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· @franyeligonzalez ·
Hablemos de podcasts... NATURALMENTE SASCHA 🎧🌼 | #cotinahobbie
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#### Hola hola amigos de Cotina 🎧

> Buenas tardes para todos, espero estén muy bien, ¿Cómo los trata esta semana?, espero que tengan muchos planes y cosas por hacer. Mis mejores vibras para esos objetivos de la semana.💪

Quiero compartir con ustedes a través de la etiqueta del día #cotinahobbie, uno de mis más preciados pasatiempos, y es escuchar **podcasts**, como bien saben me gusta mucho aprender, siempre estar instruyendo mi mente, darle gasolina cada día jejeje, así que hoy quiero hablarles de uno de los mejores podcasts, el de mi querida **Sascha Fitness**, ¿Quién no la conoce?.😁✌

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El nombre del podcasts es: **NATURALMENTE SASCHA**.🌼

Este podcasts tiene poco tiempo, creo que inició hace unos 2 meses y medios, a penas va por el episodio #9, pero, sale todos los lunes a eso del medio día aquí en Colombia, y siempre lo disfruto mucho. Imagino que todo venezolan@ que me lea sabrá de quién estoy hablando jejeje, o sea todos conocemos a nuestra **Sascha fitness, una mujer espectacular, un ejemplo a seguir.**

Ella como el nombre de su canal es muy natural y sincera, la mujer que inició todo esto del tema fitness, porque hace muchos años esta tendencia no existia, emprendedora, empresaria, mamá, creadora de contenido, esposa, influencer, en fin, todos los buenos títulos que podamos encontrar jejeje. Y como pueden ver, yo la admiro mucho, una venezolana que nos representa en todos los sentidos!!💚

*Ahora sí, vámonos al tema de hoy, o el podcasts #9...*

| <center> Comentarios imprudentes 🙄😐</center>  |

Un tema que le habían pedido mucho cabe destacar jejeje, y que según ella, vive cada día de su vida. Los comentarios imprudentes no son más que esos que las personas te hacen en el momento menos adecuado, ya sea porque no es el lugar, porque no son quiénes para opinar sobre tu vida, porque quieren herirte o sencillamente porque pretenden hacer una gracias y les sale una morisqueta.

Y ojo, estoy segura de que muchos hemos caído en eso de manera inconsciente, porque quizás por querer ayudar a alguien metimos la pata y no nos dimos cuenta, o sencillamente hemos abierto la boca sin pensar si quiera en como se sentiría esa persona con nuestro comentario.

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Los comentarios pueden ser un arma muy letal cuando no se saben usar de manera adecuada, por ejemplo, una persona con algún trastorno alimenticio créeme que no necesita que le digas "estás más gordita o estás mas delgada", son personas que al igual que tú, tienen un espejo en su hogar.

Por otro lado, no sabes si eso que le acabas de decir podría reforzar su ansiedad o depresión en caso de que padezca de alguno de estos trastornos, o quizás está luchando esa batalla de bajar de peso y con tu comentario sencillamente anulaste su motivación y la hiciste recaer. **Debemos ser muy responsables con lo que le decimos a otros!!**

Y lo más cumbre de todo es que por lo general quiénes te hacen estos comentarios son las personas más cercanas a ti, y por ende son los comentarios que más duelen y que más tomamos en cuenta. Entonces, sin duda es importante tener presente que si nuestra opinión no va a sumar algo positivo, es mejor no darla, **si tu comentario no suena mejor que el silencio, no lo digas, así de simple.** (Frase de Sascha)



Creo que los cometarios que más nos ofenden o incomodan son cuando quieren opinar sobre nuestro cuerpo, o sobre nuestras metas, por ejemplo, "y el novio para cuando" o "y cuando te vas a casar y tener hijos", preguntas que no son problema de nadie, y que es probable que a la persona no le interese casarse o tener hijos, o que esté luchando una batalla por conseguir todo lo contrario. 

No todos queremos lo mismo, a veces las personas se sienten bien como están, y no necesitan más nada, no nos proyectemos con otros, y seamos más empáticos a la hora de expresarnos de alguien o de opinar sobre alguna situación, no sabemos cuál es la realidad real, enfoquémonos más en nosotros mismos, no siempre nuestra opinión es importante y necesaria.

> SOBRE LOS CUERPOS DE OTROS NO SE HABLA, todo lo que decimos tiene poder!!🤫

**Y para aquellos que reciben dichos comentarios**, es necesario amarnos cada día, ver lo positivo que tenemos realmente en nuestra vida, tener mucha inteligencia emocional y fortaleza mental, no dejar que las proyecciones o imprudencias de otros nos derrumben, aunque algunas veces sea difícil, es necesario.

El físico no lo es todo, recuerda que tu eres un ser humano hermoso, y que tus kilos menos o demás, tu profesión o el dinero que tienes, **no te definen**, lo que te define y lo importante es tu esencia, tu personalidad, tu forma de ser, tu carácter, lo que transmites a otros, eso es lo realmente importante, lo demás se puede trabajar y mejorar.

> No permitas que otros te hagan sentir mal con sus comentarios, ponles límites!!🙂


<sub><center>[Podcasts de Sascha fitness - Youtube]</center></sub>


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*No le demos tanto peso a lo que los demás puedan decir o pensar de nosotros, al contrario, trabaja en que no sea algo que te afecte o paralice, hoy día estamos expuestos a muchos estereotipos, y a personas imprudentes y sin empática, así que, sigue trabajando en ti y en ser mejor cada día.*

**Arriba les dejé el episodio por si lo quieren escuchar, se los recomiendo. Feliz día.** 😉


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· @franyeligonzalez ·
Importancia de los "Podcasts" en el mundo actual 🎧😁
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#### Hola hola querida comunidad 🙂

> Buenas noches mis bellos parceros, espero estén disfrutando de su viernes de aroma jejeje, yo he estado de guardia todo el día, pero también me di mi descansito de 3 horas jejeje, viendo series y relajada en mi  cuarto, porque no todo puede ser trabajo.

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un tema que me gusta mucho y son los **"Podcasts"**, no sé si alguien más suele escucharlos, pero en lo particular creo que son una gran herramienta para aprender cada día algo nuevo, además son muy entretenidos dependiendo de la temática que te guste por supuesto.

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#### ¿Son importantes los podcasts hoy día? 🤔

Totalmente, actualmente es un contenido muy buscado, muy solicitado, son tendencia, es más hasta yo estoy pensando sacar mi podcast jajaja, es un contenido que además de ser fácil de digerir por así decirlo, nos puede brindar muchas herramientas para mejorar en cualquier aspecto o ámbito de nuestra vida. Y en lo particular, me encantan, el internet puede ser nuestro mejor aliado si realmente queremos sacarle provecho.

Yo sigo a muchos creadores de contenido, influencers, y cada uno de ellos o por lo menos la mayoría tiene su propio podcast o comparte ese tipo de contenido con otro creador, por otro lado, es un contenido que podemos encontrar en audio o también en formato de vídeo, y en YouTube los puedes conseguir. En lo personal prefiero ver los vídeos porque soy más visual.

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Sin embargo, también he disfrutado de audios muy buenos, en Spotify podemos conseguirlos de manera gratuita y puedes escoger la temática que más te agrade. A mi por ejemplo me gusta mucho todo lo que tiene que ver con crecimiento personal, motivación, finanzas, creación de contenido, hasta clases de inglés puedes tener a la mano, de verdad que quién no aprende una nueva habilidad es porque no quiere jejeje.

**Dentro de las ventajas o beneficios de oír un podcasts puedo resaltar:**

- Hacerlo cuando estamos realizando cualquier actividad, desde limpiar u organizar tu hogar, hasta estar manejando, y esto obviamente te brinda nuevos conocimientos, mantiene tu mente activa, haciendo relaciones y educándose, punto muy importante para mi.

- Como ya lo comenté te permite "estar en constante aprendizaje", con cada nuevo episodio puedes aprender nuevas cosas, nuevas palabras, resolver dudas, tener otra visión de un tema en particular, puedes tener nuevos temas de conversación y no necesitas de un libro para poder hacerlo.

- Siempre lo tienes a la mano, porque desde cualquier teléfono puedes escuchar un podcasts y lo mejor de todo, es gratis en general jejeje. Así que no hay excusas.

