It's For Love # 72 (Bilingual) by cicisw

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· @cicisw ·
It's For Love # 72 (Bilingual)
Bab Empat Belas
Sesuatu yang Sangat Berharga

“Ya … dokter pribadi. Jadi saat Papa Hoshi konsultasi dengan para dokter, kau ikut mendampingi kami …” ujar Mama Hoshi, “… itu akan sangat membantu kami ….”

Mama Hoshi mendesah, “Aku tidak punya bayangan, apa saja yang harus kami lakukan atau tanyakan saat kontrol nanti …  kau tahu, kami harus berkonsultasi dengan banyak sekali dokter spesialis … apalagi pengobatan TBC tulang Papa Hoshi, walaupun dokter mengatakan 3 bulan, apabila ingin benar-benar terbebas harus dilakukan selama 6 bulan. ”

Benar sekali yang dikatakan Mama Hoshi. Mereka harus konsultasi dengan beberapa dokter spesialis sekaligus; dokter spesialis  bedah syaraf, ortopedi, penyakit dalam. Belum lagi serangkaian terapi yang harus dijalani setelah operasi. Afra bangkit dan duduk bersandar pada sandaran tempat tidur. Dia berpikir sejenak.   “Baiklah … jadwal kontrolnya Senin depan ya.”

Mama Hoshi mengangguk. “Terimakasih banyak .…”

Tangan Mama Hoshi menggenggam erat tangan Afra, “… kau sudah pikirkan tawaran Hoshi,  untuk membuat materi kedokteran menggunakan cara belajarmu?”

Alis Afra naik ke atas sedikit, “Hoshi menceritakan semua hal  pada Ibu?”

“Tentu saja,” Mama Hoshi berbicara lebih perlahan, dengan nada berkomplot, ”… karena dia berhutang penjelasan padaku belasan tahun lalu.”

Afra memandang Mama Hoshi bingung. “Hutang penjelasan?”

Mama Hoshi mengibaskan tangannya dengan penuh gaya. “Itu tidak penting. Hanya  rahasia kami berdua … Hoshi akan tinggal bersama kami, selama Papanya dalam proses penyembuhan. Kau bisa melakukan dua pekerjaan sekaligus, tanpa harus repot berpindah tempat. Bagaimana menurutmu? ”

“Saya menerima tawaran menjadi dokter pribadi sementara,” sahut Afra. “Saya akan datang seminggu—“

Mama Hoshi menggoyangkan tangannya berkali-kali. “Tidak! Tidak! Afra tentu saja kau harus datang setiap hari … Papa Hoshi orangnya keras sekali. Tapi dia menuruti semua  kata-katamu,” Bahu Mama Hoshi sedikit menurun. “Dia susah sekali mendengar kata-kataku … tidak percaya dengan apa yang aku sarankan.”

Afra tersenyum melihat mimiK wajah Mama Hoshi. Dia mencondongkan tubuh ke arah Mama Hoshi. Berbicara dengan nada  setengah berbisik, “Kalau saya harus datang  setiap hari, saya akan sering bertemu Hoshi. Bagaimana dengan Malvin? Apakah Ibu tidak terlalu berat sebelah pada Hoshi?”

Mama Hoshi tertegun sejenak. Sesaat kemuadian tertawa terbahak-bahak. “Apakah Hoshi pernah mengatakan, kau  lucu dan sangat berani?”

Afra mengangkat bahu sekilas. “Semua yang mengenalku dulu, mengatakan hal-hal seperti itu.”

Sekali lagi dia memperhatikan ruang tidur Hoshi. Kamar ini sangat luas. Tempat tidur besar yang digunakannya diletakkan dekat dinding kaca. Dia bisa melihat langit dari tempatnya duduk.
Di sebelah ranjang besar, diletakkan sebuah sofa besar. Di hadapan sofa yang terlihat sangat nyaman itu, terdapat rak yang dibagian tengahnya dipasang built-in TV berukuran 50 inc. Jam berukuran super besar, diletakkan tepat di atas TV.  Di kiri kanan TV diletakkan  beberapa rak buku yang ditempel di dinding.

Ruang tidur  itu didominasi dengan gradasi warna hijau tosca dan abu-abu. Pencahayaan yang nyaman, dengan pilihan gorden yang tidak tembus sinar matahari.  Ruangan ini dirancang untuk menampung berbagai kegiatan. Menonton TV,  mendengarkan musik, sekaligus menjadi ruang kerja mini.

