vitamins | Recent

· @bluepepper ·
Essential Elements of Vitality: Building Blocks for a Healthy Life
here is the comprehensive list of essential vitamins and minerals that a healthy individual should consume daily:


1. **Vitamin A (Retinol)**: Essential for vision, skin health, and immune function.
2. **Vitamin B complex (B Vitamins)**: Combination of various vitamins crucial for metabolism, nervous system, and energy production.
3. **Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)**: Acts as an antioxidant and supports immune system functions.
4. **Vitamin D (Calciferol)**: Facilitates calcium absorption and plays a role in bone health and immune function.
5. **Vitamin E (Tocopherol)**: Antioxidant properties protect cells from damage.
6. **Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)**: Essential for blood clotting and bone health.


1. **Calcium**: Vital for bone and dental health.
2. **Iron**: Necessary for blood formation and oxygen transport.
3. **Potassium**: Important for nerve and muscle function, and regulates blood pressure.
4. **Magnesium**: Essential for metabolism, muscle function, and bone health.
5. **Zinc**: Supports immune function and cellular repair.
6. **Selenium**: Acts as an antioxidant and plays a role in thyroid function.
7. **Phosphorus**: Essential for bone and dental health, and involved in energy metabolism.
8. **Manganese**: Supports bone health and acts as an antioxidant.
9. **Chromium**: Helps regulate blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity.
10. **Copper**: Aids in iron absorption and contributes to connective tissue formation.
11. **Iodine**: Essential for thyroid hormone production and metabolic regulation.

These vitamins and minerals are crucial for maintaining overall health and should be obtained through a balanced diet. If you have any health conditions or specific dietary requirements, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional.
· @abhi420 ·

1. 维生素D缺乏:这种缺乏主要发生在缺乏阳光照射或因生活方式限制户外活动的人群中。

2. 维生素B12缺乏: 这种缺乏特别常见于遵循严格素食或纯素饮食的人群中。

3. 铁缺乏:这主要是由于饮食不足或某些特定疾病,如月经、怀孕或消化系统问题引起的。

4. 维生素A缺乏:这种缺乏在那些无法获得多样化饮食的发展中国家更为普遍。

5. 维生素C缺乏: 这种缺乏特别常见于接触新鲜水果和蔬菜有限的人群中。

· @bkmba9 · (edited)
"Unlocking Your Best Self: The Power of Persona Vitamins"
In the quest for optimal health and wellness, many individuals are turning to personalized nutrition solutions to meet their unique needs. One such innovative approach is Persona, a brand that offers personalized vitamin packs tailored to individual health goals and lifestyles. This article explores the benefits of personalized vitamins and how Persona is revolutionizing the way people approach their health and wellness journey.

Personalized nutrition is gaining popularity as people seek ways to optimize their health based on their specific needs and goals. Persona takes this concept to the next level by offering personalized vitamin packs that are tailored to each individual. By taking into account factors such as age, gender, diet, lifestyle, and health goals, Persona creates customized vitamin packs that address the specific nutrient deficiencies and health concerns of each person.

One of the key benefits of personalized vitamins is that they are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. This means that you are not taking a one-size-fits-all approach to your health, but rather, you are receiving a targeted solution that is tailored to your specific needs. This can lead to better outcomes and more effective results compared to traditional vitamins that are not personalized.

Persona also takes the guesswork out of choosing the right vitamins for your needs. With Persona, you simply complete a brief assessment that gathers information about your health goals, diet, lifestyle, and any health concerns you may have. Based on this information, Persona’s team of experts creates a personalized vitamin pack that is designed to help you reach your health goals and feel your best.

In addition to personalized vitamin packs, Persona also offers a wide range of supplements to support overall health and wellness. From multivitamins to specialty supplements, Persona has a comprehensive lineup of products to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Whether you are looking to improve your energy levels, support your immune system, or enhance your overall health, Persona has a solution for you.

Persona is also committed to transparency and quality. All of Persona’s products are made with high-quality ingredients that are sourced from reputable suppliers. Persona also conducts rigorous testing to ensure that its products meet the highest standards of quality and safety. This commitment to excellence has earned Persona a loyal following of customers who trust the brand to help them achieve their health and wellness goals.

In conclusion, Persona is leading the way in personalized nutrition with its innovative approach to vitamin supplementation. By offering personalized vitamin packs tailored to individual health goals and lifestyles, Persona is helping people unlock their best selves and live healthier, more vibrant lives. If you are looking to take your health and wellness to the next level, consider trying Persona vitamins and experience the difference personalized nutrition can make.
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· @sadcorp ·
Exposing the links between Calcium, Vitamin K2, and Plaque Buildup in Blood Vessels
"In this video I discuss calcium and vitamin K2 and their link to plaque build up in the arteries. This has been a researched for many years and today I’ll explain why its such an interesting topic and why this is a very important and chapter in our understanding of what's causing blockages in the arteries of the body."
· @surferpub ·
Benefits of vitamin D for your health
Vitamin D, frequently called the "sunshine diet," performs a critical function in diverse bodily functions, and its significance extends past bone health. Incorporating ok diet D into your every day recurring offers a large number of blessings, contributing to average nicely-being.


**1. Bone Health:

    Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in the intestines, a procedure essential for preserving sturdy and healthful bones. Sufficient diet D ranges help prevent situations like osteoporosis and rickets, specifically in growing children and older adults.

2. Immune System Support:

    Vitamin D has immunomodulatory outcomes, helping the immune system in defending the frame against infections and ailments. It facilitates modify the function of immune cells, selling a balanced and responsive defense mechanism.

3. Mental Health and Mood:

    Emerging studies suggests a connection among vitamin D ranges and intellectual health. Adequate nutrition D may have a effective impact on mood and might assist lessen the threat of conditions like melancholy and tension.

Four. Cardiovascular Health:

    Some research imply that vitamin D can also make a contribution to cardiovascular health by way of assisting blood vessel function and helping to modify blood stress. Maintaining surest vitamin D tiers may also make a contribution to a more healthy cardiovascular device.

Five. Diabetes Prevention:

    Research shows a capability link among nutrition D deficiency and an elevated chance of type 2 diabetes. Adequate nutrition D degrees may also play a function in insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, contributing to diabetes prevention.

6. Muscle Function:

    Vitamin D is vital for correct muscle characteristic. It helps muscle power and coordination, decreasing the chance of falls and fractures, particularly in older individuals.

7. Cancer Prevention:

    Some studies advise a correlation among higher vitamin D levels and a discounted risk of certain cancers, together with breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. However, greater studies is needed to establish a definitive connection.

8. Hormonal Balance:

    Vitamin D is worried inside the regulation of various hormones, consisting of insulin, parathyroid hormone, and intercourse hormones. Maintaining finest vitamin D degrees contributes to universal hormonal balance.

Nine. Weight Management:

    Adequate diet D tiers may additionally aid healthful weight management. Some studies indicates that individuals with enough nutrition D tiers can also have an less difficult time keeping a wholesome weight.

