Tx 08ff921cd1f92a48e113021cb2311b491e8cd1e2@21877286

Included in block 21,877,286 at 2018-04-25 13:42:15 (UTC)

08ff921c comment options: max payout 100,000 SBD, 100.0% SBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

Raw transaction

expiration2018-04-25 13:52:09
title"Are You A Hustler Or A Cherry Nibbler?"
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Hustle. Garry V.'s [favorite word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIJElPStJpg).
In case you don't know, Garry V. is an entrepreneur. A millionaire. Extremely driven, hardworking and successful. Basically, think of him as a businessman who Does. Not. Stop.
What motivates him? He wants to buy The New York Jets.
Now, you'll excuse me, I am not a sports fan. Not an American either. I couldn't even tell you what sport The Jets play.
But I do know Garry needs a few billions to buy his favorite team. So - he hustles.
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#### What's the point of setting a MASSIVE GOAL?
Truly successful people set ridiculously massive goals. It's one of the things they do differently than the rest.
Why, do you think, do they strive for goals unreachable and distant and possible even never achieved?
Why don't they instead go after achievements that are a stretch and above their current position? But totally possible with time and effort put in.
You know, goals that you can make happen by hustling.
Well, if that's the question on your mind, it means you are solely focused on the goal itself.
The giants among us are not. People like Garry V., know it's all about the journey. Not about the goal.
What matters to them is the experience. The improvement of self on the way to realizing a massive goal. A realized goal is just a bonus, really.
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#### Cherry on Top
Think about it.
You don't break eggs, mix flour, add sugar, stir butter, grease the pan, heat the oven, bake the doe, cool it off, melt the chocolate, glaze the cake, decorate with whipped cream, add some cherries, take a pic and post it on Instagram... just so you could... do what?
Nibble on the cherry after all that work? No, of course you don't! You know very well that cherry is just a decoration.
It was never the reason you started baking the cake in the first place.
You baked it because you wanted to create something. You wanted to take little pieces and make them into something greater. To build your thing from the ground up. From scratch.
That, my friends, is success. That's what legacy building giants are really after. They use the BIG GOAL for motivation, yes. But, they hustle because they love the game.
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#### If You Don't LOVE it, You're Doing it Wrong
Oh, what's that you say?
Nobody loves to work hard, day after day after day, with no guarantee of success. Nobody loves hustling more than relaxing and having fun. Nobody loves giving it their all, especially at times when life gets hard and $#!+ happens.
You're right, nobody *loves that*. But you're looking at hustling from the wrong angle.
**If you think there's nothing more to hustling than suffering and struggling, then for you – that's all hustling will be.**
But why would you think that? Why would you start a journey that already requires your dedication, effort, focus, consistency, willpower, strength, resourcefulness, time and energy, expecting every step of the way to be hard?
Setting a massive goal and working your way towards it will be hard enough without you sabotaging yourself along the way.
Expecting roadblocks and setbacks and difficulties won't make you better prepared for success. It will only condition you to look for, and inevitably find, a whole lot of roadblocks and setbacks and difficulties!
>*There's no reason to have a plan B, cause it distracts from plan A.*
><sub>by Will Smith</sub>
But, at the same time the opposite is true as well.
Go after your big goal and expect all the right people, resources and ideas to show up precisely when and how you need them to and they will.
>*Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.*
><sub>by Henry Ford</sub>
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#### Your Brain Says so, Not me
OK, I say so too. But only because I know a bit about neuroanatomy. The study of how the brain is built and how it works.
See, there's a part of your brain called Reticular Activating System. It’s pretty complex and does a lot of things. One of them is making habituation possible. I’ll give you an example.
If you move somewhere close to a railroad with trains passing all day long, at first you’ll notice every single one. Those trains will seem really loud to you, especially at night. You may even feel a subtle shaking of your floor, or windows when those fast ones pass by.
But in time, you’ll get used to all the noises and the shaking. To the point when you hardly even notice them at all.
**Not because trains are no longer passing by your home. Their schedule didn’t change. Trains are still there. You just learned to ignore them because they don’t matter to you.**
**What about the stuff that is really important to you?**
The good news is, Reticular Activating System works the same way about what you declare as important.
For example, say your wife gets pregnant and you decide to buy a baby stroller. Congratulations! All of a sudden, everywhere you look you'll be seeing women with baby strollers. Parking spots for parents with strollers. Double strollers for twins on a discount at your local shopping mall.
And so even if you've never bought, owned or pushed a baby stroller before, you are seeing them everywhere now.
Because your brain is so cool it will not only ignore the things that don't matter to you, but will also make you notice and focus on things that are important to you.
**Like your big goal, for example.**
If you believe you must work hard to get what you want, your brain will work with you and find proofs that you are right.
It will make sure you notice others who swear hard it was work that made them successful.
Your brain will also make sure you ignore those who reached that same goal you are working hard towards, but they found a shortcut, a different method, a faster system, whatever.
Once you convince yourself hustling = hard work, all other options, information and possible alternatives will be pretty much invisible to you.
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#### But Now You Know Better
To be successful and get that thing you want, do this:
**1. Keep your BIG GOAL infront of you as a clear guide at all times.**
Think of it as your own North start. Whenever you look up, it's right there in the middle of the sky. Shining bright so you know where you're going.
This is why you are husling. The end goal you're moving towards.
But, before you go all in, before you start taking action, remember to also:
**2. Be on the lookout for people and information and solutions that will make your way towards your goal easier, faster, cheaper, whatever your priority is.**
You will find it when you start looking for it. Your brain will work with you on this one.
**All you have to do is chose what you want and expect that in the end, it will be exactly the way you want it to be.**

Then brace yourself, because not only will you get all of what you expected, but that thing you wanted will turn out to be just an entree to a delicious feast you never even dreamed was possible.
But, that part is a topic for another day ;)
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