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· @officialjosephz ·
A Prophetic Cry is Hitting the Land!!
Take heart, and stand strong!

In this live broadcast, Joseph Z alerts us about a prophetic cry hitting the land at the moment, a call to listen to the voice of God, and a wake-up call to pay attention to what the spirit is saying. He insists it’s time to pay attention to what the Lord is saying because there's great pressure in the atmosphere, what with AI running rampant, and climatic issues witnessed recently. 

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He reveals an anointing of restoration is upon us, and there are pieces of us lost in difficulties that God has gone ahead to restore to us. He warns that there will be more cyber issues and some unparallel things breaking loose; regardless, he urges us not to forget that the Lord is with us and will indemnify everything lost in the storm. 

Joseph further asserts that a provisional anointing will aid us in navigating through these difficult times; hence, it’s time to pay attention to what the spirit is saying to us. He assures us that we will be alright because God’s favor and anointing are upon us while insisting there’s a turnaround coming for every one of us. The video: 

#josephz #zministries  #prophecy  #prophecylive  #provisionalanointing #arecompense #propheticcry #news
· @officialjosephz ·
What is Faith?
Learn how to live and walk by faith in today’s live broadcast, as Joseph Z and Jeremy Pearsons share insights into faith. Jeremy instructs that faith is a constant expectation of the good yet to come. While grace is God speaking to us, it reveals the great love of Christ for us but requires a faith response to be activated in our lives because faith is the only appropriate response to grace. 

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He further explains that faith begins by hearing and how we respond is where faith comes into question, for where there’s no response indicates no honor. He leads us to the Book of Mark 3:1-5 to remind us about how the man with the withered hand was healed, how he responded to the command of Jesus to stretch out his hands which led to his healing after he stretched out his hands. In other words, his response of stretching out his hands was an act of faith on his part, which made him whole. Recall that Christ always attributes his healings to the faith of the ones He healed and not His own; such was also the case in the woman with the issue of blood. 

Additionally, Jeremy leads us to understand that if there’s no power in our words, we are far from being born again because when we speak, there should be a power response. He then prays that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened, that we may know the hope of our calling. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #faith #grace #activatinggodsgrace #news
· @sadcorp · (edited)
Is Pope Francis the Final Roman Pontiff?...Is Francis the last Pope? A rare interview with Archbishop Gänswein...What is the prophecy of St. Malachy?
"The 2012 book is based on an increasingly popular alleged prophecy, which is really more of a litany of prophecies, of the great reformer Bishop St. Malachy (1094-1148), who served as bishop of Conner, then Down, and finally as archbishop of Armagh, all in Ireland. The authors claim St. Malachy predicted the final 112 popes beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143), not by name, but by a short epithet, or motto, for each, leading us to the final pope before the Apocalypse, who is none other than our own Pope Francis. 

The “prophecy” in question is real in the sense that it exists and is claimed to be written by St. Malachy. But when examined critically, it turns out neither  to be true (meaning it contains things that don’t hold up the level of scrutiny required of a true prophecy) nor actually written by St. Malachy."

"The 'Prophecy of the Popes'

During the interview, Paul Badde referenced an old alleged prophecy that has recently gained traction in some clerical discussions: The "Prophesy of the Popes." Also known as the "Prophesy of Malachy," the prediction is attributed to Saint Philipp Neri – according to which, Pope Francis may be considered to be the last pope.

"Indeed, when looking at the prophecy, and considering how there was always a sound reference to popes mentioned in its history – that gives me the shivers," Archbishop Gänswein admitted.

Although Catholics aren't required to accept the prophecy, "speaking from historical experience, one has to say: Yes, it is a wake-up call.""

