The Warmth in a Blessed Month | Kehangatan di Bulan Penuh Berkah | by ayijufridar

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The Warmth in a Blessed Month | Kehangatan di Bulan Penuh Berkah |

HOUSE The Chancellor of Malikussaleh University, Dr. Herman Fithra in South Hagu, Lhokseumawe, always looks crowded in the last few days, including on Monday (5/13/2019) afternoon. Rows of cars were seen filling the roadside to several vacant lots around it. The fainter the sun, the harder it is to find a parking space.

On the front page, the chairs were lined up neatly and several people seemed busy preparing food. From the inside, Ustaz Nazli, was giving tausiah before breaking the fast. His voice was not too clear to be heard up to the terrace, where the guests who were comprised of a large family of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business received a schedule of breaking the fast at the Unimal Chancellor's residence. In the previous few days and the next few days, all faculties and institutions will indeed fulfill the Unimal Chancellor's house to break the fast together.

Ustaz Nazli who is also a lecturer at Malikussaleh University, among others, mentioned the source of halal sustenance. He reminded the congregation to place the source of halal sustenance in the first priority rather than the amount. "The husband's fortune brought home will be the blood and flesh of his wife and children," he said.

In the midst of a brief tausiah while waiting for breaking the fast, the preparation for the fasting break will continue on the terrace and garage. Some lecturers seemed to be the committee, among others, the Chair of the Faculty of Economics and Business's Postgraduate Program in Management (PPIM), Dr. Marbawi, who also opened the program.

The momentum to open together became more meaningful with the presence of two former chancellors of Malikussaleh University, Prof. Hadi Arifin and Prof. Dr. Apridar. In his remarks, Unimal Chancellor Dr. Herman Fihtra specifically expressed his appreciation to the two former chancellors for their achievements so far.

And this is not the first time Herman Fihtra delivered. Previously, during a meeting with journalists after being recently appointed as chancellor, specifically Herman Fihtra also mentioned Unimal progress thanks to the hard work of his predecessors, Prof. A Hadi Arifin and Prof. Dr. Apridar. The same thing was also conveyed at the Unimal Chancellor meeting with the village head (keuchik) of the Unimal Campus environment in Cut Meutia Hall, Bukit Indah, Lhokseumawe.

The former Dean of FEB Unimal, Faisal Matriadi, said he was touched when he heard Herman Fithra very much glorified A Hadi Arifin. "However, Prof. Hadi is the figure behind the success of Unimal so far. I was touched, Mr. Herman honored Pak Hadi's services so far," says Faisal Matriadi.

The moment to meet the three Chancellors of Unimal was not the first time. Previously, the warmth also occurred after the commemoration of the National Education Day in Bukit Indah field, 2 May 2019. However, the warmth that occurred in the month of Ramadan felt a stronger value of his spirit.

Not only FEB lecturers who give appreciation. The Head of Protocol for UPT Public Relations, Zulfadli Ilmar, also praised the warmth of relations in the Faculty of Economics and Business. "Relationships that are fluid and full of intimacy like this, we hope to continue in various situations," says Zulfadli Ilmar who is also a lecturer at the Law Faculty. []


# Kehangatan di Bulan Penuh Berkah 
RUMAH Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh, Dr Herman Fithra di Hagu Selatan, Lhokseumawe,  selalu terlihat ramai dalam beberapa hari terakhir ini, termasuk pada Senin (13/5/2019) sore. Deretan mobil terlihat memenuhi pinggir jalan sampai beberapa lahan kosong yang ada di sekitarnya. Semakin redup sinar matahari, semakin susah menemukan tempat parkir. 

Di halaman depan, kursi berjejer rapi dan beberapa orang tampak sibuk menyiapkan makanan. Dari dalam, Ustaz Nazli, sedang memberikan tausiah menjelang berbuka puasa. Suaranya tidak terlalu jelas terdengar sampai ke teras, di mana tamu yang sore itu terdiri dari keluarga besar dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis mendapatkan jadwal berbuka puasa di kediaman Rektor Unimal. Dalam beberapa hari sebelumnya dan beberapa hari ke depan, semua fakultas dan lembaga memang akan memenuhi rumah Rektor Unimal untuk berbuka bersama.

Ustaz Nazli yang juga dosen Universitas Malikussaleh antara lain menyinggung tentang sumber rezeki halal. Dia mengingatkan jamaah untuk menempatkan sumber rezeki halal pada prioritas pertama dan bukannya pada jumlah. “Rezeki yang dibawa pulang suami, akan menjadi darah dan daging istri dan anak-anak,” ujarnya. 

Di tengah tausiah singkat sambil menunggu waktu berbuka, persiapan penganan berbuka terus dilakukan di teras sambil dan garasi. Beberapa dosen tampak menjadi panitia, antara lain terlihat Ketua Program Pascarsarjana Ilmu Manajemen (PPIM) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Dr Marbawi, yang juga menjadi pembuka acara.

Momentum buka bareng itu menjadi lebih bermakna dengan kehadiran dua mantan rektor Universitas Malikussaleh, Prof  Hadi Arifin dan  Prof Dr Apridar. Dalam sambutannya, Rektor Unimal Dr Herman Fihtra secara khusus memberikan apresiasi kepada kedua mantan rektor atas pencapaian Unimal sejauh ini. 

Dan ini bukan yang pertama kali disampaikan Herman Fihtra. Sebelumnya, dalam pertemuan dengan para wartawan setelah baru-baru dilantik sebagai rektor, secara khusus Herman Fihtra juga menyebutkan kemajuan Unimal berkat kerja keras pendahulunya, Prof A Hadi Arifin dan Prof Dr Apridar. Hal senada juga disampaikan dalam pertemuan Rektor Unimal dengan kepala desa lingkungan Kampus Unimal di Aula Cut Meutia, Bukit Indah, Lhokseumawe.  

Mantan Dekan FEB Unimal, Faisal Matriadi, mengaku terharu ketika mendengar Herman Fithra sangat memuliakan A Hadi Arifin. “Bagaimana pun, Prof Hadi adalah tokoh di balik keberhasilan Unimal sejauh ini. Saya terharu, Pak Herman memuliakan jasa Pak Hadi selama ini,” ungkap Faisal Matriadi. 

Momen bertemu tiga rektor Unimal memang bukan yang pertama kali. Sebelumnya, kehangatan itu juga terjadi seusai peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional di lapangan Bukit Indah, 2 Mei 2019. Namun, kehangatan yang terjadi di bulan Ramadan terasa lebih kuat nilai ukhuwahnya. 

Bukan hanya dosen FEB yang memberikan apresiasi. Kepala Bidang Protokoler UPT Kehumasan, Zulfadli Ilmar, juga memuji kehangatan hubungan di lingkungan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis. “Hubungan yang cair dan penuh keakraban seperti ini, kita harapkan berlanjut dalam berbagai situasi,” tandas Zulfadli Ilmar yang juga dosen Fakultas Hukum.[]


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properties (23)
created2019-05-14 10:44:03
last_update2019-05-14 10:44:03
last_payout2019-05-21 10:44:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.394 SBD
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root_title"The Warmth in a Blessed Month | Kehangatan di Bulan Penuh Berkah |"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (103)