[Anuncio - Announcement] Apoyando el arte #426 – Supporting art #426 by celfmagazine

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[Anuncio - Announcement] Apoyando el arte #426 – Supporting art #426
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<p><strong><em>Bienvenidos a nuestro reporte de curación número 426</em></strong></p>

<p>Creemos que el mayor valor que podemos aportar a Steem y Steemit no solo radica en la <strong><em>curación de contenido</em></strong> (votar artículos) sino en la <strong><em>curación social</em></strong>, es decir, la curación que se sirve de la crítica constructiva y la educación por medio del <strong><em>comentario</em></strong> para agregar valor al aporte del autor, la unificación de éstos dos conceptos (curación de contenido + curación social) nos permitirá lograr mejores resultados a mediano y largo plazo con respecto a la <strong><em>calidad</em></strong> del contenido en Steem.</p>
<p>Realizamos curaduría de artículos en Español e Ingles de las siguientes categorías:</p>
    <li>Artes plásticas, visuales y escénicas</li>
A continuación les presentamos los artículos votados el <strong><em>18/03/2020</em></strong>
<p>Los artículos publicados en este post no nos pertenecen, el único fin es publicitar el contenido y rendir cuentas de nuestras curaciones.</p>
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<p><strong><em>Welcome to our curation report number 426</em></strong></p>

<p>We believe that the greatest value we can bring to Steem and Steemit is not only in the <strong><em>curation of content</em></strong> (voting articles) but in the <strong><em>social curatorship</em></strong>, the curatorship that employs constructive criticism and education through the <strong><em>comments</em></strong> to add value to the contribution of the author, the unification of these two concepts (content curation + social curation) will allow us to achieve better results in the medium and long term regarding the <strong><em>quality</em></strong> of the content on Steem.</p>
<p>We are currently curing content in Spanish and English from the following categories:</p>
    <li>Plastic, visual and performing arts</li>

Down below we present the articles upvoted on <strong><em>18/03/2020</em></strong>
<p>The articles published in this post do not belong to us, the only purpose is to publicize the content and give an account of our curations.</p>

<center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/camiloferrua/dPa9hWs4-41120-20430-20.jpg" /></center>


<a href="https://steemit.com/ocd/@seifiro/judgment-juicio-poetry-english-spanish">"Judgment"/"Juicio" (poetry english/spanish)</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmUXADMvNxVsxq9TbemePkhjrha945dDHMEsb9RpKtB8Wq/image.png" />



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<em>Excelente poema.  Está muy bien expresada la reflexión sobre el tiempo y nuestro destino a través de esas imágenes arquetípicas, agudamente extraídas del mito y la literatura en 
un logrado juego intertextual, muy borgeano.</em> @josemalavem

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<em>Excellent poem.  The reflection on time and our destiny is very well expressed through those archetypal images, sharply extracted from myth and literature in a successful intertextual game, very Borgean.</em> @josemalavem

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<a href="https://steemit.com/hive-148441/@crisangel/un-sublime-ensayo-aracnido">Un Sublime Ensayo ArácnidosteemCreated with Sketch.</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTAm8HQMKeaPUYAd9SqZKogeQYBDki5N7ipeme8hrUz58/SpiderF1.png" />



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<em>Llamativo ejercicio fotográfico, además con un animal que usualmente pasa desapercibido para el común. La modificación del entorno de color al blanco y negro permite que nuestra 
mirada perciba mejor los detalles.</em> @josemalavem

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<em>Striking photographic exercise, also with an animal that usually goes unnoticed by the average person. The modification of the environment from color to black and white allows our eyes to better perceive the details.</em> @josemalavem

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<a href="https://steemit.com/hive-161155/@felixgarciap/loathing-a-fiction">Loathing! A fiction</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/03/11/19/08/depression-1250870_960_720.jpg" />



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<em>Una simple historia que nos dispone, a través del estado emocional de su personaje, a la sensibilidad por la pérdida de lo logrado y el dolor que esto puede producir.</em> @josemalavem

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<em>A simple story that disposes us, through the emotional state of his character, to sensitivity to the loss of what has been achieved and the grief that this can produce.</em> @josemalavem

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<a href="https://steemit.com/music/@arquitectojm/el-pajarillo-para-flauta-sola-cancion-venezolana">El pajarillo para flauta Sola/ Canción Venezolana</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/DQmSyPkcYUAy4uSVbRtYXiBqCCu7pXENnpzPR4GbEbECxNZ/pixresteemer_incognito_angel_mini.png" />



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<em>Una muy interesante versión académica de un "pajarillo". Si el golpe musical denominado así ya es un poco "barroco", la interpretación en flauta parece hacer más perceptible ese 
carácter.</em> @josemalavem

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<em>A very interesting academic version of a "bird". If the musical beat called this is already a bit "baroque", the flute performance seems to make that character more perceptible.</em> @josemalavem

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<a href="https://steemit.com/hive-133872/@evagavilan/una-visita-a-dos-museos-de-sitges">Una visita a dos Museos de Sitges</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/evagavilan/Eeg5zRgz-IMG_8318_Original.jpg" />