- Te permite trabajar con la concentración y la memoria, es como poner en practica otro tipo de aprendizaje, y todo lo que implique tener nuestro cerebro activo, aprendiendo algo nuevo, sin duda le traerá buenos beneficios.



Como podemos ver este es un tipo de contenido muy interesante y que actualmente está de moda, es tendencia, es muy importante para un creador de contenido brindarle a su audiencia un nuevo formato, mantenerlos constantemente interesados, poder llegar a ellos en diferentes formas, tenemos youtube, tik tok, instagram y ahora también plataformas de audio para podcasts. 

Y un dato importante, no necesitas pagar nada para poder crear uno, solo necesitas tiempo, interés y por supuesto, un nicho (o temática de la cuál hablarás) y te recomiendo una comunidad activa. 😁

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*Puede que todas estas plataforma cada vez nos hagan más dependientes de ellas, pero creo que la raíz del problema depende mucho de para que son utilizadas, en qué tipo de vídeos o información inviertes tu tiempo, si lo haces para aprender algo te aseguro que jamás perderás tu tiempo, al contrario, ganarás mucho.*

#### Cuéntame, ¿Te gustan los podcasts? 😎

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· @arcticsunburn ·
Question for YOU

Don't leave me hanging!
2 replies
· @shawkydawood ·
कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध हैं।

दुनिया भर में, पॉडकास्ट अधिक से अधिक लोकप्रिय हो रहे हैं। इसकी विशिष्ट वितरण विधि (सदस्यता लेने के बाद पीसी पर एमपी 3 गीतों का स्वचालित डाउनलोड) और इसे अपने साथ लेने और पोर्टेबल संगीत खिलाड़ियों के माध्यम से कहीं भी सुनने की क्षमता इसके लगातार बढ़ते ग्राहक आधार में कारक हैं। हर कोई स्वाभाविक रूप से इस विचार से आकर्षित होता है कि सब कुछ मुफ़्त है, खासकर जब आप इस शानदार नए कार्यक्रम तक पहुंचने के लिए कितना सरल मानते हैं। पॉडकास्ट सुनने का वास्तव में आनंद लेने के लिए, एक पोर्टेबल खिलाड़ी केवल एक वैकल्पिक उपकरण है और इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है; जो कुछ भी आवश्यक है वह एक इंटरनेट कनेक्शन और एक कंप्यूटर है।

ऑनलाइन इतने सारे पॉडकास्ट सुलभ हैं जो इतने सारे अलग-अलग शैलियों को कवर करते हैं। वास्तविकता में, पॉडकास्ट पर उपलब्ध शैलियों सामान्य रेडियो कार्यक्रमों की तुलना में काफी अधिक विविध हैं। हालांकि, तथाकथित कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट सबसे अच्छी तरह से पसंद किए जाने वाले पॉडकास्ट उपशैलियों में से एक हैं। इंटरनेट पर कोई भी पॉडकास्ट उलटी गिनती नियमित रूप से इन प्रकार के पॉडकास्ट को बहुत ऊपर रखती है। यह दिखाता है कि यह कितना लोकप्रिय है।

कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट दुनिया भर में इतने सारे कंप्यूटर उपयोगकर्ताओं और पॉडकास्ट श्रोताओं के हित और प्रशंसक आधार को आकर्षित करने के लिए क्यों दिखाई देते हैं, इसके लिए विभिन्न स्पष्टीकरण हो सकते हैं। पॉडकास्ट का हल्का टोन और हास्यास्पद विषय जो कवर किए गए हैं, प्रारूप के लिए आदर्श हैं। कॉमेडिक पॉडकास्ट भी हैं जो विशिष्ट सेलिब्रिटी साक्षात्कार संरचना लेते हैं और इसे कुछ मनोरंजक में बदल देते हैं। अपने आप को काम पर एक विशेष रूप से कठिन दिन होने या भीड़-घंटे के यातायात में फंसने और असहनीय होने का इंतजार करने की कल्पना करें। अपने पोर्टेबल संगीत खिलाड़ी पर मनोरंजक बैंटर या कमेंट्री सुनना उन असहज संवेदनाओं को कम करने के लिए बहुत कुछ कर सकता है। आप हास्य के साथ तनाव या एकरसता से बचने में सक्षम हो सकते हैं। अपने पोर्टेबल प्लेयर पर संगीत के साथ मिश्रण करने के लिए एक शानदार पॉडकास्ट शैली कॉमेडी है। अपने पसंदीदा संगीत को सुनने के बाद, आप उन अपमानजनक कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट का आनंद ले सकते हैं और आनंद ले सकते हैं।
एक सिर्फ एक कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट का चयन करने के लिए संघर्ष करेगा क्योंकि बहुत सारे अलग-अलग उपलब्ध हैं। निम्नलिखित सूची में वेब पर कुछ शीर्ष कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट शामिल हैं:

यूके में कार्यालय के विनोदी स्टार रिकी गेर्वैस की विशेषता वाले पॉडकास्ट ने पॉडकास्ट का उत्पादन शुरू कर दिया है। कांग्रेस अब भी खुश है। यह ब्रिटिश कॉमेडी का एक शीर्ष स्तर है।

अपने साप्ताहिक रेडियो संबोधन में, राष्ट्रपति यह अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति से प्रसारित साप्ताहिक रेडियो की आधिकारिक पैरोडी है। ये चतुर लेखक हर हफ्ते राष्ट्रपति बुश के साप्ताहिक संबोधन को पैरोडी करते हैं।

समलैंगिक फन शो के दो मेजबान, जिसकी तुलना पॉडकास्ट की लव बोट से की गई है, राजनीतिक कॉमेडी को एक अचूक समलैंगिक स्वाद देते हैं। ये लोग अपने स्वयं के समलैंगिक दर्द के साथ विभिन्न सेलेबियों का साक्षात्कार करते हैं।
एक और शीर्ष पायदान ब्रिटिश कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट कॉमेडी 365 है। सबसे अच्छी तरह से पसंद किए जाने वाले ब्रिटिश कॉमेडी पॉडकास्ट में से एक को ऑनलाइन देखने पर विचार करें।

मार्टिन सार्जेंट द्वारा; संक्रमित मार्टिन सार्जेंट, टेकटीवी के मेजबान, दर्शकों को अपने पागल और मनोरंजक बुद्धि के साथ सबसे नवीन, विनोदी और विचित्र ऑनलाइन सामग्री के दौरे पर ले जाता है।
· @noxsoma ·
Episode 969
Full Metal Ox Day 904
Renaissance Year Episode 969


Podcasting is still kind of a wild West, emphasis on free speech frontier. People can get on the mic and talk about anything, as seen in this series.
Because podcasters are people, mostly, and people are people I tend to hear the same stuff over and over again. Take Maui for example. We're not getting into that today, but you've seen the same pix and heard the same analysis, rumors, conjecture and coincidences. This is positive from our simulation. 
There are however some podcasters that lose their composure when they get "cancelled" or a "glitch" occurs. 
Then, somehow, we get into aliens. You must watch and discern to dig that sugue. 
Then we hit the park. 
Remember, it's a day for lunatics so go out there a be looney! 

Enjoy. Subscribe. Share. Like. Don't freak out! You can now support the channel via Venmo @noxsoma Thank you. 

Or... Subscribe on 

SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma

Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Truth Social truthsocial.com/@noxsoma 
YouTube channel: 

Million dollar Crypto fund raiser.




YouTube: The Fitness Journey: Fortnight Fitness, Summer Sculpting. Follow me and decide if it's working. We're keeping the 14 (a fortnight) latest workout sessions linked for You! Witness the process & the progress. 

Runday in the Park: Session 10

Park Session 9

Monkey Bars Business Session 23

Leg bomb in the Park Session 8

Tuesday Special Monkey Bars Business 22

Runday Monday: Park Session 7

Healing Field Work: Park Session 6

Monkey Bars Session 21

Leg Bomb Thursday slow deadlifts
Episode 107

Thick Back Tuesday: Gymmy Jamm Episode 106

100% Vanity Day Gymmy Jamm Episode 105

Legs & Shoulders Gymmy Jamm Season 5 Episode 104

Park Sessions 5:23 Third Runner Up 

SDL Game: Gymmy Jamm Episode 103

Tough Top Tuesday: Gymmy Jamm Episode 102

Be inspired. Share this episode with seven friends. Seven is a sacred number..

