soul | Recent

· @g14tracks ·
Grime Type Beat Instrumental29p

Dope Punk-Ish Pop / Trap Beat With A Catchy Guitar Melody

Similar Style Music Artist | Tue Apr 23 2024 08:44:16 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Akiba Band The - Contemporary-Ambient New-Age Jazz-Fusion Band
American Thighs

· @cathywrites ·
Is "Trying It All" Really Worth It?

<div class="text-right"><em>The free will of people is much more stubborn than the nature of other creatures: these are completely devoid of soul or feeling, on the contrary, those [humans], being gifted with reason, obey until they wish, but if they do not wish, then they remain stubborn [even if it is harmful]. (St. John Chrysostom, Orthodox spiritual writer.)</em></div>

<sub><center><em><b><h4>Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>

"You gotta try it all". Tell nothing to your parents, because they won't understand **it** anyway.
"You gotta try it all". Don't be afraid, **this** is worth a try.
"You gotta try it all". No worries 'bout your health and life. You'll be satisfied just now.
*"You gotta try it all".*


In the modern world, we hear these phrase more and more often. Somehow we're being convinced that we will lose a lot in life if we won't try a tech novelty, a new vulgar 'bestseller', or something worse than it...

This ideology of **hedonism,** or better said - of "trying everything in life" seems to consume lots of souls nowadays. But is it really worthy?


Actually, the problem of "trying that all" isn't that new. Every epoch has its temptations and trials. From my experience, young people and teens are the target group for such.

A natural desire to explore the world around us can be used in different ways. It is primarily a powerful motivator. But curiosity is also used by advertising companies and bad-minded people who want to hook as many consumers as possible. 


It's so sad to see how new TV shows, books and social media make different addictions attractive instead of spreading the really important things when it has become so easy.

But who exactly makes the decision to “try everything”? I believe that we often don't think we want smth. neutral or even harmful until it becomes *stylish.* 


A certain absurd reflex is triggered - to fit in, to be “trendy”.  And after a couple of days the need for this appears again, since what was “trendy” the day before yesterday is no longer in trend at all. 

Various temptations are always served as a delicacy, without trying which we will certainly lose a lot... A person’s hand again reaches out to the forbidden fruit and considers it sweet only because of its inaccessibility.  (I recently read this saying on the Internet; I think it is very appropriate here). 


What happens if *this* is not tried? Nothing bad! Moreover: more benefits will come from this. I am convinced that there are many things out there that are really worth trying, for example, learning to be more understanding of your loved ones, launching a useful fundraiser, learning a new language, or even learning to ride a bike :) 

What is really worth trying brings good. And this is definitely not an advertisement :) 

Thank you for reading!

<center><sub>Posted using [SteemPro Mobile](</sub></center>
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1 reply
· @g14tracks ·
Xperimental Type Beat Instrumental9lp51

Deep Emotional Storytelling Beat With Strong Moving Orchestral Elements

Similar Style Music Artist | Wed Apr 17 2024 12:17:26 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Anastasia Vye - Lesbian Pop Music New Album Lesbian Hot Wheel Barbies Now Out
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· @sadcorp ·
Give your heart, soul, mind and will to God to enter the kingdom of heaven?
"37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ***all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind***"

"21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; ***but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven***"
· @murliwala ·
How Mobile Applications Help us to Develop Our Body and Soul
For many, the change from spring to summer signifies it's time to act.

If you're in, you may check out our list of recommended smartphone applications to help you start the summer feeling rejuvenated. These are the apps that we selected for you.

 An app for smartphones that people who like barre, yoga, and sweat can choose. The app offers a wealth of programme content and connects users to one of the biggest women's fitness groups globally. You can learn from the teachings of numerous well-known trainers, including Kayla Itsines, by using Sweat. You may even participate in positive life training and put into practice eating plans that will help you start the summer feeling rejuvenated, all thanks to the application.

 Another smartphone app that will help you get ready for summer and benefit your body and soul is called Meditopia. The application primarily addresses relationships, expectations, sexuality, body image, and loneliness. Users of Meditopia can engage in breathing exercises and guided meditation. The software offers features like mental health assistance for teams and can help you swiftly make up for any shortcomings you may have in developing a healthy sleep habit.

