The Cursed Palm (Scary Story) +18 ☠ by mahmod

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The Cursed Palm (Scary Story) +18 ☠
 A terrible place, very dark I can not see anything in front of me, the smell of mold dominates the place, my body aches hard, my body muscles are torn.

I tried as much as possible to regain my focus and move but my body refused. After several last attempts I managed to put my hand on the ground and leaned against a wall that was beside me until I could finally stand on my feet. With great difficulty, until I get out of that scary place.

I step slowly from the intensity of the pain and as I move I hear the sound of things breaking under my feet I do not know what this thing is.

I still move with my slow steps and the same strange cracking sounds under my feet are still going on.

I moved and moved until there was a side opening radiating a strange red light, I stepped out of this hole where I saw something strange! A large courtyard with reddish bones on its floor. In the middle of the square is a huge coffin with strange phrases similar to Pharaonic phrases.

I suddenly moved to look at the sarcophagus, but I was surprised by the sound of a loud moan that spread through all the corners of the square. Suddenly the lid of the coffin was opened and a frightened woman emerged, a burning body from behind and a left hand separated from the body. Sticky, and every part of her body come out of him strange insects!

I stand speechless and motionless about this scene that I see.

The woman moved steadily toward me

My feet were fixed on the ground and the movement refused to be so terrible.

Suddenly, the insects moved closer to me, and at the moment I heard this sound piercing my ears:
- You, Professor, woke up.  

I opened my eyes slowly but the vision was blurry. After a few minutes I could see that person. He was a man in his fifties wearing a white robe and a turban on his head. His skin was brown and his face was wrinkled by age.

After a few moments I regained consciousness and learned that I was on a train coming from Luxor to Cairo.

And all I saw was a nightmare, a nightmare I had when I took the train from the Luxor train station.

After my father died, I traveled to Luxor immediately to attend the burial ceremony and to be at the front of the funeral.

After two weeks I had to go back to Cairo to study and was only three months away from the last year's exams at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

A few days passed after this strange nightmare. Until that day, I was reviewing some of my lectures. I was surprised by a strong headache that broke through my head, and then the headache turned into a strong roundabout, and then the vision completely obscured and I could not see anything anymore.

The same scene in all its details I see my body lying on the ground in this frightening darkness and then tried to move my body until the success of attempts began to fail.

I moved and my body ached hard and under my feet the same mysterious cracking sound I heard clearly 

I was still moving until the same side hole appeared. I entered this hole until I saw the same big square and the middle of the square was a huge coffin. The different scene I had not seen in the previous nightmare was the sight of four dwarf-like creatures, their body full of hair and red eyes, Two centuries like the devils and they stood in a circle and mediated by women burning their body from the other, and the creatures do strange movements prostrate and prostrate to women as if they worship.

They were still prostrating and kneeling, but they stopped abruptly when they noticed my presence among them. The beings looked at me with a frightening look, and then I realized that a disaster would happen now.

I tried as far as possible to escape from them, but their reaction was much stronger and faster than me. In seconds and with a quick movement, the beings moved toward me, holding my body up to open the coffin and at the moment I saw my body inside the coffin.

And I was overwhelmed by the lack of oxygen in the ark to happen after it as happens every time, open my eyes to see that I was on my bed and everything natural.

How long will this hell last?

But this time I saw a paper next to me on the bed, the same paper I had seen in the nightmare before.

And finally something material before my eyes I actually saw and was not in this nightmare, and from this paper I will try to explain everything that happens to me.

When I opened the paper I did not understand anything because it was written in strange letters that are difficult to read, are they Pharaonic characters or what? I can not explain any of them.

Yes, there is no front other than "Mamdouh" is who will explain this paper to me.

Mamdouh is a friend of mine who is a student at the Faculty of Archeology and lives with me in the same room, but now he is visiting the family in Mansoura and will return tomorrow. When he comes back, I will tell him everything that happened to me to explain it.

Before Nightmare By Days:

I was in Luxor after receiving a call from my mother to tell me that my father was ill and wanted to see me immediately.

As soon as I got home I entered my father's room and, after reassuring my father's health, gave me a very old box and advised me not to open it now.

Of course, a sea of ​​questions and curiosity intrigued me. I wanted to know what was in the box and what was my father's recommendation not to open the fund now? .

I took the box and went out of the room and then moved to my room. Once I got in I heard the voice of my mother screaming from my parents' room.

