[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 09.12.2018 GMT] Top Of The Pop by t3ran13

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· @t3ran13 ·
[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 09.12.2018 GMT] Top Of The Pop

# <center>The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.</center>

## <center>Check them out below!</center>

## <center>What makes our list special?</center>
- **We suffer very little influence from bots**. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
- **Our lists have credible authority** because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
- **Only the best content** should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
- **Lists quality is highly guaranteed** because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.

## <center>How it works:</center>

Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.

How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.

I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10  for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.

Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more)  Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.

## <center>Examples:</center>

#### Earning vote value on a specific tag:
- *Bob* made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means **he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag**, so **his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts**.
- Because of this, *Kate* posted something on #steem and *Bob* voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.

#### Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:
- Even if *Bob* has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. **His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.**
- *Peter* then posted on #photography and *Bob* voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.

#### Losing vote value for inactivity:
- While *Bob* doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).

### <center>Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!</center>

## <center>09.12.2018</center>
### <center>Best from all tags (9610 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>92.192</sub> | <a href="/photography/@gringalicious/fast-and-simple-egg-rolls-food-photo-shoot">Fast and Simple “Egg” Rolls - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT</a> <br> <sub>@gringalicious &#9733; 398 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.857 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.897</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/at-ruined-traditional-pavilion-of-confucianism-in-korea">At Ruined Traditional Pavilion of Confucianism in Korea</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 453 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (70.127 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.727</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@rest100/atl-recap-with-team-stackz-everything">ATL recap with Team Stackz Everything</a> <br> <sub>@rest100 &#9733; 280 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (75.924 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.136</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/mull-it-over">Mull It Over</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 197 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.712</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/ragout-and-whiskey-house-dean-s-tokyo-snapshots-edit-hotel">RAGOUT & WHISKEY HOUSE 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 橫濱Edit Hotel的休閒午餐</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 151 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.635 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.654</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/26razz">寒冬来了</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 153 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.122 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.535</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/38cpnr">《五行天》烂尾了......</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 132 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.264 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.461</sub> | <a href="/cn/@blackbunny/32samb">机器人变弹弓</a> <br> <sub>@blackbunny &#9733; 65 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.107 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.369</sub> | <a href="/buildteam/@btuniverse/buildteam-services-spotlight-steemvoter-guilds">BuildTeam Services Spotlight - Steemvoter Guilds</a> <br> <sub>@btuniverse &#9733; 1299 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (82.315 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.247</sub> | <a href="/dpoll/@deathcross/did-you-ever-pay-something-no-crypto-with-cryptos">Did you ever pay something no-crypto with cryptos?</a> <br> <sub>@deathcross &#9733; 230 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.016 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "cn" (143 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.676</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/ragout-and-whiskey-house-dean-s-tokyo-snapshots-edit-hotel">RAGOUT & WHISKEY HOUSE 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 橫濱Edit Hotel的休閒午餐</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 151 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.635 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.915</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/26razz">寒冬来了</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 153 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.122 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.834</sub> | <a href="/cn/@blackbunny/32samb">机器人变弹弓</a> <br> <sub>@blackbunny &#9733; 65 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.107 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.741</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/38cpnr">《五行天》烂尾了......</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 132 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.264 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.088</sub> | <a href="/cn-stats/@chinadaily/active-authors-information-under-the-cn-category-2018-12-09">[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2018-12-09)</a> <br> <sub>@chinadaily &#9733; 82 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.618 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.007</sub> | <a href="/cn-stats/@chinadaily/active-authors-and-posts-under-the-cn-category-2018-12-07">Active authors & posts under the CN category [2018-12-07]</a> <br> <sub>@chinadaily &#9733; 74 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.641 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.885</sub> | <a href="/cn-reader/@rivalhw/3ivdsw-6">【小说】千万好好说话 6</a> <br> <sub>@rivalhw &#9733; 65 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.931 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.372</sub> | <a href="/art/@nanosesame/drawonblockchaininsomnia-1w879rg1ab">Draw on Blockchain : Insomnia</a> <br> <sub>@nanosesame &#9733; 114 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.284 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.209</sub> | <a href="/laodr-teahouse/@laodr/sk7sq-laodr-tea-house">LAODR Tea House / 老道茶馆 今日话题: 一夜入冬是种什么体验?