](, follow us on social media ( [Twitter](|[Facebook](|[Reddit]( ), join our community ( [Slack]( | [Discord]( ) and stay tuned to our blog on [Medium]( and on [Steemit](***
👍  , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
created2020-01-06 17:12:18
last_update2020-01-06 17:12:18
last_payout2020-01-13 17:12:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.344 SBD
curator_payout_value0.334 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"ARK Development Report — December 2019"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (9)