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· @my451r ·
Photo stories about life and activities of traditional fishermen in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia

#### **Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone**
#### **How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are**

![SRL-image-0 (2).jpg](

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In this post, I want to tell you about the life and activities of fishermen in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Lhokseumawe is a city in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia, located on the west coast of the island of Sumatra. Known for its natural beauty and cultural diversity, Lhokseumawe is also home to many traditional fishermen who depend on the sea for their livelihoods. By taking a closer look at their lives, we can understand the importance of these traditional fishermen in sustaining their livelihoods and preserving the marine environment.
> Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang kehidupan dan aktivitas nelayan di Lhokseumawe Aceh. Lhokseumawe adalah sebuah kota di Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia yang terletak di pesisir barat pulau Sumatera. Terkenal dengan keindahan alam dan keragaman budayanya, Lhokseumawe juga menjadi rumah bagi banyak nelayan tradisional yang menggantungkan mata pencahariannya dari laut. Dengan melihat lebih dekat kehidupan mereka, kita dapat memahami pentingnya para nelayan tradisional ini dalam mempertahankan mata pencaharian dan melestarikan lingkungan laut.


Traditional fishermen play a vital role in the lives of the local community as they rely on their catch from the sea for their survival. One of the key tools in their trade is fishing nets. Therefore, fishermen constantly strive to improve their nets in order to enhance their fishing efficiency.
> Nelayan tradisional memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat setempat karena mereka mengandalkan hasil tangkapan dari laut untuk kelangsungan hidup mereka. Salah satu alat utama dalam perdagangan mereka adalah jaring ikan. Oleh karena itu, para nelayan terus berupaya untuk memperbaiki jaring mereka untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penangkapan ikan mereka.


During my visit to a fishing village in Lhokseumawe, I witnessed the fishermen engrossed in repairing their nets. They gathered on the beach with nets that had been damaged or torn, sitting together amidst piles of netting, diligently mending them.
> Dalam kunjungan saya ke sebuah desa nelayan di Lhokseumawe, saya menyaksikan para nelayan asyik memperbaiki jala mereka. Mereka berkumpul di pantai dengan jaring yang sudah rusak atau sobek, duduk bersama di tengah tumpukan jaring, rajin memperbaikinya.


I observed the meticulousness and skill with which the fishermen repaired their nets. They employed their own techniques and methods, using specialized threads made from coconut tree fiber or nylon. They carefully sorted and weaved the threads until the nets appeared sturdy and ready for use once again.
> Saya mengamati ketelitian dan keterampilan para nelayan memperbaiki jala mereka. Mereka menggunakan teknik dan metode mereka sendiri, menggunakan benang khusus yang terbuat dari serat pohon kelapa atau nilon. Mereka dengan hati-hati menyortir dan menganyam benang hingga jaring tampak kokoh dan siap digunakan kembali.


Traditional fishermen in Lhokseumawe employ skills and knowledge that have been passed down through generations to locate fish in the waters surrounding the area. They employ various fishing techniques such as net fishing or using bait and fishing rods. Despite the increasing availability of modern technologies, they remain loyal to their traditional and time-tested practices. Additionally, they contribute to the sustainability of marine resources by adhering to the rules imposed by the local fishing community.
> Nelayan tradisional di Lhokseumawe menggunakan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang telah diwariskan secara turun-temurun untuk mencari ikan di perairan sekitar wilayah tersebut. Mereka menggunakan berbagai teknik memancing seperti jaring atau menggunakan umpan dan pancing. Meskipun ketersediaan teknologi modern semakin meningkat, mereka tetap setia pada praktik tradisional dan teruji waktu. Selain itu, mereka berkontribusi pada keberlanjutan sumber daya laut dengan mematuhi aturan yang diberlakukan oleh komunitas nelayan setempat.


The traditional fishing activities in Lhokseumawe also reflect the lifestyle of coastal communities. Many of them reside in stilt houses built over the water, facing the sea directly. These fishing families have close-knit relationships and rely on one another in their daily activities. They have a well-organized system where roles and responsibilities are assigned based on age and expertise.
> Kegiatan nelayan tradisional di Lhokseumawe juga mencerminkan gaya hidup masyarakat pesisir. Banyak dari mereka tinggal di rumah panggung yang dibangun di atas air, menghadap langsung ke laut. Keluarga nelayan ini memiliki hubungan yang erat dan saling mengandalkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Mereka memiliki sistem yang terorganisir dengan baik di mana peran dan tanggung jawab diberikan berdasarkan usia dan keahlian.