</a> <br> <sub>@laodr &#9733; 31 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.205 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.979</sub> | <a href="/cn-curation/@htliao/cn-curation-104-cn-eosmax">飛鴿傳書 cn-curation #104推薦cn區博客 EOSMax + 生日</a> <br> <sub>@htliao &#9733; 119 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.311 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "kr" (343 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>82.694</sub> | <a href="/dstors/@morning/dstors">디스토어 (dStors) 프로젝트를 소개합니다</a> <br> <sub>@morning &#9733; 113 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (64.467 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.897</sub> | <a href="/dclick/@skuld2000/-dstors-1544351199488">스팀 기반 쇼핑 플랫폼 dStors</a> <br> <sub>@skuld2000 &#9733; 66 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.807 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.654</sub> | <a href="/kr/@centering/66pmxl">가운데 잡설</a> <br> <sub>@centering &#9733; 92 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.218 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.222</sub> | <a href="/tasteem/@sonki999/tasteem-1c127c">미술관 관람후 들른 떡볶이 맛집 33HOUS</a> <br> <sub>@sonki999 &#9733; 108 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.634 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.206</sub> | <a href="/kr/@bbana/5v6kc8"># 비비아나의 센스있는 건배사 /유우머😋😊😉</a> <br> <sub>@bbana &#9733; 83 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.302 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.366</sub> | <a href="/dclick/@goodhello/--1544348763907">스팀몬스터 근황!! 시즌 막바지 스을 달려 가보자!! 저도 이젠 내년부터 초등학교 학부형!! 굳헬로는 요리사!! 달달한 간장 찜닭과 함께 쏘맥을~ 행복한 일요일 저녁 되세요.</a> <br> <sub>@goodhello &#9733; 101 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.282 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.176</sub> | <a href="/kr/@mastertri/--1544367519093">파워다운은 잠시 접어둡니다.</a> <br> <sub>@mastertri &#9733; 56 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.986 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.136</sub> | <a href="/busy/@ddllddll/6us8i7">좋은 날</a> <br> <sub>@ddllddll &#9733; 72 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.319 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.052</sub> | <a href="/kr/@gochuchamchi/6doz6e">고추참치의 뇌피셜 -제주도 영리병원 이야기</a> <br> <sub>@gochuchamchi &#9733; 69 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (15.059 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.028</sub> | <a href="/kr/@keepit/keep-t-history-13-329">KEEP!T History: 블록체인史 (13) 비트코인의 329번째 장례식</a> <br> <sub>@keepit &#9733; 90 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (13.644 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "deutsch" (220 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.383</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@double-u/2018-woche-50-ohne-zusammenhang-without-any-context-deutsch-english">2018 Woche 50 - Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context / Deutsch / English</a> <br> <sub>@double-u &#9733; 184 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.476 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.274</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@jaki01/some-thoughts-concerning-the-steem-monsters-statistics-of-holger80-einige-gedanken-bezueglich-der-steem-monsters-statisstiken">Some thoughts concerning the Steem Monsters statistics of @holger80. / Einige Gedanken bezüglich der Steem Monsters-Statistiken von @holger80.</a> <br> <sub>@jaki01 &#9733; 164 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (19.778 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.564</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@leroy.linientreu/verkaufsoffener-adventssonntag">Verkaufsoffener Adventssonntag</a> <br> <sub>@leroy.linientreu &#9733; 95 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.327 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.473</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@faltermann/europaeischer-frauenschuh-european-lady-s-slipper">🌻 Europäischer Frauenschuh │ European Lady's Slipper 🐝</a> <br> <sub>@faltermann &#9733; 65 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.224 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.112</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@chriddi/bewegte-bilder-zum-jubilaeum">🎥 Bewegte Bilder zum Jubiläum 🎬</a> <br> <sub>@chriddi &#9733; 88 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.976 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.77</sub> | <a href="/chess/@schamangerbert/steem-blitz-chess-tournament-december-08-and-the-winner-is-video-commentary-by-schamangerbert">Steem Blitz Chess Tournament December 08 ... And the winner is ... (video commentary by @schamangerbert)</a> <br> <sub>@schamangerbert &#9733; 163 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.472 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.544</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@investyourvote/day-329-anteilpost">day 329 Anteilpost</a> <br> <sub>@investyourvote &#9733; 136 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.421 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.386</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@saamychristen/steemit-001-votes-on-old-newly-edited-posts-votes-fuer-alte-neu-veraenderte-beitraege">Steemit 001 - Votes on old, newly edited posts / Votes für alte, neu veränderte Beiträge</a> <br> <sub>@saamychristen &#9733; 34 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.704 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.338</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@diana.feuerberg/power-up-ist-ansteckend-nochmal-2720-sp-by-diana-feuerberg">Power Up ist ansteckend! Nochmal + 2720 SP by Diana Feuerberg</a> <br> <sub>@diana.feuerberg &#9733; 49 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.074 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.126</sub> | <a href="/meetup/@manncpt/wiener-stammtisch-mit-fundition-viennese-meetup-with-fundition-de-en">Wiener Stammtisch mit Fundition / Viennese meetup with fundition [DE/EN]</a> <br> <sub>@manncpt &#9733; 87 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.395 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "spanish" (367 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>80.924</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@jaguar.force/plagiarism-case-16-caso-de-plagio-16-capuza">Plagiarism Case #16 - Caso de Plagio #16 @capuza</a> <br> <sub>@jaguar.force &#9733; 200 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.333 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.636</sub> | <a href="/castellano/@mosqueteros/mosqueterosreportedecuracin5dediciembre2018-wbrns2zueq">Mosqueteros: Reporte de curación 5 de diciembre 2018</a> <br> <sub>@mosqueteros &#9733; 193 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.059 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.486</sub> | <a href="/dtubesnapplus/@saracampero/3s39n29l">💖 DTUBE SPANISH 💖 CUADRO DE FANTASIA - VIDEO TUTORIAL 🎨 [DTubeSnapPlus]</a> <br> <sub>@saracampero &#9733; 491 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.438 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.251</sub> | <a href="/cervantes/@alexaivytorres/universidad-emociones-ciencia-y-desarrollo-humano">Universidad, Emociones, Ciencia y Desarrollo humano</a> <br> <sub>@alexaivytorres &#9733; 217 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.248 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.064</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@freddysanchez/poesasenviejascartasdelpasado-erst1vyjsp">Poesías en viejas cartas del pasado</a> <br> <sub>@freddysanchez &#9733; 204 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.649 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.011</sub> | <a href="/helpie/@helpie/eco-pelican-dominical-proyecto-comunitario-para-hispanos-destacados-steemian-octocel">Eco-pelican dominical: proyecto comunitario para hispanos destacados // Steemian: @octocel</a> <br> <sub>@helpie &#9733; 279 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.803 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.93</sub> | <a href="/cervantes/@cervantes/cervantescienciavidavol20p12-e90lzqr6fi">Cervantes Ciencia//Vida Vol. 20 p. 1/2</a> <br> <sub>@cervantes &#9733; 451 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.992 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.921</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@mfestra/zsk6j3g62g">Como hacer un titere de papel (DIY)</a> <br> <sub>@mfestra &#9733; 165 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.445 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.805</sub> | <a href="/cervantes/@cervantes/participaenlahoralocaestemircoles-bx4aa3ozqw">¡¡¡Participa en la "Hora Loca" este miércoles!!!</a> <br> <sub>@cervantes &#9733; 438 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.345 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.571</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@javyeslava.photo/lasiluetadelvilaencielosdecembrinosfotodelasemana-vwahjti1sx">¡La silueta del Ávila en cielos decembrinos! // Foto de la semana.</a> <br> <sub>@javyeslava.photo &#9733; 149 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.305 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "pt" (37 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>77.382</sub> | <a href="/dlike/@wagnertamanaha/warp-app-para-comerciantes-aceitarem-bitcoin-e-criptomoedas-e-receberem-em-reais">Warp – App para comerciantes aceitarem Bitcoin e criptomoedas e receberem em Reais</a> <br> <sub>@wagnertamanaha &#9733; 119 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.751 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>77.221</sub> | <a href="/steemonboarding/@guifaquetti/primeiro-dia-de-gravacoes-para-o-steemonboarding-saiba-tudo-sobre-o-projeto-no-fundition">Primeiro dia de gravações para o SteemOnboarding! Saiba tudo sobre o projeto no Fundition!</a> <br> <sub>@guifaquetti &#9733; 187 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.234 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.839</sub> | <a href="/pt/@aiuna/eu-e-meu-castelo">Eu e meu castelo.</a> <br> <sub>@aiuna &#9733; 100 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.344 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.327</sub> | <a href="/pt/@paulocouto/v-n-gaia-roda-gigante">V.N.Gaia - Roda Gigante 📷</a> <br> <sub>@paulocouto &#9733; 23 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.037 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.026</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@pedrocanella/actifit-pedrocanella-20181209t003237575z">Fotos + My Actifit Report Card: dezembro 8 2018</a> <br> <sub>@pedrocanella &#9733; 111 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.642 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>73.313</sub> | <a href="/share2steem/@matheusggr/matheusggr-1544380805394-matheusggrs-twitter-feed--20181209-194005">matheusggr's twitter Feed : 2018/12/09 19:40:05</a> <br> <sub>@matheusggr &#9733; 88 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.462 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>72.956</sub> | <a href="/appics/@leodelara/backend-alpha-kw-43-appics-im-5360">Os mercados de natal  Mini crônicas em Luxemburgo</a> <br> <sub>@leodelara &#9733; 67 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.606 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>71.78</sub> | <a href="/life/@anacristinasilva/alcancar-o-exito-exige-sacrificios">Alcançar o êxito exige sacrifícios. </a> <br> <sub>@anacristinasilva &#9733; 54 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.626 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>71.565</sub> | <a href="/esteem/@pataty69/assistenza-tecnica-66f519cd47744">Assistenza Tecnica</a> <br> <sub>@pataty69 &#9733; 233 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.855 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>71.055</sub> | <a href="/dsound/@leodelara/20181209t100018772z-lab-do-podcast-014--paka-um-douturando">Lab do Podcast #014  Paka, um doutorando</a> <br> <sub>@leodelara &#9733; 28 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.453 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "japan" (21 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>75.669</sub> | <a href="/healthy/@thomaskikansha/natto">Natto</a> <br> <sub>@thomaskikansha &#9733; 108 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.549 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.009</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@maxinpower/alles-gewagt-und-nichts-gewonnen">Alles gewagt und nichts gewonnen</a> <br> <sub>@maxinpower &#9733; 30 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.486 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>73.1</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@jp-tiger/jp-tiger-report-for-2018-12-9">@JP-TIGER REPORT FOR 2018/12/9</a> <br> <sub>@jp-tiger &#9733; 45 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.552 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>72.106</sub> | <a href="/jp-xmas/@nadeshiko/steemit-jp-26">@steemit-jpコンテスト#26サンタさんにお願いしたいプレゼント</a> <br> <sub>@nadeshiko &#9733; 52 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.502 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>71.519</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@hiradate/steemit-jp-26">Steemit-jp コンテスト#26クリスマス!