imagine | Recent

· @aishamoni ·
imagination power
Our minds contain a tremendous amount of imagination power. It takes us into new worlds where anything is possible and beyond the boundaries of reality. To imagine is to see in our mind's eye something that is not in the real world around us.  In this fantasy world, we paint the picture with the colors of our dreams and hopes.

[Photo collect unsplash](

 We can think of many wonderful things while imagining.  For example:

 1. **Dream World**: We can imagine a world where peace and happiness prevail.

 2. **Fantastic Inventions**: We can imagine some inventions that can make mankind's life easier and more beautiful.

 3. **Space travel**: We can imagine traveling in space, searching for new planets and stars.

 4. **Beautiful Relationship**: We can imagine a relationship where everyone shows love and respect to each other.

Our ability to think creatively and imaginatively is honed and entertained by our imaginations. Our minds explore novel concepts and possibilities when we imagine. We are inspired and guided in new ways by these imaginations.

The capacity to envision is an interesting quality among us. It removes us from the constraints of the real world and opens up an infinite amount of possibilities in our minds. Therefore, we ought to recognize the power of imagination and utilize it to enhance the beauty of our lives.
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2 replies
· @flexbooth ·
John Lennon's son is a self-described AnCap? How did I not know this?

"AnCap is the only logical result of the non aggression [principle]. I am a pacifist so therefore an anarchist." --Sean Lennon

We need to get him to renounce the song "Imagine".

It's an unrealistic utopian communist loving claptrap.

If his son is an An-Cap, he believes in self-ownership. That one is their own property, and that property justly acquired is an extension of that. No possessions, no individuality, no personal relationship with God... that's all antithetical to the philosophy that Lennon's son claims to believe in.

There's times I enjoy the song, actually, and take from it what meanings I choose. But it is very WEF-- "in the future you will own nothing, and you will be happy" kind of evil.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 37 others
· @haejin ·
If this plays out....fortunes can be made.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 101 others
· @wakeupkitty ·
Imagine that you are a columnist and write for the Volkskrant (volk = people). 
The name already says it, a newspaper for the people. It probably couldn't be better, provided the people also read that paper and your column.
There are elections. Of course you wrote about them. You believe that as a columnist you have the right to express your opinion. Not only because you are a writer, or because you have the right to freedom of expression, but also because you are a man and a foreigner. Someone who was lucky enough to be educated by the new home country and therefore now knows exactly what your rights are. 

This is a great plus for those one to two generations younger than me.
My generation had to remain silent, integrating was the keyword, adapting, tackling and not whining. The word 'discriminate' may have existed, but it was not something that came up in our mind or the first thing we said. Even if we were wronged, we remained silent. After all, there is always a big difference between being right (having the law on your side) and getting your right, as my lawyer told me decades ago. 

Back to those elections. 
It may well be that you, as a columnist, wrote about it, but did not vote. Experience shows that no matter what you vote for, the outcome is always the same. As a columnist, you also dedicated a few words to the elections the day before that big event. At the same time, you made it clear what your thoughts are about people with different voting behaviour. 

The great thing about a columnist is that as long as your text is published, it doesn't matter whether only two people read it or 2,500, because you get paid anyway.
A decent columnist cares little about his readers. The columnist writes because he has something to share, something on his mind. By the time the article has been printed, he is already busy with something else. 
No writer bothers to read all the comments. That is just a waste of time, energy and it affects creativity. 

A day after the elections, the political party you don't like appears to have won. The election poll was wrong. I personally think that this in itself means nothing because the current parties that govern together have the majority. What the people want doesn't count either. We all know that. After all, it is not without reason that the people's referendum was taken away, and the past three to four years made many sleepingheads wake up. 

However, the imaginary columnist mentioned earlier is furious.
He does not hide his anger. "If that party starts ruling, I will stop being a columnist", he reports on X.
All I can think is: Great! I hope you stop right now since anyone who only has a big mouth when he thinks he is safe and protected should not be writing for a newspaper. Anyone who cannot respect the opinion of the people should certainly not write for a newspaper meant for the 'plebs', and certainly not live in this country. 

