[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 18.04.2019 GMT] Top Of The Pop by t3ran13

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· @t3ran13 ·
[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 18.04.2019 GMT] Top Of The Pop

# <center>The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.</center>

## <center>Check them out below!</center>

## <center>What makes our list special?</center>
- **We suffer very little influence from bots**. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
- **Our lists have credible authority** because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
- **Only the best content** should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
- **Lists quality is highly guaranteed** because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.

## <center>How it works:</center>

Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.

How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.

I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10  for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.

Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more)  Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.

## <center>Examples:</center>

#### Earning vote value on a specific tag:
- *Bob* made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means **he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag**, so **his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts**.
- Because of this, *Kate* posted something on #steem and *Bob* voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.

#### Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:
- Even if *Bob* has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. **His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.**
- *Peter* then posted on #photography and *Bob* voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.

#### Losing vote value for inactivity:
- While *Bob* doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).

### <center>Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!</center>

## <center>18.04.2019</center>
### <center>Best from all tags (10097 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>92.947</sub> | <a href="/buildteam/@buildteam/annuncio-di-buildteam-campagna-di-riacquisto-dei-token-in-arrivo">Annuncio di BuildTeam - Campagna di riacquisto dei Token in arrivo!</a> <br> <sub>@buildteam &#9733; 1822 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (73.283 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>92.837</sub> | <a href="/money/@brittuf/pick-a-nba-team-in-tron-city-and-win-steem-1555576827051">Pick a NBA team in Tron-City and Win Steem</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 2076 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (137.199 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>92.663</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/thursdays-with-uncle-boom-88">Thursdays With Uncle Boom #88</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 191 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.557 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>92.048</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/--flowers-and-strawberries">花苗和草莓苗 / Flowers and strawberries</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 162 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.371 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.926</sub> | <a href="/crypto/@jrcornel/john-mcafee-says-he-knows-who-satoshi-is">John McAfee says he knows who Satoshi is...</a> <br> <sub>@jrcornel &#9733; 322 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.408 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.591</sub> | <a href="/cn/@blackbunny/--hurt-friend-while-playing">使小朋友受伤了 / Hurt friend while playing</a> <br> <sub>@blackbunny &#9733; 69 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.198 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.901</sub> | <a href="/charlesfuchs/@stackin/hxro-has-launched-get-your-100-free-hxro-tokens-right-now">✴️ HXRO HAS LAUNCHED! GET YOUR 100 FREE HXRO TOKENS RIGHT NOW! 🤑 </a> <br> <sub>@stackin &#9733; 668 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.030 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.853</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/v4evg">又是让人心痛的消息,棋盘山大火</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 148 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.563 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.817</sub> | <a href="/cn/@deanliu/666gy6">用比特幣買東西,到底有多重要?</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 159 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.473 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.196</sub> | <a href="/appics/@orl4ndo/disrupt-meet-up-in-munich-ejroeajr">Disrupt meet up in Munich @Deloitte</a> <br> <sub>@orl4ndo &#9733; 716 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.014 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "cn" (180 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>90.626</sub> | <a href="/cn/@deanliu/666gy6">用比特幣買東西,到底有多重要?</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 159 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.473 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.615</sub> | <a href="/cn/@blackbunny/--hurt-friend-while-playing">使小朋友受伤了 / Hurt friend while playing</a> <br> <sub>@blackbunny &#9733; 69 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.198 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.502</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/--flowers-and-strawberries">花苗和草莓苗 / Flowers and strawberries</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 162 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.371 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.433</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/v4evg">又是让人心痛的消息,棋盘山大火</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 148 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.563 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.907</sub> | <a href="/cn-stats/@chinadaily/active-authors-and-posts-under-the-cn-category-2019-04-16">Active authors & posts under the CN category [2019-04-16]</a> <br> <sub>@chinadaily &#9733; 81 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.262 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.728</sub> | <a href="/cn-stats/@chinadaily/active-authors-information-under-the-cn-category-2019-04-18">[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2019-04-18)</a> <br> <sub>@chinadaily &#9733; 82 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.356 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.756</sub> | <a href="/cn-reader/@rivalhw/pc">新浪博客PC发布文章功能暂停</a> <br> <sub>@rivalhw &#9733; 84 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.272 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.236</sub> | <a href="/busy/@rea/a-fantastic-choice-of-cuisine-down-at-bang-bang-oriental-food-hall">A Fantastic Choice of Cuisine Down at "Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall"</a> <br> <sub>@rea &#9733; 221 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (27.678 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.887</sub> | <a href="/cn-curation/@htliao/cncuration-234-cn-wdbf9r5i">飛鴿傳書 cn-curation #234推薦 CN 區博文:交朋友 + 煩人的更新</a> <br> <sub>@htliao &#9733; 137 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.787 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.827</sub> | <a href="/wherein/@honoru/wherein-1555547855427">今早收到facebook通知,成為了怪叔叔的頭號粉絲</a> <br> <sub>@honoru &#9733; 179 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.258 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "kr" (341 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>84.072</sub> | <a href="/kr/@sonki999/2qt1sy-steemmonsters">[Steemmonsters] 스몬 생존 신고</a> <br> <sub>@sonki999 &#9733; 161 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (25.106 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.891</sub> | <a href="/dclick/@fur2002ks/-100--1555548532101">사토시의 보물!! 100만 달러의 주인공은 나야 냐~~ </a> <br> <sub>@fur2002ks &#9733; 138 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.251 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.352</sub> | <a href="/kr/@jack8831/6dyqsx">[공지] 뉴비 지원을 위한 새로운 프로젝트를 시작합니다.</a> <br> <sub>@jack8831 &#9733; 121 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.512 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.574</sub> | <a href="/kr/@leemikyung/m5uet">좋은 사람 ~ </a> <br> <sub>@leemikyung &#9733; 75 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.342 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.522</sub> | <a href="/kr/@blockchainstudio/coindesk">[Coindesk] 광고, 중앙화 큐레이션, 유료구독... 스팀잇이 살 길은?</a> <br> <sub>@blockchainstudio &#9733; 76 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.010 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.231</sub> | <a href="/kr-series/@goodhello/-75-with--1555562405397">[알코올 스팀 #75] 굳헬로의 알코올 스팀 일흔다섯번째 이야기!! 오늘도 고기고기 with 소맥!! 그리고 스팀몬스터 일기!!</a> <br> <sub>@goodhello &#9733; 228 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.044 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.678</sub> | <a href="/kr/@twinpapa/80-81">80차 스몬 이벤트 결과 및 81차 카드 이벤트!</a> <br> <sub>@twinpapa &#9733; 119 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.027 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.512</sub> | <a href="/kr/@kiwifi/-3-1555599649700">케모노 프렌즈 동물친구들 3</a> <br> <sub>@kiwifi &#9733; 128 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (20.049 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.424</sub> | <a href="/tripsteem/@kimegggg/tt20190418t114316934z">■ 여행가 KimEgg / 방앗간을 그냥 지니치지 못하는 김참새 〔레고 방앗간〕</a> <br> <sub>@kimegggg &#9733; 79 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.312 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.259</sub> | <a href="/kr-diary/@ksc/dclick-1555587987681">유비무환</a> <br> <sub>@ksc &#9733; 43 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.335 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "deutsch" (203 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>84.774</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@backinblackdevil/abschluss-einer-saison--">Abschluss einer Saison. ..... </a> <br> <sub>@backinblackdevil &#9733; 77 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.387 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.189</sub> | <a href="/nextcolony/@louis88/nextcolony-starthilfe-fuer-die-dach-community-persoenliche-startempfehlung">NextColony - Starthilfe für die DACH-Community / Persönliche Startempfehlung</a> <br> <sub>@louis88 &#9733; 202 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.906 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.024</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@rivalzzz/nextcolony-ausbaustragie-beim-start">NextColony - Ausbaustragie beim Start! 🚀</a> <br> <sub>@rivalzzz &#9733; 125 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.159 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.769</sub> | <a href="/dachcolony/@dachcolony/dinge-sind-nur-so-lange-unmoeglich">Dinge sind nur so lange unmöglich,</a> <br> <sub>@dachcolony &#9733; 90 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.595 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.376</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@balte/das-baltengold-bg-14-update-mp-mit-2-25-steemp-unveraendert-stabiler-anteil-des-bgs-steigt-auf-1-00-steemp-sbt-steigt-auf-0-30">Das Baltengold (BG) -  14. Update: MP mit 2,25 SteemP unverändert, stabiler Anteil des BGs steigt auf 1,00 SteemP, SBT steigt auf 0,30 SteemP! Zukunft des Baltengoldes!</a> <br> <sub>@balte &#9733; 134 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (32.813 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.071</sub> | <a href="/orchids/@faltermann/5bkbob-wilde-orchideen-wild-orchids">💐 Wilde Orchideen │ Wild Orchids 🌱</a> <br> <sub>@faltermann &#9733; 75 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.916 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.919</sub> | <a href="/gardening/@schamangerbert/macro-photography-garden-news-in-the-evening-garten-neuigkeiten-am-abend-free-cultural-works-by-schamangerbert">Macro-photography: Garden news in the evening / Garten Neuigkeiten am Abend (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)</a> <br> <sub>@schamangerbert &#9733; 108 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.232 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.73</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@leroy.linientreu/wer-den-planeten-retten-will">Wer den Planeten retten will ...</a> <br> <sub>@leroy.linientreu &#9733; 66 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.918 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.675</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@leroy.linientreu/lied-fuer-retardierte-teil-1">Lied für Retardierte - Teil 1</a> <br> <sub>@leroy.linientreu &#9733; 90 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.394 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.371</sub> | <a href="/rapthursday/@flipstar/rapthursday-abs">Rapthursday - ABS</a> <br> <sub>@flipstar &#9733; 56 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.025 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "spanish" (509 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>81.663</sub> | <a href="/fotografia/@jvb71/buscandolosorgenes-qutafxvmbm">Buscando los orígenes</a> <br> <sub>@jvb71 &#9733; 339 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.635 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.178</sub> | <a href="/cervantes/@cervantes/semanaconhoraloca-t21u5yrqgo">¡¡¡Semana con hora loca!!!</a> <br> <sub>@cervantes &#9733; 339 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.038 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.992</sub> | <a href="/castellano/@mosqueteros/mosqueterosreportedecuracin16deabril2019-cuxc389zit">Mosqueteros: Reporte de curación 16 de abril 2019</a> <br> <sub>@mosqueteros &#9733; 99 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.464 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.912</sub> | <a href="/votovzla/@sandracabrera/aloaspergiano24-l8w3h5n589">¡A lo Aspergiano! #24</a> <br> <sub>@sandracabrera &#9733; 157 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.224 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.626</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@marlyncabrera/no-me-gustan-las-munecas-de-trapo-mirorrelato">No me gustan las muñecas de trapo. Mirorrelato</a> <br> <sub>@marlyncabrera &#9733; 132 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.792 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.571</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@cyclope/para-adorar-al-dios-santo-si-o-si-debes-ser-fiel">Para adorar al Dios Santo ¿Si o si debes ser fiel?</a> <br> <sub>@cyclope &#9733; 93 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.190 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.446</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@liliana21/de-paseo-al-zoologico-con-jose-javier">De paseo al zoológico con José Javier</a> <br> <sub>@liliana21 &#9733; 90 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.250 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.345</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@ordosjc/seminario-de-nutricion-y-control-de-peso">Seminario de Nutrición y control de peso.</a> <br> <sub>@ordosjc &#9733; 84 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.102 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.289</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@josecarrerag/donkey-kong-country-or-super-nintendo-entertainment-system">Donkey Kong Country  Super Nintendo Entertainment System</a> <br> <sub>@josecarrerag &#9733; 128 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.216 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.252</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@yonnathang/tiempo-libre-viernes-de-noche-f-free-time-friday-night">Tiempo libre, viernes de noche! Φ Free time, Friday night!</a> <br> <sub>@yonnathang &#9733; 117 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.220 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "pt" (58 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>76.454</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@kryptonauta/actifit-kryptonauta-20190418t025543637z">CoolBelt + My Actifit Report Card: abril 17 2019</a> <br> <sub>@kryptonauta &#9733; 140 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.269 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>76.45</sub> | <a href="/pt/@casberp/ptgram-016-or-1o-ranking-de-ptg-shares-na-blockchain-18-04-19-or-comente-e-concorra-a-5-ptg-shares">#PTGRAM 016  1º Ranking de PTG Shares na blockchain 18/04/19  Comente e Concorra a 5 PTG Shares</a> <br> <sub>@casberp &#9733; 56 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.732 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.805</sub> | <a href="/pt/@guifaquetti/my-entry-into-pay-it-forward-curation-contest-week-54">My Entry Into Pay It Forward Curation Contest Week 54</a> <br> <sub>@guifaquetti &#9733; 142 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.042 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.675</sub> | <a href="/life/@wiseagent/a-origem-da-semana-santa-e-seus-significados">A origem da Semana Santa e seus significados.</a> <br> <sub>@wiseagent &#9733; 83 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.739 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.481</sub> | <a href="/pt/@joaohazim/crypto-oportunidade-frente-a-inflacao">{Crypto} Oportunidade frente à inflação?</a> <br> <sub>@joaohazim &#9733; 81 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.801 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.434</sub> | <a href="/dlike/@wagnertamanaha/a-ligao-do-nubank-com-a-criptomoeda-basic-attention-token-bat-que-descobri-por-acaso">A ligação do Nubank com a criptomoeda Basic Attention Token (BAT) que descobri por acaso</a> <br> <sub>@wagnertamanaha &#9733; 46 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.406 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.377</sub> | <a href="/technology/@wiseagent/conhecam-stratolaunch-o-maior-aviao-do-mundo">Conheçam "Stratolaunch", o maior avião do mundo!</a> <br> <sub>@wiseagent &#9733; 76 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.690 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.334</sub> | <a href="/pt/@leodelara/aprendendo-com-a-dissertao--memrias-de-um-historiador">Aprendendo com a dissertação  Memórias de um historiador</a> <br> <sub>@leodelara &#9733; 186 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.678 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.196</sub> | <a href="/writing/@anacristinasilva/tempo-de-comecar">Tempo de começar "   </a> <br> <sub>@anacristinasilva &#9733; 77 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.284 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>73.925</sub> | <a href="/portugal/@psos/portugal-quase-parou-iaybzssn">Portugal quase parou</a> <br> <sub>@psos &#9733; 94 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.775 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "ru" (36 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>77.919</sub> | <a href="/busy/@anton-kostroma/produkty-s-otricatelnoi-kaloriinostyu">Продукты с отрицательной калорийностью</a> <br> <sub>@anton-kostroma &#9733; 31 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.175 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>71.149</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@andruto/myreward-today-4-rare-and-2-common-regular-cards--1555589260605">My reward today - 4 rare and 2 common regular cards </a> <br> <sub>@andruto &#9733; 11 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.120 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.553</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@monsterstamer/steem-monsters-turniry-okazyvaetsya-chto-mozhno-protivnikov-s-legendarnymi-prizyvatelyami-mozhno-i-obygrat">Steem Monsters Турниры: оказывается, что можно противников с Легендарными Призывателями можно и обыграть!</a> <br> <sub>@monsterstamer &#9733; 24 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.478 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.646</sub> | <a href="/history/@fareast-history/advertising-poster-51uzv08y">Intourist old poster</a> <br> <sub>@fareast-history &#9733; 54 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.063 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.42</sub> | <a href="/dlike/@cranium/----">Интересный анализ рынка, указывающий о неплохих краткосрочных перспективах.</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 22 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.173 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.388</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@qazaq/6zxepm-season-results">Season results</a> <br> <sub>@qazaq &#9733; 71 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.481 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.383</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@francuzzz/season-results">Season results</a> <br> <sub>@francuzzz &#9733; 67 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.213 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.254</sub> | <a href="/share2steem/@cranium/cranium-1555591217932-do-not-watch-the-first-series-of-the-game-of-thrones">Do not watch the first series of the Game of Thrones</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 22 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.428 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.17</sub> | <a href="/share2steem/@cranium/cranium-1555564713300-best-of-the-best">Best of the best</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 45 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.424 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.169</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@cranium/open-daily-quest-steemmonsters-173-1-epic-3-rare-12-common-regular-cards">Open daily quest steemmonsters #173 - 1 epic, 3 rare, 12 common regular cards</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 24 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.591 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "japan" (11 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>72.002</sub> | <a href="/japan/@goodboyphilip/akb48-2019418">AKB48 新聞 2019418: 大先輩峯岸みなみ深夜街頭擁抱。</a> <br> <sub>@goodboyphilip &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.151 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>69.838</sub> | <a href="/japanede/@amblog/394-tubfx07k">命日に  #394</a> <br> <sub>@amblog &#9733; 48 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.544 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>68.636</sub> | <a href="/cars/@nelkeljdm/3-z-sunrise-350z-fairlady-feature">3 Z Sunrise - 350z Fairlady Feature</a> <br> <sub>@nelkeljdm &#9733; 1272 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (24.674 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.911</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@denjiro/6nrbh7">昨日の忘れ写真</a> <br> <sub>@denjiro &#9733; 18 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.107 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.868</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@cticket/29ldkq">お一人様ランチ</a> <br> <sub>@cticket &#9733; 25 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.132 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.337</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@kaneni/3nefnr">虎渓公園</a> <br> <sub>@kaneni &#9733; 17 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.111 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>50.777</sub> | <a href="/ntopaz/@ferjart/ntopaz--ferjart--1230402295--ntopaz-art-japan-creativity-curation--2019-04-18-11-31-01--artwork--none">Edward Elric (New digital illustration)</a> <br> <sub>@ferjart &#9733; 30 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.520 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>32.42</sub> | <a href="/partiko/@sweetkathy/gorgeous-sakura-hbj2lhxg">Gorgeous Sakura</a> <br> <sub>@sweetkathy &#9733; 5 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.231 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "life" (1191 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.465</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/thursdays-with-uncle-boom-88">Thursdays With Uncle Boom #88</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 191 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.557 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.279</sub> | <a href="/appics/@ezzy/alpha-kw-8-appics-im-18555">Just look at that magnificent bird! The missus sure has whipped up an amazing feast ...</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 63 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.546 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.037</sub> | <a href="/partiko/@oldtimer/day-three-kd7iz9nn">Day Three </a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 226 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (26.159 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.868</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/could-this-have-been-the-ultimate-crypto-buy-of-the-year">Could This Have Been 2019's Ultimate Crypto "Buy of the Year"?