Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE) by lotusfleur

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· @lotusfleur ·
Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)
### A weekend in Zurich

Hey my dear community, travellers and followers, I'm just back home and had to let the impressions from the weekend go down. Why? Well, normally I live by the ocean, quiet, peacefully, so travelling in metropolises is always a bit difficult for me. 
I don't even know where to start, a friend invited me a few weeks ago. So I looked for the cheapest way to get there and was finally near of Zurich last weekend. 
I like Switzerland. It's really nice there. A lot of nature, culture and style. Awesome. Sure, expensive, but the prices are adjusted to the salary like everywhere else.

She herself lives a bit outside of the capital, but still very close to the famous red factory. We were the whole weekend there - two days, which is why I write about it in particular.

#### Red factory

If you would like to go there yourself, simply visit Seestrasse 395, 8038 Zurich and enjoy the atmosphere. I liked it very much.

The Red Factory was once really a factory site in the Zurich-Wollishofen area, on photos from 1892-1899 you can see that very well. Meanwhile, it has become a well-known cultural centre and the place to go for musicians and artists. These buildings got the name red factory, because it is made of red bricks.
Others also say, however, that it is called this way, because in former times left-wing parties had been committed to the conversion of the factory.

In 1892, the Red Factory was first built for the silk company Henneberg according to the plans of the architect Carl Arnold Séquin. Again in 1896, the building was extended with a large office building.
It was then sold and resold until it finally fell into the hands of the city of Zurich in 1972. The building itself was to be demolished in order to widen Seestrasse. But, as you can see, things were quite different.
But not because of the city of Zurich, because they did not want to be involved in the contract because of the cultural use, therefore the interest group Rote Fabrik (IGRF) was founded in 1980. 
A place was created for creative minds and artists, and in the following years young people sometimes played rock concerts in the Aktionshalle in 1980, of course without the permission of the authorities.

On October 25, 1980 the time had officially come and the Rote Fabrik was provisionally opened. Music and theatre formed the foundation and the basis of the activities. Some independent theatre groups, which gained influence over the years, made their debut in the Red Factory and performed there for the first time. The famous Taktlos Festival is also held in the Red Factory.

In 1981 the Red Factory was even put under monument protection and again in 1985 the restaurant Ziegel oh Lac. In 1987 the association Shedhalle was founded, which since then has been responsible for contemporary and critical art on the grounds of the Red Factory. By referendum in 1987 it was decided that the Red Factory was an alternative cultural centre. 
Like that I could continue, but I leave it with the historical background of this building.
Personally, I found the graffiti art indescribably beautiful an eye-catching artwork, which is why I captured it and now present it.
Even Tina Turner (some people said) has been there several times. It is rumored that her property is located on the other side of the river.
I hope you like the art as much as I do and if you are in Zurich, go there. It's really worth it. Even if you only want to drink a beer.

Your @LotusFleur

###### Text and pics made by myself.





### Um fim de semana em Zurique

Ei minha querida comunidade, viajantes e seguidores, estou de volta para casa e tive que deixar as impressões do fim de semana caírem. Por quê? Bem, normalmente vivo junto ao oceano, calmo, tranquilo, tranquilo, por isso viajar nas metrópoles é sempre um pouco difícil para mim. 
Nem sei por onde começar, um amigo convidou-me há algumas semanas. Então eu procurei a maneira mais barata de chegar lá e finalmente estive perto de Zurique no fim de semana passado. 
Eu gosto da Suíça. É muito agradável lá. Muita natureza, cultura e estilo. Fantástico. Claro, caro, mas os preços são ajustados ao salário como em qualquer outro lugar.

Ela própria vive um pouco fora da capital, mas ainda muito perto da famosa fábrica vermelha. Estivemos lá o fim-de-semana inteiro - dois dias, e é por isso que escrevo sobre isso em particular.

#### Fábrica vermelha

Se você gostaria de ir lá você mesmo, basta visitar a Seestrasse 395, 8038 Zurique e desfrutar da atmosfera. Gostei muito.