サンタさんにお願いしたいプレゼントは何?</a> <br> <sub>@hiradate &#9733; 57 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.587 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>70.303</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@amblog/60-322">レピュテーションが60になりましたヾ(≧▽≦)ノ #322</a> <br> <sub>@amblog &#9733; 55 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.742 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>66.411</sub> | <a href="/japan/@sweetsqueenyumi/4sskil">鬼おろし</a> <br> <sub>@sweetsqueenyumi &#9733; 15 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.239 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.886</sub> | <a href="/photo/@eita/my-photo-album-92--1544264207">My photo album #92 湖</a> <br> <sub>@eita &#9733; 13 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.111 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.885</sub> | <a href="/japan/@hanakaze/-1544254650">プリムラ・オブコニカ</a> <br> <sub>@hanakaze &#9733; 9 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.109 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.647</sub> | <a href="/japan/@fujisan/tanka-65">TANKA #65</a> <br> <sub>@fujisan &#9733; 9 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.106 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "ru" (54 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>65.159</sub> | <a href="/art/@nilpan/a-huge-shark-wants-to-swallow-small-fish-ogromnaya-akula-khochet-proglotit-malenkikh-rybok">A huge shark wants to swallow small fish       Огромная акула хочет проглотить маленьких рыбок</a> <br> <sub>@nilpan &#9733; 23 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.123 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.686</sub> | <a href="/ua/@andruto/opening-daily-quest-booster-pack-41">Opening daily quest booster pack №41</a> <br> <sub>@andruto &#9733; 11 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.035 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.512</sub> | <a href="/photo/@notannov/2sxr1u-basia">Basia</a> <br> <sub>@notannov &#9733; 80 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.306 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.309</sub> | <a href="/art/@filinpaul/dance-author-s-song-tanec-avtorskaya-pesenka">Dance (author's song)/Танец (авторская песенка)</a> <br> <sub>@filinpaul &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.138 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>62.194</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@cranium/actifit-cranium-20181209t211349513z">My Actifit Report Card: декабря 9 2018</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 25 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.117 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>62.177</sub> | <a href="/ua/@cranium/open-daily-quest-booster-pack-44">Open daily quest booster pack #44</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 35 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.219 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>61.565</sub> | <a href="/ru/@voltash/ice-cream-in-the-form-of-cigars">Ice cream in the form of cigars.</a> <br> <sub>@voltash &#9733; 30 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.022 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>61.138</sub> | <a href="/rusteemteam/@bammbuss/doroga-pesnya-simvol-90-kh-godov-rossii">"Дорога", песня-символ 90-х годов России</a> <br> <sub>@bammbuss &#9733; 10 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.076 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>60.366</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@inna-world/actifit-inna-world-20181209t200248093z">My Actifit Report Card: December 9 2018</a> <br> <sub>@inna-world &#9733; 22 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.420 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>59.191</sub> | <a href="/music/@solips/rosa-infra-infra-metal">Rosa Infra (infra metal)</a> <br> <sub>@solips &#9733; 58 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.559 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "life" (1344 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.773</sub> | <a href="/photography/@gringalicious/fast-and-simple-egg-rolls-food-photo-shoot">Fast and Simple “Egg” Rolls - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT</a> <br> <sub>@gringalicious &#9733; 398 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.857 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.549</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@rest100/atl-recap-with-team-stackz-everything">ATL recap with Team Stackz Everything</a> <br> <sub>@rest100 &#9733; 280 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (75.924 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.26</sub> | <a href="/busy/@rea/a-shopping-haven-at-harrods">A Shopping Haven at "Harrods"</a> <br> <sub>@rea &#9733; 119 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (32.884 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.485</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/mull-it-over">Mull It Over</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 197 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.198</sub> | <a href="/photography/@oldtimer/call-911">Call 911</a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 207 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.588 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.133</sub> | <a href="/tequila/@mikehamm/el-compadre-tequila">El Compadre "Tequila"</a> <br> <sub>@mikehamm &#9733; 346 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.983 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.184</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/crucial-signs-of-market-sentiment-changes">Crucial Signs of Market Sentiment Changes</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.084 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.081</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/leicester-square----coming-up-t-2018-11-0-21-33-54">Leicester