My father died after a few minutes of interviewing me and the last interview with him was only a farewell, but he said farewell to me a huge number of questions that no answer other than my father and now he is dead.

The fund was timed to participate in the two-week burial and food ceremony.

Mamdouh returned from Mansoura and as soon as he returned I told him everything that happened with me from my first trip to Luxor until I began to dream of strange nightmares.

And as expected, he did not believe the character and this is his right because there is no wise person believe these strange things that happen to me.

I gave Mamdouh the paper to explain to me what is in it and tell me is also the order of the paper is not real and it is also illusion of Ohami? .

After seeing the paper I smiled on the face of Mamdouh surprised what he saw in this paper to this I said to him:

- Mamdouh why do you look at me like this?

Mamdouh raised my face and then said to me in a query:

- Where did you come from this paper, do not tell me that you came from your world of nightmares.

"I said, I came from my nightmare world, if you want to believe it or not, this is not about anyone else, but I swear to you that I tell you the truth, but more importantly, I want you To tell me what is written in this paper?

Mamdouh told me strange words I could not believe a letter from him and I do not know what is the common thing in the story of this paper and me and me.

Mamdouh told me that during the Pharaonic era, a woman named Queen Nefertiti was the wife of King Akhenaten. Queen Nefertiti had betrayed the worship of his god Akhenaten, the god of the sun, and for this reason ordered her to be killed. The priests also ordered that the body of Queen Nefertiti be mutilated. Another distant from the body of the Queen, because the Pharaohs believed that only the body is the right to enter paradise and that is why her body was mutilated, and when the queen sends her death, her body does not touch Paradise and immortalized in the fire.

I do not understand anything, what is my relationship with this queen and why do you chase me? Are all questions that have no answer.

The next day I woke up in the middle of the night to the voice of someone I knew talking in my ear. It was just a sound. There was no one in my room, but when I got out of my bed I found the door of my room slowly opening. The door opened and I saw someone standing at the door wearing a white dress. The stick is based on.

He approached me so I could see that person. My father was standing in front of my bed and talking to me in one sentence: Everything you want to know about the box.

He repeated the sentence a lot and suddenly disappears in front of my eyes to wake up. When I woke up I remembered the box, which I forgot about because I was busy with my father's condolences so I decided to travel to Luxor.

Before the blatant told Mamdouh to travel with me to Luxor to help me as I come, and indeed agreed Mamdouh did not object.

We arrived in Luxor and as soon as we entered the house and after my mother was delivered to her mother, Mamdouh went to my room to open that forgotten box. I searched for the box and found it as it had been before I went to Cairo. When I opened it, I did not believe what we saw in it.

The hand of Adam wrapped in something strange did not know what this thing, and also exists in the paper box, at this moment grabbed Mamdouh paper and began to read what it:

"Fifteen years ago, a man named Louis Hamon, a researcher and trader in the ancient Egyptian antiquities of France, came to me and told me that he wanted to enter the tomb of Tutankhamun secretly and that I was the only one who could help him. He would give me a large sum of money. Entering secretly as a member of the Exploration and Research Team at the Tomb of Tutankhamun?

His answer was that he did not want anyone to know this thing, and no one knew the secret place in the tomb of King Amon and he only wanted to discover this secret place.

I agreed to this offer without any further questions. We actually entered the cemetery. It took us more than an hour to enter the cemetery. We saw a side opening at the end of the cemetery.

Louis Hamon approached the coffin and said: Help me open this coffin.

And actually helped him and opened the coffin, it contained something wrapped in a strange way, is this something of the mummification of the Pharaohs or what? I do not know what the cabbage is.

Then he grabbed the cabbage and broke it until it was uncovered, and then I knew that this thing was a human hand! Strange is not by hand, the strangest is that the hand is like a living hand, there is life, from the hot feel and the tenderness that I feel from my hands, at this moment I gave him the hand fear after I took it and contemplated.

And only a few minutes, as the hand moving from the hands of "Louis Hamon" and grabbed his neck and strangled and suffocated until the head exploded to pieces in front of my eyes, I saw the scene apprehensive of the intensity of horror, but dominated my mind one thing and what I did, took I go out of the cemetery at full speed, and from this time the hand haunts me everywhere, chasing me in my dreams, haunting me everywhere I am, chasing me and threatening me with death 

 I remember her day when I saw a woman whose face was burning and her hand separated from her body My room was in the middle of the night and I got close to my bed and she threatened to kill me and she would take revenge, but she said T: I will not avenge you, but I will avenge the most precious thing you have.

