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· @sayutiyuti ·
.why populet bitcoin
Basically bitcoin is a sequence of digitally signed computer code each time the currency moves from one owner to the next. Transactions can be done without revealing the identity of the culprit, making this currency popular among freedom lovers, in addition to fans, speculators - and criminals. ![image](
Thanks @goodkarma
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· @moncengceng ·
ask yourself
One day, I asked myself what I was really looking for from other people? Having the same interests is still a benchmark.
Thanks @goodkarma
I love you steemind
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· @plikluheh · (edited)
beautiful flower
beautiful flowers should not have a captivating crown
Thanks @goodkarma
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· @sayutiyuti ·
clear sky
the blue sky is a happy heart in a safe and peaceful life a bright sky in the name of a series of luminous and radiant hearts
the sky that is in the clouds is the beautiful flower of heaven various colors of clouds that illuminated the sun ![image]( ![image]( ![image](
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· @moncengceng ·
Nowadays handicraft manufacture from flannel is classified as trend and popular today. The reason is none other than the availability of flannel in every store-store.
Thanks @feruzM
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· @sayutiyuti ·
animated images which is very exciting to watch
I love steemit 
Thanks @goodkarma
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· @sayutiyuti ·
the atmosphere of the afternoon sky
When you tell me to tell the sky, I will sit next to you. We'll be on the terrace spending time together. Whether you want day or night. To me the sky is still beautiful to tell. Of course you will feel happy is not it? When the sun begins to mix with the morning dew, the dawn is like a rose rising to the cold sky. The rays you can paint as a dimly lit flame.
Slowly climbing the sky, creating a calm, longing atmosphere. If you want, you may stand up against the dawn. You can breathe deeply to feel the splendor of God's creation tucked into the rising sun. As the children are cheerful when they get the blessings, the little birds are on the air welcoming the day. Fly around to sing natural songs. Of course you can hear the singing. Not too hard, but that will make you smile a lot. ![image](
By noon, the atmosphere will warm up. Spread the trees and the roofs. The wind blows to indicate that the cold has vanished and has been replaced by warmth. I will follow you to sit down again. And we still enjoy the sky. Like the morning of a romantic person, there is always coffee on the table for a friend translating the sky. The sky always has its own serenity. He stands alone as a complementary universe to strengthen faith. Any sort of deeds underneath, the sky is still the sky, which can only see without ever rebuking. The sky stores millions of secrets. Millions of wishes. Millions of dreams. Including my dreams when I really wanted to see you, but the only thing that came out was a line of prayer that I slipped into the sky for God. ![image]( ![image](
The sky always accepts. The sky never refused. Did you ever know, the sky rejects dreams just because it does not fit the dreamer? Have you ever heard, the sky refuses prayer just because the temple is too bad? The sky is not that cold. The sky is the obedient servant and the receiver. By noon, the sky looks beautiful with the blue color that stretches. Like the ocean, the blue color is soothing as well as fun. In the corners there were white clouds roaming. Sometimes thin, sometimes too thick bubbly, overlapping. If it is like you patiently staring at the sky you will find more beauty. You will find very small birds, which are chasing the blue of the sky. It's so small, maybe you'll think it's a black star. In fact it is real, two birds are mutually in love, chasing enjoy the wind that was blowing.
Thanks @goodkarma
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2 replies
· @moncengceng ·
flies in the rice
Fly is a type of insect from the Diptera order that comes from the Greek "di" means two and "ptera" means wing. The most obvious difference between flies and other insect orders is that flies have a pair of flying wings and a pair of halter, coming from the rear wing, on metastax (except for some fly species that can not fly). The only other insect order that has two wings that actually function and has a dumbbell is Strepsiptera. However, unlike flies, the Strepsitera dumbbell is in mesotoraks and wings in the metastax.
Thanks @goodkarma
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· @plikluheh ·
beautiful sky and clouds
Just because someone is patient in the sky, then that does not mean he can be hurt, trampled. Just because a person is strong, strong does not mean he or she deserves to be disappointed, betrayed, and treated unfairly ![image](
The ladder to the sky is your head, then put your feet on your head. To reach the Lord stomp your rational thoughts and arrogance. ![image](
There are no clouds in the sky that remain forever. It is unlikely to be constantly bright weather. After dark the morning was born bringing beauty. Human life is similar in nature.
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· @sayutiyuti ·
Wall Decoration of CD Pieces
A house complete with wall hangings will look more attractive than a house with a plain wall. Are you one of those people who agree with this statement? Of course, this is relatively relative, depending on how one sees it. If you are the person who agrees with the statement, are you getting bored with the ambience of your innocent wall? You can start building the atmosphere in your dwelling so much fun you know.