10. Skin Health:

    While immoderate sun exposure may be dangerous to the pores and skin, slight sun exposure is a herbal way for the frame to provide diet D. Vitamin D promotes skin health via helping the pores and skin's immune feature and helping to save you situations like psoriasis.

Incorporating nutrition D into your day by day routine may be executed via a combination of solar publicity, dietary assets, and dietary supplements if essential. It's critical to observe that person wishes vary, and consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the right diet D consumption to your particular instances. Whether through daylight, eating regimen, or dietary supplements, making sure ok diet D degrees is a proactive step towards supporting your average health and properly-being.


It's essential to note that the number one assets of diet D are daylight exposure, fatty fish, fortified foods, and dietary supplements. Here are a few fruits that provide minor amounts of vitamin D:

        Mangoes contain a small amount of diet D. While not a big source, they provide other vital nutrients and antioxidants.

        Avocado incorporates a hint quantity of vitamin D. It is a nutrient-dense fruit, rich in healthy fats, fiber, and various nutrients.

        Kiwi is another fruit that gives a small amount of nutrition D. Additionally, it is a superb source of nutrition C and nutritional fiber.

        Strawberries contain a modest amount of diet D. They are also filled with antioxidants and nutrition C.

        Papaya gives a small quantity of nutrition D, along side a number of vitamins and enzymes that assist digestion.

![vit d fruits.webp](
· @mindfulguide · (edited)
Top Vitamin D-Rich Dry Fruits for Health Boost

Are you aware of the benefits of incorporating Vitamin D-rich dry fruits into your diet? Research shows that these dry fruits can help boost your daily intake of Vitamin D, contributing to better overall health, particularly for individuals who have limited access to sunlight.

Dry fruits such as almonds, walnuts, raisins, apricots, and prunes are packed with an array of essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. In this article, we will explore the different dry fruits that are rich in Vitamin D and their benefits to your health.

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Vitamin D-rich dry fruits contribute to better overall health
Almonds, walnuts, raisins, apricots, and prunes are excellent sources of Vitamin D
Dry fruits are a nutritious addition to any diet

Individuals with limited access to sunlight can benefit from incorporating dry fruits with Vitamin D into their daily diet
Vitamin D helps support bone health, strengthens the immune system, and promotes hormone regulation
What is Vitamin D and Why is it Important?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, promoting bone health and development. Additionally, vitamin D is critical in supporting the immune system, regulating insulin levels, and promoting healthy brain function.

Several studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk of diseases like osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancer, highlighting its significance in maintaining good health.

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"Vitamin D is critical for many aspects of health, so it's important to make sure you're getting enough of it." - Dr. Jane Smith, Nutritionist
Overall, incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet, such as dry fruits, can help support the body's vital functions and maintain optimal health and well-being.

Vitamin D deficiency is a prevalent health condition caused by a lack of sufficient vitamin D levels in the body. Our bodies require vitamin D to perform various functions, including supporting bone health, boosting the immune system, and fighting inflammation.

There are various causes of vitamin D deficiency. One primary cause is inadequate exposure to sunlight, which is crucial for the body to produce vitamin D. People who spend too much time indoors or those who live in areas with limited sunlight face a higher risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.

Another cause of vitamin D deficiency is a lack of vitamin D-rich foods in the diet. While some foods are fortified with vitamin D, such as milk and cereals, other sources such as fatty fish, eggs, and mushrooms contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency may also manifest with several symptoms such as:

Chronic fatigue
Muscle weakness or pain
Bone pain
Increased risk of fractures
Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety
If you suspect that you are Vitamin D deficient or are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's best to speak with your healthcare provider about a possible solution.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that your body requires to maintain strong bones, support immune function, and regulate hormones. Although sunlight is the biggest source of vitamin D, you can also get it from a variety of foods, including dry fruits.

Dry fruits are a great option for individuals who have limited access to sunlight or those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. They provide a sunless boost of vitamin D and are rich in other vitamins and minerals essential for overall health and well-being.

So, which dry fruits are the best sunless sources of vitamin D? Here's a rundown:

Dry Fruit	Vitamin D Content (per cup)
Almonds	3.4 mcg
Walnuts	0.64 mcg
Apricots	0.86 mcg
Raisins	0.5 mcg
Prunes	4.76 mcg
As you can see, prunes and almonds are the best options for vitamin D-rich dry fruits. However, walnuts, apricots, and raisins are also great alternatives. Including a mix of these dry fruits in your diet can help you meet your daily vitamin D needs.

Try incorporating them into your meals either as a snack or an ingredient in your favorite recipes. For instance, you can sprinkle almonds over your morning oatmeal or add raisins to your yoghurt. With a little bit of creativity, dry fruits can be a tasty way to boost your vitamin D intake and support your overall health.

Almonds - A Nutrient-Packed Vitamin D Source
Almonds are a superfood packed with essential nutrients and minerals, of which one is Vitamin D. Just a quarter cup of almonds contains 8% of your daily required intake of Vitamin D. This nutrient helps boost immunity, aids bone health, and contributes to muscle function.

Not only are they rich in vitamin D, but also proteins, fiber, and healthy fats which make them a perfect snack. Almonds are also beneficial in reducing cholesterol and blood pressure levels, helping prevent heart diseases. They are versatile and can be added to various meals or consumed alone.

To gain the most benefit from almonds, it's recommended to consume them raw or roasted without any added salt or sugar. Almond butter is also a healthy way to add this superfood to your diet. Keep in mind though that they are very high in calories, so it's essential to maintain portion control. Almonds are a worthwhile addition to any diet as they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Walnuts - A Nutritious Dry Fruit for Vitamin D
Walnuts are not only a delicious snack but also a rich source of vitamin D. Just one ounce of these nuts provides approximately 5% of the daily recommended value of vitamin D. This makes them an excellent addition to any diet looking to increase vitamin D intake, leading to various health benefits.

Studies have shown that consuming walnuts can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and improve brain function. They also contain antioxidants and healthy fats, contributing to overall health and wellbeing.

Moreover, walnuts are versatile and can be used in various dishes, including desserts, salads, and sauces. Adding walnuts to a diet can significantly increase vitamin D intake, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

When compared to other dry fruits, walnuts contain a moderate amount of vitamin D. However, their multiple health benefits make them a worthwhile addition to any diet. A 100-gram serving of walnuts contains approximately 2.6 mcg of vitamin D.

Health benefits of consuming walnuts:
Reduced inflammation
Lowered cholesterol
Improved brain function
Increased antioxidants and healthy fats
Incorporate walnuts into your diet for a tasty and nutritious way to boost your vitamin D levels and overall health.

Apricots - A Tangy Source of Vitamin D
Apricots are a delicious and tangy fruit that are often overlooked as a source of vitamin D. However, incorporating this dry fruit into your diet can provide a healthy dose of this essential nutrient. In addition to aiding calcium absorption and helping maintain healthy bones, vitamin D is also essential for immune function and overall well-being.

Research indicates that apricots can provide a significant amount of vitamin D, with 100 grams of dried apricots containing 3.4 micrograms of this nutrient. This represents a considerable portion of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for most adults, which is around 15 micrograms per day.