"The legend goes that Malachy experienced a vision in which he was given insight into popes past, present, and future, and that he recorded this vision as a series of cryptic verses. The prophecies were quite accurate up to about 1590 (conveniently the point at which they were found), but then became rather vague, lending credence to the theory that they are a 16th-century forgery."
· @officialjosephz ·
No Limits Q&A!
It’s a fresh episode of our No Limits Q&A session and today, we will learn more about false anointing, accountability in the prophetic, and the fundamentals that show that one is called by God. Joseph explains false anointing with a Biblical reference taken from the Book of 1 John 2:27, analyzing that a pretense of what is true and a deception is a false anointing. He explains that the anointing is a marking by God for a purpose, a grace “gifting” for us to function and have a purpose. He further discloses that when people act as though God’s anointing is upon them for the aim of personal gains or gratification, they’re exhibiting a false anointing. 

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Similarly, Joseph makes us understand that a false anointing can still bear fruits because the Lord has assured us that His words shall not return to Him void without accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent out. Also, Heather responds to concerns about prophets having accountability, revealing that it’s paramount in the prophetic to be accountable for self and the responsibility to others. Joseph points out that every prophet must be answerable to mentors because one who truly answers to God should also be accountable to the body of Christ. He clarifies this by referencing the word of God taken from the Book of Ephesians 4:11-16, which emphasizes the importance of the body of Christ working together to complement one another. 

Again, Joseph leads us to the Book of Revelation 1:5-6 to outline the difference between the Old and New Testament prophets; revealing that prophets from the Old Testament worked directly with God, but that is different from the New Testament prophetic office which is answerable to the body of Christ for the equipping and edifying of the body of Christ. In like manner, he outlines the qualities that qualify one as a truly called servant of God. He leads us to the Book of John 5:31-39 to point out the criteria that show that one is called by God. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #falseanointing #qualitiesoftrueprophets #oldandnewtestamentprophets #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Prophetic Update! Dubai Apocalyptic Weather Man Made!!
“Turn away from all fear, let not your heart be troubled, and rise for your greatest days are ahead of you”. 

In today’s prophetic update, follow the trail of Dubai's stormy weather while revisiting Joseph’s earlier prophecies about weather manipulation and tampering. Joseph Z begins by sharing a clip detailing the devastating effects of Dubai’s severe flooding caused by cloud seeding, a method employed in weather manipulation to induce rain.  Recall that on Joseph’s live broadcast of March 20, 2024, he warned about weather manipulation and how cloud seeding will be used to create rain. In that same broadcast, he revealed that earthquakes would be caused by weather manipulation while exposing that notable and monumental crashes will occur with airlines. 

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Also, Joseph reassures us, insisting that we not be afraid of the culture because a man or woman with a revelation is not at the mercy of a culture gone mad. He asserts that God will bring a unification to stand against the onslaught of the Goliath spirit; declaring that an extension of mercy has come to our houses and this nation. Again, he alerts us about downtime for the US, alongside a storm that will get us grounded in a valley of decisions prompting us to repent to repair or go through the fire. He further discloses that there’ll be revivals and reformation at the end of the storm, which will lead to a new, different America.

In like manner, he shares what to expect in the coming quarters of the year while revealing that there is an extension of God’s mercy in this season. Once more, he declares there will be a return of liberty than we’ve ever seen in a generation, only if we pray about these times and seasons. Interestingly, he informs us that oil will come to the rescue of the economic woe the US is experiencing and that there will be a large deportation of individuals who immigrated illegally to the country. He then leads us to the Book of Psalm 126 to elaborate on God’s plan for our lives and the victory that awaits those who wait on the lord; for those who sow in tears will reap in songs of joy. He insists that this is the season of diamond seeds and all those who scaled the test will reap the fruit of their labor. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #weathermanipulation #rewardforyourlabour #weathertampering #news
· @officialjosephz ·
7 Churches in Revelation & the Next phase of our Journey!
Thank you for joining us today! 

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April 18, 2024
· @officialjosephz ·
Prophetic Insight for 2024—2025!!
“When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dreamed”. 

Today on the live broadcast, Joseph Z shares what the Lord showed him for the years 2024 and 2025. He informs us that there’ll be justice in 2024, prompting us to outrun our enemies in the rain. He reveals that the word “diamond seeds”, will be a reward for those who have consistently labored in tears, and paid the price when no one is watching. He also reveals hearing the words: the roar, the war, and more; exposing that this will be followed with another window of decision for America, to repent to repair or go through the fire. He also reveals that we went from a time of grace to a time of mercy because of the overturn of the Roe Vs Wade ruling in favor of godly principles. 