 A California-based startup called Calm is the best option for people searching for brand-new guided meditation and sleep stories. The application tries to assist you in coming up with excellent ideas for stress management. It sets itself apart from its competitors by offering a holistic approach to meditation. You can develop into a more composed and focused person by listening to expertly crafted calming music and audio stories by mindfulness practitioners.

 Streaks provides its users with simple-to-follow to-do lists that will assist them in forming healthy routines. Each list completed becomes a part of a series, in keeping with the theory that behaviour carried out for 45 days straight without a break would eventually become a habit. Users of the application, which supports the Turkish language, can select from up to 24 pre-made activities or add their own. Streaks is especially appropriate for people who struggle to focus on a single task.

 Headspace is another smartphone software that can help you start the summer feeling rejuvenated. Spending ten minutes a day with the app should help you become a more focused and at ease person. Short-term, simple, and productive exercises are available on Headspace, which can interest people interested in beginning meditation. It is the best choice in this regard for advancing to more difficult meditation techniques.

 Every time it opens, Down Dog provides individuals who want to do yoga with a new choice. Furthermore, its library contains sixty thousand distinct practices. Put differently, there's little chance that you'll perform the suggested exercise again in the near future. The Down Dog exercises can be modified based on the breed and physical attributes of the dog. To determine whether the application is right for you, you can utilise the extended trial version.

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 39 others
· @cathywrites · (edited)
UA/EN: Ілюструю притчі - "Морські зірки"/Illustrating parables: "The Starfish"
UA: Вітаю, друзі!
Сьогодні маю для Вас художні роботи.

**одразу прошу пробачення, що цей пост дубляжний на моєму блозі - випадково виклала його на особисту сторінку замість спільноти.
<sub><center><em><b><h4>Вітаю, читачу! Більше про автора ви можете дізнатися [тут](
Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>

Давно цікавлюсь малюванням. Від початку Посту мою увагу особливо привернули різні притчі. Отож бо, спробую дещо показати й розповісти.
<em>Чоловік ішов берегом і раптом побачив хлопчика, який піднімав щось з піску та кидав у море.</em>


<em>Чоловік підійшов ближче і побачив, що хлопчик піднімає з піску морські зірки.</em>

<em>Вони оточували його з усіх сторін. Здавалося, на піску – мільйони морських зірок, берег був буквально усіяний ними на багато кілометрів.</em>


<em>– Навіщо ти кидаєш ці морські зірки у воду? – запитав чоловік, підходячи ближче.</em>

<em>– Якщо вони залишаться на березі до завтрашнього ранку, коли почнеться відлив, то загинуть, – відповів хлопчик, не припиняючи свого заняття.
– Але ж це просто нерозумно! – закричав чоловік. – Озирнись! Тут мільйони морських зірок, берег просто всіяний ними. Твої спроби нічого не змінять!</em>


<em>Хлопчик підняв наступну морську зірку, на мить задумався, кинув її в море і сказав:
– Ні, мої спроби змінять дуже багато… <b>для цієї зірки.</b>
Тоді чоловік теж підняв зірку і кинув її в море. Потім ще одну.</em>


<em>До ночі на пляжі було безліч людей, кожен з яких піднімав і кидав в море зірку. І коли встало сонце, на пляжі не залишилося жодної.</em>
[Джерело - СПЖ](


EN: Hello, friends!
 Today I have some artworks for you.

**I'm sorry to post this work twice, because I have accidentally posted it to my blog instead of our community.
<sub><center><em><b><h4>Вітаю, читачу! Більше про автора ви можете дізнатися [тут](
Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>

 I have been interested in drawing for a long time.  Since the beginning of Lent, my attention has been particularly drawn to various parables. So, I will try to show and tell something.
 <em>A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy who was picking something up from the sand and throwing it into the sea.</em>
 <em>The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand.</em>

 <em>They surrounded the boy from all sides. It seemed that there were millions of starfish on the sand, the shore was literally dotted with them for many kilometers.</em>
 <em>– Why are you throwing these starfish into the water?  - asked the man, coming closer.</em>

 <em>- If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins, they will die, - answered the boy, without stopping his work.

 But it has no sense!  - shouted the man.  - Look around!  There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply strewn with them. Your attempts will not change anything!</em>
 <em>The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

  No, my attempts will change a lot... <b>for this star.</b>

Then the man also picked up the star and threw it into the sea.  Then another one.</em>
 Until nightfall, there were many people on the beach, each of whom raised and threw a star into the sea. And when the sun rose, there was not a single left on the beach.</em>
 [Source - OJC (Orthodox Journalist Community)](
<center><h3>Thank you!</h3></center>

<center><sub>Posted using [SteemPro Mobile](</sub></center>
2 replies
· @cathywrites · (edited)
UA/EN: Ілюструю притчі - "Морські зірки"/Illustrating parables: "The Starfish"
UA: Вітаю, друзі!
Сьогодні маю для Вас художні роботи.
<sub><center><em><b><h4>Вітаю, читачу! Більше про автора ви можете дізнатися [тут](
Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>
Давно цікавлюсь малюванням. Від початку Посту мою увагу особливо привернули різні притчі. Отож бо, спробую дещо показати й розповісти.
<em>Чоловік ішов берегом і раптом побачив хлопчика, який піднімав щось з піску та кидав у море.</em>



<em>Чоловік підійшов ближче і побачив, що хлопчик піднімає з піску морські зірки.</em>

<em>Вони оточували його з усіх сторін. Здавалося, на піску – мільйони морських зірок, берег був буквально усіяний ними на багато кілометрів.</em>


<em>– Навіщо ти кидаєш ці морські зірки у воду? – запитав чоловік, підходячи ближче.</em>

<em>– Якщо вони залишаться на березі до завтрашнього ранку, коли почнеться відлив, то загинуть, – відповів хлопчик, не припиняючи свого заняття.
– Але ж це просто нерозумно! – закричав чоловік. – Озирнись! Тут мільйони морських зірок, берег просто всіяний ними. Твої спроби нічого не змінять!</em>


<em>Хлопчик підняв наступну морську зірку, на мить задумався, кинув її в море і сказав:
– Ні, мої спроби змінять дуже багато… <b>для цієї зірки.</b>
Тоді чоловік теж підняв зірку і кинув її в море. Потім ще одну.</em>


<em>До ночі на пляжі було безліч людей, кожен з яких піднімав і кидав в море зірку. І коли встало сонце, на пляжі не залишилося жодної.</em>
[Джерело - СПЖ](


EN: Hello, friends!
 Today I have some artworks for you.
<sub><center><em><b><h4>Вітаю, читачу! Більше про автора ви можете дізнатися [тут](
Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>
 I have been interested in drawing for a long time.  Since the beginning of Lent, my attention has been particularly drawn to various parables. So, I will try to show and tell something.
 <em>A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy who was picking something up from the sand and throwing it into the sea.</em>
 <em>The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand.</em>

 <em>They surrounded the boy from all sides. It seemed that there were millions of starfish on the sand, the shore was literally dotted with them for many kilometers.</em>
 <em>– Why are you throwing these starfish into the water?  - asked the man, coming closer.</em>

 <em>- If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins, they will die, - answered the boy, without stopping his work.

 But it has no sense!  - shouted the man.  - Look around!  There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply strewn with them. Your attempts will not change anything!</em>
 <em>The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

  No, my attempts will change a lot... <b>for this star.</b>

Then the man also picked up the star and threw it into the sea.  Then another one.</em>
 Until nightfall, there were many people on the beach, each of whom raised and threw a star into the sea. And when the sun rose, there was not a single left on the beach.</em>
 [Source - OJC (Orthodox Journalist Community)](
<center><h3>Thank you!</h3></center>

<center><sub>Posted using [SteemPro Mobile](</sub></center>
👍  ,
· @g14tracks ·
West coast Trap Type Beat Instrumentalrt6

Smooth Hip Hop Beat With Piano Synth And Vocoder In A Classic Screwaholic Beat Style