Build a home atmosphere not only from choosing the furniture you use, but also through wall decoration. Wall hangings do not have to be expensive, you can get cheap wall decorations with variations of shapes and colors.
Have lots of CDs (Compact Disk) that accumulate? You can use CD pieces as wall decoration. In this digital age, many people have already left the CD and are switching to a digital music provider for streaming. Unfortunately if the CD at home is left dusty, better make wall decoration only! Moreover, thin strips made of aluminum can reflect a beautiful color when exposed to light. Pas as a beautiful wall decoration, right?
Thanks @goodkarma
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· @steemind ·
Automatic upvote steemit with
Register with your steemit account
Enter password (not password steemit)

Send 0.001 sbd to steemauto enter memo based on instructions, then account will be auto verified.

Select the curration trail and fan base / fan fan
Follow Currency account and other stemian comrades friends, then next each post them then our steemit account will automatic upvote.
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· @steemind ·
Upvote otomatis steemit dengan
Register dengan akun steemit anda
Masukkan pasword (bukan pasword steemit)

Kirim 0.001 sbd ke steemauto masukkan memo berdasarkan petunjuk, kemudian akun akan terverifikasi otomatis.

Pilih curration trail dan fan base/fan fan
Follow akun Curration dan kawan kawan stemian lain, maka selanjutnya setiap mereka posting maka akun steemit kita akan upvote otomatis.
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· @steemind ·
How To Make Money From Facebook
Today steemind will share How To Get Money From Facebook Free
To earn a living you can do this.
1.Selling or Offering Services (Like)
2.Promoting Products.
3.Selling Game Equipment on Facebook.
4. Opening Advertiser Service on Facebook.
5.Can Free Dollar With Share Link Yuno.
6.Menghasilkan from Yroo Only with Facebook Account. ...
7.External Electric Sales. resellers through facebook
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· @steemind ·
Post video steemit using Dtube.
Dtube is the same as YouTube, but made for Steem. Videos posted on Dtube will also create a post in Steemit with the same title and description. In addition, any upvote you receive in the video will appear in the post as well as the reply.

how to use it?
Go to Dtube platform and log in then start posting video
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· @steemind ·
Posting video steemit pakai Dtube.
Dtube sama seperti YouTube, tapi dibuat untuk Steem. Video yang diposkan di Dtube juga akan membuat pos di Steemit dengan judul dan deskripsi yang sama. Selain itu, setiap upvote yang Anda terima di video akan muncul di pos begitu juga dengan balasannya.

cara menggunakannya?
Pergi ke platform Dtube dan log in lalu mulai posting video
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1 reply
· @steemind · (edited)
Cara vote otomatis di steemit
Steem Voter adalah alat untuk upvote otomatis pada posting yang dibuat oleh steemians yang kita pilih sendiri.
cara menggunakannya?
Buka situs SteemVoter dan klik Sign up
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· @steemind ·
What is SteemD?
SteemD is an Application to check the hidden information about a person's account as well as the power of voting power, Steem Power, who will vote on your post, when and how much, Steem transfer, who do you choose to become a witnes or witness and many other functions
how to use it?
To check your account profile, just type in the search engine and do not forget to replace @ your-username to be the username you used at

its usefulness?
Check the voting power
Checking incoming transactions and memos attached without having to go to "Wallet"
Check who gives the vote and what percentage
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· @steemind ·
Apa itu SteemD?
SteemD adalah Aplikasi untuk memeriksa informasi tersembunyi tentang akun seseorang dan juga  kekuatan voting power, Steem Power, siapa yang memberikan vote pada postingan kamu,kapan dan berapa nilainya, transfer Steem, siapa yang kamu pilih untuk menjadi witnes atau saksi dan masih banyak lagi fungsi lainnya
cara menggunakannya?
Untuk memeriksa profil akun kamu, cukup dengan mengetikkan di mesin pencari dan jangan lupa dengan menggantikan @your-username menjadi username yang kamu gunakan di

Memeriksa voting power
Memeriksa transaksi masuk dan memo terlampir tanpa harus pergi ke "Wallet"
Memeriksa siapa yang memberikan vote dan berapa persen
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· @steemind ·
How to post videos in steemit
Post videos on posts in Steemit is very easy to do, just enter the URL of the video (eg Youtube) in writing and the video will appear immediately.
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· @steemind · (edited)
Cara posting video di steemit
Pasang video pada postingan di Steemit sangat mudah dilakukan,hanya memasukkan URL video (misalnya Youtube) pada tulisan dan video akan langsung tampil.
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