A Red Factory foi uma vez realmente uma fábrica na área de Zurich-Wollishofen, em fotos de 1892-1899 você pode ver isso muito bem. Entretanto, tornou-se um centro cultural bem conhecido e o local ideal para músicos e artistas. Estes edifícios têm o nome de fábrica vermelha, porque é feita de tijolos vermelhos.
Outros também dizem, no entanto, que é assim chamado, porque em tempos passados as festas de esquerda tinham sido comprometidas com a conversão da fábrica.

Em 1892, a Red Factory foi construída para a empresa de seda Henneberg, de acordo com os planos do arquiteto Carl Arnold Séquin. Novamente em 1896, o edifício foi ampliado com um grande edifício de escritórios.
Foi então vendido e revendido até que finalmente caiu nas mãos da cidade de Zurique em 1972. O edifício foi demolido para alargar a Seestrasse. Mas, como podem ver, as coisas eram bem diferentes.
Mas não por causa da cidade de Zurique, porque eles não queriam ser envolvidos no contrato por causa do uso cultural, então o grupo de interesse Rote Fabrik (IGRF) foi fundado em 1980. 
Um lugar foi criado para mentes e artistas criativos, e nos anos seguintes os jovens por vezes tocavam concertos de rock no Aktionshalle em 1980, claro, sem a permissão das autoridades.

A 25 de Outubro de 1980, chegou oficialmente a altura e o Rote Fabrik foi provisoriamente aberto. Música e teatro formaram a fundação e a base das atividades. Alguns grupos de teatro independentes, que ganharam influência ao longo dos anos, fizeram a sua estreia na Red Factory e lá actuaram pela primeira vez. O famoso Festival Taktlos também é realizado na Red Factory.

Em 1981, a Fábrica Vermelha foi mesmo colocada sob protecção monumental e, em 1985, o restaurante Ziegel oh Lac. Em 1987 foi fundada a associação Shedhalle, que desde então tem sido responsável pela arte contemporânea e crítica com base na Fábrica Vermelha. Por referendo em 1987, foi decidido que a Fábrica Vermelha era um centro cultural alternativo. 
Assim pude continuar, mas deixo-o com o pano de fundo histórico deste edifício.
Pessoalmente, achei a arte do graffiti indescritivelmente bela e atraente, razão pela qual a captei e agora a apresento.
Até mesmo a Tina Turner (algumas pessoas disseram) já esteve lá várias vezes. Há rumores de que sua propriedade está localizada do outro lado do rio.
Espero que você goste da arte tanto quanto eu e se você estiver em Zurique, vá lá. Vale mesmo a pena. Mesmo que você só queira beber uma cerveja.

Seu @LotusFleur

###### Texto feitas por mim mesmo.





### Ein Wochenende in Zürich

Hey meine Lieben, bin grad wieder da Heim und musste erstmal die Eindrücke vom Wochenende sacken lassen. Wieso? Na, normalerweise lebe ich am Meer, daher fallen mir Reisen in Metropolen immer etwas schwer. 
Ich weiss auch gar nicht, wo ich anfangen soll, eine Freundin lud mich vor einigen Wochen zu sich ein. Also schaute ich nach den günstigsten Anreisemöglichkeiten und war schließlich letztes Wochenende bei ihr Nähe Zürich. 
Ich mag die Schweiz. Es ist richtig schön dort. Klar, teuer, doch die Preise sind wie überall auch dem Gehalt angepasst.

Sie selbst wohnt etwas ausserhalb der Hauptstadt, doch immer noch sehr nah an der bekannten roten Fabrik. An sich waren wir die zwei Tage auch fast nur dort, weshalb ich speziell darüber schreibe

#### Rote Fabrik

Wer gerne selbst mal dorthin will, einfach in die Seestrasse 395, 8038 Zürich und die Atmosphäre geniessen. Mir gefiel es sehr gut dort.

Die Rote Fabrik war einst wirklich ein Fabrikareal in der Gegend Zürich-Wollishofen, auf Fotos aus dem Jahre 1892-1899 erkennt man das auch noch sehr gut. Mittlerweile ist es ein namenhaftes Kulturzentrum und der Anlaufort für Musiker und Künstler. Den Namen rote Fabrik hat diese Gebäude bekommen, weil es (wie kann es auch anders sein) aus roten Backsteinen bestehen.
Andere sagen allerdings auch, man nennt es so, weil früher Linksparteien sich für die Umnutzung der Fabrik einsetzten hatten.