Similar Style Music Artist | Fri Apr 12 2024 13:00:29 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Aspirin - Have Crafted Their Own Brand Of Melodic Guitar Driven Pop Which Has Seen Them Develop A Large Following In Their Home Town Of Melbourne
Alzo Boszormenyi  The Acid Achievers - Links To His Discography Label Bandmates Concert Reviews And Other Information

· @lindonger ·
· @cathywrites ·
UA/EN: Цокольний поверх душі/Our Soul's Basement
UA: Вітаю, друзі!
Сьогодні хочу поділитися новими спостереженнями.
<sub><center><em><b><h4>Вітаю, читачу! Більше про автора ви можете дізнатися [тут](
Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>
Нещодавно на прогулянці мою увагу чомусь привернули... підвали. Точніше, напівпідвальні поверхи, які зазвичай належать будинку, тобто не є приватними.
Мабуть, це через те, що мешканці не бажають лишати їх захаращеними: облаштовують там майстерні, склади. До речі, у багатьох виходить зовсім непогано!
<sub>[MS Designer](</sub>
Якщо так подумати, кожен з нас має свій "цокольний поверх": це думки та наміри, яких окрім нас ніхто з людей не бачить. І кожен робить вибір, що триматиме там: корисні речі, скидатиме туди сміття або просто лишить приміщення пліснявіти...
Більш того, як гарно облаштований такий поверх приносить користь людям, так і коли наші наміри чисті, всім - і найперше нам - краще. 
<sub>[MS Designer](</sub>
Але для того, щоб все було добре, не потрібно намагатися "проникнути у підсвідомість" якимсь хитромудрим шляхом. Як до підвалу ми просто відчиняємо двері, не маючи потреби влітати через вікно або протікати крізь стелю :)

Головне - щиро заглянути у свою душу, і дати собі звіт у тому, що і як там відбувається.

Дякую за увагу!


EN: Hello, friends!
 Today I want to share some new observations.
<sub><center><em><b><h4>Вітаю, читачу! Більше про автора ви можете дізнатися [тут](
Hello, friend! You can learn more about the author [here](</h4></b></em></center></sub>
 Recently, on a walk around my neighborhood, my attention was caught by... basements. More precisely, the semi-basement floors that usually belong to the whole house, that is, are not private.
 Probably, this is due to the fact that residents do not want to leave them cluttered: they set up workshops and warehouses there. By the way, many people do this quite well!
 <sub>[MS Designer](</sub>
 If you think about it this way, each of us has our own "basement floor": these are thoughts and intentions that no one but us can see. And everyone makes a choice about what to do there: keep something good, collect garbage or simply leave the room to mold...
 Moreover, as a well-treated basement benefits people, so when our intentions are pure, everyone - and first of all us - feel much better.
 <sub>[MS Designer](</sub>
 But in order for everything to be good, you don't need to try to "access the subconscious" in some tricky way.  As for the basement, we just open the door, without the need to fly in through the window or flow through the ceiling like liquid :)

 The main thing is to sincerely look into your soul and give yourself an sincere account of what is happening there.

 Thank you for attention!

<center><sub>Posted using [SteemPro Mobile](</sub></center>
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· @rasflavio ·
Dando as Boas-Vindas à Jornada Soul: Explorando o Álbum "Superfly" de Curtis Mayfield.

Olá, comunidade do Steemit! 👋

Ao dar meu primeiro mergulho no vibrante mundo do Steemit, não poderia pensar em uma maneira melhor de começar do que mergulhando nas profundezas da música soul. E que melhor companheiro soul para iniciar esta jornada do que o lendário Curtis Mayfield e seu icônico álbum "Superfly".

Para os não iniciados, Curtis Mayfield foi mais do que apenas um músico; ele foi um visionário, um poeta e uma voz de empoderamento para gerações, um revolucionário. Sua música, caracterizada por seu ritmo envolvente, letras comoventes e comentários sociais inabaláveis, deixou uma marca indelével na paisagem do soul e do funk.

