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· @johnnyrobish · (edited)
Trump Dining Pal Complains Women No Longer Fear Men
![X Screen Grab.jpg](

Popular Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes, who dined with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago not long ago, went on a rant on his podcast about how the conservative movement is now “dominated by women who are no longer in fear of their lives when they are around men.”  Fuentes added that even the most “masculine men” have their “dumb bitch wives right behind them in their ear.”  “They know he is never going to punch her in the face; he's never going to kill her.  No wonder she doesn’t respect him.”

Gee, not to sound critical, but it almost seems like this Nick Fuentes fellow doesn’t like women very much.  Now, if I’m understanding him correctly - the secret to a successful marriage according to Nick Fuentes seems to be “keeping your wife in constant fear for her safety and her life?”  By the way, how's date night been going for you, Nick?

Of course, I’m certainly no relationship expert, but I’m pretty sure it seems that if you have to threaten to kill someone in order to get their respect, you might just have a psychological issue or two that needs immediate attention. By the way, that’s really some “70s porn stache” you’ve got there, Nick.  Unfortunately, your mom just called, and she wants her mustache back.

That said, I wish all Republican candidates would include Nick’s rant in their ads because it’s a real winner - just not for their side.  New Repub 2024 slogan, “If living under the constant threat of being beaten, raped, or killed sounds appealing - vote Republican!”  That sure has a ring to it.  Nick’s attitude is basically, “If we can’t even beat, rape, or murder our own wives, then what’s the point of getting married?”  And to think we once thought you only hated Jews. 

I tell ya, those Republicans definitely have some really classy people on their team!  By the way, I hear the Democrats called to say, “Thanks for providing this video clip, Nick.  It’ll really be useful in winning back the House in the fall - what a gift.  Oh, and please continue saying the “quiet parts” out loud.”  One thing’s for sure: should the Orange God actually win the election later this year, Nick’ll be a perfect fit to head up Trump's Health & Human Services Dept.   

The funny thing is, for all his macho talk, Nick’s look sure has a definite 70s Village People vibe to it.  Poor, confused little guy.  Now, to be fair and in his defense, its not easy for a guy like him to sound “manly” when his very own right hand has a restraining order out against him.  Hey, I‘ve just thought of a sure-fire way to see if Mr. Fuentes really is as macho as he claims to be.  Let’s put him in the ring with Marjorie Taylor Greene in a “Pay-Per-View,” and may the best fascist win.
· @barmbo ·
Ferneinfluss - durch Gedankenkraft - 20.04.2024

Wir kennen wohl alle den Begriff Fernheilung. Damit hat dieser Beitrag wahrlich nichts zu tun!

Vielmehr wollen wir hier ein Experiment wagen, was einigen prominenten Zeitgenossen Hilfe zukommen lassen soll.





Schreckliche Ereignisse die das WTC oder Lady Di betrafen haben der Menschheit dermassen zugesetzt, dass die Emotionen tatsächlich gemessen wurden.Was als Beweis für die Kraft der Gedanken angesehen werden kann.


Wenn man manche Personen auf Fotografien betrachtet, meint man die leidende Seele des Abgebildeten zu erkennen.

Genau hier soll die Fernuterstützung ansetzen!  

Lasst uns täglich um 20:00 Uhr gemeinsam mithilfe eines Bildes Kontakt zu einem Leidenden aufzunehmen.

Wir sollten gemeinsam versuchen - mit gebündelter Gedankenkraft - der Allgemeinheit Hilfe zu leisten!


Ich bitte inständig darum - nur positive Unterstützung zu senden -  negative Einflussnahme ist ausdrücklich nicht erwünscht! Warum sollten wir auch den hier vorgestellten Leuten etwas böses wünschen, also mir fallen da keine Gründe für ein, euch bestimmt auch nicht - da bin ich felsenfest von überzeugt!


Wir wollen ja helfen und nicht Schaden!


Konzentriert euch auf das Bild und sendet eure Wünsche mit der Kraft eurer Gedanken an die Person auf dem Foto. 


Die Person der wir helfen sollten:


mitunter auch 





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3 replies
· @nooses ·
Libertarians are so unrealistic.

Without government, who would stop people from feeding the homeless directly or collecting rain water? 

Who would mismanage our retirement savings or kill poor people in poor countries with advanced weaponry? 

Who else could hit 35 trillion on anything? 

That's a big number, and we can't do it ourselves, individually. 

It takes a village.

Tax avoidance may be a moral act, but stop being so unrealistic, nutjobs.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 13 others
· @soulfuldreamer ·
Only Real-Life Events!
<div class = "pull-right">


"*1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Hmm... Okay, now you prepare to meet your end. You can't escape me*..."

Imagine this:

On the night of April 1, 1982, a 23-year-old man sat on his bed, in the middle of night, uttering these words to some invisible entity. His newly wedded wife, confused, half asleep, and a little intimidated, looked at him in utter disbelief. She had known him a little before their marriage. But this can't be true... He can't be talking to some invisible beings... Then, with a sudden clap and a burst of mocking laughter, the man declared, "*idiot, you kept sucking my blood, you had to die*!" He theatrically opened his hand, revealing the demise of the bloodsucking pest—the alleged son of the devil!


**My mother witnessed my father's gradual build-up of rage towards this enemy for the first time on that very night. It was a full-on display of an ongoing rivalry that persists to this day. All his grandkids are well-versed in his attitude towards these pesky creatures. The youngest one in the bunch can imitate his actions of counting and then killing these beings spot-on.**

She was so dumbfounded that she couldn't utter a word that night. However, by the next morning, the whole family, both his and hers, knew about the previous night's encounter and what had happened within those closed walls. And years later, she didn't forget to narrate the whole incident to us when we came of age!

One day prior to this encounter, on March 31, 1982, there was a dialogue between another pair: a father-son duo:

<div class = "pull-left">
<center><sup><sup>Source: Pinterest</sup></sup></center>

Little did the father know that the spectator of his son's flight is a skilled marksman!!!

The monologue you saw in the beginning of the post was the **count** of mosquitoes that were marked for their demise.


And the steemverse saw a glimpse of my own [negative affinity]( towards these scoundrels.

If you are too busy to go back to that post, here is a little throw back:

It's 2 am in the morning
I'm killing mosquitoes in this unfamiliar room
This home of my parents, soon to be rented out
Their new beginning

I have killed so many of them
These flying blood sucking monsters
Have you ever heard of them in December?
They used to disappear in winters
Why the f*** everything is changing
Maybe a new beginning for these devils

I have lit these two repellent coils
Still they are buzzing all around the room
Bhin bhin buzz buzz in my ears
I'm so furious
In a violent mode
Finishing them off manually with this ball made out of black shirt of my niece

So now you get a taste of how much I adore those buzzing critters. Clearly, I take after my dear old dad. Mom, on the other hand, couldn't care less about them. She's all zen, never fussing about anything, specially the mosquitoes. But me? I'm with pops on this one - I just can't stand the sight of these b*******!

This is my last night's encounter with either one of the son or a father from the clan. And I usually have everything on hand to keep to put a plug on their throats, as @weisser-rabes wisely suggests. But some nights are just different. This time, I ran out of my trusty *Kingtox*, our common love, as @event-horizon can attest. And wouldn't you know it, one of those buzzing nuisances had the audacity to bite my ear! Well, being my father's daughter, as you just learned, I tracked it down and dealt with it in the pitch-black darkness. Yet, just to be sure it was gone, I flicked on the light. Then, thanks to the photographer in me, courtesy of @bambuka, I spent a whole hour photographing the little critter. I had dispatched it with just the right amount of force, not squashing it completely. There it lay, perfectly preserved, showcasing its full morphology and anatomy.

<sub> My photography though! Yes, you guessed it right. This is my haemoglobin in his stupid body even though I interrupted him mid meal. You greedy ****** </sub>

I wanted to punch him while he was still in the air, but you know that punching mosquitoes while they're flying will do nothing to them. I read this somewhere. For example, if an ant fell off the Empire State Building, it would land harmlessly. Its terminal velocity is only a foot per second or so. It would land at about the same speed you would reach in punching a mosquito. By the way, I chose an ant because I don’t want anyone tearing the wings off of a mosquito and dropping them off of the Empire State Building, as much as I hate to get bitten by them.

