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· @lexwest ·
How to Become an Exceptional Programmer
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So you want to become an exceptional programmer, huh? That's awesome. The tech world needs more talented developers. But becoming highly skilled in coding isn't easy. It takes dedication, practice, and a thirst for constant learning. The good news is, with hard work and the right mindset, you absolutely can become an exceptional programmer.

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The key is to start with the fundamentals. Learn a programming language, maybe Python or Java. Master the basics, then practice every day. Build some simple apps to apply what you're learning. Study the work of expert programmers to see different styles and techniques in action.

Stay passionate and keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Learn new languages, frameworks, and skills. Contribute to open source projects. Solve coding challenges and puzzles. Teach others what you know, since that's the best way to reinforce your own learning.

Develop a Growth Mindset

To become an exceptional programmer, you need to develop a growth mindset. That means believing you can improve and strengthen your skills through hard work and persistence.

Practice continuously. Take online courses, read books, and build your own projects to apply what you're learning. With regular practice, you'll get better at debugging, solving complex problems, and writing clean code.

Learn from others. Follow experienced programmers on social media, read their blogs, and study open source code. Try to understand not just what they built but how and why they built it.

Stay up-to-date with new languages, frameworks, and technologies. The field is always changing, so keep learning and expanding your knowledge. Even if you have a favorite stack, it's useful to get familiar with alternatives.

Accept feedback and learn from your mistakes. Ask others to review your code and make improvements. When you get stuck, look for solutions instead of excuses. Every error is an opportunity to grow.

Teach others. Explaining concepts and sharing your knowledge with new programmers is one of the best ways to reinforce your own learning. You'll gain a deeper understanding and new insights into topics you thought you already knew well.

With diligent practice, continuous learning, an openness to feedback, and a willingness to share your knowledge, you'll well on your way to becoming an exceptional programmer. But remember, it's a journey - not a destination. Keep that growth mindset and never stop improving your craft!

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Continuously Learn and Practice New Skills

To become an exceptional programmer, you need to commit to continuous learning. Technology is always changing, so you have to keep up with the latest languages, frameworks, and best practices.

Stay on top of industry news and trends. Follow influential leaders and companies in the tech space. See what new skills and tools they're excited about. Then dive in and learn them yourself!

Take online courses to strengthen your existing skills and pick up new ones. There are tons of free or affordable classes on sites like Udemy, Coursera, and Udacity. Work through tutorials and build your own projects to practice what you're learning.

Read books, blogs, and documentation to expand your knowledge. Some must-reads for any programmer include Clean Code by Robert C. Martin and The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt.

Participate in hackathons, coding challenges, and open source projects. This is a great way to solve real-world problems, get experience collaborating, and build your portfolio. You'll become a better programmer by putting your skills to work.

Stay up to date with the latest tools, languages, and frameworks. The field of software engineering is constantly evolving. What's popular today may be obsolete in a few years. Continuously learning and practicing new skills is the only way to become an exceptional programmer. The effort will pay off in keeping your knowledge and abilities on the cutting edge.

Stay Up-to-Date With New Technologies

To become an exceptional programmer, you need to commit to continuous learning. Technologies change rapidly, and new languages, frameworks, and tools are released all the time. Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies will make you a better programmer and open up more career opportunities.

Keep learning new languages and frameworks

As a programmer, don't limit yourself to a single language or framework. Make an effort to learn a new language or framework each year. Some of the most in-demand skills right now are Python, JavaScript, and SQL. Learning a new programming language exercises your brain and exposes you to new ways of thinking.

Stay on top of new tools and technologies

The tools and technologies programmers use are constantly evolving. For example, many programmers have moved from local development environments to cloud-based options like AWS Cloud9 and Gitpod. Keep an eye on tools and technologies that can make you more productive and efficient. Read blogs, listen to podcasts, and follow influencers in the programming world.

Practice and build projects

The only way to truly learn a new programming language, framework, or tool is to build projects with it. Come up with an idea for an app or program and spend time developing it. You'll run into obstacles and challenges that will force you to problem-solve. Share your projects on GitHub so you can get feedback from other programmers. Building real projects is the best way to reinforce what you've learned and see how everything fits together.

Staying up-to-date with technologies may require an investment of your time, but it will make you a better, more well-rounded programmer. Make continuous learning a habit and you'll open yourself up to new opportunities and a successful programming career. Keep learning, practicing, and building—that's the key to becoming an exceptional programmer.

Focus on Solving Problems

To become an exceptional programmer, you need to develop a mindset focused on solving problems. This means not just learning syntax and tools, but cultivating skills that allow you to think logically and creatively.

Learn to break down complex problems

The ability to break down a large, complex problem into a series of smaller, more manageable steps is key. Try to identify the core issues, then determine what questions you need to answer to address each one. From there, you can develop an ordered set of tasks to solve the overall problem.

Think logically and critically

Strong logic and critical thinking skills are essential. You need to be able to analyze problems objectively, make reasonable assumptions, and draw conclusions based on available information. Try to see the relationships between ideas and determine why things are the way they are. Question assumptions and think about problems from multiple perspectives.

Cultivate creativity

While programming requires logic, don't underestimate the role of creativity. Coming up with innovative solutions and new ways of doing things is key to becoming an exceptional programmer. Try brainstorming new ideas, making unexpected connections, and pushing beyond the obvious answers. Creativity is a skill you can develop with regular practice.

Continuously improve your skills

The field of programming is always changing, so you need to be committed to lifelong learning. Stay up-to-date with new languages, frameworks, and technologies. Take online courses, read books and blogs, participate in hackathons, and build side projects to expand your skills. Becoming an exceptional programmer is a constant work in progress.

With deliberate practice of problem-solving, logic, creativity, and skill-building, you can develop the mindset and abilities to become an exceptional programmer. Focus on solutions, not just code, and never stop learning.

Build Things

To become an exceptional programmer, you need to build things. A lot of things. Reading books and taking courses can only teach you so much. The real learning happens when you start creating programs and applications.

Start with something simple

Don't try to build an operating system right off the bat. Start with a basic script or app that solves a small problem. Maybe it organizes your files into folders or sends you daily weather updates. The possibilities are endless. Keep it simple and focus on finishing the project.

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Learn through trial and error

You're going to make mistakes, so get used to it. When your code doesn't work, don't get frustrated. Debugging is part of the process. Try changing one thing at a time to isolate the issue, then search online for solutions. Figuring out why something isn't working will teach you more than copying code from a tutorial.

Share your work

Let others see what you're building. Post your projects on GitHub or your own website. This exposes you to feedback, which helps you improve. It also shows employers what you can do. Contribute to open source projects to gain experience collaborating with other developers.

Keep practicing

Like any skill, programming takes practice. Set aside time each day to work on your own projects, even if just for 30 minutes. Over time, building things will become second nature. You'll start to think like a programmer, seeing the logic in everyday systems and processes.

With regular practice, building real programs and applications, you'll gain valuable experience. You'll become comfortable with the technologies and languages, discovering your strengths and preferences. Slowly but surely, you'll transform into an exceptional programmer, ready to take on bigger challenges and build some truly amazing things.

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So there you have it, the key ingredients to becoming an exceptional programmer. It won't happen overnight, but with dedication and persistence, you can achieve great things. Stay curious, keep practicing, build things, help others, and never stop learning. The tech world is always changing, so make continuous learning a habit. Before you know it, you'll be writing clean code, building awesome apps, and contributing to open source projects. You'll look back amazed at how far you've come. But don't get complacent, there's always more to learn and improve. Keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. With hard work and the right mindset, you can become an exceptional programmer. Now get out there and start coding! The tech world needs more people like you.

· @lexwest · (edited)
A Look Inside the World of Cryptocurrency
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Ever wonder what all the hype around cryptocurrency is really about? You've probably heard of Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptocurrency, but the world of crypto goes way beyond that. Cryptocurrencies are digital money that isn't tied to a bank or government. Instead, they're decentralized and secured by a technology called blockchain. If you're curious to learn more about how crypto actually works and why some people think it's the future of finance, you've come to the right place. This article will give you an inside look at the fascinating world of cryptocurrency in a way that's easy to understand, even if you're not a tech expert. By the end, you'll have a solid grasp of what crypto is all about and why it matters. Sound good? Then let's dive in. The future of money is here.

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What Is Cryptocurrency?

So, what exactly is cryptocurrency? In simple terms, cryptocurrency is digital money that isn't tied to a bank or government. It allows you to make secure payments directly to someone else without an intermediary like a bank.

The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are over 1,500 different cryptocurrencies available today. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not issued by any central authority like a government or bank. Instead, a network of computers around the world maintains the blockchain that records all Bitcoin transactions and prevents fraud.

To get started with cryptocurrency, you need to buy some on an exchange. Exchanges allow you to trade traditional currencies for cryptocurrencies. You can then use your cryptocurrency to buy goods and services from vendors who accept it, or hold onto it as an investment.

Cryptocurrency is stored in a digital wallet, either online, on your computer, or on a physical device. Your wallet contains your private keys that allow you to access your cryptocurrency. It's important to keep your wallet secure to prevent theft of your funds.

The value of cryptocurrencies is very volatile, so the value of your funds can go down as well as up. Only invest money that you can afford to lose. But for those willing to take the risk, cryptocurrency offers an exciting new opportunity in the world of finance.