"Superfly", lançado em 1972, não só serviu como trilha sonora para o filme "blaxploitation" de mesmo nome, mas também foi um marco cultural por si só. Desde o momento em que a agulha toca o vinil, você é transportado para um mundo onde as ruas pulsam com vida, e cada nota é um testemunho da resiliência e do espírito da alma humana.

Faixas como "Pusherman" e a titular "Superfly" não são apenas músicas; são narrativas de sobrevivência, resiliência e luta pela dignidade em um mundo cheio de adversidades. A voz suave de Mayfield percorre cada melodia, pintando retratos vívidos da vida urbana e das complexidades da experiência humana.

Uma faixa em particular que se destaca no álbum é "Freddie's Dead". Esta música lindamente assombrada não só mostra o gênio musical de Mayfield, mas também aborda questões sociais com honestidade brutal. Seu impacto transcendeu gerações e gêneros, como evidenciado quando sampleada por um dos grupos de rap mais influentes do Brasil, Racionais MCs, em sua música "Mano na Porta do Bar" do álbum "Raio X do Brasil", lançado em 1993.

Racionais MCs, conhecidos por suas letras provocativas e mensagens socialmente conscientes, trouxeram a melodia intemporal de Mayfield para o reino do hip-hop brasileiro, solidificando ainda mais a relevância e a universalidade da música de Mayfield.

Mas além de seus ritmos envolventes e melodias emocionantes, "Superfly" permanece relevante até hoje. Seus temas de injustiça social, pobreza e busca pela identidade ressoam tão fortemente agora quanto há mais de quatro décadas, servindo como um lembrete do poder duradouro da música para provocar reflexão e inspirar mudanças.

Então, ao embarcar nesta jornada pela vasta paisagem do Steemit, convido você a se juntar a mim na exploração do brilho atemporal do "Superfly" de Curtis Mayfield. Vamos nos aprofundar em seus ritmos, dissecar suas letras e descobrir as joias escondidas que continuam a cativar audiências ao redor do mundo.

Bem-vindos a bordo, amantes da música. Juntos, vamos celebrar a magia da música soul e o legado duradouro de um de seus maiores pioneiros.

Fiquem ligados para mais explorações soulful e discussões envolventes aqui mesmo no Steemit. Até a próxima, mantenham o groove vivo!

Paz e amor,

P.S.: A arte deste post é minha! Se alguém quiser receber o arquivo para impressão de um poster, é só enviar um e-mail para

Segue o Baile!

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1 reply
· @g14tracks ·
Old school Trap Type Beat Instrumentalchzh

Deep Thought-Provoking Minimalist Beat Made With Drum Weapons 3 And Bangin Bass

Similar Style Music Artist | Sat Apr 06 2024 13:12:52 GMT-0400 (EDT)
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· @divia ·
Deciphering The Wound Of Humiliation To Heal It Effectively
People feel embarrassed over and over again, and it can start when they are young. It hurts deeply and can't be seen.

If a victim's wounds aren't addressed, they could hurt their relationships.

In family, romantic, and business interactions, the effects can be very bad.

Please take the time to really look into the shame wound.

Learn where it came from, how it works, and how it can affect your own growth in subtle ways.

Don't worry, this article doesn't just say what's wrong.

It helps you get better and gives you the power to run your own life.

If you or someone you know is dealing with shame, keep reading.

You will find a lot of useful information that will help you understand and get past this problem so that you can have a better, happy future.


As a personal growth condition, humiliation wounds make people feel bad and make them afraid of being looked down upon.

This pain is usually caused by something said or done that makes the person feel bad, either inside or outside the relationship.

This attack on a person's pride, self-esteem, and honour can cause a lot of emotional pain, which is what this wound is all about.

It is important to note that this trauma usually starts in youth, when people are emotionally open and weak.

The person hides these problems with personal growth by being too sure of themselves or cocky.

People do these things to protect themselves, but they don't always work.

People often show signs of shame, even when they are trying to hide their pain. 

Being embarrassed can stop people from growing.

To get over this hurt and grow as a person, you need to understand what caused it.

One could look inside themselves to find the event that caused this deep soul pain.

Parents hurt kids the most when they hurt them in a humiliating way.

Other people a child is attached to could also cause stress.