1892 wurde die Rote Fabrik nach den Bauplänen des Architekten Carl Arnold Séquin erstmals für die Seidenfirma Henneberg errichtet. Wiederum 1896 wurde das Gebäude mit einem grosses Bürogebäude weiter ausgebaut.
Sie wurde dann verkauft und wieder verkauft bis dann endlich 1972 in die Hände der Stadt Zürich fiel. An sich sollte das Gebäude abgerissen werden, um die Seestrasse verbreitern zu können. Doch, wie man sieht, kam es ganz anders.
Jedoch nicht wegen der Stadt Zürich, denn diese wollte nicht an dem Auftrag wegen der kulturellen Nutzung beteiligt sein, deshalb wurde 1980 die Interessengemeinschaft Rote Fabrik (IGRF) speziell gegründet. 
Ein Platz für kreative Köpfe.und Künstler wurde geschaffen und in der nachfolgenden Zeiten veranstalteten Jugendliche 1980 in der Aktionshalle mitunter Rock-Konzerte, natürlich ohne die Einwilligung der Behörde.

Am 25. Oktober 1980 war es dann offiziell soweit und die Rote Fabrik wurde provisorisch eröffnet. Musik und Theater bildeten das Fundament und die Basis der Aktivitäten. Manche damals freie Theatergruppen, die auch über die Jahre an Einfluss gewannen, gaben in der Roten Fabrik ihr Debüt und traten dort zum ersten mal auf. Ebenso wird das bekannte Taktlos Festival in der roten Fabrik veranstaltet.

1981 wurde die Rote Fabrik dann sogar unter Denkmalschutz gestellt und wiederum 1985 das Restaurant Ziegel oh Lac. 1987 hat man den Verein Shedhalle begründet, der seit dieser Zeit auf dem Gelände der Roten Fabrik für zeitgenössische und kritische Kunst zuständig ist. Per Volksabstimmung wurde dann 1987 darüber entschieden, dass die Rote Fabrik als alternatives Kulturzentrum ihre Berechtigung hat. 
So kann ich nun weiter machen, doch ich belasse es erstmal mit dem geschichtlichen Hintergrund dieses Gebäudes.
Ich persönlich fand die Graffiti Kunst unbeschreiblich schön dort, weshalb ich diese festhielt und nun präsentiere.
Selbst Tina Turner soll schon einige male dort gewesen sein. Man munkelt ihr Anwesen liegt auf der anderen Seite des Flusses.
Ich hoffe euch gefällt die Kunst genauso gut wie mir und wenn ihr mal dort seit, geht mal dahin. Lohnt sich wirklich. Selbst wenn man nur ein Bier trinken mag.

Hinterlasst mir euer Feedback.

Eure @LotusFleur

###### Text und Bilder von mir gemacht


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created2019-12-17 21:11:27
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root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
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created2019-12-17 21:15:36
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root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@libertycrypto27 ·
@tipu curate
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created2019-12-17 21:28:48
last_update2019-12-17 21:28:48
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root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@tipu ·
<a href="https://tipu.online/curator?libertycrypto27" target="_blank">Upvoted &#128076;</a> (Mana: 20/30 - <a href="https://steemit.com/steem/@tipu/tipu-curate-project-update-recharging-curation-mana" target="_blank">need recharge</a>?)
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created2019-12-17 21:29:06
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root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@uruguru ·
Echt schöne Sachen dabei.

Liebe Grüße aus Uruguay
properties (23)
created2019-12-17 21:54:18
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root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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properties (22)
created2019-12-17 22:10:03
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root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@maxwellmarcusart ·
These are wonderful works of graffiti.

Posted using [Partiko Android](https://partiko.app/referral/maxwellmarcusart)
properties (23)
created2019-12-17 23:10:15
last_update2019-12-17 23:10:15
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promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Famous "Rote Fabrik" Graffiti Impressions Zurich (ENG/ PT/ DE)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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