East vs. West: China to dominate the world by anonymint

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· @anonymint · (edited)
East vs. West: China to dominate the world
China will become the dominant superpower before the end of the current decade. This may be my most important blog yet. Study this carefully and watch the linked videos.

# Tall Poppies Model of Governance vs. Western ‘Societalcide’

I wrote in [a comment](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/q3c2hg) on my prior blog [Societalcide Decadence in Western TV Commercials](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/societalcide-decadence-in-western-tv-commercials):

> In this blog I wrote:
>> **`So where would you rather place your fiefdom? In the societalcide West or in patriarchal Asia? Former will require taking it in the arse from leftists and the latter requires tiptoeing`** (i.e. keeping head [below the tops of the tall poppies](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/political-corruption-china-fires-900-bureaucrats/)) **`around the Asian oligarchs`**:

Chinese President Xi [affirmed this](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=491) _“[China] does not cause trouble for you”_ if you don’t challenge the (“internal affairs” of the) Communist Party.

The [life story of](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=51) the rise Chinese ruler Xi Jinping is fascinating. He’s a survivalist who [emphatically believes that](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=212) the order of the centralized power of the Communist Party is superior to the chaos of a power vacuum, including [revolution turmoil that](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=113) engulfed China and the power vacuum of democracy which is engulfing the West. Actually I can relate given my life experience to Xi’s pragmatism and survivalist mentality. Xi is a reactionary phenomenon to the failure of his father’s generation. Fascinating indeed.

He [cultivates](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=307) an image of anti-corruption. And leverages corruption violations (i.e. the weaknesses of others) to snare his political rivals who threaten to divide the Communist Party. Which has enabled him [to consolidate power](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=525) to such a degree that he has [abolished](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=644) Constitutional term limits allowing him to possibly rule for life and rival [the influence of](https://youtu.be/YPxmBxON1l8?t=702) the originator of the Communist Party Mao. In short, Xi is fulfilling the destiny of China and its Communist Party system to capture the power vacuums (characterized by Dr. Jacques [as a “governance deficit”](https://youtu.be/lONmF7Gw6NA?t=1206)) in its region left wide open by West.

# China is an Enduring Empire, Never a Nation-state

The video linked below discusses that the mainline political heritage and priority of Chinese is the maintenance of civilization at any cost (including at the cost of valuing the overly inflated, self-important individual life) because China is an extremely diverse, pluralistic agglomeration of cultures ruled by the Hans who captured this power vacuum. China is culturally about pragmatic survival of an overpopulated region wherein humans were worth-less than farm animals. As the Western Roman Empire fragmented into nation-states, China went the opposite direction painfully holding its empire together. In short, Western ideology ~~is~~[was] Christianity as Jesus said, _“walk alone with nothing from town-to-town.”_ Whereas, the diametrically opposed Chinese ideology is about pragmatically maintaining empire at any costs, including 100 millions megadeath and subjugation of individual freedoms.

The video linked below also points out that China can’t run an empire by micromanaging every facet of society everywhere. China and its external hegemony will be run more like the Roman Empire, wherein vassal States will run most of their own affairs except for major issues that challenge Communist Party hegemony. IOW, my interpretation is the Chinese abhor the prospect of returning to a life wherein [Chinese were in the recent past worth-less than farm animals](https://steemit.com/philosophy/@anonymint/geographical-cultural-ethos-science-is-dead-part-2) and thus civilization is the paramount priority. This is also why Chinese hate brown skin, because it associates with farm work. Chinese desire stability and reproduction (i.e. the family) much more than individual excellence. Chinese don’t want to return the turbulent revolutionary times and such atrocities as the **[Seven Kill Stele](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Xianzhong#Devastation_of_Sichuan)**.

Thus no revered Chinese [scientists](http://www.chinawhisper.com/10-great-ancient-chinese-scientists/) or [painters](https://learnodo-newtonic.com/famous-chinese-artists-and-paintings) comparable to the West’s Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci nor Galileo. Chinese culture simply doesn’t value individual achievement that much outside the revered emperors. Whereas, the laundry list of emperors in the Roman Empire are rarely notable outside of Caesar (who was a revolutionary restorationist) and Constantinople (who captured the power vacuum by embracing and corrupting Christianity).

Chinese ostensibly view the State as the patriarch of the family/civilization (takes care of them by benevolent rule); whereas, Westerners view the State with great caution and suspicion which is captured in the fundamental tenets of the Bible, e.g. `1 Samuel 8` and Jesus’ _“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.”_


### Corruption of Christianity

In **`1 Samuel 8`** the Lord warns humanity what will happen to them if they w(h)or(e)ship the Great Harlot of government and authority. This is also explained from a non-Biblical perspective in [**THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITION**](https://www.mensenrechten.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/the-most-dangerous-superstition-larken-rose-20111.pdf) by Larken Rose. Freewill is a fundamental Biblical tenet for [without the friction that it is, physics knows we couldn’t exist](https://steemit.com/multiverse/@anonymint/information-is-the-fundamental-matter-of-existence-the-multiverse-is-partially-observable) to appreciate our creator. I believed [Paul was the false prophet predicted by Jesus and has corrupted the word of the Bible with Romans](https://jesuswordsonly.com/recommendedreading/175-pauls-contradictions-of-jesus.html) luring us into w(h)or(e)ship idolization of authority along with snowflake abrogation of personal responsibility and self-discipline. That Paul wants us to believe we can be saved just because of a feeling or thoughts, without [correct actions and compliance with the law](https://jesuswordsonly.com/books/commands-of-jesus.html). But I’ve learned today that the Catholic church probably rewrote Paul’s letters:

> The author sides by his own presuppositions and the Church claims and disregards the testimony of our rabbis who claim to have seen them with their own eyes. The Catholics have rewritten Paul’s letters to state that the Torah is no longer in effect. How do we know this? Because in **`Acts 21: 17-26` Paul is accused of teaching this very thing yet he denies teaching such**. — [Comment (6) Mati, December 17, 2013 7:06 AM : The Vatican has nothing to hide?](https://www.aish.com/jw/s/The-Vatican-and-the-Temple-Vessels.html#replyFormPlaceholder-160881371)

The West by rejecting Christianity has rejected the core sober asceticism of our civilization which held us together. Because without asceticism, the Western individualism becomes overly inflated, self-important societalcide. IOW, the West was great when we contained our individualism on sober activities and tireless focus on our vocations, e.g. the decentralized, road-networked, benevolent fiefdoms [manorialism system](https://steemit.com/philosophy/@anonymint/geographical-cultural-ethos-science-is-dead-part-2) that brought us out of the 600 year Dark Age into the glorious Renaissance. As Westerners become affluent they lose Christianity, asceticism, self-discipline, and demand a Nanny State.

