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expiration2018-03-17 08:40:54
title"Does Intelligence Make It More Or Less Difficult To Love"
body"Being in a relationship with someone intelligent can be both difficult and not difficult because it depends entirely on how that intelligent person communicates with you. For example that intelligent person might be totally abnormal socially and inexperienced or they could be the best boyfriend / girlfriend you’ve ever had. It all depends on their communication skills.
  In the movie The Closer 2004, the characters run into this exact issue of whether to go with the most intelligent one or the average one. Smart but ineffectual journalist Dan cannot decide between his girlfriend, loving but clingy waitress Alice, or his lover cold but intellectual photographer Anna. And Anna is unsure about Dan or honest but thuggish doctor Larry. The film, as Tarantino puts it, puts the four leading characters in a box and strips them apart. Throughout the movie, Dan is always so intellectual and intelligent that whenever he responds to the women in the movie they get frustrated because his answers are so complex. For example when Alice aka Jane Jones asks why she should tell him the truth he responds "Because I'm addicted to it. Because without it, were animals. Trust me." and then later when he's talking to Anna he says "What's so great about the truth? Try lying for a change, it’s the currency of the world."  
The movie is basically about a guy named Dan and a girl named Alice living together, and that Dan has a novel that he's written about his romantic life with Alice. Then later on Alice asks Anna to take her photograph and Dan leaves so the two of them can be alone. When Larry asks Dan for a name, he tells him, Anna. They write some hot and heavy stuff back to one another and Dan offers to meet Larry in person as a joke. Then Dan and Alice are getting ready to go to Anna's art exhibition. We also learn that Dan's father has passed away, and Dan is going to the funeral in the countryside after the art exhibition. Dan is still infatuated with Anna, and she tells him how she and Larry met, and that they call him cupid. Dan puts Alice in a taxi cab, pretending that he's heading straight to the funeral when actually he goes back to talk to Anna again. Dan comes into his apartment at first telling Alice that he's been at a business dinner. She says she tried to end it with Dan when she and Larry decided to get married, but it started up again. A few moments later, Dan guesses that Anna slept with Larry that day, and he was right. Dan storms into Larry's office and angrily reveals that Anna has left him and is back with Larry. Dan tries to confront him and claims that this is all Larry's fault when Larry reveals that Anna never did file the divorce papers. Larry is at first angry with Dan and then begins to pity him because Dan is truly heartbroken and starts to cry. He tells Dan to go back to Alice, and Dan reveals that he doesn't know where she is. Larry tells him about the strip club and assures him that he didn't sleep with Alice when he saw her there. As Dan is leaving, Larry tells Dan that in truth, he did sleep with Alice. Alice notes that this is the day when they first met on that London street corner which was four years ago, and Dan remarks how time flies by so fast. Dan asks Alice if she slept with Larry, and she tells him that she didn't. Back in New York, when "Alice" is going through immigration, we see that her real name on her passport is Jane Jones (the name she had given Larry when he had pressed her for her real name in the strip club.) 
  There's a song I recently discovered, it’s by Lana Del Ray and it’s called "I Fucked My Way To The Top." I honestly don’t know why I'm so obsessed with this song, it’s not because of its graphic, ludicrous, or bold lyrics and it’s not the name of the track or the story it's telling; I think I like it because she tells her somewhat absurd story in such a peculiar but calm way. 
 Interviewer: There are a few different ways to take your song “Fucked My Way Up to the Top.” Is it about people not wanting to give you credit for your success? Or is it about fucking people to get to the top? 
 Lana Del Ray:  “It’s commentary, like, I know what you think of me, and I’m alluding to that. You know, I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry, but none of them helped me get my record deals. Which is annoying.” 
 Throughout the song she keeps talking about how she fucked her way up to the top, but she says basically she did it not expecting anything out of it / in return. Sometimes she even admits to being bored. A great example of it is in this line, "I'm a dragon, you're a whore, and don’t even know what you're good for. Mimickin' me's a fuckin' bore to me, but babe." Around the time she was writing this album she was going through breaking off her engagement. Her boyfriend at that time had always said how she was fun but then really depressed, and he was really intelligent according to the media. Here're two lines from the song that explain how she was always moody, meaning fun, careless/wild, but then also depressed. "Life is awesome, I confess. What I do, I do best. You got nothing, I got tested, and I passed yes." & "I fucked my way up to the top, this is my show. I fucked my way up to the top, go, baby, go." 
 Scorpion is about a few geniuses that team up and act as the last line of defense against the complicated threats of the modern world. It’s based on the real life of Walter O'Brien, a genius with an IQ of 190. Walter is asked by Homeland Security to put together a special group of gifted individuals to troubleshoot the most difficult problems that the US & the world may encounter. Scorpion is an interesting show because its characters are so different from each other. The show is a mix of very intelligent people, average people, socially awkward people, and emotional people. And all the characters put together makes a great show. 
 In one of the episode, the team goes to a party, a museum, and a factory in order to solve a high-end art fraud. During the episode, the main character Walter has to dance with another character Paige in order to dance close to the guy and his wife who are next to them so Walters’s device that Paige is wearing under her dress can scan all the information on the man’s phone in order to catch him for the fraud. Throughout that scene, Walter doesn’t let go or stop dancing with Paige because he's always been so intelligent he could never keep up a relationship with a girl because he was always so socially awkward, and had never experienced anything before. At one point in this episode Paige says this "For a guy who says he has no feelings, he sure is sweet."
Why Men Marry Bitches is honestly the most addicting book I’ve ever read. It’s definitely on first on my top ten favorite books. And it’s the best book I’ve ever read under its category. Considering I’m not a big reader and half the books I’ve read I gave up on the books about halfway through, the books I actually finish have to be really interesting. The book is amazing because it’s about how men choose the kind of women they marry and why they choose them, and it also covers why some kinds of women haven’t gotten married yet. But overall the book explains that it doesn’t matter whether you’re intelligent or not but it’s what you’re saying and doing that makes or breaks the relationship. Basically how you treat and communicate with the other person and how your personality comes off to the average man. Throughout this book, I’ve concluded that being in a relationship with someone intelligent can be both difficult and not difficult because it depends entirely on how that intelligent person communicates with you.
Sherry Argov does not use the word bitch in a pejorative way, but rather "to describe a strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is." And while encouraging women to be strong, independent and inscrutable is sound advice, the motivation behind this advice to keep his interest makes for a headache-inspiring opposition. Fortunately, she takes readers step-by-step through her process, including numerous Relationship Principles that keeps her concepts clear "Relationship Principle 35: Men are intrigued by anything they do not completely control." Though the generalizations Sherry Argov uses to describe her pre-bitch audience can at times be condescending, and her goals are more about acting rather than believing that you don't need a man to feel complete, the behavior she encourages is healthy and useful, even outside the realm of “husband hunting”. Taken more as a Bitch's Guide to Life, the word "relationship" after all, doesn't necessarily imply romance this is a solid self-help.
In my opinion being in a relationship with an intelligent person doesn’t necessarily mean it will be more difficult to love them. As I stated before it entirely depends on the person and whether or not they’re good at communicating with you. In conclusion, intelligence can make it both easy and difficult to love.
Works Cited 
Argov, Sherry. Why Men Marry Bitches. Rockefeller Center: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. 2006. Book. 
Lana Del Ray. I Fucked My Way To The Top. Album: Ultra-Violence. 2014. Dan Heath; Dan Auerbach. 
Nichols, Mike. Closer. Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts. December 10, 2004. 
Nick Santora. Elyes Gabel, Katharine McPhee, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Jaydn Wong, Ari Stidham, Robert Patrick. Scorpion. CBS. Mondays at 9:00pm. 2014-present. Television."