Witnessing the traditional fishing activities in Lhokseumawe left a lasting impression on me. I was inspired by their dedication and hard work in securing a livelihood through fishing. Moreover, I gained valuable insights into the cultural values and significance of cooperation within traditional fishing activities. This experience will forever remain etched in my memory.
> Menyaksikan kegiatan nelayan tradisional di Lhokseumawe sangat membekas dalam diri saya. Saya terinspirasi oleh dedikasi dan kerja keras mereka dalam mengamankan mata pencaharian melalui penangkapan ikan. Selain itu, saya memperoleh wawasan berharga tentang nilai-nilai budaya dan pentingnya kerja sama dalam kegiatan penangkapan ikan tradisional. Pengalaman ini akan selamanya terukir dalam ingatan saya.


That's the short story in my post this time. Hopefully the short writing and photos that I share through this post are useful for all of us.
> Demikian cerita singkat pada postingan saya kali ini. Semoga tulisan singkat dan foto-foto yang saya bagikan melalui postingan ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.



<center>Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003</center>
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##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>All Picture Taken With  Sony A7 II Camera</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](, [Gurushot](, [Twitter](, [my channel youtube](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@my451r</center>

πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 18 others
2 replies
· @my451r ·
Photo stories about life and activities of traditional fishermen in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia

#### **Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone**
#### **How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are**

![SRL-image-0 (1).jpg](

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In this post, I want to tell you about the life and activities of fishermen in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Lhokseumawe is a city in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia, located on the west coast of the island of Sumatra. Known for its natural beauty and cultural diversity, Lhokseumawe is also home to many traditional fishermen who depend on the sea for their livelihoods. By taking a closer look at their lives, we can understand the importance of these traditional fishermen in sustaining their livelihoods and preserving the marine environment.
> Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang kehidupan dan aktivitas nelayan di Lhokseumawe Aceh. Lhokseumawe adalah sebuah kota di Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia yang terletak di pesisir barat pulau Sumatera. Terkenal dengan keindahan alam dan keragaman budayanya, Lhokseumawe juga menjadi rumah bagi banyak nelayan tradisional yang menggantungkan mata pencahariannya dari laut. Dengan melihat lebih dekat kehidupan mereka, kita dapat memahami pentingnya para nelayan tradisional ini dalam mempertahankan mata pencaharian dan melestarikan lingkungan laut.


Traditional fishermen play a vital role in the lives of the local community as they rely on their catch from the sea for their survival. One of the key tools in their trade is fishing nets. Therefore, fishermen constantly strive to improve their nets in order to enhance their fishing efficiency.
> Nelayan tradisional memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat setempat karena mereka mengandalkan hasil tangkapan dari laut untuk kelangsungan hidup mereka. Salah satu alat utama dalam perdagangan mereka adalah jaring ikan. Oleh karena itu, para nelayan terus berupaya untuk memperbaiki jaring mereka untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penangkapan ikan mereka.


During my visit to a fishing village in Lhokseumawe, I witnessed the fishermen engrossed in repairing their nets. They gathered on the beach with nets that had been damaged or torn, sitting together amidst piles of netting, diligently mending them.
> Dalam kunjungan saya ke sebuah desa nelayan di Lhokseumawe, saya menyaksikan para nelayan asyik memperbaiki jala mereka. Mereka berkumpul di pantai dengan jaring yang sudah rusak atau sobek, duduk bersama di tengah tumpukan jaring, rajin memperbaikinya.


I observed the meticulousness and skill with which the fishermen repaired their nets. They employed their own techniques and methods, using specialized threads made from coconut tree fiber or nylon. They carefully sorted and weaved the threads until the nets appeared sturdy and ready for use once again.
> Saya mengamati ketelitian dan keterampilan para nelayan memperbaiki jala mereka. Mereka menggunakan teknik dan metode mereka sendiri, menggunakan benang khusus yang terbuat dari serat pohon kelapa atau nilon. Mereka dengan hati-hati menyortir dan menganyam benang hingga jaring tampak kokoh dan siap digunakan kembali.