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/Zw783Bf.png)<br/><br/>![](https://i.imgur.com/AjENGiE.png)<br/>Understated problem doesn’t exclude “Christian” XINOs](https://historiadomus.net/2019/03/10/the-shift-in-the-vatican-secret-archives/)</center>

Circumstantial evidence that end times are coming closer include:

> ### Pope Pius XII in League with the Nazis?
> David Kertzer, a historian from Brown University, was able to examine documents from the reign of Pope Pius XI (1922 - 1939). He concluded that the pope “made deals with Mussolini to protect the Church’s interest in exchange for silence on state-sponsored anti-Semitism, a conclusion at odds with the Church’s account” (O’Loughlin, 2014). Groups are pressuring Pope Francis to make fully available the contents relating to Pope Pius XII (1939 - 1958) in order that the world may finally know for certain the man’s involvement with the Nazis. Some say that he supported Hitler, either in a manner similar to the Church’s support of Mussolini or perhaps even more substantially — [What Really Lies Hidden in the Vatican Secret Archives?](https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-writings/what-really-lies-hidden-vatican-secret-archives-007468)

> **`Pope Francis announced on 4 March 2019 that materials relating to Pope Pius XII will be opened on 2 March 2020.`** Francis said that Pius’s legacy had been “debated and even criticized (one might say with some prejudice or exaggeration),” that “The Church is not afraid of history,” and that he anticipated “appropriate criticism.”<sup>[22]</sup> In addition to assessing Pius’s response to the Holocaust, the archives of the papacy of Pope Pius XII should point to much broader shift in global Christianity from Europe to the global South.<sup>[23]</sup> Since 2006, members of the archives department have been organising **`the estimated 16 million pages of documents`**, to get them ready for viewing by researchers.<sup>[24]</sup> — [Wikipedia: Vatican Apostolic Archive : Access in the modern era](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Apostolic_Archive#Access_in_the_modern_era)

> The primary thesis of this book is that the Vatican was instrumental in developing and maintaining escape routes out of Europe for known and suspected Nazi war criminals during and after WWII. This was done primarily by senior Vatican officials with the full knowledge of Pope Pius XII and senior Vatican advisor Giovanni Montini, later Pope Paul VI. War criminals were smuggled out under the auspices of the otherwise legitimate refugee relocation programs, with falsified International Red Cross documentation. This was done in order to have a ready made anti-Communist force as the Cold War became more and more of a reality. — [Goodreads : Sara Sharick’s Reviews > Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss Banks](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/914034904?book_show_action=true&from_review_page=1)

> Former Italian Minister Giulio Andreotti defended the validity of Tornielli’s thesis last week when he addressed the meeting of the Catholic movement Communion and Liberation. The meeting ended Saturday in this northern coastal city.
> Andreotti supported Pius XII and rejected the criticisms leveled against the Pontiff at the end of World War II, accusing him of passivity in face of the Holocaust.
> “The hostility against Pope Pacelli was not due to his weakness against Nazism, but to his rejection of Communism,” Andreotti said. — [Hitler's Plan to Arrest Pius XII and Destroy the Vatican](http://home.olemiss.edu/~rrychlak/plan-destroy-vatican/outsideframe.htm)

>  In his meticulously researched and comprehensive 1967 book, Three Popes and the Jews, the Israeli historian and diplomat Pinchas Lapide, who had served as the Israeli Counsel General in Milan, and had spoken with many Italian Jewish Holocaust survivors who owed their life to Pius, provided the empirical basis for their gratitude, concluding that Pius XII “was instrumental in saving at least 700,000, but probably as many as 860,000 Jews from certain death at Nazi hands.”  To this day, the Lapide volume remains the definitive work, by a Jewish scholar, on the subject. 
> The campaign of vilification against Pope Pius can be traced to the debut in Berlin in February 1963 of a play, by a young, Protestant, left-wing West German writer and playwright, Rolf Hochhuth.  The Deputy, in which Hochhuth depicts Pacelli as a Nazi collaborator, guilty of moral cowardice and "silence" in the face of the Nazi onslaught, is a scathing indictment of Pope Pius XII's alleged indifferences to the plight of European Jewry during the Holocaust.  — [A Righteous Gentile: Pope Pius XII and the Jews](https://www.catholiceducation.org/en/controversy/common-misconceptions/a-righteous-gentile-pope-pius-xii-and-the-jews.html)

> This association of Jewishness with Bolshevism confirms that Pacelli […] nourished a suspicion of and contempt for the Jews for political reasons […] repeated references to the Jewishness of these individuals, along with the catalogue of stereotypical epithets deploring their physical and moral repulsiveness, betray a scorn and revulsion consistent with anti-Semitism.
> […]
> Pacelli spent 13 years in Germany attempting to rewrite the state concordats […] in favor of the power of the Holy See and routinely employing diplomatic blackmail […] Pacelli repeatedly traded promises of Vatican support for German control of disputed regions […] for […] terms advantageous to the Vatican in concordats.
> […]
> Kaas was [for] a Reich Concordat, seeing a parallel between papal absolutism and the Führerprinzip, the Fascist leadership principle. His views coincided perfectly with Pacelli’s on church-state politics, and their aspirations for centralized papal power were identical. Kaas’s adulation of Pacelli […] became a crucial element in the betrayal of Catholic democratic politics in Germany.
> […]
> A precondition […] involved the destruction of the parliamentary Catholic Italian Popular Party. Pius XI disliked political Catholicism because he could not control it […] Catholic party politics brought democracy into the church by the back door […] the demise of the Popular Party was the wholesale drift of Catholics into the Fascist Party and the collapse of democracy in Italy. Pius XI and […] Pacelli, were determined that no accommodation be reached with Communists […]—this was the time of persecution of the church in Russia, Mexico, and later Spain—but totalitarian movements and regimes of the right were a different matter. — [Hitler’s Pope](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/1999/10/pope-pius-xii-199910)

C.f. also Time Magazine’s [Here's What We Already Know About [Pius XII’s] Controversial Legacy](https://time.com/5542890/pope-pius-xii-holocaust-history/)


Goldman Sachs [projections](https://youtu.be/imhUmLtlZpw?t=22) affirm Armstrong’s prediction of a shift of the economic center of the world from West to East:

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/qXFktQ8.png)<br/>Understanding the rise of China](https://youtu.be/imhUmLtlZpw?t=22)</center>

The projections above were [made before](https://youtu.be/imhUmLtlZpw?t=48) the 2008 western financial crisis thus probably **_overstate_** the future for the United States, because they (and even any recently revised estimates) presumably don’t account for my expectation for the global monetary reset away from the dollar to Bitcoin as the international reserve unit. And the significant decline in the U.S.A. (and the West) as interest rates start rising in 2021. And the resulting leftistard politics that will dominate the national elections in the U.S.A. by no later than `2036`, which will open the floodgates on migration from Latin America, thus causing a leveling of the GDP of the U.S.A. compared to other major Latin American countries such as Mexico. In short, the above projections don’t likely account for the `1857.6` year flood that I explained in this blog. From the interest rate chart, this might even be a `6 × 1857.6 = 11,146` year flood, leading to a 600+ year Dark Age for the West. Xi Jinping is correct that his destiny is to lead China’s role in this flood which has opened a power vacuum for China and his Communist Party to capture.

My guess is the USA ’s GDP by 2050 will be at most **twice** of which ever country is next after India, such as perhaps Brazil. See below for a chart of revised estimates expressed as a percentage of global GDP.

An except from my recent blog [Bitcoin to $80,000 before May 2020 and $1 billion by December 2020?](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/bitcoin-to-usd80-000-before-may-2020-and-usd1-billion-by-december-2020):