Cornerwork memiliki meja berbentuk leter L, hingga saat menggunakannya bisa mendapatkan pemandangan tempat tidur atau ke halaman belakang. Pilihan   lantai kayu parquet, membuat ruangan terasa hangat dan nyaman.

Mama Hoshi memandang Afra dengan mata bersinar-sinar. “Targetku menjadikan kamu menantuku … tidak masalah siapapun yang kau pilih.”


Chapter Fourteen
Something Very Worthwhile

"Yes ... a private doctor. So when Hoshi’s father  consulted with the doctors, you accompanied us ... "said Hoshi’s mother , " ... it will be very helpful for us .... "

She  sighed, "I have no idea what we should do or ask for later control ... you know, we have  consult with  a lot of specialists ... let alone TB bone treatment, even though the doctor says three  months, if you want to be right, it  should be free for 6 months. "

That's right what Hoshi’s mother  said. They should consult with several specialists at once; neurosurgeon, orthopedic, internal medicine. Not to mention a series of therapies to be followed after surgery. Afra got up and sat back against the back of the bed. She thought for a moment.
"Okay ... control schedule next Monday."

Hoshi’s mother  nodded. "Thank you very much .…"

Her hand clasped  Afra  hand tightly, "... have you thought of Hoshi's offer, to make a book on  medical materials by using your study method?"

Afra's eyebrows went up a bit, "Hoshi telling you everything?"

"Of course," She spoke more slowly, in a conspiratorial tone, "... because he owed me a dozen years ago."

Afra looked at Hoshi’s mother  bewildered. "Debt explanation?"

She waved her hand with style. "That is not important.  It's only my secret  with him  ... Hoshi will stay with us, as long as his father is in the healing process. You can do two jobs at once, without having to bother moving. What do you think? "

"I accepted the offer to be a temporary private doctor," Afra said. "I'm coming a week-"

Hoshi’s mother  shook her hand many times. "No! No! Afra of course you have to come everyday ... Hoshi’s fahter  is a very hard man. But he obeys all your words, " Her shoulders dropped slightly. "He's hard to hear my words ... do not believe in what I suggest."

Afra smiled at Hoshi's mother face. She leaned toward  Hoshi’s mother . Speaking in a half-whispery tone, "If I had to come every day, I would often meet Hoshi. What about Malvin?  Don't  you become  too  hard  on Hoshi? "

Hoshi’s mother  was stunned for a moment. A moment later laugh out loud. "Did Hoshi ever say, you're cute and very brave?"

Afra shrugged her shoulders. "All those who know me first, say things like that."

Once again she watched Hoshi's bedroom. His  room was very spacious. The large bed she used was placed near the glass wall. She can see the sky from where She sits.

Next to the big bed, put a big sofa. In front of the sofa that looks very comfortable, there is a rack in the center mounted built-in 50-sized TV. Super large clock, placed right on top of the TV. On the right side of the TV are placed several bookshelves stuck to the wall.

The bedroom is dominated by gradations of green tosca and gray. Comfortable lighting, with a choice of curtains that do not penetrate the sun. This room is designed to accommodate various activities. Watching TV, listening to music, as well as being a mini workspace.

Cornerwork has a L-shaped table, up to when it can get a view of the bed or into the backyard. Choice of parquet wooden floor, make the room feel warm and comfortable.

Hoshi’s mother  looked at her with shining eyes. "My target is to make you my daughter-in-law ... no matter who you choose.

Bandung Barat, Jumat 23 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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root_title"It's For Love # 72 (Bilingual)"
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vote details (15)
@tusroni ·
Mama Hoshi misinya ngeri. Jadikan Afra target menantu...haha
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root_title"It's For Love # 72 (Bilingual)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@cicisw ·
Alhamdulillah Dede baru lahir ya Bang @tusroni hahahahaha
Lepas dari target Mama Hoshi
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created2018-03-24 09:32:18
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root_title"It's For Love # 72 (Bilingual)"
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@tusroni ·
Hahaha...iya Alhamdulillah.
Lucu banget jadi belum sempat posting...hehehe
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root_title"It's For Love # 72 (Bilingual)"
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vote details (1)