Traditional fishermen in Lhokseumawe employ skills and knowledge that have been passed down through generations to locate fish in the waters surrounding the area. They employ various fishing techniques such as net fishing or using bait and fishing rods. Despite the increasing availability of modern technologies, they remain loyal to their traditional and time-tested practices. Additionally, they contribute to the sustainability of marine resources by adhering to the rules imposed by the local fishing community.
> Nelayan tradisional di Lhokseumawe menggunakan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang telah diwariskan secara turun-temurun untuk mencari ikan di perairan sekitar wilayah tersebut. Mereka menggunakan berbagai teknik memancing seperti jaring atau menggunakan umpan dan pancing. Meskipun ketersediaan teknologi modern semakin meningkat, mereka tetap setia pada praktik tradisional dan teruji waktu. Selain itu, mereka berkontribusi pada keberlanjutan sumber daya laut dengan mematuhi aturan yang diberlakukan oleh komunitas nelayan setempat.


The traditional fishing activities in Lhokseumawe also reflect the lifestyle of coastal communities. Many of them reside in stilt houses built over the water, facing the sea directly. These fishing families have close-knit relationships and rely on one another in their daily activities. They have a well-organized system where roles and responsibilities are assigned based on age and expertise.
> Kegiatan nelayan tradisional di Lhokseumawe juga mencerminkan gaya hidup masyarakat pesisir. Banyak dari mereka tinggal di rumah panggung yang dibangun di atas air, menghadap langsung ke laut. Keluarga nelayan ini memiliki hubungan yang erat dan saling mengandalkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Mereka memiliki sistem yang terorganisir dengan baik di mana peran dan tanggung jawab diberikan berdasarkan usia dan keahlian.


Witnessing the traditional fishing activities in Lhokseumawe left a lasting impression on me. I was inspired by their dedication and hard work in securing a livelihood through fishing. Moreover, I gained valuable insights into the cultural values and significance of cooperation within traditional fishing activities. This experience will forever remain etched in my memory.
> Menyaksikan kegiatan nelayan tradisional di Lhokseumawe sangat membekas dalam diri saya. Saya terinspirasi oleh dedikasi dan kerja keras mereka dalam mengamankan mata pencaharian melalui penangkapan ikan. Selain itu, saya memperoleh wawasan berharga tentang nilai-nilai budaya dan pentingnya kerja sama dalam kegiatan penangkapan ikan tradisional. Pengalaman ini akan selamanya terukir dalam ingatan saya.


That's the short story in my post this time. Hopefully the short writing and photos that I share through this post are useful for all of us.
> Demikian cerita singkat pada postingan saya kali ini. Semoga tulisan singkat dan foto-foto yang saya bagikan melalui postingan ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.



<center>Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003</center>
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##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>All Picture Taken With  Sony A7 II Camera</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](, [Gurushot](, [Twitter](, [my channel youtube](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@my451r</center>

πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 18 others
2 replies
· @my451r · (edited)
The story of my journey today
#### ***Hello Steemian Everyone***
#### ***How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are***


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Today I returned to explore the fishing village area. I haven't been to this place in a long time. I left school after dropping my wife and child to school. As a photo hunter, of course I continue to research the photos that I live every day. No boredom for me. Even though this activity is repetitive, I do it every day.


I arrived at the location around 8:00 am. As usual, before I start shooting. I always care about whatever I want to capture with my camera. Well, at that time I saw a man who was doing downstream activities. I saw the man fishing there in a canoe made of wood. This activity is commonly referred to as traditional fishing.

The use of simple fishing gear and canoes made of wood is called the traditional way. The weather today was very sunny so it was easy for me to take pictures and get the best pictures of my fishing activities.


As we know, the livelihoods and occupations of coastal communities in general are fishermen. Every day, fishermen go to sea to find fish, then the catch is sold in the local market. The results from this fish marketing will be used by fishermen and their families to meet their daily needs.


As usual, after I took the photo. I always try to interview them. Yes, as to get their data and stories. One of the fishermen I met. They shared that apart from the husband's role as a fisherman, there is an important role in the fisherman's family, namely the fisherman's wife. After the fisherman returns from hunting, the wife processes her husband's catch and then markets it to collectors or sells it in the market.


