Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff Part VII [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Ствари за размишљање, део VII by lighteye

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· @lighteye · (edited)
Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff Part VII [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Ствари за размишљање, део VII

<center>![Hana Arent-photo_2021-05-10_12-50-14.jpg](</center>
> # “When everyone is always lying to you, the result is not that you believe these lies but that no one believes anything more. A people who can no longer believe anything can not form an opinion. They are deprived not only of their ability to act, but also of their ability to think and to judge. And with such a people, you can do whatever you want.”<br>
**– Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)**

<center> ![Dva metra-EWZKOP-XQAEXZuq.jpg](<br><sup>[]()</sup></center>
# <center>Лакше, бато, два метра назад!</center>


> # „Илузија ће бити тако велика, тако широка, да ће измаћи људском опажању. Они који буду могли да је виде, сматраће се лудацима.”<br>
**— Џ. Мајкл Томас Хејс**<br>_Успон новог светског поретка: Одстрел човека_

<center>![Beli misevi-photo_2021-05-10_14-21-11.jpg](</center>
# — Will you go for a vaccine?<br>— Are you insane? They have not finished the tests on humans yet!

# — So, you are alone on this planet.<br>— Yes, they forgot to vaccinate me.

<center>![Pravite se mrtvi-photo_2021-05-10_14-21-28.jpg](</center>
# <center>If you fall into the hands of doctors, you pretend for dead. Maybe you survive.</center>

<center>![Fora koja uvek pali.jpg](</center>
# 1. Hey, what are you doing? That’s our money.<br>2. Look, there are Trumpists, Antivaxxers, BLM, AntiFa, Russian hackers and racists among you.<br>3. Incredible how this works just about every time.

# <center>— Светла, камере… ЛАЖИ!</center>

# — This apple is completely safe. Eat it, and I will give you $30.

# — Is this really a Covid-19 vaccine?<br>— Sure.

# — Пружа ли имунитет?<br>— За произвођаче.

# — Изгледа да мутира у тоталитарну диктатуру.

# — This is a watermelon. If you see a cherry, you are just a crazy conspiracy theorist!

<center>![Sheep thinking-mXkfdToSwHy1F6xC7iNSf4gD4njuiH2TJnH2d9a7sjEgsxpt7CEU4CDU75Z3v494muiUDHLHtAqaiGyMvjdsbEoJyRtyaYKqezJ3zJ1mx.jpg](</center>
# — Што пре предам сва своја права, пре ћу их добити назад…


# <center>Твоја покорност продужава кошмар</center>


# <center>Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals <br>Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце</center>


# <center>* * *</center>

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vote details (17)