> 1. […]
> 2. […]
>   The current **Repo crisis³** is about to kick off the phase transition of rising interest rates which will [implode Western civilization](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/q1kpot):
>   > The three targets are price: 18500, 23000, and 30000-40000. That is independent of TIME. The doubling is the minimum. Our original forecast that the Dow would at least double by 2015 from the 2009 low of 6440 gave us a MINIMUM target of 12000-13000. We exceeded that and went to the next target of 18500. The next level being 23000 is at the MINIMUM requirement for a Phase Transition — double […] Those who continue to predict a collapse in the stock market as some catastrophic event where only gold will rise, have no clue that gold is by no means a viable safe-haven for the big money — that is for the individual.
>   >
>   > <center>![](https://i.imgur.com/uZjA0XC.png)</center>
>   >
>   > Big money must choose between equities and bonds. **`We are at effectively reaching a` [5,000-year low in interest rates](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/research/a-brief-history-of-world-credit-interest-rates)`! It cannot get more bearish than this for government. What we face is monumental.`** — [The Coming Phase Transition & the Dow](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/qa/the-coming-phase-transition-the-dow/)
>   **The chart above shows we face the end of 3000 year Babylonian cycle wherein humans trusted civilization (aka government) to `make them secure` and lower the risks of debt — [Babylonian surety being the](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/q1jgmp) antithesis [of Jesus’ example](https://medium.com/@shelby_78386/please-dont-interpret-this-as-truculent-boastful-gloating-adversarial-or-judgmental-db9fb91ff879) and what the Lord commanded in `1 Samuel 8`! Now comes the reversion to chaos, end of the nanny-state, end of democracy, self-reliance, in-God-we-trust, etc..  We face the [end of the Sixth `309.⁶` Year Wave of Six `51.⁶` Year Waves](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/q1kpot)**:
>   > <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/jvmAobb.png)<br/>![](https://i.imgur.com/QlAMocz.png)](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/ecm-armstrongeconomics101/explaining-the-fall-of-western-society-as-we-know-it/)</center>
>   I blogged at the start of 2019 in [Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/countries-vulnerable-to-economic-devastation-soon):
>   > As interest rates rise back to normalized levels of 7% (from the current 2% [after a slight pause](https://steemit.com/trading/@anonymint/re-johnnyflynn-re-anonymint-re-johnnyflynn-re-anonymint-re-finitemaz-re-anonymint-re-anonymint-most-important-bitcoin-chart-ever-20190130t095832548z) into 2020), not only will fewer people be able to afford to buy a home (and thus real estate and housing prices will crash again), also the servicing of the global (and especially Western) debt is going to consume an ever greater portion of incomes (including tax income for governments):
>   >
>   >> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/YVpODg8.jpg)](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/interest-rates/markets-cheer-a-recession/)</center>


Dr. Martin Jacques’ recent follow-ups:

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/cZ7cpki.png)<br/><br/>![](https://i.imgur.com/y8edfjW.png)<br/><br/>![](https://i.imgur.com/EHZkxqK.png)<br/><sup>Dr. Martin Jacques - Big Picture: China's Belt & Road Initiative will change the world as we know it</sup>](https://youtu.be/lONmF7Gw6NA)</center>

**Note that the above chart is for `2030`. By `2050`, I expect the U.S.A. to be `~10%` and EU to be `~5%` of global GDP.** By `2095`, I expect the U.S.A. to be less than `5%` of global GDP with separation movements tearing the U.S.A. into chaotic shreds with unclear legality and organization nightmares, but the EU _might_ bottom and start to recover (if it doesn’t collapse into a Dark Age) albeit perhaps very slowly as expressed in nominal terms.

Dr. Jacques’ [very incisive point](https://youtu.be/lONmF7Gw6NA?t=1401) is that **`this is all about economic development`**. IOW, if by underhanded means China obtains military bases in various countries, if this brings stability that fosters economic development, then it’s analogous to a father figure patriarchy stewarding the family. So if a _centralized_ cryptocurrency can bring more economic development than a hypothetically _decentralized_ one, the former will win or at least be more widely used. Interestingly Dr. Jacques pointed out that the Chinese State isn’t that large but it’s extremely effective. That’s the efficiency of patriarchal order versus the chaos of the power vacuum of democracy which sells ever expanding promises to buy votes.

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/J1prDRB.png)<br/>Author: Forget America, PHILIPPINES's future bound with China](https://youtu.be/Vc56bWY7oRg)</center>

My abstract mind is drawn to Jacques’ centrifugal and centripetal forces point. Centrifugal force requires constant acceleration. Decelerating causes the rotating object to collapse towards the center. China’s centralization is succeeding because globalization is decelerating, although nominally growth is larger. IOW, Western ideology thrives and drives the new “small things grow faster” paradigms. China swallowed the end of the Industrial Age completing globalization for backward  large population laggards.

Dr. Jacques [points out](https://youtu.be/Vc56bWY7oRg?t=840) that China has never run a maritime colony. Makes sense because as I had explained in my two-part blog series [Geographical Cultural Ethos → science is dead](https://steemit.com/philosophy/@anonymint/geographical-cultural-ethos-science-is-dead), **`unlike the Vikings, Brits, etc., China didn’t originate from Eurasian Steppe nomads who were pirates or who were exposed to constant invasion`**.

> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/Ndvg2iD.jpg)
3D Topographical map of China](https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/china-map-21663a67-ec4a-4555-bdd4-f4caffd17edf)</center>
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/JA4FLSl.jpg)
The Geopolitics of China: A Great Power Enclosed](https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/geopolitics-china-great-power-enclosed)</center>
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/4Uf67BH.jpg)](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Workers_with_hand_tools_building_Burma_Road2.jpg)[![](https://i.imgur.com/rygTEmu.jpg)](http://www.dangerousroads.org/asia/china/321-burma-road-china.html)</center>

We could view “righteous” evangelizing Christianity (i.e. for saving souls and educating barbarians about Jesus) [as the excuse the West used for crusades, invasion and colonization](https://youtu.be/Vc56bWY7oRg?t=1043).

Dr. Jacques [goes direct to the point](https://youtu.be/Vc56bWY7oRg?t=1051) about the implications on the Philippines, **`“forget about America in this region, America is in rapid decline.”`** So the problem for Duterte is that the Philippines is very Americanized, but must change rapidly. Oh crap, they may increasingly not want us having any influence over here.

Philippines is the odd-ball most Westernized, Christianized country in ASEAN. Hmm. Precisely why I preferred it.

**`The problem we face in the West is becoming the COLLATERAL DAMAGE from the political ‘societalcide’`** (a term [I coined](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/get-ready-for-a-world-currency)) that results from the [death of the “American Dream”](https://youtu.be/kJ4SSvVbhLw?t=266):

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/rOubtYe.png)<br/><br/>![](https://i.imgur.com/1pJY9DY.png)<br/>Dr. Martin Jacques - How China will change almost everything](https://youtu.be/jJpJkYLQE1k?t=99)</center>

Dr. Jacques is confident there’ll be no territorial wars with China by minor nations.

# Thucydides Trap

However, **`nuclear war between the U.S.A. and China is inevitable and unavoidable`**.

I wrote in my prior blog [Societalcide Decadence in Western TV Commercials](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/societalcide-decadence-in-western-tv-commercials):

> I blogged in [Trump Assassinated in 2022? Civil War by 2026?](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/trump-assassinated-in-2022-civil-war-by-2026):
>> For example the self-proclaimed “152+ I.Q.” leftist-wolf-SJW-in-[libertard-sheepskin](https://blog.jim.com/politics/libertarianism-2/) Eric S. Raymond implicitly promoting the idiotic concept known as democracy in his blog [Be the America Hong Kong thinks you are](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=8448) which pretends that civil rights exist for any reason other than the ruling class thought they were an acceptable, [noble delusion](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=8443) to fool the sheepeople into cooperation. As Armstrong has warned numerous times, economically collapsing pride will attempt to sustain itself by pretending [it’s still the moral high ground](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/24/mike-pence-hawkish-china-speech-hong-kong/) (God help us if Pence becomes the acting President, we’re doomed to [piss off](https://youtu.be/mYAHPPXmcts?t=23) the Asian oligarchs with [temper-tantrums about economic realities](http://archive.is/https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/25/world/asia/china-pence-speech.html) such as [Mike Pence criticises NBA as 'wholly-owned subsidiary' of China](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-50171698)) such as [the audacity of attempting to force China to change to a democracy](https://blog.jim.com/war/i-support-the-hong-kong-police-too/) with the CIA ostensibly [instigating another color revolution](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/china/china-warning-the-hong-kong-protests-are-a-color-revolution/) as they did in Ukraine (c.f. also the [The strong horse and the weak horse](https://blog.jim.com/uncategorized/the-strong-horse-and-the-weak-horse/)), thus pushing [the hardworking](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/understanding-cycles/china-the-coming-financial-capital-of-the-world/) and  [economically rising Barbarians](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/china/chine-the-financial-capital-of-the-world-after-2032/) (c.f. [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/china/will-china-take-over-us-as-the-top-superpower/) and [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/china-moving-to-replace-usa-as-financial-capitol-of-world/)) (where they [actually injected monetary liquidity into the economy](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/china/china-is-there-an-asian-debt-crisis-on-the-horizon/) instead of extending QE for the wealthy) to [retaliate and take over the global economy](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/economics/thucydides-trap-war-between-china-usa/) as predicted to occur as soon as ~2027 [Xi Jinping: “In 10 Years We Can Expect a New World Order”](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/china/xi-jinping-see-a-change-in-the-world-in-10-years/).

[The Thucydides Trap: How to stop the looming war between China and the U.S.](https://bigthink.com/mike-colagrossi/thucydides-trap-historical-conflicts-of-nation-states).

The premises of the above linked article given for the potential to avoid the trap, are incorrect:

1. [Nuclear war isn’t as catastrophic](http://trilema.com/2015/i-think-you-drastically-overestimate-the-military-importance-of-nuclear-weapons/) as incorrectly sensationalized, and [Carl Sagan et al’s propaganda](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/when-carl-sagan-warned-world-about-nuclear-winter-180967198/) (c.f. [the 1983 Science article](https://atmos.washington.edu/~ackerman/Articles/Turco_Nuclear_Winter_83.pdf)) which created a public panic about a potential [global nuclear winter, is an unscientific lie](https://www.jstor.org/stable/20042777). Nuclear war is [reasonably survivable](https://www.remm.nlm.gov/PlanningGuidanceNuclearDetonation.pdf#pag=21), c.f. [also](https://www.remm.nlm.gov/potassiumiodide.htm), [also](https://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/prep_nuclear_fact_sheet.pdf#page=2) and [also](https://www.businessinsider.com/pills-drug-nuclear-attack-fallout-survival-gear-2018-1):

   > Buddemeier estimated that radioiodine is just 0.2% of the overall exposure you may face outdoors, and said the pills **are more helpful for addressing longer-term concerns about food-supply contamination**.

   Our government [wants us to die](https://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/emerg-preparedness/about-emerg-preparedness/potassium-iodide/ki-faq.html#twoki). The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine [advises](https://www.nap.edu/read/10868/chapter/4#22) people aged 40 and above not to take potassium iodide (or iodine) in the event of a radioactive attack, because they erroneously claim that the risk of ingestion of 100mg daily of iodine is greater than the risk of developing thyroid cancer due to such an attack! This is just [unfathomably corrupt disinformation](https://revealingfraud.com/2019/06/health/why-im-taking-iodine/), c.f. [also](https://revealingfraud.com/2019/04/health/why-i-take-all-the-minerals/)!

2. The democractic-capitalist Western system will implode into societalcide chaos.

https://youtu.be/8XQ1onjXJK0?t=506<center>[Are China and the US doomed to conflict? | Kevin Rudd](https://youtu.be/8XQ1onjXJK0?t=506)</center>

**Make sure you click the video link above!**

Re-read my blog [Trump Assassinated in 2022? Civil War by 2026?](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/trump-assassinated-in-2022-civil-war-by-2026). The only way to avoid The Thucydides Trap is to anoint Trump as dictator-in-chief for life. Trump doesn’t want war. He respects Chinese patriarchy and their different system.


But **`Trump is being set up to fail`**. Rudy Giuliani is preparing to drop a bomb on the old establishment in the Democratic party, which will gut the party so the radical Green Movement leftistards can take over:


The evisceration of the center-left and radicalization of the politics is about to escalate as Jim (aka James A. Donald) blogged in [Creeping coup](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/):

> If, in the Durham report, the Trump administration comes to officially know what everyone has known since 2012, that the deep state has been acting illegally, then it is war between the deep state and the Trump administration.
> What is holding up the Durham report? Everyone knows what will be in it if it is not yet another cover up. I hope that what is holding it up is the same thing as is holding up Pelosi sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Trump is likely sounding out the praetorians and getting them in place. Everyone is getting ready for what happens when arresting members of the elite over political differences escalates a lot further than it has already escalated.

The first effect will be to feed the overconfidence, gloating and high-pride of the alt-right, because they’ll presume they’ve eviscerated the Demo(n)crats, especially with the strong dollar vortex sending international capital flows stampeding into U.S. stock markets. But then wallop comes the assassination of Trump (or some other means of removing him from office) and the peaking of the dollar hegemony, along with double-digit interest rates. This perfect storm will have Westerners stunned akin to deer-in-the-headlights.

Jim is (possibly intentionally?) blinded to the Big Picture because (I know from my [prior debates with him](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/succinct-absolute-truth-about-9-11-and-las-vegas-massacre) on his blog that) he wants to believe that it’s only the leftistards in cahoots with the Deep State that ails Western civilization. This is why he also believes that any blame for 9/11 (other than the Muslims he ludicrously thinks actually perpetrated 9/11) can only be attributed to his left singularity theory. Israel’s Mossad [was evidently involved in](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/israel-s-mossad-did-9-11) the perpetration of 9/11 and the truth about 9/11 is available to anyone who bothers to look closely at a detailed analysis of the evidence as I explained in my blogs [Debunking Mark Roberts’ 9/11 Disinformation Tactics](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/debunking-mark-roberts-9-11-disinformation-tactics), [Plane Flyover; Explosives Planted Inside The Pentagon](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/plane-flyover-explosives-planted-inside-the-pentagon),  [Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/disembarkment-of-the-9-11-passengers) and [“You can’t handle the truth!”](https://steemit.com/psychology/@anonymint/you-can-t-handle-the-truth). **`Anyone with even a modicum of physics and engineering knowledge would understand that the NIST reports on 9/11`** [**were bullshit**, and that](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/succinct-absolute-truth-about-9-11-and-las-vegas-massacre) (c.f. [also](https://steemit.com/freedom/@anonymint/in-t-h-e-f-t-a-n-d-m-a-s-s-a-c-r-e-s-we-trust)) most likely **`the WTC were p͟u͟l͟v͟e͟r͟i͟z͟e͟d͟ ͟i͟n͟t͟o͟ ͟m͟i͟c͟r͟o͟s͟c͟o͟p͟i͟c͟ ͟d͟u͟s͟t͟ ͟p͟a͟r͟t͟i͟c͟l͟e͟s͟  `&nbsp; `with small scale, low radiation, tactical “suitcase” nukes planted in the basements after weakening with militarized, nano-thermate cutting charges`** (and the spectrometry evidence of dust samples confirms this). **What the fuck is wrong with blue-pilled ~~people~~[zombies] who can’t even do the research to understand what really happened on 9/11?** Oh they cite some corrupt/complicit “experts” to proclaim their surety in their security-blanket, thumb-sucking state-of-delusion! Or because they want to believe Muslims did it, to support their desire to spread democracy, liberate females, misidentify the source of the evil as the “useful idiots” and other dumb nonsense suitable for congenital retards who are compensating for their insecurities. And they have the self-appointed, “righteous” gall to be publicly condescending, bearing false witness on those few of us who are awake.

Israel had the motive, because they want the U.S.A. engaged in the Middle East to support Israel’s security and existence (as Trump has carried out by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s). There is a much deeper global elite pulling the major strings on this puppet world. They created Bitcoin and when their plan for world domination with Bitcoin becomes more apparent to Jim, then if he is not disingenuous he might start to realize his myopia. **`Jim appears to be some disinformation agent who is trying to misdirect patriarchal men into a war they can’t win at this juncture and misdirecting them away from the information about crux of the evil we are confronted with. Jim also redirects men away from Christianity, towards authority that the Lord warned against in 1 Samuel 8 and thus implicitly into Satan’s lap.`** I wrote in this blog:

> <sup>In **`1 Samuel 8`** the Lord warns humanity what will happen to them if they w(h)or(e)ship the Great Harlot of government and authority. This is also explained from a non-Biblical perspective in [**THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITION**](https://www.mensenrechten.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/the-most-dangerous-superstition-larken-rose-20111.pdf) by Larken Rose. Freewill is a fundamental Biblical tenet for [without the friction that it is, physics knows we couldn’t exist](https://steemit.com/multiverse/@anonymint/information-is-the-fundamental-matter-of-existence-the-multiverse-is-partially-observable) to appreciate our creator. I believed [Paul was the false prophet predicted by Jesus and has corrupted the word of the Bible with Romans](https://jesuswordsonly.com/recommendedreading/175-pauls-contradictions-of-jesus.html) luring us into w(h)or(e)ship idolization of authority along with snowflake abrogation of personal responsibility and self-discipline. That Paul wants us to believe we can be saved just because of a feeling or thoughts, without [correct actions and compliance with the law](https://jesuswordsonly.com/books/commands-of-jesus.html). But I’ve learned today that the Catholic church probably rewrote Paul’s letters:</sup>
>> <sup>The author sides by his own presuppositions and the Church claims and disregards the testimony of our rabbis who claim to have seen them with their own eyes. The Catholics have rewritten Paul’s letters to state that the Torah is no longer in effect. How do we know this? Because in **`Acts 21: 17-26` Paul is accused of teaching this very thing yet he denies teaching such**. — [Comment (6) Mati, December 17, 2013 7:06 AM : The Vatican has nothing to hide?](https://www.aish.com/jw/s/The-Vatican-and-the-Temple-Vessels.html#replyFormPlaceholder-160881371)</sup>
> <sup>The West by rejecting Christianity has rejected the core sober asceticism of our civilization which held us together. Because without asceticism, the Western individualism becomes overly inflated, self-important societalcide. IOW, the West was great when we contained our individualism on sober activities and tireless focus on our vocations, e.g. the decentralized, road-networked, benevolent fiefdoms [manorialism system](https://steemit.com/philosophy/@anonymint/geographical-cultural-ethos-science-is-dead-part-2) that brought us out of the 600 year Dark Age into the glorious Renaissance. As Westerners become affluent they lose Christianity, asceticism, self-discipline, and demand a Nanny State.</sup>

**`I can’t be sure if Jim is doing this intentionally or is simply blinded by his confirmation biases.`** Yet his disingenuous debate about 9/11 indicates it’s likely intentional. I believe Jim isn't that dumb (actually seems to have a very high IQ) and pretends to be dumb when it serves his aims.

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/eXj8euP.png)<br/>Some random bullshit probably to sell a book to the gullible](https://books.google.com/books?id=M3q4DgAAQBAJ&pg=PA3&lpg=PA3&dq=zionist+global+elite+in+cahoots+with+Vatican&source=bl&ots=NAYNZT2Bnn&sig=ACfU3U2XsxCLlAPYX_AFz9x-ImaDGiYGWg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRmvKZo-XmAhUOfisKHahKAagQ6AEwBXoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false)</center>

I recently also argued to Jim as cited in my blog [End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/end-of-democracy-and-a-civil-cold-war-approaches) that there’s no realistic chance for restoration of a monarchy anytime soon in the whole of the U.S.A.. And that Americans are better off thinking about how to return to our roots of benevolent, decentralized fiefdoms aka manorialism. Jim et al’s rebuke was that without a centralized patriarchy then our manors will be defenseless. It’s essentially summed up in [his blog criticizing Libertarian anarchists](https://blog.jim.com/politics/libertarianism-2/). Indeed if we’re not willing to endure extreme asceticism and walk with nothing to following Jesus, then we are subject to practical matters as to how to defend private property and organize society. Pragmatically I can now address that non-spiritually valid concern. We must embrace China as our centralized patriarchy for the time being until after the West has self-destructed, i.e. Jim’s own [The strong horse and the weak horse](https://blog.jim.com/uncategorized/the-strong-horse-and-the-weak-horse/) point applies. Why mire ourselves in the coming decades of Western decline and separatism battles between a divided electorate? As Kissinger promised eons ago about U.N. “blue hats” on U.S. soil, patriarchal Westerners will have enemies domestically and abroad who will prevent them from slaughtering more than half of the electorate. [Our ruling global elite behind the curtain](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/International_Jewish_conspiracy) (c.f. [also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_Occupation_Government_conspiracy_theory) and [also](https://www.timesofisrael.com/can-vatican-display-shed-light-on-the-fate-of-the-menorah/)) who have [provably employed](http://archive.li/http://robscholtemuseum.nl/anthony-c-sutton-rothschild-cartel-behind-the-rise-of-hitler-also-funding-communism-socialism-and-world-war-pdfs/) the leftistards and complicit/compliant/opportunist politicians (e.g. Mueller, Giuliani, Clintons, etc. and the Deep State) as [Yuri’s disposable “useful idiots”](https://youtu.be/QfvXwuZ-bok) in the left singularity, operate by the Machiavellian principle and [are both](https://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Bilateral/Pages/Israel-Vatican_Diplomatic_Relations.aspx) movements that co-opt Judaism and [provably historical](https://steemit.com/libra/@anonymint/ptks1w) Christ which the former persecuted, c.f. [also](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/keepers-of-the-lost-ark-179998820/). And with the economy in shambles, **`we Western patriarchs won’t have any strong horse to offer the electorate to motivate them to acquiesce`** and toss aside their radicalization.

Demo(n)cracy breeds generations of entitled, overvalued self-importance; also embeds and institutionalizes defection as the core culture. Everyone defects on the collective, as the collective takes on massive debts. The boomers raped future generations and now the Federal governments spends ten times more on the elderly than the youth for example. Western society has become duplicitous in every facet, with the sugar coating of demo(n)cracy and debt obscuring and kicking-the-can on the reality of the situation and eventual reckoning, so that we can remain in our high pride, righteous delusion about how we’re not actually copulating with Satan. Trump can’t downsize the Federal government enough because the inertia is too ingrained. Trump although smarter than the Demo(n)crats is dumber than a rock, for not recognizing that he’s a tool that is being set up to blame the alt-right for the coming economic collapse. He’s bragging about expanding military spending while the reality is he should be begging China to help us leverage their well organized patriarchy. The U.S.A. can’t afford to engage the usual Thucydides Trap, but it’s inevitable as Trump was inevitable. [It’s Just Time](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/its-just-time-martin-armstrong.pdf).

**`The West is an insoluble clusterfuck that must crash and burn before any restoration can be contemplated.`** By `2095` when the U.S.A. has self-destructed into factitious separatism, then we can contemplate capturing the power vacuum and reuniting Western civilization. But we’ll also need to be working on reviving Christianity in the interim, otherwise we won’t have the soft power to accomplish such a goal. There’s absolutely no way to go directly now to a restorative monarchy, because as I explained to Jim, the global elite have planned this out too well. When they usurp the U.S. dollar with Bitcoin before `2033`, the economy of the U.S.A. will turn down into the abyss so egregiously that a super majority of electorate will turn radicalized Marxist.

Western civilization is confronted with [technological unemployment](https://steemit.com/science/@anonymint/the-golden-knowledge-age-is-rising). And confronted with the insoluble political ramifications of $trillions on indebtedness and $100s of trillions of unfunded social liabilities, e.g. pensions and hellth(e)“care”. **`There’s no plausible way to quickly undo the ramifications of Western debt feast other than first a collapse into the economic abyss to reset valuations away from overvalued, self-importance back to the reality of Wimpy’s hamburger aphorism. No strong horse is plausible, because we’re living in a political house-of-cards, and China’s leaders know how fragile our civilization is at this juncture:`**


I posted [a comment](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2314836) on Jim’s blog which is awaiting his approval as the moderator:

> I’m not [namefagging](https://blog.jim.com/science/the-namefag-problem/).
> Jim, when are you going to realize I won our debate and correct your myopia?
> https://busy.org/@anonymint/east-vs-west-china-to-dominate-the-world
> You’re referred to in my blogs. Note I agree with and have supported most of your core tenets, except for our major disagreement about the Big Picture behind the curtain.
> And why were you the first person to respond to Satoshi within hours of his initial post on [every mailing list](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=353311.msg3782226#msg3782226) where he announced Bitcoin? Are you a pysops disinformation agent?
> Please answer and not censor.
> I will not belabor the point. I only want to read your answer. Please do correct me. I will read with an open mind.

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/NSQUKFE.png)](https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography@metzdowd.com/msg09959.html)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/OCiH01s.png)<br/>James A. Donald (aka Jim) replying first to Satoshi on multiple mailing lists](http://archive.is/http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.general/12588)</center>

That Trump New Years speech seems to confirm Armstrong’s strong dollar vortex theory and so as the dollar comes strong, that will be the time to divest into Asia as Asia will be on a minor slowdown. When TPTB switch from the dollar to Bitcoin sometime probably in the middle between now and 2033, Asia will be booming again whilst the USA will cratering into leftistardism as the U.S. economy turns towards the abyss.

Tangentially China’s island building is extending south much further than just the “South China Sea” as they appear to be preparing for a future war in the Pacific with the USA. The following also documents that China is employing corruption to buy influence in it’s Belt & Road initiative, just as it did by bribing the politicians and perhaps also our CIA in the USA. But China is just capturing a power vacuum left wide open by Western governments and corporations which had no interest in investing in these uneconomic small islands which served no purpose other than to be vassals of the Chinese hegemony:



# Impact on the Philippines

In [my comments](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/q3c2hg) on my prior blog, I began to explore the ramifications for the Philippines and any opportunities this might provide for Westerners to escape to Asia:

> The Philippines has an advantage as a potential burgeoning tech hub in that it tries to maintain visa-free entry for as many countries as possible, including developing countries.
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/CoyxFve.png)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_the_Philippines#Visa_policy_map)</center>
> […]

Skepticism last year in [The meager truth of China’s aid to the Philippines](https://www.asiatimes.com/2018/12/article/the-meager-truth-of-chinas-aid-to-the-philippines/) about whether China’s assistance to the Philippines was going to be significant and advantages, seems to be incorrect although ongoing skepticism was published recently in [Dream train for Mindanao still in the doldrums](https://www.mindanews.com/special-reports/2019/11/dream-train-for-mindanao-still-in-the-doldrums/). The Mindanao Rail Project was delayed while the political debate was ongoing about taking on Chinese loans, while the Philippines ironed out fairness details with China, and also a framework for dealing with the territorial disputes, and while [the specification of the project was further refined](https://www.bworldonline.com/mindanao-railway-project-specs-altered-to-hurry-implementation/):

> https://www.bworldonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Mindanao-Railway-System-012318.jpg

In my prior blog [Societalcide Decadence in Western TV Commercials](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/societalcide-decadence-in-western-tv-commercials) I wrote about how Duterte is recently accelerating the process:

> **`The patriarchal Asian oligarchs are putting a stop to the global elite (e.g. George Soros’) subversion via democracy`**:
> [Ignore any TRO: Duterte OKs China-funded Kaliwa Dam, Razon-led Wawa Dam]( https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1207462/fwd-breaking-ignore-any-tro-duterte-oks-china-funded-kaliwa-dam-razon-led-wawa-dam)
>> He [Duterte] again warned the courts not to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) and told government agencies to ignore it if ever one has ever been issued.
> [BREAKING: Duterte tells ABS-CBN to just sell the network](https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/278180/breaking-duterte-tells-abs-cbn-to-just-sell-the-network):
>> After threatening television giant ABS-CBN with closure by not renewing its franchise, President Duterte on Monday gave an unsolicited advice to the network — put it on sale.
>> Duterte made the proposal with just three months left until ABS-CBN’s broadcast rights expires.
> […]
>> If the franchise is not granted, the country’s largest network would have to close down its TV and radio operations by March 30, 2020.
> […]
>> Duterte has several times in the past threatened to block the franchise renewal of the Kapamilya network after what he claimed to be unfair treatment of him during the presidential campaign period.
> […]
>> The proposed sale of ABS-CBN came on the heels of reports that **`Duterte’s friend, Davao-based businessman Dennis Uy recently formed the Udenna Communications Media and Entertainment Holdings Corp`**, which expands his business to media and entertainment sector.
> [Dennis Uy now owns almost half of Malampaya gas field](https://www.rappler.com/business/244854-dennis-uy-owns-almost-half-malampaya-gas-field)
> [Dennis Uy buys Wendy's Philippines](https://www.rappler.com/business/244743-dennis-uy-buys-wendys-philippines)
> [Dennis Uy buys Wendy’s stores in PHL](https://businessmirror.com.ph/2019/11/13/dennis-uy-buys-wendys-stores-in-phl/)
> [President Duterte Warns George Soros ‘There Is A Bounty On Your Head’](https://newspunch.com/duterte-soros-bounty/):
>> Soros is a strong candidate for south-east Asia’s most unpopular man after being widely blamed for crashing the Thai and Malaysian economies in 1997 and sparking the Asian financial crisis through ruthless currency speculation.
>> President Duterte hasn’t forgiven the globalist financier. The man dubbed “Duterte Harry” by the Filipino people is also wise to the Soros agenda of divide and conquer and his brand of media manipulation.
>> The Philippine House of Representatives approved a proposal last week to reinstate the death penalty, and the president **`[Duterte] took the opportunity to fire a warning at George Soros:` _`“There is a special place in hell for you, idiot. Set one foot in this country and my duty is to make you go straight there.”`_**
>> Duterte and Soros have been locked in a war of words for years, with the Philippine president accusing Soros of destabilizing Asian democracies and financing editorial hit-pieces against him and his country in media outlets around the world.
> […]
>> Corporate media hit pieces may have influenced international opinion of Duterte, but in his own country he is revered. He boasts a massive 83% popular approval rating across the land.
>> President Duterte rode into power campaigning on a ticket of major change, but unlike Western politicians who pay lip service to change before letting down their supporters, the Philippines president has delivered on his promises – in spades.
>> During the election campaign Duterte urged the people to kill him if he failed to resolve crime and corruption in the country during the first six months of his term.
>> Over one year into his term and he has delivered on his promises. He’s **`now famous for more than calling President Obama a “son of a whore”`** at a regional summit in Laos last year. **`Much to the Soros-influenced international community’s outrage, Duterte Harry is shooting from the hip, and cleaning up his country.`**
>> How does Duterte get away with taking on the rich and the powerful, installing law and order, and going against the globalist agenda of chaos and destruction?
>> The corporate media has no power over him. **`George Soros and corrupt oligarchs cannot use the mainstream media to destroy him {Duterte] because the people don’t trust what the media says anymore.`**
>> **`The people trust Duterte because unlike generations of politicians who came before him, he actually does what he says.`** His anti-globalist policies enrage the powers that be in the West, who have waged war against him through their propaganda channels in the media.
>> But his **`[Duterte’s] policies have improved the lives of citizens of the Philippines, who were suffering in a chaotic, lawless land under corrupt regimes for decades.`**
> [SUPREME COURT NO MATCH FOR DUTERTE AS PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT THREATENS TO IGNORE RULINGS AND JAIL CRITICS](https://www.newsweek.com/president-duterte-philippines-martial-law-isis-630980)
> [Philippine Supreme Court removes Duterte 'enemy' judge](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-judiciary/philippine-supreme-court-removes-duterte-enemy-judge-idUSKBN1IC0EM):
>> **`The Philippine Supreme Court voted on Friday to remove its top judge, whom President Rodrigo Duterte called an “enemy”`** for voting against controversial government proposals, citing violations in the way she was appointed.
>> One opposition party said the ouster of Maria Lourdes Sereno, the country’s first woman chief justice, removed a shield against abuse of power in government and left behind a “puppet Supreme Court”.
>> By a vote of 8-6, the court granted the government’s petition to cancel Sereno’s appointment on the grounds of alleged violations in the appointment process.
> [Duterte threatens to suspend writ of habeas corpus, declare 'revolutionary war'](https://www.rappler.com/nation/227441-duterte-threatens-writ-habeas-corpus-suspension-declare-revolutionary-war):
>> **`If you push me to my limit, I will declare a suspension of writ of habeas corpus and I will arrest all of you.`** I will put you together with the criminals, rebels, and drug lords.

Yet even if the full $9B in ODA as pointed out in the aforementioned skeptical article is actualized over the coming couple or few years, it will still be less than a majority of [the ODA the Philippines receives annually](https://www.rappler.com/business/219883-neda-says-japan-remains-top-official-development-assistance-provider). Yet this could change rapidly as Japan and the West implode and China rises economically. Towards the end of the current decade, China could be the dominant factor in the economy of the Philippines.

Yet with the Philippines annual government budget of ~$80B and ~$370B GDP, China’s influence in the Philippines will not be absolute. For example, I wasn’t expecting the Philippines to entirely abandon democracy, nor become A “two-systems one country” rubber stamp vassal of China in the way Hong Kong is. However, Duterte [is hinting that](https://www.rappler.com/nation/234897-duterte-pushes-charter-change-after-naming-next-house-speaker) if the Constitution isn’t [changed to a Federal system similar to the U.S.A. republic to eliminate](https://www.cfr.org/blog/implications-dutertes-proposed-constitutional-changes) political dynasties (yet with authoritarian tenets such as the suspension of habeas corpus and no enshrined gun rights), then a military coup d’etat may be imminent because of the rampant corruption in the country. Duterte admires former strong-man dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Any such coup d’etat will only be one [that Duterte agrees to](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1139690/duterte-remark-on-restive-afp-warns-of-possible-coup-palace). Hmm. The [most recent press release](https://dilg.gov.ph/news/Duterte-Administration-to-pursue-constitutional-reforms-in-honor-of-Nene-Pimentel/NC-2019-1269) indicates a focus on formalizes revenue sharing with LGUs and [opening up investment to foreigners](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1200903/house-panel-discreetly-oks-reso-relaxing-econ-restrictions-in-charter-extending-terms-of-local-execs-congress-members) (presumably to compete with dynasties). **`So it appears that Duterte et al are scheming to open up the Philippines to Chinese investment.`** If they don’t get it via the democratic process, they’ll resort to a military coup d’etat. Apparently Duterte will have built up so much political capital with the Filipinos, that they’ll support whatever he has to do.

# Decentralized Blockchains and Cryptocurrency?

I wrote above:

> Dr. Jacques [made a very incisive point](https://youtu.be/lONmF7Gw6NA?t=1401) is that **`this is all about economic development`**. IOW, if by underhanded means China obtains military bases in various countries, if this brings stability that fosters economic development, then it’s analogous to a father figure patriarchy stewarding the family. So if a _centralized_ cryptocurrency can bring more economic development than a hypothetically _decentralized_ one, the former will win or at least be more widely used.

I [commented](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/q3c2ta) on my prior blog:

> [Taiwan is Restricting Chinese Video Apps Like TikTok for Fear of [China’s] Disinformation](http://archive.is/https://ffwd.medium.com/taiwan-is-restricting-chinese-video-apps-like-tiktok-for-fear-of-disinformation-cc0a46f62af0)

Westerners are going to need decentralization in order to survive the societalcide totalitarianism coming in Western ‘demo(n)cracies’ (another term I’m coining now, in addition to others I’ve coined such as ‘w(h)or(e)ship’).

TPTB planned this out very well. There’s no possible way that China will have enough global hegemony quickly enough (i.e. before `2033`) to dictate the world’s next global reserve currency to replace the U.S. dollar. The only possible candidate will be some impartial de facto asset or basket of assets. Libra and China will compete to onboard the world’s population to _centralized_ cryptocurrency. But eventually they’ll eventually be politically forced to back it with some Bitcoin and perhaps also some gold, not exclusively a basket of major currencies, in order to reduce tensions over who in effect controls global monetary policy.

Once again, the West will drive the next revolution of globalization. China is the enduring empire that completes the job the West initiates, e.g. China swallowing the dying Industrial Age. The West will innovate the entire paradigm with decentralized blockchains as the way forward beyond the limitations of what the Communist Party can achieve.

Note this means that the most successful decentralized blockchain will be the one which enables users to choose whether to adhere to certain dictates (e.g. such as of those [I expect to come from FATF](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/our-bitcoins-will-be-taken-frozen-by-the-miners-involuntary-income-tax-on-frozen-bitcoin)). Such a paradigm will have the flexibility to serve everyone and not be in conflict with the globalization order being erected by China.

Kai Sedgwick wrote in [Asia’s Love Affair With Blockchain Is Blossoming](https://news.bitcoin.com/asias-love-affair-with-blockchain-is-blossoming/):

> ## <center>It’s a Cultural Thing</center>
> “The modus operandi for the Asia-based blockchain industry is largely different from that of the West,” explains Kyn Chaturvedi, Chief Business Development Officer with TomoChain. “Asia really looks at blockchain as a business, and where economic value can be derived from in the short, mid, and long term. The space in Asia certainly did not gain a groundswell of support due to the ideals of cypherpunks, anarchists, or libertarians. So, though decentralization is a cool narrative, it’s not what drives a business to operate successfully in Asia. Instead the focus here is on market fit, and Asian innovation is driven by fast, iterative cycles measured through customer acquisition.”

C.f. also [The Coming Epic Battle Between Crypto & FAMGA (aka Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, & Amazon)](https://medium.com/crypto-oracle/the-coming-epic-battle-between-crypto-famga-aka-facebook-apple-microsoft-google-amazon-1a05489c3abb).

# G̲T̲F̲O̲ of the Societalcide West A̲S̲A̲P̲

Divest while it’s still a seller’s market. For the EU countries that means sell immediately. For the USA, that means prepare your income, tax and investments exit plan to be completed over the next few years. Visiting/living as a tourist in the West could be continued indefinitely, for as long as that remains viable and worthwhile.

Or hunker down and prepared to be significantly dispossessed [by the coming societalcide](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/societalcide-decadence-in-western-tv-commercials).