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Similarly, Joseph reveals that there’ll be a rise of the Maccabees who would push back on the evil culture. He also discloses that the US will go through a downtime followed by revivals and reformations that would lead to a new, different America. He further outlined the quarters of the year and the events to expect moving into every quarter; informing us that the actions that will be taken in quarter one will affect the other quarters. He also exposes some political events to expect, leading to a dark November that will herald some radical events. Once more, he informs us that generation alpha is coming, who will rise to the occasion and push back on the evil culture.

In like manner, Joseph informs us that our assignment as Christians is to win more souls for Jesus, urging us not to shrink back or be afraid because we’re born for this time. He asserts that God will bring a unification to stand against the onslaught of the Goliath spirit; declaring that an extension of mercy has come to our houses and this nation. He then leads us to the Book of Psalm 126, to reassure us of God’s plan for our lives, for those who sow in tears will reap in songs of joy. He asserts there’ll be an unprecedented return of everything stolen from us, and those who have passed the test over the years will begin to reap diamond seeds for all their struggles.  The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #prophecyfor2024and2025 #rewardforyourlabour #messageofhope #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Find Your Prophetic Destiny!
God wants you to win more than you do and is willing to empower you to reach your prophetic destiny. 

Joseph Z guides us into achieving our prophetic destiny in today’s live broadcast. He brings to our understanding that no one is born by accident, every one of us has a prophetic purpose that we’ve been destined to accomplish. He leads us to the Book of Proverbs 25:2 to enlighten us about God’s glory to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search out a matter. Also, Deuteronomy 29:29 reminds us that the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever. 

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Again, Joseph brings to our understanding that the only way to hear from God is to renew our minds by consistently reading God’s word until God begins to speak to us. He insists that consistently pursuing God’s word will bring us to the point of learning His secret for our lives. He continues to explain the reason why most of us do not reach our prophetic destiny, revealing that alignment with the wrong tribe can hinder us from progressing to our prophetic destiny. He leads us to the Book of 1 Chronicles 12:32 to establish the importance of discerning the times and seasons, having the right alignment, and knowing what to do. 

In like manner, Joseph makes us understand that denying the spiritual aspect of our lives, makes us susceptible to fulfilling the lust of the flesh. He further instructs that our identity is who we are and not what we do, and to reach our prophetic destiny, we must be like the sons of Issachar who understood the times, had the right tribal alignment, and knew what to do. In addition, he makes us understand that the only way to know when we’re with the right people is that we can’t say the wrong things to the right people and the right things to the wrong people. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #howtodiscoveryourpurpose #findyourdesting #reachyourdestiny #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Conversations from NRB!
“Why don't you believe that I love you and I plan to do good things in your life”?

Today in our NRB conversations, you’ll hear from different ministers of God, discover their message for you, and be encouraged by the miraculous deeds wrought by God through them. Rick begins by sharing the events that took place before the days of the flood, revealing that sensationalism was the order of the day before the flood and it’s being replicated now but will be replicated more as we draw closer to the end of the age. Moving on, Hank Kunneman shares what God showed him, about the decades starting up harsh but ending up in rest while emphasizing the importance of water for our existence. He further shares a vision he had where God disclosed His will for California, disclosing that God has not forsaken California and Has promised to remember her three generations. On the other hand, Alan Didio opens our eyes to transhumanism, revealing how algorithms create an avatar of us that helps them present content that we are passionate about. He discloses that Nimrod was after the antichrist system before God intervened, however, expressing sadness over the idea that the present generation has broken the barrier placed by God to protect us from the antichrist system. 

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Moreover, Gene Bailey shares insights into his newly published book, revealing that America is underwater,  like the Statue of Liberty deep-rooted underwater, but with its light raised high. He asserts that we must stand up for America because 2024 is the year that everyone is needed to rise to the occasion, of saving what is left of our country. Again, Lance Wallnau observes that there’s a culture war with the forces of hell on seven different fronts at present, and the culture war is a spiritual war, a proxy war between heaven and hell; thus the contours are getting clearer. However, he points out a vacuum in our worldview that needs to be articulated in the language of those whose souls we are trying to win. Further, Alexander Pagani reveals that the ministry of deliverance is a ministry of love and that compassion suffocates the demons; so to say, if we walk in love people get set free. Also, Carl Anderson informs us that prophecy comes from Jesus, because He is the spirit of prophecy, who appears to us in various ways through prophecy. He then shares his call to media missionary, how it started, and how far he has gone with his media series. 

More interestingly, David Hernandez shares that most times, we defeat the demonic oppression in our lives but still experience the same issues because we don’t walk in obedience to the word of God, which grants us complete freedom and wholeness. In like manner, George Barna alerts us about paganism in the church which is a result of people being so ill-trained in Biblical truths that they fall for any information made available to them. Also, Barna shares that the missing ingredient in our spiritual development is to let God fully transform us and give up control of our lives for God to take charge. Kerrick Butler then shares that the best miracles should be in our day because God’s plan for this generation, is far more than we have seen before. He further reveals that this is a year of light, promotion, and exaltation for those who yield to walking in the light. Once again, R.T. reveals that there’s been a silent divorce between the word and the spirit, and in this divorce, there are those on the word side and the spirit side, and the honor of God’s name will not be restored until the two embrace each other. He insists that the church must get back to the reformation, justification by faith, the sovereignty of God, assurance of salvation, and knowing our doctrine, including the restoration of sound theology. 

Going further, Steven Strang urges us not to be intimidated by the enemy because God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and sound mind; therefore we have to be strong and not pay attention to the haters. Similarly, Troy Brewer makes us understand that the US is one nation under God, and it will surely be torn apart if we do not repent; disclosing that the church can survive without the US, but the US will not survive without the Church. Additionally, Denise Renner shares some details of her book and how Christ used His words and miraculous deeds to reveal His identity to the world, especially when he healed the paralytic and also forgave him of his sins. Suffice it to say, she confessed to being healed by the Stripes of Jesus for three months before she finally got her miracle. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #christianideologies #messagesofhope #biblicalworldviews #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Conversations with Pastor Todd Coconato, Larry Sparks, and Producer Jason Smith!
In our conversational series today, Joseph features Larry Sparks, Jason Smith, and Todd Coconato. Todd observes some changes in NRB this year, disclosing that the remnant has taken over while acknowledging the shift that has since taken place. He also observes that it’s a collaborating effort to stand against the forces of darkness and wickedness in high places. 

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Again, he informs us that every second counts, urging us to show up, be in alignment, and do everything that the spirit requires of us. He further reveals that this is the church’s greatest hour, and we’re expected to rise, be bold, speak the truth, and walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 

Further, Larry instructs that we learn how to be sensitive to the stirring of the Spirit because God wants to come upon people for His glory to be manifested in the world. He insists that we yield to the workings of the Holy Spirit while recognizing the boldness that comes with a demonstration of the spirit and power. In addition, Jason shares his experience in the ministry and the wonderful works that God is doing through him and his companions. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #tribalalignment #atimeofmercy #biblicalworldview #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Prophetic Word—4 Major Events in 40 Days — praying for God’s Land!
In this prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z reveals that we will see four major events in forty days. He discloses seeing China involved in some sinister activities. Still, the Lord assures us that we will be alright at this time because He is doing a Holy Spirit reset that will grant us favor and clarity. He urges the church to find its feet in the culture as it should and desist from becoming lukewarm, instead being a refreshing and healing vessel for the people in the world.

Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:

He reassures us of a Psalm 126 blessing even though it will take a lot to get to it. He also insists that May will herald several events that will shake the nation. He then asserts that we’re in a moment of darkness and the middle of a storm, followed by a reformation and the birth of reformers. He also reveals there will be a release of man-made natural issues in weather, economic, and medical narratives to assert control over the people. 

Joseph further insists on seeing forty days and four major events that will take place within this period. He reassures us, declaring that the spirit of God will protect us at this time while urging us to put our house together and get closer to Jesus. The video: 

#josephz #zministries  #prophecy  #prophecylive  #foureventsinfortydays #thedowntimeperiod #eventsinmay #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Finding Your Place in the Last Days!
“The native tongue of the uninspired is criticism but the native tongue of God is clarity”.

Jesus came to give us life more abundantly and to make us a dominant force against this wicked, perverse generation. Joseph Z guides us into finding our place in these last days, in today’s live broadcast. He informs us that God’s will for our lives is to walk by grace through faith while urging us to understand that what we believe can determine where we’re headed. He makes us realize that suffering in the life of a believer is resisting sin because as Christians, we’re delivered from everything, except persecution. 

Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:

Also, Joseph leads us to the Book of 1 Thessalonians 4:1-4, to emphasize the will of God for our lives, leadership in the body of Christ, and how we must live our lives as followers of Christ. He further leads us to the Book of Galatians 5:16 to explain how individuals can possess their vessel in sanctification and honor. He brings to our knowledge that walking in the spirit prevents us from fulfilling the lust of the flesh, and it’s also the only way to possess our vessel.

Joseph further explains that the flesh is a way of thinking contrary to God's word. Also, he explains that if we seek the kingdom of God first, every other thing shall be added unto us. He urges us to pray, walk in the spirit, embrace humility, and God will align us to our purpose. He then prays for us all, speaking peace, and order into our lives. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #findingyourpurpose #godswillforourlives #seekingthekingdomofgod #news
· @officialjosephz ·
The Church of Sardis in Revelation!
Thank you for joining us today! 

The video: 

#josephz #zministries  #prophecy  #prophecylive  #news 

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· @officialjosephz ·
Prophetic Update!
In today’s prophetic update, Joseph Z recalls his interview at DayStar, where he revealed the prophetic significance of the past eclipse and exposed what to expect in the coming quarters of the year. He shares the prophetic assignment that God has assigned to him, a forty-day window beginning from the day of the eclipse, that the Lord has given for the US and all nations to repent to repair. He reveals there’ll be a fire in 2025 and picking up sticks in 2026 while urging us not to be afraid because the Lord will keep all those who put their trust in Him. He assures us of a provision and protection for his people just like in the days of Noah. 

Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:

Moving on, Joseph shares that it’s not the end yet in a recent program geared towards sensitizing Christians on how to respond, in these desperate times. He urges the Church to get busy with every available means to execute the commission that God has assigned to her while informing us that we’ve gone from a time of grace to a time of mercy. Also, he revisits his live broadcast of April 10, 2024, where he shares a glimpse of the scenery from his visits to the Biblical John’s(John the Revelator) home in Ephesus. He urges us not to fear what’s happening in the culture because the Lord will make surprising deliveries of victory available. 

In like manner, Joseph recalls his prophecy of April 9 where he shared a prophecy he disclosed on January 18, 2024, where he revealed that the US will be like Nineveh and either bow its knees in repentance or go through fire. He assures us that we can go into a time when the Lord turned around the captivity of Zion in Psalm 126. He also alerts us about the re-ignition of CERN while exposing that Direct Energy Weapons(DEWS) will be revealed more in the next phase of what’s coming. He attributes this and all the evil narratives to a demonic response to the breakthrough that God has prepared for his People. 

He further reveals that the words “Zombie” and “Organic anomaly” will make the news soon, and so will organic technology, which is quantum computing involving human DNA. He further reveals that there will be scenarios involving oil platforms at sea. Again, he leads us to the Book of Revelation 1:19, which instructs that we write the things that we’ve seen, the things that are, and the things that will take place after this. In like manner, he urges us to have a revelation of the areas we’re lacking, as cautioned by the Book of Revelation 2:7. He further informs us that reformers are coming who will rightsize things and lead us to a new, different America. Once more, he leads us to the Book of Psalm 126 to reveal the plan of God for our lives in the coming season. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #prophecyforupcomingyear #organicanomaly #messageforthechurch #news
· @officialjosephz ·
The Church in Pergamum!
Thank you for joining us today! 

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#josephz #zministries  #prophecy  #prophecylive  #news 

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· @officialjosephz ·
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Denise Renner!
In today’s conversational series, Joseph Z features Denise Renner. Denise shares how her life started unfolding in the arena of miracles and the power of God, revealing that she started seeing Jesus as her healer after her childhood experience with a skin condition. She further narrates how the word of God, “By His stripes, we’re healed” healed her skin condition and fueled her newly published book. 

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Denise also shares some details of her book and how Christ used His words and miraculous deeds to reveal His identity to the world, especially when he healed the paralytic and also forgave him of his sins. Suffice it to say, she confessed to being healed by the Stripes of Jesus for three months before she finally got her miracle. 

Further, she makes us realize that the scourging of Christ at the pillar and the blood He shed during the process was for our sake and we should take advantage of His sacrifice to gain healing for every sickness in our bodies. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #healedbyhistripes #powerinthewordofgod #healingmiracle #news
· @officialjosephz ·
The 7 Churches in Revelation!
Thank you for joining us today! 

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#josephz #zministries  #prophecy  #prophecylive #thesevenbiblicalchurches #news 

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· @officialjosephz ·
Conversation with Hank Kunneman!
On our conversational series today, Joseph Z features Hank Kunneman. Hank shares what he sees in the world today, revealing that not everything out there is legitimate because there are many false narratives and things the devil wants us to believe in. He discloses that our responsibility on earth should be to bring God’s heart into our lives, capture the heart of God, and bring it to the people who understand what He’s saying. 

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Also, he shares what God showed him, about the decades starting up harsh but ending up in rest while emphasizing the importance of water for our existence. He further shares a vision he had where God disclosed His will for California, disclosing that God has not forsaken California and Has promised to remember her three generations. 

Further, Hank insists that God has not forsaken this nation, urging us to see things through God's redemptive lenses and plans. He then shares his story about when he realized that he had the calling of God on his life, and how God has certified his gifts by performing some little acts of miracle with the people around him. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #godsredemptiveplans #thedaysofnoah #messageofhope #news
· @officialjosephz ·
40 Days NEXT and God’s Will!!
Joseph Z shares the forty-day prophecy in this live broadcast. He revisits his live broadcast of January 18, 2024, where he gave a Nineveh prophecy, revealing that the US will bow its knees in repentance or through fire while insisting it’s a wake-up call now for all nations to repent to repair. He went on to inform us that there would be restoration in the middle of the storm and our victory would be likened to the victory proclaimed in Psalm 126. Moving on, he alerts us about the re-ignition of CERN while exposing that Direct Energy Weapons(DEWS) will be revealed more in the next phase of what’s coming. He attributes this and all the evil narratives to a demonic response to the breakthrough that God has prepared for his People. 

Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:

Similarly, Joseph reveals that we will see more monumental earthquakes that will hit some parts of the earth; urging us to prepare so that we can walk into all that God has in store for us. He also reveals that the words “Zombie” and “Organic anomaly” will make the news soon, and so will organic technology, which is quantum computing involving human DNA. He further reveals that there will be scenarios involving oil platforms at sea. 

He then leads us to the Book of Revelation 1:19, which instructs that we write the things that we’ve seen, the things that are, and the things that will take place after this. In like manner, he urges us to have a revelation of the areas we’re lacking, as cautioned by the Book of Revelation 2:7. He further informs us that reformers are coming who will rightsize things and lead us to a new, different America. Once more, he leads us to the Book of Psalm 126 to reveal the plan of God for our lives in the coming season. He then prays for us all, speaking life, freedom, and victory over us in the name of Jesus. The video: 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #prophecyof40days #theninevehprophecy #messageforamerica #news
· @officialjosephz ·
Eclipse LIVE Praying for America #eclipse - Joseph Z
Thank you for joining us today!

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#josephz #zministries  #prophecy  #prophecylive  #news 

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