the function of deliberation for the advancement of steemit programs that go to the dollar and learn to train the word in english is true interesting to read the steemitian by biwi2

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· @biwi2 ·
the function of deliberation for the advancement of steemit programs that go to the dollar and learn to train the word in english is true interesting to read the steemitian
the function of deliberation for the advancement of steemit programs that go to the dollar and learn to train the word in english that is really interesting to read the steemitian
In teaching and learning activities, the method occupies a role that is not less important than other components in teaching and learning activities. Method is a tool to motivate and as a tool to achieve goals in teaching.
From various experts in the world of education have different opinions to define the notion of method. Saputro (1993: 143) in his book on the development of the teaching and learning process explains "the method is the way in which its function is a tool for achieving the goals Method is the means implemented for interaction of teaching and learning in order to achieve the purpose of teaching".
Method derived from the word method which means a systematic way of working to facilitate the implementation of activities in achieving a goal. (Nasih and Kholidah, 2009: 29)
The method can also be interpreted as a process or procedure that the result is learning or can also be a means through the meaning of learning to be active. (Wahab, 2008: 83)
Whereas in the big Indonesian dictionary (No years: 529) written that the method is a systematic way and think well to achieve goals, principles and practices of language teaching.
In Darajat's view, if the method is juxtaposed with the word learning, it means a method or system used in learning that aims to enable students to know, understand, use and mengaian certain subject matter (Nasih and Kholidah, 2009: 29)
Arifin revealed that the method means a path through which to achieve the goal. In Arabic the method is called "thoriqah". So it can be understood that the method means a way that must be taken to present the lesson material to achieve educational goals (Nasir and Kholidah, 2009: 29)
Tafsir argues that method is a term used to express the notion of "the most appropriate and quick way of doing things" (Tafsir 2000: 9)
Djamarah (1995: 53) in his book says "method is a way that is used to achieve predetermined goals".
From some opinions of the experts above can be taken a conclusion that the so-called method is a way used in the presentation of a teaching material to achieve an educational goal.

2.1.2 Definition of Deliberation
In a large Indonesian dictionary (No years: 545) mentioned that the deliberation is a session, meeting, discussion about something done together to get consensus.
According to At-Thobari deliberation is the mutual discourse of speech (al-kalam) to show truth (Judge and Mubarok, 2008: 223)
Deliberation is a discussion activity in order to train critical thinking, accurate and accurate for the sake of the decision together with the quality of truth that can be accounted for (http: // return the tradition through
In a careful opinion Shihab (2007: 469) suggests:
"The deliberations are drawn from the syara which originally brought honey out of the honeycomb, but this later developed to include everything that can be taken or removed from others. Deliberation can also mean saying or proposing something.

Deliberation is a joint discussion with the intention of reaching a decision or a joint settlement (Judge and Mubarok, 2008: 223)
Meanwhile, according to Asfihani that musyawarah is mutual opinion between one and the other (Judge and Mubarok, 2008: 223)
From the exposure of these opinions can be taken a essence of the deliberation is a discussion activity conducted jointly, mutual opinion each of them to achieve a common goal and to get a decision together correctly and can be justified
So clearly that the method of musyawarah is a way used in a learning that is done jointly, mutual opinion each of them to achieve a common goal and to get a decision together correctly and can be accountable.
Normatively the Qur'an has affirmed the importance of this method in teaching as the word of God in Surah An-Nahl verse 125 reads:
"Call upon men the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and deny (discuss) them in a good way: for thy Lord He is the one who knows better who is lost."

Similarly, in Surah Ali Imran verse 159 Allah says
"It is because of the grace of God that you are gentle towards them.If you are rude and insistent they will distance themselves from around of you From the description above it is clear that the discussion and deliberation is more like that aims to find a solution of a problem together.

