Monday Morning - has the highest suicide rate of the week - by allthereisislove

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· @allthereisislove ·
Monday Morning - has the highest suicide rate of the week -
we live in a modern slavery system - but there's ways to beat it-don't be discouraged by the grind - you are already on steemit-so first steps are taken-societies biggest problems are relationship problems,health and finance






e book:

                                                       To my wife - the love of my life

            About this book
1.	The reward
2.	Principles
3.	i Phone-the no communication  device
4.	Reality distortion
5.	God’s  mercy
6.	Riding a motorcycle
7.	60/30/10
8.	Truth- sister of love
9.	Facebook and the matrix
10.	Less is more
11.	Depression and Fear
12.	The black dog and homeless
13.	Thinking from the end
14.	Education
15.	Food
16.	Art
17.	Money
18.	Imagine
19.	Freedom
20.	Universal growth
21.	When principles fail
22.	Planetary issues
23.	 a. Investing
24.	 b. Health
25.	 c. Relationships
26.	Whatever works
27.	Anticipatory versus reactionary
28.	The flow principle
29.	Circle of the known
30.	80/20
31.	The precautionary principle
32.	Nature
33.	Focus
34.	Children
35.	Just when I thought
36.	180 degrees 
37.	Counterintuitive
38.	Religion
39.	Power
40.	Problem shopping
41.	Quiet Desperation
42.	Man, and Machine
43.	App food
44.	Worry
45.	The good old times
46.	Synchronicity
47.	Looking back
48.	Men, and woman
49.	Attitude
50.	Mind creates matter
51.	Hope
52.	Limits
53.	Tipping points
54.	Silent solitude
55.	Process
56.	Quiet love affair
57.	Anticipatory versus reactionary
58.	Urgent versus important
59.	It’s not crowded on the top
60.	Singularities versus dualism
61.	Board meeting
62.	Time
63.	Saving Time
64.	Mastery
65.	All there is  LOVE
66.	Repetition
67.	Principle- based living
68.	Happiness Principles
69.	Conflicts

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher. The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice8of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. The events related in this memoir have been re-created to the best recollection of the author. Some situations have been modified, compressed, or expanded.


                                                         About this book
There are three main problems on this planet that we are struggling with:
Relationships, health and finance.
Out of these three, relationships are the most important one…
The one thing we haven't been educated about in school that truly impacts us in life is principles about how to create healthy relationships. Healthy relationships require a good relationship with oneself first, but how to acquire such a confidence within oneself?
Much is attributed to feeling successful - feeling successful is vastly different for each of us based on our own values and beliefs.
We are faced with making anticipatory and reactionary choices in life, both intuitive and counter- intuitive ones, so the margin of error is high, and as such, solid knowledge in the form of real truths becomes what’s beneficial along the way.
Principles (ultimate truths) provide such knowledge strength.
In this book you find a collection of such principles.
A cheat sheet if you may, of truths to lean against to make more proper decisions in life to gain the confidence needed to have a healthy relationship with yourself,
and the building blocks to create healthy relationships.

The title of this book, Your Happiness through Principles, is a direct reflection of its intent. You, the reader, may wonder how the author, unknown in the study of happiness in psychology or in the field of self-help can be so bold to choose this title. While some aspects of this book might seem from a novice, its content is of value.

Over 20 years ago, I gave up my career to become a trader. I had moved to Los Angeles from Germany and was looking to establish myself and begin a new life. I had several talents and had tried myself in a few fields, bringing enough experience and unique skills to start a new career in a new country. My fate was decided when I attended a Tony Robbins seminar, where he introduced me to day trading, and I embarked on a new journey soon after. I expected to begin making money within the next six months. 

Compassionate and empathetic, I have always been interested in the subject of human suffering as one of the most fundamental human experiences. While I have been fortunate enough to never have experienced physical suffering, my decision to become a trader has led me to experience intense emotional suffering throughout my journey. Many years into my trading career, I came close to giving up multiple times. I have been trying to master this craft for many years, and all I got in return was my own consistent punishment by losing money. 

