El centurión // La condena ■ The centurion // The condemnation by newton666

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El centurión // La condena ■ The centurion // The condemnation
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<div class="text-justify">La acción de ida del ser humano proviene de su corazón y de su propia fe, la cual mueve montañas, es sorprendente como un centurión romano llamado Marcus Santeli escolta del emperador romano el gran cesar "Teodosio", este emperador solo tenía dos problema de su ser, el primero estaba muy enfermo, el segundo era expandir su imperio que aboliaera el cataclismo, ya que se alejó de Roma para no seguir los consejo sobre su mandatos, había más problemas que se enfrentan ahora era conocer cual seria el destino del imperio romano. 

<br>El centurión aparte de ser escolta era también el consejero del cesar, pero había algo perturbador que no dejaba la tranquilidad sobre este soldado romano, tan solo era que soñaba que alguien le decía por qué me persigues, sólo era un pánico de sueño, igualnnunca dejo su deberes, ya se trataba que ekmemperador había establecido una civilización lejos del cristianismo, por que asumía que la lógica era muy escéptica y que nunca había sido fuerte de la doctrina cristiana, se centraba en una paradoja que forma parte propia de la fabulación romana única clase sobre los hombre fuerte de mente.

<br>Ya se encontraba en primavera y el emperador se sentía fuerte luchador, decidió  con su centurión Marcus era hora de conquistar Constantinopla, pero había fuerte perigración cristianas, tomaron la decisión de firmar más cinco legiones para la conquista de ese lugar con unas de las rutas más grande del comercio de esa época, tardará semanas en agruparse, pero así lo cumplió nuestro centurión, sólo sabía que tenía varia batalla que hacer una de ella era con la frontera con Macedonia, ya ellos sabía hacia dónde iban en la defensas del honor del cesar, pero que precio tenía la vida de inocentes cristianos, eran tanta muerte que el centurión no podía ser más un verdugo sin causa, tuvo que hablar el emperador, este no lo hizo caso sólo este le pregunto si el era Cristiano, este sele arrodilló que no, pero no hubo una noche sin descanso que la voz le perturba "¿por qué me persigues?. 

<br>Llegaron a su destino lo con quistaron tan solo un pequeña porción de Constantinopla, era inevitable nuestro valiente centurión comprendió, que tenía que salvar a los cristianos de su propia garras, este se rebela en contra de su emperador logrando huir de sus opresores, logra llegar a la capital de Constantinopla les avisa que la viene invadir, pero lo creyeron por que era un centurión, se quitó su uniforme y se le arrodilló en nombre de Dios que escuchó su plegaria, fue entonces que cambió el destino de los cristianos que vivía en ese lugar, como pudo preparó una gran  huida de todo los cristianos de la cuidad, la cual no eran número, debido que también había musulmanes, que tomaron gran parte de esta nación, cosa que los romanos no sabían, el centurión fue escuchado y los musulmanes lo apoyaron gracias a que iba a tener todo el control sobre Constantinopla, le dieron una pequeña  flota de barcos para que llevaran a los cristianos hacia Jerusalén. 

<br>El centurión le pidió al líder musulmán varios hombre para peliar y retener a la primera legión, si le concedió ese apoyo tan solo dociento hombres, para no dejar sola la cuidad, esta vez fue la última vez que se puso el uniforme romano, para luchar contra Roma con una legión de musulmanes, era muy épico lucho por dos largos días, retuvieron a la primera legión, ya los cristianos estaban  camino a Jerusalén, lográndose salvar, ya que esa parte siguió luchando hasta que fueron derrotado por la segunda legión, Marcus tuvo una muerte diga como el centurión que salvó a los cristianos de esa zona, el rey musulmán envió a todo un gran ejército que las demás legión no pudieron conquistar a Constantinopla.</div> 

<hr><h1>The centurion // The condemnation</h1>

<br>The going action of the human being comes from his heart and his own faith, which moves mountains, it is surprising as a Roman centurion named Marcus Santeli escort of the Roman emperor the great Caesar "Theodosius", this emperor had only two problem of his being, the first was very sick, the second was to expand his empire that abolished the cataclysm, as he moved away from Rome to not follow the advice on their mandates, there were more problems faced now was to know what would be the fate of the Roman empire. 

<br>The centurion apart from being escort was also the adviser of Caesar, but there was something disturbing that did not leave the tranquility on this Roman soldier, it was just that he dreamed that someone told him why you pursue me, it was just a panic dream, igualnnunca left his duties, it was already that ekmemperador had established a civilization far from Christianity, because he assumed that logic was very skeptical and that he had never been strong of the Christian doctrine, it was focused on a paradox that is part of the Roman fable only class on the strong man of mind.

<br>It was already in spring and the emperor felt strong fighter, he decided with his centurion Marcus it was time to conquer Constantinople, but there were strong Christian perigration, they made the decision to sign more five legions for the conquest of that place with one of the largest trade routes of that time, it took weeks to group, but so did our centurion, he just knew he had several battle to do one of them was with the border with Macedonia, they already knew where they were going in the defense of Caesar's honor, but what price had the life of innocent Christians, they were so much death that the centurion could not be more an executioner without cause, he had to speak to the emperor, he did not listen to him, he only asked him if he was a Christian, he knelt down and said no, but there was not a night without rest that the voice disturbed him "why are you persecuting me? . 

<br>They arrived at their destination with only a small portion of Constantinople, it was inevitable our brave centurion understood that he had to save the Christians from their own clutches, he rebels against his emperor managing to flee from their oppressors, manages to reach the capital of Constantinople warns them that he is coming to invade, but they believed him because he was a centurion, he took off his uniform and knelt in the name of God who heard his prayer, It was then that changed the fate of the Christians who lived in that place, as he could prepared a great flight of all Christians in the city, which were not number, because there were also Muslims, who took much of this nation, which the Romans did not know, the centurion was heard and the Muslims supported him because he would have all the control over Constantinople, they gave him a small fleet of ships to take the Christians to Jerusalem. 

<br>The centurion asked the Muslim leader for several men to fight and hold back the first legion, if he granted him that support only two hundred men, not to leave the city alone, this time was the last time he put on the Roman uniform, to fight against Rome with a legion of Muslims, it was very epic fight for two long days, they retained the first legion, already the Christians were on their way to Jerusalem, managing to save themselves, since that part continued to fight until they were defeated by the second legion, Marcus had a death say as the centurion who saved the Christians in that area, the Muslim king sent a whole large army that the other legion could not conquer Constantinople. </div>

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created2021-02-21 18:51:03
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root_title"El centurión // La condena ■ The centurion // The condemnation"
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vote details (22)