This is a short writing of my journey this morning which I wrote in my post this time. And some pictures taken by my camera that accompany my post. From all the stories and pictures that I can take from all of this, we still have to convince ourselves to keep trying to achieve what we want and need in everyday life. Also, never give up no matter the odds. We must be ready to face all obstacles. And finally in our efforts to be grateful for what we have today. Let's keep the spirit of doing our own activities this morning.

<center>Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003</center>
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##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>All Picture Taken With  Sony A7 II Camera</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](, [Gurushot](, [Twitter](, [my channel youtube](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@my451r</center>

πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , ,
· @my451r ·
A traditional fisherman is fishing in the river
#### ***Hello Steemian Everyone***
#### ***How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are***


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Today, I returned to the fishing village at my place. I never get tired of going here. Yes, I hunted for photos there, definitely about fishing activities. Even though the object I took was a fisherman, I have often photographed him. But there is always a different story. As I wrote in a previous post. That the fishermen in this place only use simple fishing gear or what is called the traditional way. Although there are various technologies that are present today. But the fishermen here still use simple tools to start their activities as fishermen.



There are various reasons they do not want to use modern technology in every activity. One of them is because of the customary law that is applied there. In addition, using simple tools does not damage the marine ecosystem. That's the reason the fishermen in my place don't want to use anything other than traditional fishing gear.



Well, in this post I will share some photos of a fisherman fishing. This fishing activity is also a local wisdom. Well, here are some photos of traditional fishermen that I share in this post. Oh, how is the fishing activity at your place? Let's share and discuss our culture here.





<center>Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003</center>
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##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>All Picture Taken With  Sony A7 II Camera</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](, [Gurushot](, [Twitter](, [my channel youtube](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@my451r</center>

πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 4 others
3 replies
· @my451r ·
The Black and White Photography challenge #04 - "Seumanoe Guda" a unique moment of traditional horse racing in Aceh, Indonesia
#### ***Hello Steemian Friends Everyone***
#### ***How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are***


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This is my entry to the black and white photography challenge organized by @rima11. If you want to participate, please read this post to understand the rules of the black and white photography contest.  [Rules to follow in this Black & White photography challenge]( 









##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>All Picture Taken With  Sony A7 II Camera</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](, [Gurushot](, [Twitter](, [my channel youtube](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@my451r</center>

πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 3 others
2 replies
· @maulida ·
Menggali Sejarah Aceh di Museum Aceh

Museum Aceh, merupakan tempat wisata yang ada di kota banda aceh, di sini kita bisa menemukan ragam hal tentang perjalanan sejarah aceh, mulai dari barang, artefak, tulisan, hingga hal-hal lain. museum aceh hadir sebagai wadah bagoi masyarakat untuk mempelajari sejrah aceh, lokasi ini bisa menjadi sarana edukatif bagi semua orang khususnya siswa.

Museum Aceh terletak berdekatan dengan pedopo gubernur, tepatnya di jalan Sultan Mahmudsyah No.10 gampong Peuniti, Banda Aceh. museum ini selalu buka mulai dari jam 8 pagi dan selalu ramai dikunjungi oleh wisatawan dari dalam negeri, maupun luar negeri.

di dalam komplek museum, ada beberapa bangunan yang berdiri. yang paling mencolok adalah bangunan rumoh aceh. yaitu bangunan khusus yang menjadi rumah adat daerah aceh. usia bangunan ini telah memasuki satu abad lebih. dan ini merupakan bangunan asli sejak pertama kali berdiri.

Museum Aceh kkerap kali menjadi lokasi pameran atau event kebudayaan yang diselenggarakan di tanah rencong. jika anda tertarik untuk mempelajari tentang budaya aceh, museum aceh bisa menjadi destinasi utama yang patut anda kunjungi.

salam, @maulida
· @my451r ·
Meugang Day is a tradition of the people of Aceh, Indonesia in welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadan

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Aceh is a part of the Indonesian state. Aceh is located at the westernmost tip of the State of Indonesia. In terms of tradition, Aceh has many kinds of traditions. Because Aceh has several different tribes. And Aceh is also the main capital for the Indonesian state. Like some of the pictures that I show in my post.

Aceh has a tradition that is not shared by other regions in Indonesia. That is the tradition of welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. This tradition is better known as "Meugang Day". And this tradition is held two days before entering the holy month of Ramadan.