How Cryptocurrency Works

So how exactly does cryptocurrency work? It's a digital currency, meaning it's not tied to a physical dollar or coin. Instead, it's decentralized and global, allowing people all over the world to send and receive funds instantly.

Cryptocurrency is built on blockchain technology, a digital public ledger that records all transactions chronologically and permanently. Blockchains are distributed across thousands of computers around the world, so there's no single point of failure and no single entity controls the data.

To use cryptocurrency, you need a digital wallet, either online, on your phone, or on a physical device. Your wallet contains your private keys which prove your ownership of the currency.
To use cryptocurrency, you need a digital wallet, either online, on your phone, or on a physical device. Your wallet contains your private keys which prove your ownership of the currency.

When you send crypto to someone, a transaction message is broadcast to the network of computers that maintain the blockchain.

Those computers validate the transaction and your private key by solving complex algorithms. Once verified, the transaction is added to the blockchain in the form of a block.

The process of verifying and adding transactions to the blockchain is called mining. Miners around the world compete to solve the algorithms first and get rewarded with new coins. The mining process also prevents fraud and double-spending, ensuring the integrity of the blockchain.

Cryptocurrency allows you to send money directly to someone else without going through a bank or payment network. Transactions are fast, secure, anonymous, and often have very low fees. The future of finance is digital, and crypto is leading the way.

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Types of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Beyond

Cryptocurrency comes in many forms beyond just Bitcoin. Here are a few of the major types of cryptocurrencies and how they differ:


As the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin set the standard for crypto. Bitcoin runs on a decentralized blockchain network that allows peer-to-peer transactions without a middleman. Bitcoin is the most valuable cry


Ethereum is a popular blockchain network and cryptocurrency (ETH) that allows developers to build other cryptocurrencies and crypto-based apps on its network. Ethereum is more programmable than Bitcoin, but also riskier. Ethereum has spawned hundreds of new cryptocurrencies, known as "ERC-20 tokens."


Altcoins refer to alternative cryptocurrencies launched after Bitcoin. Altcoins include Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, and Monero. Altcoins aim to improve on Bitcoin's technology or serve different purposes. For example, Litecoin is focused on faster transaction speeds, while Monero emphasizes privacy. Altcoins are riskier but could yield higher returns.


Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies pegged to a stable asset like the U.S. dollar to reduce volatility. Stablecoins include Tether, USD Coin, and Binance USD. Stablecoins allow investors to avoid the volatility of the crypto market but still transact on blockchain networks. However, some stablecoins are riskier than others depending on how well they are backed.

The world of cryptocurrency is constantly evolving. But Bitcoin, Ethereum, altcoins, and stablecoins make up the major types of cryptocurrencies today. Do your own research to determine what types of crypto fit your interests and risk tolerance. And remember, never invest more than you can afford to lose in such a volatile market.

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Pros and Cons of Investing in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a hot topic these days, with the potential for huge gains (and losses). Before diving in, weigh the pros and cons to see if crypto is right for you.

Upside Potential

The possibility of astronomical returns is what attracts most investors to cryptocurrency. If you had invested $1,000 in Bitcoin in 2010, it would be worth over $35 million today. While past performance doesn't guarantee future results, the crypto market is growing rapidly. If the value of major coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to rise long-term, early investors stand to make a lot of money.


The crypto market is notoriously volatile, with prices that can swing wildly up and down. Coins that are worth thousands one day can drop 50-90% in value overnight. If you can't stomach this level of risk and uncertainty, crypto may not be for you. Only invest money that you can afford to lose.

Security Risks

Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets are frequent targets of hackers and scammers. If your exchange or wallet is compromised, your coins could be stolen with little recourse. You must take security seriously and enable all available authentication methods to help keep your funds safe. Offline "cold storage" wallets are the most secure option.

Lack of Regulation

The crypto market is largely unregulated, so consumer protections are limited. There is no FDIC insurance for crypto investments, and exchanges can freeze accounts or go out of business with little warning. Do thorough research to find reputable exchanges and wallets, but be aware of the risks.

While the pros of huge potential gains and an exciting new technology are appealing to many, make sure you fully understand the volatility, security risks, and lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency market before investing your hard-earned money. If you go in with realistic expectations and take appropriate precautions, crypto could be worth considering as part of a balanced investment portfolio. But never invest more than you can afford to lose.

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The Future of Cryptocurrency: What's Next for This Digital Gold Rush?

Cryptocurrency is still a new and emerging technology, so its future is hard to predict. But here are a few possibilities for what may be next in this digital gold rush:

Increased mainstream adoption

Cryptocurrency is becoming more mainstream as people become more comfortable with the technology and familiar with options like Bitcoin. Major companies like PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard are embracing crypto, allowing people to buy, sell, and trade digital coins. As it becomes more widely accepted, crypto may transform how we think about money and make global transactions.