Square... Coming Up to Christmas</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 73 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.120 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.626</sub> | <a href="/busy/@rea/gerrard-s-corner-restaurant-at-china-town">"Gerrard's Corner Restaurant" at China Town</a> <br> <sub>@rea &#9733; 117 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (15.206 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.322</sub> | <a href="/steempress/@joythewanderer/latersteemkleineschattigezuurdesembakkerij-korst-rcyecwdkia">LaterSteemKleine schattige zuurdesem bakkerij- Korst</a> <br> <sub>@joythewanderer &#9733; 214 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.782 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "photography" (1194 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.787</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/at-ruined-traditional-pavilion-of-confucianism-in-korea">At Ruined Traditional Pavilion of Confucianism in Korea</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 453 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (70.127 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.148</sub> | <a href="/photography/@gringalicious/fast-and-simple-egg-rolls-food-photo-shoot">Fast and Simple “Egg” Rolls - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT</a> <br> <sub>@gringalicious &#9733; 398 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.857 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.019</sub> | <a href="/photography/@oldtimer/call-911">Call 911</a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 207 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.588 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.862</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-purple-flowers-221">SUMMER FLOWERS: Purple Flowers #221</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 66 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.741 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.859</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/45xuap-summer-flowers-white-flowers-370">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #370</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 16 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.750 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.848</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/6tg6bs-summer-flowers-white-flowers-372">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #372</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 7 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.198 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.844</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/2on9h1-summer-flowers-white-flowers-369">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #369</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 19 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.709 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.844</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-yellow-flowers-155">SUMMER FLOWERS: Yellow Flowers #155</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 13 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.683 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.844</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-purple-flowers-220">SUMMER FLOWERS: Purple Flowers #220</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 26 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.703 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.842</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-yellow-flowers-156">SUMMER FLOWERS: Yellow Flowers #156</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 15 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.755 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "busy" (859 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.372</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/at-ruined-traditional-pavilion-of-confucianism-in-korea">At Ruined Traditional Pavilion of Confucianism in Korea</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 453 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (70.127 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.945</sub> | <a href="/crypto/@jrcornel/kfc-in-venezuela-to-accept-cryptocurrency">KFC in Venezuela to accept cryptocurrency</a> <br> <sub>@jrcornel &#9733; 235 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.873 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.665</sub> | <a href="/steem/@kingscrown/my-steem-giveaway-ended-now-another-one">My STEEM giveaway Ended - Now Another One!</a> <br> <sub>@kingscrown &#9733; 536 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.279 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.596</sub> | <a href="/stax/@silvergoldbotty/8th-of-december-stax-delegation-based-community-upvote-bot-and-quality-content-curator">8th  of December Stax delegation based community upvote bot and quality content curator</a> <br> <sub>@silvergoldbotty &#9733; 313 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.363 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.64</sub> | <a href="/oldstone/@oldstone/4js66g">(올드스톤의 코인 이야기) 강세장과 약세장의 특징</a> <br> <sub>@oldstone &#9733; 133 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (28.637 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.332</sub> | <a href="/qurator/@qurator/the-daily-qurator-449-or-the-qurator-ico-is-live">The Daily Qurator #449  The Qurator ICO is live!</a> <br> <sub>@qurator &#9733; 1068 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.964 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.558</sub> | <a href="/hotels/@kirkins/hidden-fees-on-hotels-com-beware">Hidden fees on Hotels.com, Beware</a> <br> <sub>@kirkins &#9733; 324 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.147 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.477</sub> | <a href="/future/@acidyo/public-vs-private">Public vs private</a> <br> <sub>@acidyo &#9733; 1644 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (41.496 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.441</sub> | <a href="/qurator/@qurator/qurator-s-shooting-star-or-cryptoyzzy">Qurator's Shooting Star  @cryptoyzzy</a> <br> <sub>@qurator &#9733; 861 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.259 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.339</sub> | <a href="/busy/@rea/a-shopping-haven-at-harrods">A Shopping Haven at "Harrods"</a> <br> <sub>@rea &#9733; 119 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (32.884 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "blog" (614 