Tunnels worldwide by jorgebgt

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· @jorgebgt ·
Tunnels worldwide
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Tunnels worldwide</h2></div>
https://static.dw.com/image/57753154_303.jpg	<br /> 
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Why does the ground open up creating huge holes? Why do geologists warn that these cases are part of a global threat? The issue has become topical due to a huge sinkhole that opened in the Mexican state of Puebla, in a cultivation area of ​​the municipality of Juan C. Bonilla, 119 km from the city
https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/210608123140-jerusalem-sinkhole-parking-lot-full-169.jpg?quality=100&strip=info	<br /> 
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This is not a unique case, geologists warn that similar phenomena are occurring in different parts of the planet, it is a large-scale problem, it is a real problem that is already affecting not only crop areas but also entire cities that are seeing how the land on which they sit is sinking and it is such an important issue that the future of these cities is under threat, but let's go in parts because not all holes and subsidence in the land are the same or have the same causes

https://okdiario.com/img/2017/06/12/paisaje-karstico-2.jpg	<br /> 
<a href="https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fokdiario.com%2Fcuriosidades%2Fpaisaje-karstico-que-hace-ser-importante-unico-1067361&psig=AOvVaw32LiqlYCwIQ9KRxJLhoO8m&ust=1623294062268000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJDA_-nHifECFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD">Souce</a>
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There are natural causes such as subsidence that occurs in karst lands, which is what lands with a large amount of limestone rock are called.This rock, limestone is affected by the water that ends up dissolving it, creating holes and caverns, they can also occur sinkholes due to the oxidation of organic soils or the collapse of the calderas or lava galleries of a volcano, in recent years and due to global warming, holes are being opened, some of enormous dimensions, creating calderas or even new valleys, due to thawing permafrost, which is the name of the soil layer mixed with water ice that we find in tundra landscapes, this phenomenon occurs mainly in Siberia, the previous causes are relatively predictable and affect humans when infrastructure or housing is built about them without first consulting a geologist.

https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmX6wX1wpbdzGPkuYHEqQWJdrkTMo9uVxcp3Su1oeTmouF/image.png	<br /> 
<a href="https://elcomercio.pe/resizer/g1fka99tg6_FZiJaL5fFtpteEks=/980x0/smart/filters:format(jpeg):quality(75)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/elcomercio/J4MJLV5GNBARBNIKHKQ7PVJMOM.jpg">Souce</a>
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But what happened in Mexico, on May 29, in the place I mentioned earlier, a hole was opened that was initially 5 meters in diameter and since then it has not stopped growing, at the time of this publication the hole reached 100 meters in diameter. by 20 meters deep and a house that was in the vicinity has begun to swallow, because the earth was opened in this specific case, it seems that a long time ago in the place there was a jagüey or ditch full of water, which was covered to expand the farmland, from the civil protection service have pointed out that the origin of the hole may be due to underground water flows and low soil resistance, there is also talk of a geological fault and subsoil water variations, while neighbors and Local activists blame the phenomenon on the overexploitation of aquifers by large industrial conglomerates.

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In fact, they calculate that there is a risk of more similar holes being produced in about 40 hectares of this area, the matter is being investigated, but as you can see, everything seems to revolve around the water from the aquifers and the underground water currents, the soil that We step on it may seem like a solid block but in reality it is composed of different layers of materials and each one of them has different properties, some materials are more resistant than others, other materials can be flexible or waterproof or quite the opposite, that they are capable to absorb a large amount of water, to all this we must add that under our feet there may be underground currents, entire rivers that are the origin of numerous caverns and some can even become navigable, we will see in the coming weeks what happens.


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<p>  <a href="https://twitter.com/PC_Estatal">  source</a></p>
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properties (23)
created2021-06-09 03:25:12
last_update2021-06-09 03:25:12
last_payout2021-06-16 03:25:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.272 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Tunnels worldwide"
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vote details (24)