More stable coins

Volatility is one of the biggest downsides of cryptocurrency. Stablecoins aim to solve this by pegging the value of a digital coin to a stable asset like the U.S. dollar. As stablecoins become more trusted and widely used, they could open up crypto to those looking for stability. Options like Tether and USD Coin are already gaining traction.

Growth of decentralized finance

Decentralized finance or “DeFi” uses blockchain technology to provide financial services without the need for banks or brokers. Things like lending, borrowing, trading, and investing can all happen peer-to-peer. DeFi allows people to earn interest on their crypto, take out loans, and more while bypassing traditional financial institutions. DeFi may reshape how we access financial services.


So there you have it, a glimpse into the fascinating world of cryptocurrency. While the concept of digital money can seem strange and intangible at first, cryptocurrencies are very real and potentially quite valuable. The blockchain technology that powers cryptocurrencies is revolutionary, and the applications of this technology are only just beginning to be explored. Though the crypto market is volatile, the opportunity for high rewards is there. If you do your research, invest cautiously, and don't put in more than you can afford to lose, buying into cryptocurrency could pay off big time. The future of finance is here - maybe it's time you got on board. The crypto train is leaving the station, hop on now or you might miss it!

· @rosetta-fawn ·
random photography
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I love taking photos it's my passion my hobby. where there is a worth seeing view I click a shot of that view. nature has my heart. I spend hours seeing views admiring them. sky, clouds, flowers every single thing shows us that there creator is magnificent.





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PHOTOS by @rosetta-fawn
· @safi.zami1992 ·
NFT is now  world most trending topic. They are going to be the future world. The metaverse includes the NFT fortheir next plan.We are happy to know that, we are in the starting time of NFT, This will make lots of people billionire in this year and i also want to join this group if you will help me. I will upload post regularly if you love my posts.


This NFTs begining will destroy the stock market of the world and banking system will be collapsed within this year confirmly. just note my post for the future. I am not telling you fake news. this is writen in a special book called Al quran which is for the all humanity. So if you want to know the future what will happen, start reading this book. You will find all the answers.
· @kippykofe ·
1 reply
· @greybertart · (edited)
[ENG-ESP]My 1st drawing done in paint|mi 1er dibujo hecho en paint
<div class="text-justify"><p>Hello community of (Art Steemit) your colleague artist greybertart greets you to show you my first drawing made in paint, without more to say, let's go with the progress of the drawing</p></div>

>Hola comunidad de (ArtSteemit) los saluda su colega artista greybertart para mostrarles   mi primer dibujo hecho en paint, sin más que decir vamos con el progreso del dibujo

<div class="text-justify"><p>Ok as always we start with the basics the circle and the cross this helps me to make the shape of the anime face then I started sketching the hair and clothes, the hair in red and the purple clothes so as not to confuse them when making the guidelines or the LineArt, then I made the face with an expression of joy this with the help of the curve tool </p></div>

>Ok, como siempre, comenzamos con lo básico, el círculo y la cruz, esto me ayuda a hacer la forma de la cara del anime y luego comencé a dibujar el cabello y la ropa, el cabello en rojo. y la ropa morada para no confundirlos al hacer las pautas o el LineArt, luego hice la cara con una expresión de alegría esto con la ayuda de la herramienta curva 
<div class = "text-justify"> Then I made some guidelines to get an idea of ​​what the final result would be like here, use the curve tool and start doing the hair and clothes and then make some edits of what I don't like in the LineArt</p></div>

>Luego hice algunas pautas para tener una idea de cómo sería el resultado final aquí, use la herramienta de curva y comience a peinar y la ropa y luego haga algunas ediciones de lo que no me gusta en el LineArt
<div class = "text-justify"> After the guidelines I started with the LineArt I made some edits to the drawing and then started coloring it <p> </p> </div>

>Ya luego de las líneas guías empeze con el LineArt hice algunas ediciones al dibujo para luego empezar a colorearlo

<div class = "text-justify"> Well, here you can see the drawing in color, the truth took between 18 or 20 hours to do it but I loved this drawing, it deserves those hours and well, thanks for your time if you want to see other of my drawings made in paint visit my profile and you can also follow me if you like my content bye <p> </p> </div>