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com 
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

 Living is the best part of life.
· @markrhunter ·
Casting For the Pod You Love
I listen to a fair amount of podcasts, which is interesting considering ten years ago I didn't know what a podcast was.

About that long ago Emily bought me my first iPod, to listen to music while walking or doing chores.

It was called an iPod Shuffle and it still works, despite being over two hundred in electronics years. But it sits in a desk drawer, because although you can play music in order or shuffle it at random, there's no way to better pick what to listen to, in what order. That became a big deal when I started with podcasts, basically radio shows you can download off the internet. Since I have an eclectic list of interests, I wanted to be able to pick the order.


So for my birthday several years ago Emily bought me an updated model. It gives you much better control of the what and when, plus you can load it with photos and videos and other stuff, something I've never done. Although the battery is fading, it still works.

But now I mostly listen to podcasts on my phone, because why carry two devices when you can carry one?

There's a danger in running your brain 24/7; sometimes you need to stop the input and let it rest a little. Just the same, I've found listening to something makes chores like lawn mowing go faster, and helps out when I walk or run. Oh, who am I kidding? Walk.

So, what kind of podcasts do I listen to? I thought you'd never ask.

There's something called podcast fade, and some of the ones I used to like have faded away in time. But plenty others are still going strong, and most of my favorites--of course--involved writing:

I Should be Writing is by SF author Mur Lafferty, and is aimed more at beginning writers. Lafferty shares her own struggles with writing and publishing, not to mention depression and other related challenges.

Ditch Diggers: Lafferty is joined by author Matt Wallace for a more advanced writing podcast, which covers more of the business end of the industry. As their theme song says, they pull no punches.

Writing Excuses: It's fifteen minutes long, because "You're in a hurry, and we're not that smart". A group of authors goes over every aspect of writing. Sometimes they spend too much time on the politically correct for my taste, but it's not a bad thing to hear what people have to say on various issues.

Shipping and Handling: Two literary agents sip wine and discuss their industry and their jobs. Sometimes they spend too much time on national politics, but otherwise it's a great look into the minds of agents and how the business works from their end.

The Writer's Digest Podcast They don't seem to be podcasting anymore, and neither does Harlequin: Meet the Editors, but you might still be able to glean interesting tidbits from their older shows.

Smart Author with Mark Coker: This one's about book marketing and self publishing, which isn't surprising when you realize Coker is the founder of self-publishing powerhouse Smashwords.


Of course, there's more to life than writing, although you wouldn't think that to talk to me.

ID10T with Chris Hardwick is a talk show with uber geek Hardwick, who has far ranging conversations with, well, everybody--actors, authors, comedians, singers, you name it. One of my favorites was Max Brooks, author and son of the legendary Mel Brooks, who's just as fast on his feet as his dad. I don't spend a lot of time on pop culture, but Hardwick seems to be a genuinely nice guy and a joy to listen to.

Nutty Bites: My first podcast experience was with my friend Tabz of Strangely Literal, and she led me to Nutty and her husband Tech, and don't Canadadians have strange first names? You boot, they do. Nutty holds fourth with her friends on various nerd subjects, and this is where I go when I just want to have fun.

Planetary Radio: I love space stuff. This, the podcast of the not for profit Planetary Society, looks into the tech, politics, and science of space exploration, very much one of my earliest interests.

The History Chicks: Two ladies talk about history--specifically, women of history. I love history, and women ain't too bad either. Sometimes they're surprisingly squeamish about how things were done back in the day, but they don't pull any punches--and by the time they're done, you'll be squeamish about the good old days, too. But you can learn a lot in a fun way, about women ranging from Queens of England, to a Chinese pirate (yes, female), to authors, inventors, and murderers. You probably won't be surprised about how seldom the ladies get the historical credit they earned.

The Bladtcast: Christian Bladt was Dennis Miller's sidekick on Miller's podcast, and when Bladt started one of his own I moved over there with him. Not literally. He and his cast of friends basically nerd out (often obscenely) about various fandoms ranging from movies and comics to sports, and it's another one I listen to for the fun of it.

How about you all? Any favorite podcasts to recommend? There are a million of them out there.

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· @sumitsi5800 ·
YouTube Music will Soon Feature Podcasts
YouTube content makers will have the astonishing an open door to transfer sound digital recordings by means of RSS channels.
<a href="https://www.thenexthint.com/youtube-music-will-soon-feature-podcasts/25545/">READ MORE</a>
· @sohagmia ·
Best Startup Podcasts
Are you a budding entrepreneur looking for the best podcasts to listen to and gain inspiration? Look no further! iKooru has compiled a list of the top [best startup podcasts](https://ikooru.com/best-startup-podcasts/) that are sure to provide you with tips, tricks, and advice on how to get your business off the ground. 


From start-up stories to interviews with experienced entrepreneurs, these podcasts will equip you with all the knowledge you need about running your own venture. Whether it’s advice on financing or marketing strategies, these podcasts offer useful information and valuable insights. You can learn from both successes and failures of others to better prepare yourself for success in your own startup journey. 

So tune in now for some of the best podcasts available for aspiring entrepreneurs! Hear from industry experts who understand the struggles that come along with launching a new business.

## Here are some of the best startup podcasts to listen to:

* "How I Built This" by NPR - focuses on the stories behind successful companies and the entrepreneurs who built them.
* "StartUp" by Gimlet Media - a podcast series that follows the creation of a startup company from beginning to end.
* "The Pitch" by Gimlet Media - a show that gives entrepreneurs the chance to pitch their businesses to a panel of investors.
* "The Tim Ferriss Show" - Tim interviews successful entrepreneurs, investors, and other business leaders about their strategies for success.

### Here is a guide to help startups:

* Research your market: Understand your target audience, competition, and the current market demand for your product/service.
* Define your unique value proposition: What sets your startup apart from others in the market?
* Build a solid team: Surround yourself with talented and motivated individuals who can help bring your vision to life.
* Create a business plan: A well-defined business plan helps to stay focused, make informed decisions, and secure funding.
* Test and validate your idea: Try to validate your idea through market research, prototyping, and customer feedback before fully launching your business.
* Network: Attend events, meet with potential partners and investors, and seek advice from successful entrepreneurs in your industry.
* Stay flexible: Be open to pivoting your strategy if necessary, and be willing to adapt to changes in the market.
* Seek funding: Consider various funding options such as angel investors, venture capital, crowdfunding, and government grants.
* Stay focused: Keep your eye on the goal, stay productive, and avoid distractions that can take you away from your business objectives.
* Never stop learning: Keep up with industry trends, attend events, and continuously educate yourself to stay ahead of the competition.
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· @answerswithjoe · (edited)
Making A Decision With Matt Ferrell - Episode 20
Matt Ferrell is the host of the YouTube channel Undecided With Matt Ferrell, where he talks about cutting edge technology, especially sustainable energy and battery advancements. You can find his channel at https://www.youtube.com/@UndecidedMF
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· @beelzebubba ·
Bill Maher claims he sides with conservatives, but I think he is pandering
Bill Maher isn't as bad as almost all of the other late night talk show hosts in his liberalism but lately he has been appearing on my newsfeeds as parroting conservative talking points almost to the point where he seems to be a conservative of sorts.   Like most people who somewhat pay attention to what is going on with political pundits, I bought into it as well because I think that the people who write the news that I read were just so amazed and happy that they had a new "convert" from the left on their side.  

I don't think that is what is really going on here and I think he kind of revealed his true colors when he was a recent podcast with Joe Rogan.


I suspect that a lot of people who are in the entertainment or news industry don't really have any morals or standpoints on things but they simply choose who their target audience is going to be and then run with that.  In the past 6 years or so we have seen a majority of the media go extremely far left and while I would like to believe that Maher actually is one of the sensible ones, I think that there is probably a better chance that he saw an opportunity to set himself apart from the pack by pretending to be a centrist or even conservative in some situations.  

I don't believe that his sentiment is genuine; especially since he was one of the ones leading the pack to play the usual "our entire show is about bashing Donald Trump" card just like everyone else.   I think that he and his team looked at the diminishing numbers that a lot of these shows were seeing because of this stance and decided to dial it back a bit and see if they could manage to hang onto a larger audience and while I have not dug into the numbers, I think it has worked for him.  He at least appeared to be someone who sat on the fence and had an open mind about all things in politics.   I felt that way until I listened to him on the Joe Rogan Experience over the past couple of days.