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>84.475</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/crucial-signs-of-market-sentiment-changes">Crucial Signs of Market Sentiment Changes</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.084 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.496</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/leicester-square----coming-up-t-2018-11-0-21-33-54">Leicester Square... Coming Up to Christmas</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 73 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.120 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.282</sub> | <a href="/art/@nonameslefttouse/i-never-said-it-was-good-they-did-so-i-carried-on">I Never Said It Was Good — They Did — So I Carried On</a> <br> <sub>@nonameslefttouse &#9733; 85 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.555 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.141</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/mull-it-over">Mull It Over</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 197 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.658</sub> | <a href="/sports/@brittuf/pick-8-ncaa-games-and-win-an-axie-1544346030386">Pick 8 NCAA Games and Win an Axie </a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 349 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.278 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.36</sub> | <a href="/sports/@brittuf/beat-the-capper-college-basketball-edition-get-a-100-upvote-1544343328491">Beat the Capper: College Basketball Edition Get a 100% Upvote</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 337 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.232 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.862</sub> | <a href="/story/@ericvancewalton/ten-ways-to-pimp-proof-your-life">Ten Ways to Pimp-Proof Your Life</a> <br> <sub>@ericvancewalton &#9733; 82 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (17.502 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.685</sub> | <a href="/life/@silviabeneforti/it-s-time-for-a-toscano-cigar">It's time for a Toscano cigar!</a> <br> <sub>@silviabeneforti &#9733; 35 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.337 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.596</sub> | <a href="/blog/@therealpaul/the-treasure-was-inside-of-me-all-along-dammit">The Treasure Was Inside of Me All Along, Dammit</a> <br> <sub>@therealpaul &#9733; 40 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.234 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.593</sub> | <a href="/work/@walidy/five-minutes-to-get-rid-of-fatigue">Five minutes to get rid of fatigue</a> <br> <sub>@walidy &#9733; 35 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.166 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "nature" (366 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>83.18</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-purple-flowers-221">SUMMER FLOWERS: Purple Flowers #221</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 66 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.741 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.173</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/6tg6bs-summer-flowers-white-flowers-372">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #372</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 7 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.198 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.162</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/2on9h1-summer-flowers-white-flowers-369">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #369</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 19 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.709 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.162</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/45xuap-summer-flowers-white-flowers-370">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #370</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 16 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.750 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.161</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-yellow-flowers-155">SUMMER FLOWERS: Yellow Flowers #155</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 13 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.683 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.161</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-purple-flowers-220">SUMMER FLOWERS: Purple Flowers #220</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 26 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.703 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.161</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/summer-flowers-yellow-flowers-156">SUMMER FLOWERS: Yellow Flowers #156</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 15 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.755 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.16</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/s2tmg-summer-flowers-red-flowers-93">SUMMER FLOWERS: Red Flowers #93</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 12 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.216 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.16</sub> | <a href="/photography/@girlbeauty/7xtxkl-summer-flowers-white-flowers-371">SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #371</a> <br> <sub>@girlbeauty &#9733; 9 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.198 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.964</sub> | <a href="/mene/@goldmatters/where-in-the-world-is-my-mene-box-5-steem-to-the-first-correct-answer-part-4">Where in the World is My Mene Box? 5 STEEM to the First Correct Answer PART 4</a> <br> <sub>@goldmatters &#9733; 50 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.489 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "steemit" (645 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>88.812</sub> | <a href="/buildteam/@btuniverse/buildteam-services-spotlight-steemvoter-guilds">BuildTeam Services Spotlight - Steemvoter Guilds</a> <br> <sub>@btuniverse &#9733; 1299 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (82.315 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.532</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@rest100/atl-recap-with-team-stackz-everything">ATL recap with Team Stackz Everything</a> <br> <sub>@rest100 &#9733; 280 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (75.924 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.387</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@denmarkguy/a-simple-question-for-those-who-are-thinking-about-quitting-steemit">A Simple Question for Those who are Thinking About Quitting Steemit...