>Bueno, aquí puedes ver el dibujo a color, la verdad tardó entre 18 o 20 horas en hacerlo pero me encantó este dibujo, se merece esas horas y bueno, gracias por tu tiempo si quieres ver otros de mis dibujos hechos en pintura visita mi perfil y tambien me pueden seguir si les gusta mi contenido bye
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1 reply
· @greybertart · (edited)
Mi presentación en steemit (@greybertart)
<div class="text-justify"><p>Hola comunidad de steemit en este primer post les voy a relatar quien soy y que hago con mi vida sin más comencémos, ok mi nombre es Greybert y me dedico a hacer dibujos en Mr paint o mejor conocido como paint de Windows que por si no lo saben está es una aplicación muy simple que tiene una PC al instalarle el Windows bueno está no cuenta con 1000 herramientas cómo las apps profesionales solo se cuenta con un lápiz, un borrador y unos pocos tipos de pinceles con los cuales no se puede difuminar esto lo aclaro porque en mis publicaciones notarán que no difuminó las sombras ni nada por el estilo pero hago el intento con lo que tengo y bueno tengo pensado hacer muchas publicaciones aviso no tengo un orden específico para publicar así que fácilmente puedo publicar 2 dibujos en un día o por el contrario pasar 3 días sin publicar y bueno eso sería todo lo que tengo que decir bueno el post de mis dibujos espero hacerlo como en 3 o 5 horas y bueno espero recibir su apoyo para que vean mi progreso de como dibujo en paint sin más que decir me despido adiós </p></div>
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5 replies
· @peshy1996 · (edited)
The life of a bloggers
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Ok, I know you think it is easy to start blogging here on steemit.

Of course it is. 

Hello steemit,
 I know you would be like "what is she she trying to achieve?"

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Well first of all, I wanted some attention here and now that I have that, I will tell you how to start blogging here on **Steemit**.
Just follow the easy steps and you will definitely be a successful steemit blogger.

Firstly, following the newcomer guide and join some communities. Well, this is how I started. **community building** is key.

Secondly, you are wondering what to write about or talk about?

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I know how exhausting it is when you don't know what to talk about. The best way to start is to talk about something you love, talk about your day in other words, **find your niche**.
Find what you are good at and if you can't then talk about your life or make steemit your diary.

Lastly, **Consistency**


Now that you have found your niche, don't keep your audience here without contents.
Consistency is also important because you have people you need to reach out to. You are now a person of value and you have to give value. Inspire people with your content.

Now you know,

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Don't forget to write often and give value also.
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· @yulimar19 ·
El sombrerero loco. |The mad Hatter.|
><div class="text-justify"> Saludos a los integrantes de steem women club, para el día de hoy quise realizar este dibujo. Me siento agradecida con esta comunidad, porque puedo expresar cada una de mis cualidades entre ella dibujar, es una forma de conectar mis sentimiento al arte  de la pintura y demostrarme a mí misma que no hay barreras que se impongan para lograr lo que quiero. </div> 

<div class="text-justify"> Greetings to the members of steem women club, for today I wanted to make this drawing. I am grateful to this community, because I can express each of my qualities among them, drawing is a way of connecting my feelings to the art of painting and showing myself that there are no barriers that are imposed to achieve what I want. </div> 







><div class="text-justify">  Materiales: cartulina, lápiz, borrador, saca punta, regla y escuadras. </div> 

<div class="text-justify">  Materials: cardboard, pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler and squares. </div>

## Pasos del dibujo a realizar:

><div class="text-justify">   Paso1: trazos de ejes de simetría. </div>                                           

## Steps of the drawing to be carried out:

 <div class = "text-justify"> Step1: lines of symmetry traces. </div>


><div class="text-justify">   Paso2: Realizo el bosquejo siguiendo los ejes de simetría. </div>

<div class = "text-justify"> Step2: I make the sketch following the lines of symmetry. </div>

 <center> ![image.png](  </center>

><div class="text-justify"> Paso3: Comienzo con la mitad del dibujo a darle forma, siempre guiándome con los ejes simétricos. </div>

<div class = "text-justify"> Step3: I start with the middle of the drawing to shape, always guiding myself with the symmetric axes. </div>

 <center>  ![image.png](  </center> 

><div class="text-justify"> Paso4: Realizo el mismo procedimiento para la otra mitad del rostro. </div>

<div class = "text-justify"> Step4: I do the same procedure for the other half of the face. </div>


><div class="text-justify">  Paso5: Realizo todos los detalles resaltándolos con el lápiz desde un claro hasta uno más oscuro, para así terminar de darle expresión al dibujo. </div>

<div class = "text-justify"> Step5: I make all the details highlighting them with the pencil from a light to a darker one, in order to finish giving expression to the drawing. </div>


><div class="text-justify"> Y así culmino con este dibujo, es uno de mis pasatiempos que disfruto más, porque en el expreso mis sentimientos, energia y mi pasión por el arte, espero que les gusten. </div>

<div class = "text-justify"> And so I finish with this drawing, it is one of my hobbies that I enjoy the most, because in it I express my feelings, energy and my passion for art, I hope you like them. </div>

<center> ![image.png]( </center>

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· @shunnoo ·
Be Careful and Stay Home to stay safe and Healthy
# Read the full article to be Healthy and Safe 

In this situation to remain yourself safe and healthy you have to be more careful and conscious about everything. I personally suggest you to obey some facts to be healthy. I wont make the introduction so long. Let's focus on this topics , I wish everyone to read the full article and upvote me if you like it. 