This country is a country that hosts foreigners for hundreds of years and together we are the people. Each one of our votes should count equally. If you ask me there should also be some loyalty towards the new homeland if it's that bad why stay? The world is big enough. Manipulating the people is below par. 

I'm certainly not going to beg this columnist to stay. I would say: Go! A hundred others can take your place. There are plenty of people who are flexible enough to write about a possible new era, who can imagine new worlds, and see this as an opportunity, a challenge to write about. Writers like these make people look forward to reading them which can only do the already abandoned newspaper good.

![20231123_152559.jpg]( photo was taken by me._

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 6 others
· @abde100 ·



对于不会说中文的人来说,语言障碍可能会变成一出喜剧。想象一下尝试解读中文字符 - 就像尝试阅读《黑客帝国》的源代码!你可能会不小心点了一份猪蹄而不是鸡肉。













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· @putinstalin ·
Elon Musk "Imagineland"
· @hassan920 · (edited)
heart in cup
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· @jjangwh7696 ·
에릭 요한슨 사진전
부산에 사진전을 갔다왔다

아무도 없어서 우리끼리 천천히 즐기고왔다

에릭 요한슨이라는 작가의 작품이였다

사진인듯 합성인듯 생각을 많이하게되는 사진들

독특하고 기발한 상상력

아름답고 놀라웠다

보이는것을 보이는 데로 보지않는 그

나도 닮고싶다

감사합니다 사진전의 인연으로 오늘도 충전완료!!

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1 reply
· @mamun123456 · (edited)
Writing competition "130"The Unknown Fort"
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<h2><Center>Hello steemins</Center></h2>

 <b>good morning everyone how are you everyone  Of course you are fine, this beautiful competition caught my eye in the morning, and I participate in this competition most of the time.  The competition calls for sharing stories about many beautiful topics, and I always try to share stories that really resonate with everyone.

 Similarly, today I am going to share a story about an unknown fort and an unknown structure.  I think you will like it very much.

![21PRtjKRXPQybj4WUXScWv5QPLninWRxfbcWNsx7SenD7FsWPPUWFxLgWFAbeFPE2YhN52ziRpWY9pbBK21TQ6vzg37k29i2QRQ4DZGHGAeJ3jRsZT7XofkDXRRyPHM5MZZGuawcPbKg6aFfmAmtyF4.jpeg](<Center>[Digital art made by @xpilar](</Center>

 Many years ago people were very curious about these mostly mysterious unknown forts.  An unknown fort was built at a place that was very mysterious to people at that time.

 There was a forest, a forest where people usually didn't go much.  Because the forest is already very scary for people, because no one knows what is hidden inside the forest.  So the forest is always mysterious, and inside this mysterious forest a fort was built, which people had no idea about.

Only a few people knew about this fort, a stone structure built in the jungle.  Which is really scary and mysterious.

 There was some mysterious power inside that fort, a mysterious power that terrified people all the time.  Even then, people did not go around the fort very much, because it was built so secretly, that it was built inside the forest to avoid the eyes of people.  Speculation starts inside people, which is actually what is inside that fort why people do not go to it.

 The fort was built inside the forest in such a way that such a design was not commonly seen at that time.  A completely unknown architecture from a mix of different civilizations and eras.

 The walls of the fort were made entirely of stone, and there were designs on that stone that people liked very much. But even if they liked, no one could enter the fort.  Only a few people were allowed inside the fort, who built it and knew from the beginning.

 Day by day that fort started getting known to people.  Rumor has it, a fort has been built inside a forest where no one can enter.  And people can't take things.  So some people tried to enter the fort.  They set out to uncover the secret of the fort.

And some men succeeded, in that they boldly entered the fort without fear of life, and examined the rooms and every place of the fort.  Some people claimed that they spent the whole night inside the fort but did not see anything terrible.  However, they heard some sounds, which they called ghost sounds among people.