Since then, I have not seen anything strange that happened during this period, but a few days ago she came to me and told me that it was time for revenge. That is why I called you, my son, because she will take revenge. What is hated by me is in something that you have not sinned in it.

After Mamdouh finished reading, everything came to me. My father is the cause of everything that happens to me, and the ghost of Queen Nefertiti follows me to pay for what my father did.

What is more, is the condition of the acceptance of the ghost of Queen Nefertiti of the hand and that we do certain rites to accept the hand and disappear curse, and if we do not do this I will deliver my fate.

At midnight, we entered the tomb of Tutankhamun, after contacting one of my father's friends at work so that we could enter without problems. At one o'clock I entered the cemetery and after Mamdouh, and took us to walk in a long and very narrow corridor that could not be used for two people. We came to a spacious room surrounded by four sides of Pharaonic inscriptions, and some lamps resemble the shape of human heads and comes out of the flame of red lighting was added to the room room more frightening view 
 We took a contemplation of the place, while looking at Mamdouh who stands in front of me and is terrified of this scene , We exchanged with some looks and every look of them bear the trouble One where are we going after? Then I noticed a little opening in front of me and I looked at her a bit and then cut off the silence saying: I'll come and you wait for me here, and when I explore the place from inside I'll call you.

I actually went to the area of ​​the hole carrying with me the box where Queen Nefertiti's palm, and the more I went inside the lower the oxygen level and the breathing is a bit absent, but this prompted me to walk until it came to an end, and I did not see! The bones of Adam are scattered on the earth in a way that is not absorbed by the mind. I moved slowly around the place and the sound of breaking the bones I hear every time I step down and put my feet on the ground, the sounds of grunts and screams around me I can not bear,

 I went deeper into the interior until thick smoke appeared from the ground and completely obscured the vision of me. After a while, the smoke formed in the shape of a huge body and then appeared before my eyes with its black eyes and eyes that were like a jug of fire. The giant object hit with the hooves of its feet on the ground until four objects resembling the object emerged in everything but smaller than the size, the same form of hooves, brown skin and hair spread with their bodies and red eyes and their eyes that added a strong jerk to my body on the ground.

I began to paint a circle on the ground. In her moment I came out of the circle, a woman who was very frightening, with a burning body and face and a hand separated from the body. The woman stood several minutes in the circle and the four objects surrounded and with them the huge object, they took bow down and bow to them as if they serve them , 

 I was watching this scene heavy body does not move mouth does not utter the letter of the severity of the horror of the scene, but I tried to control myself and I took after the fund and placed at the feet of Queen Nefertiti, but I did something I did not understand, moved My direction and launched a strong laugh caused a shake of s Then she began talking to me:

The subject is not that simple, so that the curse will disappear and accept the desecration of my body by offering me a sacrifice and then the curse will end.

I did not understand what you meant by her words and then I told her:

What sacrifice are you talking about?

Her response was: Blood, I want human blood to remove the curse. After her last word, everything disappeared, the beings, Queen Nefertiti and even the box, I could not understand anything that happened. Is everything a nightmare I see or is it real? Questions I have not found any answer.

My mind broke a loud cry from outside the hole. Then my mind seized the obsession that this voice was the voice of Mamdouh. I could not bear the idea of ​​an abomination to him. If something happened to him, I would live with a curse of conscience all the time.

I hurried to the place of sound, and when I got out of the hole I saw the body of Mamdouh lying on the ground with a head and every part of his body torn, and a round blood spot beside him! The vision was blacked out and I did not feel anything about me.

I woke up to find myself lying in bed with my mother and my mother beside me, and when she saw me I woke up screaming from her place to say to me: Thank God for your safety, my son, I finally woke up.

After I reassured me that I had been told what had happened since they found me, things that people do not believe, I lost consciousness a week ago and a friend of my father came out of the cemetery crying out of terror and panic.

When I asked her what about Mamdouh?

She said to me: They found his body inside the cemetery torn! Mamdouh died because of me, because I have given them sacrifice to them unconsciously or consciously.

A few days later I awoke to the sound of grumbling in my room, my body shook with panic and a strong chilling of that sound hit me, while the hand on the ground moved quickly towards me! I even got close to my neck to suffocate with all my might, and then fell to bed after a struggle for minutes to become a body without a soul! Here silence hangs all over the room to end everything.

End ...



Published: 2018-07-25

This article was edited and published by: Hussein Salem Abashl
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