## As long it's possible, stay in your own home : 
The first thing is to be in your own home as long as it's possible. Do not go outside without any emergency or basic need. Keep all your family members inside the door specially the olds and the children. 

## Every time Everywhere Wear a Mask : 
Wear a mask everywhere and every-time even you are at home. No matter where you are, keep the mask on nose. Keep the  air fresh and your breath.

## Remain Distance :
If you go outside or any people come to you must remain at least 6 feet distance. This calls social distance and it is mandatory nowadays. The virus can only fly up to 4-5 feet so you should make the gap to be safe.

## Remain Local 
Avoid travelling and stay in your area. Do not go to other areas to bring the infection to your area. Everyone should stay in own area. 


## Wash Wash, Wash Your hand :

Keep your hand washing in every 2 hours. Use sanitizer if you touch anything. Wash hands before going outside and coming back. Do not touch own eyes and face. Stay sanitize.

I wish everyone to be safe and healthy. 
Special Thanks to :
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2 replies
· @giridn ·
Modern technology world...It would be like this....













>Thanks for reading....
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· @alejandro1122 ·

![g-gif-update (1).gif](

· @alejandro1122 ·
Tras una fuerte lluvia, el río El Limón en Maracay, estado Aragua, se desbordó causando inundaciones en las calles del sector y la afectación de varias casas este miércoles, 9 de septiembre. Hasta ahora, se desconoce si hay víctimas fatales.
En varias fotografías y videos que los afectados compartieron a través de las redes sociales se puede observar cómo el caudal del río ocupa por completo una de las carreteras y arrastra con todo a su paso.

«En estos momentos, el río limón está desbordado, aquí está, salió de su cauce. Han pasado carros y han pasado personas y tenemos el río sumamente desbordado esto es una tragedia, compañeros, es una tragedia», se puede escuchar en uno de los videos que circuló en las redes..
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· @alejandro1122 · (edited)

<div class="text-justify">Se celebra cada 23 de julio, a partir del año 1986, cuando la Comisión Ballenera Internacional decidió proclamar ese día como el Día Mundial Contra la Caza de Ballenas, hoy conocido como Día Mundial de las Ballenas y los Delfines. 
El propósito de esta fecha es FRENAR la caza indiscriminada y tortuosa de estos hermosos animales en peligro de extinción.</div>

<center> ![delf.jpg](</center>  

<div class="text-justify">Existen muchos países que persisten en la caza de estos mamíferos acuáticos y lo que es peor, parece no importarles. En realidad, el problema radica en el hecho de que existen igual número de países dentro de la CBI, que están a favor y en contra de la caza de estos especímenes, por lo que nunca se ha llegado a un acuerdo formal al respecto.</div>



<center>Cómo celebrar el Día de las Ballenas y los Delfines</center>
<div class="text-justify">Si deseas celebrar esta festividad, UNAMOS NUESTRAS VOCES a la de muchos otros usuarios en todas las redes sociales, compartiendo imágenes e información importante sobre estos magníficos y grandiosos animales a través del hashtag  #Dia MundialdelasBallenasylosDelfines,creando campañas de CONCIENTIZACIÓN  (DE CONCIENTIZAR,aunque los Japoneses no vean esto,NO IMPORTA)coloquemos nuestros granitos de arena y difundamos con imágenes,vídeos, post, hastag,cartas electrónicas,en fin,lo que sea necesario para multiplicar la información exponencialmente y decir: YA BASTA de tanto atropello contra nuestros animales,ellos tienen el mismo derecho que todos. Aquí les dejo esta  imágene para quien quiera compartirlas en #steemit, otra red social o sitio web.</div>

