Spam, Comment & Post Farming Report - 01/19/2018, 01/20/2018, 01/21/2018 by spaminator

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· @spaminator · (edited)
Spam, Comment & Post Farming Report - 01/19/2018, 01/20/2018, 01/21/2018

| dimimp           | 48 | -60860 |
| zmonjyab         | 36 | -12728 |
| lisaallison      | 32 | -5269  |
| atticuspearson   | 31 | -6222  |
| danlupi          | 21 | -15755 |
| taimurmaier      | 20 | -10413 |
| manuel20         | 14 | -563   |
| oldmonk          | 13 | -276   |
| ryox             | 13 | -1116  |
| xiknybuc         | 13 | -2057  |
| iotahub          | 12 | -1907  |
| beautyphotos     | 10 | -6604  |
| bines            | 10 | -623   |
| drumz            | 10 | -519   |
| kinenraca        | 10 | -505   |
| hidiernella      | 9  | -121   |
| hussosa          | 9  | -492   |
| monatalli        | 9  | -485   |
| raliallys        | 9  | -459   |
| webbyaako        | 9  | -336   |
| checkthisout     | 8  | -2401  |
| gashaun          | 8  | -390   |
| kenneryl         | 8  | -104   |
| qianniw          | 8  | -68    |
| quillonardi      | 8  | -433   |
| daliainek        | 7  | -484   |
| holunder         | 7  | -475   |
| jarida           | 7  | -503   |
| omerrr           | 7  | -446   |
| battispa         | 6  | -281   |
| droscarmi        | 6  | -314   |
| gadebl           | 6  | -498   |
| javhorny         | 6  | -354   |
| jonelly          | 6  | -240   |
| qianni           | 6  | -434   |
| rialelo          | 6  | -112   |
| viconnons        | 6  | -377   |
| aedorjan         | 5  | -231   |
| coiserento       | 5  | -499   |
| dulceann         | 5  | -288   |
| fredewew         | 5  | -115   |
| garekhal         | 5  | -229   |
| gelorrico        | 5  | -414   |
| gorillaz         | 5  | -1000  |
| haruea           | 5  | -151   |
| harvesee         | 5  | -60    |
| helse            | 5  | -429   |
| innokentiy       | 5  | -1000  |
| ishanes          | 5  | -398   |
| istalo           | 5  | -123   |
| jaceyes          | 5  | -53    |
| jaridane         | 5  | -50    |
| kanou            | 5  | -393   |
| mberke           | 5  | -200   |
| nyakovi          | 5  | -49    |
| realnice         | 5  | -1000  |
| roccofalcone     | 5  | -231   |
| visond           | 5  | -173   |
| abnormal123      | 4  | -614   |
| darriellett      | 4  | -116   |
| fitex            | 4  | -163   |
| gelorr           | 4  | -131   |
| herbessei        | 4  | -85    |
| hunterbutt       | 4  | -11    |
| julliapro777     | 4  | -679   |
| kodea            | 4  | -45    |
| lanka            | 4  | -172   |
| leslierevales    | 4  | -18    |
| letauy           | 4  | -266   |
| nerrieari        | 4  | -257   |
| odessitka93      | 4  | -800   |
| privacycoinsnews | 4  | -112   |
| rolikk5          | 4  | -800   |
| uerian           | 4  | -221   |
| vikk124          | 4  | -800   |
| warto            | 4  | -314   |
| coyearnon        | 3  | -80    |
| gamesocial       | 3  | -100   |
| grand            | 3  | -691   |
| lisina6          | 3  | -30    |
| onetternic       | 3  | -49    |
| rash068          | 3  | -600   |
| whitche          | 3  | -25    |
| zahirani         | 3  | -19    |
| beamni           | 2  | -62    |
| bedicen          | 2  | -31    |
| bitcoinalert     | 2  | -44    |
| celine-wah       | 2  | -61    |
| deytrot2         | 2  | -400   |
| dinetaa          | 2  | -64    |
| divel            | 2  | -249   |
| eldassi          | 2  | -273   |
| fulllaereb       | 2  | -56    |
| jeannoto         | 2  | -53    |
| monata           | 2  | -17    |
| naelann          | 2  | -28    |
| neocoinalert     | 2  | -130   |
| nnene            | 2  | -48    |
| patelchirag      | 2  | -202   |
| polskicon        | 2  | -62    |
| robbin           | 2  | -62    |
| shonani          | 2  | -156   |
| sivanperwer      | 2  | -55    |
| texsaslife       | 2  | -57    |
| unnya            | 2  | -16    |
| verso            | 2  | -27    |
| waynette         | 2  | -32    |
| wenuckan         | 2  | -27    |
| widene           | 2  | -9     |
| wroler           | 2  | -46    |
| wynelli          | 2  | -154   |
| aaronwalker      | 1  | -10    |
| afonyshew        | 1  | -5     |
| agata93          | 1  | -47    |
| akimov           | 1  | -41    |
| akulinarybakov   | 1  | -11    |
| aleks1           | 1  | -23    |
| alexdr           | 1  | -13    |
| alinaisaeva      | 1  | -140   |
| alinazajcev      | 1  | -24    |
| alladackova      | 1  | -29    |
| amaliya          | 1  | -7     |
| anastasiakula    | 1  | -9     |
| anetka           | 1  | -24    |
| angel35          | 1  | -21    |
| animus999        | 1  | -37    |
| anzelikaakovleva | 1  | -9     |
| arakelova1       | 1  | -74    |
| artemevapraskova | 1  | -27    |
| artiruza         | 1  | -10    |
| asymah           | 1  | -25    |
| auks             | 1  | -17    |
| babapa           | 1  | -115   |
| baranovavera     | 1  | -19    |
| baufestzoose     | 1  | -50    |
| beavve           | 1  | -91    |
| bedsfiltiore     | 1  | -74    |
| belakovavalenti  | 1  | -56    |
| berlok           | 1  | -47    |
| besabtuno        | 1  | -15    |
| bigmaxsi         | 1  | -9     |
| bivaliy          | 1  | -16    |
| bivusasin        | 1  | -200   |
| blogoved         | 1  | -79    |
| bmy11            | 1  | -50    |
| bobayuri         | 1  | -47    |
| boxer-cristian   | 1  | -19    |
| brygide          | 1  | -96    |
| butusov          | 1  | -114   |
| cartour          | 1  | -36    |
| casterr          | 1  | -28    |
| cent-dami        | 1  | -32    |
| charng           | 1  | -96    |
| chartis          | 1  | -94    |
| cheberyak        | 1  | -67    |
| chuvanova        | 1  | -54    |
| coisere          | 1  | -8     |
| daicfininin      | 1  | -40    |
| daksskad         | 1  | -66    |
| danielaa         | 1  | -20    |
| dani-fun         | 1  | -29    |
| deakozhov        | 1  | -5     |
| denisovaoksana   | 1  | -113   |
| deossakpe        | 1  | -108   |
| devils666        | 1  | -2     |
| dimka77          | 1  | -16    |
| dosaltopa        | 1  | -91    |
| dozeks           | 1  | -38    |
| dreler           | 1  | -33    |
| dvdkrom          | 1  | -44    |
| eduard1n         | 1  | -46    |
| edvardsolo       | 1  | -31    |
| elizavetadackova | 1  | -66    |
| elizavetafedose  | 1  | -36    |
| emelyanov        | 1  | -44    |
| enedrie          | 1  | -10    |
| enigmat          | 1  | -73    |
| ertrevrinscen    | 1  | -71    |
| eshurin          | 1  | -200   |
| ethereumhub      | 1  | -9     |
| evseevamaria     | 1  | -17    |
| fabernaz         | 1  | -57    |
| fabernazov       | 1  | -66    |
| fadilgunduz      | 1  | -24    |
| fainaisakov      | 1  | -23    |
| feklagusin       | 1  | -117   |
| fevroniazukova   | 1  | -23    |
| filijek          | 1  | -16    |
| fimecote         | 1  | -46    |
| fishta           | 1  | -37    |
| fjekslsx         | 1  | -103   |
| florentinka      | 1  | -64    |
| fluizmok         | 1  | -45    |
| francian         | 1  | -27    |
| gabrielll        | 1  | -28    |
| gaeladbem        | 1  | -24    |
| gaissaa          | 1  | -6     |
| gamelineika      | 1  | -33    |
| gameover2018     | 1  | -25    |
| gaust54          | 1  | -22    |
| geakgates        | 1  | -100   |
| genotip          | 1  | -27    |
| gerebet          | 1  | -50    |
| giancere         | 1  | -6     |
| gidra73          | 1  | -50    |
| glafirakiselev   | 1  | -34    |
| glebozin         | 1  | -132   |
| gorepsast        | 1  | -200   |
| grinina          | 1  | -32    |
| grovzi           | 1  | -40    |
| gudkova          | 1  | -19    |
| habekruzi        | 1  | -200   |
| haunter          | 1  | -70    |
| heidalphasa      | 1  | -37    |
| humor-room       | 1  | -24    |
| iasamojlov       | 1  | -200   |
| iaterenteva      | 1  | -40    |
| imposible        | 1  | -36    |
| ingurinka        | 1  | -30    |
| iraidagorbun     | 1  | -38    |
| isakovaevprak    | 1  | -2     |
| ivanovaangelin   | 1  | -200   |
| izotok           | 1  | -90    |
| izotov           | 1  | -51    |
| izzimak          | 1  | -200   |
| jannet-toms      | 1  | -58    |
| jumpstyle        | 1  | -25    |
| jungleebitcoin   | 1  | -911   |
| kakurlazh        | 1  | -17    |
| kalituhasenya    | 1  | -22    |
| kaner            | 1  | -112   |
| karastafe        | 1  | -46    |
| kargin           | 1  | -59    |
| karnileta        | 1  | -4     |
| kasoff           | 1  | -8     |
| katyushha94      | 1  | -44    |
| kavyudanp        | 1  | -21    |
| kealdovke        | 1  | -33    |
| keavonbam        | 1  | -70    |
| keikverak        | 1  | -43    |
| kerikey          | 1  | -47    |
| keyakripy        | 1  | -7     |
| kiekuvyuv        | 1  | -39    |
| kimberlymason    | 1  | -26    |
| kiragorbaceva    | 1  | -30    |
| kirillguru       | 1  | -3     |
| kiselevav        | 1  | -36    |
| kizeka           | 1  | -20    |
| klanko           | 1  | -51    |
| klimenko         | 1  | -200   |
| knotmilcala      | 1  | -38    |
| koarisev         | 1  | -52    |
| koolpab          | 1  | -30    |
| koselevairin     | 1  | -61    |
| koshka1          | 1  | -5     |
| krasilnikova     | 1  | -71    |
| krekovas         | 1  | -8     |
| krivoruchko      | 1  | -37    |
| kuet             | 1  | -30    |
| kulikovaall      | 1  | -60    |
| kuvarzin         | 1  | -122   |
| kuzbass          | 1  | -45    |
| labapshas        | 1  | -23    |
| laboz            | 1  | -36    |
| lakimenna        | 1  | -74    |
| lanankuli        | 1  | -50    |
| laobva           | 1  | -53    |
| laobvakla        | 1  | -25    |
| larisabragina    | 1  | -23    |
| layummenb        | 1  | -7     |
| lazurit          | 1  | -50    |
| leksand          | 1  | -104   |
| lentarenta       | 1  | -18    |
| leokuzya         | 1  | -38    |
| leroev           | 1  | -47    |
| lidiacvetkova    | 1  | -9     |
| lidiatretakov    | 1  | -102   |
| likanatalika     | 1  | -6     |
| lizamostit       | 1  | -52    |
| lunator          | 1  | -29    |
| maapeldek        | 1  | -46    |
| maks454          | 1  | -13    |
| maksimuks        | 1  | -41    |
| makushev         | 1  | -84    |
| mamontovasv      | 1  | -10    |
| marat84          | 1  | -29    |
| margaritapahom   | 1  | -49    |
| margaritapahomo  | 1  | -113   |
| martinhug        | 1  | -16    |
| mashezazh        | 1  | -65    |
| mashtela         | 1  | -57    |
| matveeva         | 1  | -60    |
| mavedanal        | 1  | -61    |
| maxim878         | 1  | -89    |
| maximgg          | 1  | -118   |
| memepgalv        | 1  | -5     |
| merkusevaangeli  | 1  | -23    |
| microcircuit     | 1  | -57    |
| milicamoisee     | 1  | -26    |
| mirosya          | 1  | -43    |
| misinaelizaveta  | 1  | -25    |
| mispar           | 1  | -20    |
| mobileon         | 1  | -95    |
| moelaclol        | 1  | -26    |
| monamona534      | 1  | -82    |
| moneronews       | 1  | -12    |
| mrmayo           | 1  | -7     |
| mulenrush        | 1  | -200   |
| mus              | 1  | -10    |
| musf5            | 1  | -29    |
| myuasinmo        | 1  | -25    |
| naalakfob        | 1  | -62    |
| naanlanag        | 1  | -95    |
| naegkotez        | 1  | -32    |
| nainaselezneva   | 1  | -33    |
| nakebkasi        | 1  | -200   |
| nalobzhos        | 1  | -14    |
| nancyy           | 1  | -28    |
| narkidka         | 1  | -5     |
| nasyakcis        | 1  | -25    |
| natalaevseeva    | 1  | -53    |
| nazarovavarvara  | 1  | -51    |
| nazzzik90        | 1  | -200   |
| neoproppinspo    | 1  | -48    |
| new-sings        | 1  | -47    |
| newstarg         | 1  | -25    |
| nexiumm          | 1  | -25    |
| nezlob           | 1  | -76    |
| nidyuv           | 1  | -13    |
| nikanetpu        | 1  | -200   |
| nikunjshah       | 1  | -200   |
| pinkiee          | 1  | -29    |
| qwinar           | 1  | -11    |
| rippleinfo       | 1  | -2     |
| sonal            | 1  | -200   |
| veslushkasvetik  | 1  | -99    |
| vetoon           | 1  | -95    |
| vfadeeva         | 1  | -4     |
| vikosiev90       | 1  | -25    |
| vilyushkinaolga  | 1  | -17    |
| vitalkakrav4enko | 1  | -98    |
| viven            | 1  | -5     |
| vlasovbromka     | 1  | -67    |
| vnaletovilya     | 1  | -58    |
| voisen           | 1  | -61    |
| vojnovanastya    | 1  | -38    |
| vokosyuba        | 1  | -55    |
| volhonskijborya  | 1  | -7     |
| volkovamaja      | 1  | -50    |
| vovkatrofkimov   | 1  | -36    |
| vumalasch        | 1  | -105   |
| vya4eslkav8      | 1  | -37    |
| wallieicalipala  | 1  | -21    |
| walljonathan     | 1  | -18    |
| wazha            | 1  | -4     |
| welickanilleola  | 1  | -60    |
| whisperhammer    | 1  | -57    |
| whiteworker29    | 1  | -50    |
| wlodzimierzkem   | 1  | -32    |
| womanandgun      | 1  | -110   |
| xosh             | 1  | -5     |
| yarnellc         | 1  | -28    |
| yazanovakatya    | 1  | -33    |
| ysyugovankina    | 1  | -41    |
| zakievrenat      | 1  | -26    |
| zanossim         | 1  | -35    |
| zarmanyothespil  | 1  | -22    |
| zebennagk        | 1  | -38    |
| zhakyuvan        | 1  | -53    |
| ziclledfakessic  | 1  | -29    |
| zihnaidas59      | 1  | -54    |
| zilinckijviktor  | 1  | -62    |
| zkovaalenka      | 1  | -41    |
| zlorabakubepbanc | 1  | -11    |
| zneckayanna      | 1  | -79    |
| zoyakrasenko     | 1  | -17    |
| zozulyaverka     | 1  | -108   |
| zubegazka        | 1  | -23    |
| zzaninimausandi  | 1  | -15    |

Witnesses that support @spaminator with donations of time and delegations:


Currently receiving delegations from:
| Account           | M Vesting Shares |
| @ned              | 409.517          |
| @freedom          | 200.0            |
| @misterdelegation | 134.536          |
| @arhag            | 102.377          |
| @timcliff         | 10.239           |
| @ausbitbank       | 2.088            |
| @v4vapid          | 2.069            |
| @finnian          | 2.055            |
| @lukestokes.mhth  | 2.048            |
| @steevc           | 1.024            |
| @juicy-shark      | 0.67             |
| @drakos           | 0.616            |
| @mahdiyari        | 0.309            |
| @shello           | 0.205            |
| @crimsonclad      | 0.205            |
| @freebornangel    | 0.2              |
| @abh12345         | 0.119            |
| @freebornsociety  | 0.1              |
| @investfourmore   | 0.04             |
| @commstech        | 0.04             |
| @azurejasper      | 0.03             |
| @jamzed           | 0.025            |
| @sco              | 0.02             |

@mack-bot delegators

| Account          | M Vesting Shares |
| @steemcleaners   | 10.261           |
| @blocktrades     | 10.037           |
| @teamsteem       | 2.164            |
| @lukestokes.mhth | 2.047            |
| @spaminator      | 1.804            |
| @crimsonclad     | 0.307            |
| @jamzed          | 0.025            |
| @sco             | 0.02             |

@mack-bot is a part of this project.  @mack-bot flags posts of known spammers immediately after posting.  The flag is used to track these accounts and when @mack-bot has enough VP/SP to hide high frequency spam posts/comments immediately. 

Currently Delegating to:
| Delegatee | Amount     | Vesting Shares | Delegation Time   |
| mack-bot  | 880.248 SP | 1.804 MVests   | 2017-12-19, 00:08 |
| quarry    | 206.761 SP | 0.424 MVests   | 2017-11-20, 17:31 |

Donations from:

If I'm missing anyone here let me know!

🙝  Spaminator Artwork by @atopy

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properties (23)
json_metadata"{"format": "markdown", "links": [""], "app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemcleaners", "steemitabuse", "steemit", "abuse", "steemit-abuse"], "users": ["spaminator", "ned", "freedom", "misterdelegation", "arhag", "timcliff", "ausbitbank", "v4vapid", "finnian", "lukestokes.mhth", "steevc", "juicy-shark", "drakos", "mahdiyari", "shello", "crimsonclad", "freebornangel", "abh12345", "freebornsociety", "investfourmore", "commstech", "azurejasper", "jamzed", "sco", "mack-bot", "steemcleaners", "blocktrades", "teamsteem", "atopy"], "image": [""]}"
created2018-01-22 17:58:00
last_update2018-01-22 18:04:18
last_payout2018-01-29 17:58:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value68.184 SBD
curator_payout_value14.372 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment & Post Farming Report - 01/19/2018, 01/20/2018, 01/21/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (29)
@rinaldi ·
Nice post...
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemcleaners"]}"
created2018-01-22 17:59:18
last_update2018-01-22 17:59:18
last_payout2018-01-29 17:59:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment & Post Farming Report - 01/19/2018, 01/20/2018, 01/21/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@steemcleaners ·
Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community. 

Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:

* 10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Informative Post” , “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.

* Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.

* Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).

* Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.

* Fishing/farming votes by using multiple accounts to comment on posts by known comment curators.

* Unsolicited and off topic referral links.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the [cheetah bot](

More Info: <a href="">Abuse Guide - 2017</a>.
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["steemcleaners"], "links": ["", ""], "tags": ["steemcleaners"]}"
created2018-01-22 18:07:45
last_update2018-01-22 18:07:45
last_payout2018-01-29 18:07:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value2.718 SBD
curator_payout_value0.391 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment &amp; Post Farming Report - 01/19/2018, 01/20/2018, 01/21/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)