This harm can happen when a child feels devalued, belittled, or humiliated by a parent after something has happened.

Besides parents, a child's teacher may also make fun of them in public.

Being embarrassed by a stranger or a vague friend is not the same as being embarrassed by someone you care about.

As adults, we can still get hurt.

When a partner constantly insults, belittles, disparages, and humiliates you, it can be embarrassing.

To get to the bottom of this hurt, one must remember a specific time when a loved one made them feel bad.

Self-reflection can help you heal and be happy.

Let us talk about how shame syndrome can hinder personal growth.

As was already said, the victim will make a mask to get along with other people after being shamed. Mask for a masochist.

A person who has this disease will hurt themselves.

She will make fun of herself to make herself look bad.

This helps her deal with her fear of being made fun of.

She will also want to be in charge of everything, even other people's lives.

People who are obsessed with control do so because they don't want to be laughed at or embarrassed.

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 18 others
1 reply
· @cathywrites · (edited)
UA: Думки: совість. | EN: Thoughts: consciousness.
#orthodox #christianity #soul
UA: Всім доброго дня,
це буде допис про стан душі. 

Нещодавно я цілий робочий день ходила якась смутна. Довго не могла зрозуміти, до чого це. Ранок почався як зазвичай, ніяких конфліктів впродовж дня не було.

Мої сумніви розвіялися, коли я зайшла до секції застосунків у телефоні. Я саме тестувала новий для вивчення іноземних мов. Там була можливість отримувати нагороди за свої відповіді під час змагань з іншими гравцями. Кожен мав зробити невеликий внесок до призового фонду зі своїх балів. Я виграла досить велику суму (для початківця) у новачка, хоча цю мову я знаю добре. А потім зрозуміла, що їх (бали) можна обмінювати на криптовалюту.

Ось вона, причина поганого настрою. Я майже надурила когось на гроші. Їх, на щастя, вийшло частково відшкодувати.

Я згадала, що читала колись: 

<em>"маючи віру та добре сумління, якого дехто відкинулися та й розбилися в вірі." (1Тим.1:19)</em>

На ділі стало зрозуміло, що совість - це своєрідний маяк життя. Він допомагає не лише зрозуміти, хто ми є насправді, але й направляє духовне життя.

EN: Good day everyone,
 this will be a post about the state of soul.  

Recently, I have been feeling kind of confused during the whole workday. For a long time I could not understand what it was. The morning started as usual, there were no arguments throughout the day.

My doubts disappeared when I went to the apps section of my phone. I tested the new app for learning foreign languages. There was an opportunity to get rewards for your answers during competitions with other players. Everyone had to make a small contribution to the prize pool from their points. I won quite a large amount (for a new player) from a beginner, although I know the language well. And then I realized that those points could've been exchanged for cryptocurrency.

Here she is, the reason for the bad mood. I almost robbed someone. Fortunately, I could partially give the money back.

I remembered that I read once: 

<em>"having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck" (1Tim.1:19)</em>

In practice, it became clear that conscience is a kind of beacon of life. It helps us not only understand who we are indeed, but also live a spiritual and faithful life.



Дякую! Thank you!

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· @g14tracks ·
Drill Type Beat Instrumentalaa4

Confident Quirky Instrumental Featuring Strings Harpsichord Flute And Muted Trumpet Stabs

Similar Style Music Artist | Thu Mar 14 2024 17:46:15 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Arbel Chorale - Home Page Of The Young Adult Jewish Choir Based In The Philadelphia Area Membership Is Open No Audition Required
Another Page
Anderson Marian

· @murliwala ·
How kindness, tenderness and compassion towards others can heal our soul
It's tough to explain what goodness is. This word has some connections to empathy and unity, but not all of them. Not just a trait, but a value in a person. It's more than just a faculty because ethical choices make it better.

The word "kindness" means wanting to do good. Issue is that "good" isn't always the same. Being kind means having empathy. Taking on other people's pain and trying to make it better.

> "To find ourselves, we must seek the good of our fellow men."



Beautiful character doesn't just apply to people. All living things are treated with kindness. It applies to things that aren't alive if it shows a desire to protect what is. In this way, kindness comes before a work of art or a pathstone.