</a> <br> <sub>@denmarkguy &#9733; 82 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.236 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.801</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@mahsumakbas/why-steem-median-value-is-stucked">Why Steem Median value is stucked?</a> <br> <sub>@mahsumakbas &#9733; 266 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (84.202 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.871</sub> | <a href="/mene/@goldmatters/dtihw-mene-daily-recap-on-steemit">Mene Daily Recap On Steemit</a> <br> <sub>@goldmatters &#9733; 51 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.954 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.009</sub> | <a href="/art/@dougkarr/green-candles-2018-12-09-15-35-33">Green Candles</a> <br> <sub>@dougkarr &#9733; 81 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.621 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.534</sub> | <a href="/community/@spl/teamup-teams-season-starting-1912">TeamUp Teams! Season Starting Sunday at 1PM CST!!</a> <br> <sub>@spl &#9733; 215 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.184 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.493</sub> | <a href="/sports/@brittuf/beat-the-capper-nfl-edition-win-cryptogaming-prizes-1544341389197">Beat the Capper: NFL Edition Win CryptoGaming Prizes</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 202 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.935 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.484</sub> | <a href="/openmic/@luzcypher/steemit-open-mic-week-115-record-your-performance-and-win-steem-sponsored-by-pfunk-and-luzcypher">Steemit Open Mic Week 115 - Record Your Performance And Win Steem - Sponsored By @pfunk And @luzcypher</a> <br> <sub>@luzcypher &#9733; 185 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.371 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.481</sub> | <a href="/uk/@steemengineteam/uk-its-time-to-hop-aboard-the-steemengine-2018-12-09">UK, it's time to hop aboard the SteemEngine! 2018-12-09</a> <br> <sub>@steemengineteam &#9733; 2927 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.812 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "art" (460 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.531</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@rest100/atl-recap-with-team-stackz-everything">ATL recap with Team Stackz Everything</a> <br> <sub>@rest100 &#9733; 280 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (75.924 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.366</sub> | <a href="/art/@beastlybanter/beastly-tales-helmut-s-dilemma">BEASTLY TALES - HELMUT’S DILEMMA</a> <br> <sub>@beastlybanter &#9733; 390 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (23.222 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.509</sub> | <a href="/art/@nonameslefttouse/i-never-said-it-was-good-they-did-so-i-carried-on">I Never Said It Was Good — They Did — So I Carried On</a> <br> <sub>@nonameslefttouse &#9733; 85 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.555 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.357</sub> | <a href="/art/@silviabeneforti/working-in-the-lab-">Working in the lab ^_^</a> <br> <sub>@silviabeneforti &#9733; 32 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.322 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.928</sub> | <a href="/elegance/@michellebonaroti/tea">Tea !</a> <br> <sub>@michellebonaroti &#9733; 21 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.486 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.904</sub> | <a href="/cryptoart/@opheliafu/head-flow-a-limited-edition-collectible">Head Flow -a limited-edition collectible</a> <br> <sub>@opheliafu &#9733; 103 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.125 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.861</sub> | <a href="/art/@katharsisdrill/the-hype-lord">The hype Lord</a> <br> <sub>@katharsisdrill &#9733; 26 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.942 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.762</sub> | <a href="/artzone/@artzone/artzone-daily-winner-9th-december-2018">ARTZONE DAILY WINNER 9TH DECEMBER 2018</a> <br> <sub>@artzone &#9733; 80 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.222 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.551</sub> | <a href="/photography/@kommienezuspadt/unearthing-new-gems-w-inkmaster-angels-host-ryanashley">Unearthing new gems w/ Inkmaster: Angels host @ryanashley!</a> <br> <sub>@kommienezuspadt &#9733; 65 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.202 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.466</sub> | <a href="/elegance/@artbyclark/himiko-toga-drawing-from-my-hero-academia">Himiko Toga Drawing from My Hero Academia</a> <br> <sub>@artbyclark &#9733; 147 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.078 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "steem" (442 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.929</sub> | <a href="/buildteam/@btuniverse/buildteam-services-spotlight-steemvoter-guilds">BuildTeam Services Spotlight - Steemvoter Guilds</a> <br> <sub>@btuniverse &#9733; 1299 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (82.315 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.747</sub> | <a href="/minnowbooster/@minnowbooster/minnowbooster-increased-roi-for-december-2018-holiday-special">MinnowBooster - Increased ROI for December 2018 Holiday Special!</a> <br> <sub>@minnowbooster &#9733; 1440 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (79.856 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.396</sub> | <a href="/bitcoin/@hatu/eos-gaming-for-the-community-dividends-pvp-auctions-and-more-free-steem-and-eos">Decentralized gaming platform EOSJacks offers dividends. (Free STEEM)</a> <br> <sub>@hatu &#9733; 1144 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (312.285 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.244</sub> | <a href="/ocdb/@tarazkp/buyers-delegators-ocdb-and-community">Buyers, delegators, @ocdb and community</a> <br> <sub>@tarazkp &#9733; 143 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.758 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.738</sub> | <a href="/crypto/@acidyo/the-powers-of-a-social-media-platform-on-a-distributed-ledger">The powers of a social media platform on a distributed ledger</a> <br> <sub>@acidyo &#9733; 1388 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (20.206 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.246</sub> | <a href="/steem/@kingscrown/my-steem-giveaway-ended-now-another-one">My STEEM giveaway Ended - Now Another One!