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· @future24 ·
From Germination to Growth: How to Successfully Start Your Hemp Plants!
**Growing Hemp Made Easy: Top Tips for Germinating and Planting Hemp Seeds**

Link to the original German article on my Cannabis home growing blog on Blogspot:

**When it comes to growing hemp, the first step is often the most crucial: germinating the hemp seeds.**

However, germination alone is not enough—proper preparation and care are essential for ensuring healthy and robust plants. In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know to successfully germinate your hemp seeds and set them up for optimal growth conditions.

**Step 1: Preparing the Hemp Seeds**

Before you begin the germination process, it's important to choose high-quality hemp seeds. Pay attention to the quality and reputation of the provider to ensure you're working with top-notch seeds.

Once you have your hemp seeds, you can begin preparation. A proven trick is to soak the seeds in water for 12 to 24 hours before germination. This helps promote germination by softening the outer shell and preparing the seed for growth.

**Step 2: The Germination Process**

I personally germinate my hemp seeds by placing them in moist kitchen paper for several days until the first roots emerge from the seeds before planting them in soil. I wrap the moist kitchen paper with aluminum foil or place it between two stacked plates or in a covered Tupperware container.

It's important with this method to prevent the seeds from being exposed to light, allowing them to feel as though they are underground. Depending on the seeds, variety, age, and quality, the first roots may emerge from the seeds in about 2-7 days, at which point you can plant them in a pot with cannabis soil.

Important: Always ensure adequate ventilation to prevent mold growth, and the kitchen paper should be moist but not soaking wet.

If the kitchen paper becomes too dry, moisten it again to prevent sprouting seeds from drying out and becoming unusable. In general, hemp seeds prefer moisture, darkness, and warmth for germination.

There are various methods to germinate hemp seeds, and they may germinate simply by planting them directly in soil and ensuring sufficient moisture. However, one of the simplest and most effective methods is using paper towels.

As mentioned, regularly check your seeds to ensure the towel remains moist but not overly wet. After 2-7 days, the seeds should have germinated, and small roots will be visible.

If you only soak your hemp seeds in water for 1-2 days and/or plant them directly in soil, make sure the soil is not pre-fertilized and do not add fertilizer yet.

In the germination stage, fertilizer can be fatal for the small "embryos," as they do not yet require nutrients. Therefore, they initially thrive in just moist kitchen paper.

**Step 3: Planting the Germinated Hemp Seeds**

Once your seeds have germinated, it's time to move them to their final home—the soil or a suitable container. Make sure your soil or substrate is well-draining and contains enough nutrients to promote growth.

If using pre-fertilized soil, wait 1-2 weeks before adding cannabis fertilizer, and if using seedling or light soil, initially use only a small amount of fertilizer.

Dig a small hole about 2-3 centimeters deep and carefully place the germinated seeds with the root facing down. Gently cover the seeds with soil and press lightly to ensure they are firmly in the soil. Root boosters can be used in small doses, but it's best to wait until the shoot emerges from the soil.

**Step 4: Caring for Your Hemp Seedlings**

Once you have planted your hemp seeds, proper care is crucial to ensure their healthy growth. Ensure your plants receive adequate light, water, and air.

Keep the soil consistently moist but not excessively wet to avoid rot. Make sure your plants receive enough light—ideally 18 hours per day during the vegetative phase.

Regular watering with clean, pH-balanced water and avoiding over-fertilization are also essential for the healthy growth of your hemp plants.

**Conclusion: Successful Hemp Cultivation Begins with Germination**

Germinating and planting hemp seeds marks the beginning of your hemp growing journey. By applying the right methods and paying attention to your plants' needs, you can cultivate robust and healthy hemp plants that will yield a bountiful harvest.

Use this guide as a starting point for your own hemp growing experience and experiment to find the methods that work best for you.

In future articles, we will explore the upcoming phases in the life of a hemp plant and the many different cannabis cultivation and care methods.

**Happy home growing!**


Jonas - @future24
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· @mrcogollo ·
Las 4 etapas en la historia del cultivo del cannabis.
El cannabis, una planta que ha cautivado la atención de la humanidad a lo largo de los siglos, tiene una historia fascinante que se puede dividir en cuatro etapas principales. Desde sus antiguos usos medicinales hasta su estigmatización moderna, esta planta ha recorrido un largo camino. ¡Vamos a explorarlo juntos!

1. Antigüedad: El comienzo de todo
En los anales de la historia, el cannabis se remonta a la antigüedad, donde se utilizaba con fines medicinales, religiosos y textiles. Civilizaciones antiguas como la china y la india lo consideraban una planta sagrada y lo utilizaban en ceremonias religiosas y rituales curativos. Desde la medicina tradicional china hasta los textos védicos de la India, el cannabis era apreciado por sus propiedades terapéuticas y espirituales.

2. Revolución Industrial: De la medicina a la estigmatización
Durante la Revolución Industrial, el cannabis mantuvo su estatus como medicina popular, utilizada en una variedad de tratamientos para dolencias como el dolor y la ansiedad. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzaba el siglo XX, comenzó a enfrentar una creciente estigmatización, impulsada en parte por motivos políticos y económicos. La prohibición del cannabis en muchos países marcó el comienzo de una nueva era para esta planta.

3. Contracultura y Movimiento Hippie: Un renacimiento cultural
En la década de 1960, el cannabis experimentó un renacimiento cultural gracias al movimiento hippie y la contracultura. Se convirtió en un símbolo de libertad, paz y rebelión contra las normas establecidas. La música, el arte y la literatura de la época reflejaban el amor por esta planta y su potencial para promover la creatividad y la introspección.

4. Era moderna: Un nuevo enfoque en la legalización y la investigación
En las últimas décadas, hemos presenciado un cambio en la percepción del cannabis. Cada vez más países están legalizando su uso medicinal y recreativo, reconociendo sus beneficios terapéuticos y económicos. La investigación científica también está arrojando luz sobre sus diversos compuestos y su potencial para tratar una amplia gama de enfermedades, desde la epilepsia hasta el cáncer.