Being good is better because it includes more traits. There is love, respect, brotherhood, kindness, and more. It means a lot of mental and emotional growth. A good quality of life is based on a cognitive skill that has been proven by many studies.

 Scientists from the University of Oxford and University College London found a part of the brain that is linked to being kind. Volunteers were on the team, which was led by Dr. Patricia Lockwood. They had to find signs that helped them and other people.


Brain scans with magnets were done on the subjects as part of this work. People who took part in the project had to guess how the symbols could help other people. They had to always choose whether a symbol was important to them or to other people.


One part of the volunteers' brains was only active when they learned how the sign helped other people. The "anterior cingulate cortex" is what it looks like. Being kind is more than just a brain activity. 

Let's remember that this amazing organ is very flexible and that our experiences and actions eventually confirm how it works.

 Richard Davidson, a neuropsychologist, did research at the University of Wisconsin after going to India. In 1992, the Dalai Lama asked him some questions. He was changed for good by her. 

"I like your work, but you write too much about stress, worry, and hopelessness," he said. Have you thought about studying compassion, kindness, and care in the field of neuroscience?


Richard Davidson has done a lot of study on this topic. He learned that the structure of the brain can change in just two hours. A calm mind is good for your health. Meditation for just two hours can calm you down. His lab used science to measure this.


He also found that kindness and empathy use different parts of the brain. Being sensitive, sympathetic, and empathetic are all needed for compassion, which is another form of kindness. There would be more compassion. It makes it easier to see, feel, and understand other people's pain. It tells people to do something when other people are hurting.

Davidson says that being kind and sensitive makes life better. A study of children and teens found that teaching them to be kind and compassionate changed the way their brains worked. All of them did better in school and were in better health. Because of this, kindness can be taught. Deep work on the inside makes things good.

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· @happyduck ·
Become a mentally strong person

<br/><img src="*pQgQDD8hQWMXn5CHgkHjOg.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Take care of yourself. Learn to take care of your body and emotions. This includes eating right, exercising moderately, getting enough sleep, and developing relaxing activities.</p>
<p>Not overly sensitive and self-reflective. Learn to distinguish between your own feelings and the actions of others and not read too much into what others think of you.</p>
<p>Control your emotions. Learn to manage and control your emotions, don’t let them control you.</p>
<p>Self-acceptance and self-affirmation. Accept your strengths and weaknesses and constantly affirm your value and achievements.</p>
<p>Focus on personal and professional life. Learn to focus on your own life and work and not focus too much on others.</p>
<p>Learn to delay emotional processing. When faced with a problem, deal with the immediate problem first, then deal with the emotions.</p>
<p>Learn to say no and cut off. Have the courage to say “no” to those things that are difficult for you, and learn to give up the things or people that are not suitable for you.</p>
<p>Accept life’s imperfections. Understand that life is full of challenges and disappointments, and learn to accept and overcome them.</p>
<p>Don’t suppress negative emotions too much. Understanding and accepting your negative emotions will help you better manage and release them.</p>
<p>Believe that painful experiences have meaning. Recognize that every pain and challenge is an opportunity for growth.</p>
<p>Don’t over-label yourself. Avoid putting restrictive labels on yourself and believe in your potential and abilities.</p>
<p>Have enough resistance to loneliness and loneliness. Learn to enjoy solitude and accept yourself as an individual.</p>
<p>Enough mental capacity to face rejection in pursuit or failure in love. Accepting the possibility of rejection or failure helps develop a strong mind.</p>
· @happyduck ·
Meaning Of Life
<br/><img src="*9m1eR5Rr4JmSpt6y6Knc6w.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Live your life: The meaning of life is to live your life and enjoy the good things in the world, such as going to the places you want to go, eating the food you want to eat, seeing the people you like, doing the things you like.</p>
<p>Mutual illumination: The meaning of life lies in the mutual illumination between people, through mutual help and understanding, and jointly create a better world.</p>
<p>Accept meaninglessness: The meaning of life lies in the courage to accept the meaninglessness of life and to give it meaning through the effort.</p>
<p>Contentment: The meaning of life can be interpreted in three sentences, that is, to be safe, to be content, to be content.</p>
<p>Do meaningful things: Rather than meditate on the meaning of life all day, try to do something meaningful in your life, because the people who live the most meaningful life are not those who live the most years, but those who feel the most about life.</p>
<p>Let nature take its course: Lucky coincidences will occur naturally as you strive to achieve the meaning of your existence. They call this being natural.</p>
<p>Feel life: The meaning of life may never be answered, but it is also necessary to feel the life without answer.</p>
<p>The pursuit of happiness: The meaning of a good life is not in the amount of material possessions, but in the peace of sleep and peace of mind.</p>
<p>In your own way: There is only one success, and that is to spend life in your own way.</p>
· @cathywrites ·
We're a house to our souls and their reflection
Hello everyone!
Today I'd like to share some thoughts I have while looking at this picture of #colorful #houses .