Residents who flocked to traditional markets to buy beef to cook with Acehnese special spices to enjoy with their respective families. In addition, on this β€œMeugang Day”, generous donors also distribute beef to residents who cannot afford it. That is the citizens of Aceh. Share with each other to welcome the holy month of Ramadan. Here are some pictures of community activities at one of the traditional markets in the area I live in.














##### <center>Best Regards,</center>
##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](, [Gurushot](, [Twitter](, [my channel youtube](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@my451r</center>
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· @azwar.ipank ·
Traditional market situation in the morning


This traditional market is one of the spots that I visit very often to take pictures and make videos. Lhokseumawe Inpres Market is one of the biggest traditional shopping centers in my city. But a disaster occurred, two days ago a fire broke out in the center of this market.

A number of stall traders sold outburned, not only mini store or concrete buildings, all their merchant stored were scorched to ashes. The sadness of traders can be seen in several market losses, there is no more crowd, as usual, the laughter of traders and buyers. I felt lost, a number of traders who I met and were familiar with were forced to stage merchandise under the tarpaulin and among the remnants of the burning building.







#### <center>All photos are My own Document</center>

##### <center>THANKS FOR VISIT MY BLOG</center>
##### <center>[Instagram](,[Facebook](,[Twitter](, [My Youtube Channel](</center>
##### <center>BEST REGARDS</center>
##### <center>@azwar.ipank</center>
· @my451r ·
The Areca Nut is The Main Commodity in My Home Town

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Areca nut is one of Indonesia commodities and this is also especially in Aceh. During the global economic crisis in 1998, the areca nut becomes the most expensive commodity for export the price for one-kilo gram at that time is almost IDR 30.000, and this was a blessing for the areca nut farmer. Areca nut can be harvest twice a year. According to the literature, this type of palm plant is easily growing in Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. 


The structure of this tree is robust and not easily broken if in the wind storm, in my culture the areca nut trees is used as a pillar for some of the traditional house. In some area in Aceh province, the areca nut is well known as β€œpineung” besides using the tree for the pillar, the areca nut also has so many advantages for health, and having areca nut with betel leaf is believe can be a medicine this is also part of the culture in my home town.


Areca nut is the main material for textile color that’s why this fruit is has a standard price of the global market, usually, harvesting time of this commodity is in April, there was a long process before the farmer sells it to the middleman or collector. The great areca nut is harvest when the fruit turns orange. The farmer can sell the areca nut with two different conditions half-circle fruit, the fruit is chop into two-piece and dries under the sunshine, this method is to accelerate the drying process and eliminate the water content, but the advantage of this method is will reduce the selling price. Another method is by peeling the outer skin and let it dry without chop into two pieces this method needs a long time process of drying time but the advantage of this method is the selling price is higher than the areca nut that process by chopping into two pieces. 


As a commodity areca nut also becomes part of an economic chain where the economic law is also influencing the selling price, It is based on supply and demand. During the harvesting time when the harvesting result is overload, the price will be decreased. The advantage of areca nut is this fruit is can be saved for one year, the farmer only needs to dry it properly and it is will increase the selling price. That’s why I mention before areca nut is a blessing fruit for the farmer in my hometown.



Pinang adalah salah satu komoditas Indonesia dan ini juga terutama di Aceh. Selama krisis ekonomi global pada tahun 1998, pinang menjadi komoditi yang paling mahal untuk ekspor, harga untuk satu kilo gram pada waktu itu hampir Rp 30.000, dan ini merupakan berkah bagi petani pinang. Pinang dapat dipanen dua kali dalam setahun. Menurut literatur jenis tanaman sawit ini mudah tumbuh di Asia Tenggara, India dan Afrika.


Struktur pohon ini kuat dan tidak mudah pecah jika dalam badai angin, dalam budaya saya pohon pinang digunakan sebagai tiang untuk beberapa rumah tradisional. Di beberapa daerah di provinsi Aceh pinang terkenal sebagai β€œpineung” di samping menggunakan pohon untuk tiang, pinang juga memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan memiliki pinang dengan daun siri yang dipercaya bisa menjadi obat ini juga bagian dari budaya di kota asal saya.


Pinang adalah bahan utama untuk warna tekstil. Karena itu buah ini memiliki harga standar pasar global, biasanya waktu panen komoditas ini pada bulan April, ada proses panjang sebelum petani menjualnya ke perantara atau kolektor. Buah pinang yang besar dipanen ketika buah berubah menjadi oranye. Petani dapat menjual pinang dengan dua kondisi yang berbeda setengah lingkaran buah, buah tersebut dipotong menjadi dua bagian dan keringkan di bawah matahari bersinar, metode ini untuk mempercepat proses pengeringan dan untuk menghilangkan air yang mengandung, tetapi keuntungan dari ini metode ini akan mengurangi harga jual. Metode lain adalah dengan mengupas kulit luar dan membiarkannya kering tanpa memotong menjadi dua bagian. Metode ini membutuhkan waktu proses pengeringan yang lama tetapi keuntungan dari metode ini adalah harga jual lebih tinggi daripada biji pinang yang diproses dengan memotong menjadi dua bagian.


Sebagai komoditas pinang juga menjadi bagian dari rantai ekonomi di mana hukum ekonomi juga mempengaruhi harga jual, Hal ini didasarkan pada penawaran dan permintaan. Selama waktu panen ketika hasil panen kelebihan beban, harga akan turun. Keuntungan buah pinang adalah buah ini dapat disimpan selama satu tahun, petani hanya perlu mengeringkannya dengan benar dan itu akan meningkatkan harga jual. Itu sebabnya saya menyebutkan sebelum pinang adalah buah berkah bagi petani di kota asal saya.




#### <center>Best Regard,</center>
#### <center>@my451r</center>
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 11 others
· @umarcivil · (edited)
A piece of Brownie Cake

Talking about cakes, of course, there are many types of cakes that are already known and we know the composition and method of making them, because almost all types of brownie cakes have the same way of making and the manufacturing technique is the same, only the composition is different according to the name of the type of cake.


This brownie cake has a very delicious taste because it adds brown milk in its composition and is sprinkled with crispy chocolate on the top layer.


πŸ‘  , , , ,
· @umarcivil · (edited)
Commemorating "Maulidurrasul"

Commemorating Malulidurrasul is an event to uphold the value of human exemplary to his Prophet. In this event repeating the study of the struggle and the absence of the Prophet in maintaining aqidah and morals in social life. There are so many struggles he has done and exemplifies the people towards the pleasure of the Creator.


The challenges he faced were also very many and very dangerous in his life, but he remained steadfast and patient in facing them because only to get the Pleasure of Allah. It is very noble of his struggle and this is a good example to be exemplified by humans.


In this event, reviewing his stories in fighting for Islam, his example and his morals in society, this event also provided food and drinks to be distributed to all residents who came to this event as a form of gratitude.

πŸ‘  , , , ,
1 reply
· @umarcivil · (edited)
Enjoy the Atmosphere of a Tourist spot

On one occasion and we agreed on a meeting between the work team to make an event for each family gathering while serving the goat curry that we cooked at this tourist spot.  We have established this event to strengthen kinship, even though we are just friends at work, but we feel like family.


Mothers were busy preparing drinks to be served by the father besides being busy cooking goat meat.


πŸ‘  , , , , ,
· @umarcivil ·
Brand Household Handicrafts

#### Talking about the cake must be all friends already know what exactly the cake and of course also already know the types of cakes, this is a bread cake home made household business and then marketed by the distributor itself. 

> Berbicara masalah kue pasti sahabat semua sudah pada tau apa sebenarnya kue dan pastinya juga sudah tau juga jenis-jenis kue, ini merupakan kue roti hasil karya usaha rumah tangga yang dibuat dirumah dan kemudian dipasarkan oleh distributor sendiri.


#### Initially, for pengelohan this cake must be provided some materials and tools for the process of making. Materials needed include: wheat flour, butter, sugar, salt, coconut, cooking oil, water, dyes and other ingredients. The tools needed are mixer, oven and fittings, coconut shaver, stirring bucket and flour mill machine. The materials that have been provided and then mixed and stirred by using mixer mixer machine to achieve a perfect mixture and evenly.

