University Efforts to Improve Webometrics Ranking | Ikhtiar Universitas Memperbaiki Rangking Webometrics | by ayijufridar

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University Efforts to Improve Webometrics Ranking | Ikhtiar Universitas Memperbaiki Rangking Webometrics |

RATING Webometrics in recent years has become one of the ranking indicators that want to improve tertiary institutions in the world, including in Indonesia. Various attempts were made by universities to improve — if not allowed to mention — outsmart Webometric rankings.

What exactly is Webometrics?

According to the website, Webometrics is a system to measure or provide an assessment of the progress of all the best universities in the world (world class university) through the university's website. So, the indicators are indeed internet-based so it is not fair when Webometrics is considered a prestige that must be achieved by fostering honesty values which must be the main values for all universities in the world.

Many good universities in Indonesia when judged by other aspects such as the amount of research that is indexed and community service that is the essence of the strength of a college. However, Webometrics ranking improvements are very limited due to internet speed issues.

In this case, Indonesia is included. Ookla's data, which was published in February 2019, placed Indonesia at 42th out of a total of 46 countries studied. Internet speed in Indonesia is still inferior to other countries.

According to Ookla data published by CNN Indonesia, the average cable internet speed in Indonesia is 15.5 Mbps. While the average world cable internet speed is 54.3 Mbps. CNN Indonesia said, the average speed has increased 33 percent every year. That is, when Indonesia struggled to increase the speed of cable internet, other countries also did the same thing so that Indonesia's internet speed remained defeated.

That's for cable internet. What about mobile or cellular internet connection speeds? For this category, Indonesia dropped one rank to 43th out of 45 countries studied. In fact, other research shows that internet users in Indonesia are in the top five in the world. In quantity, the number of internet users continues to swell, but in quality, internet speed continues to decline.

Ironically, the country with the fastest internet in the world is also not far from Indonesia, namely Singapore. Reporting from the New York Post, February 2019, internet speeds in Singapore averaged 185.25 Mbps followed by Iceland 153.3 Mbps, South Korea 114.31 Mbps, Hungary 108.78 Mbps, and the United States 107.28 Mbps.

But, internet speed is not the only factor supporting Webo ranking improvement. Based on the explanation on its website, the ranking that began in 2004 is based on a combination of indicators that take into account both volume and web content, visibility and impact of web publications in accordance with the number of external links received.
The Head of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Malikussaleh University Computer Center, Rizal, explained that technically there were four assessment categories in Webometrics, namely:

First, Size or (S) which is the number of electronic pages in a university site indexed by four search engines namely Google, Yahoo, Live Search, and Exalead. This component has a weight of 20 percent.

Second, visibility (V) which is the total number of external sitelinks (backlinks) which uniquely lists the website of the university and is detected by search engines. Its weight is very large, which is 50 percent.

Third, rich files (R) which is the number of file loads on a university website and indexed by Google. There are four types of files that fall into this category; Adobe Acrobat (* .pdf), PostScript (* .ps), Microsoft Word (* .doc), and Microsoft Power Poitn (* .ppt). This category weighs 15 percent.

Last is Scholar (Sc) which is the number of electronic publications in the form of journals, academic reports, and other academic items from a university website indexed with Its weight is also 15 percent.
### Webometrics Ranking Is Not a Quality Standard

From the four assessment indicators, it can be concluded that Webometrics ranking cannot be an indicator of the quality of educational institutions, in addition to showing the management of the university's website and cooperation with lecturers who publish journals very well. The process of digitizing all campus activities has positive implications for ranking Webometrics.

At Malikussaleh University and possibly at other universities throughout Indonesia and even throughout the world, three work units that play an important role in ranking Webometrics are the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), the Public Relations Unit, and the Computer Center Unit.

Although not a measure of quality, as a modern educational institution supported by technology, Webometrics ranking remains a standard that must be fought for. []


# Ikhtiar Universitas Memperbaiki Peringkat Webometrics

PERINGKAT Webometrics dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini menjadi salah satu indikator peringkat yang ingin diperbaiki perguruan tinggi di dunia,  termasuk di Indonesia. Berbagai upaya dilakukan perguruan tinggi untuk memperbaiki—kalau tidak boleh menyebutkan—mengakali peringkat Webometric. 

Apa sesungguhnya Webometrics itu?

Menurut situs, Webometrics adalah salah satu sistem untuk mengukur atau memberikan penilaian terhadap kemajuan seluruh universitas terbaik di dunia (world class university) melalui situs universitas bersangkutan. Jadi, indikatornya memang berbasis internet sehingga tidak fair ketika Webometrics dianggap gengsi yang harus diraih dengan mempetaruhkan nilai-nilai kejujuran yang harus menjadi nilai utama bagi seluruh perguruan tinggi di dunia. 

Banyak universitas bagus di Indonesia jika dinilai dengan aspek-aspek lain seperti jumlah penelitian yang terindeks dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang menjadi intisari kekuatan sebuah perguruan tinggi. Namun, perbaikan peringkat Webometrics sangat terbatas karena masalah kecepatan internet. 

Dalam hal ini, Indonesia termasuk di dalamnya. Data Ookla yang dipublis pada Februari 2019 lalu menempatkan Indonesia berada di urutan 42 dari total 46 negara yang diteliti. Kecepatan internet di Indonesia masih kalah dengan negara-negara lain. 