2.1.4 Measures to Use Method of Deliberation
A correct decision must necessarily result from a proper musyawarah or discussion system. Here then required various aspects of supporters of both methods, actors and other devices. A good musyawarah method will not produce maximum results if the perpetrators are not able to run it properly. Vice versa, qualified actors will also not guarantee maximum results without the support of adequate musyawarah method. Therefore, prior to commencement in the implementation of a deliberation or discussion required good and effective steps in the use of this method.
According Suryo Subroto (2009: 169) the steps of this method are:
a. Teachers present issues to be discussed or discussed and provide direction as necessary on the ways in which they are solved.
b. With teacher leaders students form groups, choosing discussion leaders or deliberations, reporting, arranging seats etc.
c. Students discuss or musyawarah in their respective groups while the teachers go around from one group to another, maintain order and provide full encouragement and assistance so that every member of the group participates actively and that the discussion runs smoothly.
d. Then each group reported the results of their discussion. The reported results were responded by all students.
e. Finally the students recorded the results of their discussion.
Nasih and Kholidah (2009: 60) suggested the steps are:
a. All or most of the group members are very interested in the issues discussed and discussed.
b. The issues studied are well known to most group members
c. Problems are clear and understood by all group members.
d. Problems have a level of difficulty that can foster continuous discussion or deliberation.
e. Information is sufficiently available for group members to solve the problem satisfactorily
f. Problems can be divided into logical sections
g. Problems stimulate quality thinking.
While Darwin Shah (2007: 142) mentioned the steps are as follows:
1. Stage of preparation / planning
a. Formulate the purpose of discussion or deliberation
b. Determine the mechanism and discipline of discussion or deliberation
c. Formulate a problem or topic to be discussed.
d. Establish time and meetings of deliberation or discussion
2. Implementation stage
a. Referring to and determining discussion officers or deliberations
b. Motivate students to actively participate in discussions or deliberations
c. Establish pleasant learning conditions and climate
d. Make notes of important ideas and suggestions
e. Provide reinfocment to active students as well as provide advice and input to other students
3. Follow-up phase
a) Make resumes and conclusions of discussion results or deliberations
b) Read out by underlining the results for a correction
c) Make judgments on the course of discussion or deliberation, both against the officers and against other participants

2.1.5 Principal Equity in Deliberation Book
In this case all the participants of the deliberations either the guide or the absolute participant have two main modalities:
1. Adequate reading of yellow books
Before we sharpen the material matters, the absolute requirement that the perpetrator needs is the yellow reading skill properly and correctly. This skill requires three principal capital: nahwu, shorof and dictionary (emphasized on vocabulary)
2. Deliberation of deliberation materials
Less than the participant's material filling capital will cause the deliberation to not be effective. Because they will tend to passively and only seek understanding and not able to actively let alone give input to other participants. While the minimal mastery of material from the leaders of deliberation will result in very fatal and become the main factor of the destruction of deliberation
In order to get adequate material matters, a student must perform the correct method of study and muthalaah. Not just reading without understanding the targets that must be achieved. Here is an efficient and effective method to gain a weighted understanding:
a. Correctly what is read in every single qadhiah
b. Examine one by one the existing sentences and then define the terms listed in it by looking for restrictions
c. Then understand it with the best understanding
d. Look for other unseen side of the gamble
e. Actualizeexplanation in one book to another.
g. Practice to dig out a mockery of the like-found ones
h. Test the understanding you get by discussing
i. Note that it is something that is found to be examined more deeply
3. Discussion or deliberation skills
a. Speaking good, short and understanding, especially in:
1. The reading of the book and its myrtle
2. Material inference
b. Set the atmosphere and the flow of deliberation
4. Pre-consensus exercises

2.1.6 Factors that affect the ability of students in reading the yellow book
Reading the yellow book is an activity that goes through the process. The ability of students in reading yellow books is not easy to obtain but must go through the process of learning. The success or failure of the learning process is influenced by several factors that are quite complex.
Purwanto (2007: 102) suggests successful and whether the learning process is influenced by several factors, namely internal factors and external factors.
1. Internal Factors / Individuals
a. Intelligence
Intelligence is the intelligence of thought, with the intelligence of the function of fikir can be used quickly and precisely to overcome a situation or to solve a problem.
The word intelligence has a very close relationship with the word intellect. Because intellect is the power or potential to understand while intelligence is the activity or behavior that is the embodiment of power or potential.
b. Talent
Talent can affect the high level of learning achievement in certain fields. And everyone has different talents. So that a santri who has a talent in the field of religion and Arabic language will be easy for him mengai yellow book reading techniques. And this talent will later influence him to study the yellow book in depth, so it is likely he can achieve high achievement.
c. Motivation
If santri want to read yellow book better then needed a strong motivation in him.
2. Factors from outside the individual / External
a. Environment
Environment is the circumstances surrounding that affect the child's education. Environment is one of the educational factors that participate in determining the style of education that does little impact on learners. Both in the form of social environment, family, community and school.

2.1.7 The Definition of the Book of Fathu Al-Qorib
Fathu al-qorib is the classical fiqh book that bernizhab Imam Syafi'i authored by Sheikh Muhammad Qosim Al-Ghazi (859-918 H) which is a syarah or explanation of the book of al-Qadhi Abu Syuja 'Al Asfahani taqrib.
Fathu al-qorib seen from the content of his womb is actually the same as his original book but, from the point of his approach using modern and more convenient way. And also in this book contains some laws:
a. The Law of Worship
b. Muamalah Law
c. The Law of Munakahah
d. The Law of Mawaris
e. Jinayah Law
Among the pesantren of the book fathu al-qorib is no longer a rare book because this book is a book of pesantren which is always reviewed every day by kiai and santri-santri. For the book of fathu al-qorib is the basic fiqh book that every Muslim needs to be aware of since it is so familiar to lay people's understanding of Islam and the laws of Islam. Therefore, this book of fathu al-qorib needs to be studied in comprehending the fiqh laws fundamentally but it is not possible to understand this book the students or the Muslims will be more understanding of the fiqh laws.