 Such a mystery arose in some people, they wandered among people that there are some mineral resources inside that fort.  Which are very expensive in the current market, and many people tried to go to that fort at the risk of their lives due to the greed of these riches.  Many would succeed and many would fail.

 But unfortunately no one has been able to provide accurate information about that unknown mysterious fort till today.  But there is hope in people's minds that in fact there is still a lack of new discoveries in this world, there are unknown mysterious castles that always remind people that there are many more mysterious creatures living in this world that mankind is not the only one.

 The castle remains mysterious to this day, a place where both dreams and reality exist.
 It stands as a testament to the unknown forces, but we believe that only those who dare to embark on the journey will uncover the secrets that have been hidden for centuries.


 However, friends, I have shared a short story about a long unknown relationship with you.  I hope you like it, everyone will be fine and healthy. Thank you.</b>

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4 replies
· @riverbank ·
Some Thoughts of a Marriageable Educated Girl.
Why does a girl who has bad looks, father has no money, is a bad student herself, has somehow passed honors-masters, why does she want to get a son of a high-class, talented, well-established, polite, well-educated family as a husband?

 What is the reason for girls to be so surprised?  The reason for this is that the parents did not feed the child with ghee and rice when she was a child, because of this the girl's intelligence is short, she understands less.

 If you want to marry an educated, talented and established boy from a polite-elegant-educated family, you have to maintain that level in your family, you have to practice courtesy and mannerism from a young age, you have to make your family members educated, polite and elegant, you have to change the environment of the house,  One has to have a reputation as a gentleman in the area, then these things can be expected.

 Uneducated himself, other members of the family are also in the same situation, in such a situation, these are nothing but illusions.  Yes, that's what reality says.
1 reply
· @riverbank ·
Some Thoughts of a Marriageable Educated Girl.
Why does a girl who has bad looks, father has no money, is a bad student herself, has somehow passed honors-masters, why does she want to get a son of a high-class, talented, well-established, polite, well-educated family as a husband?

 What is the reason for girls to be so surprised?  The reason for this is that the parents did not feed the child with ghee and rice when she was a child, because of this the girl's intelligence is short, she understands less.

 If you want to marry an educated, talented and established boy from a polite-elegant-educated family, you have to maintain that level in your family, you have to practice courtesy and mannerism from a young age, you have to make your family members educated, polite and elegant, you have to change the environment of the house,  One has to have a reputation as a gentleman in the area, then these things can be expected.

 Uneducated himself, other members of the family are also in the same situation, in such a situation, these are nothing but illusions.  Yes, that's what reality says.
· @mercurysys ·
Imagine live in a world on peace



<center><img src=""></center>
<center><h3>I Imagine</h3></center>
<div class="text-justify">
<p>Today I come to talk to you about my concern for having a warmer world.</p>
<p>Actually, I am very concerned about the environment and having a world where every day we see how the ozone layer is being destroyed by the amount of chemicals and things that we actually use, it causes me high levels of anguish and anxiety, and I really believe that We must become aware and protect the world by trying to pollute much less, to take care of the ways in which we handle our waste.</p>
<p>We must create awareness in schools so that all our young people have a greater tendency to recycle. This is one of the ways in which we can improve the current situation, the consumer stage in which our planet finds itself.</p>
<p>We must also take into account the factor of love and empathy, because currently I see many people who do not put themselves in the shoes of others.</p>
<p>So many people are going through work, suffering from illnesses, going hungry, and many times we see people on the street who really need our help, that we collaborate with them.</p>
<p>We, either because of ego issues, simply because of mistrust, or because we believe that that person can solve their problem on their own, we do not take it into account and leave it that way.</p>
<p>So, we must put ourselves a little more in the shoes of others and help each other.</p>
<p>There is also the technology factor. With all this wave of the myriad of artificial intelligences, it is evident that through the correct use of this technology we can implement new processes, for example, to help us create a more empathetic world.</p>
<p>These technologies could be used rationally and, in this way, for example, would allow us to create new methods, new alternatives to purify the environment and take care of the ozone layer.</p>
<p>With the power that computers have, it is very likely that artificial intelligences could be faster and capable of contributing and helping us create a warmer world today.</p>
<p>We must not be cold in our hearts or in our minds and we can be the race of the future and live in a world where we all live in peace and harmony, as John Lennon and Yoko Ono&#39;s song &quot;Imagine&quot; says, imagining a world without war.</p>
<center><img src=""></center>
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· @borjaz ·
digital art
It is becoming easier for anyone to make artistic images with the new mobile apps.
I leave you a couple of images of myself made with the mobile and an artificial intelligence engine.


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· @helices ·
Philosophy 01613
Where you go wrong is that you imagine that your #reasons for living ought to fall on you, ready-made from heaven, whereas we have to find them for ourselves
· @puskarpuma ·
Imagine you as a evil
The strongest :

The scariest:

The deadliest:

Which one would you chose?
· @nikesh2705 ·
Imagine a scenario where we utilized the SBDs made consistently in the DAO to purchase and consume STEEM.
The scenario you described involves utilizing the DAO's stable coins (SBDs) to purchase and consume STEEM, a cryptocurrency that powers the Steem blockchain. If this was implemented, it would allow for more stability in the Steem ecosystem, as SBDs are pegged to the value of the US dollar, thereby reducing the volatility that is commonly associated with cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it would increase the demand for STEEM, potentially leading to an increase in its value. However, it is important to note that the success of this scenario would depend on a number of factors, including the overall market demand for STEEM, regulatory considerations, and the effectiveness of the mechanisms used to maintain the stability of the SBDs.

In this scenario, the DAO's SBDs would function as a medium of exchange for STEEM, allowing users to buy and sell the cryptocurrency without having to convert their funds to a fiat currency like the US dollar first. This could make the purchasing process more convenient for users and increase the overall accessibility of STEEM. Additionally, by using SBDs to purchase STEEM, the DAO could potentially reduce the risk of price volatility and provide a more stable platform for transactions and investments.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the success of this scenario would also depend on the ability of the DAO to maintain the stability of the SBDs and prevent them from experiencing significant price fluctuations. This could be achieved through a combination of algorithmic and market-based mechanisms, as well as proper management of the DAO's reserves. Additionally, the regulatory environment and overall market demand for STEEM would also play a role in the success of this scenario.

Additionally, using SBDs to purchase STEEM could also increase the use and adoption of the Steem blockchain. This is because the use of stable coins as a medium of exchange can attract a wider range of users who may be hesitant to use more volatile cryptocurrencies. As more users participate in the Steem ecosystem, the demand for STEEM could increase, potentially leading to a positive feedback loop that would drive further growth and adoption.

However, there may also be challenges associated with this scenario. For example, there could be issues related to scalability, as the Steem blockchain may not be able to handle a large influx of new users and transactions. There could also be security concerns, as the Steem network would need to be protected from malicious actors who may try to exploit vulnerabilities for their own gain.

In conclusion, the scenario of using SBDs to purchase and consume STEEM has the potential to increase stability, increase demand, and drive adoption of the Steem blockchain. However, it also requires careful consideration and management of the factors that could impact its success, such as maintaining the stability of the SBDs, addressing scalability and security concerns, and adapting to changes in the regulatory environment and overall market demand.

· @georgebrazil ·
You can't get rich!!! but... Imagine how much money you spent without having any
chance to win something? Spin Pay - Spin, Win, Serve.
The first fair platform that works with fast and instant payments.

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· @georgebrazil ·
Imagine how much money you spent without having any chance of winning anything? Spin Pay - Spin, Win, Serve.
You can't get rich!!! but... Imagine how much money you spent without having any chance of winning anything? Spin Pay - Spin, Win, Serve.
The first fair platform that works with fast and instant payments.
Register ==>
· @helices ·
Science 01529
We should always imagine that there is some non-zero likelihood for absolutely any #observation in absolutely any theory
· @helices ·
Science 01462
The #universe is not only queerer than we imagine - it is queerer than we can imagine