Tx 9102332707be02d2f2902e614e6f654e7951addc@29455910

Included in block 29,455,910 at 2019-01-14 18:54:15 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2019-01-14 19:04:09
body"I haven't been that prolific at posting lately (especially since November), so I haven't noticed ads at the bottom of my posts, though I thought I saw ads in my feed a while back. That seems to have disappeared.
I'm not a fan of ads, though. At least static ones that don't tell me much about the product or service they're trying to sell. I don't like them on websites, and I don't like how they follow me around from one to the next with something they think I'm going to buy because I've been looking at it. They don't stop even after I did buy the product.
I've been on both sides of advertising. Didn't really like either side, to tell you the truth. I think it takes way too much time, energy and resources to get an effective message out, and even then, that's mainly for product awareness for early adopters, because then word-of-mouth, whatever form that takes nowadays, still ends up driving the majority of sales.
So, good luck to Steemit Inc, all power to them, but I will end up ignoring their ads just like I ignore everyone else's. :)
I do find it kind of ironic, the potential of fiat to keep a cryptocurrency going, but maybe that's what's been missing from the start. Since the markets don't seem to care about utility, just how high they can pump to dump, creating value from nothing is a risky business anyway.
And then dapps showing up with very little capital of their own (I say that, because there doesn't appear to be any dApps that aren't wanting some kind of delegation to keep their doors open with), which proves to be a rather inefficient, if not downright ineffective business model.
Somehow, we need to move past the markets being the only thing that gives STEEM value, but we're not there yet, and I think, as long as it actually keeps going, it will continue to be a slow and painful process. Painful in that we will have these ups and mainly downs and we'll all wish we were farther along than what we possibly could ever be."