En resumen, la historia del cannabis es una historia de altibajos, de prohibición y liberación, pero también de descubrimientos y avances. Desde sus humildes comienzos en la antigüedad hasta su prominencia en la cultura moderna, el cannabis continúa siendo una planta fascinante que merece ser explorada y entendida en todas sus facetas.
· @mrcogollo ·
Que es el cannabis? Un poco de historia / What is cannabis? A bit of history.
Que es el cannabis? Un poco de historia.

Una pregunta que se puede resumir en simples palabras como "un faso" o "un porrito", o muchas otras palabras que usamos diariamente para referirnos al porro.

Pero más allá del faso existe una historia, existen preguntas y existen cuestionamientos (ahí va el dorgadito). Mr. Cogollo llegó para traer un poco más de información, un poco de historia y anécdotas.

Buscando información sobre usos de la cannabis a través de la historia, se diferencian las más antiguas que se encuentran sobre sus propiedades medicinales. Esto me hace pensar que cuando el emperador chino Shen Nung la incluyó en el libro de farmacos escrito en 2737 antes de Cristo, se utilizaba la cannabis que crecía de forma silvestre.

El chino que tenia la data

En la India, la leyenda se refiere a Shiva como sembrador divino de los campos de cannabis en la región conocida como Kulu. En toda esa región se utiliza el Bang, una bebida preparada a partir de las hojas de Cannabis, azúcar, leche y especias, para toda y cualquier celebración, desde tiempos inmemoriales. Hay antropólogos que sugieren que el bang podría ser el famoso "soma".


What is cannabis? A bit of history.

A question that can be summed up in simple words like "a joint" or "a spliff," or many other words we use daily to refer to marijuana.

But beyond the joint, there is a history, there are questions, and there are inquiries (there goes the stoner). Mr. Bud has come to bring a little more information, a bit of history, and anecdotes.

Looking for information on the uses of cannabis throughout history, the oldest ones found are those regarding its medicinal properties. This makes me think that when the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung included it in the pharmacopeia book written in 2737 BC, wild-grown cannabis was being used.

In India, the legend refers to Shiva as the divine planter of cannabis fields in the region known as Kulu. Throughout that region, Bang is used, a drink made from cannabis leaves, sugar, milk, and spices, for any and every celebration, since time immemorial. There are anthropologists who suggest that Bang could be the famous "soma."


En el proximo... las 4 etapas mas importantes del cannabis.

Mr. Cogollo
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· @drutter ·
Happy 4/20 - Starting a new crop of Reclining Buddha!
<h4>Happy 4/20! To celebrate, I'm starting a new crop. I haven't grown cannabis in 3 years - my <a href="">last crop</a> finished up on 4/20 in 2021. Now I'm taking those seeds out of storage and starting new life!</h4>


Reclining Buddha is a heavy-hitting Indica - high in THC, moderate in CBD - known for mind-altering effects and uplifting sedation. The strain is a cross of mainly Super Skunk and Holland's Hope, two iconic Dutch cultivars. It was bred by Sensi Seeds. I got this strain from a subscriber in the Netherlands about 10 years ago. When I could finally grow the seeds out in 2021, about half of them germinated, and I was able to produce several dozen seeds along with some really nice bud. This backstory makes having these genetics even more special to me, and I'm thrilled to be continuing this line.


It's time to grow out the next generation of these Reclining Buddhas!


Those are the seeds I decided to germinate.


I'm using the classic paper towel method. Simple, quick, effective. 

That was 48 hours ago (April 18th). Here they are now:


At least 3/4 have sprouted! They're looking healthy.


Tomorrow, they'll go into little cups of soil. I plan to grow them inside until the weather's nicer, then put them outside in larger pots, and transplant the females into the ground once they've flipped into flowering mode in a couple months.


It's very nice to be growing again. I'm losing count, but this will be approximately the 9th crop I've grown completely on the blockchain, publishing every step of the way. I was doing it back in 2017, before "legalization" here in Canada, and I continue to use the same free market grassroots techniques I learned from master growers in the underground British Columbia cannabis scene. This will be my first crop on the Blurt blockchain.

<h4>4/20 is mixed for me this year. I'm living far away from the activism and culture of Vancouver, where I was for many years. Now I live in a small Northern BC town with no public cannabis activism or culture. My wife @MediKatie and I are still celebrating, home by ourselves, but it's not the same as it used to be. Also, we've lost some of the friends we made in the scene, such as my close buddy and prolific activist Bert Easterbrook, who died in 2022. And much of my cannabis activism is slowly being erased and hidden - I remain deplatformed by Meta (FaceBook and Instagram) and heavily shadowbanned by YouTube. My magnum opus <a href="">Cannabis Cures Cancer</a> was just removed for "medical disinformation", 8 years after upload, having helped many people and been credited with saving lives.</h4>


It was a compilation of more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific journal entries on studies that show cannabinoids safely destroy cancer cells in the human body. This has been known and understood quite well since the 1990s, but even after recreational "legalization" around the world, prohibition of medical knowledge still continues. The trillion dollar a year chemo/radiation industry cannot be challenged, so big pharma's lie must continue. Now it's gone forever, along with many powerful testimonies in the comment section.

For more information on the lie that is cannabis "legalization", please see my 45 minute documentary <a href="">here</a>.

Prohibition continues, just in a slightly different form. Big pharma's attempts to control cannabis have accelerated under the "legalization" model, which brought about a corporate monopoly of the industry. Censorship continues unabated, and cannabis activists like me continue to be silenced. Let's celebrate 4/20, but remember there's still much more work to be done before the weed is freed.

<h4>Please follow along as I grow this peaceful medicinal plant in protest of unjust laws and censorship. These seeds will be turned into flowers and harvested for their cannabinoid resin, using nothing but light, air, water, and soil. No fertilizer, no pesticides, no products or sprays or chemicals of any kind. 200% organic, just like Nature has done it for millions of years.</h4>

Grow in peace,

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· @cultus-forex ·
Wenn der Postbote dir dein Hash bis an die Tür liefert 😍
Warum CBD-Hash in Online-Shops die beste Wahl ist?