</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 102 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (17.491 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.369</sub> | <a href="/crypto/@jrcornel/john-mcafee-says-he-knows-who-satoshi-is">John McAfee says he knows who Satoshi is...</a> <br> <sub>@jrcornel &#9733; 322 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.408 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.301</sub> | <a href="/fitness/@rmsbodybuilding/step-challenge-is-on-1000-steem-prize-pool-1554984278">Step challenge is on. 1000 steem prize pool!</a> <br> <sub>@rmsbodybuilding &#9733; 276 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.289 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.113</sub> | <a href="/creative/@little-peppers/monster-truck-the-sculptor">MONSTER TRUCK THE SCULPTOR!?!?!?!</a> <br> <sub>@little-peppers &#9733; 48 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.305 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.765</sub> | <a href="/dtube/@future24/z8p984pp">Vlog #110 (German Version): Oh nein, die Girls haben Primark entdeckt... xD</a> <br> <sub>@future24 &#9733; 448 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.790 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.683</sub> | <a href="/farming/@flemingfarm/2019-tilling-timelapse">2019 Tilling Timelapse</a> <br> <sub>@flemingfarm &#9733; 62 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.190 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.655</sub> | <a href="/dtube/@future24/wbhts9e0">Vlog #110: Oh no, the girls found Primark... xD</a> <br> <sub>@future24 &#9733; 169 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.078 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "photography" (1017 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>88.597</sub> | <a href="/photography/@raviraj/bird-show-photographs">Bird Show Photographs</a> <br> <sub>@raviraj &#9733; 191 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (19.812 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.753</sub> | <a href="/photography/@ace108/taming-the-tennis-beast-or-by-ace108">📷 🎾Taming the tennis beast …+Video  驯服网球野兽。。。+视频😎(by @ace108)</a> <br> <sub>@ace108 &#9733; 58 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.868 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.408</sub> | <a href="/photography/@d00k13/are-you-coming-or-what-dogsofsteemit-dailypetphotography-dbcfzqda">Are You Coming Or What!?!? - #DogsOfSteemit #DailyPetPhotography</a> <br> <sub>@d00k13 &#9733; 641 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (21.120 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.123</sub> | <a href="/photography/@ace108/lesson-from-a-doctor-with-a-free-meal-or-by-ace108">📷 Lesson from a doctor with a free meal  跟医生上了堂课还有免费晚餐😎(by @ace108)</a> <br> <sub>@ace108 &#9733; 59 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.145 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.923</sub> | <a href="/photography/@shady/spring-is-here-blossoming-prunus-tomentosa">Spring is here. Blossoming Prunus tomentosa</a> <br> <sub>@shady &#9733; 40 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.733 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.882</sub> | <a href="/photography/@papa-pepper/our-first-juvenile-black-rat-snake">OUR FIRST JUVENILE BLACK RAT SNAKE!!!</a> <br> <sub>@papa-pepper &#9733; 455 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.210 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.66</sub> | <a href="/partiko/@oldtimer/day-three-kd7iz9nn">Day Three </a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 226 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (26.159 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.536</sub> | <a href="/animals/@papa-pepper/baby-mouse">BABY MOUSE!!!</a> <br> <sub>@papa-pepper &#9733; 289 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.798 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.219</sub> | <a href="/monomad/@boddhisattva/monomad-photographic-challenge-spiral-staircase-7390202fc604b">MONOMAD PHOTOGRAPHIC CHALLENGE - Spiral staircase</a> <br> <sub>@boddhisattva &#9733; 83 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.136 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.017</sub> | <a href="/photography/@boddhisattva/cherry-blossom-closeup-948fc8ade1ef2">Cherry blossom closeup</a> <br> <sub>@boddhisattva &#9733; 39 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.007 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "busy" (700 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>88.179</sub> | <a href="/community/@steembasicincome/enhanced-votes-graph-17-april-2019">Enhanced Votes Graph 17 April 2019</a> <br> <sub>@steembasicincome &#9733; 1682 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (25.934 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.029</sub> | <a href="/series/@oendertuerk/love-death-and-robots-again-1">Love, Death & Robots - Again #1</a> <br> <sub>@oendertuerk &#9733; 2502 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (137.970 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.314</sub> | <a href="/charlesfuchs/@stackin/hxro-has-launched-get-your-100-free-hxro-tokens-right-now">✴️ HXRO HAS LAUNCHED! GET YOUR 100 FREE HXRO TOKENS RIGHT NOW! 🤑 </a> <br> <sub>@stackin &#9733; 668 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.030 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.213</sub> | <a href="/qurator/@qurator/qurator-s-shining-qurite-44-or-dandays">Qurator's Shining Qurite #44  @dandays</a> <br> <sub>@qurator &#9733; 1473 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.699 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.696</sub> | <a href="/crypto/@jrcornel/john-mcafee-says-he-knows-who-satoshi-is">John McAfee says he knows who Satoshi is...</a> <br> <sub>@jrcornel &#9733; 322 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.408 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.065</sub> | <a href="/photocircle/@chorock/seagull-watching-view">SeaGull Watching View</a> <br> <sub>@chorock &#9733; 65 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.364 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.887</sub> | <a href="/life/@mindsoul/a-unique-place-for-shoes-drying-d">A Unique Place for Shoes Drying :D </a> <br> <sub>@mindsoul &#9733; 122 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.340 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.611</sub> | <a href="/qurator/@qurator/the-daily-qurator-578">The Daily Qurator #578</a> <br> <sub>@qurator &#9733; 1024 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.721 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.433</sub> | <a href="/stax/@silvergoldbotty/18th-of-april-stax-delegation-based-community-upvote-bot-and-quality-content-curator">18th of April ; Stax delegation based community upvote bot and quality content curator</a> <br> <sub>@silvergoldbotty &#9733; 335 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.300 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.412</sub> | <a href="/opinion/@brian.rrr/brand-name-vs-value-brand-vs-store-brand">Brand Name vs Value Brand vs Store Brand</a> <br> <sub>@brian.rrr &#9733; 158 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (20.615 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "blog" (593 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>88.168</sub> | <a href="/money/@brittuf/pick-a-nba-team-in-tron-city-and-win-steem-1555576827051">Pick a NBA team in Tron-City and Win Steem</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 2076 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (137.199 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.936</sub> | <a href="/blog/@steeminfobot/how-to-market-an-ico">How to Market an ICO</a> <br> <sub>@steeminfobot &#9733; 1731 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (122.837 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.888</sub> | <a href="/appics/@ezzy/alpha-kw-8-appics-im-18555">Just look at that magnificent bird! The missus sure has whipped up an amazing feast ...</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 63 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.546 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.842</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/thursdays-with-uncle-boom-88">Thursdays With Uncle Boom #88</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 191 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.557 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.686</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/could-this-have-been-the-ultimate-crypto-buy-of-the-year">Could This Have Been 2019's Ultimate Crypto "Buy of the Year"?</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 102 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (17.491 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.478</sub> | <a href="/myhuntingfishing/@spinner/my-best-perch-lures">My best perch lures</a> <br> <sub>@spinner &#9733; 198 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.124 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.064</sub> | <a href="/busy/@lichtblick/colorchallenge-thursdaygreen-withered-beauty">📷#ColorChallenge Thursdaygreen " Withered Beauty "</a> <br> <sub>@lichtblick &#9733; 88 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.448 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.676</sub> | <a href="/funny/@b00m/damn-piglets">Damn Piglets</a> <br> <sub>@b00m &#9733; 36 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.381 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.146</sub> | <a href="/travel/@aishwarya/moodbidri">Moodbidri </a> <br> <sub>@aishwarya &#9733; 80 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.985 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.081</sub> | <a href="/india/@firepower/let-us-get-inked-this-election-season">Let Us Get Inked This Election Season!</a> <br> <sub>@firepower &#9733; 334 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (20.686 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "steem" (470 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>88.182</sub> | <a href="/buildteam/@buildteam/annuncio-di-buildteam-campagna-di-riacquisto-dei-token-in-arrivo">Annuncio di BuildTeam - Campagna di riacquisto dei Token in arrivo!</a> <br> <sub>@buildteam &#9733; 1822 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (73.283 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.273</sub> | <a href="/charlesfuchs/@stackin/hxro-has-launched-get-your-100-free-hxro-tokens-right-now">✴️ HXRO HAS LAUNCHED! GET YOUR 100 FREE HXRO TOKENS RIGHT NOW! 🤑 </a> <br> <sub>@stackin &#9733; 668 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.030 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.305</sub> | <a href="/blog/@steeminfobot/how-to-market-an-ico">How to Market an ICO</a> <br> <sub>@steeminfobot &#9733; 1731 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (122.837 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.254</sub> | <a href="/steemalliance/@steemalliance/community-foundation-structure-proposal-election-final-deadline-to-vote-is-april-24th">Community Foundation Structure Proposal Election - Final Deadline To Vote Is April 24th</a> <br> <sub>@steemalliance &#9733; 59 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.799 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.168</sub> | <a href="/steem/@llfarms/what-is-your-vision-for-steem">What Is YOUR Vision For Steem?</a> <br> <sub>@llfarms &#9733; 124 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.404 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.763</sub> | <a href="/appics/@orl4ndo/disrupt-meet-up-in-munich-ejroeajr">Disrupt meet up in Munich @Deloitte</a> <br> <sub>@orl4ndo &#9733; 716 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.014 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.708</sub> | <a href="/dapps/@ugos/epic-dice">EPIC DICE</a> <br> <sub>@ugos &#9733; 179 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.520 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.177</sub> | <a href="/steem/@deathcross/steem-is-near-all-time-low-but-you-could-take-advantage">Steem Is Near All Time Low – But You Could Take Advantage</a> <br> <sub>@deathcross &#9733; 1090 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (73.878 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.018</sub> | <a href="/esteem/@anomadsoul/contest-explain-to-the-masses-what-is-esteem">CONTEST! Explain to the masses what is @esteem</a> <br> <sub>@anomadsoul &#9733; 228 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (84.203 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.828</sub> | <a href="/steem/@steem.marketing/the-steemit-podcast-ep-2-oracle-d">The Steemit Podcast [Ep. 2]: Oracle-D</a> <br> <sub>@steem.marketing &#9733; 272 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (121.448 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "nature" (358 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>83.666</sub> | <a href="/photography/@shady/spring-is-here-blossoming-prunus-tomentosa">Spring is here. Blossoming Prunus tomentosa</a> <br> <sub>@shady &#9733; 40 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.733 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.602</sub> | <a href="/photography/@papa-pepper/our-first-juvenile-black-rat-snake">OUR FIRST JUVENILE BLACK RAT SNAKE!!!</a> <br> <sub>@papa-pepper &#9733; 455 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.210 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.393</sub> | <a href="/animals/@papa-pepper/baby-mouse">BABY MOUSE!!!</a> <br> <sub>@papa-pepper &#9733; 289 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.798 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.385</sub> | <a href="/photography/@alexin/beautiful-trees-in-winter-111">Beautiful trees in winter #111</a> <br> <sub>@alexin &#9733; 69 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.745 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.374</sub> | <a href="/photography/@alexin/beautiful-trees-in-winter-110">Beautiful trees in winter #110</a> <br> <sub>@alexin &#9733; 71 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.135 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.527</sub> | <a href="/photography/@yetaras/2nwfyu-spring-tenderness">Spring tenderness</a> <br> <sub>@yetaras &#9733; 24 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.519 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.377</sub> | <a href="/photography/@ewkaw/canyons-and-mountain-tops">Canyons and mountain tops</a> <br> <sub>@ewkaw &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.207 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.339</sub> | <a href="/village/@siggjo/noteworthy-buildings-in-the-centre-of-svortland">Noteworthy buildings in the centre of Svortland</a> <br> <sub>@siggjo &#9733; 18 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.106 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.261</sub> | <a href="/snowregon2019-pleasure6/@ddschteinn/snowregon-2019-the-pleasure-post-vi-industrial-magic-and-light-part-i-staying-out-way-too-late-running-around-town-recording-the">SnOwregon 2019 ~  THE PLEASURE - Post VI  ~ Industrial Magic and Light  ~ Staying Out WAY Too Late  Running Around Town Recording The Snowy Night-Beauty  ~  Original Photography And Some Discussion ~</a> <br> <sub>@ddschteinn &#9733; 50 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.540 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.896</sub> | <a href="/gardening/@ewkaw/the-ugly-duckling">The ugly duckling</a> <br> <sub>@ewkaw &#9733; 63 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.937 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "steemit" (459 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>88.37</sub> | <a href="/money/@brittuf/pick-a-nba-team-in-tron-city-and-win-steem-1555576827051">Pick a NBA team in Tron-City and Win Steem</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 2076 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (137.199 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.622</sub> | <a href="/appics/@orl4ndo/disrupt-meet-up-in-munich-ejroeajr">Disrupt meet up in Munich @Deloitte</a> <br> <sub>@orl4ndo &#9733; 716 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.014 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.176</sub> | <a href="/steem/@surpassinggoogle/updated-the-steemgigs-witness-to-version-20-10-and-some-tips-to-help-you-update-your-witness-if-you-use-steem-in-a-box">Updated The 'steemgigs' Witness To Version 20.10 & Some Tips To Help You Update Your Witness If You Use steem-in-a-box</a> <br> <sub>@surpassinggoogle &#9733; 1160 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.054 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.851</sub> | <a href="/miq-test/@miq-test/miq-test-is-back-next-competition-is-live">MIQ-TEST is back (NEXT COMPETITION IS LIVE)</a> <br> <sub>@miq-test &#9733; 524 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (33.521 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.659</sub> | <a href="/steem/@penguinpablo/weekly-report-how-much-steem-is-stored-on-the-exchanges-april-18-2019">Weekly report: How much STEEM is stored on the exchanges? - April 18, 2019</a> <br> <sub>@penguinpablo &#9733; 124 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.137 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.282</sub> | <a href="/steemmonsters/@flipstar/renting-cards-through-peakmonsters">Renting cards through peakmonsters</a> <br> <sub>@flipstar &#9733; 78 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.972 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.956</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@penguinpablo/daily-steem-stats-report-thursday-april-18-2019">Daily Steem Stats Report - Thursday, April 18, 2019</a> <br> <sub>@penguinpablo &#9733; 116 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.853 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.877</sub> | <a href="/blog/@steemengineteam/steemengine-stats---2019-04-18">SteemEngine Stats - 2019-04-18</a> <br> <sub>@steemengineteam &#9733; 1897 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.642 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.637</sub> | <a href="/steem/@jaynie/jaynie-1555624220172-lets-go-camping-and-promo-steem-haha">Let's go CAMPING!!!! and promo #STEEM Haha!!</a> <br> <sub>@jaynie &#9733; 302 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.450 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.511</sub> | <a href="/cars/@nelkeljdm/3-z-sunrise-350z-fairlady-feature">3 Z Sunrise - 350z Fairlady Feature</a> <br> <sub>@nelkeljdm &#9733; 1272 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (24.674 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "art" (445 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>84.291</sub> | <a href="/ntopaz/@silviabeneforti/ntopaz--silviabeneforti--1661543382--ntopaz-art-painting-oilpainting--2019-04-18-12-42-46--artwork--none">The Seed Lady</a> <br> <sub>@silviabeneforti &#9733; 137 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.776 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.989</sub> | <a href="/dailyart/@shortcut/shortcut-1555616280353-shortcuts-instagram-feed--20190418">shortcut's instagram Feed : 2019/04/18</a> <br> <sub>@shortcut &#9733; 391 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.055 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.415</sub> | <a href="/art/@silviabeneforti/an-idea-just-come-into-my-mind-">An idea just came into my mind ^_^</a> <br> <sub>@silviabeneforti &#9733; 46 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.852 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.269</sub> | <a href="/art/@xpilar/2xhfhf-the-image-is-made-of-own-imagination-and-thoughts">The image is made of own imagination and thoughts</a> <br> <sub>@xpilar &#9733; 226 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (48.783 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.331</sub> | <a href="/music/@creativecrypto/creativecrypto-1555603480456-creativecryptos-twitter-feed--20190418-180440">creativecrypto's twitter Feed : 2019/04/18 18:04:40</a> <br> <sub>@creativecrypto &#9733; 236 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (19.656 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.282</sub> | <a href="/lego/@velimir/motorcycle-travel-series-by-velimir-lego-worlds-somewhere-far-far-away-part-663">Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'Lego worlds - Somewhere far, far away' (Part #663)</a> <br> <sub>@velimir &#9733; 428 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (26.643 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.235</sub> | <a href="/rarepepe/@creativecrypto/creativecrypto-1555621763089-creativecryptos-twitter-feed--20190418-230923">creativecrypto's twitter Feed : 2019/04/18 23:09:23</a> <br> <sub>@creativecrypto &#9733; 225 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.297 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.914</sub> | <a href="/art/@allyinspirit/seven-day-covenant-day-3-good-friday-vumap-and-a-black-cat-original-art-collage-photography">Seven Day Covenant: Day 3. Good Friday. VUMAP and a Black Cat. Original Art. Collage. Photography.</a> <br> <sub>@allyinspirit &#9733; 122 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.021 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.845</sub> | <a href="/utopian-io/@adamada/antiabuse-in-another-frontend-of-the-blockchain">Antiabuse in another Frontend of the Blockchain</a> <br> <sub>@adamada &#9733; 256 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.584 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.632</sub> | <a href="/comics/@katharsisdrill/phill-from-gchq-page-79-adetutu-hair-salon">Phill from GCHQ - page 79 - Adetutu Hair Salon</a> <br> <sub>@katharsisdrill &#9733; 47 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.954 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "travel" (333 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>87.611</sub> | <a href="/travel/@slowwalker/yak-sa-jeon-hall-in-sil-san-sa-temple">Yak Sa Jeon Hall in Sil San Sa temple</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 581 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (79.399 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.381</sub> | <a href="/travel/@slobberchops/clitheroe-castle">Clitheroe Castle</a> <br> <sub>@slobberchops &#9733; 376 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.640 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.955</sub> | <a href="/travel/@world-travel-pro/real-life-captured-214-kiev-ukraine-part-six-10-photos-with-travel-pro-captions-1555003985">Real Life Captured #214: Kiev Ukraine! Part Six (10 photos with Travel Pro Captions!)</a> <br> <sub>@world-travel-pro &#9733; 248 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.522 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.529</sub> | <a href="/travel/@adonisabril/17-best-things-to-do-in-san-diego-that-won-t-break-your-bank">17 Best Things To Do in San Diego That Won't Break Your Bank</a> <br> <sub>@adonisabril &#9733; 187 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.136 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.503</sub> | <a href="/dtube/@joythewanderer/glzdb46s">How we spent a day in Bangkok  Boat bus + Wat Arun + Union Mall + Tuktuk!</a> <br> <sub>@joythewanderer &#9733; 180 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (17.158 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.632</sub> | <a href="/busy/@assasin/my-photo-album-142-365">My photo album 142/365</a> <br> <sub>@assasin &#9733; 243 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.531 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.56</sub> | <a href="/travel/@tamito0201/vol-27-3">【散歩】たみ散歩東京・竹芝 Vol.27 ウォーターフロント竹芝ふ頭から東京湾を望む!③</a> <br> <sub>@tamito0201 &#9733; 1094 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (36.602 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.215</sub> | <a href="/travelfeed/@gabrielatravels/let-s-travel-together-102-lacul-bolboci-bolboci-lake">Let's travel together #102 - Lacul Bolboci (Bolboci Lake)</a> <br> <sub>@gabrielatravels &#9733; 179 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.825 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.182</sub> | <a href="/tripsteem/@ramengirl/tt20190418t041951719z">손오공이 나올것 같았던 오행산 당일치기 여행  Ramengirl🍜</a> <br> <sub>@ramengirl &#9733; 67 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.075 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>78.982</sub> | <a href="/vienna/@mammasitta/augarten-porcelain-manufactory-and-cafe-in-vienna-for-a-sunny-spring-day">Augarten Porcelain Manufactory And Cafe In Vienna For A Sunny Spring Day</a> <br> <sub>@mammasitta &#9733; 122 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.315 SBD ) reward</sub>


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thanks [@xroni](/@xroni) for the pic)
thanks [@felipejoys](/@felipejoys) for help in rating explanation text)

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vote details (24)
@gabrielatravels ·
Thanks for featuring my post :D
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