Tx 258b5ddaa128cd07fa2f561e889f71c7f444b2bf@43921770

Included in block 43,921,770 at 2020-06-03 05:12:48 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2020-06-03 05:22:42
title"The formula to live longer!"
Kindness can be words, smaller actions, larger actions, or give and receive. Friendly acts are those that are taken with empathy. When we are kind to someone, we look at the person's feelings and what is going on and then act accordingly.
The opposite of goodness are actions based on pride, selfishness, or self-centered arrogance.
The Bible goes so far as to teach that people should be kind to each other at all times and proudly avoid being sinful. The Bible closely combines love and kindness.
Kindness is something others can do without waiting to get something in return. It is safe to say that we have all been genuinely kind and that most of us have expressed our kindness in one way or another.
Giving and receiving kindness is useful on more than one biblical or spiritual level. If you do something good to someone else or get someone else's kindness, the brain responds by releasing the neurotransmitter, dopamine.
Dopamine is the brain chemical that stimulates the pleasure center of the brain. That's why we feel comfortable when we're at the end of an act of kindness.
Dopamine is primarily responsible for the euphoric or euphoric sensation of long-distance runners, known as runners high. It is also the main neurotransmitter that leads to sexual euphoria during orgasm. In addition, people who receive a dopamine boost often say things like, I have my second wind now!
The mechanism that produces dopamine is the release of endogenous opioids. These are produced in very small quantities but have an exceptionally strong analgesic effect, similar to morphine, an opioid that is not produced naturally by the body.
This means that kindness can help relieve pain in your body! In fact, there is strong evidence that people who are often not beautiful are much more likely to suffer from body pain and pain of all kinds. By the way, endogenous opioids have also been shown to directly reduce inflammation as well.
The sense of well-being we get when we perform acts of kindness doesn't just produce dopamine. It also produces a hormone called oxytocin, which spreads through the brain and the rest of the body.
New studies show that oxytocin reduces the number of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the main causes of aging, disease, and cancer. So being beautiful not only slows down the aging process but also helps prevent and fight cancer.
Kindness has also been shown to produce a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for how happy we feel. Although it is not the same as the euphoric feeling of dopamine well-being, it works with dopamine to produce feelings of pleasure, calmness, and overall happiness. Serotonin has a calming effect.
What happens when dopamine and serotonin levels drop? As you can imagine, the result is the opposite of the positive points that have just been mentioned. Low levels of dopamine and serotonin are strongly associated with anxiety, irritability, depression, mental fatigue, forgetfulness, apathy, and insomnia.
There's a saying: "It's better to be kind than to be right." But kindness does so much more. Being kind helps them and their fellows not only psychologically, but also physically.
If you want to live longer and feel happier, be nice. Once this becomes a habit, you will be surprised at how different you feel; emotionally and physically."