Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software by saini88

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· @saini88 ·
Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software
Good night all! Hopefully you are always in good health and can perform daily activities and routines as usual, and hopefully today is better than the previous days.

On this occasion I present again with a very special tutorial, of course still using special software that is also Inkscape. The tutorial on this occasion I mentioned special because the process of making it very long and a bit complicated, but I will try to explain step by step with a simple editorial and easy to understand.

As usual before I discuss the tutorial process, I will introduce first, what is Inkscape. But the exposure about inkscape software in this tutorial only I explain in general, because a detailed explanation I have explained in my first tutorial. You can also learn about this inkscape in more detail on the websites available on google.

# Inkscape

Inkscape is an open source software that is almost equivalent to Corel Draw, although not as famous as the corel draw itself. But this software already meets the standard XML, SVG and inkscape CSS can also run on windows operating system, so this graphic device is really friendly with you who have talent graphic designer.

The main goal of inkscape is presented is to be one of the current cutting-edge graphics tools. Okay friends, that's a glimpse of information about this inkscape, now we go into the tutorial season.

# Tutorial
## Create logo award by using Inkscape Software
![Tutorial Award Logo.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1513265165/f6b99ecxwp76g8lysli9.png)

The first step click the file on the menu bar then select the document properties, then uncheck the show page border on the document properties command screen. Then click view on the menu bar also select custom and select zoom and select zoo 1: 1

The second step click the icon align and distributed object on the menu bar and fill and stroke icon on the menu bar also to facilitate us to edit the objects that will become a logo award that we will do.

Now we go to the third step, click the create circle and ellipses and arcs icon on the side bar, and make a round object and give one of the colors you like on the task bar, here I use red, then click the draw icon Bezier on the side bar and make the line lag horizontally and press enter on the keyboard. Next click the edit path by nodes icon on the side bar as well and click and drag the line earlier so that the curved shape follows the round object. Or follow the instructions in the picture below.

The fourth step is to opacity the round object or the main object by setting the opacity line on the fill and stroke object screen, then click the rectangles icon on the side bar and create a second object with rectangular shape, and place it above the main object so that it covers some of the objects , then the second block then click the path and select intersection, then the object will be truncated automatically, then right click on the truncated object, then select duplicate, and click the flip icon selected object vertically or simply press V key on the keyboard to reverse the position of the duplicate object , then another block and click align bottom edges of object on the align and distributed object's command screen, then click the path on the menu bar and select union to merge the two objects separately. as in the instructions of some images below

The fifth step, right click on the object and select duplicate, then click the flip icon object horizontally on the menu bar to reverse the position of duplicate object, now we already have two objects,

The sixth step right click on the right object and select copy, make sure you select the copy, then activate the curved line object and click the path on the menu bar and select path effect editor, then akn munculu screen command on the right. At the command screen click on the down arrow and select Pattern Along Path, then click Add button next to it, then click the down arrow next to the pattern pattern copies and select repeated or repeated stretched and last click the padlock icon link to path, then the curved line will transformed into a large number of leaves. To reduce the number of objects is enough to enlarge the main object or minimize to multiply on the curved line earlier. Hopefully you are not confused I attach the image of the process below.

I hope you guys try to make it later, so you can be patient, because the process of making this one logo is complicated and a bit confusing. Okay ,, we go to the next step.

The seventh step right click on the curved object and select duplicate, then move sideways and click the minus icon (-) on the path effect screen editor to change the object into a curved line, then set its position to the object earlier.

Step eighth, right click on object number two and select copy and do step like in the sixth step earlier, so that line change following object beside it with fewer particle number.

Step nine click the create circles icon, ellipses and arcs on the side bar and make an additional object round shape and set its position accordingly. Then right click on the object in the shape of the leaves and select duplicate, then click the flip icon objects horizontally and move to the right side, now the logo has started to form 50%.

Step ten right click on round object and select duplicate then change color available on task bar, here I use white color then reduce the size and position right in the middle of the original object. Then click the original object and duplicate it then click the path on the menu bar and select the difference.

The eleventh step is to make writing, as usual click icon create and edit the text object on the side bar and make any posts you want. Here I write the 2017 tutorial award.

The twelfth step, color editing, if you want to change or edit the logo colors become more elegant and look polished follow these steps, click the rectangles icon on the side bar and create a square object then give dark color with low opacity, then put logo which you have design above, then click the logo then click the linear gradient icon on the fill and stroke command screen then click the edit button, it will exit the gradient editor screen command, on the command screen click the add stop button, which works for the number of colors that will given in the logo, then edit one by one the add stop with the desired color, here I use the gold color, and at this color edit stage will be given auxiliary line with the number of dots corresponding to the add stop we created earlier, the points are to adjust the determination color or lighting on the logo. So at this stage between the technical and imagination must be very balanced so that the results of lighting and color giving on the logo will be maximized.

And the result is
![Tutorial Award Logo.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1513266138/fpa2jgrsid924btnn0ez.png)

Okay friends, that's all I can share on this occasion of my tutorial this time, hopefully useful for all of us. For those of you who want to try to make it enthusiastic and try hard with good luck, and for those of you who are proficient using this Inkscape software, give criticism and suggestions that are constructive or positive tone for the completion of the next tutorials. 
Best regards @saini88

<br /><hr/><em>Posted on <a href="https://utopian.io/utopian-io/@saini88/tutorial-create-logo-award-by-using-inkscape-software">Utopian.io -  Rewarding Open Source Contributors</a></em><hr/>
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created2017-12-14 15:50:06
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vote details (11)
@face2face ·
good going
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root_title"Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@saini88 ·
Thank sir! have a long time I didn't visit yours, :) I will visit now :D
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created2017-12-14 16:06:51
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root_title"Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@manishmike10 ·
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/UCvqCsx).
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created2017-12-15 04:03:00
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root_title"Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@saini88 ·
Thank you very much @manishmike10 #utopian-moderator
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root_title"Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@fabiyamada ·
I need to check this carefully later n.n
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created2017-12-15 06:54:36
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root_title"Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@utopian-io ·
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created2017-12-15 23:28:06
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last_payout2017-12-22 23:28:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Tutorial : Create Logo Award by using Inkscape Software"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD