Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - 04/09/2018 by spaminator

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· @spaminator ·
Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - 04/09/2018

#  Report

| author           | Count | Group                     | 
| hussnain         | 31    | reposter                  | 
|      | 14    | spam                      | 
| the-mayor        | 9     | colorchallenge            | 
| reported         | 8     | colorchallenge            | 
| babaraliniazi    | 8     | lovesteem                 | 
| royrodgers       | 8     | colorchallenge            | 
| cardboardbox     | 7     | colorchallenge            | 
| lovesteem        | 7     | lovesteem                 | 
| mrainp420        | 6     | colorchallenge            | 
| padmavat         | 6     | movies                    | 
| kamerlighn       | 5     | phishing victim           | 
| martinshkreli    | 5     | colorchallenge            | 
| mrainp           | 5     | colorchallenge            | 
| megan93          | 5     | blockgirls                | 
| sdr-7            | 4     | fake charity comment farm | 
| axiomatic        | 3     | colorchallenge            | 
| tacosmexico      | 3     | colorchallenge            | 
| cjvnm            | 2     | panther                   | 
| bang2            | 2     | panther                   | 
| pppp6            | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid104        | 2     | panther                   | 
| cnwi548          | 2     | panther                   | 
| antelope1        | 2     | panther                   | 
| dream19          | 2     | panther                   | 
| antelope2        | 2     | panther                   | 
| sadw             | 2     | panther                   | 
| ashore2          | 2     | panther                   | 
| pond2            | 2     | panther                   | 
| protocol100      | 2     | panther                   | 
| csd6             | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid106        | 2     | panther                   | 
| build203         | 2     | panther                   | 
| wef3             | 2     | panther                   | 
| ssssa            | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid103        | 2     | panther                   | 
| g3g736           | 2     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei11        | 2     | panther                   | 
| miuya            | 2     | panther                   | 
| router105        | 2     | panther                   | 
| apamae           | 2     | artspam                   | 
| srhse            | 2     | panther                   | 
| douhh            | 2     | panther                   | 
| wkojxy2ig        | 2     | panther                   | 
| dream17          | 2     | panther                   | 
| fogih            | 2     | panther                   | 
| sdeq             | 2     | panther                   | 
| cd22en           | 2     | panther                   | 
| x9yen3kv0        | 2     | panther                   | 
| charlotte89      | 2     | blockgirls                | 
| xiaohei20        | 2     | panther                   | 
| oena96e          | 2     | panther                   | 
| curisou2         | 2     | panther                   | 
| err4t            | 2     | panther                   | 
| animate4         | 2     | panther                   | 
| dbajby           | 2     | panther                   | 
| curious2         | 2     | panther                   | 
| switch103        | 2     | panther                   | 
| dream16          | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin5          | 2     | panther                   | 
| yyy45            | 2     | panther                   | 
| cope33331        | 2     | panther                   | 
| chess113         | 2     | panther                   | 
| ftygfg1          | 2     | panther                   | 
| encounter2       | 2     | panther                   | 
| wpian548         | 2     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei17        | 2     | panther                   | 
| ertyq            | 2     | panther                   | 
| ereeeq           | 2     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei19        | 2     | panther                   | 
| xhxyab           | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid108        | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin3          | 2     | panther                   | 
| doudu            | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid102        | 2     | panther                   | 
| router106        | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid105        | 2     | panther                   | 
| jianmo           | 2     | panther                   | 
| zukuc            | 2     | panther                   | 
| build204         | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin8          | 2     | panther                   | 
| bulid201         | 2     | panther                   | 
| concerfn2        | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin7          | 2     | panther                   | 
| conclusion2      | 2     | panther                   | 
| oiuaj            | 2     | panther                   | 
| q59lhiczx        | 2     | panther                   | 
| cheaa12          | 2     | panther                   | 
| miua             | 2     | panther                   | 
| competert2       | 2     | panther                   | 
| z1w43dpy6        | 2     | panther                   | 
| v9kxgqkl         | 2     | panther                   | 
| aisle5           | 2     | panther                   | 
| hh0lnp           | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin9          | 2     | panther                   | 
| dream20          | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin2          | 2     | panther                   | 
| build206         | 2     | panther                   | 
| skess11          | 2     | panther                   | 
| vfwe43           | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin1          | 2     | panther                   | 
| router107        | 2     | panther                   | 
| aisod            | 2     | panther                   | 
| animate2         | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin6          | 2     | panther                   | 
| kneu54           | 2     | panther                   | 
| gijd9998j        | 2     | panther                   | 
| skess14          | 2     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei13        | 2     | panther                   | 
| hybrid107        | 2     | panther                   | 
| dream22          | 2     | panther                   | 
| animate5         | 2     | panther                   | 
| swoi987          | 2     | panther                   | 
| sdeq2            | 2     | panther                   | 
| build209         | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy103        | 2     | panther                   | 
| ttbud7187        | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin59         | 2     | panther                   | 
| jfdwonf          | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin57         | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy107        | 2     | panther                   | 
| drq2             | 2     | panther                   | 
| liushui1         | 2     | panther                   | 
| niuea            | 2     | panther                   | 
| sdfea            | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin55         | 2     | panther                   | 
| arvf             | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy106        | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy104        | 2     | panther                   | 
| er32             | 2     | panther                   | 
| liushui2         | 2     | panther                   | 
| qwezxcs          | 2     | panther                   | 
| qweq             | 2     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan8         | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy109        | 2     | panther                   | 
| build208         | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy101        | 2     | panther                   | 
| policy105        | 2     | panther                   | 
| sefkw            | 2     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan7         | 2     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin53         | 2     | panther                   | 
| nicolette94      | 2     | blockgirls                | 
| yliac            | 2     | steempress                | 
| pixler           | 2     | a0b                       | 
| a-0-0            | 2     | a-0-0                     | 
| dream18          | 1     | panther                   | 
| cmfeis5          | 1     | panther                   | 
| ertqw            | 1     | panther                   | 
| build202         | 1     | panther                   | 
| mxkqic           | 1     | panther                   | 
| dream15          | 1     | panther                   | 
| dcva546          | 1     | panther                   | 
| suruchita        | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| iuy              | 1     | panther                   | 
| niyyyy           | 1     | panther                   | 
| build205         | 1     | panther                   | 
| switch100        | 1     | panther                   | 
| huangguorong     | 1     | panther                   | 
| maimunah         | 1     | artspam                   | 
| mrnaingsoe       | 1     | mrnaingsoe-esteem farm    | 
| skess13          | 1     | panther                   | 
| qhh4wxtp8        | 1     | panther                   | 
| sfeeeeeeer       | 1     | panther                   | 
| router109        | 1     | panther                   | 
| woa              | 1     | panther                   | 
| hayatsheikh      | 1     | imagequote                | 
| hybrid101        | 1     | panther                   | 
| ta5aswh0l        | 1     | panther                   | 
| nvbuw54          | 1     | panther                   | 
| router104        | 1     | panther                   | 
| loping           | 1     | spam                      | 
| rkminz2017       | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| gvde43           | 1     | panther                   | 
| oepan            | 1     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei21        | 1     | panther                   | 
| yyy44            | 1     | panther                   | 
| oppop            | 1     | panther                   | 
| swirch101        | 1     | panther                   | 
| bgraman          | 1     | artspam                   | 
| xiaohei16        | 1     | panther                   | 
| cryptoassailam   | 1     | imagequote                | 
| xiaohei18        | 1     | panther                   | 
| maye4            | 1     | panther                   | 
| rgwsegd          | 1     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei15        | 1     | panther                   | 
| hybrid109        | 1     | panther                   | 
| router108        | 1     | panther                   | 
| bulid200         | 1     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin4          | 1     | panther                   | 
| ashore3          | 1     | panther                   | 
| delay3333        | 1     | panther                   | 
| minnowsteemwin   | 1     | bid bot scam              | 
| minzadvik2017    | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| wqxwu            | 1     | panther                   | 
| dream21          | 1     | panther                   | 
| oddod            | 1     | panther                   | 
| minzmax2017      | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| animate1         | 1     | panther                   | 
| ertaa            | 1     | panther                   | 
| niyt             | 1     | panther                   | 
| pulse2           | 1     | panther                   | 
| oc43bw           | 1     | panther                   | 
| ff434            | 1     | panther                   | 
| dream24          | 1     | panther                   | 
| qgkz4r           | 1     | panther                   | 
| das3             | 1     | panther                   | 
| ikminz2017       | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| yyy43            | 1     | panther                   | 
