Tx 5177cf9e2ac28c7988f4dd8065db06b3b98134ad@18988999

Included in block 18,988,999 at 2018-01-15 03:57:18 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2018-01-15 04:07:12
title"No Classes For Today: I will go to JMall to buy the equipments for our STEEMIT BEATBOX COMMUNITY"
body"<center><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/jaderpogi/g3a3urwc'><img src='https://snap1.d.tube/ipfs/QmQE6LwUmfyNcxhJGDQ9cQigchnjFRR47oKproCC5ztoBR'></a></center><hr>
Hello everyone I just want to share to you that today our teacher said a while ago that there is no classes for today. I really dont know why but the only thing I know is that today is a heavy rain. It is very cold right here. But eventhough it is very cold I will go outside to buy for the equipments.
This is with the help of @steemph.cebu , they are so generous to help our community. I dont know how to repay them but the only thing that I must do is to do my best and dedicate myself to organize and be a good leader to my community. Big shout to @steemph.cebu , we are so very open to be your intermission number in your future events in order to entertain the people. :) I think thats the best we can do to the community. Amazing beatboxers are on board.
<hr><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/jaderpogi/g3a3urwc'> ▶️ DTube</a><br /><a href='https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmaeWcoVWCriaTZy6U9MiFvCm4yNwopj6mkweWeVZ1VSYn'> ▶️ IPFS</a>"
json_metadata"{"video":{"info":{"title":"No Classes For Today: I will go to JMall to buy the equipments for our STEEMIT BEATBOX COMMUNITY","snaphash":"QmQE6LwUmfyNcxhJGDQ9cQigchnjFRR47oKproCC5ztoBR","author":"jaderpogi","permlink":"g3a3urwc","duration":48.572,"filesize":13695421,"spritehash":"QmYAAe2WiUthUvyA3UHHFrvnR2dDxQc8aJADpXrVdGSvbW"},"content":{"videohash":"QmaeWcoVWCriaTZy6U9MiFvCm4yNwopj6mkweWeVZ1VSYn","video480hash":"QmPYV5PQU4faU42Cw82AmYufShue89k37X34whirnNPeQv","magnet":"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2ea21858c4b627325a43a09d25ae8e415363bc1e&dn=video_20180115_112159.mp4&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexplodie.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.empire-js.us%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Ftracker.btorrent.xyz&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Ftracker.fastcast.nz&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openwebtorrent.com","description":"Hello everyone I just want to share to you that today our teacher said a while ago that there is no classes for today. I really dont know why but the only thing I know is that today is a heavy rain. It is very cold right here. But eventhough it is very cold I will go outside to buy for the equipments.\n\n<br>\nThis is with the help of @steemph.cebu , they are so generous to help our community. I dont know how to repay them but the only thing that I must do is to do my best and dedicate myself to organize and be a good leader to our community. Big shout out to @steemph.cebu , we are so very open to be your intermission number in your future events in order to entertain the people. :) I think thats the best we can do to the community. We can provide amazing beatboxers here :)\n<br>\n","tags":["steemphcebu","cebu","philippines","openmic"]},"_id":"9a32afe7b74c890b9e8f626fb247341d"},"tags":["dtube","steemphcebu","cebu","philippines","openmic"],"app":"dtube/0.6"}"