country | Recent

· @meestern ·
I havent heard much about this large african country but online i read about the fact that Angola is the largest and also the wealthiest of all the Portugese speaking african countries!

Guess you learn something new see you tomorrow with the next country on my list!
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· @liegvi ·













































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· @shamimalik ·
🇵🇰 Contest Alert:1 Picture 1 Story week # 31🇵🇰
# DUA #

>Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well by the grace of Allah and I pray to Allah Almighty to keep you healthy and fit. May Allah Almighty grant you long life. May Allah Almighty bless your family. May Allah Almighty increase your sustenance and may Allah grant you halal and keep the shadow of your parents forever


When the history of the world will be written after many years, history will also be written about a nation called "Al-Mujarmin Pakistan" and the historian will write about the nation of Aad.  The people of Thamud and the people of Lot were all gross sins found in this people. It was a people who took the name of Allah but believed in their own instruments and considered the Qur'an as their book for action.  There was belief in books written by human hands. There was a nation which was given education only to make it ignorant. Their rulers lived like kings but the lower class of this nation had no bread to eat.  .


<div class="pull-left">

 The historian will write. The justice of this nation was sold.  There was a separate law for the powerful and a separate law for the poor.
 The judges of this nation were corrupt and devoid of justice like them. It will be written that the politicians of this nation were selfish, incompetent and insensitive, but this nation considered such politicians as its messiah and was ready to cut each other's throats for them.  The historian will write that most of the people of this nation preferred to live in other countries, but they took their national intelligence with them and even the civilized countries were unable to teach them civilization.  Ignorant skulls will also be found among me.


<div class="pull-right">

 And it will be written that everyone thinks that someone else is responsible for their failure. Most people can be much worse and better than we think. Ninety-nine percent of those who have worked in bad times are your worst.  It will not work in time, but those whom nature will send to help you at that time will not even be in your imagination.  And the hardest thing in the world is to work hard to achieve your dreams. If you wait for the right time to do anything, the angel of death will come, but the right time will never come.  Don't regret losing friends now. Friends are never lost. Forgive people not for them but for your own comfort.  If you do, you will be disappointed. You should progress but not more than others. If you want to be happy, take any personal attack not as an insult, but as a humiliation.  live  Believe me, if you get rid of this fear, life is very easy



One day a ruler was sitting in the palace.  When he hears an apple vendor outside the palace calling out, buy apples!  The apple ruler saw outside that a villager was going to the market with apples on his donkey. The ruler wished for an apple and said to his vizier: Take 5 gold coins from the treasury and bring me an apple.  He took out the gold coins and asked his assistant to take these 4 gold coins and bring an apple. The assistant minister called the administrator of the palace and said: Take these 3 gold coins and bring an apple.  He said take these 2 gold coins and bring an apple. The guard manager called the gate soldier and said take this 1 gold coin and bring an apple.  Why are you making so much noise?  You do not know that this is the palace of the king of the kingdom and you have disturbed the king's sleep with heart-rending sounds.  Now I have been ordered to imprison you.” The apple vendor fell at the feet of the palace soldiers and said, “I have made a mistake, sir.  The soldier took all the apples and kept half for himself and gave the rest to his manager and he kept half of it and gave half to the manager above and said that these are apples worth 1 gold coin.  He gave half of the apples to the administrator of the palace, he said that these apples were worth 2 gold coins. The administrator of the palace kept half of the apples for himself and gave half to the minister.  The minister took the apples and went to the chief minister and said that these apples are worth 4 gold coins.  There are gold coins.  An apple for every gold coin People in my country buy an apple for every gold coin.  That is, they are rich. Therefore, it is better to increase the tax and fill the treasury of the palace. And then the poverty of the people continued to increase. This is also the situation of Pakistan. May Allah have mercy on Pakistan.

 And we are all human beings who open the door with the remote control before reaching the car.  They start taking an umbrella before going out in the rain. When leaving for a long journey, they check the car's air, water and petrol.  It will be seen, but tell me, what does my Muslim sister and brother want to see?
 May the Lord of the universe grant us all the opportunity to prepare for our true destination *grave, resurrection, and paradise*
  *Amen then Amen🤲*
# Achievement-1- Link #

# special thanks to #


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2 replies
· @ali938 ·
Ebrahim Raisi Iranian cleric, prosecutor, and politician
**Ebrahim Raisi** (born December 14, 1960, Mashhad, Iran) Iranian cleric, prosecutor, and politician who served as Iran’s head of the judiciary (2019–21) and later as the country’s president (2021– ).
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· @echuku · (edited)
SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"
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Hello steemians, I am so delighted to participate in this beautiful contest.

**✍️ If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?**



If I were the president of my country, there are a lot of things in my mind that I would have done.

According to my observation, a president is supposed to have good people around him, people who will always be sincere, selfless people, people who cannot betray me.
 This alone is a great step for the president of a country to take to achieve the goal of building a better country and running a successful administration.
• As the president of my country, I will appoint the head of agencies, whose history is documented selfless so that the Citizens of my country obtain job opportunities based on their merit and not based on any religion or tribal sentiment.

• I will create all the necessary social amenities for the Citizens of the country such as electricity:

 • Power supply 
 • Water supply 
 • Health care centers 
 • Road constructions 
 • Good education etc 
 A lot of citizens of my country are finding things so difficult not because they are lazy citizens but because of the lack of social amenities around them. For example, electricity is very important to businesspeople but because there is no electricity supply around their vicinity they find it difficult to excel in that particular business, etc.

• I will proper attention to civil servant.

**✍️ As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?**





As the president of my country, I will take education to the highest level and I will also give so much attention to it.

Education and healthcare a major amenities that citizens deserves. 

The standard of education and healthcare in my country is too bad because the government refused to pay proper attention to the education and healthcare section, I will give attentionn to education and healthcare in the country

I will get rid of things that contribute to the failure of education and healthcare system in my country. 

I will work on the salary scale of civil servants, especially the ane of teachers and healthcare staffs because their satary is not encouraging them to do the needful but I looked at it from my point of view that it is not their fault but the fault of the government who refuse to pay proper attention to them.

**✍️ As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?**



For sure, there will be a lot of challenges from different angles but I will try to put in my best to work and put smiles in the faces of my citizens.

A lot of criticism and insults will come,  betrayed, liars** especially from my cabinets which will wish for my administration never to be a successful one and will work against me. I will make sure that I'm strong enough to achieve the goal of making my country a great one, to make it a better place and to put beautiful smiles on the faces of my citizens I aim to make my country and the people of my country happy.

**✍️ Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?**



Yes I will do something new to write a history of my country because cabinets and leaders are the problems of our nation, they are so selfish and want to make a name their themselves alone and that is why when something for the poor citizens but because we have selfish and wicked leaders they will decide not to extend the message to the poor people

I will work with people not because we are in the same political party but because they are people who have the zeal to work for the interest of people so this means that I will work with people irrespective of their political party.

  I will make sure to create a way that the poor people will be happy in my administration, I will take Education to a higher level and also give my attention to it.
  I will make sure I make people believe I am sentimental I will give a good name for myself

I must say that it was a privilege for me during the time I left home.

I want to invite @josepha @dave-hanny and @simonnwigwe

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 4 others
15 replies
· @meestern ·
When you think about Catalan (the language) you probably think about Barcelona. But did you know that Andorra is the only country in the world where Catalan is the only official language. Well Spanish and French are spoken too given its location in between these two countries but still. CATALANNN
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· @dilialy ·
Hagámoslo...Hazlo tú mismo👉Artesanía, Creatividad, Dibujo, origami, Bricolaje, Reciclaje y más // 13-04-2024
|*<center> Pancarta de Jake  dibujada en  Tela </center>* |

*<div class="text-justify">Feliz y bendecido día para todas esas distinguidas damas de esta maravillosa comunidad. Hoy me uno nuevamente a este grandioso concurso  Hazlo tú mismo en su semana 34, organizado por nuestra amiga  @ngoenyi, como siempre nos invita a poner en práctica nuestra creatividad, ya sea preparando alguna receta de comida, realizando alguna manualidad o dibujo,  entre otras.</div> <br>*

 *<div class="text-justify">Para hoy quiero mostrarles cómo podemos realizar una pancarta en tela , de cualquier dibujo que necesitemos. Yo dibuje a Jake , de la conocida caricatura de Disney, Jake y los Piratas del país nunca jamás. Este dibujo en tela lleva mucho más tiempo para realizarlo, ya que hay que tener y cuidar el mas mínimo detalle durante el proceso de elaboración, pero si podemos hacerla y quedan  realmente lindas las pancartas en tela, además que perdura con el tiempo y podemos lavarla si se ensucia. A continuación les dejo los materiales que debemos utilizar y el paso a paso del proceso de elaboración. Espero les guste.</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 10.07.24 AM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Colagge editado en Picsart. Fotos de @dilialy </center></sub>*

| *<center>  Materiales</center>*|

* *<div class="text-justify"> Tela blanca de 1.50 de largo por 1 metro de ancho.</div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Pinturas para  tela (Colores varios) </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Pinceles </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Lapiz de grafito </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify"> Sacapuntas</div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Borrador </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Papel bond </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 10.07.49 AM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

|*<center>  Paso a paso</center>*|

* *<div class="text-justify">Lo primero que debemos hacer cuando vamos a pintar una pancarta en tela, es sacar nuestro boceto del dibujo en un pliego de papel bond, allí iremos detallando cada detalle y podemos borrar si nos equivocamos, o simplemente no nos gusta algo.  Dibujando cada detalle o diferentes dibujos que le colocaremos a nuestra pancarta de tela. Yo dibuje la figura de Jake, su pequeño lorito y su peculiar espada. De igual forma escribí el nombre del cumpleañero para luego transferirlo a la tela junto a los dibujos.</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.35 AM.jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify"> Una vez que tengo mi boceto dibujado en papel bond, lo que hago es transferir mi dibujo a la tela, esto lo hacemos colocando el papel bon debajo de la tela blanca y procedemos a calcar los dibujos en la tela. Así evitamos cualquier tipo de accidentes y que no se nos dañe la tela.</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.34 AM (4).jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify"> Al empezar a pintar, lo hago por el dibujo más grande, el de Jake, primero pinto su cara, cuello y sus brazos, luego pinto su  camisa, chaqueta, pantalón y botas. Por último, pinto el sobrero, cabello y la bandana de color rojo que utiliza debajo del sombrero. De igual forma le pinto los ojos, la nariz y la boca</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.34 AM (3).jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify">Seguidamente paso a pintar a su compañerito el pequeño lorito. Empiezo por las diferente tonalidades de verde que este lleva, luego le pinto de anaranjado su pico y sus patitas, hasta pasar a pintar su ojo, colita y la bandana color negro  con figuras de calaveras blancas. Después le pinte la ramita marrón y las hojitas verdes. </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.34 AM (2).jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify"> Después pinto la espada en diferentes tonalidades de marrón y le voy dando sus respectivas sombras. La ramita verde donde van las hojitas también la pinte con un tono de verde más claro. </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.34 AM (1).jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify">Cuando ya tenía mis dibujos pintados, observe que la pancarta aún estaba algo simple y que del lado derecho de Jake, le hacía falta algún otro detalle, así que tome unos pedazos de papel bond y dibuje una palmera y dos barriles, luego lo trasferi a la tela y los distribuí a ambos lados. Luego pinte la palmera y los dos barriles, de esta forma la pancarta se veía mucho más complementada. También le añadí un toque de arena debajo. Siempre que vamos avanzando en nuestros dibujos, vamos observando si nos hace falta algún detalle que podemos solventar.</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.34 AM.jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify">Ya para finalizar, utilice unas plantilla que tengo para colocarle la palabra pirata y continué pintando de color rojo el nombre para que resaltara y de azul donde dice pirata.  </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 9.59.33 AM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify">Finalmente delinee los dibujos y le di algo de brillo a toda la pancarta. Obteniendo un maravillo resultado final, una bella pancarta elaborada en tela de Jake. Espero les haya gustado y se animen a realizar sus propias pancartas. </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 10.05.42 AM (1).jpeg](
*<center><sub>Colagge editado en Picsart. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-04-13 at 10.00.19 AM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

*<div class="text-justify">Antes de despedirme quiero invitar a los   amigos @creacionesmayi @crismenia y @joshdavid para que se unan a este extraordinario concurso.</div> <br>*

| *<center>  Las fotos son de mi propiedad y de uso exclusivo  para Steemit.</center>*|
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 16 others
19 replies
· @keycama ·
Hagámoslo...Hazlo tú mismo👉Artesanía, Creatividad, Dibujo, origami, Bricolaje, Reciclaje y más
![Fondo de Pantalla para Teléfono Momentos Collage Verde_20240411_181429_0000.png](

<div class="text-justify"> 

Hola a todos. Estoy muy feliz de estar nuevamente con ustedes en esta increíble comunidad cada semana #steemforladies. Aquí tenemos la oportunidad de mostrar los trabajos manuales que realizamos como mujeres. Quiero agradecer a la organizadora de este concurso, @ngoenyi, por pensar en nosotras como mujeres trabajadoras. 

Quiero agradecer a mi amiga @quiaratiby por su hermosa participación de la semana pasada con su flor hecha de rollo de papel higiénico. Me inspiré en su trabajo y quise hacer mis propias flores de papel higiénico de una manera diferente. Les mostraré cada paso que seguí para crear estas hermosas flores. Los materiales son muy sencillos y fáciles de conseguir, espero que les guste el resultado final. 



- 12 Pedazos papel higiénico de 3 hoja cada una
- Marcadores 
- Alambre liso 



# PASO 1


Tomamos tres pedazos de papel higiénico con tres hojas cada uno y los colocamos uno encima del otro para que queden alineados de la misma forma. 


# PASO 2


Comienza a doblarse lentamente en forma de acordeón, con pliegues muy pequeños. 


# PASO 3


Tomamos un trozo de alambre y lo colocamos en el centro, luego lo apretamos con fuerza. 


# PASO 4


Deja que quede así para empezar a extender con mucho cuidado los pétalos de las flores. 


# PASO 5


Tomamos el flor  y lo flexionamos de una manera específica, luego comenzamos a colorearlo con un marcador. Nos aseguramos de solo pintar las extremidades de los pétalos con precaución y delicadeza para evitar dañarlo. 


# PASO 6


Que se quede así para que los colores resalten más. 

Pinté varias flores de papel higiénico de diferentes colores, incluyendo rojo, morado, amarillo y azul. 




Coloqué mis flores en un jarrón para que lucieran mucho mejor. Creo que con pocos materiales podemos crear algo muy hermoso y poner en práctica nuestra creatividad. 

<center><sup> RESULTADOS</sup></center>
> La primera  y la última  imágen fue realizada  por mi con la aplicación Canva . Todas la fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con Infinity 11 por mi persona @keycama en San Fernando estado apure Venezuela

[Aquí dejo la Aprobación de Logro 1, si deseas conocer más de mi ](

![Collage de Fotos Antes Despues Scrapbook Beige _20240330_132404_2.png](
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7 replies
· @neridas ·
Hagámoslo...Hazlo tú mismo👉Artesanía, Creatividad, Dibujo, origami, Bricolaje, Reciclaje y más
![Fondo de pantalla para celular de amor collage color café_20240411_113318_0000.png](

<div class="text-justify"> 

Hola a todos mis queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad. Hoy les traigo una nueva dinámica para un concurso, en la que les enseñaré cómo hacer una escoba para barrer el patio utilizando un árbol llamado mata ratón. Les presentaré los pasos detallados, es bastante sencillo pero muy útil para utilizar en nuestro jardín y barrer las hojas. ¡Espero que les guste! 

Quiero invitar a tres de mis queridos amigos, @keycama, @karenis y @karc85, a participar mostrando sus mejores manualidades o cualquier otra creatividad que quieran compartir con nosotros. 

Esta mañana me desperté y me di cuenta de que mi patio estaba lleno de hojas y que mi escoba para barrer estaba bastante desgastada. Entonces pensé en cómo hacer una escoba que no se dañara tan fácilmente, y se me ocurrió una buena idea que no requería muchos materiales. 


* Machete 
* Palo largo 
* Cabullas 
* Árbol de mata ratón 
<div class="text-justify">
# PASO 1

Agarré el machete y corté algunas ramas de mi árbol de mata ratón que estaban colgando un poco bajitas. 

<center><sup> Cortado las ramas de mata ratón/ @neridas</sup></center>
# PASO 3

Después de haberla obtenido, recuerdas que la fui acomodando según su tamaño y cortándole las puntas que sobresalían demasiado. 

 <center><sup>Arregladorlas que quedarán parejas /@neridas</sup></center>
# PASO 4

Después de tener las listas, tomé el palo y coloqué las ramas de mata ratón alrededor del palo de manera muy equitativa. Luego, agarré dos cabullas y las apreté muy fuerte. 

<center><sup>Amarradorlas de palo /@neridas</sup></center>
# PASO 5

Una vez que terminé de amarrar todo, me preparé para barrer el patio de mi casa. 

<center><sup>Barriendo el patio de mi casa/ @neridas</sup></center>
>Así es como quedó mi escoba casera hecha con ramas de mata ratón. Este árbol se utiliza de muchas formas, tanto en medicina como en el cuidado de animales. Además, nos brinda sombra en nuestro hogar y podemos utilizar sus ramas para hacer escobas con las que barrer sus propias hojas al caer al suelo. 

<center><sup> A si me quedo mi escoba / @neridas</sup></center>
Espero que disfruten de mi participación y que Dios los bendiga a todos. 

 [Soy @neridas y lo invito a revisa mi 1 logro muchas gracias ](


>>Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas con mi Infinity 11 y con el Samsung galaxy A03, los separadores fueron editados en Canva. En Apuré_Venezuela
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11 replies
· @meestern ·
2 Facts about Algeria:

- Its the largest country in Africa by total continental area
- Algeria has a really unique geography. It has a Mediterranean coastline in the north of the country and a huge part of the Sahara Desert in the south.
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· @hamidrizwan ·
CONTEST:1 PICTURE 1 STORY #29 An Old building in my village by @hamidrizwan
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Assalam-O-Alaikum! I am fine and hope you are all well. Yesterday I saw a contest called One Picture One Story. I was very happy to see this contest and I thought I would definitely post in this contest. This is my first contest to participate in since I joined the steemit platform and I am very happy. So without wasting your time, let's start the post. 


Today contest is based on a building. This building will look very beautiful and historical to you. So let me tell you about this building. This building is located in our village. This building was built by the British before the creation of Pakistan. Because people belonging to different religions lived in our village before the formation of Pakistan. Among them were Hindus, Sikhs, British and Muslims. All of them had separate customs and cultures.


So this building was built by the British in the 19th century. Along with the British, there were some people from the Indian subcontinent who contributed to making it. This building is situated on about six acres. The front side of this building is two storeys and most of its parts are three storeys. It has different rooms. The British designed it very well in that they made separate rooms for their ministers and guests. There is also a room where the head of the British used to sit. 


In 1947, Pakistan became independent. So after the independence of Pakistan, they handed over this building to the chiefs of our region. Then the chiefs of our area changed its setting. They made it according to their customs and culture. In this building there was a very big well from where people used to get water. This well was built by the British. My grandfather Abu told me that it took five years to build this building. When my grandfather was small, he used to go there and play. 


After the formation of Pakistan, many politicians used to come here. And used to meet the chiefs of our area. When the floods hit in 1992, our area suffered a lot. So to make up for this loss, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, who has been the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He visited here and helped the flood-affected people. This was my post. I hope you all like it.


Please support my friends 

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3 replies
· @dulcem05 ·
SEC-S16 / W6 | "La ciencia del envejecimiento👩"

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La salud es el bien necesario de cada persona, ese bien es lo que nos va a permitir hacer y ser todo lo que la vida nos permita. Es reconocer todo aquello que nos pueda dañar y alejar de nuestra existencia para contar con una vida sana y una vejez saludable.

<center>**¿Cuál es el proceso médico detrás del envejecimiento y a partir de qué edad comienza realmente?**</center>
El envejecimiento es esa etapa de la vida que al momento que nacemos ya empieza nuestro proceso de envejecer. Cada día que pasa nos vamos haciendo más fuerte, más enérgico y más independiente esto es desde que nacemos hasta la edad de la adultez. Ya en esa etapa inicia la recta decisiva en nuestro envejecimiento, pasos mas lentos, oidos mas sensibles, vista borrosa, eso ocurre a medida que nos acercamos a nuestra vejez. 


<div class="text-justify">
Para muchos esa etapa de la vida es dura, es traumática, tanto en complicaciones de salud como la falta de una familia amorosa. Para otros es la etapa más productiva de su vida ya que sin importar la edad siguen adelante como ejemplo de vida para muchos.

<center>**¿Tienes miedo de envejecer? En caso afirmativo, ¿cuáles son los desafíos del envejecimiento que te hacen tener miedo de envejecer?**</center>

No tengo miedo de envejecer, he tenido la dicha de vivir cada etapa de mi vida como me correspondía vivirla, de niña una infancia feliz al lado de mi familia y la cual recuerdo con tanta alegría, de adolecentes,  emocionalmente, entre libros, compañeros y sueños que logré hacer realidad. De adulta, más que mejor, ya con familia, hijos, nietos, profesional, sin duda una adultez feliz. Y mi vejez, ya lista para afrontar lo que venga con ella bueno y no tan bueno pero la aceptaré con mucha fé y esperanza.


<div class="text-justify">
En la actualidad, ya en mi etapa de adulta mayor como lo llaman, sigo activa, en mi trabajo como profesora de media general, realizó caminatas al aire libre, ayudo a mi esposo con la agricultura, atiendo mi hogar, ya siento mas lentitud en mis quehaceres, pero ¡pa lante es pa ya! Con pasos lento pero insistente en avanzar.

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Es mejor sentirse útil y dar lo más posible que sentirse inútil y no poder hacer nada.

<center>**Escribe tres elementos nutricionales que puedan prevenir el envejecimiento.**</center>

Sin duda alguna la actividad física, caminatas, natación, yoga. La alimentación sana acorde a tus necesidades, mucho vegetales, frutas, vitaminas C, que siempre deben estar presentes.


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<center>**¿Escribe tres ejercicios que te hagan lucir joven incluso a una edad avanzada?**</center>

La meditación es esencial para mantenerte centrada en tu vida, que nada te dañe tus pensamientos, libre de estrés que tanto daño causa,  Caminar, está actividad contribuye notablemente en la vida y tu bienestar. Bailoterapia, con sus movimientos de simple a complejos hacen que te muevas hasta creer perder la respiración sin perder el ritmo. Son actividades que a parte de brindarte la posibilidad de contar con una mejor calidad de vida sirve para distraerte y divertirte con otros mientras sigues respirando hasta envejecer.




<center><sub> Aire fresco Caminatas</center></sub>
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Invito a participar a  @anay1705 @silviadiez @germanbava , gracias a @nexcis  por la invitación Emocionada en compartir con todos en especial con la comunidad #steemsaludable y @hive-168205. Las imágenes son de mí autoría de mi equipo Infinixhot11.

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<center>[Ven a conocer más de mi @dulcem05 LOGRO 1](</center>
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5 replies
· @keycama ·
Utilice el siguiente título: Hagámoslo...Hazlo tú mismo👉Artesanía, Creatividad, Dibujo, origami, Bricolaje, Reciclaje y más
<div class="text-justify"> <h3> Estimada comunidad #steemparadamas, me complace estar nuevamente presente para compartir con ustedes mi creación de un hermoso pavo real. En este espacio, todos podemos mostrar nuestras habilidades en manualidades y dar lo mejor de nosotros. Espero que disfruten de mi trabajo. </h3></div>

![White and Blue Collage Summer Instagram Post_20240407_100736_0000.png](


<h3>MATERIALES </h3>


- Barra de silicona y pistola 
- Palitos de madera
- Cartones de cajas
- Papel de aluminio para galletas
- Marcadores
- Pintura acrílica de color lila 
- Tijera 
- Pincel
- Esponja 



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<strong>PASO 1</strong>


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Lo primero que hice fue comenzar a hacer la parte del plumaje del pavo real. Busqué un molde de una taza y lo coloqué encima para sacar la parte redonda. Luego, la corté con las tijeras. Al mismo tiempo, agarré los palitos de madera y los partí por la mitad, dejando los otros del mismo tamaño en el que estaban. 


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<strong>PASO 2</strong>


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En este punto, ya había preparado todo para pintar los palitos y la parte redonda. En este caso, utilicé pintura al frío de color lila, ya que era la única que tenía en casa. Quería ver qué tan buen resultado podía obtener con los materiales que tenía a mi alcance. Puse los objetos bajo el sol con el fin de acelerar su secado, dejándolos allí durante aproximadamente 30 minutos. 



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<strong>PASO 3</strong>


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Después de que la pintura se había secado por completo, tomé ambos objetos y comencé a pegarlos utilizando silicona. Coloqué uno de los objetos, que era más grande, en un lado de la parte redonda, y el otro, que era más pequeño, en el lado opuesto. 



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<strong>PASO 4</strong>


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Una vez que había pegado los palitos de madera, tomé tres hojas y comencé a pintarlas con pintura al frío de color lila utilizando una pequeña esponja. Luego, las coloqué al sol para que se secaran. 


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<strong>PASO 5</strong>


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Medí una hoja de un árbol y empecé a recortar varias hojas del mismo tamaño para poder cubrir los palitos. Al final, logré tener una hoja en los palitos pequeños y dos hojas en los palitos grandes, una en el medio y otra en la parte superior, logrando cubrirlos todos. Así es como quedó la decoración. 


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<strong>PASO 6</strong>


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Con el fin de agregar más color, tomé una hoja y decidí disponerla en forma de flor, colocándola en el centro de un círculo. Pegué la flor, recordando utilizar papel brillante de galletas, decidí agregar pequeñas hojitas y las ubiqué dentro de las demás, logrando así esta forma. 


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<strong>PASO 7</strong>


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Para realzar los colores del plumaje del pavo real, añadí trozos de color negro y con un marcador hice rayas. Como resultado, quedó más colorido y llamativo. 


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<strong>PASO 8</strong>


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Comencé a cortar la forma de un pavo real que podría hacer hacia adelante. Corté cuatro formas para que quedara más fuerte y las pegué doble con silicona. Las pinté y las coloqué al sol para que se secaran. Después de que se secaron, les puse silicona en la parte de atrás y las pegué. Así es como quedó. 


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<strong>PASO 9</strong>


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Comencé a pegar hojitas alrededor del cuerpo para cubrirlo y que quedara un poco más grande. Le puse un poco de rojo en el pico y las antenas se las coloque de color negro, y también le coloqué puntos de colores encima de las hojitas para que se vea bien colorido. 

>Así es cómo quedó mi pavo real. Quizás algunos dirán que no es de ese color, pero era una forma de reciclaje y era el único material que tenía en casa. 


*Quiero invitar a mis queridas amigas @karc86 y @neridad a que se animen a participar creando sus mejores manualidades.*

> La primera, y la última imágen fueron realizados por mi con la aplicación Canva. Todas la fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con Infinity 11 por mi persona @keycama en San Fernando estado apure Venezuela

[Aquí dejo la Aprobación de Logro 1, si deseas conocer más de mi ](

![Collage de Fotos Antes Despues Scrapbook Beige _20240330_132404_2.png](
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9 replies
· @pomeline ·
Towards bankruptcy

If any of you have been lifelong entrepreneurs you're probably familiar with bankruptcy. Bankruptcy occurs gradually then suddenly. I'm right on that. That's exactly the way countries fall. Gradually then suddenly. We're on our way to bankruptcy and when it occurs its going to make the twin towers look like pick-up sticks.

Hope may lie in a strange place. Globalist control. They need the east as producers and the west as consumers. I think they want us hand to mouth and controllable but not worthless. They're playing close to the edge of the cliff. If our economy goes down so does the world's.

They cannot both control us and expect wealth and productivity from us. Impossible. This is the classical tale of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
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· @meestern ·
A fun fact about albania is that it has its own disctint alphabet which consist of 36 letters with some of those having diacritical marks that come from the old Latin script

Check it out!
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· @leigth ·
Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W6 - "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world? "
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![Post de instagram amor y amistad fotografico tierno rojo _20240402_075033_0000.png](

[Fuente]( [Fuente](  
***Edited in app Canva***

I send a warm greeting to this distinguished @Hindwhale Community, it is my first post that I will share with you participating in this contest of utmost importance for all steemits of this platform.

To start this post I would like to clarify through this post, that the acronym ***EPA***, which appears in the flayer with a red color, means according to the Environmental Protection Agency, "protects the health of humans, the environment and natural resources". As we know, car engines produce pollution to the environment.
On September 22nd of each year is celebrated what is known as the ***World Car Free Day***, all this began in Europe in 1994, when some cities in Iceland, France and the United Kingdom decided to do it, the purpose was to avoid less pollution and traffic accidents.

<Center>What happens if motor vehicles were banned worldwide?<Center>|

- It has been determined that cars are a means of pollution for the planet, if this were to be banned there would be less pollution and car accidents worldwide.  Since cars are the main responsible for the emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide), this comes to represent 10% of the total according to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation in Argentina, deaths and injuries at the wheel are caused by recklessness when driving, now, the harmful part for the environment could be said to be covering from the side of the electrification of mobility and accidents, with education and automation of driving.

<Center>Will humans ever again seek the help of animals for transportation?<center>|

- This would not affect a small 10% of a group of people in the world, who still use animals as a means of transportation, especially those remote places where they can not reach, the rest of the world's population would seek strategies to implement other types of transport before going back and less if we have such a giant technology, which every day we are surprised more and more.

<Center>What would our environment be like without motor vehicles?|

- When you wake up one morning and realize that something is different, that you don't hear the usual roar of car engines that for a moment have disappeared and you hear the melodious singing of birds and the rustle of leaves moving in the wind, that the streets were once crowded with cars and now are a silent bustle of pedestrians coming and going, cyclists, alternative vehicles.  I will tell you that you are welcome to a world without cars, a place where the air is cleaner, the cities greener and lives healthier.


- One of the most important advantages and benefit in a world without cars, there is no doubt that it would be without fossil fuels, carbon emissions, would begin to fall dramatically, as well as my person, 9 million deaths a year from respiratory diseases related to this type of pollution. The air quality would be purer and cleaner, it would be worth fighting against all without ideological distinctions 😁.

- I imagine cities without cars, the proliferation of green spaces is encouraged, biodiversity begins to be promoted, offering a much-needed respite for urban dwellers. With less asphalt and concrete, rainwater could be better absorbed into the ground, which would also reduce hydrogeological risks and better supply groundwater resources, this would be a dream come true.

<center>What will happen if in the future we humans invent any means of transportation other than the engine?<center>|

- Technology has great advances and surely already have the possible solutions that will come through automation and security systems, as for the care of the environment, it is stipulated that will opt for electric motors and the use of cleaner fuels than hydrocarbons.
Nothing lasts forever. Humanity has used feet as a means of locomotion to move from one place to another for hundreds of thousands of years, then came horses, camels, donkeys and finally engines, these are phases that have been changing with the passage of time.
The transition to a car-free world is not easy and will not be brief, everything takes time. Adopting this vision of the future requires us to rethink our urban planning, transportation systems and individual choices, which will ultimately lead to a profound transformation of our relationship with the world around us. And finally, imagining a world without cars is not just a dream, but may simply be a long-term forecast.

I would like to finish with a personal experience that happened to me many years ago regarding this subject.
***I went to visit one of my sisters who lived in the capital of Venezuela, Distrito Capital, she lived in the center of the city, in a sector called El Silencio, which had nothing, what irony has life, my grandmother directed, she invited me to spend 15 fifteen days of vacation, that was all night I heard cars, horns, carbon monoxide to give away was horrible, and I asked my sister, how can you rest after a long day of work in a place like that?
Her answer was, it's a matter of adaptation, of course I come from a quiet community, with moderate noise and quiet, I faced 
 I came from a quiet community, with moderate noise and quiet, faced with this city madness, I opted to return to my home.***

There I experienced noise pollution, and carbon monoxide pollution. 
The planet is about to die and we ourselves are killing it. God help us.

Thank you for your attention the translator I use is Deepl, I invite @yahnel, @sharifanamin and @mariarodrigez. Blessings to all and good luck in this contest.

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 4 others
12 replies
· @meestern ·
In contrary to popular belief…. IS Afghanistan pretty rich. The country is very rich in natural resources like lithium, iron, copper and the wealth of these minerals and metals have the potential to boost the economy by a huge amount.
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· @leigth ·
SEC-S16/W6 | The science of agin👩"
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![Post Instagram Happy Birthday _20240401_091016_0000.png](
***Edited in app Canva***  

Happy and blessed start of the week for all those steemits who are part of this distinguished community @steem-healthy, here with my participation in this interesting contest ***SEC-S16/WE*** quite controversial because there are many people who are afraid of getting old.

Close to home lived a neighbor friend of mine, who every time her birthday was approaching she panicked and feared, she told us that she didn't like to be celebrated because it was a sign of not wanting to get old.  I was researching and that is a pathology that means: ***Gerascophobia refers to the irrational fear or aversion to getting old***.  Her fear was so great that she became sick until she died, this shocked me, I did not think this could happen, there really are cases of cases.

<Center>👩 What is the medical process behind aging and from what age does it actually begin?<Center>|

Aging: is a continuous process of natural and normal change that begins in adulthood, during this age many functions of the body of the individual begins to decrease little by little, as time goes by and certain virtues are lost as a result of it, 
There is not a certain age that converts a person in advanced age, for example in my country they are called third age, according to the doctors and the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, women from 55 years and men from 60 years and begin to be part of retired, the third age and the beginning of old age.

<Center>👩 Are you afraid of growing old? If so, what are the challenges of aging that make you afraid of growing old?<center>|

Why be afraid if it is a process of change that is happening over time, it is simply acceptable nirmal because it is the law of life and against it is not necessary to fight hahaha that if, accept it with dignity, for me it is welcome are years of experience and learning, I have to accept my future, total for there we go and it is for which passes every human being.

<Center>👩 Write down three nutritional elements that can prevent aging.<Center>|



We have to take care of our body and organism, through:

1 - A good balanced and balanced diet, based on eating green vegetables, legumes, good quality oils, fruits and meats, eggs, etc, 👀 (eye) within the possibilities of each person.

2 - Exercise moderately according to age. 

3 - Avoid smoking, alcohol, as well as using sunscreens with high protection against the sun, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

<Center>👩 Write down three exercises that will make you look young even at an advanced age?<Center>|
In my country there are a number of programs for seniors, among them we have:



1 - Dance therapy, this is one of my favorites, which I enjoy to the fullest, it makes me feel young, glowing, full of vigor and energy, besides it has its benefits such as:  

- Helps circulation.
- Improves the respiratory and vascular system.
- It favors the drainage of liquids and toxins from the body.
 - Combats overweight.
- Levels out high cholesterol levels, etc.

2 - Walking in the morning when the weather is cool or in the afternoon when the sun is low, helps circulation, constipation, muscle aches and cramps.

3 - working with machines to exercise legs, shoulders, arms, hips, etc.

I invite @yahnel @menfita and @sharifanamin

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 10 others
18 replies
· @rossnenye · (edited)
Contest Alert:1 Picture 1 Story week # 28 by @rossnenye
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Hello everyone, greetings to the amazing people of this wonderful Community. It's another week of one picture one story contest and I'm going to enter my entry.

|The picture|


This is a picture of myself and my coursemate Benedict. We took this picture in the year 2020, after the Corona virus Pandemic. Due to the effect of the Corona Virus, many schools was closed down, my school University of Nigeria Nsukka was not left out. 

We were asked to go home. We stayed awhile at home and even when the lockdown was call off, we were still at home because of Association of Academic Staff Union of University strike. The strike was later called off in 2021 January. 

During the period of Strike and Lockdown, so many departments lost many students. My class was not affected. So on the very day this picture was taken, we went to St Peter's Chaplaincy for our Class Thanksgiving. Earlier on in the week, we did our departmental week and organized a lot of programs like cultural day, old school day, Corporate day and wrapped it up with thanksgiving to God. 

Looking at this picture brings back so many memories. This my coursemate that I took this picture with, the last time I saw him was October last year after our Project Defense.

Thanks for reading through my post, I invite @aspiya, @successjoh and @kuzboy to participate in this contest.


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6 replies
· @dilialy ·
Hagámoslo...Hazlo tú mismo👉Artesanía, Creatividad, Dibujo, origami, Bricolaje, Reciclaje y más // 30-03-2023
| *<center>¡Saludos mis estimadas amigas !</center>* |

*<div class="text-justify"> Bendiciones para todas aquellas amigas de esta magnífica comunidad creada para nosotras las mujeres, hoy me uno a este interesante concurso organizado por la amiga @ngoenyi en su semana 32, el cual nos invita a ser creativas y originales al crear una manualidad, origami, dibujo o cualquier cosa que podamos realizar con nuestras propias manos.</div> <br>*

*<div class="text-justify">Mis pasiones favoritas son las manualidades y el dibujo, pero para este concurso me incline más hacia el dibujo. Así que decidí dibujar lo que más me gusta, un majestuoso tigre multicolor. Siempre he dicho que admiro a estos bellos felinos y disfruto un mundo al dibujarlos de distintas formas. Adoro tanto a los tigres como a los leones. Los dejo con el paso a paso de mi lindo dibujo. Espero les guste…</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 3.07.58 PM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Dibujo terminado. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

# *<center> Materiales </center>*

* *<div class="text-justify">Hoja blanca tamaño carta </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify"> Lápiz de grafito</div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify"> Borrador </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify"> Sacapuntas</div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Marcadores acrílicos </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Marcadores doble punta </div> <br>*
* *<div class="text-justify">Tizas de colores </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 3.08.50 PM.jpeg](
*<center><sub>Materiales. Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

# *<center> Paso a paso </center>*

* *<div class="text-justify">Mis estimadas amigas, primero empiezo dibujando las orejas de tigre, luego voy dibujando sus pequeños ojos, nariz y boca. Después paso a dibujar sus características rayas y por último el resto del pelaje. </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 3.06.15 PM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy editado en Picsart </center></sub>*

*  *<div class="text-justify"> Empecé pintando la parte frontal de la cabeza y la nariz de dos tonos de color Amarillo con los marcadores doble punta, De igual forma le di unos toques de naranja suave con tiza. Luego fui dando unos tonos rosados claro y rosado más oscuro en su nariz y parte de la cara. Seguidamente pase a dar toques de colores anaranjados en la oreja izquierda y fui agregando la variedad de tonos en las oreja derecha y en su pelaje. Utilice colores como el azul turquesa, verde turquesa, verde oscuro, verde claro, azul claro, azul marino, morado y  purpura.</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 3.06.15 PM (1).jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy editado en Picsart </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify"> Luego pase a pintar sus ojos de un marrón claro y la pupila negra, Después empecé a pintar  todas sus características rayas negras. Acto seguido fui dando toques de fucsia con el marcador acrílico y también sombras gris y algo de brillo con el marcador acrílico color blanco.</div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 3.06.15 PM (2).jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy editado en Picsart </center></sub>*

* *<div class="text-justify"> Finalizado mi dibujo, coloque mi firma de usuario y realice una pequeña sesión de fotos para presentarlo a la comunidad. Fue un placer para mi participar en este excelente concurso. Sera hasta una próxima oportunidad."> </div> <br>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 2.57.25 PM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 2.57.07 PM (1).jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 2.57.49 PM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

![WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 2.55.26 PM.jpeg](
*<center><sub> Foto de @dilialy </center></sub>*

|Por último deseo invitar a participar en este lindo y creativo concurso a las amigas @crismenia, @lirvic y @noha16. Espero se animen.   |

##  *<center>  Las fotos son de mi propiedad y de uso exclusivo para Steemit.</center>*
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 11 others
15 replies