I think that most reasonably intelligent people can see why it is that Rogan is the new "king of all media."  It is because Joe doesn't try to convince people of anything nor does he claim to have the high ground on any issue.  For the most part, Joe doesn't even claim to know more than his guests do and has them on in order to ask questions so that he, and his audience, can attempt to learn more about it.   This is true whether or not the conversation is about politics, covid, or MMA.   Joe sits back and lets the guests talk rather than try to run the conversation or trick the guests into a sound byte that is so common whenever a guest is on other talk shows.

Conservatives are very hesitant to appear on liberal shows and liberals are very hesitant to appear on conservative shows with good reason:  They realize that it is a trap and the hosts are going to do everything in their power to try to make them look stupid.   Joe never does this regardless of whether or not he agrees with his guests and this is the reason why Joe is able to get people on his show from all across the spectrum.   This is not something that Fox, MSNBC, CNN, or others would be able to do because the people in question would turn down the invitation.   What we end up with on all those other shows is just a bunch of people agreeing with one another and therefore, nobody ever learns anything.

Now on to why I think Maher is a fraud as was revealed in his recent podcast with Joe Rogan.  

At the very start of the show Bill kept talking about how he and Joe are a rarity in that they are some of the few people out there that can talk about certain points without losing their cool and are willing to listen to an opposing view calmly and have a discussion about it.  

It was only about 10 minutes later before Maher broke exactly that rule.   Maher brought up climate change and how Republicans don't believe in it - which might be true for a lot of them but it is unfair to lump everyone into one category.   Joe then told Bill Maher than he has recently had guests on his show who have very different views on climate change in the past month or so and then started to talk about a world-renowned physicist who is considered an expert on the subject that was on his show and demonstrated with thousands of years of evidence that the fluctuations in climate are a natural phenomenon that we have evidence has occurred many times before.

Bill immediately went on the defensive and refused to listen to any of what Joe had to say.  He started interrupting Joe whenever Rogan was talking even though Joe was simply reading part of what the guy had said.  Joe was not interjecting his own opinion on the subject but was simply reading what this guy had said and was recommending that both Maher and the listeners to at least check out what this scientist, who has dedicated his life to the subject, has to say.   Maher was completely uninterested in even listening to the information because unlike what he had said **just minutes ago** he has already made his mind up about this topic and is unwilling to hear any information to the contrary.  

This happened again a bit later in the show when they briefly talked about Covid and Maher even brought up Ivermectin and how it is completely ineffective in preventing the virus.   As you might be aware this is something that landed Rogan in the news for quite some time because one of the many drugs that he took when he got Covid was Ivermectin.   

Joe, unlike Maher, did not become defensive and listened to Maher as he babbled on about how everyone needs to get vaccinated and listen to the CDC's advice.   Bill also dismissed Rogan's concerns about how the pharmaceutical industry has been raking in record profits from vaccine production.   

I think that Joe realized that even touching base on these topics was only going to make the show ugly and he moved on to other things but for me and any other conservatives that were listening I think the true colors of Maher were shown on that show:  He isn't really a centrist, he just pretends to be so that his show can get better ratings.  It is worth noting that Maher's ratings and audience is a mere drop compared to Rogan's waterfall of listeners.  

I guess you could say that I applaud Maher for coming on the show because he is one of the more famous liberals out there and yes, sometimes talks about things that make sense when he criticizes the left and how crazy they have become.   After listening to the podcast, I came to the conclusion that I think Maher is a fraud and only does these things for his own personal gain, not because he actually believes it.  

The episode in question is episode 1804 and you can listen to it for free on Spotify if you want to hear what it is that I am talking about.   I think that you will quickly realize that Maher is not who he claims to be if you just listen to a half hour of it.
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· @beelzebubba ·
The anti-Joe Rogan thing is stupid and it will not work
So here we go again with just about anything becoming a left vs. right thing and this is what is appearing to be the case with the most successful Podcaster of all time, Joe Rogan.  Main stream media, which becomes less and less mainstream as they days pass thankfully, really don't like Rogan because he absolutely destroys them in viewership.  

While they want to point the finger about how Joe is spreading misinformation I believe that even they are aware of the fact that the reason why people are tuning out from CNN, MSNBC, FOX etc is specifically because they themselves have been spreading misinformation for a very long time and the public has become increasingly aware of this over the years.  

When Neil Young demanded that either him or Joe Rogan had to go from Spotify, I think that was a pretty easy decision for Spotify to make as Neil Young was kind of a non issue.  I like this statement that someone had to say on Twitter I guess it is from.

![signal-2022-01-31-150829_001.jpeg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTo4o2rsk9t6UKQKfYcT9hq2f9ZroWPbhy3EcFFoLmRz1/signal-2022-01-31-150829_001.jpeg) </center> 

Joni Mitchell also decided to remove her music from Spotify, although there is some talk about how this was something that was actually determined was going to happen more than a year ago and she or her team is simply putting her in the fray in order to draw attention to her name.   I have no idea if that is true and I don't really care.  

There were some other artists who made the same decision but other than David Crosby, I've never heard of who the other people were.   There are also artists who don't actually have the legal capacity to remove their music because of contracts or because they don't actually own the rights to their own songs.  At the end of the day, I don't think that most people are going to care if these artists remove their music and Spotify probably wont either since Rogan gets Spotify far more listeners than all of these artists combined by a long shot.

There have been some funny pictures circulating in regards to this

![273022657_1868110773387734_1640899053630540663_n.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmaNVD4eqBU9cbYJGk6KYJZQYd8X7QgVV8a26CP3fm48dY/273022657_1868110773387734_1640899053630540663_n.jpg) </center> 

I like most people have Spotify, but I do not pay for a subscription and I don't really see the point in doing so.  Sure you have to deal with a commercial every now and then and can't make your own playlists but I honestly don't really care about that.  I'm not that addicted to technology and am pretty happy about this fact.  


What's so funny and predictable about all of this is that if you look at the political affiliation of all the people who actually are removing their music from Spotify, they are all lefties so far.  This is because Covid, just like anything else, became political a long time ago and the world is filled with idiots who can't see any further than their preferred political party in the United States.  I would imagine that most of the people who are now claiming that Rogan should be cancelled haven't even ever listened to his show and they should.

Joe doesn't try to convince anyone to think a certain way and he invites guests onto his show for all across the political spectrum and let's them do most of the talking.  Joe doesn't claim to be an expert and he really doesn't have a political affiliation.  He's kind of somewhere in the middle as I feel most sane people are there days.   

If by some strange twist of events Spotify were to censor Rogan, or fire him, Spotify would probably lose a lot of their overall audience and Joe could move to literally any platform, including one that he himself forms, and all of his followers would go over there.  Joe Rogan doesn't actually NEED Spotify, it's the  other way around.  

I think this is why Spotify hasn't really even said a great deal about this fiasco and are probably hoping that Joe wont either.  

Here's an idea:  If you don't like what Joe has to say on his shows, you don't have to listen to it.  We don't just get to ban anything or anyone that disagrees with us, ya jackasses.  Good riddance to Neil Young and whoever else follows suit.  These folks are only hurting themselves by doing this sort of thing.  Rogan cannot be defeated, deleted, or cancelled and to the people who are anti-Joe Rogan now, I challenge you to at least listen to a few of his shows because they are really entertaining and they make you think.   Maybe the thinking part is what annoys so many people out there.  Don't think!  Just comply!
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· @habertif ·
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· @anks2410 ·
Best Country Music Podcasts to Get You Started
Listening to Country music is a great way to connect with the genre and artists you love. However, if you're not sure where to start, there are some great podcasts out there. There are hundreds of them available, but we've compiled a list of our favorites that will help you find the best ones for your tastes. Try Cocaine & Rhinestones, hosted by Tyler Mahan Coe, for an educational take on the genre. If you love music and Nashville, check out Kelleigh Bannen's This Nashville Life for her insight into the music industry. <a href="https://www.lonestarplate.show/">texas podcast</a>


Best Country Music Podcasts to Get You
Traveling for the holidays can be long and boring, but you don't have to stay home for the holidays. Listening to country music podcasts will provide you with entertainment on the go without any distracting content. You can even learn a bit about the history of country music while listening to these great programs. This will help you make the most of your travel time and keep your mind occupied while traveling. You'll also get a chance to learn a lot about the genre and what makes it special.