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<em>Trabajo fotográfico y expositivo que nos permite un paseo por espacios culturales que resultan visualmente muy gratos, con esas colecciones de objetos y obras artísticas, además 
del encuentro con el mar.</em> @josemalavem

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<em>Photographic and exhibition work that allows us a walk through cultural spaces that are visually very pleasant, with these collections of objects and artistic works, in addition 
to the encounter with the sea.</em> @josemalavem

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<a href="https://steemit.com/spanish/@anira.art/baby-bt21-paso-a-paso-materiales">�🐣 BABY BT21🐣🐣/ Paso a paso + Materiales</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmdGwd9m46oPJ2JCH1KJeZPeScVR8ngN8JnF5jpk14BQf8/20200317_134146.jpg" />     



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<em>Un trabajo artístico que aparte de hermoso, muestra tu gran habilidad con la pintura. Una gran presentación y los personajes son muy expresivos por los colores tan llamativos que usas.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<em>A work of art that, apart from being beautiful, shows your great skill with painting. A great presentation and the characters are very expressive because of the bright colors you use.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<a href="https://steemit.com/spanish/@rosana6/poema-or-perla-azul-profundo">Poema | PERLA AZUL PROFUNDO</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmYMrR9W5ajGGuQCCP6H3zLDRbXghUJRjftVxy1Jd5Tdxb/cosmos.jpg" />



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<em>Un poema que habla del universo y su belleza infinita. En cada verso marcas peculiaridades que se observan y son los que remarcan aún más el sentido de la historia.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<em>A poem that speaks of the universe and its infinite beauty. In each verse, there are some peculiarities that can be observed and which further emphasize the sense of the story.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<a href="https://steemit.com/anime/@jhonnys.rei.cero/meduza">meduza</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmS2vn4TzwDPViYgjkkwJNDfgCJy1ttzoMVrR8oW2WExCY/meduza.jpg" />



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<em>Un dibujo digital muy bien presentado en cuatro versiones distintas. Eso habla de la gran habilidad que tienes con el programa que usas. Un gran trabajo.</em> @historiasamorlez  

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<em>A very well presented digital drawing in four different versions. That speaks to the great skill you have with the program you use. A great job.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<a href="https://steemit.com/art/@marpa/las-plumas-de-waldo">Las plumas de Waldo</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTUNVrAzS7mvbGbZwau9PN3sjxDNyN2X7Hzb99EF4fQGC/c.gif" />



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<em>Una historia conmovedora que habla de la existencia de un mundo paralelo donde habitan los animales que ya no están con nosotros y que han marcado mucho en nuestra vida. Es hermoso como buscas retratar esto en una historia de aventura. Grandes imágenes digitales.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<em>A touching story that speaks of the existence of a parallel world where the animals that are no longer with us live and have marked much in our lives. It is beautiful how you seek to portray this in an adventure story. Great digital images.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<a href="https://steemit.com/hive-148441/@manuelramos/un-poco-de-arte-abstracto-mars-crea-n-20">Un poco de Arte Abstracto - Mars Crea - N * 20</a>


<img src="https://steemitimages.com/200x200/https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmX9kAiuXL2ZVSNevsmd9a8L1AVLJDXbwahTtoncqYre76/Imagen1.png" />



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<em>Un gran trabajo artístico digital, donde no solo muestras los dibujos creados de forma abstracta si no también la movilidad que se les puede dar, dándoles mayor impresión.</em> @historiasamorlez

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<em>A great digital artwork, where you not only show the drawings created in an abstract way but also the mobility that can be given to them, giving them a greater impression.</em> @historiasamorlez

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Todo el contenido de @celfmagazine y @celfditorial es traído para tí gracias a nuestro equipo directivo: @joedukeg, @camiloferrua y @jeilinespinel. Staff de creación de contenido y curación: @josemalavem, @historiasamorlez, @universoperdido y @takish.
También queremos agradecer a nuestros mayores patrocinantes: @cervantes, @steempress, @roelandp, @sndbox, @steemed-proxy, @creativecrypto, @voronoi y @neoxian.</p>

<h6>Queremos informar a la comunidad que debido a nuestro periodo de inactividad durante la migración de Steem a Hive, seguimos votando artículos pero no publicamos reportes durante 
esos días, es por esto que publicaremos dichos reportes de forma consecutiva hasta alcanzar los artículos que estamos votando actualmente.</h6>

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All the content of @celfmagazine and @celfditorial is brought to you thanks to our directive team: @joedukeg, @camiloferrua and @jeilinespinel. General team on content creation and curation: @josemalavem, @historiasamorlez, @universoperdido and @takish.
<p>We would also like to thank our major sponsors: @cervantes, @steempress, @roelandp, @sndbox, @steemed-proxy, @creativecrypto, @voronoi and @neoxian.</p>

<h6>We want the community to know that because of our downtime during the migration from Steem to Hive, we continue to vote on articles but we didn't release reports during those days, so we will be releasing those reports consecutively until we reach the articles we are currently voting on.</h6>
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 12 others
properties (23)
created2020-05-15 23:06:48
last_update2020-05-15 23:06:48
last_payout2020-05-22 23:06:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.164 SBD
curator_payout_value0.134 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"[Anuncio - Announcement] Apoyando el arte #426 – Supporting art #426"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (76)