It is very difficult to compare the trading profession to other professions. While it is not an ideal comparison, traders are often compared to professional athletes. Even if a professional athlete doesn’t make it to the Olympics or win a medal, athletes get rewarded by being in shape and reaching physical goals to measure growth. They start by competing in lower divisions and reap victories as they work their way to the top. Many are financially sponsored and don’t need to worry about getting their bills paid. In an entrepreneurial world, there are guardrails one can set to feel accomplished. There’s a paycheck regardless of the abuse you have to take, and often personal gain is attained even if the venture fails. For traders, there are no rewards along the way but only consistent pain. And with the right dosage of willingness to suffer, the path can be long and enduring. I find it astounding of how much hope can be created in the endless demise of one’s efforts in trying to reach the top, and this in a society that praises persistency. Not to mention the lack of much needed reference points or even meeting peers. Plenty of bankers, and even more traders, come from the ranks of college athletes. And it takes a hell of a lot to compete at the collegiate level. So I know, there's a wide cross-section of Wall Street who has at least thought about what it would be like to be a professional athlete.

In my interest for suffering thereof, I found only one certainty: love is all there is, and everything else is an illusion. Since that realization, this has been the guiding principle of my life. 

Isn’t love what we all long for and cherish when we have it, and isn’t this hard to explain energy force what holds everything together in this world?

Like any strong form of energy, love can result in the negative as much as the positive experience. Wars have been fought over it, endless hearts broken, and many other hardships caused by it. Similarly, money, another powerful form energy, can either be used as a force for good or in nefarious ways.

If love is the source of it all and the ultimate reason for our existence then truth comes very close to love and I shall call it her sister. 

Do we not all feel embraced in the presence of the ultimate truth and doesn’t truth reign over events, and isn’t it refreshing how child’s play is governed by a truthful intent-yes truth isn’t always comforting or easy but in its essence when brought forward it has a power close to her sister love and is inherently good and worth thriving for.
I gave the book its title because as human beings we often are misguided by our feelings. 
As much as we might have good intuitions and a sensibility for truth when we see it, when it comes to love we already get a little bit rattled at times if we try to grasp that with logic. So, at times when in conflict we tend to find solutions in the mind and often fail to come up with solutions and that being said it seems that relationships  are where most our problems seem to stem from. We focus mostly on financial problems or health issues but in my opinion, it is the emotional confusion in regards to relationships where we truly struggle to get ahead and have developed little progress over centuries.
Principles - I define them to be in their ideal form to be ultimate truths, and so can help one from an intellectual aspect to benchmark one’s feelings against.
If you have a concept of a complex matter summarized in a simple sentence it can be a helper when emotionally distraught or otherwise confused. A principle can bring clarity in a difficult situation. Principle- based living can uncover complex situations to make one’s way through uncertainties. 
So, the goal of this book is to support our all thriving towards happiness, by shedding some light on a few principles that hopefully could be as useful to you as they have been to me in the daily challenges of life and in finding happiness both in the journey through life and its mysteries on a broader scale. xxx

                                                             The Reward
As much as these last 17 years have been filled with struggle, there is also a grand reward. You get to know yourself. Border experiences shape you, make you aware of yourself and this daily looking into your own intestinal tract shapes you as a person and if wisely attempted you can extract principles, ultimate truths, knowledge that’s worth attaining and you can look into the mirror each day and know you did something worthwhile. So as much as you expose yourself to constant suffering you truly live. And who is to say if obstacles that have been overcome provide such benefits, that seeking out a life in the direction to comfort and the easiest route through life is truly the road to happiness. Maybe a change in perception where happiness truly lies, is what’s required.
In my case you don’t take the abuse of a boss but only the self-abuse of trying to get to the core of meaning and to get to know yourself. And if you are lucky once in a while there is satori-instant awakening-a true gem creation of a small miracle where you bring forward something that hasn’t seen light yet on this earth or at least in your own perception-something that really helps to put the foot a step forward on the journey of a thousand steps.