<p><center>![no mas caza de ballenas.jpg](><p></a
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· @nengirazzy · (edited)
The Miracle That Is COVID-19
As I suppose the virus defeating the humans today is a very easy communicable disease that can be transmitted with a blink of an eye ...boom!! You are infected . As we all suppose we always regarded the COVID 19 to be man made by the Chinese government to help the reduction in the population, but it was an experiment gone wrong , even as the cases began to rise if we notice the Chinese has tactically survived from the devastating attack of this virus , and the targeted country with the most effect are the Americans , Italians and Spainians.
     The COVID 19 in my regard is an act of war on the part of the Chinese , this is because they know that this disease will crumble the economy of great countries so they took years going into rigorous studies on pharmakogenomics and took the genes of the Americans  , Italians , Spainians etc .
 Evidence to prove this is because some African countries like Nigeria had the first case of corona virus before the leaders America and we are at 214 cases and America at over 200 thousand cases , does the number add up , the world power US  and a 3rd world country who has more capability of handling the virus , of course the US but the virus was genetically engineered for this purpose . But hopefully the Americans and the British are working tirelessly as they just discovered a new cure for the known virus , as it was discovered that a known drug Ivermectin has biostatic effects on the virus , I hope this is the saviour for the human race .
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· @misslyric ·
Welcoming Myself to the Steemit Platform [What a Total Newbie has to offer]
I’m a bit of an introvert and when it comes to introductions, I sometimes forget to address who I am appropriately. I have always written really well in school, but when it comes to formally introducing myself, I forget who I am. Not what my name is per se, but who I truly am. Most people don’t necessarily want a 15 minute long formal introduction, but if you have made it this far, then I guess I should try to give an appropriate greeting. 

	Hi! (that was easy) I call myself Miss Lyric. I am a singer and I consider myself a social media influencer, but if you ask me in person and we just meet for lunch, don’t ask why… “I am a social media marketer”. That is probably what I’ll tell you if you just ask me casually at lunch. I guess influencing is that in a sense and I guess greetings are not my strong suit. 

Have I made you lose hair already?...

I post covers on YouTube. I’ve been doing it a while--since 2014. I guess you can say that I am pretty much a YouTube expert (*cough* *cough*) I came to Steemit not only to give the best introduction I probably have ever given in my life (I’d make all newbie introverts proud), but to also give myself a voice because I do certainly have one. AND BEYOND THAT…. interact with a new community of people. I’m not going to tell you what I am going to be posting. Hopefully, you can tell by my fully elaborate introduction (that no one asked for), but I will ask you to challenge yourself. I want to know WHO you are. Not who you are, but WHO you are. 

How would you greet someone if you had more than 10 seconds? What would you want them to know about you?
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6 replies
· @polskalee ·
![IMG_20191207_121017_567.JPG]( you think you have someone special in your life to give something to something that will make the person think of you forever, I think you should watch this video
· @dmtech ·
Anti-aircraft Battery
The photo was taken from the patrol vessel "Antonio Barrera" of the Mexican Navy.
It was built in the city of Savannah (United States) on December 10, 1942 and its original name was the "USS Symbol". They used it to clear the explosive mines in the sea. Then in 1972 he was transferred to the Mexican Navy and baptized as "Guillermo Prieto". On September 10, 1999, he was renamed as he is today.
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· @cryptonia ·
Trip to the ancient kingdom of monkeys (Hampi)
# History of Hampi
Hampi is a small town that is spread across 24 sq km of area, in ancient times Hampi was believed to be the kingdom of monkeys, at that time that kingdom was named as Kishkindha. There were two monkey kings of this kingdom named as Bali and Sugreve, both of them were brothers. Kishkindha was also mentioned in the holy book of hindus, the ramayana.

# The Plan
It was a friday night and since me and my friends work in an IT company, we only had two days left on our calendar, so we all decided to visit Hampi. In the night we discussed to pack our bags and be ready to leave early in the morning.

# The Vehicle
Since we were nine friends, so we needed two cars, but we only had one car available, so we booken a rental car SUV from [zoom]( 

# The Saturday morning
We picked up the car from zoom at 4 AM and picked up everyone from their homes and left Hyderabad exactly at 5 AM.

# The Journey
It was mid September and due to morning for and low light we were facing difficulty in driving,  we decided to take it slow till the sunlight comes. It was a straight highway of 200 KM, it hardly took me 2 hours to cover that in one go.

# The restaurant
After a continuous journey of two hours, we decided to take a break and have some breakfast, on the way we halted at a restaurant and had a tea and omelette and after a refreshment of 20 minutes we were on road again, this time switching the drivers in both cars.

# The scenic view started
After a journey of 30 KM we crossed the Karnataka border and the mountains started to show up, we all got excited and started to click the pictures,![ua8qiuz170.jpg]( it was so beautiful and so green, it was something we don't usually get to see in our corporate offices. We were all enjoying the Journey and as the time passed our destination arrived, The Hampi.

# The Hampi
Hampi is a small town of karnataka, it was a very less developed area, with no proper roads, no phone signals and no electricity but there was greenery,![05zsh4bqfj.jpg]( there was mind peace. It was so soul calming, a perfect place for a getaway for two days. Hampi is like mini Kasol of karnataka.

#The Stay
We already had our rooms booked in a cafe cum hotel, we parked our cars in the parking and went straight to the cafe to have some food. We stayed in our rooms for one hour and than we went to the historical ruins of Hampi.