<div class = "pull-right">

<center><sup><sup> I bought this beauty in pair today, Can't run short of it again</sup></sup></center>

So, yes, clapping them to death is by far the most effective and honed method, if they are daring enough to buzz near you, when other options aren't available. Although, if they outnumber you, dance in front of your eyes, tease you, and then go off to the roofs and walls, you can finish them off with a ball made out of cloth, provided you have a good aim. I learned the trick from—you know who—my dad (and we used to be at odds if he chose my scarf for the pious deed!)"

The End


<sub> Reference </sub>

<sub> *I asked 'the one who shall not be named' about the genre of this text of mine.*

> <sub>This piece could be classified as a satirical anecdote intertwined with personal reflection and humorous observations on the eternal battle against mosquitoes.</sub>

*Oh, really? How fancy! I was simply sharing real-life experiences and observations, nothing more! I doubt anyone will find a hint of mockery in it - perhaps just a bit of 'what on earth'!*
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 8 others
13 replies
· @michelangelo3 ·
Bald ist es wieder soweit
Bald ist es wieder soweit, von Samstag auf Sonntag werden die Uhren umgestellt. Eigentlich braucht das kein Mensch, aber die Aufhebung ist angeblich viel zu kompliziert, also lässt man es einfach weiter laufen.

Ja, es kann kompliziert werden. Wie war das nochmal? Im Frühjahr eine Stunde vor, im Herbst wieder eine Stunde zurück. Eigentlich alles klar oder?

<center><sup>![image.png](<br>Bild mit Dank an [Domeckopol/Pixabay](</sup></center>

Wer hatte nicht schon solche oder so ähnliche Gespräche:

A: Die Zeit wird wieder umgestellt, dann wird es eine Stunde früher hell.
B: Öhm, nein. Eine Stunde später!
A: Ach was, die Uhren werden doch vorgestellt, dann wird es auch früher hell.
B: Nein, ich denke nicht.
A: Wieso?
B: Na ja, um 5:00 Uhr wird es hell, wenn die Uhr vorgestellt ist, ist es nach neuer Zeit 6:00 Uhr, also wird es erst um 6:00 Uhr hell und nicht um 5.
A: Grübel... Wir haben jetzt 15:00 Uhr, nach neuer Zeit wäre es schon 16:00 Uhr. Dann wird es früher dunkel.
B: hör auf, mir jetzt wurscht...
A: Ja, ja, weil ich Recht habe!

Ich freu mich schon drauf, mal sehen ob es früher hell, später dunkel oder ob die Lichter ganz ausgehen. Wir werden sehen...


<center><sub>Posted using [SteemPro](</sub></center>
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25 replies
· @johnnyrobish · (edited)
Trump Now Hawking $60 Bibles on Truth Social
![Wikimedia Commons.jpg](

Former president Donald Trump, who has recently been comparing himself to Jesus Christ at his rallies, is now hawking Bibles he is selling for $60 each.  Trump’s Bible also includes a copy of a handwritten chorus to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA,” as well as copies of the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

So, Trump’s now selling both gold sneakers and Bibles?  Gee whiz, it sounds like Mr. Trump has gone full-on "Paper Moon” about this.  I assume this Bible will be known as the “King Don” version.  If so, I suppose that would mean it will be printed “upside down.”  Trump seems to have a preference for that in his Bibles.  I mean, it isn’t like he or any of his MAGA sycophants will actually read it, so I guess it really doesn’t matter which direction the printing goes.  

Of course, a more likely scenario is Trump probably figured, “Why pay to have Bibles printed,” and just had a bunch of his goons steal Gideon Bibles out of the drawers of motel room nightstands.  Then, they just stuff a few cheaply printed copies of US documents inside and send them on their way to the MAGAs.  Of course, the poor half-witted MAGAs probably believe these Bibles will help them to “pray,” when what they actually will do is help Trump to “prey” - on them.

You know, its funny, but when I was just a kid, my mom bought a Bible for me.  That said, I don’t seem to remember ever reading any passages in the scriptures about, “And the Lord told Donald Trump, ‘Now, get out there and sell some Bibles for me, dude!’  Let’s Make America Pray Again.”  Now, while I haven’t actually seen the Trump Bible, rumor has it the “first commandment” in the Trump Bible reads, “Thou shalt commit Adultery,” followed by “Money changers in the Temple are now perfectly fine.”

Ironically, his “Truth Social ad tells buyers, “Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.”  I guess that’s because they’re shipping them all the way from “the year 1957.”  Now, the question is, will a "Trump on a Cross" Christmas ornament be next?  Hell, if he needs to be strung up on a cross to pose for it, let me know.  My next-door neighbor has a nail gun.  Meanwhile, MAGAs simply can’t wait to get their hands on the new “Trump Bible.”  Seems the long-awaited sequel to “Mein Kampf” has finally arrived.
· @grebmot · (edited)
How to not be a writer

>"Every decision I've ever made in my entire life has been wrong. My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have in every aspect of life be it something to wear, something to eat... It's all been wrong. Everywhere."

― George Costanza, Seinfeld: The Opposite 

When I was a kid in rural Germany I fantasized about being a famous soccer player. Then I got older and wanted to be a great martial artist. Like one of those fancy bald ones, posing on some remote mountain top while chasing enlightenment. Later I joined the German Army and tried to become a paratrooper. An attempt was made, but it wasn't for me. Like George ultimately all of my decisions went horribly wrong. Now I'm in my late thirties wearing a mustard stained wife-beater and no pants. The only illumination I'll ever receive comes from a chinese LCD screen glowing at me in total darkness. If you listen carefully you might hear a gentle hum in great distance. That's my computer. 

Long story short: One of my more presistent delusions has been the somewhat idiotic idea of becoming a professional writer. I guess these days I'm willing to settle for just being "a" writer, but truth be told I'm probably not even that. Part of me knows people like myself shouldn't bother with the arts and really it's just a bad batch of missfiring plumber genes. On the other hand, I'm probably a world expert on procrastination and what not do. So hear me out and do the opposite:


**Be a romantic**

You should treat writing like a fashion statement. Some sort of lifestyle choice. Imagine yourself wearing a french beret, or maybe a black turtle neck (if you're feeling gaudy). Really, the idea of writing is more important than actually doing it. Concentrate on the hypothetical and realize how wonderful your future is going to be. You drifting through empty space, transversing the vastness of your own imagination while hammering away on some cool typewriter like Garth Marenghi. Author! Dreamweaver! That could be you, but it's already kinda late. Maybe tomorrow.


**Believe in talent**

There's no sense in trying to be something that you're not. Some have talent, some don't. If whatever you're doing isn't working out it's probably because you don't have talent. Simple as. No further discussion needed. Should anybody dare to say otherwise you thumb them right into the chest and prepare for a fist fight. Those are fighting words. Beyond that it's good form to sneer at the aspirations of lesser people. You didn't make it, why would they!? Stay in your lane, peasant.


**Wait for permission**

It's not complicated, but let me elaborate. If you're a kid who wants to play the guitar, just be patient. Mind your own business, stay behind your little school table and sit up straight. Smile! Nod along to the jibber-jabber and wait. There's no sense in sharing secret desires. One day someone will telepathically deduce your dream, hand you a guitar and be amazed! That said, nobody likes somebody who invites themselves to an orgy. Watch Eyes Wide Shut for reference.


**Preperation, preperation, preperation!**

I might've never finished a story, however I have hundreds of pages of random notes. Notes about the time when I was on a ketogenic diet and only ate boiled eggs. Notes on how much water I drink, random news, some borderline suicidal poems that might earn me a pair of grippy socks. Quotes, soundbites. I don't know, it's an unorganized pile of madness and it beats actually starting something. Don't organize it, don't try to make sense of it. Just add more to the pile and dream about writing. Let others worry about it when they find your corps. 



So you actually sat down and started doing something? Slow down there buddy. You need to focus and monitor each word and each sentence. Make sure everything is perfect before you move on. Is the font right? Is it the right size? What about those quotation marks? Inverted commas or guillemets? Be OCD about it. You don't even know what a draft is but you suspect it's somehow related to Vietnam, not writing. Fuck it, just move on to your next project. 


**Avoid life**

Assume that you're a cockroach. Your apartment is the rock you've been hiding under, so don't let anybody lift it. H.P. Lovecraft didn't need a girlfriend to write stories and neither did Robert E. Howard. Just watch movies, browse wikipedia and hope for the best. Basically part of the reason of wanting to be a writer is to avoid society anyway. Right? Don't let them win. You're the man on the moon. The guy living in that self-made shack in the woods. 

I'm sure there's more to it, but it's getting late. I wish you more success than I ever had. Shouldn't be too difficult, I hope.
👍  ,
2 replies
· @indextrader24 · (edited)
Aus der Ferne betrachtet...
![pygmy-sloth-62869_1280.jpg](</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - pixabay</sub></sub></center>

Das Faultier ist normalerweise eher ein selten zu beobachtender Abkömmling der Fauna unseres Heimatplaneten. Viele Vertreter dieses possierlichen und gemütlichen Erdbewohners dürften hingegen beim Anblick der menschlichen Spezies und dessen Artgenossen in Deutschland ob ihrer exponentiell steigenden Zahl wegen schreckhaft werden - galt das Faultier hierzulande bislang nicht als typischer Bewohner des europäischen Habitates und hier besonders der deutschen Flora und Fauna.

Doch seit Einführung des Bürgergeldes und einer grün bunten Willkommenskultur im Herzen Europas verzeichnet im Rahmen einer kulturmarxistischen woken Transkultur das Faultier auch fernab der Heimat inzwischen einen enormen Zulauf, sehr zum Schaden all jener menschlichen Vertreter, die dafür Sorge tragen daß zumindest die Supermarktregale zwecks Verköstigung der eigenen Spezies (noch) nicht leer bleiben.

Dabei ist es um die Abermillionen an bunt gemischten Trans-Faultieren der menschlichen Spezies in Deutschland nicht einmal schlecht bestellt. Dank eines für sie kostenlosen all inklusive Paketes brauchen sie ihrer Natur folgend nicht einen Finger krumm legen, ja noch nicht einmal der Sprache ihres Gastgeberlandes mächtig sein um in den Genuss kostenloser Gesundheitsversorgung, kostenloser Alimentierung, kostenloser Beförderung, kostenloser Belustigung und kostenlosen Wohnraumes mit allen nur erdenklichen Annehmlichkeiten zu kommen.

Vollkommen perplex nicht mehr wie ihre Cis-Vertreter auf Bäumen wohnen zu müssen liegen die transformierten Faultiere des Staates nun tagtäglich von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang total tiefenentspannt in der sündhaftteuren Edelvariante einer regenbogenbunten Hängematte des viel gepriesenen Wohlfahrtsstaates von Taugenichtsen und lachen sich zu Tode über all jene, die sich für sie jeden Tag ungefragt krummlegen und dafür im Verzicht üben müssen um ja nicht zu verhungern...

Man darf gespannt sein wie lange diese Auswüchse unserer Vorzeigeregierung noch Bestand haben werden ohne dass reihenweise Köpfe rollen...

Vollkommen Banane was in diesem Land inzwischen abgeht.
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· @meins0815 ·
Eine Thrillersatire von Christian Gailus
Christian Gailus wird wohl der Autor sein. Wohl ein Pseudonym. Kein Bock auf Recherche.

 Der Roman, das Hörbuch heißt übrigens CHROMOSOM 23.

Eine munter zusammengeklaute Satire im Stil von PER ANHALTER DURCH DIE GALAXIS.
Ausgesprochen witzig und auch skurril.
Zum Beispiel werden sus den ILLUMINATI  die ILLIMINANTEN!! Eine reine Frauenorganisation zur Vernichtung der Männer.

Auch sonst viel Wortwitz und Albereien die einen am Abschalten hindern und vergnüglich weiterhin zuhören lassen.

Mehr sollte nicht verraten werden damit noch Spannung zurückbleibt.

In diesem Fall haben die beiden Sprecher SIMON JÄGER und DAVID NATHAN einen gehörigen Teil beigetragen.

# Viel Vergnügen beim lustigen hören 😃😜
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2 replies
· @indextrader24 · (edited)
Klimaschutz erfordert Nullrunde für Rentner...
</center><center><sub><sub>**Schätzungsweise 1 Milliarde Pfanddosen sterben jedes Jahr auf Deutschlandsstraßen** - Bildquelle - [unsplash](</sub></sub></center>

<h3>Bundesregierung will Pfandflaschenverwertung verbessern...</h3>

Jedes Jahr sterben ca. 1 Milliarde Pfanddosen und Pfandflaschen auf Deutschlands Straßen - überrollt und platzgewalzt von Carbon Black gestählten Reifen der Automobilindustrie. Die meisten dieser zahllosen Opfer finden daher nicht den Weg zurück in den Recyclingkreislauf zum Schutz des Klimas und müssen teuer und oftmals umweltschädlich wieder neu produziert werden.

Um die Opferzahlen unter den Pfanddosen und Flaschen drastisch zu reduzieren haben Topfexperten aus dem Kreis der Bundesregierung nunmehr beschlossen die Renten einzufrieren und nicht mehr zu erhöhen. Die deutsche Vorzeigeregierung erhofft sich dadurch eine Halbierung der Opferzahlen auf Deutschlands Straßen und damit eine Verbesserung der Klimabilanz in Deutschland, in dem durch Rentenkürzungen die Wiederverwertung der Pfandprodukte verbessert und damit der Recyclingkreislauf effizienter wird.

Da unsere Regierung das beste ist, was uns je passieren könnte, hat sie zudem beschlossen die Zahl der Pfandprodukte im nächsten Jahr massiv zu steigern, da man laut Expertenkonsens der Regierung als Folge dieser Maßnahmen mit einem Run auf Pfanddosen und Pfandflaschen in Zukunft rechnet.entr
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 27 others
2 replies
· @nooses ·
There was a little "media literacy" war over on Twitter about the meaning of the movie Starship Troopers a couple days ago.
On one side were the usual suspects dunking on the chuds for being too dumb to get that Starship Troopers is a satirical critique of fascism as well as framing the bugs as blameless victims. 

The other side were mostly saying "yeah, we know, it's still a fun military scifi action flick," "yeah, we know that was the intent, but it fails in the execution," and/or "well, it actually offers a more nuanced satirical message than Verhoeven intended."

Paul Verhoeven didn't even read Robert Heinlein's book. I think most of those who view the movie as brilliant satire haven't read the book either and the few who have misunderstand it. It's amusing to me how fervently that crowd insist on authorial intent as gospel when it suits them, as in this case with Verhoeven, and ignore or disrespect authorial intent when it doesn't. What makes it even more amusing is movies like this are not the product of a singular vision of a single author.

Here are some highlights:




👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 21 others
· @johnnyrobish · (edited)
Trump Would Urge Russian Attacks on NATO Allies if They Don’t Pay Up
![Wikimedia Commons.jpg](

Former president Donald Trump created shock and uncertainty among world leaders as he ramped up his attacks on NATO this past Saturday at one of his rallies, claiming that he suggested to a foreign leader that he would encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to member countries he views as “not living up to their financial obligations” by paying what he considers their “fair share” for NATO protection.
Gee, you mean the guy who routinely stiffs contractors, lawyers, and vendors, cheats investors, steals from his charities, and lies about the taxes he owes - just told our closest and most important allies, “You better pay your damn bills?”  All that’s missing in this scenario is Trump telling them,  “It’d sure be a damn shame to see anything bad happen to you and your pretty little country!”  Now, I know some of you Libtards are gonna ask, “What’s the difference between what Trump just said and some Mob boss demanding protection money?”  Well, the obvious answer is “mob bosses don’t usually smear orange makeup all over their faces before they make their vile threats.”  

Of course, and in all fairness, I suppose anyone would have said the same thing Mr. Trump did, assuming they had been repeatedly dropped directly on their heads as a small child.  Look, all Donald Trump is saying is that he would be perfectly fine if Putin attacked our NATO allies - thus starting WWIII.  Other than that, what’s the problem?  I mean, according to Trump, he and Putin are friends, and it’s like the song says, “That’s What Friends are For.”  Besides, if Trump doesn’t get reelected, who’s gonna do things like try and buy Greenland, or tell folks they can just shoot up bleach to cure COVID, or tell the world’s dictators how much he admires how easily they “get things done?”  So, let that set in for a minute or two, and then do what I’m gonna do, and reach for that bottle of Jack Daniels.
· @johnnyrobish · (edited)
Trump Ordered by Jury to Pay E. Jean Carroll $83 Million
![Wikimedia Commons.jpg](

In his second trial in less than a year on the matter, a civil jury in Manhattan took only three hours to decide that disgraced former President Trump must pay $83.3 million in punitive and compensatory damages to rape victim and writer E. Jean Carroll in a drama that began in the dressing room of a New York City department store back in 1995.

Gee whiz, $83 million?  Seems it turns out that even “when you're a star, they don't always let you do it.”  Anyway, so the Orange God used his big fat mouth to talk his way out of a $5 million judgment - and right into an $83 million judgment.  Now, that really takes some skill!  Talk about “The Art of the Deal!”  I’m totally impressed.  Why, its almost as if Mr. Trump and his militant, useless attorney don’t fully comprehend the basic point of “punitive damages.”  

I mean, at this point, Trump defames Ms. Carroll so frequently, she’s almost gonna need to put up an electronic signboard to alert the court about Trump’s latest attacks on her.  Of course, if you were to ask a MAGA, “What do you think now that your candidate just got ordered to pay $83 million to a woman he raped and defamed?” - they’d no doubt respond, “That just makes me love him, even more!”  The Republican Party’s attitude is, “Sure, Donald Trump may be a rapist, but at least he's our rapist.”

Perhaps, but I suspect it won’t be long before Ms. Carroll tells Mr. Trump, “OK, I'll take the keys to Mar-a-Lago now, please.  Oh, and be sure to take Melania with you when you leave.”  Oh, well!   I suppose Trump can take some solace in the fact that he undoubtedly saved quite a good chunk of cash by hiring a fanatic, right-wing zealot for a lawyer - whose only real legal experience before this was fighting speeding tickets in a traffic court.  That’s right, we’re talking about you, Ms. Alina Habba Dabba Ding Dong.

That said, Republicans are right now working hard behind the scenes - putting a lot of pressure on candidate Nikki Haley to drop out of the race so everyone can rally behind this “winner” - Donald Trump.  Good grief, the way I see it, if this “winning streak” continues at its current pace, both Trump and Rudy may end up sharing a two-bedroom flat somewhere in downtown Luckenback, Texas.  Anyway, at this point, I guess the only question about this case remaining to be answered is, can this settlement be paid off in Rubles?
· @putinstalin · (edited)
The Return of the DDR in 2024 Satire
🤡🤡🤡THE RETURN OF EAST GERMANY (IN THE YEAR 2024) Powered by Angelika "IM ERIKA" Merkel😂😂😂😂 - Satire
![Uploading image #1...]()
· @indextrader24 · (edited)
Holy Shit
</center><center><sub><sub>Quelle des Bildzitates- pixabay</sub></sub></center>

Neue Methoden um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln erprobt man derzeit an vielen Stellen in Frankreich mit Hilfe der Bauern. Die unorthodoxen Methoden (Gülleimprägnation von Behörden, Mistdeportation von Schweineexkrementen, Sperrung von staatlich subventionierten Betrieben, Umpflügen von asphaltierten Straßen, Mistverbrennung oder Strohballlagereinrichtungen an wichtigen Verkehrsknotenpunkten u.v.m.) an den überwiegend staatlichen Stellen mögen vielen hierzulande befremdlich vorkommen, könnten aber letzten Endes hilfreich bei der Abwendung der drohenden schweren Wirtschaftskrise sein.

Vielleicht helfen solche Maßnahme auch der immer Star schwächelnden und im Niedergang befindlichen deutschen Wirtschaft??

[Gülle als nachhaltige Wirtschaftsförderung auch für den Standort Deutschland?](
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4 replies
· @indextrader24 · (edited)
Neues Virus - jetzt erwischt es jeden...
![IMG_20240125_172014.jpg](</center><center><sub>Quelle des Bildzitates- X<sub>Quelle des Bildzitates- X</sub></sub></center>

<center><h3>Setzt Eure Masken auf!!!</h3></center>

<center>Mehr Infos unter folgendem [Link](</center>
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4 replies
· @putinstalin ·
55 Year old Man claims to be a 13 year Girl - Satire
Viewers: 99.99% demand an end to supporting a 50-year-old man who claims...🤡🤡🤡Inspired by "Honest" Jan "BI" Mucha &amp; Thorsten "Gay K" Karl - Satire
![Uploading image #1...]()
· @indextrader24 · (edited)
Tyranno hat nun neue Freunde...🤩
</center><center><sub><sub><sub>***Teeny Rex heißt jetzt Tyranno...😀*** - Foto und Copyright @indextrader24</sub></sub></sub></center>

Seit gestern Abend hat Teeny Rex einen neuen Besitzer und der kann im Augenblick nicht genug von um kriegen...😊

In der Bahn nach unzähligen Ausfällen genoss der T-Rex seine abenteuerliche Fahrt durch Demokratien...😜

Überall wo er auftachte sorgte er für freie Sitzplätze und eine ungestörte Fahrt.😂


Die Bilanz seiner Rundreise bis zum Zielort:

- 16 Finger
- 3 Zehen
- und ein Hundeschwanz...😁

An meinem Zeh biss er sich die Zähne aus.🙂

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 20 others
· @indextrader24 · (edited)
Bauernproteste - was ist erlaubt und was nicht?
Nicht erlaubt sind definitiv Dinge wie ein Galgen oder eine Guillotine...

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

Sowas kann von unterbelichteten Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft missverstanden werden. Aus diesem Grund ist das Mitführen einer Axt ohne Erlaubnis der Polizeibehörde ebenfalls nicht ratsam...

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

Ebenso verboten ist das Mitbringen von Erschießungskommandos, es sei denn sie wurden vom [EU Kriegsrat zertifiziert und genehmigt um aufständige und friedliche Protestler abzuknallen](

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

<h3>Und wie sieht es mit Heugabeln und Kettensägen aus?</h3>

Nun - Heugabeln oder auch Mistgabeln sollten kein Problem darstellen solange der Befähigungsnachweis vorliegt und die Mitnahme behördlicherseits genehmigt wurde...

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

Die Mitnahme einer Kettensäge sollte nicht beanstandet werden können, da ja durchaus Situationen auftreten können, welche die Beseitigung von Hindernissen erforderlich macht. Aber Achtung: Das Anwerfen einer Kettensäge außerhalb der eigenen Grundstücksgrenze erfordert einen Sachkundenachweis...

<center>![photo-1515433868209-994b50c7e2f1 (1).jpeg](
</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

<h3>Und was ist erlaubt?</h3>

Pommes Rot Weiß - kein Problem. Lassen sich hervorragend mit anderen Demoteilnehmern verspeisen und reduzieren das Gewaltpotential. Denn mit einer Pommes in der Hand lässt sich schlecht die Faust ballen...

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

Das Mitführen von Haustieren sollte auch kein Problem darstellen. Ggf. kann man sie am Bundeskanzleramt auch anketten, wenn man die dortige Toilette benutzen will und mal austreten muss...

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

Sollte jedoch der Robert vom Fischerklaus von der Hallig Hooge erscheinen dann ist es ratsam sich in Sicherheit zu bringen und die 110 anzurufen...

</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - unsplash</sub></sub></center>

Denn mit dem grünen Fischerklaus vom Robert aus Hallig Hooge ist nicht gut Kirschen essen...
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 22 others
3 replies
· @indextrader24 ·
Gummistiefel still gestanden! Links Zwo Drei Vier! Rechts - äh Links Zwo Drei Vier!
</center><center><sub><sub>Bildquelle - pixabay</sub></sub></center>

<center><h1>Nun hinkt mal nicht so! 
Marsch Marsch! 
Der Kanzler ruft!</h1></center>

Links zwo drei vier! 
Links zwo drei vier!  
Links zwo drei vier! 
Gesamte Kompanie Halt! 
Achtung Hochwasser!

<h3>Flutwellle voraus!</h3>

Wer war so blöd und hat die Talsperren geöffnet?


Wollt ihr mich verarschen???

Na denne - dann werden wir hier mal ganz andere Seiten aufziehen!

<h2>Wer gibt dem Kanzler freiwillig seine Gummistiefel?</h2>


<h3>Was - niemand????</h3>

<h4>Ja - wisst ihr eigentlich nicht, wen ihr vor Euch habt???</h4>
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