Du fragst dich, warum du CBD-Hash in Online-Shops kaufen solltest? Nun, lass mich dir sagen, warum das die beste Entscheidung ist! Erstens, du kannst in deiner Jogginghose auf dem Sofa sitzen und in Ruhe stöbern, ohne dass dich jemand komisch anschaut. Zweitens, die Auswahl ist riesig! 
Es gibt so viele verschiedene Sorten und Geschmacksrichtungen, da ist für jeden etwas dabei. Und das Beste daran? Du musst nicht mal das Haus verlassen, um es zu bekommen!


Natürlich wird das Hasch von mir im Vaporizer konsumiert. 
Denn warum sollte man sich mit einem langweiligen Joint abgeben, wenn man das gute Zeug auch in einem futuristischen Gerät verdampfen kann? Es ist wie eine Reise in die Zukunft, nur dass die Zukunft ziemlich entspannt und gemütlich ist. 
Stell dir vor, du sitzt da mit deinem Vaporizer, umgeben von einer sanften Duftwolke, und fühlst dich wie der coolste Mensch auf dem Planeten. Kein Qualm, keine Asche, nur reine, unverfälschte Entspannung. 


Schnapp dir deinen Vaporizer und lass uns in die Zukunft des (gesunden) Kiffens aufbrechen!

CBD, auch bekannt als "Cannabis ohne den High", hat in der medizinischen Welt für Furore gesorgt.


CBD hat tatsächlich einige nachgewiesene medizinische Vorteile. 
Es kann bei der Linderung von Schmerzen, Entzündungen und sogar bei der Verbesserung der Schlafqualität helfen. Einige behaupten auch, dass es bei der Behandlung von Epilepsie und anderen neurologischen Erkrankungen wirksam ist.

Ein kleines Geschenk, 15% Gutschein für Dich. 
Für maximale Entspannung. 🥦🥦🥦🥦

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· @quynnmcdonald ·
How Pot Shops became "Dispensaries"
The Evolution of the Term "Dispensary": From Medicine to Marijuana

The term "dispensary" has a rich history that spans centuries, originally rooted in the field of medicine and later coopted by the burgeoning cannabis industry. This word has undergone a fascinating transformation, reflecting changing societal attitudes towards medicine, wellness, and recreational substances. Let's explore the evolution of the term "dispensary," from its origins to its modern-day association with cannabis.

Historical Roots: Traditional Dispensaries
The term "dispensary" traces its origins back to medieval Europe, where it was used to describe establishments that dispensed medications and herbal remedies. These traditional dispensaries were often associated with apothecaries or pharmacies, serving as places where trained professionals prepared and distributed medicinal substances to patients.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, dispensaries played a crucial role in providing healthcare services to underserved communities. They were often charitable institutions supported by philanthropists or religious organizations, offering free or low-cost medications to those in need. Dispensaries were particularly prevalent in urban areas where access to healthcare was limited.

Evolution in Modern Medicine
As modern medicine advanced, the role of dispensaries evolved alongside it. With the establishment of stricter regulations and licensing requirements for pharmacies, the term "dispensary" became less common in mainstream healthcare settings. However, it continued to be used in specialized contexts, such as dispensaries attached to hospitals or clinics that provided medications directly to patients.

In the context of medical marijuana, the term "dispensary" experienced a revival and transformation in meaning.

The Rise of Cannabis [Dispensaries](
The coopting of the term "dispensary" by the cannabis industry began in the late 20th century as attitudes towards marijuana started to shift. With the growing acceptance of cannabis for medicinal purposes, particularly in states with legalized medical marijuana programs, cannabis dispensaries emerged as establishments that provided access to medical cannabis products.

In states like California, which pioneered medical marijuana legalization with Proposition 215 in 1996, cannabis dispensaries became crucial hubs for patients seeking alternative treatments for various medical conditions. These early dispensaries operated within the framework of state laws and regulations, serving registered patients with valid medical recommendations from licensed healthcare providers.

Dispensaries in the Cannabis Industry Today
Today, the term "dispensary" is synonymous with establishments that legally distribute cannabis products for both medical and recreational use in jurisdictions where cannabis is legalized. Cannabis dispensaries offer a range of products, including flower (dried cannabis buds), edibles, concentrates, tinctures, and topicals, tailored to meet the diverse preferences and needs of consumers.

Modern cannabis dispensaries operate under strict regulatory frameworks, ensuring that products are tested for potency and purity and that sales are conducted responsibly and within legal limits. They employ knowledgeable staff who can provide guidance on product selection and dosing based on individual preferences and desired effects.

Community Impact and Economic Growth
The proliferation of cannabis dispensaries has had a significant impact on local communities and economies. Dispensaries create jobs, generate tax revenue, and contribute to economic growth in areas where they are established. They also play a role in destigmatizing cannabis use by providing a safe and regulated environment for consumers.

Challenges and Opportunities
While cannabis dispensaries have experienced significant growth and acceptance, they continue to face challenges, particularly in jurisdictions where cannabis remains illegal at the federal level. Banking restrictions, regulatory uncertainties, and social stigma are ongoing concerns for the industry.

However, the future looks promising for cannabis dispensaries as attitudes towards cannabis continue to evolve, and more states and countries embrace legalization for both medical and recreational use. The demand for safe, regulated access to cannabis products is expected to drive further innovation and expansion within the industry.

A Symbol of Change
The term "dispensary" has undergone a remarkable evolution, transitioning from its historical roots in traditional medicine to its current association with the cannabis industry. What was once a term used to describe places of healing and healthcare has become a symbol of change, reflecting shifting attitudes towards cannabis and the growing acceptance of alternative therapies.

As the cannabis industry continues to mature and expand, cannabis dispensaries will likely play an increasingly vital role in providing access to safe, regulated cannabis products while contributing to economic development and community well-being. The evolution of the term "dispensary" underscores the dynamic nature of medicine, wellness, and social progress in our society today.
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· @mallorcaman ·
Self flowering update
Latest update on the self flowering from the greenhouse, looking amazing still about 3 weeks until harvest 
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· @mallorcaman ·
Self flowering Cannabis closeup
Took this close up from one of my self flowering plants this morning, My camera is crap because Im using a samsung s9+ from 2018. 


Can't wait to harvest these babies
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· @mallorcaman ·
seedling update
Just a quick snapshot from my greenhouse, will be moving these outside in the coming days. 


these are a few days younger, all these are regulars. I did take some pictures of my self flowering but they did not turn out so good 

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· @future24 ·
Hanf anbauen Legal in Deutschland: Tipps für den legalen Cannabis-Anbau zu Hause!

Hey Leute, 

wie bestimmt mindestens jeder aus Deutschland mitbekommen hat, gibt es aufregende Neuigkeiten für alle Hanf-Enthusiasten da draußen! 

Seit dem 1. April ist es in Deutschland legal, bis zu drei blühende weibliche Cannabis-Pflanzen in den eigenen vier Wänden anzubauen. Endlich haben passionierte Hobbygärtner die Möglichkeit, ihre eigenen Sorten anzubauen und die Kunst des Cannabis-Anbaus zu meistern.

Aus diesem Grund habe ich kürzlich einen brandneuen Google-Blog erstellt, der sich voll und ganz dem Thema Hanf und Cannabis-Anbau widmet. 

Der Link zum meinem neuen Cannabis-Anbau Blog ist:

Ich möchte mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen teilen, um anderen dabei zu helfen, erfolgreich ihre eigenen Pflanzen anzubauen und eine erfüllende Erfahrung zu erleben.

Bevor Du jedoch direkt loslegst, gibt es einige wichtige Punkte zu beachten. 


Zum einen müssen die Sicherheitsanforderungen erfüllt sein, insbesondere wenn Kinder im Haushalt sind. Es ist wichtig, dass der Anbauort für sie unzugänglich ist. 

Dies könnte beispielsweise bedeuten, dass Du ein Schloss an Deinem Grow-Zelt anbringst, um sicherzustellen, dass neugierige kleine Hände keinen Zugang haben.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist die Geruchskontrolle. Deine Nachbarn sollten sich nicht durch den Geruch belästigt fühlen, den Deine Pflanzen abgeben könnten. Wenn Du drinnen anbaust, empfehle ich Dir die Verwendung eines Filtersystems, um Gerüche effektiv zu kontrollieren. Beim Outdoor-Anbau ist es ratsam, sich mit den Nachbarn abzusprechen, um eventuelle Beschwerden zu vermeiden.

Auf <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">meinem neuen Blog </a> werde ich detaillierte Anleitungen, Tipps und Tricks für einen erfolgreichen Cannabis-Anbau teilen. Von der Auswahl der richtigen Sorten bis hin zur Ernte und Trocknung werde ich Dich Schritt für Schritt begleiten.

Wenn Du also daran interessiert bist, Dein eigenes Cannabis anzubauen oder einfach nur mehr über dieses faszinierende Thema erfahren möchtest, lade ich Dich herzlich ein, meinen neuen Blog zu besuchen und Teil der wachsenden Gemeinschaft von Hanf-Enthusiasten zu werden.

Vielleicht bis bald auf meinem Blog und viel Erfolg beim Anbau!

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· @mallorcaman ·
This is how I roll !
So yesterday I decided to make a silly video of me rolling one my cannabis joints, i have been consuming this god forsaken substance or over 30 years now nearly on a daily basis.

My first video that I have uploaded in years, Im a terrible content creator but I do like to try :)
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· @mallorcaman ·
3rd set of seeds germinating
Got all my girls born and ready to grow now, this was the last batch of germination which I timed with the last full moon. They are looking very healthy so far

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· @monetaryrealist ·
Cannabis-Induced Psychosis... REEFER MADNESS is REAL, no matter what the your dealer is telling you.
FROM Psychiatric Times:
Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: A Review July 14, 2017 by Ruby S. Grewal, MD
Tony P. George, MD, FRCPC
Vol 34 No 7
  JUST READ IT.. But not while your stoned..

![Screen Shot 2024-03-29 at 11.02.51 PM.png](

this is a great page, these people deal EVERYDAY with the real  issues brought on by Cannabis. The Truth is, contrary to what the modern political vote seekers are telling you,  Mind altering drugs do way more than just mess with your head while your taking them and Pot is one such drug that is being given a free pass. There are a lot of people in Jail today for very violent crimes, there are a lot of relationships and families that have been torn apart  because the powers that be wish to use ignore the facts and the results.
 "Symptoms of marijuana psychosis are characterized by a loss of touch with reality and include:

Delusions. A delusion is a false belief that a person has in spite of evidence to the contrary. For instance, a person who is delusional may believe they can play the piano when in reality they never have.

Hallucinations. To hallucinate means to experience sounds, feelings, voices, images, and other sensations that are not real. The person experiencing the hallucinations believes they are real. As an example, someone may feel insects crawling on their skin when really there is nothing there at all.

Dissociation/depersonalization. Feeling detached from reality is a common symptom of psychosis. A person may feel unattached from his or her own body, as if they are floating outside of it, or may feel as if people and things around them aren’t real.

Disorganized thoughts. Psychosis can cause a person’s thoughts to be disordered and chaotic. It can trigger persistent and disturbing thoughts as well. Other people may struggle to understand what someone is saying when that person’s thoughts are so disorganized."

Below is a detailed article  from Science Direct. This is from 2007,   in addition to their summery following the link, the site case studies from well before the 20th century.
"In ‘Du Haschisch et d l'alientation mentale’ J. J. Moreau de Tours (1845) (Moreau, 1973).
"An association between cannabis and psychosis has long been recognized. However, recent advances in the understanding of cannabinoid receptor function have renewed in the association between cannabis and psychosis. In addition to epidemiological studies, there are case reports of psychosis following cannabis use, reports of psychosis in surveys of cannabis users from community samples, and pharmacological studies with various cannabinoid compounds. These data are relevant to an exogenous hypothesis according to which the consumption of cannabinoid compounds is associated with psychotic disorders. We also suggest an endogenous hypothesis according to which brain cannabinoid receptor (CB1) dysfunction may contribute to the pathophysiology of psychosis and/or schizophrenia, and further, that the putative CB1 receptor dysfunction maybe unrelated to the consumption of cannabinoid compounds. These two hypotheses are by no means mutually exclusive, and may in fact interact."

Summary and Conclusions
Cannabinoids can induce acute transient psychotic symptoms or an acute psychosis in some individuals. What makes some individuals vulnerable to cannabinoid‐related psychosis is unclear. Cannabinoids can also exacerbate psychosis in individuals with an established psychotic disorder, and these exacerbations may last beyond the period of intoxication.

![Screen Shot 2024-03-29 at 11.24.03 PM.png](

From LIVE Science we have an article from 2012 "How Marijuana May Drive the Brain into Psychosis"

And yet leaders want to mainstream the use an abuse without even so much as a "Slow Down".

How many leaders today were and are users? How many educators and lawyers and librarians and lawmakers and media leaders are an in fact have been users and are now using their positions promote, not only pot but all sorts of intoxication an mind altering dangerous drugs ? 

How many political leaders are against guns but are not against the alcohol industry and big pharma which bring the shooter the mind to do his or her horrible actions?

 While this article  shows some possible  positive effects of some parts of the compounds in pot, they also declare that
"Previous research has found that THC can induce symptoms of psychosis in healthy people and worsen psychotic symptoms in people already experiencing them. Long-term cannabis use is also associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia, according to the study."

![Screen Shot 2024-03-29 at 11.41.53 PM.png](

Here we have a news event from January 2024 in USA TODAY

She stabbed a man 108 times and got probation. What to know about 'cannabis-induced psychosis.'

"The most common symptoms of psychosis, regardless of cause, are delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there). Others include paranoia, confused speech, lack of motivation, anxiety, sleep disruption and unusual or overly intense ideas. Although some psychotic symptoms overlap with those of being “high,” Levy said it’s important to focus on their magnitude to differentiate them from a typical drug-induced experience."

Here we have another medical article stating "  Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge

"Alex Berenson, author of Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence, pointed out that the New York Times had curiously removed from an article about the #Uvalde school shooter a former coworker’s recollection that he complained about his grandmother not letting him smoke weed. The Times didn’t append a correction to the story as it might be expected to do when fixing a factual inaccuracy.......

Assuming the elided detail was accurate, it would fit a pattern. Mass shooters at Rep. Gabby Giffords’s constituent meeting in Tucson, Ariz. (2011), a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. (2012), the #Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla. (2016), the First Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas (2017), and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (2018), were reported to be marijuana users. It could be a coincidence, but increasing evidence suggests a connection.
 But can pot make people violent? A study last year found that young people with such mood disorders as depression who were also addicted to pot were 3.2 times more likely to commit self-harm and die of homicide—often after initiating violence—than those who weren’t. A meta-analysis found the risk of perpetrating violence was more than twice as high for young adults who used marijuana. It’s possible that pot can trigger dangerous behavior in youths who may be predisposed to it for other reasons such as prenatal exposure to drugs. Also worrisome, legalization seems to be leading to more pregnant women using pot. About 20% of pregnant young women in California tested positive for marijuana in 2016. THC crosses the placenta and can impair neurological development. Prenatal exposure to marijuana has been linked to behavioral problems, mental illness and lower academic achievement in children and adolescents.

Maybe it’s time that lawmakers and voters rethink their pot-legalization experiment before more young lives are damaged."


There is a serious link between Cannabis and mental illness. Sometime it is the cause and sometimes it is a trigger of an underlying problem. The reality is however that for the most part it is being ignored for tax revenue and political votes
There were way to many articles to put on this post but I hope this helps get folks talking and being honest with each other.   Oh its just a little weed or I only ........


 OH and just in case your still to high to grasp the problem is an article from 1972
"Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis abusers"

And here is the  US government PUBMED link that brought me to it.

![Screen Shot 2024-03-30 at 12.09.39 AM.png](
· @finn16043 ·
StaFi Liquid Staking Protocol Launches Testnet Awaiting StaFi 2.0 Mainnet Launch
Multichain liquid staking platform StaFi is launching its Liquid Staking as a Service (LSAAS) testnet, in anticipation of its mainnet launch, StaFi 2.0. The latest iteration of its liquid staking platform will introduce a host of new features to push the protocol as the leading infrastructure solution for Ethereum-based and Cosmos blockchain staking.

Since its launch, StaFi has created solutions to extend liquid staking across multiple blockchains. With the current liquid staking model only servicing single blockchains, such as Lido Finance for Ethereum staking only, the StaFi 2.0 launch will allow users to stake on multiple blockchains. This is expected to unlock greater utility and economic rewards for stakers while enhancing blockchain security across multiple blockchains.

As StaFi co-founder Liam Young explained during the unveiling of the LSAAS testnet launch, the launch of its testnet will “provide a major boost for Layer 1 blockchains’ security” as well as “opening new opportunities for yield generation”.

“The launch of the StaFi 2.0 testnet is a major milestone in our journey to mainnet,” he continued. “The future of blockchain development is intertwined with liquid staking. StaFi 2.0 will play a crucial role in realizing that vision through pioneering Liquid Staking as a Service.”

The testnet supports liquid staking derivatives (LSD) for leading Layer 1 ecosystems such as Ethereum,  EVM layer2s, and Cosmos. The CosWasm LSD framework supports diverse deployment approaches including Neutron, the native smart contract platform secured by Cosmos. StaFi 2.0 also supports native Cosmos chain deployment.

Notwithstanding, the LSAAS framework will also accelerate the development and upgrades of LSD innovations. It will facilitate the rapid deployment of highly secure and capital-efficient LSDs on layer1 and layer2 blockchains, opening the platform to more staking options and products.

Following the launch of StaFi’s LSAAS testnet, users on the platform can start experimenting with innovative LSD products and experience the convenience of being able to access Liquid Staking as a Service.

A successful testnet period will be followed by the unveiling of the StaFi 2.0 mainnet and a later launch of the innovative LRT Stack to power new re-staking applications. The timeline for the LRT unveiling is yet to be confirmed.

StaFi 2.0 will be a revolutionary liquid staking upgrade, transforming the platform into an infrastructure layer for stakers and LSD products. Additionally, it will support multiple virtual machines (VMs) including EVM and WASM, aiming to pioneer a new staking mechanism for the billion-dollar liquid staking industry and bring re-staking to several Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains.

As users and developers test and familiarize themselves with the LSAAS testnet, developers from StaFi will acquire the necessary information needed to further innovate the platform before its mainnet launch. It will allow further developments and bug fixes based on users’ feedback ahead of its mainnet launch schedules for Q3 later this year.
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· @finn16043 ·
Cannabis legalization
The legalization of cannabis has sparked increased debate in Germany in recent years, leading to various political and legislative developments. This report examines the current situation of cannabis legalization in Germany and its impacts on various aspects of society.

1. Legal Framework:
Currently, the use of cannabis is illegal in Germany, both for medical and recreational purposes. However, in March 2017, the law on controlled distribution of cannabis for medical purposes was passed, allowing the use of cannabis flowers and extracts for specific medical conditions under strict regulations.

2. Medical Use:
The legalization of medical cannabis has facilitated access for patients with certain conditions, including chronic pain, spasticity in multiple sclerosis, and nausea resulting from chemotherapy. Doctors can now prescribe cannabis when conventional treatment methods are not sufficiently effective.

3. Societal Acceptance and Opinions:
Opinions on the legalization of cannabis in German society are divided. While supporters argue that legalization would lead to decriminalization of users and improve control over the black market, opponents fear an increase in drug use and associated health risks.

4. Political Discussions and Initiatives:
In recent years, there have been various political initiatives and discussions regarding the potential legalization of cannabis for recreational use in Germany. Some parties and organizations advocate for regulation similar to that in some other countries, aiming to curb the black market and generate tax revenue. However, no concrete legislative changes in this direction have been passed so far.

5. International Developments and Comparisons:
Cannabis legalization has gained momentum worldwide, with countries like Canada, Uruguay, and some US states introducing regulated recreational use. These developments have contributed to intensifying the debate on cannabis in Germany and shedding light on the question of potential legalization.

The legalization of cannabis in Germany is a controversial issue that touches on various political, societal, and health-related aspects. While the legalization of medical cannabis has already occurred and improved access for patients, the question of potential legalization for recreational use remains the subject of intense debate and political discussions. It remains to be seen how the situation will evolve in the future and whether Germany will move towards more comprehensive cannabis legalization.
· @miingjazz ·
Happy Pizza!! 🍕🍀🌱| The story of pizza cannabis.
<center><h2>Happy Pizza</h2></center>
This is another story I have experienced regarding eating. Pizza at that time And it was the first time I tried Happy Pizza, which was pizza with marijuana. Going back to 2019, at that time when marijuana was not yet liberalized in Thailand. And it was a matter that I didn't want to reveal at that time. At that time, I had the opportunity to travel to Siem Reaj, Cambodia, and that was the first time I had the opportunity to try Happy Pizza.

- 🍕 In Siem Reaj, there is a **Happy Siem Reap Pizza** 🍕. And that pizza tray was a special tray. We bought some to take away to eat in the room. It's Happy Pizza with vegetable topping. The price per tray is about 10-12 dollars, I can't remember.  Upon arrival, it was opened. If you look at the surface, it might look like a normal pizza.  and went together to try the first piece. I ate it all and my symptoms were still normal. Nothing happened until starting to eat the second piece There was still nothing to talk about. So we talked together: I wonder if we were tricked or the store probably forgot about it. Because from the looks of it, it's just normal pizza, nothing special. And we agreed that we would eat all of this and go tell the restaurant that it was normal, so we started eating the third piece until it was finished. I walked to the bathroom. My eyes started to harden. and smiled for no reason

- 🌿 And then I lay on the bed It is an image that will never be forgotten. I remember that there were many stories in my mind that I wanted to tell the story. But only one sentence came out: "I forgot what I was going to say". Can speak only one sentence Round and round all night And when he heard the slightest sound from his neighbors, We laughed happily. Everything looks very funny. And my bed was not far from the bathroom but I couldn't bring myself to go to the bathroom. All I know is that I feel like I'm floating. And laughed all night long 🤣🤣. 

- 🍕 Luckily we bought some to take back to eat in the room. Because we couldn't remember anything and couldn't help ourselves after eating that pizza. When I woke up this morning, I didn't have any unusual symptoms. It's just an experience and it's a story to remember and never forget.



- Photography : @miingjazz

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· @elider11 ·
Concurso de Opinión: Alcohol y Cannabis ¿Cuál es tu postura?

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Estimados amigos. Me complace participar en este gran concurso. Que es de mucho provecho y sobretodo un tema bastante delicado pero educativo por demás y de reflexión. Atendiendo a la invitación que me hiciera mi amiga usuaria @venturabogarin expresaré mi  criterio al respecto.

### ¿Usted consume alcohol o lo ha consumido en algún momento de manera ocasional?

Realmente me fascina el licor. Disfruto su aroma, su sabor, su buquet entre otras cosas. Soy amante de licor y lo veo como algo complemtario de toda celebración o compartír. 

Aunque muchas veces disfruto de tomar un trago en casa estándo solo y junto a mi amada. 


### ¿Consideras que el alcohol debería tener el mismo estatus legal que otras drogas, como el cannabis?

Considero que el alcohol debe tener como en efecto lo tiene, algunas restricciónes tanto en su consumo como en su venta y distribución. 

Ahora bien, no soy experto en la materia y poco sabría definir si los efectos de las drogas son muy superiores a los que produce el licor. No obstante, considero que las drogas debido a su impactó en la sociedad deberían ser totalmente ilegales y con controles muy estrictos.


### ¿Estarías de acuerdo con la normalización del uso de la marihuana como droga de uso medicinal? ¿la usarías si medicamente esta indicada?

Algunos le atribuyen propiedades medicinales a la llamada marihuana, debo confesar que no se que tan cierto sea. Lo que si puedo decir es que todo depende del uso que se le de y resaltó un ejemplo de algunos aborígenes que usan droga para sus rituales espirituales. 

Quienes usen la marihuana con fines medicinales sean bien aceptadas así mismo si llegara a legalizarse como medicina y me tocase usarla, sin duda lo haría.


### ¿Crees que la legalización del cannabis podría ayudar a reducir los problemas asociados con su consumo, como el narcotráfico y la criminalidad?

Para ello es preciso analizar que características tiene esa droga y las demás que la hacen tan lucrativas en el mercado ilegal. Y es justamente su prohibición. 

Dicho esto, si considero que legalizarla sería parte la de solución, pues quién querría venderla para lucrarse si sería como venden cigarrillos de tabaco.


Pero también considero que legalizar su consumo también debe ir aunado a otras normas o leyes que regulen su consumo. Por ejemplo, que sea un agravante de los delitos el hecho de que quien comete estos hechos este bajo el efecto de estas sustancias. 

Tengo el agrado de invitar a mis amigos @edgargonzalez @inspiracion @cruzamilcar63


Si deseas conocer más sobre mi persona, sigueme en este [enlace](


# Gracias por tu visita.

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· @josevas217 ·
¿Uso medicinal del cannabis? - Salud y opiniones

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Hola parceros, feliz domingo. Espero que se encuentren todos muy bien. Me gustaría compartirles hoy un post donde quiero hablar de *(a propóstico del [Concurso de Opinión: Alcohol y Cannabis ¿Cuál es tu postura?](* de la clínica [Zerenia](, una clínica especializada en el uso de Cannabis como centre de su terapia de cuidado de la salud integral. 

Este sé que es un tema que a muchos no les agrada, y en lo particular, no estoy de acuerdo con el uso *recreativo* de algunas drogas, sin embargo, es algo que está entre nosotros, que es difícil controlarlo, por lo que sólo me remito a mantenerme al margen del consumo de cualquier cosa que atente mi salud, pero si que puedo reconocer que algunas drogas, bien utilizadas, pueden ser beneficiosas.

<sub><center>De mi autoría / Captada con mi teléfono Redmi Note 13</center></sub>	
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Quiero empezar diciendo que en nuestro organismos tenemos algo llamado **sistema endocannabinoide** el cual regula diversas funciones fisiológicas, y está compuesto por cannabinoides endógenos, como la *anandamida y el 2-araquidonilglicerol*, receptores cannabinoides y enzimas que participan en la síntesis y degradación de los cannabinoides. *¿Que relación y que uso se puede dar a esto en la medicina?*

Los receptores cannabinoides se encuentran en todo el cuerpo, incluido el cerebro, y están involucrados en la regulación de funciones como el estado de ánimo, el apetito, la memoria y **el dolor**. Cuando los cannabinoides se unen a estos receptores, pueden modular la liberación de neurotransmisores y afectar la actividad de diversas células.

Uno de los beneficios del sistema endocannabinoide es **su papel en la modulación del dolor**. Se ha demostrado que los cannabinoides, tanto endógenos como exógenos (como los presentes en el cannabis), pueden reducir la percepción del dolor al modular la transmisión de señales dolorosas en el sistema nervioso central y periférico.

<sub><center>De mi autoría / Captada con mi teléfono Redmi Note 13</center></sub>	
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Es por esto que, el uso del cannabis para el tratamiento del dolor está respaldado por varios estudios que han encontrado que los cannabinoides pueden ser eficaces en el alivio del dolor crónico, neuropático y relacionado con enfermedades como la artritis y la esclerosis múltiple. Los cannabinoides también pueden tener propiedades antiinflamatorias, que pueden ser beneficiosas en el tratamiento de condiciones inflamatorias que causan dolor.


Con esto digo que no todo lo que brilla es oro, pero tampoco todo lo que se cuestiona debe ser lo peor. En mi caso, detesto el olor del cannabis, así como del cigarro,  pero el primero que he mencionado *(el cannabis)* puede tener un beneficio en personas que lo usen de manera adecuada y guiada por especialistas en el área. El problema está, como con la mayoría de drogas, con su abuso, con su potencial capacidad de ser adictivo.  

Sin embargo, todo depende de como asumimos algo. Este es un post netamente informativo, espero haya sido de su agrado. Feliz domingo.


**Dejaré algunos enlaces de interés a continuación:**


* [Cannabis medicinal](
* [Cannabis medicinal y sus derivados Actualización de criterios
para una intervención policial acorde a las nuevas normativas](
* [La marihuana con uso terapéutico en el contexto colombiano](



#### <center></center>

También aprovecho la oportunidad de dejarles un video donde comparto información, en mi canal de youtube, sobre este tema:


<sub><center>¿Qué pasa si CONSUMES CANNABIS Frecuentemente? 👀</center></sub>	
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<center><sub>[Twitter]( | [Instagram]( |  [Discord](josevas217#0161) |  [Youtube]( |  [Telegram: @josevas217]()</sub>	
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· @deanpiecka · (edited)
Fungal Diversity 2023 Part 1
Before going any further, may I suggest some photo-viewing music?
Multicultural Phoenix Rising - Group Mediatation ( Didgeridoo is a Colonial Sin Mix )






























































































































































































































































· @mallorcaman ·
Expensive Holiday in Bali Part 2: Bribes and hospital stay
Expensive Holiday in Bali Part 2: Bribes and hospital stay

My arrival at the Polda (police station) turned into another long wait followed by several interrogations. "Where did you buy the weed? Who was the intended destination? Why have you traveled so often to South America?" The questions kept coming, and I insisted I was a medical cannabis user, unaware of how illegal it was to bring my stash to Indonesia. At this point, they asked if I had a lawyer; obviously, I did not, nor did I have a phone or any freedoms I could remember. I found myself in a larger waiting room with another man, an angel sent from heaven. He was a wealthy businessman who had just been on a weekend trip in Ibiza, leaving a pill of ecstasy in his pocket. Through his connections, he contacted a Balinese lawyer named Edward, promising to avoid jail in exchange for a large sum. I jumped at the opportunity, politely asking him to introduce me to this legal team. He obliged, and then enter the lawyers.

Fear games from the lawyers and extorsion

A game of fear and psychological manipulation started. The lawyers explained I faced a possible 5-10 year jail sentence in Bali's worst prison, Kerobokan. I visited it later to see what I managed to avoid—a completely frightening place. The lawyers made me understand that paying about €120,000 upfront would help me avoid Kerokaban prison. Instead, I'd spend a few months locked up in the police hospital (faking gastroenteritis) and then in a rehab facility. There would be a trial, and after being found guilty, they'd find a way to get me out of the country to avoid the imposed sentence. I had to prove I was a medical cannabis user and not trafficking drugs into the country. Everyone got paid—police guards, doctors, clerks, judges. It was a literal mouse trap, and luckily, I had some crypto holdings, though not enough to cover the cost they were asking.

I was told to start coming up with the money quickly so they could help me go to the hospital and start the process. They mentioned the police were in a rush, and if I didn't come up with money quickly, I might be sent to Bali Kerobokan one of the world's most famous prisons. I was so afraid I stopped eating, spending about 10 days living in the police station. Most of the police were friendly, curious about life outside Indonesia, asking how I could be so stupid to bring drugs into the country. My head hung in shame, and I cried more often than I wish to remember in those days of uncertainty. Eventually, I made a couple of payments through help from people on the other side who sold my coins and transferred funds to the lawyer team to start distributing bribes and get me out of trouble.

Next stop Police Hospital

Upon my departure from the Polda police station, I was driven handcuffed in a prisoner van to the Police hospital, supposed to be a health facility for high-ranking police officers and members of the Indonesian military. Nonetheless, cockroaches and even a rat were part of the fauna of this unsterilized atmosphere. I was locked up in a tiny cell, more like a dark cave. Here, I felt like a monkey in the zoo, with dozens of people coming to look at me, take photographs, and even dare to smirk and laugh. The humiliation was terrible, and it felt like things were getting worse instead of better.

Isolation and humiliation

Then enter the lawyers and the fear and manipulation game again. They claimed one of the police officers leading the investigation demanded that I be sent to prison, as it appeared I was healthy with no need for medical attention. The lawyer told me this was a huge problem because this man would not take bribes. I might go to Kerokoban prison. Furious but weak with despair, I couldn't even speak. I had already sent quite a bit of money, and now what? Fake promises and might I actually go to that messed-up jail everyone feared? Now I had to see another doctor for a second opinion. We went back to the prison van, and this inspector sat in front of me. I pushed myself to vomit as hard as I could as we drove, managing to break into a full sweat and begin vomiting profusely all over the interior of the van. The smell was terrible, and I looked like I was dying. That seemed to do the trick. Upon arrival, the doctor certified that I was not healthy and needed to stay in the hospital until the trial began.

After a few days of living in that tiny dark hellhole, speaking of a hole, that's what I used as a bathroom. But more than a hole, it looked like an endless pit. So now I was able to move into a hospital room along with another roommate. This person had been caught in similar circumstances, bribed his way into the hospital, and was awaiting the same process as me. We had two guards who watched us 24 hours a day, taking turns in shifts and basically living with us for 12 hours at a time. Our lawyers had to give the guards cash every day to make sure they treated us well and allowed us to go out and smoke every once and so often.

The meals weren't great, so we relied on the Gojek app for our food. Bali's culinary offerings, on the other hand, were truly divine. Whether it was due to not using cannabis, excessive drinking, or simply indulging in hearty meals—maybe a combination of all three—I left the island carrying an extra 50 kilos compared to my current weight.

Time in the Police hospital in Bali

Our time in the hospital was rather dull. We formed connections with the friendly guards and dreaded encounters with the less pleasant ones. Three times a week, we underwent drug rehabilitation in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Initially entertained by Indonesian movies on ultra-small screens inside the chamber—though lacking subtitles—we eventually turned to books.

In an attempt to better my health, I quit smoking cigarettes for a short period, trying out vaping instead. Realizing my mistake, I quickly returned to smoking cigarettes. The stress of my Balinese holiday led to an almost 3-pack-a-day habit, taking a severe toll on my health.

At this point, I had paid about 80% of the expected total fees and was having trouble getting more money. I tried a GoFundMe and some posts on social media when I quickly realized that I could not do such a thing. My case had to be hush-hush. If the media caught wind of it, I would be going straight to jail, and I could forget about my chances of getting out as promised, and there was obviously not going to be a money-back guarantee. This took several weeks, and the fear and manipulation games from the lawyers continued and even added several new payments from new participants in our little game that also wanted to get paid, or in some cases, just judges demanding bigger bribes. You never knew if it was just another lie, but even though I was resentful and backed into a corner, I had to be grateful that these people were still going to save my life and return me to my children eventually. I spent a total of about 2 and a half months in this hospital, the stay was not horrible, but we yearned to move on to whatever the lawyers had prepared for us next. There was even talk of private villas with pools for rent for the remainder of our stay. I could not believe what I was hearing.

To be continued.

If you missed part one of my story you can visit it here = Expensive holiday in Bali Part 1
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