# The Ruins

The ruins of hampi are is the paradise for photographers.![voq0bjoqlx.jpg]( Tourist come from all over the world to visit these ruins and calm their mind. After a little sight seeing we went back to our hotel and slept for the night. ![yilsdf3pgw.jpg](

#The Anjanhalli Hills
The next morning we all were excited to see the sunrise, all of us woke up at 5 AM and went straight to the Anjanhalli hills to see the sun rising from the mountains, the hills were only 5 minutes distance from the hotel.
It was so called at that time of morning, specially in the morning. We all were admiring the scenic down valley and waited for the sunrise. Then finally sun came out and it was kind of ren and violet in the color ![16tesmox2k.jpg]( only at this time you could have a look at the sun with your bare eyes. It was so beautiful, nobody was talking to anyone, everybody were busy in their own minds, finding peace. 

Posted using [Partiko Android](
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3 replies
· @cryptonia ·
Journey From Nubra to Pangong
Note: If you missed my previous post on journey from delhi to nubra valley then please read it [here](
In this post I will share my exploring journey from nubra valley to pangong.

# Nubra valley to Pangong
It was a beautiful morning in nubra valley, I woke up and the scenic beauty I was looking at when I stepped out of my camp was something that you don't get to see everyday. ![fe3a15hw5b.jpg](
Then we did the breakfast of bread and jam and we left nubra at 9 AM and headed to our next destination Pangong.

# On the way to Pangong
Going on a trip like this, I believe that journey is the best part because the journey is even more beautiful and scenic than the destinations, ![8028f4f301.jpg]( we were on the road on our two bikes going each step into the oblivion, again we were surrounded by the big mighty mountains, some were reddish in color, some yellow, some black, some blue even, some green and some were white totally covered with ice.![l6tcimfk6f.jpg](
I don't understand the weather here, at some places it was freezing cold and at some places there was sunlight but I was enjoying every little bit of the experience I was having, I can't pull my camera out riding the bike at the same time, I wished I could capture every single detail of this place. I was living it.

# On the way food stall
Riding for about continuous 3 hours, we thought of taking a 5 minutes break and eat something, usually you don't find any restaurant or anything like that on the hills but luckily we found one, it was a very small stall with very few food items, so we ordered three noodles and three cup of tea. There we meet a Himalayan dod breed chibacca,![tf1hi6hd64.jpg]( this was the name give by me to that dog, he was the Himalayan version of chehuahua, lol.
There we meet two other travelers coming back from pangong, they told us that the way to Pangong is fully covered with ice and it's very dangerous so be careful. We all got scared but thrilled at the same time.

# The ice covered road
When we were 30 KM away from pangong, the road became narrower, it became one way, if another motor is coming from the opposite direction than you have to wait on the side of the road to let it pass through.![a7nmphku8w.jpg]( The road was fully covered in ice so we had to maintain a speed of 20Km/hr.![sfhbcfrcew.jpg]( As we proceed towards our dream destination, both the temperature and the oxygen level start to drop by huge margin. From a distance we saw a glimpse of Pangong lake at the horizon and that pumped some sort of adrenaline in our blood and we didn't care about the road or breathing issues due to low oxygen level, we pulled out bikes throttle and there was only one thing going in our minds to reach there as soon as possible and finally after one our we reached there,![1jirec9eeo.jpg]( at the height of 17000 ft, the beautiful Pangong Lake.

# The tent camps
When we reached at the pangong lake, our tent camps were already pre-booked, we immediately parked our bikes ![s9f9xhafp5.jpg]( enquired our tent camps from the manager, we had two medium size tents booked for us. We rested there in our tents for sometime and than went straight to the lake it was just 2 minutes distance from our tent camp.![31am88vedc.jpg](

# The pangong Lake
It was a beautiful view looking at the mesmerizing clear water,![qy9acft5xx.jpg]( I haven't seen too many pure shades in the water before all at one place, the water color was clear transparent at the shore, than aqua, than skyblue than royal blue, than ink blue than violet. It was truly a beautiful view and experience,![5r35olmlmf.jpg]( I stepped a foot inside the lake and the water was freezing cold, it was around -5°C temperature at that time. But all in all it was a beautiful experience. We did a little photography there meant to capture all in my memory forever.

# Back to the hotel in Leh
In the evening we again headed back to our hotel pre-booked in Leh, ![h5yxzdxqmt.jpg]( was the same hotel we started from, we stayed there for that night and the very next morning our cab came and drop us on the Leh international airport and from there we took our flight to New Delhi. But this was truly a beautiful experience and till the time I am writing this, I can't do anything but memorize that how beautiful some places can be that we haven't seen yet in our own world.![tbi2vz4z2a.jpg]( And I meant to visit each and everyone of them and capture in my memories.![5af68x017k.jpg](

Thankyou for reading and viewing my photography.
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