[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 18.12.2018 GMT] Top Of The Pop by t3ran13

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· @t3ran13 ·
[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 18.12.2018 GMT] Top Of The Pop

# <center>The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.</center>

## <center>Check them out below!</center>

## <center>What makes our list special?</center>
- **We suffer very little influence from bots**. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
- **Our lists have credible authority** because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
- **Only the best content** should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
- **Lists quality is highly guaranteed** because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.

## <center>How it works:</center>

Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.

How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.

I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10  for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.

Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more)  Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.

## <center>Examples:</center>

#### Earning vote value on a specific tag:
- *Bob* made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means **he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag**, so **his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts**.
- Because of this, *Kate* posted something on #steem and *Bob* voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.

#### Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:
- Even if *Bob* has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. **His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.**
- *Peter* then posted on #photography and *Bob* voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.

#### Losing vote value for inactivity:
- While *Bob* doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).

### <center>Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!</center>

## <center>18.12.2018</center>
### <center>Best from all tags (9850 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>92.108</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/the-most-peaceful-place-in-bongjeong-sa-temple-near-the-mountain-god-building">The Most Peaceful Place in Bongjeong-sa Temple, Near the Mountain God Building.</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 490 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (64.797 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.857</sub> | <a href="/photography/@oldtimer/in-the-city">In The City</a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 198 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (24.999 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.275</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/vanishing-point-2">Vanishing Point #2</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 168 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.731 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>91.251</sub> | <a href="/photography/@gringalicious/caramel-and-pecans-sticky-buns-food-photo-shoot">Caramel & Pecans Sticky Buns - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT</a> <br> <sub>@gringalicious &#9733; 230 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (13.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.898</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/deans-tokyo-snapshots-wru4g1my"> 烏龍麵與天婦羅 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 </a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 182 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.223 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.594</sub> | <a href="/photography/@shaka/discovering-mallorca-castell-de-bellver">Discovering Mallorca - Castell de Bellver</a> <br> <sub>@shaka &#9733; 215 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.931 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.44</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/yvdft">年终奖吗?</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 156 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.904 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.371</sub> | <a href="/bitcoin/@ant1dot396/a-millionaire-in-bitcoin-in-hong-kong-threw-money-from-the-roof">A millionaire in Bitcoin in Hong Kong threw money from the roof</a> <br> <sub>@ant1dot396 &#9733; 98 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (41.268 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90.358</sub> | <a href="/cn/@blackbunny/5b2wlr">自知之明</a> <br> <sub>@blackbunny &#9733; 92 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.963 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>90</sub> | <a href="/steem/@deanliu/steemapps-com">推薦SteemApps.com</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 140 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.937 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "cn" (148 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.737</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/deans-tokyo-snapshots-wru4g1my"> 烏龍麵與天婦羅 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 </a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 182 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.223 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.403</sub> | <a href="/steem/@deanliu/steemapps-com">推薦SteemApps.com</a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 140 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.937 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>89.082</sub> | <a href="/cn-stem/@oflyhigh/arduino-arduino-and-blink">Arduino介绍、Arduino环境下载&安装、blink示例</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 171 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.842 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.966</sub> | <a href="/cn/@oflyhigh/yvdft">年终奖吗?</a> <br> <sub>@oflyhigh &#9733; 156 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.904 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.772</sub> | <a href="/cn/@blackbunny/5b2wlr">自知之明</a> <br> <sub>@blackbunny &#9733; 92 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.963 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.122</sub> | <a href="/cn-stats/@chinadaily/active-authors-information-under-the-cn-category-2018-12-18">[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2018-12-18)</a> <br> <sub>@chinadaily &#9733; 70 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.371 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.078</sub> | <a href="/cn-stats/@chinadaily/active-authors-and-posts-under-the-cn-category-2018-12-16">Active authors & posts under the CN category [2018-12-16]</a> <br> <sub>@chinadaily &#9733; 82 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.221 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.963</sub> | <a href="/cn-reader/@rivalhw/5rjsjm">想长寿,那就同你的另一半吵一架?</a> <br> <sub>@rivalhw &#9733; 74 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (5.175 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.187</sub> | <a href="/life/@aaronli/hx3kz3zg4f">移民?離開香港?</a> <br> <sub>@aaronli &#9733; 183 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.965 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.821</sub> | <a href="/art/@nanosesame/drawonblockchainalittleadjustmentofmrgreatslook-172hjtwv8d">Draw on Blockchain : a little adjustment of Mr Great 's look</a> <br> <sub>@nanosesame &#9733; 165 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.308 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "kr" (431 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>82.389</sub> | <a href="/kr/@cheongpyeongyull/2018-12">2018년 12월의 스티미언</a> <br> <sub>@cheongpyeongyull &#9733; 68 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.814 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.55</sub> | <a href="/kr/@leemikyung/36mng5">돌도 아름다운데......</a> <br> <sub>@leemikyung &#9733; 75 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.529 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.257</sub> | <a href="/kr/@bbana/2vlyx4">## 동화,속담속의 궁금증 /활력 유우머😍😘</a> <br> <sub>@bbana &#9733; 136 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.493 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.082</sub> | <a href="/kr-gazua/@sonki999/steemmonsters-common-gold-event-47-beta--1545104337194">[Steemmonsters] Common / Gold 카드 지급 Event(제 47회) Beta 버전</a> <br> <sub>@sonki999 &#9733; 132 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.974 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.061</sub> | <a href="/kr/@blockchainstudio/91">댄 최근송금 최소 91만 + 스팀잇 블로그 해외유저반응</a> <br> <sub>@blockchainstudio &#9733; 76 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.118 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.836</sub> | <a href="/kr/@lostmine27/--1545161265113">현재 스팀의 (실질적인) 인플레이션율은 설계와 꽤 다른 상태입니다.</a> <br> <sub>@lostmine27 &#9733; 108 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.755 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.574</sub> | <a href="/kr/@kiwifi/-4--1545147694297">일본의 동물 컬렉션 4탄 - 시코쿠의 청류와 바다 동물 편</a> <br> <sub>@kiwifi &#9733; 141 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (22.042 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.307</sub> | <a href="/kr/@centering/4syfpz">방종] 피파 좀 할께요 ^^</a> <br> <sub>@centering &#9733; 57 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.079 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.138</sub> | <a href="/kr/@wony/229ot7">너무 일찍 일어났다</a> <br> <sub>@wony &#9733; 49 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.198 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.043</sub> | <a href="/kr/@sanha88/5gmanq">잘 죽는다는 것 - 민영환의 분사</a> <br> <sub>@sanha88 &#9733; 49 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.571 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "deutsch" (192 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.598</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@theaustrianguy/vergangene-woche-auf-der-steem-blockchain-12">Vergangene Woche auf der STEEM-Blockchain... #12</a> <br> <sub>@theaustrianguy &#9733; 303 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.582 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.9</sub> | <a href="/travelfeed/@vieanna/colourful-world-of-gods-at-lotus-pond-in-kaohsiung-taiwan-bunte-goetterwelt-am-lotus-see-in-kaohsiung-taiwan-d4ced6ef9eb63est">Colourful world of gods at Lotus Pond  in Kaohsiung, Taiwan // Bunte Götterwelt am Lotus See in Kaohsiung, Taiwan</a> <br> <sub>@vieanna &#9733; 214 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.797 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.345</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@schamangerbert/yucca-in-the-snow-yucca-im-schnee">Yucca in the snow / Yucca im Schnee</a> <br> <sub>@schamangerbert &#9733; 122 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.231 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.157</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@leroy.linientreu/das-mit-der-toleranz-ist-so-ne-sache">Das mit der Toleranz ist so ne Sache ...</a> <br> <sub>@leroy.linientreu &#9733; 77 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.507 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.205</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@reiseamateur/werbung-bald-auf-steemit-durch-steemit-inc-or">Werbung bald auf Steemit durch Steemit.Inc?  ⛔️  or ✅ ?</a> <br> <sub>@reiseamateur &#9733; 143 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.835 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.181</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@schlees/ein-ominoeses-paeckchen-macht-sich-auf-den-weg-d">Ein ominöses Päckchen macht sich auf den Weg :D!</a> <br> <sub>@schlees &#9733; 112 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.417 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.123</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@saamychristen/persoenlichkeiten-016-schores-alexandrowitsch-medwedew">Persönlichkeiten 016 - Schores Alexandrowitsch Medwedew</a> <br> <sub>@saamychristen &#9733; 28 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.488 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.994</sub> | <a href="/weihnachten/@w74/verstecken-suchen-vielleicht-auch-finden">Verstecken, suchen, vielleicht auch finden</a> <br> <sub>@w74 &#9733; 69 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.274 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.895</sub> | <a href="/sports/@oendertuerk/sport-wetten-bilanz-nach-der-8-woche">Sport Wetten - Bilanz nach der 8. Woche</a> <br> <sub>@oendertuerk &#9733; 571 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (57.314 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.606</sub> | <a href="/deutsch/@steemrente/was-macht-eigentlich-der-rentenbot">Was macht eigentlich der rentenbot?</a> <br> <sub>@steemrente &#9733; 77 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.673 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "spanish" (415 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>80.787</sub> | <a href="/equipocardumen/@equipocardumen/astrolabiovisionesdemundodeequipocardumencomolasciudadesinvisiblesporgracielaacevedo-b3lkykq5m2">Astrolabio, visiones de mundo de Equipo Cardumen/Como las ciudades invisibles, por @gracielaacevedo</a> <br> <sub>@equipocardumen &#9733; 277 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.456 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.594</sub> | <a href="/cervantes/@rafarosado/tejados">Tejados</a> <br> <sub>@rafarosado &#9733; 150 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.474 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.498</sub> | <a href="/blog/@cervantes/cervantescienciavidavol21p12-cxs3x1g4ko">Cervantes Ciencia//Vida Vol.21 p.1/2</a> <br> <sub>@cervantes &#9733; 599 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.490 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.367</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@fakj94/sxe39-retratos-urbanos">Retratos urbanos</a> <br> <sub>@fakj94 &#9733; 126 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (3.201 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.147</sub> | <a href="/castellano/@mosqueteros/mosqueterosreportedecuracin14dediciembre2018-oju2ndxtr4">Mosqueteros: Reporte de curación 14 de diciembre 2018</a> <br> <sub>@mosqueteros &#9733; 124 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.327 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.938</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@mauriciovite/extraandounpoconuevayork-o3vvqgbdl9">Extrañando un poco Nueva York</a> <br> <sub>@mauriciovite &#9733; 130 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.723 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.789</sub> | <a href="/cervantes/@cervantes/cervantespresentaserenueva-l2mztzvhov">Cervantes Presenta se renueva</a> <br> <sub>@cervantes &#9733; 419 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.580 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.635</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@galberto/hormiguero-aereo-una-maravilla-de-la-ingenieria-natural">Hormiguero aéreo una maravilla de la ingeniería natural.</a> <br> <sub>@galberto &#9733; 131 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.568 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.607</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@anira.art/boy-witch-mini-historia-paso-a-paso">🧑Boy Witch🧑/ Mini historia + Paso a paso</a> <br> <sub>@anira.art &#9733; 377 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.865 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.361</sub> | <a href="/spanish/@erune/mi-proyecto-de-diseno-de-personajes">Mi Proyecto de Diseño de Personajes</a> <br> <sub>@erune &#9733; 125 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.727 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "pt" (44 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>77.557</sub> | <a href="/dlike/@wagnertamanaha/blockchain-foi-assunto-no-jornal-hoje-da-tv-globo-informaes-viram-moeda-e-valem-muito-na-vida-real">Blockchain foi assunto no Jornal Hoje da TV Globo: Informações viram moeda e valem muito na vida real.</a> <br> <sub>@wagnertamanaha &#9733; 108 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.702 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>76.838</sub> | <a href="/appics/@guifaquetti/backend-alpha-kw-43-appics-im-6168">Início das ferias!!! Nas curvas de Santos!</a> <br> <sub>@guifaquetti &#9733; 204 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.094 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.655</sub> | <a href="/pt/@kamarguita/minha-hora-magica-3251985ec2e6f">Minha hora mágica</a> <br> <sub>@kamarguita &#9733; 23 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.124 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>75.412</sub> | <a href="/pt/@aiuna/cancoes-socorro">{Canções} - Socorro</a> <br> <sub>@aiuna &#9733; 88 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.229 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.998</sub> | <a href="/pt/@a-quarius/6eamzp-superacao">Superação!</a> <br> <sub>@a-quarius &#9733; 36 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.097 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.924</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@ataliba/actifit-ataliba-20181218t005055038z">My Actifit Report Card: dezembro 17 2018</a> <br> <sub>@ataliba &#9733; 90 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.379 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.692</sub> | <a href="/pt/@eusourye/analise-tecnica-semanal-semana-18-12-2018-com-gabriel-faria">Análise Técnica Semanal - Semana 18/12/2018 com Gabriel Faria</a> <br> <sub>@eusourye &#9733; 73 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.232 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.587</sub> | <a href="/portugal/@isabelpereira/trocadilhos-urbanos-magazine-de-dezembro-a-saga-continua">Trocadilhos urbanos - Magazine de dezembro - a saga continua...</a> <br> <sub>@isabelpereira &#9733; 109 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.440 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>74.551</sub> | <a href="/pt/@joaohazim/brasil-depoimento-marcado">{Brasil} Depoimento marcado.</a> <br> <sub>@joaohazim &#9733; 77 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.215 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>73.597</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@pedrocanella/actifit-pedrocanella-20181218t002611676z">Cidade + My Actifit Report Card: dezembro 17 2018</a> <br> <sub>@pedrocanella &#9733; 106 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.349 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "japan" (18 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>70.196</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@shizuka/view-of-this-year-the-view-of-tokyo-disney-land">View of this year,the view of Tokyo Disney Land.   今年見たディズニーランドの景色</a> <br> <sub>@shizuka &#9733; 52 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.779 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>70.012</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@hiradate/qajg1">不老長生 百薬之長 厳選辛口 吉野川</a> <br> <sub>@hiradate &#9733; 57 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.725 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>69.619</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/deans-tokyo-snapshots-wru4g1my"> 烏龍麵與天婦羅 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 </a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 182 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.223 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>69.267</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@yasu24/fundition-tyorhic3">@Funditionのイタリアのアンバサダーの方に、インタビューをしていただきました。</a> <br> <sub>@yasu24 &#9733; 58 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.714 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.76</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@kaneni/34pk5w">鳥羽で海の幸</a> <br> <sub>@kaneni &#9733; 20 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.090 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.719</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@cticket/5hv1dk">浦村牡蠣食べ放題バスツアー</a> <br> <sub>@cticket &#9733; 35 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.154 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.419</sub> | <a href="/japanese/@denjiro/2egqr8">【国宝】宇太水分神社本殿</a> <br> <sub>@denjiro &#9733; 26 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.141 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.251</sub> | <a href="/photography/@takezou/at-the-darts-bar">At the darts bar ダーツバーで忘年会</a> <br> <sub>@takezou &#9733; 38 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.420 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>64.015</sub> | <a href="/photo/@eita/my-photo-album-101--1545066675">My photo album #101 いつもの空</a> <br> <sub>@eita &#9733; 16 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.108 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.997</sub> | <a href="/japan/@hanakaze/-1545069236">グロリオーサ</a> <br> <sub>@hanakaze &#9733; 10 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.102 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "ru" (53 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>69.435</sub> | <a href="/ru/@yeho/odessa-v-detalyakh-pamyatnik-dyuku-de-rishele-chto-za-chelovek-byl-etot-rishele-i-pochemu-emu-postavili-pamyatnik-v-odesse">[Одесса в деталях] Памятник Дюку де Ришелье. Что за человек был этот Ришелье и почему ему поставили памятник в Одессе?</a> <br> <sub>@yeho &#9733; 13 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.153 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>67.114</sub> | <a href="/ua/@cranium/open-daily-quest-steemmonsters-52">Open daily quest steemmonsters #52</a> <br> <sub>@cranium &#9733; 40 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.560 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>66.302</sub> | <a href="/ua/@andruto/opening-daily-quest-season-4-day-8">Opening daily quest season 4 day 8</a> <br> <sub>@andruto &#9733; 13 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.039 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>65.157</sub> | <a href="/life/@nilpan/christmas-trees-novogodnie-yolki">Christmas trees      Новогодние ёлки</a> <br> <sub>@nilpan &#9733; 26 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.111 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.592</sub> | <a href="/art/@apnigrich/budenovets-budenovec">Budenovets / Буденовец</a> <br> <sub>@apnigrich &#9733; 212 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.479 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>63.389</sub> | <a href="/art/@filinpaul/the-angel-author-s-song-angel-avtorskaya-pesenka">The Angel (author's song)/Ангел (авторская песенка)</a> <br> <sub>@filinpaul &#9733; 83 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.062 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>61.606</sub> | <a href="/food/@voltash/banana-ravioli"> Banana ravioli.</a> <br> <sub>@voltash &#9733; 23 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.691 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>61.258</sub> | <a href="/photography/@anatolich/priroda-kyrgyzstana-u-namazdyka">Природа Кыргызстана... У Намаздыка</a> <br> <sub>@anatolich &#9733; 14 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.113 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>61.207</sub> | <a href="/rusteemteam/@bammbuss/blyuvalnyi-khf19-sostoyalsya">Блюvalьный ХФ19 состоялся</a> <br> <sub>@bammbuss &#9733; 10 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.074 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>60.642</sub> | <a href="/busy/@oksanagb/the-island-of-rhodes-camiros">The Island Of Rhodes. Camiros.</a> <br> <sub>@oksanagb &#9733; 20 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.070 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "life" (1363 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.068</sub> | <a href="/photography/@gringalicious/caramel-and-pecans-sticky-buns-food-photo-shoot">Caramel & Pecans Sticky Buns - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT</a> <br> <sub>@gringalicious &#9733; 230 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (13.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.674</sub> | <a href="/photography/@oldtimer/in-the-city">In The City</a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 198 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (24.999 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.576</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/my-trusty-old-computer-just-ain-t-what-it-used-to-be">My Trusty Old Computer Just Ain't What it Used To Be</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 89 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (15.204 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.188</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/vanishing-point-2">Vanishing Point #2</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 168 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.731 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.91</sub> | <a href="/bitcoin/@metama/the-death-of-a-giant">The Death of a Giant</a> <br> <sub>@metama &#9733; 230 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (28.473 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.607</sub> | <a href="/life/@jeezzle/christmas-shopping">Christmas shopping.</a> <br> <sub>@jeezzle &#9733; 63 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.692 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.414</sub> | <a href="/life/@metama/facebook-requiring-identity-verification">Facebook requiring Identity Verification</a> <br> <sub>@metama &#9733; 777 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (78.022 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.318</sub> | <a href="/vlog/@artbyclark/nb8vb548">Think About Your Process </a> <br> <sub>@artbyclark &#9733; 353 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.915 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.091</sub> | <a href="/life/@metama/a-journey-back-into-history-my-travel-stories-costa-rica-episode-7-ready-to-move">A Journey Back Into History -- My Travel Stories -- Costa Rica Episode 7 -- Ready To Move</a> <br> <sub>@metama &#9733; 475 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.965 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.964</sub> | <a href="/youtube/@investfourmore/update-on-the-restaurant-i-bought-in-october">Update on the Restaurant I Bought in October</a> <br> <sub>@investfourmore &#9733; 109 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.751 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "photography" (1205 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>89.81</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/the-most-peaceful-place-in-bongjeong-sa-temple-near-the-mountain-god-building">The Most Peaceful Place in Bongjeong-sa Temple, Near the Mountain God Building.</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 490 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (64.797 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.489</sub> | <a href="/photography/@shaka/discovering-mallorca-castell-de-bellver">Discovering Mallorca - Castell de Bellver</a> <br> <sub>@shaka &#9733; 215 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.931 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>88.013</sub> | <a href="/photography/@ace108/eatwithme-at-tanglin-mall-food-court-or-by-ace108">🍲♨️🌶#EatWithMe - at Tanglin Mall Food Court  跟我吃在东陵坊食阁😎(by @ace108)</a> <br> <sub>@ace108 &#9733; 60 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.690 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.398</sub> | <a href="/monomad/@leylar/monomad-photographic-contest-december-18st-street">📷Monomad Photographic Contest: December 18st (Street)</a> <br> <sub>@leylar &#9733; 81 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.749 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>87.266</sub> | <a href="/monthlyauthorchallenge/@ace108/monthly-author-challenge-12-18-how-to-get-to-sesame-street-or-by-ace108">📷Monthly Author Challenge #12.18 How to get to Sesame Street?  怎么去芝麻街?😎(by @ace108)</a> <br> <sub>@ace108 &#9733; 75 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.049 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.707</sub> | <a href="/contest/@kus-knee/the-old-dog-finally-anounces-reaping-what-you-did-not-sow-round-four-winners">The Old Dog Finally Anounces: Reaping What You Did Not Sow" Round Four Winners!</a> <br> <sub>@kus-knee &#9733; 108 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.940 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.277</sub> | <a href="/photography/@oldtimer/in-the-city">In The City</a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 198 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (24.999 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>86.027</sub> | <a href="/photography/@gringalicious/caramel-and-pecans-sticky-buns-food-photo-shoot">Caramel & Pecans Sticky Buns - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT</a> <br> <sub>@gringalicious &#9733; 230 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (13.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.818</sub> | <a href="/petals/@shady/hemerocallis">Hemerocallis.</a> <br> <sub>@shady &#9733; 28 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.188 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>85.628</sub> | <a href="/steempress/@joythewanderer/somefoodivehadsofarinwestafrica-bvphj5dqrd">Some food I’ve had so far in West Africa 😋</a> <br> <sub>@joythewanderer &#9733; 273 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.519 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "busy" (757 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>85.911</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/the-most-peaceful-place-in-bongjeong-sa-temple-near-the-mountain-god-building">The Most Peaceful Place in Bongjeong-sa Temple, Near the Mountain God Building.</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 490 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (64.797 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.238</sub> | <a href="/blog/@brittuf/the-farming-wars-are-back-get-in-early-1545134117953">The Farming Wars are Back, Get in Early</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 1388 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (52.267 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.043</sub> | <a href="/bitcoin/@jrcornel/investors-are-going-to-regret-not-buying-bitcoin-right-now">"Investors are going to regret not buying Bitcoin right now"</a> <br> <sub>@jrcornel &#9733; 245 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (20.244 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.931</sub> | <a href="/photography/@shaka/discovering-mallorca-castell-de-bellver">Discovering Mallorca - Castell de Bellver</a> <br> <sub>@shaka &#9733; 215 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.931 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.694</sub> | <a href="/movie-review/@hanshotfirst/a-geeky-dad-s-movie-guide-to-once-upon-a-deadpool-2018">A Geeky Dad’s Movie Guide to Once Upon a Deadpool (2018)</a> <br> <sub>@hanshotfirst &#9733; 203 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (21.807 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.599</sub> | <a href="/story/@muratkbesiroglu/sci-fi-novel-underground-city-part-16">Sci-fi Novel - Underground City - Part 16</a> <br> <sub>@muratkbesiroglu &#9733; 412 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (43.618 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.487</sub> | <a href="/stax/@silvergoldbotty/18th-of-december-stax-delegation-based-community-upvote-bot-and-quality-content-curator">18th of December Stax delegation based community upvote bot and quality content curator</a> <br> <sub>@silvergoldbotty &#9733; 343 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.301 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.223</sub> | <a href="/sports/@oendertuerk/sport-wetten-bilanz-nach-der-8-woche">Sport Wetten - Bilanz nach der 8. Woche</a> <br> <sub>@oendertuerk &#9733; 571 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (57.314 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.775</sub> | <a href="/trading/@kingscrown/trading-robinhood-better-dont-if-you-care-of-privacy">Trading RobinHood? Better Dont If you Care of Privacy</a> <br> <sub>@kingscrown &#9733; 516 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (28.361 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.339</sub> | <a href="/life/@sauravrungta/why-taking-a-break-gives-you-better-clarity">Why Taking A Break Gives You Better Clarity</a> <br> <sub>@sauravrungta &#9733; 143 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.308 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "blog" (677 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>87.361</sub> | <a href="/photography/@oldtimer/in-the-city">In The City</a> <br> <sub>@oldtimer &#9733; 198 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (24.999 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.51</sub> | <a href="/life/@ezzy/my-trusty-old-computer-just-ain-t-what-it-used-to-be">My Trusty Old Computer Just Ain't What it Used To Be</a> <br> <sub>@ezzy &#9733; 89 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (15.204 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.313</sub> | <a href="/blog/@brittuf/the-farming-wars-are-back-get-in-early-1545134117953">The Farming Wars are Back, Get in Early</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 1388 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (52.267 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.928</sub> | <a href="/life/@meesterboom/vanishing-point-2">Vanishing Point #2</a> <br> <sub>@meesterboom &#9733; 168 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.731 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.019</sub> | <a href="/sports/@brittuf/beat-the-capper-nba-edition-and-previous-contest-results-1545124476508">Beat the Capper: NBA Edition and Previous Contest Results</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 481 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (48.226 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.243</sub> | <a href="/games/@sieses/its-cold-outside-playing-fallout-and-smoking-gorilla-bomb">Its Cold Outside!! Playing Fallout & Smoking Gorilla Bomb!!</a> <br> <sub>@sieses &#9733; 294 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (26.626 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.084</sub> | <a href="/business/@yallapapi/the-unapologetic-pursuit-of-international-glory-and-recognition">The Unapologetic Pursuit Of International Glory And Recognition</a> <br> <sub>@yallapapi &#9733; 1314 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (251.576 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.037</sub> | <a href="/sports/@brittuf/beat-the-capper-college-basketball-edition-get-a-100-upvote-1545126307524">Beat the Capper: College Basketball Edition Get a 100% Upvote</a> <br> <sub>@brittuf &#9733; 208 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (16.365 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.746</sub> | <a href="/wildflowers/@nikv/wildflower-series-indigofera">Wildflower series ~ Indigofera</a> <br> <sub>@nikv &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.850 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.645</sub> | <a href="/utopian-io/@inertia/more-current-steem-documentation">More Current Steem Documentation</a> <br> <sub>@inertia &#9733; 200 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.068 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "steemit" (672 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>83.866</sub> | <a href="/steemit-austria/@manncpt/one-year-on-the-steem-blockchain-thank-you-for-your-support">One year on the steem blockchain - Thank you for your support! 🥂🎊</a> <br> <sub>@manncpt &#9733; 102 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.706 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.585</sub> | <a href="/steem/@pennsif/the-state-of-steem-forums-action-plan-a-skeleton-to-build-on-1-technology">The State of Steem Forums Action Plan : a skeleton to build on : #1 Technology</a> <br> <sub>@pennsif &#9733; 104 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (27.233 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.237</sub> | <a href="/life/@metama/a-journey-back-into-history-my-travel-stories-costa-rica-episode-7-ready-to-move">A Journey Back Into History -- My Travel Stories -- Costa Rica Episode 7 -- Ready To Move</a> <br> <sub>@metama &#9733; 475 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.965 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.647</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@mermaidvampire/my-first-anniversary-in-steemit-is-today-10-steem-bounty-for-my-game-participants-in-my-2-game-posts">MY FIRST ANNIVERSARY IN STEEMIT IS TODAY!!! 10 Steem Bounty for My Game Participants in My 2 Game Posts!</a> <br> <sub>@mermaidvampire &#9733; 772 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.247 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.03</sub> | <a href="/life/@metama/facebook-requiring-identity-verification">Facebook requiring Identity Verification</a> <br> <sub>@metama &#9733; 777 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (78.022 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.923</sub> | <a href="/steem/@meno/the-little-fud-on-the-side-wckpbshc">The little FUD on the side </a> <br> <sub>@meno &#9733; 91 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.604 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.831</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@penguinpablo/daily-steem-stats-report-tuesday-december-18-2018">Daily Steem Stats Report - Tuesday, December 18, 2018</a> <br> <sub>@penguinpablo &#9733; 126 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.718 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.674</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@vintherinvest/tryingout-my-first-dclick-campaign--1545121175365">Trying out my first dclick campaign 🙂</a> <br> <sub>@vintherinvest &#9733; 657 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.227 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.629</sub> | <a href="/homesteaders/@homesteaderscoop/natural-medicines-on-the-homesteaders-co-op-empowering-steemians-health-naturally">Natural Medicines on the Homesteaders Co-Op: Empowering Steemians Health, Naturally!</a> <br> <sub>@homesteaderscoop &#9733; 170 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.857 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.309</sub> | <a href="/minnowsupport/@minnowsupport/minnow-support-mod-meeting-9-04-2018">Minnow Support Mod Meeting 9/04/2018</a> <br> <sub>@minnowsupport &#9733; 673 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.216 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "art" (462 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>83.87</sub> | <a href="/art/@yoganarchista/just-a-little-drawing">Just a little drawing...</a> <br> <sub>@yoganarchista &#9733; 627 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.743 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.655</sub> | <a href="/art/@shortcut/shortcut-1545145324158-shortcuts-instagram-feed--20181218-160204">shortcut's instagram Feed : 2018/12/18 16:02:04</a> <br> <sub>@shortcut &#9733; 70 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.578 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.493</sub> | <a href="/art/@sndbox/introducing-cryptopuzzles-a-non-fungible-treasure-hunt-501-steem-prize">Introducing CryptoPuzzles - A Non-Fungible Treasure Hunt [501 Steem Prize]</a> <br> <sub>@sndbox &#9733; 865 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (197.612 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.241</sub> | <a href="/anime/@artbyclark/inuyasha-drawing-">Inuyasha Drawing </a> <br> <sub>@artbyclark &#9733; 268 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.150 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.382</sub> | <a href="/life/@vermillionfox/head-above-water">Head above water</a> <br> <sub>@vermillionfox &#9733; 34 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (4.157 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.83</sub> | <a href="/cryptoart/@opheliafu/stretched-a-limited-edition-collectible">Stretched -a limited-edition collectible</a> <br> <sub>@opheliafu &#9733; 87 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (12.673 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.731</sub> | <a href="/photography/@martinphoto/the-old-city-of-jerusalem-enchanted-and-beautiful">The Old City of Jerusalem - Enchanted and Beautiful</a> <br> <sub>@martinphoto &#9733; 359 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (55.299 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.708</sub> | <a href="/celfmagazine/@celfmagazine/aplaceforstorytelling2-ganadoresconcursodecuentossemanal-ydse468aqv">A Place for Storytelling #2 - Ganadores [Concurso de Cuentos Semanal]</a> <br> <sub>@celfmagazine &#9733; 356 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (21.211 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.698</sub> | <a href="/art/@gric/dissolution-of-ego-vi-original-painting">🎨 Dissolution of Ego VI - original painting</a> <br> <sub>@gric &#9733; 77 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.893 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.571</sub> | <a href="/art/@silviabeneforti/the-freaky-sculpture-with-the-cloud-">The freaky sculpture with the cloud ^_^</a> <br> <sub>@silviabeneforti &#9733; 36 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.959 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "nature" (360 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>83.98</sub> | <a href="/petals/@shady/hemerocallis">Hemerocallis.</a> <br> <sub>@shady &#9733; 28 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.188 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>83.617</sub> | <a href="/photogaraphy/@shady/daily-photo">Daily photo</a> <br> <sub>@shady &#9733; 30 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.228 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.16</sub> | <a href="/photography/@daveks/5htcry-around-the-canadian-rockies-in-colour-and-black-and-white">Around the Canadian Rockies in Colour and Black & White</a> <br> <sub>@daveks &#9733; 133 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.546 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.063</sub> | <a href="/esteem/@digitalis/colasisi-loriculus-philippensis-01218">Colasisi - Loriculus philippensis #01218</a> <br> <sub>@digitalis &#9733; 222 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (2.251 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.005</sub> | <a href="/wildflowers/@nikv/wildflower-series-indigofera">Wildflower series ~ Indigofera</a> <br> <sub>@nikv &#9733; 86 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.850 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.911</sub> | <a href="/treetuesday/@manorvillemike/6fgdqs-tree-tuesday">Tree Tuesday </a> <br> <sub>@manorvillemike &#9733; 20 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.242 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.773</sub> | <a href="/nature/@sulev/woodpecker-l6mmg61r">Woodpecker</a> <br> <sub>@sulev &#9733; 21 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.425 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.338</sub> | <a href="/photography/@daveks/5shnet-the-daily-pic">the Daily Pic</a> <br> <sub>@daveks &#9733; 50 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.343 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.282</sub> | <a href="/treetuesday/@gillianpearce/trees-all-wrapped-up-for-christmas">Trees All Wrapped Up For Christmas</a> <br> <sub>@gillianpearce &#9733; 74 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (1.784 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.207</sub> | <a href="/photography/@alexin/fishing-2">Fishing #2</a> <br> <sub>@alexin &#9733; 9 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (0.221 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "steem" (465 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>86.128</sub> | <a href="/ginabot/@ginabot/gina-new-and-improved-global-blacklist-feature-now-online">GINA - New and Improved Global Blacklist Feature Now Online!</a> <br> <sub>@ginabot &#9733; 1587 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (86.491 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.673</sub> | <a href="/utopian-io/@inertia/more-current-steem-documentation">More Current Steem Documentation</a> <br> <sub>@inertia &#9733; 200 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.068 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.44</sub> | <a href="/actifit/@stackin/actifit-stackin-20181218t053719815z">My Actifit Report Card: ANOTHER GYM SESSION... WHY NOT? 😆</a> <br> <sub>@stackin &#9733; 225 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (50.257 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.062</sub> | <a href="/steem/@pennsif/the-state-of-steem-forums-action-plan-a-skeleton-to-build-on-1-technology">The State of Steem Forums Action Plan : a skeleton to build on : #1 Technology</a> <br> <sub>@pennsif &#9733; 104 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (27.233 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.428</sub> | <a href="/steemit/@penguinpablo/daily-steem-stats-report-tuesday-december-18-2018">Daily Steem Stats Report - Tuesday, December 18, 2018</a> <br> <sub>@penguinpablo &#9733; 126 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (6.718 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.293</sub> | <a href="/steem/@meno/the-little-fud-on-the-side-wckpbshc">The little FUD on the side </a> <br> <sub>@meno &#9733; 91 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.604 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.596</sub> | <a href="/steemauto/@steemauto/steemauto-free-and-unlimited-automation-service-on-the-steem-blockchain-98">Steemauto - Free and unlimited automation service on the Steem blockchain! #98</a> <br> <sub>@steemauto &#9733; 1722 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (15.116 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.298</sub> | <a href="/steem/@coruscate/tn4c1q7y">This Bear Market is Helping to Build a Steem Middle Class</a> <br> <sub>@coruscate &#9733; 235 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (34.063 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.199</sub> | <a href="/crypto/@scaredycatguide/steem-investedlikearedheadedstep-child-2t01yhf4u5">STEEM - Invested Like a Red Headed Step-Child</a> <br> <sub>@scaredycatguide &#9733; 184 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (8.915 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.984</sub> | <a href="/steem/@noisy/during-last-3-weeks-i-have-been-a-guest-of-3-polish-youtube-channels-to-talk-about-steem-and-steemit">During last 3 weeks I have been a guest of 3 polish YouTube channels to talk about Steem and Steemit</a> <br> <sub>@noisy &#9733; 92 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (29.703 SBD ) reward</sub>
### <center>Tag "travel" (361 posts)</center> 
<sub>Rating</sub> | <sub>Post</sub> 
:---------- | :-------
<sub>86.459</sub> | <a href="/photography/@slowwalker/the-most-peaceful-place-in-bongjeong-sa-temple-near-the-mountain-god-building">The Most Peaceful Place in Bongjeong-sa Temple, Near the Mountain God Building.</a> <br> <sub>@slowwalker &#9733; 490 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (64.797 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>84.925</sub> | <a href="/photography/@shaka/discovering-mallorca-castell-de-bellver">Discovering Mallorca - Castell de Bellver</a> <br> <sub>@shaka &#9733; 215 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (18.931 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.905</sub> | <a href="/photography/@phortun/beauties-of-yucatan-the-enchanting-cenote-of-ik-kil">Beauties of Yucatan: the enchanting cenote of Ik Kil</a> <br> <sub>@phortun &#9733; 178 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (10.689 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>82.651</sub> | <a href="/steempress/@joythewanderer/somefoodivehadsofarinwestafrica-bvphj5dqrd">Some food I’ve had so far in West Africa 😋</a> <br> <sub>@joythewanderer &#9733; 273 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (14.519 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.996</sub> | <a href="/food/@deanliu/deans-tokyo-snapshots-wru4g1my"> 烏龍麵與天婦羅 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 </a> <br> <sub>@deanliu &#9733; 182 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (9.223 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>81.616</sub> | <a href="/vlog/@joythewanderer/or2u3lk1">Joy in West AfricaDoing some grocery shopping in Debiso, Ghana</a> <br> <sub>@joythewanderer &#9733; 229 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (15.658 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.561</sub> | <a href="/travel/@englishtchrivy/take-me-to-the-beach">Take Me To The Beach ...</a> <br> <sub>@englishtchrivy &#9733; 111 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (11.896 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>80.412</sub> | <a href="/photography/@daveks/5htcry-around-the-canadian-rockies-in-colour-and-black-and-white">Around the Canadian Rockies in Colour and Black & White</a> <br> <sub>@daveks &#9733; 133 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (7.546 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.983</sub> | <a href="/life/@metama/a-journey-back-into-history-my-travel-stories-costa-rica-episode-7-ready-to-move">A Journey Back Into History -- My Travel Stories -- Costa Rica Episode 7 -- Ready To Move</a> <br> <sub>@metama &#9733; 475 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (56.965 SBD ) reward</sub>
<sub>79.837</sub> | <a href="/photography/@velimir/original-art-photography-series-by-velimir-505-riverbank">Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #505 'Riverbank'</a> <br> <sub>@velimir &#9733; 263 votes &#9733; 0.000 SBD (23.735 SBD ) reward</sub>


Your feedback is very important, do not hesitate tell your thinks

thanks [@xroni](/@xroni) for the pic)
thanks [@felipejoys](/@felipejoys) for help in rating explanation text)

## Information

Other days rating you can find [here](http://rating.mysteemit.xyz/en/steem/@t3ran13?checked-tags=rating&utm_source=sharpay&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=mrj0z)

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@yasu24 ·
Thank you.

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