</a> <br> <sub>@kingscrown &#9733; 536 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.279 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.778</sub> | <a href="/steemauto/@steemauto/steemauto-free-and-unlimited-automation-service-on-the-steem-blockchain-90">Steemauto - Free and unlimited automation service on the Steem blockchain! #90</a> <br> <sub>@steemauto &#9733; 1793 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.571 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.153</sub> | <a href="/busy/@valth/dapp-of-the-week-busy-org">DApp of the week: Busy.org</a> <br> <sub>@valth &#9733; 75 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.998 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.813</sub> | <a href="/contest/@steemonboarding/announcing-a-new-partnership-with-sndbox-introducing-welcome-wednesdays">Announcing A New Partnership With @Sndbox : Introducing Welcome Wednesdays</a> <br> <sub>@steemonboarding &#9733; 286 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (79.640 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.79</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@mahsumakbas/why-steem-median-value-is-stucked">Why Steem Median value is stucked?</a> <br> <sub>@mahsumakbas &#9733; 266 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (84.202 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "travel" (373 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.247</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/at-ruined-traditional-pavilion-of-confucianism-in-korea">At Ruined Traditional Pavilion of Confucianism in Korea</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 453 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (70.127 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.26</sub> | <a href="/hotels/@kirkins/hidden-fees-on-hotels-com-beware">Hidden fees on Hotels.com, Beware</a> <br> <sub>@kirkins &#9733; 324 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.147 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.533</sub> | <a href="/appics/@czechglobalhosts/backend-alpha-kw-43-appics-im-5372">Appics featured 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge by @justinmullet</a> <br> <sub>@czechglobalhosts &#9733; 69 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.913 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.38</sub> | <a href="/photography/@phortun/golden-hour-beautiful-sunset-over-czech-countryside-in-summer">Golden hour: beautiful sunset over Czech countryside in summer</a> <br> <sub>@phortun &#9733; 85 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.463 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.24</sub> | <a href="/photofeed/@intrepidphotos/2kd1ml-emperor-falls">Emperor Falls</a> <br> <sub>@intrepidphotos &#9733; 599 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (67.508 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.97</sub> | <a href="/appics/@broxi/backend-alpha-kw-43-appics-im-5383">meet with flauwy and illucifer in Berlin with friends. I'm glad to meet illucifer ...</a> <br> <sub>@broxi &#9733; 4 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.065 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.683</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/ragout-and-whiskey-house-dean-s-tokyo-snapshots-edit-hotel">RAGOUT & WHISKEY HOUSE 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 橫濱Edit Hotel的休閒午餐</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 151 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.635 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.476</sub> | <a href="/spain/@doitvoluntarily/spain-looking-to-ban-cars-in-dozens-of-cities">Spain Looking To Ban Cars In Dozens of Cities</a> <br> <sub>@doitvoluntarily &#9733; 216 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.820 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.083</sub> | <a href="/food/@papa-pepper/senor-taco-in-weslaco-tx-our-favorite-place-for-lonches-this-side-of-the-border">SENOR TACO IN WESLACO, TX - OUR FAVORITE PLACE FOR LONCHES THIS SIDE OF THE BORDER</a> <br> <sub>@papa-pepper &#9733; 379 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.953 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.005</sub> | <a href="/travel/@ladybug146/canadian-rockies-the-mount-robson-of-my-dreams">Canadian Rockies: The Mount Robson of my dreams</a> <br> <sub>@ladybug146 &#9733; 124 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.949 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "esteem" (376 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>83.347</sub> | <a href="/steemadvent/@esteemapp/steem-advent-calendar-2018-day-1-winners">Steem Advent Calendar 2018, Day 1 winners!</a> <br> <sub>@esteemapp &#9733; 214 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.229 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.186</sub> | <a href="/steemadvent/@esteemapp/day-9-steem-advent-calendar-2018-win-prize-everyday">Day 9 - Steem Advent Calendar 2018, Win prize everyday! 🎄🎁</a> <br> <sub>@esteemapp &#9733; 316 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (20.410 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>77.52</sub> | <a href="/indonesia/@bahagia-arbi/ballon-d-or-2018-milik-luca-modrid-d2e0bf685f76f">Ballon d'Or 2018 Milik Luca Modrid</a> <br> <sub>@bahagia-arbi &#9733; 82 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.395 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>76.987</sub> | <a href="/sam-saturday/@melinda010100/sam-saturday-something-about-me-d4e9fa9c8bfea">Sam-saturday--Something About.Me</a> <br> <sub>@melinda010100 &#9733; 98 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.593 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.948</sub> | <a href="/life/@michaelcabiles/the-unexpected-trip-to-dream-world-f280d3d331078">The Unexpected Trip To Dream World! 😁</a> <br> <sub>@michaelcabiles &#9733; 87 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.066 SBD ) reward</sub>


Your feedback is very important, do not hesitate tell your thinks

thanks [@xroni](/@xroni) for the pic)
thanks [@felipejoys](/@felipejoys) for help in rating explanation text)

## Information

Other days rating you can find [here](http://rating.mysteemit.xyz/en/steem/@t3ran13?checked-tags=rating&utm_source=sharpay&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=mrj0z)

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properties (23)
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root_title"[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 09.12.2018 GMT] Top Of The Pop"
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vote details (23)