As an Orthodox Christian, I think every human is a reflection of their soul. When our souls are truly enlightened, we become bright even when we don't wear neon clothes :) Just like these houses probably having good owners are almost shining.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (Mat.5:16)
"If you live well, He says, you will not only spread God's word to the whole universe, but you will also contribute to the glory of the name of God; on the contrary, living a bad life, you will destroy souls and contribute to blasphemy of the name of God." ( [St. John Chrysostom]( .)

Thank you for reading!

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· @zumed ·
How from suffering are born strong souls
We must see pain as a test that will strengthen our brains and help us overcome adversity.
Suffering makes strong spirits

People say that controlling suffering and detaching from it is the key to liberation.

The sentence is beautiful. As we read it, we wonder, "Very good, but how can we do this?" How can we overcome our fears, failures, concerns, and suffering?

To regulate our emotions and transmute bad energy that affects our mind, we must comprehend our “internal autonomy”.

Our brains perceive suffering and sadness through subtle and powerful systems with a clear purpose. An objective we'll describe later in this post.

All of this should help.

 Self-talk manifests suffering.

We can suffer bereavements, failures, betrayals, and severe disappointments.

Physical pain is different from mental suffering.

Our internal conversation is the sole cause of our sorrow and depression.
Even after severe trauma, some people handle their issues well. It depends on their resources and mental dialogue.
Once we overcome our negativity, we can find inner peace.

Some of these ideas are simple. Even knowing what's behind these words, changing our minds is hard. Stopping these gloomy and negative ideas is also difficult.

This is because emotional suffering is rooted in the soul and always suffocates us. Wanting to eliminate it is not enough.

 The consciousness network, made up of millions of brain nerve cells, is amazing and interesting.

Recently, neuroscientists found that fear dominates our brains.

Through components like the hippocampus and amygdala, the brain interprets environmental information to alert us of threats, often without our awareness.

Simply put, our brain wants us to survive. Fear, misery, and pain alert us to problems.

As a brain diagnostic, sadness alters about 70 brain areas.
These include the amygdala, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and insula.

The insula affects body and flavour perception. When we suffer with sadness, everything appears meaningless. No flavour remains. Thus, this term is not figurative.
Despite what those who preach the elimination of suffering as a condition of freedom say, our brain struggles with this. Sometimes we can't.
Because our unhappy brain has disconnected us from life's commotion, our internal music no longer matches our lives.

Remember Leonard Cohen's brilliant phrase: "There is a crack in everything." Light enters this way.”

Our internal fragments shouldn't stop us from moving forward.

We can repair wounds, but not our former selves.

Not terrible, though. Stronger is possible. Because the crack lets wisdom, learning, and change shine through.

We need time to overcome suffering. You know the brain operates at its own pace. We must be patient and rely on supporters.

Understanding that our brain wants silence is crucial. Our efforts can be focused on solving our difficulties, which injure us.
Change what's incorrect to improve is our only goal. We must embrace our past and find motivation to move forward.

Neurologists say we must understand brain mechanisms to move on and overcome grief and pain.

Remember that sorrow is temporary. We must overcome it once to learn from it and continue living.

To adjust to life's inherent changes.
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