Jill & Kate are a Nashville singer-songwriter duo who sung backup on Kelly Clarkson's recent album. Their podcast is centered around the world of country music and their lives. They have featured Charles Esten, who played Deacon Claybourne on the TV show Nashville. They've also invited their friends Christina and Stephanie to join them live in New York City. And if you have any spare time, this is a great way to unwind and listen to the best country music podcasts.

A good country music podcast is one that's both entertaining and informative. You'll be able to learn a lot about country music while learning a bit about the city itself. In addition to that, you'll learn a little bit about Nashville as well. For example, Curious Nashville is a popular podcast that focuses on the city's history and the people who live there. It's a fun way to stay informed on the world of country music.

Bobby Bones' Bobbycast is a nationally syndicated radio show that has a podcast following of over a million listeners. It features interviews with songwriters, producers, and artists in Nashville. Whether it's country music history or politics, you'll find a podcast for every taste. Enjoy! You'll love it! You'll also learn a lot about the history of the genre.

If you love country music, you can listen to podcasts about the history of the genre. Some country music podcasts focus on the history of the genre, while others offer an insider's view of the genre. This way, you'll be able to learn about the various artists and how they got started. The history of the genre will be discussed in depth. You'll be able to get an insight into the songwriters and their creative process.
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1 reply
· @dumb-news ·
Joe Rogan talks about how CNN can't and wont be honest with their news ever again
....and it made a great deal of sense when he did so.   In an episode that featured Tim Pool on Joe Rogan's wildly popular *The Joe Rogan Experience* the two sat down to discuss how CNN is extremely well-known to be extremely partisan and will stretch the truth, intentionally use misleading statistics, and always choose a particular one-sided opinion on just about anything they ever cover on the network.


I didn't listen to the entire podcast or whatever they are calling these shows on Spotify now but I listened to enough to hear something that I thought was a pretty profound insight as to how it is that CNN has gone all in on leftism and is unlikely to come back from it in order to be viewed as an honest source of news.  It is an interesting theory from a man who consistently calls himself an idiot, as Joe Rogan often claims, even though I think he is far more intelligent and open-minded than basically any news source out there.  

He talked about how CNN saw great success with their constant berating of Donald Trump and this in turn meant more money for the company.  When Trump was ousted, they saw their numbers plummet because Trump has mostly stayed a bit out of the public eye since the beginning of this year.  In my mind and many other people's this was probably a great opportunity for CNN to continue their attacks on whoever is in power, most notably the rather brain-dead person that is in the White House now... yet they don't, ever.   They cover up all of Joe's gaffes as much as possible and instead focus on other conservative voices out there in any way that they can and this is because of the fact that the market is inundated with news sources and CNN's remaining userbase tunes in to CNN specifically to hear things that reinforce what they already desperately want to believe is true.  If CNN were to change this strategy and all of a sudden actually made an effort to cover all sides of a story and allow the viewers to make up their own minds, they would risk ostracizing the few viewers that they still have left.  

Let's face it, CNN is probably correct in this business strategy because in this day and age, people have a lot of choices about where they are going to get their news.  So if someone is a hard core leftist, they NEED something like CNN in order to give them more ammunition for their deeply-rooted ideals.   I don't need to just talk about CNN with this, the same thing can be said for almost every other news source out there as well such as the biggest one of them all, Fox News.  CNN faces more scrutiny than anyone else because they are under the microscope of being "fake news" but the reality is that virtually every major news source is just as fake as CNN is.  

If Fox all of a sudden started to have a lot of liberal talking points and opinions on their shows (they do have some, like Geraldo Rivera) they would risk chasing away their viewers as well.  CNN is in a much more vulnerable position than Fox though, because there are MANY MORE liberal news outlets in existence than conservative ones.  If CNN were to all of a sudden change their entire format, it could spell the end of the company as a whole.

Honestly, I think that the days of network news are likely going to continue their downward spiral as fewer and fewer people actually believe that they are being told anything other than biased lies, regardless of what network they decide to listen to.  

 I hate CNN and feel as though anyone that takes what they have to say as gospel is likely a moron who doesn't actually care what the truth is, but simply wants to have some charismatic speaker give them nice catch-phrases so they can repeat these tings in public as if they were their own original thoughts.  

However, I realize that CNN has built a maze that they can't possibly get through or dug a hole that they can't get out of.  If they were to do an apology tour, admit they were wrong and promised to do better from this point forward and then ACTUALLY DID SO and started doing actual reporting, their echo-chamber followers would probably abandon them and move over to MSNBC or a plethora of other confirmation bias news sources out there that exist.  

They will never change the way they are and even though their numbers a dropping dramatically and are basically the laughing stock of the news world, they really don't have much of a choice anymore at this point.  

Joe Rogan opened my eyes to this and even though he claims he doesn't know what he is talking about, more sense comes out of this guy than all of the people at CNN combined.... maybe this is why he routinely has an audience many times the size of all of most of CNN's shows combined.

From the one hour or so of the recent interview with Tim Pool there was a of great points made.  If you want to listen to it, for free, you can do so [here](https://podtail.com/podcast/the-joe-rogan-experience/-1737-tim-pool/) and [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1vnRz7xfy27VFTHVeK740V).  You will need to get a free Spotify account in order to listen though and you can just enter whatever email address you want, it doesn't need to be genuine.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 9 others
4 replies
· @theweeklycynic · (edited)
Why You Stand In Line
All The Places To Listen & Subscribe: 

Why Do We Stand In Line? To Ensure Civil Society? To Stave Off Anarchy? Is Standing In Line A Form Of Social Control? How Has The Pandemic Intensified Our Experience Of Standing In Line? Ah, Questions. 

· @dumb-news ·
CNN's two biggest liars encourage Joe Rogan to be more honest
This has been a pretty hilarious week for fake news from the mainstream media who really shouldn't have that first part of the word attributed to them for much longer if things work out the way they should.  Joe Rogan, who has the backing of exactly zero news agencies has dominated the major news networks as far as viewership, exposure, influence, and of course, money is concerened.

CNN is a friggin joke these days and it comes as no surprise to me that after Joe Rogan went to Instagram to talk about how he got Covid and recovered, the two biggest blowhards for CNN came about to attack him and try to make him look bad.

<center> https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/brian_stelter_and_don_lemon_split.jpg?w=681&h=383&crop=1

I think that basically everyone that works for CNN is completely full of shit and isn't a journalist at all but if I had to name the top two biggest jerkoffs that work for the company it would be Brian Stelter and Don Lemon.  It wouldn't even be close.  Anderson Cooper is at least likeable and puts on a front to at least appear objective and Cuomo, well we all know why he is there so we can take anything he says with a grain of salt.  He isn't *likeable* but at least we can look at him and be like "yeah, you have a job because of nepotism.... nothing wrong with that."  

Brian Stelter and Don Lemon, whose ratings are in an absolute nosedive at this point decided to join forces to talk about how Joe Rogan hasn't yet joined them in encouraging everyone to get vaccinated and how since he has so many followers on social media he should feel a sense of moral obligation to tell people the truth.

The only time that CNN even talks about Rogan is to try to piggyback on his fame to get some of his viewers to listen them which will never work because the Rogan fans (and I'm one of them) absolutely **hate** the likes of Stelter and Lemon.   

<center> https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/lemon5.16.jpg

So when Joe Rogan revealed that he had caught Covid and recovered from it by using something that wasn't the vaccine the two biggest assholes that CNN has got together and tried to make this pathetic and to be honest, just sad combo claim that Rogan needs to be more "honest."  

That is really rich coming from anyone who works for CNN.   Almost nothing they say on CNN is "honest" including and especially on Brian Stelter's show *Reliable Sources* which is ironically, quite possibly the least reliable news show on television.  I watch it from time to time just to see how absurdly *not reliable* it is going to be.  

<center> https://wdctv.news/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021.06.18-01.34-thepoliticalinsider-60cca0d2cd9e1.png

To Rogan, Stelter and Lemon are basically non issues.  Joe became as big as he is by not having a handler and actually being able to have an opinion that is his own.  What do Don Lemon and Brian Stelter actually stand for?  We'll never know because they are restrained by CNN's whims and guidance.  Joe Rogan has built his empire based on his own feelings and has no masters.  The studio is in his friggin basement for crissakes.   He also, on his own, gets about as half as many "views" - whatever the hell that means - as every single CNN host and show **combined**.   

The fact that CNN would select Stelter, whose viewership is in freefall, and Lemon, who is doing just marginally better than Stelter to join forces to try to decry a man for being "dishonest" when he is describing **exactly what happened to him** is really rich.  There is no honesty at CNN at all and I think everyone knows this.   This is why their numbers are in the tank and Joe Rogan's are skyrocketing.  

You could say that they latched on to Joe to try to get a reaction out of him so that they will be mentioned on his show.  Well, I certainly hope that he just ignores them.  Rogan already mentioned Stelter's show only to say what we already know.....

>  The market has spoken and your show is fucking terrible

<center> https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Reiner-CNN.jpg

I agree with Joe, and putting Lemon and the big fat clown Stelter in as a tag team to try to get Joe to be more "honest" is just absurd.  It's like CNN doesn't even care anymore which is probably true.  They are in the tank, they are getting their asses handed to them by almost all other networks and basically nobody likes them.   Without Trump to complain about they have nothing left.  

Rogan's numbers continue to climb and CNN's continue to fall.   I sincerely hope that Joe Rogan just totally ignores them and moves on, these two partisan dicks don't deserve your attention and are merely trying to get a rise out of you in order to try to improve their absolutely embarrassing numbers.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 12 others
3 replies
· @theweeklycynic · (edited)
The Worship Of Idols
From The Beginning, Humans Have Worshipped Idols, These Statues And Creations Said To Embody The Gods And Goddess Above. During The Pandemic, Modern Humans Have Begun To Erect Statues Of Nurses And Console Themselves With Dr. Fauci Action Figures. We Ask, What The Heck Has Happened To All Of Us? What Power Do These Modern Figures And Gods Have Upon Us? A Satirical And At Times Darkly Humored Investigation Ensues. Also, Is A Black Mass Performed In This Episode?

All The Places To Listen & Subscribe:
👍  ,
· @theweeklycynic ·
Conspiracies, Real Estate And Big Money
Listen And Subscribe:

In This "Mini-Episode" Jake Discuss Three Articles Related To The United State's Overinflated Real Estate Market And How They Are Intertwined--Conspiratorially--With The CDC Eviction Moratorium, The Great Reset, 2030 And Big, Big Money. Yeah, It's True, They Want Us Starving And Homeless In The Streets!
· @theweeklycynic ·
Monologue Of The Modern Monk

Listen And Subscribe:

In The First Ten Minutes Of This Episode, Angel Discusses His Mental Clarity After Our Seven Day Disconnect With The Remaining Episode Comprised Of Several Musical Vignettes With Angel Pondering Technology, Life, The Matrix, Fear And Liberty.
· @joeyarnoldvn ·
<div><center><div class="text-justify">

Fake news said there was an Indian variant of Covid. Officials in India said that was not happening. So, fake news then said, after that, there is this brand new Delta Variant of Covid. In reality, the variants come from Covid Vaccines and they are killing people. Covid is not killing people. But Covid Vaccines are killing millions of people.
They don't make vaccines for the common cold because the common cold is inside a protein jacket that is the same as the protein in our body. If you tell the immune system to kill it, then it is trained to kill your own body.
Why haven't we had vaccines for the common cold even after a century of knowing about them going back to the 1920s? Because it causes autoimmune responses which causes the body to eat itself up to make holes inside of it which then causes strokes and heart attacks, blood clots, seizures.
Engineer man came to fix a commercial boiler. They said, "Where's your mask?" He replied, "Oh, I can leave." They were quick, "Wait, never mind, go ahead and fix our boiler please."
Historically, black people was slang for lower class people who work in the sun, they would get darker skin and would live longer because of it. Kings and the ruling class in many countries for thousands of years would generally stay out of the sun and have lighter skin. We all know Arnold, his surname, Schwarzenegger, translates black ploughman in German. Schwarz means black. Negger means black person. And schwärzen means to blacken. So, it does not mean African or black person but a person with darker skin due to working out in the sun as a farmer. You should work in the sun because that is a good source of Vitamin C.
People cannot believe Bill Gates wants to and is in fact killing them even after Bill Gates saying to the world he wants to kill humans, he said it on Ted Talk which was uploaded to YouTube many years ago for everyone to see.

[My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/oatmeal-joey-arnold) 
[Contact Me](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/contact) | [Link Tree](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/link-tree) | <b>[Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Oatmeal+Joey+Arnold%22)</b> | [AOL](https://search.aol.com/aol/search?q=%22oatmeal+joey+arnold%22) | [Ask](https://www.ask.com/web?q=%22oatmeal%20joey%20arnold%22) | [Baidu](https://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=1&rsv_idx=1&tn=baidu&wd=%22oatmeal%20joey%20arnold%22) | [Bing](https://www.bing.com/search?q=%22Oatmeal+Joey+Arnold%22) | [Duck Duck Go](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Oatmeal+Joey+Arnold%22) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=%22Oatmeal%20Joey%20Arnold%22) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/search?q=%22oatmeal%20joey%20arnold%22&src=typed_query) | <b>[Search](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/google)</b> | [Yahoo](https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22Oatmeal+Joey+Arnold%22) | [Yandex](https://yandex.com/search/?text=%22oatmeal+joey+arnold%22&lr=21414) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22Oatmeal+Joey+Arnold%22)

[I was trying to catch up and ended up getting lost while we were hiking](https://hive.blog/hive-117344/@joeyarnoldvn/i-was-trying-to-catch)
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[23](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-23) | [24](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-24) | [25](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-25) | [26](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-26) | [27](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-27) | [28](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-28) | [29](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-29) | [30](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-30) | [31](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-31) 


![Screenshot at 2021-08-06 14:58:11.png](https://images.hive.blog/DQmZkwjmsS6fETXUbtXemXqLfdRvyCbAX1P8YGC9EjJhkyZ/Screenshot%20at%202021-08-06%2014:58:11.png)
Mike is having a thing on the 10th to the 12th of August of 2021
[Oatmeal Daily - 2021-08-06 - Friday](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08-06) | [Published in August of 2021](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2021-08)
# [By Oatmeal Joey Arnold](https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn/oatmeal-joey-arnold) 
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# Engineer man came to fix a commercial boiler. They said, "Where's your mask?" He replied, "Oh, I can leave." They were quick, "Wait, never mind, go ahead and fix our boiler please."

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. 

# [Breaking News](https://hive.blog/created/informationwar)
[Telling The Truth in a World of Lies](https://cantcensortruth.com)
<div class="text-justify">

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

# [Covid Log](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/covid-log)
[Forbidden News](https://www.censored.news/) | [Forbidden Videos](https://banned.video) | [Forbidden Links](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/forbidden-links)
<div class="text-justify">

2021-08-06 - Friday -01:45 AM - Covid Log
They don't make vaccines for the common cold because the common cold is inside a protein jacket that is the same as the protein in our body. If you tell the immune system to kill it, then it is trained to kill your own body. Why haven't we had vaccines for the common cold even after a century of knowing about them going back to the 1920s? Because it causes autoimmune responses which causes the body to eat itself up to make holes inside of it which then causes strokes and heart attacks, blood clots, seizures.
People cannot believe Bill Gates wants to and is in fact killing them even after Bill Gates saying to the world he wants to kill humans, he said it on Ted Talk which was uploaded to YouTube many years ago for everyone to see.
Fake news said there was an Indian variant of Covid. Officials in India said that was not happening. So, fake news then said, after that, there is this brand new Delta Variant of Covid. In reality, the variants come from Covid Vaccines and they are killing people. Covid is not killing people. But Covid Vaccines are killing millions of people.


# [My Autobiography](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/autobiography)
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[![2014-12 xx - JA and GIRL FAMOUS PROFILE AVATAR PIC.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmQL4Qy77UFp89Y7hEuEwaMTeQ725jVsALuop7NzFkFqSK/2014-12%20xx%20-%20JA%20and%20GIRL%20FAMOUS%20PROFILE%20AVATAR%20PIC.jpg)](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/favorite-website)
[<b>List of my Favorite Websites</b>](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/favorite-website)
<div class="text-justify">

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<div class="text-justify">

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.