| dream23          | 1     | panther                   | 
| suruminz2017     | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| olw7wxp0         | 1     | panther                   | 
| preposition2     | 1     | panther                   | 
| i0m6onovw        | 1     | panther                   | 
| rondap           | 1     | artspam                   | 
| plplplpl333      | 1     | panther                   | 
| dbaaaf           | 1     | panther                   | 
| animate3         | 1     | panther                   | 
| industrynews     | 1     | researchmoz               | 
| iuyan            | 1     | panther                   | 
| xiaohei12        | 1     | panther                   | 
| linyanfeng       | 1     | panther - master          | 
| switch102        | 1     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin54         | 1     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan3         | 1     | panther                   | 
| theodore-ams     | 1     | movies                    | 
| ns38             | 1     | panther                   | 
| qwety            | 1     | panther                   | 
| access100        | 1     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan6         | 1     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan1         | 1     | panther                   | 
| e4qqw            | 1     | panther                   | 
| policy102        | 1     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan4         | 1     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin56         | 1     | panther                   | 
| mnwew            | 1     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin52         | 1     | panther                   | 
| dtd3             | 1     | panther                   | 
| policy108        | 1     | panther                   | 
| zhiyin58         | 1     | panther                   | 
| jfwoenn          | 1     | panther                   | 
| mi3s             | 1     | panther                   | 
| build207         | 1     | panther                   | 
| fjwonf           | 1     | panther                   | 
| sfg3             | 1     | panther                   | 
| poiew            | 1     | panther                   | 
| we31             | 1     | panther                   | 
| eydzcc2198       | 1     | panther                   | 
| gaoshan5         | 1     | panther                   | 
| hirasweety       | 1     | imagequote                | 
| veria            | 1     | phishing victim           | 
| misterrising2018 | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| goldenber2018    | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| bulblack2018     | 1     | ishaq                     | 
| sliyan           | 1     | phishing victim           | 
| razu             | 1     | phishing victim           | 
| sepfriadi        | 1     | phishing victim           | 
| lucas3           | 1     |                           | 
| mariellefarmer   | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| monique96        | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| janet99          | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| morganbarnett    | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| mizukst          | 1     | anderson007               | 
| kristineleach    | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| laciedavis       | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| arthurbruce      | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| jessica92        | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| hassienewton     | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| elena95          | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| timmyfox         | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| sarahburton      | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| natasha98        | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| jerrodpearce     | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| neilpatel        | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| juliet92         | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| samshepherd      | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| vicbarnes        | 1     | colorchallenge            | 
| bagusalip8899    | 1     | movies                    | 
| kentali          | 1     | artspam                   | 
| lena97           | 1     | blockgirls                | 
| a-poetry-fanatic | 1     | a0b                       | 

*No group listed indicates the flags related to phishing or have been removed.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
👎  , ,
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"format": "markdown", "app": "steemit/0.1", "image": [""], "tags": ["spaminator", "steemcleaners", "spam", "abuse"]}"
created2018-04-10 17:51:33
last_update2018-04-10 17:51:33
last_payout2018-04-17 17:51:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value19.899 SBD
curator_payout_value2.337 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - 04/09/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (34)
@teukuyusril ·
plis please return my steemit account level,
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "busy/2.4.0", "community": "busy", "tags": ["spaminator"]}"
created2018-04-10 20:15:03
last_update2018-04-10 20:15:03
last_payout2018-04-17 20:15:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - 04/09/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@alfiannurmedia ·
Fery good post my frend
👍  , ,
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app": "busy/2.4.0", "community": "busy", "tags": ["spaminator"]}"
created2018-04-11 04:49:00
last_update2018-04-11 04:49:00
last_payout2018-04-18 04:49:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - 04/09/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (3)
@bnchhetri ·
Great information
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"format": "markdown+html", "app": "esteem/1.5.1", "community": "esteem", "tags": ["spaminator", "steemcleaners", "spam", "abuse"]}"
created2018-04-11 06:59:12
last_update2018-04-11 06:59:12
last_payout2018-04-18 06:59:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - 04/09/2018"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD