coi | Recent

· @ewoy ·
Coinbase's Grewal Is 'Quite Hopeful' That Bitcoin Spot ETFs Will be Approved
Crypto exchange Coinbase's (COIN) chief legal officer Paul Grewal is "quite hopeful" that bitcoin spot exchange-traded fund (ETF) applications will be approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
"I’m quite hopeful that these applications will be granted, if only because they should be granted under the law," Grewal said in an interview with CNBC on Friday.
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· @meimy ·
beautiful koi-carps

Look at the colourful carps. A very majestic sight in my opinion. We should respect the fishes more than we do now. 
Are you of my opinion?
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· @alden99 ·
Coinbase Pro Lists Dogecoin’s Rival Shiba Inu
Coinbase Pro, the professionally-oriented arm of popular U.S. exchange Coinbase, has listed Dogecoin’s rival the Shiba Inu.

Coinbase Pro announced via Twitter on Thursday declaring that inbound transfers for SHIB are available in regions where trading is available.

Now you can trade crypto like a pro and make maximum Profit from it with My Binance Paradise
· @munsters ·
Conn Inc. (CONN)

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 60 others
· @mayowa-eu ·
Carbon Offset Initiative: Always on the right Side

***Human beings right from onset have been known to be problem solvers, little wonder why we’re being referred to as higher animals. Clothes are being made to cover our nakedness, foods are being produced to meet up with our increasing population, several technologies are being launched to tackle specific problems that we encounter, these are the qualities that make us higher than any other species on the planet earth***.

Just as we all know that one way or the other, we humans always find a way out of every challenging situation we find ourselves in, the same thing applies to the issue of global warming that already seems to become a threat to our existence.

>Ever wondered why the world’s climate is tending more to the extreme than how it used to be? Have you for once gotten bothered about the increasing rate of disaster occurrences as a result of increased surface temperature of the planet earth? 

All these and many more are the signs of global warming which is being caused mainly by the continuous emission of carbon through increased waste production. As it stands now, the planet earth is at risk of getting its ozone layer completely depleted (I’m sure we all know the importance of the ozone layer).

We have seen several interventions from different governments but then, how close are we to saving the ozone layer from being completely depleted?

*Its in lieu of this challenge that the COI platform was established*.

# Introducing COI: Carbon Offset Initiative
This is a platform that has risen up against these challenges by creating an application for smart, cheap, decentralized and easy to use ecosystem on the blockchain network in order to ensure a traceable and better global recycling and waste emissions management.


Now, you may want to ask how on earth does an application proffers a solution to these challenges, 
Carbon offset Initiative understands the numerous potentials embedded in recycling of wastes including electronic devices and also knows that the conventional recycling system isn’t too effective, hence it has come up with its software and hardware solution model.

The hardware (which will be connected to vessels and recycling plants) works mainly to collect and also transmit collected data while the software manages, analyses and report these data and also create smart tracks on the blockchain which has all relevant information to monitor bunker fuels.
Clean Sea Services (which is a highly reputable company) is an expert in provision of environmental solutions and happens to be the founding partner of this platform. There are other partnered companies such as Urban management which works in hand with COI to achieve their goals.

**COI has also been working on afforestation in order to tackle the world climate change problem by storing the atmospheric carbon dioxide in woods being planted in forests, this in no doubt will go a long way in achieving a better carbon dioxide ecosystem, hence reducing its constant emission**.


### Token Details
The native token of the platform is COI token which is an Erc-20 based token and has a total supply of 1billion COI and a circulating supply of 500million. The token has several usecases on the platform which includes; use for verification tool of measured data and volumes of waste and recovered oil, it can also be used as a medium of payment between entities on the platform without paying any transaction fee.


***Conclusively, No amount of information provided in this article is enough to describe the whole functionalities of the Carbon Offset Initiative platform, however, I have just done a brief summary of the platform and so far, its obvious that COI is determined to make the world a better place for everyone to leave in through its green technology intervention that is well planned on its platform, hence I would consider this project as a great one to watch out for in the coming year***.


**To get more insights on the platform and also make further enquiries, kindly check the links below;**

My Bitcointalk Username: amusanmikel2
Bitcointalk Link:;u=2305577
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· @bodo32 ·
Carbon Offset Initiative - Sorge für unseren Planeten
Ich freue mich, Sie, liebe Leser, begrüßen zu dürfen. Heute möchte ich Ihnen ein sehr interessantes und gutes Projekt vorstellen, das sich Carbon Offset Initiative nennt. Es ist nicht nur ein gutes Anlageinstrument, sondern zeigt auch Lösungen auf, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Natur und Zukunft der Welt leisten können.


# Probleme, die die Zukunft der Welt betreffen:

Unsere Welt verliert jeden Tag ihre natürliche Struktur. Laut Forschung wird unsere Welt für zukünftige Generationen immer heißer und trockener werden, wenn wir in den nächsten 10 Jahren keine realistischen Lösungen finden. Ich spreche von der globalen Erwärmung, einem gemeinsamen Problem aller Menschen, die auf dieser Welt leben. Ja. Die Hauptgase, die die globale Erwärmung verursachen, sind in der Regel Gase auf Kohlenstoffbasis wie Kohlendioxid (CO2), Methan (CH4), Diazotoxid (N2O), Ozon (O3), Kohlenmonoxid (CO) und Halocarbone (FCKW). Wie Sie wissen, haben wir eine Ozonschicht, die unsere Erde vor schädlichem Sonnenlicht schützt, und diese Gase schädigen die Ozonschicht. Da die Ozonschicht beschädigt ist, absorbiert unsere Erde mehr Sonnenlicht.

Ein weiterer Nebeneffekt von Gasen auf Kohlenstoffbasis besteht darin, dass sie den Austritt aus der Atmosphäre blockieren und die Sonnenstrahlen einfangen. Im Sonnensystem ist der der Sonne am nächsten liegende Planet Quecksilber, und der heißeste Planet ist die Venus, weil Gase die Sonnenstrahlen halten und sie sich immer mehr erwärmen lassen. Auf der Venus übersteigt die Oberflächentemperatur 500 ° C. Wir nähern uns auch einem heißen Planeten wie der Venus. Die Kohlenstoffemissionen in unserer Welt haben mit der Entwicklung der Industrie unvorstellbare Höhen erreicht. Die Menge an Kohlenstoff, die durch das Eindringen in die Natur freigesetzt wird, bewirkt, dass sich unsere Erde schnell erwärmt und austrocknet. Bäume sind nicht von Dürre betroffen, und das Verhältnis von CO2 zu Kohlendioxid nimmt zu, und unsere Welt wird wärmer. Wenn wir in den kommenden Jahren keine Lösung finden, verwandelt sich unsere Erde schnell in einen völlig trockenen Planeten wie die Venus, auf dem das Leben unmöglich ist.


# Der Zweck der Klimaschutzinitiative:

Die Carbon Offset Initiative ist ein ökologisches und humanitäres Projekt zur Verfolgung und Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen durch den Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie. Es zielt darauf ab, die Kohlenstoffemissionen zu reduzieren, zu einer ordnungsgemäßen Abfallentsorgung zu führen, die hervorragenden Fähigkeiten der Blockchain zu nutzen und in Zukunft eine schönere Welt zu hinterlassen. Er glaubt, dass das Problem nicht nur durch die Bemühungen einer Organisation oder Gemeinde gelöst werden kann, sondern auch durch die gemeinsame Beobachtung der Menschheit und die Reduzierung der Abfallproduktion.


# Weg, um das Problem zu lösen:

Die Carbon Offset Initiative wird ein ERC-20-basiertes Token erstellen, mit dem intelligente Verträge auf dem Ethereum-Block ausgeführt werden können und die Kontrolle über den gesamten Prozess ermöglicht wird. Mit der Schaffung eines Ökosystems intelligenter Verträge wird jede von Satelliten getätigte Transaktion aufgezeichnet. Nach einer wirksamen Transformation und der Zukunft der Welt und der gesamten Menschheit werden auch Investoren Geld verdienen.

Wir brauchen Umweltprojekte für eine bessere Zukunft. Wenn Sie mehr Informationen über das Projekt erfahren möchten, können Sie die Links verwenden, die ich unten teilen werde. Wenn Sie Fragezeichen haben, die in Ihrem Kopf über das Projekt auftauchen, können Sie mich unter meinen Kontaktadressen zur Diskussion kontaktieren. Mit Respekt.

Die technische Analyse zeigt, dass "Carbon Offset Initiative" eine verlässliche Option für zukünftige Investitionen ist und die Zukunft der Welt und der Finanziers garantieren kann. Es wird Ihnen daher dringend empfohlen, an diesem wertvollen Projekt teilzunehmen und von diesem gewinnbringenden Beitrag zu profitieren.
Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit!
Alle nützlichen Links finden Sie unten:

Bitcointalk username: bodo322
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2716073
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· @danya98 ·
Iniciativa de compensación de carbono: una revolución verde perfecta

Las tecnologías verdes se están convirtiendo en una de las economías más poderosas del mundo. La economía verde es ciertamente un canal útil para todos los países del mundo. Los desafíos ambientales, como el calentamiento global, los gases de efecto invernadero, la deforestación y la contaminación de los océanos, son desafíos que no son exclusivos de un país y que afectan a todas las personas en todo el mundo. La economía verde es muy bienvenida por todos los países del mundo, y todas las naciones están buscando formas de aprovechar mejor esta oportunidad. La Unión Europea acaba de publicar el último informe mundial sobre el estado de la industria verde. Según este informe, el mercado global de bienes y servicios ambientales con bajas emisiones de carbono se estima en 4,2 billones de euros y las actividades de reducción de carbono generan retornos positivos de la inversión, con un promedio del 33%.


Este informe ilustra la rápida tasa de crecimiento de la industria verde y el auge de los negocios verdes en el siglo XXI, y parece que todos los inversores se han dado cuenta de que la industria más verde brindará mayores oportunidades para una mejor vida humana. como la energía renovable, el reciclaje de plástico y desechos sólidos, el suministro de agua limpia, la infraestructura verde, se ha introducido como uno de los sectores económicos más importantes que formarán la economía mundial en los próximos años. Por supuesto, la economía verde será el camino correcto del futuro, ya que Una nueva fuente de tecnología, creación de empleo y enfoque de valor agregado en todo el mundo.
Definitivamente, uno de los sectores más importantes de la industria verde es la minimización de la contaminación de los océanos y mares. La contaminación de los océanos es un problema importante que afecta tanto a los océanos como a otras partes de la tierra. Amenaza a los organismos oceánicos e indirectamente a la salud humana. Los derrames de petróleo, los desechos tóxicos, los plásticos y la eliminación de desechos peligrosos son los principales contribuyentes a la contaminación del océano.


Iniciativa de compensación de carbono; Misión vision
COI tiene como objetivo conectar 2 milagros impotentes del siglo XXI: la industria verde y la tecnología Blockchain. Este proyecto será rastreable y mejorará el reciclaje global y la gestión de residuos / emisiones a través de un ecosistema inteligente, barato, fácil de usar, descentralizado y orientado a los resultados en la plataforma blockchain. Esta solución perfecta proporcionará gestión de riesgos y seguro a un costo competitivo . Esta aplicación se centra en 3 pilares importantes de la industria verde:
✅ La primera parte de esta solicitud se refiere al ciclo completo que cubre la toma de combustible del búnker en el bote para el reciclaje adecuado de desechos de petróleo y el monitoreo de CO2. Cada año, alrededor de 53,000 buques mercantes (incluidos 13,000 buques tanque) que transportan el 90% de los bienes del mundo usan alrededor de 450 millones de toneladas de combustible búnker y producen un estimado de 10 millones de toneladas de desechos ricos en hidrocarburos llamados `` slops '' [2]. Se estima que el tamaño total del mercado de Waste Oil alcanzará los USD 4.800 millones en 2023 [3].


Tecnología COI basada en Blockchain
COI tiene la intención de utilizar la tecnología blokchain para rastrear la cantidad, la calidad y otros parámetros del fuelóleo usado y las laderas producidas de bunkers de petróleo y luego transferir y recuperar o descomponer de una manera no tóxica, por lo tanto, los productos finales son petróleo, agua y aguas residuales recuperados que todo se puede usar después de ser tratado de forma sostenible
Este proceso podría ahorrar millones de dólares y reducir al mínimo las emisiones de carbono y la contaminación. Para lograr este concepto, COI instalará algunos búnkers de sensores ecológicos exclusivos para monitorear y registrar la calidad y cantidad del líquido en el interior y también la temperatura y la humedad de los tanques, cada pocos segundos en el libro mayor de blockchain. Además de esto, el clima y las condiciones del mar se controlan constantemente y el software especial COI calcularía la ruta más segura y económica para el barco. Todos los datos técnicos de los sensores, a través del satélite GPS, a la base de datos en la nube, integrados en la plataforma de cadena de bloques COI para garantizar que las compañías navieras estén más seguras y que los costos se reduzcan al mínimo porque la cadena de bloques COI y el equipo profesional de apoyo se encargan de todo aspectos de la A a la Z.
Los datos mencionados anteriormente son irreversibles y estarían disponibles y visibles en algunos de los bloques de la propia cadena de bloques. Al usar tokens de proyecto, los usuarios pueden controlar todas las mediciones.


Esto reducirá el contrabando y la corrupción, ya que los tokens se usarían en lugar de pagos en efectivo en algunos de los procesos desde los puertos hasta las refinerías y viceversa. Teniendo en cuenta que se genera una gran cantidad de datos todos los días para cada barco en el mar, blockchain puede ser prácticamente una solución perfecta y marcar la diferencia.
Fichas de proyecto
El equipo técnico del proyecto ha creado tokens COI exclusivos para tareas y operaciones específicas en los procesos de gestión de residuos y trazabilidad, junto con contratos inteligentes. Los tokens COI están diseñados en base a Ethereum Blockchain y al estándar ERC-20, por lo tanto, es totalmente compatible con todas las billeteras e intercambios ETH. Se creará un total de 1,000,000,000 de tokens, el 71% está disponible para la venta durante ICO. La distribución de tokens se basa en lo siguiente:
✅ 71% para inversores en la fase COI ICO
✅ 2% a los socios de COI
✅ 2% a los asesores de COI
✅ 2% para meritocracia
✅ 18% para el equipo
✅ 5% para Hacienda


En pocas palabras, el análisis técnico detallado muestra que la "Iniciativa de compensación de carbono" podría ser una opción confiable para futuras inversiones y podría garantizar el futuro del mundo y los inversores, por lo tanto, se recomienda encarecidamente participar en este valioso proyecto y disfrutar de esta contribución rentable.

Se pueden encontrar más datos sobre el proyecto "Iniciativa de compensación de carbono" a través de los siguientes enlaces:
Telegram :

Bitcointalk username: Danya98
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2710062
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· @airdropdetective ·
🕵 New Airdrop: Carbon Offset Initiative (2nd Round)
💲 **Total reward: Up to 60 COI [~$8.4] + 14 COI [~$2] per referral.**

🔴 Start the Carbon Offset Initiative [Airdrop Bot](

🔘 Join their Telegram ([group]. **(Mandatory: 10 COI)**

🔘 Follow their [Twitter]( like the pinned post. **(Mandatory: 10 COI)**

🔘 Follow their [LinkedIn]( **(Optional: 8 COI)**

🔘 Register on the COI 8website]( **(Optional: 12 COI)**

🔘 Do the other optional tasks on the bot. **(Up to 20 COI)**

🔘 Submit your details to the airdrop bot.

🔴 _Airdrop rewards will be distributed to your ETH wallet within 45 days after the airdrop comes to an end. Twitter and website tasks are for only new participants._

🔴 **You can earn more COI tokens from a $155,000 worth of reward pool by participating in** [CO-Initative Bounty](

![Logo psd.jpg](
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· @jurajurch ·
Iniziativa di offset del carbonio

L'impronta di carbonio e l'inquinamento stanno aumentando sotto i nostri occhi e per tornare sulla strada giusta dobbiamo cambiare le nostre abitudini e agire insieme, solo insieme possiamo cambiare gli attuali problemi ambientali, salvare il nostro habitat e preservare le risorse naturali della terra per la prossima generazione.

# Facciamo la differenza insieme, anche se non è troppo tardi.

La Carbon Offset Initiative è una soluzione ecologica per la tracciabilità dei rifiuti e dei dati in vari settori industriali, utilizzando l'innovativa tecnologia blockchain per aumentare la produttività nella raccolta, localizzazione e riciclaggio dei rifiuti da varie fonti.

La nostra missione è aiutare le organizzazioni e le aziende a risparmiare energia, ridurre i costi e costruire un valore commerciale più ampio affrontando le questioni ambientali e sociali.

# Cos'è la Carbon Offset Initiative

L'inquinamento globale generato dalla produzione di carbonio e dalla globalizzazione raggiunge un picco ricorrente ed è una grave minaccia per il nostro futuro. Sono stati compiuti sforzi da vari governi, industriali o istituzioni, ma a un livello troppo basso, a causa di vari fattori come il breve termine o l'incomprensione.

La generazione di capi di Stato o amministratori delegati si è formata attualmente nell'economia dei combustibili fossili e hanno difficoltà a comprendere che l'azione verde necessaria non è la spesa ma investimenti.

Il nostro team crede sinceramente che una "rivoluzione verde" avrà lo stesso impatto di una "rivoluzione di Internet" o "rivoluzione industriale" in termini di innovazione, occupazione e opportunità di investimento.

Il nostro obiettivo è risolvere i problemi in nuovi modi combinando la nostra esperienza e i nostri team di rete con la digitalizzazione e la blockchain, entrambe le quali diventano potenti risorse per l'implementazione e il successo.

La nostra ricerca mostra che il settore navale è l'ideale per il potenziale di minimizzazione del carbonio e che il corretto smaltimento dei rifiuti di petrolio è persino negativo per il carbonio.


COI, acronimo di Carbon Offset Initiative, riflette fortemente sia le nostre intenzioni che i risultati concreti che stiamo puntando a: Compensazione del carbonio ottimizzando "i combustibili di bunker-olio per scivolare nel ciclo energetico" e gestendo i rifiuti e le emissioni. Questo processo di ottimizzazione rende negativo l'olio combustibile e il carbone recuperati, perché a differenza del petrolio greggio, non deve essere esplorato, prodotto, raffinato e trasportato, riducendo in modo significativo l'impronta di carbonio.

## Sinossi del progetto

Industria, informazione, consumo e crescita economica globale esercitano una forte pressione sull'ambiente del nostro pianeta e sullo sviluppo sostenibile in futuro.

Tuttavia, una cosa che tutti sembrano sottovalutare è che viviamo su un pianeta con risorse fisiche limitate e lo usiamo oltre ogni ragione e produciamo quantità crescenti di rifiuti ed emissioni.

Allo stesso tempo, i requisiti legali per tracciare e dimostrare lo smaltimento o la distruzione totale dei rifiuti che non possono essere riciclati e per ridurre le emissioni sono sempre più rigorosi e sempre più applicati in tutto il mondo. La crescente produzione di rifiuti rappresenta una grande sfida per la tracciabilità e lo smaltimento corretto.

Scienziati, industriali e paesi cercano di affrontare i problemi relativi ai rifiuti e alle emissioni. Nonostante la pressione del tempo, tali problemi globali vengono gestiti localmente, il che è troppo lento.

Con la nostra vasta esperienza nel riciclaggio dei rifiuti, siamo stati molto coinvolti nella realtà del processo di riciclaggio delle acque oleose e delle pendenze. Esistono tre problemi principali per le aziende e i proprietari di spedizioni:

## Il lavoro di riciclaggio viene eseguito legalmente, in tempo e di qualità per l'importo fornito?

## Le parti coinvolte sono pagate in base all'accordo e al pagamento minimo in contanti?

## Abbiamo pagato di più (furto nascosto)?

Dopo aver identificato i problemi di controllo come la principale causa di fuoriuscite illegali e furto di carburante, abbiamo trovato una soluzione economica, facile da implementare e gestita per il monitoraggio remoto del bunker e del trattamento dei rifiuti (figura 1) basato sulla blockchain. La nostra soluzione ha due livelli, hardware costituito da dispositivi di misurazione e telecomunicazione e software.

La piattaforma COI può essere adattata alle esigenze dell'armatore (emissioni, velocità, posizionamento, condizioni meteorologiche, ecc.)

Il nostro sistema è progettato per essere in grado di adattarlo e configurarlo in base alle esigenze del cliente.

Ad esempio, i clienti possono scegliere una parte o tutte le soluzioni dal suddetto schema, dalla gestione e dall'ottimizzazione dei consumi e delle emissioni al pieno controllo dei "bunker di carburante alla pendenza".

## Il nostro sistema include livelli hardware e software

# Livello hardware (in blu):

La parte hardware è costituita da dispositivi che raccolgono e trasmettono i dati raccolti

La nave sarà dotata di dispositivi automatici per

Misura la quantità di combustibile per bunker e le pendenze in ciascun serbatoio in ogni fase del processo, dal caricamento del combustibile per bunker alle navi allo smaltimento delle pendenze

Potenziale di misurazione del carico (nave cisterna)

Misurare la densità e la composizione dell'acqua oleosa a diversi livelli nel serbatoio, per tenere traccia della qualità dello slop

# Elencare alcuni parametri esterni che potrebbero avere un impatto sui consumi e sulle emissioni

Invia i passaggi via GSM o via satellite al centro di controllo.

L'impianto di riciclaggio otterrà un dispositivo simile per misurare la quantità e la densità delle pendenze ottenute per la lavorazione. Il dispositivo di telecomunicazione trasmetterà anche questi passaggi e, dopo l'elaborazione, la quantità di residui solidi, acqua e olio viene riciclata dalla pendenza iniziale.

Su richiesta, i collezionisti e i trasportatori di porti possono anche essere dotati di dispositivi per misurare il numero e la densità della pendenza raccolta e trasferita.


> "L'umanità ha rovinato il pianeta Terra come se avessimo riserve per il" pianeta B ". È responsabilità della nostra generazione renderlo un posto migliore in modo che i nostri figli vaghino in uno spazio sconosciuto a causa della curiosità scientifica e non di una mossa disperata.

# Per informazioni più dettagliate, consultare il link seguente:
Telegram :
BitcoinTalk ANN link :
My BitcoinTalk profile link :;u=2520929
# Autore:
Bitcointalk username: JuraJurchysh
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2712869
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· @hagengraf ·
COI - frei, offen und sicher chatten
<center></center> <br/><p>Wenn man heute einer Person eine Nachricht schicken will, muss man sie fragen, welche Plattform sie benutzt oder bevorzugt. Die meisten von uns haben auf ihren Smartphones mehrere proprietäre und zentral verwaltete Apps wie Facebook WhatsApp (1,6 Milliarden Nutzer), den Facebook Messenger (1,3 Milliarden), WeChat (1,1 Milliarden Nutzer), Snapchat (294 Mio), Telegram (200 Mio) und viele andere mehr. Alle Nachrichten und Personenbeziehungen werden zentral von den Betreibern dieser Apps verwaltet. </p>
<p>Wenn ich eine E-Mail verschicke <em>( an</em> gibt es nur einen Weg. Ich muss nicht fragen, welches E-Mail Tools jemand verwendet. Jeder kann an jeden eine E-Mail schicken. Durch die dezentralisierte Struktur des globalen E-Mail Systems ist man sogar in der Lage seinen eigenen E-Mail Server zu betreiben und dort seine E-Mails zu verwalten.</p>
<p>Das Protokol COI steht für Chat over IMAP. Als offener Standard erweitert COI vorhandene E-Mail-Protokolle, um einen Messenger auf der Basis eines offenen Systems bereitzustellen. Es erweitert die weltweit existierende E-Mail Server Infrastruktur um das Feature "Chatten". </p>

<p>COI ist ein kostenloser und offener Standard, mit dem jeder Messaging-Apps, -Dienste oder -Serverinfrastrukturen bereitstellen kann, die alle miteinander kommunizieren können. Mit COI können die Benutzer selbst entscheiden, welchem ​​Anbieter sie vertrauen und welche App sie verwenden möchten.</p>
<p>Ein weiterer Vorteil ist das fehlende Henne-Ei Problem. Kommunikationssysteme verbreiten sich nur, wenn andere Benutzer sie auch nutzen. Da in diesem Fall E-Mail als Basis verwendet wird, ist diese Hürde theoretisch nicht existent. Wenn man eine auf dem COI Standard basierende App startet, hat man sofort Zugriff auf 7 Milliarden! vorhandene Konten. Es gibt weltweit etwa 4 Milliarden E-Mail Nutzer mit 7 Milliarden E-Mail Adressen. Sollte die andere Person die App noch nicht installiert haben, erhält sie die Chat-Nachricht als E-Mail.</p>
<p>Jede COI-App kann mit jeder anderen COI-App kommunizieren. Das heisst, jeder kann eine COI-App schreiben. Wenn sie gut ist, wird sie angenommen und verwendet, wenn sie nicht gut ist, wird sie verblassen. Das ist die normale Entwicklung im offenen Internet.</p>
<p>Alle, wirklich alle Personen, mit denen ich bisher über COI gesprochen habe, haben mir gesagt: </p>
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote"><p>"Ohja, das ist ja eine tolle Idee".  </p>
<h2> </h2>
<p>Bisher gibt es eine Implementierung von COI unter Android, nämlich den <a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label=" (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank">OX COI Messenger</a>.</p>
<p>Die aktuelle Version ist eine Early Access Variante, funktioniert aber schon erstaunlich gut. Die App bietet direkte und Gruppen-Chats mit automatischer Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, Text- und Sprachnachrichten, Foto, Video und Push-Benachrichtigungen. Wir haben das sofort  ausprobiert und waren überrascht, wie gut es funktioniert. Die folgenden Screenshots stammen von einem älteren Smartphone mit  Android 5.1. Nach der Installation der App (<a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Play Store Link OX COI Messenger (opens in a new tab)" href=";hl=de" target="_blank">Play Store Link OX COI Messenger</a>) kannst du dich mit deinem E-Mail Konto einloggen (sign in) oder einen E-Mail Account bei OX neu erstellen (OX). <br>Die App bietet bereits verschiedene E-Mail Provider an um die Eingabe der Daten zu vereinfachen.</p>
<div class="wp-block-columns has-2-columns"><div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4565"/>
<div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4566"/>
<p>Da Novatrend noch nicht in der Liste enthalten ist, habe ich <em>Other mail provider</em> gewählt und meine Daten eingegeben.</p>
<div class="wp-block-columns has-2-columns"><div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4567"/>
<div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4568"/>
<p>Als erstes habe ich einen Direkt-Chat erstellt und die E-Mail Adresse des gewünschten Kontakts eingegeben. Im Chatfenster konnten wir problemlos chatten und haben ein paar Bilder und Sprachnachrichten ausgetauscht. <br>Es funktioniert! Einfach so! Mit einer E-Mail Adresse! </p>
<div class="wp-block-columns has-2-columns"><div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4569"/>
<div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4570"/>
<p>Die App bietet auch Gruppenchats und den Import deiner Kontakte an. Diese Kontakte bleiben allerdings auf deinem Telefon, sie werden dann nur bereits direkt in der App vorgeschlagen.</p>
<div class="wp-block-columns has-2-columns"><div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4571"/>
<div class="wp-block-column"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4572"/>
<p>Ich war ja dann doch neugierig und habe mir das E-Mail Konto in meinem E-Mail Client (Apple Mail) angesehen. Für jede Nachricht kam tatsächlich eine E-Mail. </p>
<img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-4573"/>
<p>Gerade im Firmenumfeld ist dieser Chat sehr interessant, weil die Nachrichten innerhalb der existierenden Infrastruktur archiviert und natürlich auch durchsucht und gefiltert werden können. </p>
<p>Das Video zeigt Rafael Laguna und Robert Virkus bei der  Vorstellung der App im Oktober 2019 auf dem letzten OXSummit.</p>
<div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
</div><br/><i>Vorstellung der App auf dem OX Summit 2019</i>
<ul><li>COI Protokoll: <a href=""></a></li><li>COI OX Messenger : <a href=""></a></li></ul>
<p>Der Chat per E-Mail funktioniert auf Anhieb und über den eigenen Server. Laut OX ist eine iOS App in der Vorbereitung. </p>
<hr class="wp-block-separator"/>
<p><strong>tl;dr:</strong> Das COI Protokoll ermöglicht Chats auf der Basis von E-Mail Protokollen</p>
 <br /><center><hr/><em>Posted from my blog with <a href=''>SteemPress</a> : </em><hr/></center>
👍  , ,
· @sergeyklimenok · (edited)
✅Carbon Offset Initiative – "Always on the right side"✅

_I think many will agree with me that our world is one huge, single and living organism. We are just a small part of its ecosystem. However, our actions are not always honest and fair in relation to the place where we all live with you. And all because, for the most part, people are driven only by one goal of profit, carrying out which people neglect a lot of things, ranging from air pollution, soil, groundwater, oceans and other environment around us._

By broadcasting such a way of life, people are increasingly aggravating their situation on this Earth, depleting all its resources, which naturally has a negative impact not only on the state of nature itself, but also on the bright future of all mankind.
# Green investments

But it is good that not all people behave so toxic in relation to our nature, but on the contrary by all means seek to renew or replace in many processes non-renewable energy sources, renewable green. Or put air purification systems, where previously they had not even thought about.


* **_that kind of positive dynamics gives us a chance, and hope for a bright and green future to which we can come only through joint efforts. Which over the past 10 years has grown (significantly) than it was in the early 2000s._**

If earlier financing of green energy sources, production of goods and other environmentally friendly processes was considered as expenses, now it is called **smart investments**. After all, who but we are able to prevent a catastrophe and save our planet from all these toxic chemicals, carbon dioxide, multibillion-dollar household garbage?! The consequences of which we have been actively trying to hide in recent years.

# About the project and its formation

The project I want to tell you about today seeks to infiltrate the ranks of environmentalists, thereby reducing the production of oil waste from large shipping companies through its ideas, as well as taking control of other areas related to waste processing. And this project is called **[Carbon Offset Initiative](** or abbreviated (**COI**).

* **_As I said, the project will deal with the recycling of fuel waste produced by large marine vessels._** 

It turns out that the number of bunker fuel waste in the near future will reach more than 4.5 billion US dollars. That naturally entails not only huge economic costs, but also a catastrophe of an environmental nature. After all, recycled fuel oil does not dissolve in water, but floats on its surface poisoning everything around. In addition to all this, at the time of fuel generation, millions of tons of carbon raw materials are produced, which is also considered a waste that pollutes the air.


**_And this is not all_**, because regardless of all these natural processes for the ship, as a result of its activities (navigation) on Board a number of other wastes containing engine oil, a mixture of dirty salt and fresh water, as well as other residues of engine waste containing a large amount of carbon (CO2) are formed.

* If before all of this shipping companies without labor and remorse could bounce for Board, then now thanks to many **_green laws_** them this to do flatly prohibited from! Owners, whose vessels allowed themselves such a luxury, will be immediately fined a round sum and subjected to anti-advertising, which in the future may adversely affect the further full-fledged work of the company itself.

Therefore, within the framework of the green law, all seaports must be equipped with so-called containers that collect all this waste and dispose of it in a green way. However, as practice shows, not always and everywhere it happens properly.

_**Therefore, the founders of the Carbon Offset Initiative project, having extensive experience with the purification and green disposal of oily waters, decided to create their own project, where the three most important principles will be solved within a single blockchain network: timely, high-quality and legal disposal of navigable "slops".**_

# Peculiar properties

Naturally, in order to take control of such a huge industry, we need worthy tools and technologies at the expense of which this whole global green project will be able to be realized. And as you have already noticed, Blockchain technology fits perfectly into this concept.

**_No why? What principles of this technology will help to cope with the above problems?!_** As it turned out the answer to this question is quite simple. As far as we all remember, the blockchain structure is a constant space of the Ledger, where once and for all a particular transaction is recorded, containing a number of information. Thanks to this feature, the founders of the Carbon Offset Initiative will be able to control various kinds of leaks, fuel theft and other quality controls of the entire shipping business.


At the same time, the control system itself will consist of so-called two layers, where each of them will meet its requirements and collect data from both devices by means of software and hardware.

* **_All this will allow tens or even hundreds of times to improve the quality of waste disposal, as well as to take control of all the costs of shipping companies, allowing them to reduce their costs based on one or another statistics._**


# Directions

However, under the leadership of a decentralized structure Carbon Offset Initiative will fall and other areas that also require clarity and control over the implementation of certain actions within the disposal of relevant waste. During which COI will be engaged in green recycling of electronic waste, emissions of which have long exceeded millions of tons around the world.


As for the third direction of action Carbon Offset Initiative, it refers to afforestation. As it turned out under this direction, the team of founders, Carbon Offset Initiative has long started to conduct its activities, recently planted more than 8.5 thousand trees on a plot of more than 100 thousand square meters.

* But that's not all, it turns out the founders of the project are planting a special kind of tree that is able to absorb ten times more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which naturally will significantly help in cleaning the air of the surrounding nature. At the same time, as stated by the creators of the Carbon Offset Initiative of the project, they are not going to stop there and in the next five years they intend to plant such trees an area equal to **one million square meters**.


# Advantages

As you have already noticed the front of the Carbon Offset Initiative project is incredibly huge and it really has something to work on. At the same time, its founders intend to make maximum use of modern technologies and tools as their assistants, with the help of which they will be able to make a huge breakthrough in the field of green projects. And to demonstrate their effectiveness for business owners themselves. Thus solving at the same time not only the topic of waste, but also environmentally friendly, mutually beneficial relations among the participants of one big business system.


And the carbon Offset Initiative project will allow to reuse and rationally use the resources spent on this or that activity, during which there will be much more advantages than disadvantages, which are available now.

**_No and that's not all advantages_**. After all, thanks to the built-in decentralized Blockchain system, the carbon Offset Initiative ecosystem is able to perform all the necessary actions, operations quickly, safely, and most importantly transparently. Where each digit, file or data, will be invariably stored in the system **_absolution_** of certain data in such a huge structure. At the same time, all transactions will be unconditionally fixed by means of **_smart-contract_**, which will make all business processes even more reliable and easier.

# Token

Naturally, in order to implement such a large-scale, but extremely important environmental project, the founders intend to hold their ICO, during which they hope to raise all the necessary funds for their further growth and development of the entire project. That is why, or rather for these purposes, the developers are ready to offer their tokens **COI**, for all investors who want to become part of a single good goal.

**_Therefore, my dear reader, do not pass by this topic in vain, but rather delve into the essence, read and understand. And maybe you will become a part of something bigger, good and useful in this world. That's probably all, thank you for your attention and see you soon!_**


# Conclusion

Summing up a certain result of his article, I would like to note the high experience of the founders of this project, who know firsthand how to properly (**_green way_**) it is necessary to dispose of certain wastes. Having a clear, global and structured plan for the implementation of all their ideas. Personally, I like such projects that use for the benefit of all existing technologies of modern society, the introduction of which will improve not only the quality of our lives, but also the state of our entire environment.

* Of course, the presentation of the material on the basis of which I tried to briefly write my review, is much wider and deeper in the disclosure of many concepts. However, to write them all here, I do not see the point, because for this purpose there is a specially compiled [technical document of the project](, where the detailed language describes each of the elements **_Carbon Offset Initiative_** system.

**_Therefore, my dear reader, do not pass by this topic in vain, but rather delve into the essence, read and understand. And maybe you will become a part of something bigger, good and useful in this world. That's probably all, thank you for your attention and see you soon!_**

# The official resources of the project Carbon Offset Initiative: **WEBSITE:**
![]( **MY TELEGRAM:** @sergeyklimenok **MY BITCOINTALK USERNAME:** klimenok1991 **MY BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK:**;u=1238493
![]( **MY ETH ADDRESS:** 0x90051516FC3451D7bF1b5e7D0A4486757FC81C32 **UNIQUENESS 100%:** <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" alt=" - 100.00%" title="Уникальность данного текста проверена через" border="0" width="80" height="15"></a>
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· @doswedan ·
🌟 CarbonOffsetInitiative Airdrop 🌟
🌟 CarbonOffsetInitiative Airdrop 🌟
💧 Get 55 COI SNAC = $7.7
👉👉 Join here:
· @airdropdetective · (edited)
🔍 New Airdrop: Carbon Offset Initiative
💲 **Total reward: Up to 55 COI [$7.7] + 14 COI [$1.96] per referral.**

🔴 Start the Carbon Offset Initiative Airdrop Bot:

🔘 Join their Telegram group: (Mandatory: 10 COI)

🔘 Follow their Twitter: **and** like the pinned post: (Mandatory: 10 COI)

🔘 Like their Facebook: (Mandatory: 10 COI) 

🔘 Register on the Carbon Offset Initiative website: (Optional: 15 COI)

🔘 Do the other optional tasks on the bot. (Up to 10 COI)

🔘 Submit your details to the airdrop bot, using the same e-mail that you have used when registering an account. 

🔴 _You can earn more COI tokens by participating in the  Bounty:_

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· @poetarojo ·
Gold Coin 2
[![3c20f44a9182f22131663d5456fb7de5](](<br/><br/>[![Powered by APPICS - visit us at](](
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· @bauloewe ·
Fishy Luck
<img src="">

Who doesn't want good luck? This coin from the Perth mint claims to be a good luck charm. Let's take a closer look at it.

<a href="">
<img src=""><br><sub>original size</sub></a></center><h3> Good Luck in a box?</h3>

Well, let's see whether there's such a  thing. The Perth mint certainly wants us to believe that this coin brings some good luck it comes in a sturdy cardboard box with the standard high-quality Perth mint coin box inside.

<div class="pull-center"><center><a href="">
<img src=""><br><sub>original size</sub></a></center></div>
<a href="">
<img src=""><br><sub>original size</sub></a></center>
<h3>Glowing Topaz and Ankle Grinder</h3>
Those two phrases are the best way to describe this coin. At least if you play a bit with a flashlight. The coin has a topaz marble in the center inside a stainless steel mount. Around the marble is the 1 oz antiqued silver coin. On this silver coin are multiple coi fish, which are symbols of good luck in many countries. <br><br>But aside from the obvious there's something strange with this coin; Both sides of the coin are ground down. They claim it's to simulate the look of an ancient artefact. Not sure whether that was a good idea, but at least you can get a coin to pass as Uncirculated with major scratches. But it looks beautiful. Especially if you light the topaz up.

<a href="">
<img src=""><br><sub>original size</sub></a></center>

<center><a href="">
<img src="">
<br><sub>original size</sub></a><p><em>Elly likes shiny stuff, and this coin looks very shiny!</em></p></center>
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4 replies
· @sarah08 ·
Buddy một nền tảng tự động hóa phân cấp phát triển

Buddy là một nền tảng tự động hóa phát triển phi tập trung, nơi họ đang đặt phát triển ứng dụng trên máy lái tự động. Họ làm cho các ứng dụng xây dựng có thể mở rộng, phân cấp thị trường DevOps và lưới tự động hóa nơi các nhà phát triển ngày nay có thể xây dựng, thử nghiệm và thiết lập ứng dụng của họ.
Một nền tảng mà họ đã làm sáng tỏ gánh nặng của các nhà phát triển để tận dụng thời gian có sẵn để trở nên sáng tạo hơn và không còn cần phải làm công việc tương tự nhiều lần nữa.

Vấn đề
Vấn đề chính là DevOps là một hệ thống phát triển phần mềm doanh nghiệp, nơi nhiều tổ chức phải đối mặt với những thách thức để áp dụng đầy đủ các lợi ích của quá trình DevOps. Các vấn đề là sự phức tạp của ứng dụng, rất khó chấp nhận mà không có bất kỳ kiến ​​thức nào về các tổ chức đó. Không có kế hoạch trước cho quá trình DevOps dẫn đến thiếu đào tạo theo các tổ chức. Hạn chế ngân sách cũng là một trong những hạn chế chính đối với họ. Hiện có hàng ngàn công cụ cho DevOps có sẵn ngày hôm nay, nơi đào tạo cần thiết, và thiếu sự hỗ trợ quản lý hoặc điều hành là có.

Giải pháp
Buddy đưa ra giải pháp bằng cách cung cấp toàn bộ quá trình phát triển và triển khai ứng dụng để làm cho việc sử dụng DevOps dễ dàng, minh bạch và dễ dàng. Họ giải quyết vấn đề bằng các tính năng sau đây.
Đường ống tự động hóa - Hệ thống đường ống nơi các nhà phát triển có thể tự động hóa việc phát triển và triển khai ứng dụng của họ với hơn 70 bước sẵn sàng để sử dụng.
Sandboxes - Nó cung cấp đầy đủ môi trường thử nghiệm và xem trước để chạy các ứng dụng và trang web trực tiếp từ kho Git mà không cần bất kỳ máy chủ riêng hoặc máy ảo nào. Cũng cung cấp xem trước trên mọi chi nhánh mã.
Tự động hóa lưới - Đây là quá trình tự động với cơ sở hạ tầng có thể mở rộng, riêng tư hoặc chia sẻ để chạy vô số đường ống, hộp cát và nút blockchain.
Devops Marketplace - Một nền tảng mở cho các nhà phát triển và các chuyên gia xây dựng các giải pháp của riêng họ, có thể cắm vào các Đường ống Tự động hóa.

Tương lai Buddy

Tự động hóa Đường ống Tự động phát triển và triển khai ứng dụng với hơn 70 bước sẵn sàng để sử dụng
Hộp cát βMột bản xem trước đầy đủ và môi trường có thể được sử dụng làm bản xem trước ứng dụng tức thì tự động cho mọi chi nhánh mã
Tích hợp Palet phong phú với tích hợp đặc biệt cung cấp kinh phí cho nhiều cọc
Cơ sở hạ tầng tự động hóa GRID được phân cấp để chạy các nhiệm vụ tự động hóa không giới hạn để phát triển ứng dụng
DevOps MarketplaceApp cửa hàng cho các nhà phát triển bởi các nhà phát triển với những người tự động hóa phát triển ứng dụng
BlockchainOps Ot tự động phát triển các chương trình được tạo cho các ứng dụng Blockchain thông minh hơn, tốt hơn và nhanh hơn

Mã thông báo BUD

• Biểu tượng: BUD
• Tỷ lệ: 1 ETH = 0.0002
• Tổng nguồn cung: Ban đầu 300 triệu mã BUD được cấp cho Mã thông báo
. Số tiền cuối cùng sẽ phụ thuộc vào tiền thưởng sẽ được áp dụng trong
• Điều khoản: Thẻ không được bán trong Crowdsale sẽ được tự động ghi
theo kế hoạch phân bổ
• Nắp cứng: khi đạt được giới hạn này, việc tạo mã thông báo sẽ ngừng và
sẽ không chấp nhận thêm đóng góp nào nữa . Số tiền cố định sẽ được bán trong đám
đông là 60,000 ETH
• Giao thức: ERC20
• Tỷ lệ phát thải: Không có mã thông báo mới nào được tạo ra


Token BUD
Preico Giá 1 BUD = 0,00012 ETH
Giá 1 BUD = 0,0002 ETH
Tiền thưởng Có sẵn
MVP / Nguyên mẫu Có sẵn
Nền tảng Ethereum
Chấp nhận ETH
Mũ mềm 8.000 ETH
Nắp cứng 60,000 ETH
Quốc gia Ba Lan Whitelist / KYC KYC & Whitelist

Simon Szczepankowski - Giám đốc điều hành, Giám đốc sản phẩm & Co- Người sáng lập - doanh nhân SaaS với hơn 15 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực CNTT. được khởi động trước đây, một dịch vụ lưu trữ Subversion dành cho các nhà phát triển web thu hút> 5000 khách hàng trả tiền từ 120 quốc gia. Các dự án CNTT được quản lý cho các lực lượng Không quân Hà Lan, KLM, Mercedes Benz NL, Ford NL và Merck PL.
Raphael Sztwiorok - Giám đốc Dự án, Giám đốc Dự án & Đồng sáng lập - Quản lý các dự án GIS & Big Data lớn cho Quân đội Ba Lan và Phòng Đấu thầu Quốc phòng Na Uy thông qua Techmex SA. Là người quản lý CNTT cao cấp trong Chương trình hợp tác địa không gian đa quốc gia. Chuyên gia Scrum Master, Docker & microservices cao cấp.
Martin Kudla - Kiến trúc sư và người đồng sáng lập phần mềm - Hơn 20 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực CNTT. Kiến trúc sư của nền tảng đặt vé máy bay và khách sạn cho & công cụ so sánh giá cho, trang web lớn thứ 46 của Đức.

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· @sarah08 ·
Best ICO Vanig 2018
E-commerce is a global activity amounting to trillions of dollars’ worth of trade. Middle class
spending will triple by 2030; the sharing economy could top $300 billion by 2025; more than
1.4 billion people purchased a product or service online in 2017; the gross total value of B2B
e-commerce topped $20 trillion the same year. We are addressing a global market with
potential outreach to emerging and established economies.
E-commerce is quickly taking over in emerging markets and it’s predicted that this year the
majority of large emerging markets will have more online buyers than offline. The message is
clear: e-commerce becomes the new channel in both developed and emerging markets.
Despite the remarkable growth, the global e-commerce industry is still typified by two large
and interrelated problems — supply chain inefficiencies and e-commerce shortcomings. We
aim to solve these problems with Vanig.
Vanig Process Flow
Consumer places an order using the Vanig Website or Vanig Mobile App
Smart contract #1 gets written automatically and captures the details of the order betweenthe consumer and Vanig and is stored in Vanig’s blockchain ecosystem.

Manufacturer/retailer ships the product from their location which triggers another Smart contract #2 between the manufacturer and its distribution agent.
Distribution agent picks up the order from manufacturer and delivers it to the consumer.
Delivery acknowledgement from the Consumer will trigger another Smart contract #
between the distribution agent and the consumer.
Finally, Smart contract #4 is created to capture the transaction ledger between the
wholesaler and the manufacturer
Bussiness plan
WP contains basic information of token economics (63% will be sold on open market; 20% will be used for team, advisors and legal with lock up to 24 months; all unsold tokens will be burned) and funds usage map (30% for business development; 30% for marketing and sales). So, with paying attention to more than 19K followers in Telegram channel, the product has a good chance of having X after ICO.

Additionally to WP, there is existing Business Model document which contains the detailed financial model of the project, launch plan, and competitors analysis.
Marketing Strategy
The project has well-described marketing strategy with the selected initial market, bounties for ICO and detailed rewards program for actions during the working period of product (1st use, making reviews, listings; different consumer statuses etc).
Vanig ICO Details
In order to build a platform for e-commerce, vanig will conduct an initial coin offering to start funding the project. The proceeds will be used in project development, marketing campaign, and partnership deals. Vanig token is therefore created and will be used in the marketplace.
Here the important details about the token sale and the private sale

*All the unsold tokens will be burned. Tokens allocated to the team and advisors will be held for a certain period.Do you recommend Investing in this ICO?I believe that this project will be worth investing. In the long term, many people will still use e-commerce industry in order to fulfill their shopping experiences. This will make the value of the token to be stable. This continuous advancement in technology will be the key to success of this project.
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· @kdtkaren ·
Water Hyacinth with Sir Gallihad!
### May First blooms of the year!


### Follow @kdtkaren for more!
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2 replies
· @pegoking · (edited)
10 TL ile Neler Yapılabilir? [Cointurk 30. Projesi] [furkanalpaslan#4581]
Selam kusadasi ailesi yine ben. Bu yazımda Ramazan bereketiyle yaptığınız icraatleri üstü kapalı bir şekilde insanlara yeni ufuklar kazandırmak için anlatacağım. Hadi başlayalım.

Öncelikle şunu belirtmek isterim bu yapılan organizasyon 10-15 kişilik bir kadroyla gerçekleştirildiği için belgeleme ya da kişi isimleri verme detaya girme gibi mevzulardan uzak duracağım. 

Üniversite hayatım boyunca gerekli gereksiz çoğu zaman para israfı yaptığım aşikar bir gerçek olup zihnimde yer etmişti. Gereksiz harcadığım paraların ya da dışarda aç gezen onca insan varken 30-40 TL ile yemek yemek abartıya kaçıyordu. Dedim ki bu masrafı kısıp aylıkta olsa 30-40 TL bir kenara koysak 10 kişi bunu yapsa 300-400 TL yapar. Bunu bir erzak çantasında toplamaya kalksan en azından 5-6 tane torba oluşturabilirsin. Aldığın ürünlerin kalitesi ya da nerden aldığının önemi yok sonuçta. Küçük bir fiyat araştırmasının ardından bunun gerçekleştirilebilme ihtimali gözümde daha da büyüdü. Yakın çevrem dahil herkesi bu konuda bilinçlendirdim ve yardım istedim. İnsanlara aylık 30-40 vermek çok fazla bir miktar olarak gözükmedi gözlerinde. Çünkü bu ülkede sadece futbol izlemek için yüzlerce lira harcayan insanlar var.

Dediğim gibi 10-15 kişilik kadronun hepsinden az miktarda yardım istediğim için olumsuz dönüş almadım. Herkes beni destekledi ve güzel bir miktarda para toplandı. Kütahya'da uygun bir bakliyatçı buldum. Abimize yapmak istediğimiz şeyi anlattıktan sonra o da kabul etti ve şu mükemmel işi yaptı. Paramızın yettiği ürünleri çuvallara ikişer ikişer koydurttu. 1 kilo pirinçse 2 kilo yaptı. 2 kutu şekerse 4 kutu şeker yaptı. Sonuç olarak elimizde ev ihtayaçlarını karşılayacak 5-6 adet çuval dolusu erzak vardı. Mahalle muhtarımız da sağolsun ihtiyacı olan insanları bulmamız için çok yardımcı oldu. Arabayla çuvalları götürüp kimliğimizi göstermeden kimseyi utandırmadan teslim ettik. İnsanların yüzlerinde ki mutluluk görülmeye değerdi. Bu kadar küçük bir miktarla bu kadar büyük kazanımlar elde etmek gerçekten paha biçilemez bir deneyim oldu bizim için.

Sözün özüne gelecek olursak. Benim niyetim bu işi büyütüp her bölgede 10'ar kişilik gruplar halinde aylık kazancının küçük bir miktarını ayıracak insanlar oluşturmaktı. Bu ileride nasib olur olmaz bilemem ama sadece minik bir adımla minik bir miktarla neler yapılabileceğini görmek çok güzel bir şey. Bana da bu fırsatı verdiği için kusadasi ailesine, proje konusunda fikir sunan herkese teşekkür ederim. 

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim. Umarım sizinde ufkunuz açılmış yeni fikirler kafanızda canlanmış bu işi büyütme niyetine girmişsinizdir. Hayrlı kazançlar dilerim.
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· @hakemgh ·
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