>  Pada awalnya, untuk pengelohan kue ini harus disediakan beberapa bahan dan alat untuk proses pembuatannya. Bahan yang dibutuhkan diantaranya: tepung terigu, mentega, gula, garam, kelapa, minyak goreng, air, bahan pewarna  dan bahan penyedap racikan lainnya. Adapun alat yang dibutuhkan adalah mixcer, oven serta alat kelengkapannya, pengkukur kelapa, ember pengadukan serta mesin gilingan tepung. Adapun bahan yang sudah disediakan kemudian dicampurankan serta di aduk dengan menggunakan mesin pengaduk mixcer untuk mencapai adukan yang sempurna dan merata. 


#### The initial process of stirring wheat flour using water and mixed with a bit of grease oil to facilitate the stirring process, then the material is milled using a milling machine to facilitate the work and speed up the grinding process, after perfect grinding the material was already rubbery and can be done with the formation cut a bit cut a bit of the material was then rounded first so that the process of spinning later formed a round circle for the inclusion of coconut that has been measured first and mixed with sugar and other flavoring which then cooked until cooked.

> Proses awal yang dilakukan mengaduk tepung terigu dengan menggunakan air dan dicampur dengan sedikit minyak gerong untuk memudahkan proses pengadukan, selanjutnya bahan tersebut digiling dengan menggunakan mesin penggilingan untuk mempermudah pekerjan dan mempercepat proses penggilingan, setelah sempurna penggilingan bahan tadi sudah kenyal dan sudah bisa dilakukan pembentukan dengan memotong sedikit bahan tadi yang kemudian dibulatkan terlebih dahulu agar proses penghamparan nanti membentuk lingkaran yang bulat untuk dimasukkannya kelapa yang sudah dikukur terlebih dahulu dan dicampur dengan gula dan penyedap lainnya yang kemudian dimasak sampai matang.


#### Stirrings that have been spread out earlier that form a circle diparuhadukan coconut that has been cooked earlier as that makes us addicted when eating it. Furthermore, the material is cooked by way of inserted into the oven for the baking ripening process earlier. This heating process takes approximately 10-15 minutes for one rotation of the maturation process.

> Adukan yang sudah dihamparkan tadi yang membentuk lingkaran ditaruhadukan kelapa yang sudah dimasak tadi sebagai yang membuat kita ketagihan saat memakannya. Selanjutnya bahan tersebut dimasak dengan cara dimasukkan ke dalam oven untuk proses pematangan kue roti tadi. Proses pemanasan ini membutuhkan waktu lebih kurang 10-15 menit untuk satu putaran penggantian proses pematangan.


#### Bread that has been dioven issued for indoor cooling chill with the temperature level of the room, then the cake is inserted into the wrapper to continue the next stage. Once wrapped the distributors are ready to distribute the cake to the market, kiosk stalls and to the coffee shop.

> Roti yang sudah dioven dikeluarkan untuk preses pendinginan dalam ruangan dengan kadar suhu ruangan, selanjutnya kue tersebut dimasukkan kedalam pembungkus untuk melanjutkan tahap selanjutnya. Setelah dibungkus para distributor sudah siap untuk mendistribusikan kue tersebut ke pasaran, kekios kios dan kewarung kopi.


***Distributor siap mengantar pesanan dan orderan pelanggan.***
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 12 others
1 reply
· @umarcivil ·
Acehnese Snacks
#### "Timphan Asoe Kaya" Rich is a wet cake that has a legit texture and sweet taste. Making timphan which has many enthusiasts is quite simple, the outer shell is wrapped in banana leaves. While the timphan skin uses boiled pumpkin first, sugar, coconut milk, sticky 


#### Rice flour and salt to taste. For banana leaves as a wrapper, it is better to use banana leaves that are young and not too old to be beautiful, and if the asoe stuffing is rich use eggs, thick coconut milk, sugar and pandan leaves as fragrances. After wrapping it all with banana leaves, then steaming and waiting ten minutes later or more and the rich asoe timphan is ready to serve.


#### Enjoying timphan while drinking coffee is very delicious, especially while relaxing. Aceh coffee is already well-known among coffee enthusiasts. For example, coffee Gayo or Ulee Kareng. For beverage variants, there is black coffee, milk coffee, pull coffee and sanger coffee mixed with milk. The usual uniqueness of coffee is made by pulling and using a special filter.
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 9 others
1 reply
· @sherylneil ·
Life in the Province
One of my favorite things in my hometown is the spectacular sunset.This Gorgeous photos was taken in our neighborhood. I always appreciate it’s beautiful and siren surroundings and it’s charming people. 


Riding a Pedicab tricycle is one of the best way to explore the area and my favorite hobby too. It is a common mode of transportation in my village for short distances. 


What sets this wonderful community is the simplicity way of life, away from the noise and the modern city. Where children prefer to play outdoors rather on their gadgets. 


They always say ***We don’t appreciate things until they’re gone***. I live in the modern city and I always appreciate my hometown and remembers it whenever I’m back in UAE.   

Before i forget this picture, My village, *San fabian* is known for its fresh produce, A freshly picked, organically grown giant Jackfruit is a gift from our neighbor.


The famous snack, Banana spring roll. Yum!


It’s always the simple things that makes it beautiful. Simply marvelous.
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 36 others
5 replies
· @abdullahj ·
#ulog 18 Keindahan berfoto di Rel Kereta Api Kecamatan Gandapura
Selamat siang para #ulogger dimanapun anda berada, marilah meningkatkan ukhwah dalam  berbagi flatform yang terbaik ini untuk memberikan penyegaran jika kita dalam bentuk terarahnya cara kita menulis di steemit ini.



<hr> ![image](<hr>

Semoga kita di sini membangun silaturrahmi dan silaturrahim antar sesama stemians yg ada di flatform terhebat ini, sehingga bisa kita saling membagi satu sama lain.


Baru hari ini saya mulai bangkit dari derasnya ombak air yg dasyat dalam mengarungi dunia ini.mudah-mudahan ada yang bisa berkerja sama dan sama -sama kita bekerja untuk membantu satu sama lain..


## This post has been created to share it with the entire @ulogs @surpassinggoogle @teardrops community, thank you very much for your continuous support in our daily lives

<tr><td>Theme</td><td><b>Photo Enjoying the View of Mount Salak </b></td></tr>
<tr><td>Camera</td><td><b>Samsung Galaxy J36 Pro</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>Location</td><td><b>Gandapura, Aceh, Indonesia</b></td></tr>

### Regards :@abdullahj
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 10 others
· @radjasalman ·
Bu prang atau nasi kucing
*Hai Steemian*
Bu prang atau dikenal juga dengan istilah nasi kucing masih sangat diminati masyarakat Aceh saat sarapan pagi. 
Selain rasanya yang nikmat, porsi yang pas, harga juga sangat terjangkau. Satu porsi bu prang biasanya hanya 5 ribu rupiah, setengah dari harga Seporsi nasi lainnya. Nasi bungkus yang Ekonomis ini punya nama yang berbeda-beda menurut penye utan daerah masing-masing.
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 60 others
· @radjasalman ·
Bahsa geutanyoe
*Hai Steemian*
Bahsa aceh bahsa waresan indatu pusaka budaya bangsa nyang wajeb tabudayakan sampoe aneuk cucoe. 
Bahsa aceh jeut keu bahsa peuikat geutanyoe adak pih tengoh dilua aceh atawa dilua Indonesia.
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 88 others
2 replies
· @maulida · (edited)
Tape, Traditional Snack of Nusantara

Tape or tapai is a snack which we easily find in Indonesia, especially when Islamic holidays. The tape in the photo is sticky tape type, wrapped in "bamban or bemban leaf". 

Not all sticky tapes are wrapped in braids, the leaves used are various. Depending on the area and resources available.

>***Follow @maulida for more information of Indonesia.**
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 16 others
2 replies
· @thekitchenfairy · (edited)
Culture Vulture at 2019 World Fair

<center><a href='!/v/thekitchenfairy/sm737qcu'><img src=''></a></center><hr>

Hi Guys!

Our small town held their annual World Fair yesterday and I recorded a little to show you guys of the countries booths and whatnot.

It was a nice day but too bad windy, so a bit uncomfy for the booths and visitors, you know. In fact now I can feel my throat is hurting as if I have a sharp fork poking :-/

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="!/thekitchenfairy/sm737qcu" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

My boys wore Indonesia national clothing, called Batik, but of course, since windy, they had their sweaters on so the Batik were not shown lololol

<hr><a href='!/v/thekitchenfairy/sm737qcu'> ▢️ DTube</a><br /><a href=''> ▢️ IPFS</a>
πŸ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 59 others
3 replies