Core principles, those you truly can rely on, those that will never change, are free of the planets dualistic system that everything else is governed by; they are indivisible and have no opposites. They can be chosen to be one’s beliefs, convictions, dreams, hopes, fundamentally govern one’s thriving force to be followed and nourished by. Examples would be love, truth, silence …
The next tier can still be heavily relied on and bring great substance to principle- based living.  In this category, one would find gravity and other laws of nature, but quickly we would get in a top down approach to levels acceptable to be questioned since after all we believed the earth to be a flat disc for a very long time until discovering its true nature.
The first to leave the circle of commonly known status quo knowledge, returning with fresh insights by risking venturing into the unknown, are the first to be ridiculed. Next, they are condemned and if lucky finally praised for their discoveries. 
There is the thin borderline between insanity and genius and it is called results. 
For the truth seeker, brave enough to stretch him/herself thin and walk the road less traveled by, there are two ways to expand to the outer rim of the circle that encompasses everything known.
 From constant and never- ending work,  or asking quality questions over and over and finding incredible passion and compassion to simply not accept the status quo and finding answers beyond the know, a process that can take a very long time where principles like ‘the devil is in the details” rule the daily stretch.
 Or by miracle creation processes that are more along the lines of what the Japanese’s call satori; instant awakening; where the time component is irrelevant. The later requires an absence of self-inflicted filters and limitations, a true creativity and absence of scarcity and a willingness to allow the irrational and surrendering to larger energies and forces in play to be gifted by with the new insights. It is here where I can be of service as a mirror to the seeker of such expansions who wishes to reduce time (time being in principle, one of the very few scarce resources on this planet to the human individual, where we otherwise live in an absolute abundant never- ending to expand and changing universe). We are limited in principle to only perceive outside of us what we carry inside (like the Haitians literally not being able to see the arrival of the large Spanish ships by lack of ever having seen any large vessel prior at sea) and are fooled by a brain that functions on comparison while the true principle is that every moment is unique and we expand with every time increment into an absolutely new future.
One way of improvement through the jungle of confusions is true self-reflection.
“Sharing of goods is division while sharing of thoughts is multiplication.” (Hans Albers) 
 “A moment of hatred destroys eons of good deeds.” (Dalai Lama) 
I have developed a skill of being a mirror to the truth seeker to hopefully support a shortened path and a slight lifting of the burden of a life lived with increased obstacles on the road less traveled by.
In trying to extract principles on a very rudimentary basis the “RED” system for critical thinking is one of the basic approaches-one recognizes assumptions, then evaluates arguments and draws conclusions. In my humble opinion, one should take the liberty to truly question everything including established principles if so desired.
This is very straight forward. 
Truth most of the time is just that.
                                                i Phone-the no communication device

Over a hundred years we have now contributed to the technical advancements of this century and yes, much has been achieved in health and advancement to the benefit of a more cumberless life but the one-sided way of focus and the vanity paired with  its achievements have blinded us to principle violations. The extreme development that’s mostly fueled by greed and fear and other scarcity motivations has resulted in worshipping money as the God of this century and names like Steve Jobs (only an example) being recited in the same sentence as saints and life- altering thinkers who truly have helped mankind to advance while I see now people just hiding behind small screens and having lost their peripheral thinking and an overview of what matters to them, but rather like sheep following any advertisement that has been placed in front of their eyeballs. So you see just like decades ago the typical pair of girlfriends with one being a fashionable beauty and the other a ugly duckling paired up but while the one less blessed by looks had the chance when an attractive boy came across to still muster up her courage to shine through wit and charm, she now like all simply hides by a conditioned response of checking her  iPhone and excusing herself to her non- reflected virtual shrink who always offers the choice of low resistance and reconditions the way of more insecurities and less communication (the boy and the beauty by the way, also just checked their phones). So, we find ourselves paying huge monthly fees to vendors pretending to connect us while truly we are all no matter what age are sucked into a world the size of a few square inches, and find there, a hiding place for all our shortcomings and unreflect inferiorities and no man, woman or child escapes this worship of technology any more since these devises supposedly make our world easier and more connected.
This isn’t meant to criticize, even so harsh in tone for pure contrast, any of the magical advancements in our time which have relieved so much pain and suffering. It is merely being stated that there are so many various aspects of life in a balanced and equally- weighted system that have to be addressed to truly create music.  The lack of even just one instrument in an orchestra cannot be later integrated to complete the magical balance, but all elements of life need to be looked at and worked hard at and not just those who offer prospects of creating profits and advancements of individuals hard- working or corporations  exploitation.
In a view of the near future a united way rather than segregated one and a contemplative thinking that creates miracles for all humankind and not just the privileged few is the only chance for a survival of this planet and its inhabitants, and as such we would thrive if we joined in acknowledgements of our limiting beliefs and an embracement in overcoming them.  Replacing the focus of the smaller focused view and rather gathering the minds who can offer solutions in the name of Hans Albers principle “sharing of goods is division, sharing of thoughts is multiplication”, is a step towards true prospects.

                                                 Reality distortion
One thing to keep in mind is that we as humans are not equipped to see what’s real. In our limitation of only taking a brief snapshot of all the data coming towards us in one moment of time since it would be overwhelming to take in all the data presented from outside, we have a completely distorted perception of what’s reality. This is paired with the filtering of this data by a perception that isn’t capable of taking in anything that isn’t already inside. We spoke earlier of large ships not being perceived by islanders, simply not ever having been confronted by large vessels approaching by the sea. We have a hard time comprehending anything new and instead of lining up our minds with the principle that every moment is unique and an expansion of prior reality in a universe constantly growing and expanding we are wired to compare data from the past, and are convinced a new event is actually being a reoccurring event from a past experience. Being driven by beliefs that stem and are formed by such distorted realities we harvest constant disappointments by expectations not being met; expectations that in principle can’t be fulfilled by an ever- changing reality and an additional misperception by not having a sense that can measure time and its own unperceivable parameters. In summary, this should raise caution to what such an ill equipped make up in a single entity that hasn’t overcome extreme behaviors, fueled by fear and anxiety, greed and vanity might result in behavior and misled thinking and the actions resulting by this.
I find it advisable to contemplate such limitations and rather follow a combination of approaches. The deep-rooted intuition as to be found in grounded women who are filled with empathy and a fair value for all humankind for example, versus an extreme mental attitude lead by mathematical algorithm worship and an overall tendency to seek security in logistic thinking that in its roots has an education lacking anything not obvious to the mind even so we know it is the mind that is in principle mislead. This is one of the fallacies in our times where we worship logic over everything else, and wonder why there is a lack of overcoming obstacles. Miracle creation that has  its roots in bending time through satori experiences often with an absence of the mind or as it so wisely has been spoken “most of mankind’s problems stem from the individual’s inability to sit quietly for an hour in a room,” would be another example for a useful approach. So, a contemplated humbleness and stillness of the mind with a moderation of the emphasis on the self and a listening and trusting to an intuitive force might bring society and this world at a time when we run out of time over hurdles, rather than exclusive mathematical exploration into a future that still provides the comforts of this world that we have been fortunate to experience over the last century.
                                                                  God’s mercy

It always seems that we are burdened with more than we can handle, and is it not that with regularity we find ourselves in Murphy’s Law or simply said when it rains it pours. 
But is it not that these obstacles present to us opportunity? 
Each obstacle overcome enriches us with confidence and more wisdom, humbles us and brings much more insight into our own makeup and is a lesson each time on how much we are truly able to endure and walk away from, and to surely reach the next mountain top from the valley of despair. One still can find oneself within self-pity or even emotionally within the depths of hell when in valley of the waves of events, and one thinks that life is unfair and at times finds it beyond their ability to overcome the newly presented desperate- seeming situation but one thought might be contemplated on in each of these situations. The thought that the often- unchosen positioning in such events is at all times a mercy of God in that light, that she presents us with the doubtless state of feeling ourselves not of this place and not forever doomed in such misery but rather reminding us through such confrontations that there is more, that there is the beyond and the pure hope and depth of a place that we truly originate from and shall return to. It is this fair distribution of either the person who subscribes to a faith of any sort of religion or the agnostic that one can’t but being ripped out of regular moderate circumstance but can but not feel the beyond and larger picture of misery reminding us about ourselves and the right of no such suffering in endless endurance, but rather the blissful assurance that we shall be delivered not by a higher being but a reflection that we each in our own right are these higher beings or simple stated we aren’t humans thriving for a spiritual experience but rather spiritual beings having a human experience.

                                                    Riding a motorcycle
 Why riding a bike is so absolutely awesome.
I guess it already starts out as a child. This first means of transportation translates in quite a few ways of feeling free. Right now, I am talking about the sized- up motorized thing as an adult.
My mind goes madly wild all day long with trading and I am named the "fix-a- flat" which means that everybody comes to me with their problems and I do research all day long to help them out as best as I can. When on the bike it’s like a video game-it's about one’s life and survival-so my mind is than focused only on the here and now-on the video game of making it through traffic without losing my life-so all one’s mind is doing is focusing right here right now on the imminent moment and as such its better than any Zen or meditation or mind calming I tried before-riding a bike is absolute bliss since all one does is enjoy the moment and the wind in one’s hair. So almost everybody can have a few moments of ecstasy each day, given it has its risks, and experience instantly what some find hard to achieve with daily routines of some mental practice of trying to quiet one’s mind and living in the here and now rather than the future or the past. This isn’t meant as advice to risk one’s life in traffic but rather to share with those who have never ridden a bike about why those who have find it so satisfying.


This business principle states the importance of business success to be 60% in personality (that would be branding on a larger scale operation), 30% in networking and only 10% of importance on the actual product to be sold (or service to be offered). This shows strongly where we are heading and could even be interpreted as the triumph of vanity over a society where individuals might still be governed intuitively to be proud of a profession and a skill, but truly for success one now needs, by heeding this principle are otherwise now doomed to compete and make a living from such grand motives. As much as there might still be a desire on perfecting skills to feel proud of one’s achievement and accomplishments and in presenting something worthy to be exchanged for barter to another who’d desire such a product as to produce something that withstands time and is functional for the benefit of the recipient, mastery is no direct path to financial success anymore.
 So, one does not need to actually have a great idea or a great skill or any worthy product at all but rather be a master of deception by creating a “face” that is popular. In addition, a means of handshakes that conglomerates likeminded in the vast numbers to promote and distribute no matter what chosen thing, and you’re in business. Ideally this product needs a lot of maintenance and doesn’t last long, so services and replacements can be sold.
Now nothing is wrong with a great image being accumulated by time due to great achievement of goods or services and certainly the principles governing networking inherently have no fallacy at all benefiting all in the chain of such achieved networks. By now so clear tendencies mushroomed, where we live in access on a planet with resources to be cherished and where individuals are exploited to not even be able to reflect anymore what they have been sold or why they are purchasing goods that they don’t need since manipulation has been perfected in such glory that modern slavery can hardly be felt anymore but is accepted as standard procedure. There aren’t any niches anymore for nonbelievers of systems that are purely for profits, but each margin has been filled with such greed that no man can refrain due to his free choice to choose a liberty of finding what’s in his heart, but rather he needs to learn the rules by which this game is played to either get along or exploit those rules by himself.
This might sound like an introduction of a political speech but I have no knowledge nor inclination of any comment of such sort and neither the wisdom or alternative offerings and in many ways even agreeable views of a living structure that is close to volatile behaviors of our human nature. I do feel compelled so to remind that so much suffering we bring upon ourselves due to wasteful elaborations of promotion and execution of systems that serves no purpose other than tendering to endless greed and self-exploitation could possibly avoided. Who likes a toaster, a car, any tool or machine at all to break, who chooses the one functioning properly and being a dear friend through time  to the one who requires repair or and parts and worse complete replacement. 
Who wants his children living in a world that seems to be reduced in resources or clean air, water and food?
So, ask yourselves when you trying to find something on your computer, being used to in the past to simply search by the alphabet, why you now swiping with your finger over the screen. You are now viewing numerous symbols and pictures presenting branded logos for purchasable goods and merchants until (more by luck) reaching the answer to the original search of the desired folder or the answer to your question. As such you are branded silently! As such one operates a device not built to help, support and answer your questions but rather you are a silent partner to serve 60/30/10 with others not necessarily having your interest in mind.

thank you for your time
👍  , ,
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@gaman ·
Resteemed your article.  This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here:
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vote details (1)
@allthereisislove ·
thanks a million-truly grateful
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