2.2. Fiqh Law
2.2.1 Definition of Law
Etymologically law means man'u ie preventing. The law also means qadha which means the verdict (Haroen, Without the year: 207)
While ulama usul fiqh (Umam, 2000: 213) argued that when called the law then the meaning is:
a. Assign an item to something or negate it.
b. The Scripture of God
c. The consequences of God's book are like, the consent law understood from the book of God
d. The decision of the judge in court
2.2.2 Definition of Fiqh
Fiqh according to Dzajuli (2009: 5) is understand the purpose of a speaker. According to the term, fiqh is to know the laws of the 'amaliyah' (regarding deeds and behaviors) by the detailed arguments and also produced by the mind and ijtihad and requires insight and reflection.
As the word of God in At-Taubah letter of verse 122 is mentioned

It means: "Let there be a party of those who go to understand religion to warn their people when they come back to them so that they may take care of themselves (Surat al-Tawbah: 122) (Depag RI, 2002 )

The definition of fiqh as Al-Muktasab points to an understanding that fiqh is born through a series of reasoning processes.
The same thing was also put forward by Abbas (2007: 24) that fiqh in the Arabic language is understanding, understanding. And in Islam means the science of Islamic Sharia law in accordance with the proposition one by one
In the hadith the Prophet Muhammad is mentioned

It means: "Whosoever willed by Allah to be a good man by His side will undoubtedly grant to him a deep understanding of religious knowledge (H.R Bukhori).

In the book of Islamic fiqh Imam Wahbatuz Zuhaili (2008: 30) mentions that fiqh is understood, as the word of God in the letter Hud verse 91

It means: "They say: O syuaib We do not understand much what you say (Hud: 91) (Depag RI, 2002: 311)

Similarly according to Imam Syafi'i that fiqh is the science that discusses the laws syara 'the country of amaliah taken from the detailed arguments
Fiqh is a science that discusses the understanding and interpretation of verses of the Qur'an relating to the law. Understanding and interpretation requires ijtihad that is hard effort in the form of thought to issue the provision of religious law from its source. Fiqh contains the rules that the implementation of the guidance and guidelines in behaving. So it can be said that fiqh is the operationalization of sharia law based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. (Suryana et al, Without years: 110)
From some sense of law and fiqh which has been stated above it can be taken a conclusion or the essence that the law of fiqh is the provisions of law produced by ijtihad Muslim jurists.

2.2.3 Object of fiqh law
From the definition of fiqh law above can be understood that the object of the fiqh law is the act of mukallaf. As it is said that maudhu or fiqh objects are the actions of the mukallaf both of deeds and of choices (Zuhaili, 2008: 32)
The object of discussion of fiqh law is the legal aspect of every act of mukallaf and the proposition of each such act. (Dzajuli, 2006: 19)

2.2.4 Legal Division of Fiqh
In a matter or discussion of fiqh law then there is a division that exist in the fiqh law. Scholars divide the law of fiqh in several parts:
a. The law relating to mahdah worship is the law that regulates the problem of human worship to God
b. The law relating to muamalah problem is the issue of human relationships in order to meet material needs and rights respectively
c. Laws related to family issues such as marriage, divorce etc.
d. Laws relating to criminal acts such as adultery, theft, robbery and others
e. Laws relating to the issue of justice and the settlement of the rights and obligations of humanity
f. Laws relating to governance matters governing relations between rulers and the people
g. Laws relating to morals (http: // legal sense).

2.3 Pondok Pesantren
2.3.1 Understanding Pondok Pesantren
The experts in giving understanding about pesantren are very different, depending on where he sees a pesantren with all its applications.
According to Yasmadi (2002: 62) Pesantren is etymologically derived from the word santri who got awala peman ending -an so that it becomes a student who means "shastri" which means pupil. Medium C.C. Berg. argues that the term pesantren comes from the word shastri which in Indian language means one who knows the holy books of Hinduism, or an expert scholar of Hindu scriptures. The word shastri comes from the word shastra which means holy books, religious holy books or books on science.
As Hasbullah (2001, 24) puts it as follows: "In Indonesia, the term kutab is better known as" Pondok Pesantren "which is an Islamic educational institution, which
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