Menurut data Ookla yang dipublis CNN Indonesia, rata-rata kecepatan internet kabel di Indonesia adaah 15,5 Mbps. Sedangkan rata-rata kecepatan internet kabel dunia adalah 54,3 Mbps. CNN Indonesia menyebutkan, kecepatan rata-rata ini mengalami kenaikan 33 persen setiap tahun. Artinya, ketika Indonesia berjuang meningkatkan kecepatan internet kabel, negara lain juga melakukan hal sama sehingga kecepatan internet Indonesia tetap kalah.

Itu untuk internet kabel. Bagaimana dengan kecepatan koneksi internet mobile atau selular? Untuk kategori ini, Indonesia malah turun satu peringkat menjadi urutan 43 dari 45 negara yang diteliti. Padahal, penelitian lain membuktikan, pengguna internet di Indonesia masuk lima besar di dunia. Secara kuantitas, jumlah pengguna internet terus membengkak, tetapi secara kualitas, kecepatan internet terus menurun. 


 Rata-rata kecepatan internet kabel dunia (source:


Ironisnya, negara dengan internet tercepat di dunia juga tak jauh dari Indonesia, yakni Singapura. Dilansir dari New York Post, Februari 2019, kecepatan internet di Singapura rata-rata 185,25 Mbps disusul Islandia 153,3 Mbps, Korea Selatan 114.31 Mbps, Hongaria 108,78 Mbps, dan Amerika Serikat 107,28 Mbps.

Tapi, kecepatan internet bukan satu-satunya faktor penunjang perbaikan peringkat Webo.  Berdasarkan penjelasan di situsnya, pemeringkatan yang dimulai sejak 2004 itu didasarkan pada gabungan indikator yang memperhitungkan baik volume maupun isi web, visibilitas dan dampai dari publikasi web sesuai dengan jumah pranala luar yang diterima. 

Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Pusat Komputer Universitas Malikussaleh, Rizal, menjelaskan secara teknis ada empat kategori penilaian dalam Webometrics, yakni:

Pertama, Size atau (S) yang merupakan jumlah halaman elektronik dalam suatu situs universitas yang terindeks dengan empat mesin pencari yaitu Google, Yahoo, Live Search, dan Exalead. Komponen ini memiliki bobot 20 persen.

Kedua, visibility (V) yang merupakan jumlah total tautan situs eksternal (backlink) yang secara unik mencantumkan alamat website universitas dan terdeteksi mesin pencari. Bobotnya sangat besar, yakni 50 persen.

Ketiga, rich files (R) yang merupakan jumlah muatan file suatu website universitas dan terindeks oleh Google. Ada empat macam file yang masuk dalam kategori ini; Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf), PostScript (*.ps) Microsoft Word (*.doc), dan Mocrosoft Power Poitn (*.ppt). Kategori ini memiliki bobot 15 persen. 

Terakhir adalah Scholar (Sc) yang merupakan jumlah publikasi elektronik baik berupa jurnal, laporan akademik, dan item akademik lainnya dari suatu website universitas yang terindeks dengan Bobotnya juga 15 persen. 
### Peringkat Webometrics Bukan Standar Kualitas

Dari keempat indikator penilaian tersebut, bisa disimpulkan bahwa peringkat Webometrics tidak bisa menjadi indikator kualitas lembaga pendidikan, selain menunjukkan pengelolaan website universitas dan kerja sama dengan dosen yang mempublikasikan jurnal sangat baik. Proses digitalisasi semua kegiatan kampus, berimplikasi positif terhadap perangkingan Webometrics. 

Di Universitas Malikussaleh dan bisa jadi di universitas lainnya di seluruh Indonesia bahkan di seluruh dunia, tiga unit kerja yang memegang peranan penting dalam penentuan peringkat Webometrics adalah Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), UPT Kehumasan, dan UPT Pusat Komputer. 

Meski bukan ukuran kualitas, sebagai sebuah lembaga pendidikan modern yang didukung dengan teknologi, rangking Webometrics tetap menjadi standar yang harus diperjuangkan.[]


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properties (23)
created2019-09-23 17:32:36
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root_title"University Efforts to Improve Webometrics Ranking | Ikhtiar Universitas Memperbaiki Rangking Webometrics |"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (65)
@knowledges ·
Hello, @ayijufridar. This is an interesting review. At least, the university is making an effort to give the student the right and necessary tools to help them with research. This is a development some countries are still not close to reaching. 


***RealityHubs Mod***

<hr><center>Posted on <a href="">RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers</a></center>
properties (23)
created2019-09-26 14:58:24
last_update2019-09-26 14:58:24
last_payout2019-10-03 14:58:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"University Efforts to Improve Webometrics Ranking | Ikhtiar Universitas Memperbaiki Rangking Webometrics |"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@ayijufridar ·
That's right @knowledges. Many countries have not been able to enjoy the internet smoothly because they are still struggling with fundamental issues such as hunger, disasters, and unstable electricity networks. in such situations, research and technology are neglected so that it impacts the quality of tertiary institutions.

<hr><center>Posted on <a href="">RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers</a></center>
properties (22)
created2019-09-26 15:49:12
last_update2019-09-26 15:49:12
last_payout2019-10-03 15:49:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"University Efforts to Improve Webometrics Ranking | Ikhtiar Universitas Memperbaiki Rangking Webometrics |"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD