DrugWars daily report - 2019.07.23 by tinker-bell

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· @tinker-bell · (edited)
DrugWars daily report - 2019.07.23
<a href='https://drugwars.io/i/tinker-bell'><img src='https://img.esteem.ws/a6nbuh7w9x.png'></a>


스팀잇 기반 방치형 게임 Drug Wars.

2019.07.23 Comment

1. 어제는 병력이 있는 집을 들어가서 전쟁을 크게 한판 했는데요. 전쟁보상 토큰을 한개밖에 못받았네요. 예전같으면 3~4개는 받아야 하는데.. 
2. 전체적인 보상 갯수가 줄고, 데일리 생산보상 비중을 늘리면서 전쟁 보상의 비율이 예전과 같지 않네요.
3. 부계정의 점령지도 어느정도 빌딩을 세웠는데.. 이걸로 뭘 할지도 고민해봐야겠네요.


> * 아래 정보는 2019.07.23 09:00 KST 기준 정보입니다. (UTC 기준으로 보상이 이루어지네요)

**손익 분석**
| 총 투자 | 총 수입 | 수익 | 수익율 |
| 34.978 | 81.113 | 46.135 | 131.90% |

<h5> Future Token </h5>
| 누적 Token | 스팀 환산 (환산비율 - 1500:1) |
| 7,829 | 5.2193 |

**최근 수입현황 (Token)**
| 일시 |Battle | Daily | Heist | Drug 판매량| Drug판매단가(*100,000) |
| ------ |------- |-------|-------| -------| --- |
| 2019.4.20  | 0 | 3  | 46 |    1,000,000 |4.6|
| 2019.4.21  | 0 | 3  | 26 |    540,000 |4.8|
| 2019.4.22  | 1 | 3  | 42 |    1,050,000 |4.0|
| 2019.4.23  | 3 | 3  | 30 |    850,000 |3.5|
| 2019.4.24  | 9 | 3  | 17 |    310,000 |5.5|
| 2019.4.25  | 5 | 3  | 28 |    700,000 |4.0|
| 2019.4.26  | 1 | 3  | 18 |    290,000 |6.2|
| 2019.4.27  | 2 | 3  | 24 |    620,000 |3.9|
| 2019.4.28  | 4 | 3  | 24 |    710,000 |3.4|
| 2019.4.29  | 3 | 3  | 18 |    450,000 |4.0|
| 2019.4.30  | 0 | 3  | 23 |    580,000 |4.0|
| 2019.5.01  | 0 | 3  | 37 |   1,130,000 |3.2|
| 2019.5.02  | 0 | 3  | 34 |    660,000 |5.2|
| 2019.5.03  | 2 | 3  | 58 |    1,090,000 |5.3|
| 2019.5.04  | 17 | 7  | 93 |    1,530,000 |6.0|
| 2019.5.05  | 0 | 3  | 10 |    360,000 |2.7|
| 2019.5.06  | 63 | 3  | 9 |  1,100,000 |0.8|
| 2019.5.07  | 1 | 3  | 27 |  920,000 |2.9|
| 2019.5.08  | 0 | 3  | 37 |  1,300,000 |2.8|
| 2019.5.09  | 4 | 3  | 42 |  1,450,000 |2.8|
| 2019.5.10  | 3 | 3  | 19 |  620,000 |3.0|
| 2019.5.11  | 4 | 4  | 38 |  1,200,000 |3.1|
| 2019.5.12  | 6 | 4  | 48 |  1,770,000 |2.7|
| 2019.5.13  | 7 | 4  | 29 |  980,000 |3.0|
| 2019.5.14  | 9 | 5  | 64 |  2,000,000 |3.2|
| 2019.5.15  | 12 | 5  | 39 |  1,150,000 |3.4|
| 2019.5.16  | 22 | 5  | 58 |  2,150,000 |2.7|
| 2019.5.17  | 41 | 5  | 63 |  2,170,000 |2.9|
| 2019.5.18  | 19 | 5  | 46 |  1,700,000 |2.7|
| 2019.5.19  | 119 | 5  | 79 |  2,700,000 |2.9|
| 2019.5.20  | 1 | 5  | 58 |  2,000,000 |2.9|
| 2019.5.21  | 2 | 7  | 42 |  1,160,000 |3.6|
| 2019.5.22  | 12 | 6  | 96 |  2,730,000 |3.5|
| 2019.5.23  | 2 | 6  | 22 |  570,000 |3.8|
| 2019.5.24  | 75 | 7  | 73 |  1,930,000 |3.7|
| 2019.5.25  | 18 | 7  | 73 |  1,880,000 |3.8|
| 2019.5.26  | 57 | 7  | 113 |  3,200,000 |3.5|
| 2019.5.27  | 28 | 7  | 103 |  2,710,000 |3.8|
| 2019.5.28  | 22 | 7  | 141 |  3,370,000 |4.1|
| 2019.5.29  | 3 | 7  | 89 |  2,500,000 |3.5|
| 2019.5.30  | 4 | 7  | 101 |  2,100,000 |4.8|
| 2019.5.31  |11 | 6  | 109 |  3,000,000 |3.6|
| 2019.6.01  | 5 | 6  | 91 |  2,500,000 |3.6|
| 2019.6.02  | 6 | 6  | 93 |  2,400,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.03  | 4 | 6  | 81 |  2,150,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.04  | 3 | 6  | 92 |  2,700,000 |3.4|
| 2019.6.05  | 8 | 6  | 36 |  1,000,000 |3.6|
| 2019.6.06  | 63 | 5  | 132 |  4,000,000 |3.3|
| 2019.6.07  | 0 | 5  | 128 |  3,600,000 |3.6|
| 2019.6.08  | 1 | 6 | 106 |  2,700,000 |3.9|
| 2019.6.09  | 6 | 6 | 210 |  3,400,000 |6.2|
| 2019.6.10  | 1 | 6 | 115 |  3,100,000 |3.7|
| 2019.6.11  | 2 | 6 | 147 |  3,700,000 |3.9|
| 2019.6.12  | 1 | 6 | 121 |  2,500,000 |4.8|
| 2019.6.13  | 3 | 6 | 113 |  3,300,000 |3.4|
| 2019.6.14  | 1 | 6 | 114 |  3,400,000 |3.4|
| 2019.6.15  | 6 | 6 | 166 |  4,700,000 |3.5|
| 2019.6.16  | 0 | 6 | 138 |  3,600,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.17  | 0 | 6 | 62 |  1,500,000 |4.1|
| 2019.6.18  | 0 | 6 | 156 |  4,100,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.19  | 0 | 6 | 68 |  1,800,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.20  | 2 | 6 | 136 |  2,300,000 |5.9|
| 2019.6.21  | 0 | 6 |70 |  1,600,000 |4.3|
| 2019.6.22  | 6 | 5 | 122 |  2,300,000 |4.3|
| 2019.6.23  | 19 | 5 | 95 |  2,500,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.24  | 3 | 5 | 108 |  3,200,000 |3.4|
| 2019.6.25  | 0 | 5 | 99 |  3,000,000 |3.3|
| 2019.6.26  | 1 | 5 | 83 |  2,200,000 |3.8|
| 2019.6.27  | 1 | 5 | 61 |  2,000,000 |3.1|
| 2019.6.28  | 0 | 5 | 122 |  4,000,000 |3.1|
| 2019.6.29  | 1 | 5 | 109 |  3,300,000 |3.3|
| 2019.6.30  | 3 | 5 | 83 |  3,100,000 |2.7|
| 2019.7.01  | 1 | 5 | ? |  2,400,000 |?|
| 2019.7.02  | 1 | 5 | 96 |  3,500,000 |2.7|
| 2019.7.03  | 0 | 4 | 62 |  2,500,000 |2.5|
| 2019.7.04  | 0 | 4 | 71 |  3,100,000 |2.3|
| 2019.7.05  | 0 | 4 | 64 |  2,000,000 |3.2|
| 2019.7.06  | 0 | 4 | 89 |  3,100,000 |2.9|
| 2019.7.07  | 0 | 4 | 90 |  3,500,000 |2.6|
| 2019.7.08  | 0 | 4 | 93 |  3,500,000 |2.7|
| 2019.7.09  | 0 | 4 | 83 |  3,500,000 |2.4|
| 2019.7.10  | 19 | 4 | 116 |  5,000,000 |2.3|
| 2019.7.11  | 0 | 4 | 78 |  3,700,000 |2.1|
| 2019.7.12  | 0 | 4 | 68 |  3,500,000 |1.9 |
| 2019.7.13  | 0 | 4 | 0 |  200,000 | 0|
| 2019.7.14  | 0 | 3 | 43 |  2,300,000 | 1.9|
| 2019.7.15  | 0 | 3 | 94 |  5,100,000 | 1.8|
| 2019.7.16  | 0 | 3 | 136 |  3,000,000 | 4.5|
| 2019.7.17  | 0 | 0 | 0 |  1,100,000 | 0|
| 2019.7.18  | 0 | 0 | 0 |  0 | 0|
| 2019.7.19  | 0 | 16 | 0 |  0 | 0|
| 2019.7.20  | 0 | 15 | 0 |  0 | 0|
| 2019.7.21  | 0 | 15 | 0 |  0 | 0|
| 2019.7.22  | 1 | 15 | 0 |  0 | 0|

> 아래 글은 계속 전쟁 시스템이 변해서 이제는 유효한 글이 별로 없네요. 추후 다시 정리하겠습니다.
* [[DrugWars] 전쟁 준비 - 2019.03.02](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-news-updates-2019-03-02)
* [[DrugWars] 마약 전쟁 시작 - Drugwars - Rebirth](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-drugwars-rebirth)
* [[DrugWars] 마약 전쟁 첫날 결과 분석 - Result of War at first day](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-result-of-war-at-first-day)
* [[DrugWars] 전쟁중 확인된 사항 - update info. of War at third day](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-update-info-of-war-at-third-day)
* [[DrugWars] 전쟁 전략 - War strategy](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-war-strategy)
* [[DrugWars] 개발 소스로 살펴본 공방전 - Combat in a Development Source](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-combat-as-a-development-source)
* [[DrugWars] 전쟁 시스템 업그레이드 분석 - Analysis of Battle system: skills and upgrades](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-analysis-of-battle-system-skills-and-upgrades)
* [[DrugWars] 전쟁 시스템 업그레이드 분석 (소스기반) - Analysis of Battle system: skills and upgrades (by Source)](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-analysis-of-battle-system-skills-and-upgrades-by-source)
* [[DrugWars] New Unit (Hobo, Spy) , New Skill (Bazooka guy)](https://steemit.com/drugwars/@tinker-bell/drugwars-new-unit-hobo-spy)


<a href='https://drugwars.io/i/tinker-bell'><img src='https://img.esteem.ws/a6nbuh7w9x.png'></a>
방치형 게임. 같이 해보지 않으시렵니까?
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
created2019-07-23 05:17:06
last_update2019-07-23 05:29:54
last_payout2019-07-30 05:17:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.325 SBD
curator_payout_value0.093 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"DrugWars daily report - 2019.07.23"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (42)
@crypto.talk ·
Hello tinker-bell, welcome to Partiko, an amazing community for crypto lovers! Here, you will find cool people to connect with, and interesting articles to read!

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Hopefully you will have a lot of fun using Partiko! And never hesitate to reach out to me when you have questions!

Creator of Partiko
properties (22)
created2019-07-24 02:42:54
last_update2019-07-24 02:42:54
last_payout2019-07-31 02:42:54
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"DrugWars daily report - 2019.07.23"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@steem-ua ·
#### Hi @tinker-bell!

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properties (22)
created2019-07-24 13:08:18
last_update2019-07-24 13:08:18
last_payout2019-07-31 13:08:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"DrugWars daily report - 2019.07.23"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD