small-business | Recent

· @coinbusiness ·
On March 29th of this year, the cB account on turned four years old.
When we registered an account, this popular social network was called “Twitter”.

![Снимок экрана 2024-03-30 143943.png](
· @coinbusiness ·
How to use the "Safe Deal" service.
Create a contract with a partner, specifying the goal, participants (seller, buyer, etc.), with their USDT wallets, payment and refund conditions.

Send your contract to any coinBusiness page/admin.

Transfer the payment to the coinBusiness wallet using USDT.

Wait for your contract to be published on the community pages.

Then check the accuracy of all details and conditions stated in the contract.

Fulfill the contract terms.

Confirm that the conditions are met, confirm the payment.

Check on the blockchain how the payment has been transferred to the recipient's wallet.

The service price is 5 USDT per deal.

Deal participants must have accounts on messengers/social networks or email to communicate with the operator. A phone or computer connected to the internet is required. One communication method is sufficient for the operator to contact if needed.

Before use, familiarize yourself with cB rules. Deals involving prohibited goods and services are not supported. In case of rule violation, participant accounts in such transactions will be banned, funds will be blocked, and the matter will be handed over to official law enforcement agencies.

Prohibited goods/services include: Internationally prohibited as public hazards; Alcohol, any narcotics, tobacco, cigarettes, vapes, hookahs, etc.; Related to nudity, erotica, intimate services; Loans with interest rates, casinos, paid lotteries, cryptocurrency trading, bookmakers, etc. 

![Снимок экрана 2024-03-17 200444.png](
· @coinbusiness ·
Wallet report. January 27, 2024.
We have two active wallets. No new wallets have been added, there are no archived wallets yet.

First on Ethereum blockchains, Polygon Matic :0x7bbd8533A9096d490B378f4c8fB226Fc0e05FdEb .



Second wallet on TRON Blockchain: TGMmttDeEUZTNrQBT8ruaUPhvhJN4WcADU .


These public wallets are the only way to financially interact with coinBusiness. We do not have any other wallets or payment methods.

All coinBusiness public wallets have been kept in the public domain, on our pages, since the very beginning of the company’s founding.
· @coinbusiness ·
The best blockchains for small businesses today. October, 2023.
So, based on the characteristics required for small businesses, the best blockchains today are Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon Matic, and Ethereum.

The most popular and largest stablecoins, whose value is pegged to the US dollar, are USDT, USDC, and DAI. At any time, they can be easily exchanged for fiat currencies of most countries. These currencies are controlled by the companies that issued them, namely Tether, Circle, and Maker DAO. The first two companies can easily freeze any wallet holding USDT and USDC upon regulators' command.

All of them are well-suited for free ethical entrepreneurial activities, online sales, and services without banking bureaucracy and the use of personal data. Links to their official company websites are provided at the end of this article.

To work with stable digital currencies (stablecoins), such as USDT, USDC, and DAI, the aforementioned blockchains are required. Solana comes first in this list because, besides being listed on the Tether website, it has the fastest transaction speed among other blockchains, and the transaction fees (Gas) are lower. The average cost for one transaction is $0.00025.

Next in line are Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Matic, in which stablecoins USDT, USDC, and DAI also operate.

At the end of our list is the Ethereum blockchain, as it has higher transaction fees, averaging $0.53.

To pay for transactions, cryptocurrencies from these blockchains are used, and they are easily accessible for purchase.  

Other blockchains did not make it to our list for two reasons: either they lack sufficient volumes of stablecoins or, at the time of this article's release, they had high transaction fees, exceeding $1.

Many wallets have been created and are successfully operating to comfortably store, receive, and make payments with stable digital currencies on various platforms. These wallets are available on PC, web, browsers, and mobile devices. It is advisable to use only those wallets recommended on the official website of a particular blockchain to avoid the risk of your funds falling into the hands of scammers. Remember that users themselves are responsible for their money.

If you accept the presented stablecoins here and align with the values of cB, join us to collectively represent the interests of ethical businesses and engage in dialogues with major players and organizations.


Links to sources.

Site Tether stablecoin.  

Site Circle stablecoin.

Site Dai stablecoin.

Site Solana blockchain:

Site BSC blockchain :

Site Polygon blockchain:

Site Ethereum blockchain:
· @coinbusiness ·
cB channel on YouTube
· @lbuilder ·
About Us: Topics That We Care About Most
**About Us: Topics That We Care About Most**


At Topics That We Care About Most, our mission is to be a leading platform that empowers individuals and businesses in the realms of Small Business, Manufacturing, and Local Community. We are committed to providing valuable insights, fostering innovation, and cultivating a sense of community to drive positive change and sustainable growth.


Our vision is to create a world where small businesses flourish, manufacturing drives innovation, and local communities thrive. We envision a dynamic platform that connects passionate individuals, shares knowledge, and inspires collaborative efforts to shape a better future for all.


Our primary goal is to be the go-to destination for individuals seeking expert guidance, innovative ideas, and real-world solutions in the domains of Small Business, Manufacturing, and Local Community. Through our curated content, we aim to enable entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and community leaders to make informed decisions, drive success, and create meaningful impacts in their spheres of influence.

**Why Choose Us?**

1. **Comprehensive Insights:** We offer comprehensive coverage of Small Business, Manufacturing, and Local Community, ensuring that our readers gain a holistic understanding of these vital areas.

2. **Expertise and Authority:** Our team comprises subject matter experts, industry veterans, and community advocates, whose knowledge and authority ensure the reliability and credibility of our content.

3. **Practical and Actionable:** We focus on providing actionable insights, tangible strategies, and real-world examples that our readers can readily apply to achieve their goals.

**Our Core Focus**

1. **Small Business Success:** We are committed to supporting small businesses at every stage of their journey. Our articles encompass everything from starting a business and marketing strategies to financial management and scaling up.

2. **Manufacturing Excellence:** We celebrate manufacturing as a driving force behind innovation and progress. Our blog explores the latest technologies, sustainable practices, and industry trends that shape the future of manufacturing.

3. **Community Empowerment:** We believe that strong communities are the foundation of a thriving society. Our content highlights community-driven initiatives, the impact of local businesses, and ways to foster inclusivity and positive change.

**Join Our Community**

Topics That We Care About Most is more than just a blog; it's a vibrant community of individuals who share a common passion for growth and impact. Engage with our content, participate in discussions, and connect with like-minded individuals to create meaningful connections.

**Stay Connected**

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive regular updates, exclusive content, and invitations to community events. Stay connected with us and be part of a supportive network that embraces the power of collaboration.

**Together, We Shape a Brighter Future**

Thank you for being a part of Topics That We Care About Most. Together, we can shape a brighter future for Small Business, Manufacturing, and Local Community, empowering individuals and businesses to thrive and make a lasting positive impact. Let's embark on this journey of growth and transformation, fueled by knowledge, inspiration, and a shared vision of progress.
· @megaladon ·
Хорошие новости. Увеличение лимита по сделкам.
Теперь лимит составляет в эквиваленте, до $10 K в течении 30 дней на одного пользователя. По умолчанию не требуются личные данные. Для идентификации пользователей достаточно адрес блокчейн - кошелька и любых аккаунтов в соцсетях, адрес электронной почты.

cB поддерживает сделки купли / продажи / услуги / фриланс .

Сделки публикуются и дублируются на страницах cB в соцсетях, на двух языках, английском и русском.

Поддерживаются блокчейны Ethereum, BSC, TRON, Polygon Matic, Fantom на которых работают цифровые валюты стейблкойны : USDT, USDC, DAI, Pax Dollar, TUSD .

Используйте публичный кошелек cB для резервирования оплаты вашему, партнеру. Предварительно напишите нам о вашей сделке в кратце, цель, сумма, условия. Добавьте адреса блокчейн - кошельков участников сделки, ваш и ваших партнеров. Напишите, кто получает ваши средства, в случае выполнения условий договора.

Плата за услуги cB составляет $ 6 в цифровой валюте, в которой проводится сделка.

Правила сообщества.

Сделки, проводимые, используя ресурсы coinBusiness ( cB ), не должны быть связаны с каким либо нарушением прав людей, включая, наготу; наркотические средства, алкоголь, сигареты; букмекеры, казино, кредиты со ставкой.

Не допускается любая деятельность против человека, причинение ущерба или вреда жизни человека, его здоровью, его уму, интеллекту.

Не допускаются сделки, причиняющие ущерб / вред : материальному состоянию человека, его имуществу и собственности ; включая оскорбление чести и достоинства человека; свободной воли, культуры и религии.

Помните, команда, управляющая проектом coinBusiness (cB) не приглашает инвесторов, не продает свои токены, не просит донаты.


· @coinbusiness ·
coinBusiness blockchain wallets. 12 February 2023.
cB currently has two public wallets on Ethereum, Polygon Matic, TRON blockchains.

None of the cB wallets can be deleted or disappear. If we replace any wallet with a new one, then the outdated wallet will be published on our pages marked “Archived”.
 So that the entire financial history of the company is kept in the public domain from the day cB was founded.
 Let the blockchain show us its truth.



cB wallet on Ethereum, Polygon Matic.  .



cB wallet on TRON Blockchain.  .


· @megaladon ·
Оплата через coinBusiness возможна только, на публичные блокчейн - кошельки coinBusiness.
Оплата через coinBusiness возможна только, на публичные блокчейн - кошельки coinBusiness, опубликованные на всех страницах coinBusiness. Будьте внимательны! Мы не предложим другие варианты оплаты.

· @coinbusiness ·
coinBusiness adds a wallet on the TRON blockchain.
The cB project has an official wallet on the decentralized blockchain TRON, TRX, link here:

TRON is an open blockchain with a large, growing community. Has 90+ million users worldwide.
Unlike the Ethereum blockchain, Tron provides cheaper and faster transactions. In this network, the popular stablecoins USDT, USDC operate similarly to other blockchains.

Before using the TRON tools, applications, please study the instructions and work with wallets and other important details on its resources.

Please note that this official cB wallet on the TRON network is published on all pages of coinBusiness, including channels, accounts, groups and forums.

· @megaladon ·
coinBusiness добавляет кошелек на блокчейне TRON .
Проект cB, теперь имеет официальный кошелек на децентрализованном блокчейне TRON, TRX, ссылка здесь:

TRON — это открытый блокчейн с большим, растущим сообществом. Имеет 90+ миллионов пользователей по всему миру.
В отличие от Ethereum blockchain, Tron обеспечивает более дешевые и быстрые транзакции. В этой сети, подобно, как на других блокчейнах функционируют популярные стейблкойны USDT, USDC.

Перед использованием инструментов, приложений TRON, пожалуйста, изучите на его ресурсах инструкции и работу с кошельками и другие важные детали.

Обратите внимание, что, данный официальный кошелек cB в сети TRON, опубликован на всех страницах coinBusiness, включая каналы, аккаунты, группы и форумы.

· @coinbusiness · (edited)
cB rules and concepts of “ethical small business”.
The main and basic rule that coinBusiness (cB) is guided by is to protect a person, his life, health, his property, his material values, private property, as well as the spiritual values ​​of a person, self-esteem, his faith, religion, pride and reputation.

Therefore, any business activity that violates the above rule cannot be defined by cB as an “ethical small business” and will not be considered. This is a requirement for everyone we deal with. Below, we describe this in more detail.


A business that is associated with a high risk to human life cannot be ethical. Any kind of production, mining in dangerous conditions, extreme forms of entertainment, hobbies, etc., where human life is exposed to unjustified risk.

Ethical business cannot cause obvious harm to human health. This includes any activity associated with harm to health, a high level of injuries; pollution of people’s places of residence, water bodies with hazardous waste, etc. This also includes intoxicating drinks, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, extreme sports, “Fights without rules”, etc.

Our ethical business, also, cannot cause material damage to a person. This includes cheating, fraud, gambling for money, casinos, lotteries, bookmakers, lending at interest or borrowing money at interest; speculation in goods that are not available, magic, divination, etc.

It is not allowed to humiliate the dignity of a person, insult his feelings, faith, etc. These violations include: any discrimination of a person on racial, national, religious, status, gender and other grounds, pornography, intimate services, nudity, account hacking, phishing sites, pages; theft of personal data, use of a photo / face or documents of a person without his permission, prank, ridicule, etc.

Positive entrepreneurial activity, with a high level of consciousness, transforms the world around, improving life for everyone. As capitalism of the next generation, ready to take responsibility for their actions, for society, ecology and the world around them.

4 replies
· @coinbusiness ·
Which sellers can use our public wallet ?
So, we offer sellers of goods on the Internet to use the escrow service for their buyers. Using for this public wallet coinBusiness 0x7bb***FdEb . And, as a currency, you can use the well-known and popular stablecoins: USDT, USDC, BUSD, DAI, PAX, PAXG.

The service can be used by small sellers, with any goods, except those that are not included in the concept of “ethical small business” . The number of prohibited goods includes: alcohol, narcotic substances, including those that intoxicate a person; lottery and cash draws; pornography, erotic materials; dangerous explosives; as well as items and substances prohibited by the official jurisdiction of countries.

Is this really a free service ? Yes. CoinBusiness is a non-commercial project and intends to remain so. No fees for our services, no sales fees. Users pay gas, which the blockchains themselves require for a transaction. Gas tariffs in cryptocurrencies of blockchains can be found on the official pages this is blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon MATIC, TRON and others.

Excess gas left after your transaction is non-refundable. Therefore, it is recommended to send gas as much as is required for the transaction.

Sell ​​your stuff anywhere, all over the internet. Sellers under their goods can publish their own wallet and a coinbusiness wallet nearby, offering the service “buyer protection” from coinbusiness to willing users. They are free to choose.
Publish your products where and how you like, write honestly about the shortcomings of the products you sell, if any, and do not deceive each other. And, we, your reliable rear.

Read the details in our next articles.

2 replies
· @maxstacks ·
Web Design Mobile Alabama: Top Digital Marketing Agencies 2022
<h1> Web Design Mobile Alabama: Top Digital Marketing Agencies 2022 </h1>
![need more website traffic.png](

Need more customers for your business in Mobile, Alabama?  Afactor Marketing can help!

We help local Mobile businesses like yours make more sales by getting more organic traffic from Google and social media.

Specializing in search engine optimization (seo) and social media automation, we know what it takes to get your content ranking in search engines fast.

Get in touch with us here:
<a href="">Web Design Mobile Alabama</a>

#web-design #alabama
· @georgesmith ·
3 Areas Where Every Small Business Should Automate
We all know that technology and the internet have “leveled the playing field” in a variety of ways, and perhaps one of the most powerful of these is access to automation.

It wasn’t that long ago when only the big players could truly automate business processes. Today, everyone from the wannabe entrepreneur launching a new side hustle to the owners and managers of small and medium-sized businesses can strategically automate important areas of their operations.

Discover how many of these automation opportunities can be a good fit for your operation.

Read more -
· @maxstacks ·
How to get a free website for small business in Baltimore, Maryland
Free websites to help Baltimore small businesses recover from the COVID19 pandemic.

Free websites are available for bars, restaurants, hair salons, barbers, real estate agents, insurance agents, car salesmen, car dealerships, nightclubs, retail stores, online stores, boutiques, book stores, coffee shops, landscaping companies, house cleaners, dog walkers, bands, and more!

<a href="">Get a completely free website</a>

· @busted1 ·
Simple but Important Advices to Business Owner
Hello, Welcome to another day and interestingly another post of mine. Today, I want to give out a few advices that small business owners so as to help them grow. A lot of us have been struggling to grow our businesses as well as keep customers. A lot of business owners look for strategies to keep their business going and in most cases, they just don’t find something new. They keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

[Image Source](

### Customers
In business, one thing you need to get is that you are doing everything for your customers. Your investors are second choices. The earlier you start to see that everything you do from the look of your company to your products and services, down to the employees and other things are meant for your customers, then you get things right.

You cannot start a business that doesn’t have a customer. If you do so, then you are already bankrupted from the very beginning. You plan a business on customers, you plan the finance of the business on how to keep strong and grow because of the customers, and you do promotional because of the customers as many more as I can count is basically because of the customer.

One thing you need to understand is that you have to make your customers satisfied and delighted, you need to think about your customers and how to make them delighted. If you can do this, you get your business going

[Image Source](

### Hard Work and Problem solving
The only time you enjoy yourself in your business after it is big were the early years of the business, when you had to do everything yourself and get everything going yourself in the right way. Hard work is key to growing a business to whatever extent you want of it but if you are not willing to do the work, then you might end up not going anywhere. There are always failures and difficulties in businesses but the ability to get this businesses out of this problem is what keeps the business growing stronger.

### Be Innovative and Watch your Finance
In as much as we want to satisfy our customers, we need to be innovative at all time. The ability to improve on product, style, services and so on is what is important. If a business remains the same without growing, then the business will die very soon because other businesses will take over. Also, the fuel of every business is finance and the earlier we start to deal with finance, the better. Never let your finance out of guard. If you do, you will be forced to pay for it with bankruptcy. 

### Thank You
That’s the end of my post for today, I hope you enjoyed what you read. You can leave your comment in the comment section, also I will like creative criticisms if there are any.
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12 replies
· @frederickbangs ·
The Pandemic and its Effect on Small Businesses
Have we noticed that people aren’t talking about the virus on health but on the economy recently? Well if you haven’t then this might just be the first post that you will be seeing and for sure you will see more.


##### Why is this so?
A lot of government are trying to keep the economy afloat while solving the pandemic and the doing that, some governments are relieving the lockdown a little so as to allow businesses operate, some are implementing curfew time as well as condemning gathering whatsoever but in all this, it is telling on small businesses.

This virus is putting a lot of small businesses to the test as a lot of this businesses are still locked. In a lot of countries most especially in developed countries, the lockdown is still tight and the government isn’t allowing movement. Just like the big corporation, small businesses are losing money as well, from grocery store, to restaurants, café, and other small businesses. If this lockdown continues for 1 month more, a lot of small businesses will suffer. Since small businesses make up about 50% of the employment force, you can imagine how many people are connected to this small businesses and you can imagine how much has been lost as revenue.

![jeremy-stenuit-3mErKfgolzM-unsplash (1) (1).jpg](

Although, essential businesses have to stay opened, but most people can’t risk their health for a paycheck or profit. Small business owners who deal with essential commodities are facing a lot of challenge from handling sales themselves to having enough funds to employ or getting employees. Nobody knows what will happen in the future, and everybody is anticipating for the future.

Not everyone can risk going out and facing a pandemic, some people who own small businesses are aged people and are at the highest risk of contracting the disease when they go out, so they just have to stay indoors. What happens to the goods in this stores if they get expired or spoilt? What if they have to buy new products and inflation cause their financial power to drop?

###### DO you think government giving small businesses loans will be a solution and can it be sufficient to cover losses?

###### Do you still open your store, are you an employer and how is the pandemic affecting your business?

###### When do you think the economy will normalize after this pandemic?
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 44 others
10 replies
· @alikhan6 ·
Business Plan Writers: Should You Hire One
Are you interested in starting up your own business?  If so, you should carefully consider writing a business plan.  The thought of preparing a business plan tends to fill most business owners with dread; it can be a difficult, stressful, and time-consuming process.  For this reason alone you may want to think about seeking assistance.

One of the many ways that you can seek help to write your plan is by hiring a professional, who in this case is a professional business plan writer.

What Is a Professional Business Plan Writer?

Before deciding whether or not you should hire the services of a professional business plan writer, you should first clearly understand what they are.  In most cases, you will find these individuals to be experienced, professional writers who are well versed in business terminology and who can effectively understand the needs of businesses.  It is important to understand when writing anything, even a business plan, that it is the wording that makes all the difference; the words used can be the difference between success and failure. That is why a large number of small business owners turn to professional writers for assistance.

What a Professional Business Plan Writer Can Do For You

When it comes to searching for a professional business plan writer, you will find that different writer perform different duties. For example, a large number of writers will merely take your ideas, which you have already thought out and developed, and present them in a professional matter; they will just present your plans in a more professional way than you could.

Then there are the professional business plan writers who will work with you to develop your plan from the inception of the basic ideas for your business to the finished document.  Naturally, since more work and time go into assisting you with developing a business plan from the bottom up you will probably find that the services of these writers cost more than traditional ones.

It is important therefore that before you start your search you be very clear in your own mind as to what level of support and input you require.

Why Hire a Professional Business Plan Writer?
There are a number of different reasons why small business owners turn to professional business plan writers. One of the key reasons is the lack of experience when it comes to putting ideas on paper and not knowing what format a plan should take.  If you have never created a business plan before you can easily find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper for hours on end!

Although it is relatively easy to learn how to create your own plan, it can be a time-consuming process to undertake the research and get into the appropriate mindset. With the right experience, a professional business plan writer will be able to create a detailed, professional business plan in half the time that it would take you to create the same plan.

How Do You Find Someone?

If you are interested in acquiring the services of a professional business plan writer, you have a number of different options.  One of those options is to search for someone locally.  Dealing with a local business plan writer is great, especially if you want to deal with someone face-to-face.  Your search can focus on your local government business advice centers or even asking fellow business colleagues. If there is a writing group or circle in your locality then you can approach them for potential names.

The only problem that you may find is that not all areas of your country will have professional business plan writers.  This means you may have to turn to the Internet for assistance. By conducting an online search you will find a large number of professional writers who specialize in creating or writing business plans.

What Should You Look For Before Hiring?

When choosing a professional business plan writer it is important that you don’t choose either the first person that you come across or the cheapest. If a well-written business plan is crucial to the success of your plans then you must be careful in your selection. Your business plan may not only be used for your personal guidance, but it may also be used to attract financing for your business and that is why your plan must look professional, be detailed and readable.

Before hiring a writer, you should request samples of previous work and also ask to see testimonials from business owners who have used their services.  This will help to ensure you are getting your amounts of money worth and that you end up with a business plan you can proud distribute.

As with any contract you enter into be very certain what you are getting for your money. Does the contract include the provision for free updates or unlimited revisions before the final version is agreed? Will you be charged per word, per page, or by the hour? Make sure you fully understand the deal.

By following these points you should be able to decide whether or not a professional business plan writer can assist you.  Whilst they can be an additional cost you may not be able to afford, in the long run it could be the best investment you ever made.
· @imagediet ·
기획은 2형식이다 남충식 골목상권 문제 해결책 대형마트휴무 답이 아니고 스몰 비즈니스 새터데이 social buzz
기획은 2형식이다 남충식 골목상권 문제 해결책 대형마트휴무 답이 아니고 스몰 비즈니스 새터데이 social buzz
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