[This community is about learning and teaching the English language.](https://hive.blog/created/hive-103237)

[![2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmW9q58CE1ZkAhQuU7iAST6tpqBqJLKd2ubKmvSayyD3eV/2013-11-17%20-%20Sunday%20-%20HOLA%20FAV%20-%20Got%20Talent%202%20-%201456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg)](https://hive.blog/@oatmealenglish)
[Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/vietnam)
<div class="text-justify">

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

[This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.](https://hive.blog/created/hive-177758)
<div class="text-justify">

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

# How should voting work on Hive Blog?
[11:02 AM - Ecency](https://ecency.com/hive-150329/@logiczombie/re-joeyarnoldvn-qxd56d)
I heard somebody say as long as you vote within the first 24 hours or something like that. I heard in other words that they got rid of the reverse auction countdown of 30 minutes and replaced with this new thing. I am not sure which of the two I would prefer.
03:14 PM
Rick, when did I get lost at the Astoria Column? We were at Karen's for a week with these other kids. It might have been during spring break or sometime before July of 1995 or maybe as early as 1994 is my guess. I have some photos from I think this.


[Watch Commentary](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/watch)
[Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/watch-timeline)
<div class="text-justify">

02:33 AM
[Flat Earth - The Lost History of Flat Earth part FULL (1-7)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ul0e6lw130)

Why so many orphans in the 1800s, did the adults die and how?
Why are so many buildings have dirt and the ground reaching the second floor or close to it, were these buildings buried?
Are old buildings batteries, were they sending free energy out from the antennas at the top? Why do they look like amplifiers and coals?

# Space Jam: A New Legacy - Lebron James - part 01
[2021-08-06 - Friday - 03:44 AM - 04:20 AM - Space Jam: A New Legacy - Lebron James](https://123series.ru/movie/space-jam-a-new-legacy-kxozv/l3l8n7q)
Kid around 1998. Drafted in 2003 and probably missed an opportunity to play against Michael Jordan. Fast forward to 2020 or 2021 and he has 2 kids. A black guy in the Internet. He is an AI thing. Not a person. Personification of robots. Transhumanism. He wants to invade the body of Lebron. Glenn from The Walking Dead is in it. Comedian girl is in it. Sucked into computer and then into a cartoon. They left Bigs to explore other Internet worlds. This must be a reboot movie because the cartoon is in the Internet and not in the ground.

10:54 AM

Friends of the Original Constitution's video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever!

11:11 AM
[Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES (1ST HOUR) FRIDAY 8/6/21 • NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS](https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jhv2Px6TpROF/)

01:27 PM
[Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES (2ND HOUR) FRIDAY 8/6/21 • NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS](https://www.bitchute.com/video/S45puysHr0Yi/)

The wife of Steve Jobs is a monster.
They don't make vaccines for the common cold because the common cold is inside a protein jacket that is the same as the protein in our body. If you tell the immune system to kill it, then it is trained to kill your own body.
Why haven't we had vaccines for the common cold even after a century of knowing about them going back to the 1920s? Because it causes autoimmune responses which causes the body to eat itself up to make holes inside of it which then causes strokes and heart attacks, blood clots, seizures.

02:30 PM
Historically, black people was slang for lower class people who work in the sun, they would get darker skin and would live longer because of it. Kings and the ruling class in many countries for thousands of years would generally stay out of the sun and have lighter skin. We all know Arnold, his surname, Schwarzenegger, translates black ploughman in German. Schwarz means black. Negger means black person. And schwärzen means to blacken. So, it does not mean African or black person but a person with darker skin due to working out in the sun as a farmer. You should work in the sun because that is a good source of Vitamin C.

People cannot believe Bill Gates wants to and is in fact killing them even after Bill Gates saying to the world he wants to kill humans, he said it on Ted Talk which was uploaded to YouTube many years ago for everyone to see.

Fauci tortured dogs in studies and also humans too in other studies.

02:44 PM
[Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES (3RD HOUR) FRIDAY 8/6/21 • MIKE LINDELL, NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS](https://www.bitchute.com/video/zrbzMKNt7Yjg/)

Tucker in Budapest Hungry
A billion people saw Elvis in Hawaii in 1963 and the Mike Lindell thing next week should be and must have more live viewers than that.

03:47 PM
[Owen Benjamin - OWEN BENJAMIN | #1200 MORE WITH MAMA JEAN](https://www.bitchute.com/video/VwxnaMDR8DA1/)

Fake news said there was an Indian variant of Covid. Officials in India said that was not happening. So, fake news then said, after that, there is this brand new Delta Variant of Covid. In reality, the variants come from Covid Vaccines and they are killing people. Covid is not killing people. But Covid Vaccines are killing millions of people.
Who is going to pick the berries?
China and America is running out of hail.
Engineer man came to fix a commercial boiler. They said, "Where's your mask?" He replied, "Oh, I can leave." They were quick, "Wait, never mind, go ahead and fix our boiler please."


[Watch Log](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/watch-log)
[Here is a list of what I'm watching](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/watch-directory)
<div class="text-justify">

01:49 AM
[Chembuster - STEW PETERS SHOW: MIKE LINDELL LIVE, DR. SHIVA EXCLUSIVE, MD ISSUES URGENT JAB WARNING!](https://www.bitchute.com/video/NuRlk4w4yAGm/)

02:26 AM

02:32 AM
[Lenor Noir - VALID TACTIC SUGGESTED BY SMART TICTOK LADY](https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZBDzonf5d4El/)

02:33 AM
[Flat Earth - The Lost History of Flat Earth part FULL (1-7)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ul0e6lw130)


# Space Jam: A New Legacy - Lebron James - part 01
[2021-08-06 - Friday - 03:44 AM - 04:20 AM - Space Jam: A New Legacy - Lebron James](https://123series.ru/movie/space-jam-a-new-legacy-kxozv/l3l8n7q)

10:54 AM

11:11 AM
[Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES (1ST HOUR) FRIDAY 8/6/21 • NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS](https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jhv2Px6TpROF/)

01:27 PM
[Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES (2ND HOUR) FRIDAY 8/6/21 • NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS](https://www.bitchute.com/video/S45puysHr0Yi/)

02:44 PM
[Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES (3RD HOUR) FRIDAY 8/6/21 • MIKE LINDELL, NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS](https://www.bitchute.com/video/zrbzMKNt7Yjg/)

03:47 PM
[Owen Benjamin - OWEN BENJAMIN | #1200 MORE WITH MAMA JEAN](https://www.bitchute.com/video/VwxnaMDR8DA1/)

06:16 PM
[Owen Benjamin - OWEN BENJAMIN | #1199 MAMA JEAN BEAR ARRIVES AT URSA MANOR](https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jl5CWHXbE8Ju/)

11:11 PM
[Owen Benjamin - OWEN BENJAMIN | #1197 BIG BEAR BREAKS DOWN WESTWORLD](https://www.bitchute.com/video/BNNwQTPJcW52/)

<div class="text-justify"><sub><sub><sub><sub>

Dear diary, got up at 10:40 AM. Housework around 11:30 AM to 01:19 AM, dishes, sweeping. mopping, in the kitchen, vacuum the house, compost, recycling, boxes smashing, 2 boxes to save and use later, talk about Brain Force with mom. She had some she is giving me, a small bottle, so I made take one a day or for special situations when I need a brain boost, it has B vitamins like 6 and 12 and maybe a few others. The rest of it is herbal like for example a black pepper fruit extract. I also got some zinc and vitamin B complex capsules and maybe a few other things added to the other vitamins I have, was helping mom take vitamin boxes on and off the shelves above the washer and dryer. Told her about the rock buffer between the new grapes and the tomatoes behind and near the book shed. She showed me an odd egg and I said the chicken must have failed at pottery class. The egg was not a perfect oval shape but had bumps. It was oddly shape and that was funny. See health log below.  Evening watering around 04:30 PM to 05:20 PM.  Sweep outside the front door, mat. Mail. Dinner at 05:26 PM. 05:55 PM, get stuff off the front lawn. Oh ok, I did that. Tucker is in Hungry to see how they're securing their borders. 

2021-08-06 - Friday - 01:26 AM - Health Log
My 2019 finger still hurts sometimes off and on since then. I've written about this off and on since then. Also my teeth a little since 2015 or something. My eyes are not too bad. My ears can get clogged up a little sometimes. My chest can be a bit of a problem sometimes. I notice my health sometimes and keep tabs on the good and the bad. I should probably add this to my health log.

Food log
Breakfast: apple, sweet coffee tea, 11:00 AM.
Lunch: orange, 01:27 PM.
Dinner: more soup and delicious Mommy Dinner Salad, 05:26 PM. Corn on the cob.

You can find my blogs on different websites. 
[Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here.](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/link-tree)
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. [You can find me on many different places online and offline.](https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn/contact) I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not. 
[Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc.](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/blog) 

The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn
Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck.

10:54 AM

Scan Log

2021-07-29 - Thursday - 06:50 PM - 34pics

1991 - Could be forest near Seaside or Astoria in Oregon or could be closer to Forest Grove, but not sure where or which year.png
1991 - Kittens but not sure which year.png
1991 - Kyle on a bike in front of 163 on the road or maybe not Kyle, not sure which year
1991-02 - Joey building a snowman or something, might be early in 1991 or before like 1997, but no idea really which month or year-1
1991-06 - Looks like Tiffany Cumbo, Amber, and forget the other girl's name, this is probably 1991, not sure which month, could be another year.png - 5pics
1991-07 - Nathan in the tree, Katie, Rick, it says 1991 but does not say which month but looks like the summer.png - 2pics
1991-07-06 - Crystal, Katie, Joey, Katrina, Alisha or whatever her name is, others, at 163 and 164, summer, July.png - 3pics
1991-08 - Camping - Joey, Rick, Crystal, Katie, mom, dad, others, tent, picnic table, field, food, playing, includes maybe Sunday or weekend - 8pics
1991-12-25 - Wednesday - Christmas 1991 - Rick, Joey, TV, NES game, drawing on the wall, dresser-1 - 4pics
1991-12-31 - Tuesday - Joey on a bike, Crystal playing cards, Rick, Katie, New Years Eve.png

2021-08-01 - Sunday - 08:35 PM - 1992 - Fair, Tiff, Josh, Snow, Safari, 52pics
1992-09 - Fair in Forest Grove, parade, rides, Katie, Rick, Joey, Crystal, by Marilyn - 14pics
1992-09 - Photoshoot, Tiffany Cumbo, Crystal Arnold, both in pink dresses at swings in the 163 backyard.png
1992-11 - Dad holding Crystal upside down, 163 hallway near living room and front door.png
1992-11 - Joey, Crystal, cats or kittens, 163 living room floor near the kitchen and red couch.png
1992-11 - Josh Atkins Visit, 163 Train Tracks Hike, Video Games Playing, Crystal, around Thanksgiving - 3pics
1992-12 - Inside the 163 house, Katie, Rick, Joey, Crystal, cats, couch, TV in living room, kitchen, rooms - 6pics
1992-12 - Snow Day - Katie, Rick, others, in and around 163 house and block, and Crystal pics not dated - 4pics
1992-12-26 - Saturday - Wildlife Safari Trip, Marilyn, Crystal - 22pics

2021-08-03 - Tuesday
1993-07 - Morehead Reunion, 3 families, apx date was in the summer, 163 house, basketball at 163 park, swimming at Hagg Lake - 12pics

2021-08-05 - Thursday
1995-05 - Week Long Vacation, lost at the Astoria columns, ball, Karen's house, apx month, probably that year or 94 is my guess - 21pics

2021-08-06 - Friday
2021-08-06 - Friday - 1990-06, random dates, apx dates, mostly Crystal, 25pics
1990-06 - Crystal, Joey, Katrina, Rick, Katie, Mom, etc, pizza photo dated June but other photos say 90 or no date, orange leafs in later pics, apx dates - 25pics

1900s - random family photos - 2021-08-06 - Friday - 37pics
1930 - Dwana Pickett, apx year, born in 1927, less than five in these photos is my guess, one is of an Easter basket, as in eggs.png
1938-08-15 - Monday - Grand Canyon Rim Drive, Dwana age 11 apx, Arizona - 4pics
1948-09-18 - Wedding - KAPPA- Irene Dwana Pickett to Richard Erwin Morehead, September 18, 1948, 21 years old apx, 1pic
1951 - Marilyn, friend, Karen, Dwana, bath, random pics, 4pics
1954 - Marilyn, Karen, apx year, Marilyn born in 1951, they look several years old, like less than five, trip to the coast and maybe portland or, 9pics
1971-09-04 - Saturday - Wedding at Newton Creek Church of Christ, Newspaper-1.png
1971-09-04 - Saturday - Wedding at Newton Creek Church of Christ, Newspaper-2.png
1974-02 - Marilyn in pink and glasses.png
1974-02 - Karen, Marilyn, might be mid 70s, not sure when.png
1974-04 - man, lady.png
1980 - Richard Erwin Morehead, not sure which year this is.png
1980 - boat, not sure which year.png
1980 - Brian & Lori Morehead, wedding, marriage, newspaper, not sure which year.png
1980 - a lady here in yellow, not sure which year, 2pics
1980 - Rosemary has her photo and wrote a letter to Marilyn, not sure which year.png
1982-09-28 - Garrick Pickett, 9 and a half years old.png
1982 - lady girl Pickett maybe related to Garrick, not sure which year exactly.png
1984 - Garrick Pickett, 11 and a half years old, 6th grade.png
1990 - Brian Morehead Family, not sure which year, for Christmas, 2pics

Family History Log
# 1992 Parade
2021-05-16 - Sunday - 06:35 PM - Family History Log

[Spectrum Flashback: Washington County Fair Parades - 1986, 1992](https://www.thespectrum.com/picture-gallery/news/2020/08/04/spectrum-flashback-washington-county-fair-parades/5565158002/)
[Washington County Fair, archive of each year including 1991, 1992](https://www.bigfairfun.com/p/about/fair-board/board-meeting-archives)
1990s - Nowhere Man was filmed in Forest Grove, OR, it aired from 1995-08-28 - 1996-05-20 and they were probably filming as early as 1994.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowhere_Man_(American_TV_series))
[Masonic Lodge restaurant thing](https://studio88uk.co.uk/wp-content/el-toro-sifto/mcmenamins-grand-lodge-history-c87faa)
[2014-11 - Friends of Historic Forest Grove](https://www.fhfg.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/November-2014-newsletter.pdf)
# Sliding Smith
[2021-07-24 - Saturday - 11:16 PM - Autobiography Log - Family History Log - Gab](https://gab.com/JoeyArnoldVN/posts/106639800544582093)
While scanning photos, I remembered something. I remember when we tied a rope from the big tree in the front yard to the metal fence and would use a metal coat hanger or clothes or towels or whatever to slide down the rope or whatever it was (maybe it was a tree branch we were sliding down or a rope or wire or something). Not sure how successful we were as kids at it. That might have been as late as the early 1990s back when there were also branches reaching towards or beyond the metal fence and into that field and other branches going over houses.
# Sliding down rope off tree
[2021-07-31 - Saturday - 12:54 PM - Family History Log - Gab](https://gab.com/JoeyArnoldVN/posts/106676968648326780)
My brother wrote in reference to what I wrote about the rope memory:
I used a dish towel to slide down the rope.  I got the idea from the A-team, on an episode they were doing an obstacle course.

Morehead History
2021-08-06 - Friday - 11:16 PM

Marriage, wedding
1948-09-18 - Saturday - Wedding - KAPPA- Irene Dwana Pickett to Richard Erwin Morehead, September 18, 1948 

Dwana Pickett Morehead (Mrs. Richard E.) '48x, 10-8-68 


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[![2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Richarda Joey Arnold Oregon JSA Ojawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham love Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter 28 ro Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear 148a USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto 3h Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmZtDA6i18xETREPSEAySapbMoQxrBT36Yhr7b2TR2cHZH/2015-01-26%20JA%20GROUP%20YEAR%20END%20PARTY%20PIC.jpg)](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/oatmeal-joey-arnold) 
[Here is a photo of Oatmeal Joey Arnold in Vietnam in 2015.](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/vietnam)
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[Facebook - Salvation Army Hawaii - Luke Betti - Walk through memory lane!! Hanging out with friends !!](https://www.facebook.com/luke.betti/videos/155813116629010)
[WYI 2021 - Episode 1 - Facebook - 34 minutes](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=532869144805498)

[The value in telling the truth in a world of lies.](https://banned.video)