Furthermore, apricots are an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and other vital nutrients. These nutrients offer other numerous health benefits such as promoting healthy skin and eyes, aiding digestion, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Adding dried apricots to your diet is a natural way to increase your vitamin D levels and achieve optimal health. They are also a low-calorie snack, making them a guilt-free indulgence for those watching their calorie intake.

Vitamin D content in Apricots per 100g	Health Benefits
3.4 micrograms	• Enhances immune function
• Increased calcium absorption
• Promotes healthy bones
• Reduces the risk of heart diseases, chronic diseases, and certain cancers
So next time you are looking for a tangy and vitamin D-rich snack, reach for a handful of dried apricots. Your body will thank you.

Raisins - Dried Grapes with Vitamin D Power
Raisins are a tasty and convenient snack that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also packs a punch of nutrition, including vitamin D. A half-cup serving of raisins contains approximately 0.5 micrograms of vitamin D, contributing to the recommended daily intake for adults of 600-800 IU (international units).

But it's not just the vitamin D content that makes raisins an excellent addition to your diet. These dried grapes are also high in fiber, potassium, and iron, making them a heart-healthy snack that promotes digestive regularity and supports healthy blood pressure levels.

One unique advantage of raisins over fresh grapes is that they contain concentrated amounts of nutrients, including vitamin D. Their dry form also means that they have a longer shelf life and are easy to store and transport, making them an ideal snack for on-the-go situations.

Raisins are a tasty and convenient snack that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also packs a punch of vitamin D and other essential nutrients.

So, next time you're looking for a healthy snack option, reach for some raisins. Your taste buds and your body will thank you for it!

Prunes - A Versatile Vitamin D-Rich Dry Fruit
Prunes are a versatile dry fruit that is packed with numerous health benefits. They not only taste delicious, but they are also loaded with vitamin D that helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the body, ensuring healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.

Incorporating prunes into your diet can help protect against bone loss, especially in postmenopausal women. According to research, consuming prunes regularly can prevent osteoporosis and improve bone mineral density.

Additionally, prunes are known for their high fiber content, which can help regulate bowel movements and promote a healthy gut microbiome. They are also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Nutrient	Amount per 100g
Vitamin D	0.6µg
Calories	240
Fiber	7g
Potassium	732mg
Prunes are a convenient snack that can be enjoyed on their own or added to oatmeal, yogurt, salads, and baked goods. They are also a popular ingredient in many Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes.

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In summary, prunes are a power-packed dry fruit that offers various health benefits, including a good source of vitamin D. Adding prunes to your diet can help improve bone health and digestive health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Ensuring adequate vitamin D intake is crucial for maintaining good health. While sunlight is a primary source of this essential nutrient, dry fruits can also serve as an excellent alternative source, particularly for those with limited access to sunlight.

In this article, we discussed the importance of incorporating vitamin D-rich dry fruits into your diet for a health boost. We highlighted the vitamin D content and various health benefits of almonds, walnuts, apricots, raisins, and prunes, emphasizing how they can contribute towards maintaining adequate levels of this vital nutrient.

We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights into the significance of vitamin D and the role dry fruits can play in promoting your overall health and well-being. Consider adding these nutritious dry fruits to your daily diet to enhance your vitamin D intake and support your body's optimal function.
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· @likhonvai ·
Benefits of Spinach.
Discussing winter, there are new vegetables.
 Precisely when you go to the market, you will find different vegetables and normal things restricted.

This photo take by Samsung j2.
 One of them is spinach.
 It's extraordinarily splendid to eat.
 Spinach contains minerals, supplements, optional plant substances, and shades.
 Thusly, spinach can be known as a sort of "superfood".
 Skin security The presence of different phytonutrients and colors shields the skin from dangerous UV transmits and frustrates skin destructive turn of events.
 Spinach is extensive in vitamin A, which deals with within and outside pieces of the eye.
 Protect your eyes from early visual inability.
 It is additionally wealthy in iron.
 This vegetable safeguards the body from maternal diabetes.
 Spinach is also fundamental for the scholarly improvement of the lacking living being.
 We should investigate the properties of spinach - Vision - Spinach contains beta-carotene, lutein, and xanthine.
 Spinach reduces nonattendance of vitamin A.
 Spinach is unmistakably appropriate for dry eyes and recuperates eye ulcers.
 Decreases eye extending.
 Beat - Spinach acknowledges an exceptionally down to earth part in controlling circulatory strain.
 Spinach contains a great deal of potassium yet very little sodium.
 Furthermore, the folic damaging it contains lessens hypertension and loosens up veins.
 Anticancer - Spinach contains tocopherols, folic damaging and chlorophyllin which are exceptionally persuading in frustrating and treating hazardous turn of events.
 Spinach's part in obstructing and treating bladder, prostate, liver, and cell breakdown in the lungs is represented.
 Skin certification - The presence of different phytonutrients and covers safeguards the skin from terrible UV emanates and frustrates skin sickness.
 Diabetes - The cell support alpha lipoic disastrous found in spinach assists lower with blooding sugar levels and expansions insulin responsiveness in the body.
 Frustrates Asthma - Spinach contains express upgrades that can assist with forestalling asthma.
 One of them is beta-carotene.
 Ease up deterrent - Spinach is wealthy in fiber and water.
 Along these lines, spinach takes out blockage and guarantees sound dealing with.
 Bone New development - Spinach is extensive in vitamin K.
 Vitamin K is fundamental for building solid bones.
 Satisfactory extents of vitamin K in our eating routine keeps up with calcium retention and foils over the top calcium discharge in the pee.
 Spinach is plentiful in supplements B1, B2, B3, and B6.
 It foils diminishing up top as well as develops the flash of your skin.
 Flavonoids found in spinach go about as sickness expectation trained professionals.
 Something that keeps your cerebrum new.
 By remaining mindful of mind execution throughout a lengthy time, it moves back cerebrum creating and assists the unmistakable structure with working reasonably in advanced age.
 This vegetable is adequate in vitamin E.
 Eating a customary of 30 grams of spinach ordinary diminishes the bet of empowering Alzheimer's illness.
 Alert - Spinach is high in oxalates.
 Individuals experiencing oxalate kidney stones shouldn't eat a lot of spinach.
 It is likewise rich in oxalic disastrous.
 More oxalate ingests other tremendous upgrades like calcium.
 Delicate cooking is tried to reduce how much this disastrous
· @sadcorp ·
Vitamins & Hair Care
"For now, there isn’t enough research to definitively state that biotin can help grow hair.

But biotin has been shown to help with preventing balding and hair loss.

In fact, biotin is primarily used for alopecia — a condition that causes hair loss in all sexes. “Biotin helps maintain hair growth and helps with inflammation,” Dr. Bergfeld says. “The hair follicle, the skin and the nails all benefit.”"

"“Vitamins are essential for healthy hair growth and may help in preventing hair shedding and thinning,” says Michele Green, M.D., a cosmetic dermatologist in New York. “The best vitamins for hair growth include B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, biotin and iron."

"While factors such as age, genetics, hormones, and medication may affect your hair, nutrition is key for hair health throughout life. In particular, the vitamins B, C, and D plus iron and zinc play important roles.

Some supplements are formulated with these nutrients to support hair growth, strength, and thickness. But sometimes a multivitamin or a nutrient-specific supplement will do."

"Vitamins are the building blocks for a healthy body and play a pivotal role in maintaining healthy hair."
· @sadcorp ·
Top 10 Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements to FIX DIABETES & BLOOD SUGAR!
"🦶 463 million adults have diabetes mellitus & high blood sugar worldwide, according to the CDC. In the USA alone, 34.2 million adults have diabetes, 10.5% of the population.🦶

These are the best vitamins, medications & supplements for type 2 diabetes mellitus, type 1 diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy & diabetic peripheral neuropathy!"
· @sadcorp ·
Periodic Table Of Vitamins
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· @geekincubus ·
Hello everyone! I am Shimōne Azkhathāuro, a food and wellness enthusiast. My main goal is to provide quality articles based on true and accurate data to help you improve your life through conscious choices in many areas.

In this article, I will reveal the surprising benefits of some foods you may never have considered. Get ready, because discovering new tastes will help turn your diet into an adventure that is not only tasty and healthy, but also varied and nutritious.

I guarantee that from the very first words, I will not only give you an exciting, fascinating and professional experience. But I will also make the text a pleasant and engaging read, capable of bringing some joy to all of you.

I just want to tell you that knowledge is not a disadvantage, it is power, and with the information I will share, you will have the tools to make the best decisions possible. I look forward to sharing these hidden secrets with you, and to joining you on this journey to discover the benefits of every possible food. With that, I wish you a good read!


Cucumber is a vegetable with amazing properties, rich in nutrients and antioxidants that can provide numerous health benefits to our bodies. In this analysis, we will explore the benefits of cucumber by breaking them down into different categories for clarity.


Cucumber contains vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, which is involved in the production of steroid hormones, including sex hormones and corticosteroids. In addition, the silicon in cucumber may support collagen synthesis, which is important for the health of the endocrine glands responsible for hormone production.


Cucumber is a food that can provide numerous benefits to our body's organs. Due to its high water content, it can help maintain hydration and kidney health, preventing the formation of kidney stones. In addition, the antioxidants in cucumber, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, can protect the liver from oxidative damage and support its detoxification function.


Cucumber is a fiber-rich food that helps regulate intestinal transit and prevent constipation. In addition, cucumber contains polyphenols and flavonoids that may have anti-inflammatory and protective effects on the intestinal mucosa.


Pomegranate is a nutrient- and antioxidant-rich fruit with numerous health benefits. In this analysis, we will explore the benefits of pomegranate in five macro categories: Reproduction, Hormonal Effects, Organ Wellness, Nutritional Benefits, and Various Body Systems, such as the Blood System.


Pomegranate is a powerful ally for the immune system, thanks to the presence of vitamin C and other antioxidants that can strengthen the body's defenses and help prevent infection and disease. In addition, pomegranate may have neuroprotective effects due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, which may help prevent cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.


Pomegranate is known for its positive effects on reproductive and hormonal health in both men and women. It contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid, which can support fertility and sexual function. In addition, antioxidants in pomegranate, such as polyphenols, may help regulate hormones and improve hormonal balance.


Pomegranate is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that can contribute to a balanced and healthy diet. In addition, its antioxidant content may help fight inflammation and prevent chronic diseases associated with cellular oxidation.


Herring is an oily fish known for its many health and fitness benefits. Rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, herring can contribute to overall well-being and improved physical performance. In this description, we will explore the benefits of herring in several macro categories


Herring is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. Omega-3s may help improve cognitive function, prevent age-related mental decline, and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.


Herring contains vitamin D and selenium, which are important for hormonal and reproductive health. Vitamin D is involved in the production of sex hormones, while selenium is essential for sperm production and thyroid function.


Herring is a source of high-quality protein, providing all the essential amino acids needed to build and maintain muscle mass. In addition, herring contains creatine, a compound that can improve muscle strength and athletic performance. Creatine is especially useful for athletes and those who engage in strenuous physical activity.


Herring is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which are essential for bone health. Calcium and phosphorus help build and maintain bone structure, while vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and bone mineralization. Eating herring may help prevent osteoporosis and maintain good bone health throughout life.


Herring provides several organ health benefits, including

Heart: The omega-3 fatty acids found in herring may reduce inflammation, lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and improve endothelial function, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Liver: Herring contains selenium and vitamin E, which have antioxidant properties and may protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals and toxins.

Kidney: The phosphorus content of herring may help maintain a proper balance of minerals in the body, supporting kidney function and preventing the formation of kidney stones.


Cranberries are small fruits with many health benefits. In this description, we will look at their benefits in three macro categories.


Improved vision: Cranberries are rich in anthocyanins, which may help improve vision and protect the retina from oxidation and free radical damage.

Brain Protection: The antioxidants in cranberries may protect brain cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.


Strengthens the immune system: Cranberries contain vitamin C, an essential nutrient for maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing infections.

Antimicrobial properties: Cranberries have been shown to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, such as those responsible for urinary tract infections.


Heart Health: Cranberries are rich in polyphenols, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving endothelial function and reducing inflammation.

Urinary Tract Health: Cranberries may prevent urinary tract infections due to their ability to prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder and urethra.

Liver Health: Antioxidants found in cranberries may protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals and toxins.

Thank you for reading this article! I hope you found the information provided useful and interesting. If you would like to stay updated on other content and news, I invite you to follow my Instagram profile with the nickname Shimone Azkhathauro.

I appreciate your support and am truly grateful for your attention. See you soon with more news about food wellness and much more!
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· @fart-girl ·
Immortality Is Impossible. Blame the Physics of Aging, Scientists Say
Bryan Johnson is a software entrepreneur who spends about $2 million a year trying to make his 45-year-old body look and function as though it were 18 again. He employs more than 30 doctors and health care experts who track his every bodily function. He takes more than 110 vitamins a day. He monitors the purity of everything he eats. Basically, he’s made the pursuit of agelessness his full-time job. Along the way, he’s creating a blueprint from what he learns to help other people keep their bodies young for longer—if they have the resources to replicate his complicated and expensive approach.

Johnson is just one of many über rich people spending billions to prevent themselves from growing old. But eventually, they may run up against a fierce obstacle in their quest for eternal youth: the laws of physics.


photo taken from

There are a few possible reasons why we age. The evolutionary argument is that each generation of creatures—whether human, animal, or plant—must grow old and die to make way for a new generation. In that case, the fact that our bodies stop repairing themselves at a point isn’t a design flaw, but a feature.

Alternately, or possibly in tandem, is the “wearing-out” theory of aging. There are various “molecular machines,” that do everything from replicating cells to moving nutrients where they need to be in our bodies, biophysicist and nanomechanics expert Peter Hoffmann, Ph.D, eloquently explains in an article for Nautilus Magazine. “As these machines go about their business, they are surrounded by thousands of water molecules, which randomly crash into them a trillion times a second. This is what physicists euphemistically call ‘thermal motion.’ Violent thermal chaos would be more apt,” he writes.

This thermal motion, Hoffman says, provides a source of energy that these molecular machines can harness for their work; but it is also responsible for breaking bonds between molecules. When he and his colleagues replicated this action in a lab, they found “the survival probability of the bonds plotted against applied force looks just like human survival plotted versus age…which suggests a possible connection between breaking protein bonds and aging—and between aging and thermal motion.”

In other words, just through living, we experience basic wear and tear. Unlike inanimate objects, we can repair our systems after such damage, but there are still limits. 

Leonard Hayflick, Ph.D, has worked as professor of anatomy and microbiology, and is among the foremost experts on aging. He developed what is known as the “Hayflick Limit”—that is, the number of times human DNA cells can replicate before they become senescent, or stop replicating and take on a different form associated with age. After a lifetime of study, Hayflick supports the wear-and-tear explanation of aging.


photo taken from

“Everything in the universe ages for the same reason … your car is brilliant because it knows how to age without any instructions, either in the car itself or in the blueprints,” Hayflick says in a 2015 presentation on biological aging held at the University of California, San Francisco. “So why is the second law of thermodynamics the probable cause of aging? It governs the behavior of all molecules; it can explain the ultimate cause of all other theories of aging; it is testable using current technologies; it’s falsifiable; it is universal and applies to both animate and inanimate objects.” 

Entropy is the condition of things moving from a more-ordered state to a less-ordered state; Rudolf Clausius first postulated the concept in the 1850s. The second law of thermodynamics, the law of entropy, states that “if the physical process is irreversible, the entropy of the system and the environment must increase; the final entropy must be greater than the initial entropy.”

For instance, when you eat an apple, the fruit starts out in a low-entropy state, and its entropy increases as you chew it, digest it, and incorporate it into your body’s fuel system. Entropy increases among billions of different molecular processes in our complex bodily systems. The longer you live, the more entropy you will have experienced, and each new occasion of entropy can create a slew of new entropic processes, in turn.

Can You Slow Aging in the Whole Body?

Some of the damage that occurs in our bodies can be reversed, but with some 37 trillion different cells of 200 different types all affecting one another, there are cascading impacts. Your body’s repair systems simply cannot keep up, catching and reversing every last bit of molecular damage.

“Your body is a hierarchical network of interlocking systems where everything acts with everything in a very complicated way,” Hoffmann tells Popular Mechanics. “If your DNA is a bit damaged, it affects the repair mechanisms, which can get a bit slower. This builds up. … In principle, you could fix everything, but in practice, it’s just not possible, because of the complexity of the system.” Recent studies have shown, for example, that transcription of DNA into proteins is compromised as organisms age. Since proteins do most of the work in cells and are responsible for the structure and function of the tissues, that can result in what we experience as aging. 

Obviously, if you live in such a way that you reduce damage to your cells and organs—you’re not sedentary, you don’t drink too much, you provide adequate nutrition for your body to run on—you slow down the aging process, because you aren’t overtaxing the body’s ability to repair itself. Some scientists have found older mice that receive blood transfusions from young mice live longer, though the findings don’t necessarily translate to humans.

But are there other ways humans can systematically slow aging? Yes, to a point, Hoffmann says.

Cooler temperatures sometimes help. Low-calorie diets can, too. Research on nematodes and mice show that exposure to medium-static magnetic fields might slow aging in the whole system. However, other studies show that exposure to electromagnetic fields can accelerate aging; scientists are still exploring the factors that affect these varied results. Aging, Hoffmann acknowledges, is a very complex process. 

“You can take as much vitamin C, and B, and A, eat all the good fruits, live in a beautiful place and meditate every day and do your exercises, and if you’re lucky, maybe you reach 110 years old,” Hoffmann says, “but not 160.” Though the human lifespan has doubled over the past century, thanks to improvements in hygiene, medicine, nutrition, and other factors, most scientists believe we’re unlikely to surpass the upper lifespan limit Jeanne Calment set in 1997 when she died at 122.

On the other hand, given our size, the human lifespan already far surpasses what it should logically be. With some notable exceptions, longevity often corresponds with the size of the animal. A mouse lives for two years, on average, while elephants live to 60, and blue whales swim on until age 90. With that in mind, we should top out at around 40 years of age, as most people did before about the 20th century. Animals in the wild seldom grow old because they die from predation, disease, or starvation long before they have a chance to develop inflammation and other issues of cellular aging.
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· @vishaldabasra ·
一天一蘋果真的可以讓醫生遠離我嗎? 營養師解釋「功能性」食品背後的科學


蘋果的維生素A含量並不高,也不像胡蘿蔔那樣對視力有益。 它們不是維生素 C 的重要來源,因此不能像橘子那樣抵抗感冒。

然而,蘋果含有多種生物活性物質──食物中少量存在的天然化學物質,對體內有生物效應。 這些化學物質不屬於維生素等營養素。 由於蘋果含有許多促進健康的生物活性物質,因此該水果被認為是一種「功能性」食品。

多年來,我在大學教授維生素、礦物質、碳水化合物、蛋白質和脂肪等營養課程。 但最近我專門開發了一門關於功能性食品的課程。 課程探討食物中的各種生物活性物質,以及其中一些物質如何發揮藥物的作用。


功能性食品與超級食品不同。 「超級食物」是行銷人員用來推銷羽衣甘藍、菠菜和藍莓等食物的流行語。 將它們貼上「超級」標籤可以吸引大眾並增加銷售量。 但超級食物通常是指具有優越營養價值並且富含有益健康的營養成分的食品。 例如,鮭魚和鮪魚被認為是超級食品,因為它們所含的 omega-3 脂肪與心臟健康有關。

超級食品廣告聲稱,食用該食品可以改善某些方面的健康。 問題在於,大多數這些主張並不是基於科學研究,就像功能性食品的標準一樣。

除了我們身體生長發育所需的營養素外,功能性食品還含有多種生物活性物質,每種物質在體內都有獨特的功能。 生物活性物質可以天然存在於食品中或在加工過程中添加。

隨著研究的擴展,食品中的生物活性成分日益增多。 儘管這些成分本身並不新鮮,但基於證據的研究證實了它們對健康的益處。

類胡蘿蔔素是最容易辨識的生物活性物質的例子。 它們是一組 850 種不同的色素,賦予黃色、橙色和紅色水果和蔬菜顏色。 類胡蘿蔔素的主要功能是抗氧化劑,這意味著它們可以透過幫助防止身體細胞受損來促進健康。 各種不同的類胡蘿蔔素可能以不同的方式發揮作用。


β-胡蘿蔔素是最著名的類胡蘿蔔素,因為胡蘿蔔中含量很高。 當我們攝取β-胡蘿蔔素後,它會在體內轉化為維生素A。 正常視力需要維生素 A。

葉黃素和玉米黃質是玉米和辣椒中發現的黃色類胡蘿蔔素。 兩者都有助於支持視力,尤其是老年人。

研究表明,食物中的類胡蘿蔔素和其他類別的生物活性物質可能有助於預防某些癌症並改善心臟健康。 值得注意的是,富含類胡蘿蔔素的水果和蔬菜可降低心血管疾病和某些癌症的風險,但補充劑中的類胡蘿蔔素提供的益處較少。


儘管有關蘋果與健康的格言起源於 1800 年代,但營養學是一門相對年輕的科學,而功能性食品和生物活性成分的概念則更年輕。

從 20 世紀 00 年代初到 20 世紀 70 年代,營養研究的重點是維生素缺乏症。 鼓勵大眾多吃維生素強化的加工食品,以預防營養缺乏性疾病,如壞血病(由嚴重維生素 C 缺乏引起)或佝僂病(由長期維生素 D 缺乏引起)。

這種為了糾正營養缺乏而強調飲食的做法往往會導致人們關注某些營養素,從而導致暴飲暴食。 再加上精加工食品的增加,導致體重增加,導致糖尿病、高血壓和心臟病的發生率增加。

1980年,美國政府發布了第一份飲食指南,鼓勵人們避免脂肪、糖和鹽。 公共衛生資訊鼓勵人們用麵包和義大利麵等澱粉類食物取代脂肪類食物。

這個建議的邏輯是,如果人們攝取的脂肪較少,就應該增加碳水化合物的熱量,以確保足夠的熱量。 這種營養建議導致肥胖和糖尿病發病率持續飆升,至今仍在持續。

從歷史上看,日本人是地球上最健康的民族之一。 然而,隨著21世紀的到來,許多日本人開始接受美國飲食,並出現了與美國人類似的健康問題。

結果,日本政府開始擔心國民腰圍不斷擴大和健康狀況下降。 為了糾正這個問題,日本在1980年代成為第一個引入功能性食品概念的國家。


它已經得到了回報。 日本有 1,000 多種食品和飲料被批准為特殊保健用途食品,例如低過敏性米。 米過敏雖然不常見,但卻是日本人的一個主要問題,因為米是主食。


蘋果的天然膳食纖維是使其被歸類為功能性食品的生物活性成分之一。 纖維果膠主要存在於蘋果果肉中。

果膠的作用是減少體內吸收的糖和脂肪的量。 這有助於降低糖尿病和心臟病的風險。


此外,蘋果含有大量被稱為多酚的天然化學物質,對促進健康和減少慢性疾病具有重要作用。 各種植物性食品中已鑑定出 8,000 多種多酚。 因為它們主要存在於果皮中,所以整個蘋果是比果汁或蘋果醬更好的多酚來源。

花青素是多酚的一個子類,它使蘋果皮呈現出大部分的紅色。 富含花青素的飲食有助於改善心臟健康,並且正在研究用於治療阿茲海默症。

蘋果中的另一種主要多酚是根皮苷。 研究人員對根皮苷在幫助控制血糖方面的作用進行了 100 多年的研究。 最近的研究證實,它透過減少小腸吸收的葡萄糖量和增加腎臟的排泄在調節血糖水平方面發揮重要作用。


研究人員試圖解決這個問題。 美國的研究小組分析了 8,000 多名成年人的蘋果食用模式和就診次數。 其中,大約 9% 的人每天吃一個蘋果。 一旦調整了人口和健康相關因素,研究人員發現每天吃蘋果的人使用的處方藥比不吃蘋果的人略少。 但兩組就診的次數大致相同。


一群歐洲研究人員發現,每天吃兩顆蘋果可以改善 40 名成年人的心臟健康。 巴西研究人員發現,每天吃三個蘋果可以改善 40 名超重女性的體重減輕和血糖水平。


蘋果至少在一周左右的時間內不需要烹飪或冷藏,一個美味的紅蘋果的價格約為 50 美分。

· @noxsoma · (edited)
Episode 929
Full Metal Ox Day 864
Renaissance Year Episode 929

Super Power Supplements 

It's another wellness Wednesday and in this episode I'm sharing what I've figured out about supplements how they are marketed and why they come with disclaimers. I mention no supps by name, except one. I'm not selling or pitching anything. If you'd like more info about my experiences inquire in the comments. 
As I said, I "figured this out" so there's the possibility of being wrong again. But it sounds right to me. And it's been working. 
Tracking is a little different and the weigh in was a shocker. But you can see for yourself. 
A funky ai video came my way. I already forgot the channel, so you can search it for yourself. I subscribed so I can find it in a pinch. 
If you can spare a square, our Venmo link is @noxsoma. We're raising funds for upgrades. Cheers.

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Park Sessions 2:23

Gymmy Jamm Episode 91: Hard Monday Pump

Gymmy Jamm Episode 90: Power Saturday

Monkey Bars Inside: Gymmy Jamm Episode 89

Leg-bomb: Gymmy Jamm Episode 88

Vanity Tuesday: Gymmy Jamm Season 5 Episode 87

Park Session season 2: Episode 1

Strong Back Saturday: Gymmy Jamm Episode 86

The Dead Zone: Gymmy Jamm Season 5 Episode 85:

Rose Park Session: The Lost Sprint Workout, Session 11

Exotic Saturday Jamm: Season 5 Episode 84

Monkey Bars Business Session 18

Gymmy Jamm Season 5 Episode 83

Rose Park Session 10

Rose Park Session 9: Hard Park Monday

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· @gasparminge ·
Vit. D3 - sunshine vitamin

We usually remember it during the autumn-winter period when we feel its severe deficiency. In spring and summer, we have it easier - the sun provides us with a significant dose of vitamin D3 (which is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin). However, in our climate, sometimes even that is not enough. But how does vitamin D3 actually work?

**Why is it so important?**
One of the most interesting uses of this vitamin is its impact on our mental well-being. Studies show that a deficiency of vitamin D3 can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and decreased motivation. On the other hand, vitamin D3 supplementation can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology found that individuals with depression had lower levels of vitamin D3 compared to healthy individuals. Why does this happen? It turns out that vitamin D3 is essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system. It aids in the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness and well-being. Vitamin D3 also influences the expression of genes related to mood regulation. However, not all vitamin D supplements are equal - in addition to the dosage, the method of supplementation is also important. There are several options available on the market, some of which are better absorbed than others.

**The most popular methods of supplementation include:**

**Tablets and capsules** - this is the simplest and most commonly used method of supplementing vitamin D3. They are available over the counter in various doses, usually ranging from 400 to 4000 IU per tablet or capsule. It is best to determine the dosage in consultation with a doctor or nutrition specialist according to our individual needs.

**Drops** - vitamin D3 in liquid form is more easily absorbed by the body compared to tablets or capsules. Drops can be added to food or drinks, and some even have flavors.

**Drinkable liquids** - such liquids containing vitamin D3 are usually more easily absorbed than tablets, but the dosage may be lower.

**Food** - vitamin D3 naturally occurs in certain foods such as fatty fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel), eggs, or beef liver. However, to obtain an adequate daily dose of vitamin D3, large quantities of these products need to be consumed.

**Sunlight** - just a few minutes of daily exposure to the sun on one of those beautiful spring days (of course, not wearing a sweater, at least 50% of the body needs to be exposed, and sunscreen also prolongs the exposure time).

In conclusion, vitamin D3 deficiency in the body causes such significant psychological discomfort that it is worth ensuring its supplementation. However, it is important to note that it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before starting supplementation, it is necessary to consult with a doctor or nutrition specialist to determine your needs and the appropriate dosage for your body.
· @blueweave7 ·
India Vegan Vitamins and Supplements Market Analysis, Forecast 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the India vegan vitamins and supplements market size at USD 1.07 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the India vegan vitamins and supplements market size to grow at a CAGR of 12.54% reaching a value of USD 4.31 billion by 2029. The demand for vegan vitamins and supplements in the Indian market is on the rise, primarily propelled by a growing emphasis on health and well-being, heightened awareness about animal welfare, and the increasing popularity of veganism as a lifestyle choice. The surge in demand for vegan vitamins and supplements is further supported by the availability of a wide array of vegan products, encompassing vitamins, minerals, protein powders, and other dietary supplements, which cater to the unique requirements of individuals following plant-based diets.

Opportunity: Expansion of Vegan Food Industry in India

The expansion of the vegan food industry in India presents a significant growth opportunity for the vegan vitamins and supplements market across the country. As more individuals adopt vegan and plant-based diets, there is a growing demand for vegan-friendly nutritional supplements to ensure optimal nutrient intake. The increasing popularity of vegan food choices creates a natural synergy with vegan vitamins and supplements. Consumers who choose plant-based diets are often mindful of their overall health and wellness and may seek out complementary products to support their nutritional needs. The expansion of the vegan food industry also contributes to the overall awareness and acceptance of veganism and plant-based lifestyles in India. As the vegan movement gains momentum, it creates a favorable environment for the growth of related sectors, including the vegan vitamins and supplements market.

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Segmental Information

India Vegan Vitamins and Supplements Market - By Distribution Channel

By distribution channel, the India vitamins and supplements market is divided into store-based retail, specialty stores, online retail, and supermarkets and hypermarkets segments. The online retail segment in India has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, and this trend extends to the vegan vitamins and supplements market as well. The online retail market in India has been expanding rapidly, driven by deepening internet penetration, growing smartphone usage, and digital payment adoption. Online platforms provide a vast array of vegan vitamins and supplements from both domestic and international brands.

Impact of COVID-19 on India Vegan Vitamins and Supplements Market

People were looking for ways to strengthen their immune systems and maintain their health during the early stages of the pandemic, which resulted in an increase in demand for health and wellness items, including vegan vitamins and supplements. This caused a brief increase in the price of vegan supplements in India. However, as the pandemic persisted and the crisis' economic effects became apparent, some consumers might have started to be more frugal with their purchasing, which could have led to a minor fall in the demand for vegan supplements. In addition, the pandemic's effects on the supply chain, such as travel restrictions and lockdowns, may have delayed the delivery of raw materials and completed goods, resulting in shortages of supplies and price changes.

Competitive Landscape

The India vegan vitamins and supplements market is fragmented, with numerous players serving the market. The key players dominating the India Vegan Vitamins and Supplements market include VegLife, Dupont, DEVA, NOW Foods, Natrol, Solgar Inc, Vitacost, HTC Health, Orgenetics, and Ora Organic. The key marketing strategies adopted by the players are facility expansion, product diversification, alliances, collaborations, partnerships, and acquisition to expand their customer reach and gain a competitive edge in the overall market.

Contact Us:

BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd

+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
· @nikhilsaini ·
피해자 심리에 사로잡히지 마세요
모든 불행에 대해 다른 사람과 상황을 탓합니다.

피해자 정신에 종사하는 사람들은 삶에서 일어나는 모든 일이 외부 원인의 결과라고 믿으며 비관적 인식의 좁은 렌즈를 통해 삶을 봅니다. 내부 반사는 고려되지 않습니다. 피해자가 된다는 것은 책임을 면한다는 의미입니다. 아무 것도 그들의 잘못이 아닙니다. 피해자 사고방식에 빠진 사람들은 이 "가난한 나" 역할을 수행함으로써 얻는 관심, 동정 및 인정을 가장 자주 즐깁니다.

피해자 의식에 갇히면 초점은 우리가 얼마나 강력한가보다 우리가 얼마나 취약한가가 됩니다.

피해자 정신을 가지고 태어난 사람은 없지만 피해자 역할에서 면제되는 사람도 없습니다. 다정한 연로한 조부모, 사랑스럽고 선의의 어머니와 아버지, 십대, 심지어 "영적으로 깨어난" 것으로 간주되는 사람들까지도 모두 이 패배주의적 영역에 살고 있음을 발견할 수 있습니다.
사실, 살아있는 모든 사람은 그들의 삶에서 한 번 이상 피해자 역할을 했습니다.

피해자는 정신적으로 최악의 상황에 대비하기를 원하며 슬프게도 피해자에 거주하는 사람들에게는 이러한 자기 방해 행위가 "다음 모퉁이에서 재난이 기다리고 있다"고 확신하면서 상황이 진행되는 것처럼 보일 때 더욱 강력해집니다.
그렇다면 대부분이 어린 시절에 개발되고 채택된 이 자멸적이고 "가난한 나", 비관적 유형 프로그래밍에서 어떻게 벗어날 수 있습니까?

그것은 모두 당신의 인식/자신을 보는 방식으로 집에서 시작됩니다. 자신을 생존자 또는 피해자로 인식합니까?

생존자들은 삶을 포용하고 그것과 함께 흐릅니다. 그들은 현재에 살고 그들의 삶을 통제합니다. 그들은 발생하는 일에 대한 책임이 그들에게 있음을 완전히 알고 있습니다. 그들은 자신의 삶에 대한 책임을 지고 자신의 삶을 변화시킬 권한이 있음을 알고 있습니다.

반면 피해자는 자기 연민에 빠져 삶과 다투고 반발한다. 그들은 상황을 바꾸는 데 무력하다고 믿으며 과거에 머물며 책임을 회피하는 열쇠입니다. 그들은 자신이 무력하다고 인식하기 때문에 진전 없이 방어적으로 살고 제 시간에 멈춰 있습니다.
피해자 정신의 비용은 높습니다. 그것은 직업적이든 개인적이든 삶의 모든 영역에 부정적인 영향을 미칩니다. 실패는 포기하는 자에게만 오기 때문에 자신을 실패자로 보는 사람들은 피해의식에 휩싸인다.
피해자 사고방식에서 정말로 벗어나고 싶다면 먼저 그것을 소유해야 합니다. 우리가 소유하지 않은 것은 변경할 수 없습니다. 우리는 태도를 바꾸고 "변화는 나로부터 시작된다"는 것을 알아야 합니다. 우리는 생존을 받아들이고 행동 단계를 밟아야 합니다... 그것이 지금 아무리 작고 사소해 보일지라도 우리가 달성하고자 하는 목표를 향해.

가장 중요한 것은 우리는 "할 수 있다"와 "할 것이다"라는 말을 통해 지속적으로 우리 자신에게 힘을 실어주고 "할 수 없다"나 "하지 않을 것이다"라는 말과 신념을 비하하는 말과 신념을 중단시켜야 합니다.

그리고 우리는 가장 큰 태도인 감사를 받아들여야 합니다. 매일 우리는 우리를 행복하게 만드는 모든 일, 우리 삶에서 순조롭게 진행되고 있는 모든 일에 대해 생각하는 시간을 가질 필요가 있습니다. 우리의 마음/에너지를 긍정적인 상황에 집중시키는 것은 피해자의 사고방식에 대응하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

결국 우리는 우리가 다른 사람들에게 주려고 노력하는 것과 같은 정도의 존경과 사랑으로 우리 자신을 존중해야 합니다. 그래야만 우리의 마음과 행동이 피해자에서 생존 모드로 바뀔 것입니다.

사실 우리는 다른 사람의 행동이나 우리의 삶에 나타나는 모든 상황을 통제할 수는 없지만 그에 대한 우리의 반응은 통제할 수 있습니다. 우리는 희생자가 될 필요가 없습니다. 선택입니다. 우리에게 무슨 일이 일어나든 우리에게 닥치든, 우리는 그것을 변명이 아닌 도전으로 보아야 합니다.

머릿속에서 계속 재생되는 부정적인 피해자 테이프를 지우는 데 도움을 줄 강력한 파트너를 찾고 계십니까? 지역 체육관보다 더 이상 보지 마십시오. 도전적인 운동을 통해 혈액을 흐르게 하고 "행복하고 기분 좋은" 호르몬을 주입하는 것은 부정적인 생각을 극복하고 피해의식을 물리치고 신체적, 정신적, 정서적으로 건강함을 빠르게 느낄 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법 중 하나입니다.

· @sadcorp ·
Nutrition(Vitamins / Minerals / Supplements): Fortify the bloodstream, tissue, organs, ...(Terrain) with nutrients to fight against disease and to maintain proper body function?
"**It is mandatory to attain and maintain good nutritional status to fight against virus**. Nutritional status of individual is affected by several factors such as age, sex, health status, life style and medications."

"Food and beverages provide the energy and **nutrients you need to improve health, manage disease, and reduce the risk of disease**."

"**The human body needs about 20 essential elements in order to function properly** and among them, for certain, 10 are metal elements, though for every metal we do need, there is another one in our body we could do without it."

"Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and globally, and are attributable **largely to poor nutrition** and suboptimal lifestyle behaviors"

**How dietary factors influence disease risk**
· @manish52001 ·
Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals You Didn’t Know
To stay healthy, it’s important to know the benefits of vitamins and minerals and what they do in our bodies. They are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to function properly.

![Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals You Didn’t Know.png](

Important Vitamins for the Body

Vitamin B2 

It helps your body produce energy from protein and carbohydrates. It also keeps your skin, blood cells, and mucous membranes healthy.

A lack of riboflavin can cause a condition called riboflavin deficiency, which may lead to problems with breathing, swallowing, or walking; swelling or cracks in your lips; cracked fingertips; swollen tongue; and other symptoms.

Vitamin B2 is found in dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, leafy green vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard, legumes like beans and peanuts, whole grains like brown rice and wheat germ, fortified breakfast cereals, and yeast extract spreads such as Marmite.

The daily recommended intake for adults ranges from 1.3 milligrams per day (mg/day) to 1.7 mg/day depending on age and gender—and smokers need higher amounts than non-smokers do.

Vitamin D

A vitamin that is produced naturally when skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is also added to food as a fortification and can be taken in supplement form.

One cup of milk contains 25 percent of your daily value (DV) for vitamin D, which translates to about 400 IU. There is no upper limit established for vitamin D by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and most health organizations recommend taking 600-800 IU per day.

According to an analysis in BMJ Open, vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increased risk for heart disease and stroke in middle-aged men.

It Can help to improve bone health and reduce the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and other chronic diseases.

Vitamin E

It Can help treat and prevent chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cataracts.

Take 400 IU per day in your diet. Your body can’t produce vitamin E on its own, so you must get it from foods or supplements.

Your body only needs about 15 mg a day; more than that could lead to side effects like nausea and diarrhea.

Vitamin K

Although lesser known than vitamins A, C, and E, vitamin K is an important part of a healthy diet. It helps form proteins that make up your blood cells and aids in digestion by helping produce bile.

It also protects your bones from becoming brittle and breaks down cholesterol. These are just some of vitamin K’s many functions—it also helps maintain your immune system.

In addition to being found in leafy greens like spinach, Broccoli, it can be found in fish, dairy products, and cereals.

Vitamin C

It is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, which helps the body fight off infections and diseases.

Although most Americans get enough vitamin C to meet their daily needs, consuming large amounts may have some surprising health benefits.

A cup of orange juice has about 137 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C and makes a quick snack or morning boost. You can drink Citrus fruits for vitamin C.

Vitamin A

It helps keep vision healthy and supports skin health; some signs your vitamin A levels are low include dry eyes, night blindness, and a red or yellow tinge to your skin.

If you suspect your levels might be low, ask your doctor for a blood test. Opting for nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables—such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and kale—can help prevent deficiency.

Remember that eating too much-preformed vitamin A (retinol) can cause liver damage in adults; stick to food sources like fish and eggs when possible.

Some Essential Minerals

Don’t just go for milk—your bones need calcium from various sources. Ensure you’re getting enough calcium in your diet (recommended daily allowance is 1,000 mg daily) by eating broccoli, kale, almonds, and other whole foods.

And make sure to take a supplement if you’re not getting enough sunlight: Vitamin D promotes bone health and is essential for absorbing calcium.


Iron is a key component in red blood cells that carry oxygen through your body. If you don’t get enough iron through your diet, you can become anaemic and feel fatigued or run down.

If you do get enough iron, though, it contributes to a healthy immune system. Iron-rich foods include meat (especially liver), spinach, beans and peas, dried fruit, and dark chocolate.


It plays a role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body, including those that support muscle and nerve function.

Magnesium deficiency is common since only about half of Americans get enough from their diets. Low levels may worsen high blood pressure, asthma, migraines, and PMS symptoms. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood clotting, and supports bone health.
· @vikaralkumar · (edited)

“small organic molecules present in diet which are required in small amounts.”

• Most of the vitamins are not synthesized in the body and hence they must be supplied in the diet. How ever few vitamins are synthesized in the body. Though most of them are present in diet as such some are present as precursors. The precursor forms of vitamins are called as provitamins. In the body these provitamins are converted to vitamins.
Vitamins are divided into two groups. 
1. fat soluble VITAMIN 
2. water soluble vitamins.
 1. Fat Soluble Vitamins
They are vitamins A, D, E and K. They have some common properties.
1. Fat soluble.

2. Require bile salts for absorption.

3. Stored in liver.

4. Stable to normal cooking conditions.

5. Excreted in feces.

2. Water Soluble Vitamins:
They are members of vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. Their common properties are
1. Water solubility.

2. Except Vitamin B others are not stored.

3. Unstable to normal cooking conditions.

4. Excreted in urine.
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