Ross Ulbricht’s [life imprisonment](https://news.bitcoin.com/200000-people-have-signed-ross-ulbrichts-clemency-petition/) is a warning to what can happen to all us Westerners. Oh no that could never happen to you, because you keep a low-profile. Ahem, that’s the tall poppy assumption, which only applies in China’s empire not in Western societalcide:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

<br/>And you can humor yourself with a center-left (leftistard?) statist’s “we did not redistribute enough” misidentification of the cause in:

* [(Why) America’s Collapsing at Light Speed](https://eand.co/why-americas-collapsing-at-light-speed-da304156dff0)

* [Why American and Britain are Self-Destructing](https://eand.co/why-american-and-britain-are-self-destructing-a8693ebb097)

* [The Left is Dying Because it’s Turned Into a Bonfire of Vanities](https://medium.com/@rkhasenpfeffer786/the-left-in-america-still-doesnt-seem-to-understand-what-happened-in-2016-86d7de1a53d6)

* [The Disastrous Trends That Defined this Decade — And What’ll Happen If They Continue](https://eand.co/the-disastrous-trends-that-defined-this-decade-and-whatll-happen-if-they-continue-9619fa7b780b?gi=d1d13fa98e3a)

* [(How) Our Economy Made it Impossible For the Average Person to Live a Decent Life](https://eand.co/how-our-economy-made-it-impossible-for-the-average-person-to-live-a-decent-life-5a7c31649437)

Jason Hommel’s [satirical incisiveness](https://revealingfraud.com/2019/11/silver-gold/whats-happening-in-politics-today/) deserves a larger audience:

> Apparently, Demo[n]crats think it’s ~~illegal~~[a weasel] to investigate a politician’s son, if his father is ~~running~~[fondling] for ~~office~~[orifices], if that ~~politician~~[confessed crook] is a Demo[n]crat, but perfectly fine [to ~~“investigate”~~[posture insanely]] if that ~~politician~~[elected official] is a Republican.
> Apparently, Demo[n]crats want Ameri~~c~~[k]ans to believe that ~~exposing~~ [seeking prosecution of confessed] crimes of a Demo[n]crat should be a crime itself, but slander and inventing false crimes against a Republican is ~~just normal~~[rational and [sane rule-of-law](https://steemit.com/goldman-sachs/@anonymint/trillionaire-fund-manager-martin-armstrong-was-framed-by-our-corrupt-government)].
> Apparently, Demo[n]crats want Ameri~~c~~[k]ans to think ~~oil~~[energy production] companies are evil [and that electricity falls from heavens like snowflakes] and are going to destroy ~~the planet~~[[their bicycle paths](https://youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c?t=77)], but it’s perfectly fine to earn hundreds of thousands [as a result of illegal, nepotistic political connections] with no expertise for sitting on the board of one.
> The average [and [negentropic high IQ](https://steemit.com/philosophy/@anonymint/geographical-cultural-ethos-science-is-dead-part-2)] liberal[tard] on the street can’t articulate any crime that Trump has committed that would deserve impeachment, because none have been identified:
> Liberal[tard]s Try To Answer: [“What Has Trump Done That Is Impeachable?”](https://youtu.be/QzBFjTOliZY):


The prevalence of college education is much higher than in my grandparents generation, but the country is now dumber than rocks.

We all know that they hate Trump because they want to live in a snowflake fantasy world. And Trump represents a patriarchal reality that they want to pretend doesn’t exist. They’re been indoctrinated with blue-pill propaganda to such an extent that they can no longer assimilate any reality that is elicits pain, conflict, or disturbs their blue-pilled state-of-delusion.

Really folks [1984 has arrived](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four#Ministries_of_Oceania).
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properties (23)
created2020-01-01 20:39:36
last_update2020-01-07 07:12:27
last_payout2020-01-08 20:39:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value8.324 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (46)
@builderofcastles ·

not really.

All you have said is true, accept the assumptions have changed.

The ultimate cheap labor is robots.
So, where do you have your robots?  In a country that has the best property rights for corporations.  We will see a lot of corporations returning manufacturing (but not jobs) to The US.

And then two big things happen.
1. Things out of integrity will crumble.
2. The ice age will destroy crop production

So, we will see protests like never before.
China isn't one united country.  They are held together by force, and Tienanmen Square was not a one off.  It was only one of thousands that year.

As food shortages rise and masses get more aggravated and aggressive, we will see the collapse of countries.

The balkinization of America and China are already in the works.

So, we will never see a China dominated world.
But, we will see a world without war in a few generations.
properties (23)
created2020-01-01 20:53:03
last_update2020-01-01 20:53:03
last_payout2020-01-08 20:53:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@anonymint · (edited)
On these points, we’ll disagree.

That Western pride is hard to give up isn’t it? Just keep telling yourself that China must fail, while China continues to succeed beyond all expectations.

China will be #1 in robots (also robot soldiers and drones) and they will be able to draw on a vast array of vassal States for food sources from varied climatic regions.

The Maunder Minimum isn’t going to be that severe. It will be enough to tip the West into the abyss, but not enough to stop China’s highly diversified approach. One of the reasons Asian civilization has endured is that it is more diversified against Maunder Minimums and Ice Ages than Europe. Climate change will increase crop yields in some places and decrease them in others. And Asians are not even one generation removed from surviving on less than one meal a day, so they’re more hardy and prepared to overcome hardships.

China will be the dominant superpower or empire by `2033`. That’s does not equate to dominating every facet of life in the world. In order for China to expand its empire, it can’t micromanage all the vassal States that will be within it.

There will be a nuclear war between the U.S.A. and the East within a generation or two. After that, there should be a long period of peace.

I believe China will undertake any technological solutions that are necessarily to overcome food production issues. They have been turning the Gobi desert into fruit farms for example. The Chinese do insanely massive infrastructure projects such as the Three Gorges Dam.

**`The food shortages are likely to be in the West due to societalcide preventing solutions for being undertaken.`**

You do not seem to understand that **`the elephant in the living room is the societalcide of the West`**.

Advancing technology and large-scale organization by a patriarchal society can deal with (mild) Maunder Minimums now, if the societalcide is not standing in the way.

Tiananmen Square was indicative of China evolving from Communist dictatorship to the tall poppy policy that I have documented in my blog. China is becoming more and more capitalistic. You do not seem to understand the massive change that is underway due to a fork in the road when Russia and China diverged. Russia wanted to maintain total control and is worried about every little thing a Russian does and thinks. Whereas, China is much more pragmatic and allows freedom to the extent one does not challenge their Communist Party decision making power. This is so as to maximize the efficiency of the economic development and capitalism.

It’s not perfect, as there’s sometimes too much centralization and corruption, but it’s much better than societalcide. And besides we in the West will provide decentralization technology to counter the absolute power of the Chinese model. This will provide a proper balance. China will have to embrace technological solutions to the problem of technological unemployment. I have [been writing about](https://steemit.com/science/@anonymint/the-golden-knowledge-age-is-rising) that topic since 2013.

I have lived in the Philippines for half of my life (~27 years) so I’m able to quickly understand what is going on. This is very difficult for a Westerner to understand, so I forgive you for not being able to quickly familiarize yourself with the information in this blog. I suggest you watch the linked videos.

China has always been focused on sustaining civilization at any costs, even if that meant megadeath. China doesn’t place this huge value on the overinflated, self-importance of individuals. Remember individuals were historically equivalent to farm animals in China. It was cheaper to use humans to cart cargo than horses for example.
👍  ,
properties (23)
created2020-01-01 21:35:09
last_update2020-01-01 21:52:09
last_payout2020-01-08 21:35:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (2)
@builderofcastles ·
Still, i believe we are going to see much more disruption of old govern-cements.
Corruption will have a bright light shone on it from all over.

The US is doomed.
It is going to break apart.
Further, many of its cities are just going to starve to death while killing themselves off, while burning down there homes around them.

What i differ from you is that i see China breaking apart too.

The US is dead, of course China would take over as the superpower... but that game is over.

Unfortunately, one of the things that will kill off these govern-cements is that they will find the large corporations are larger than them.  The govern-cements won't be able to leash in the corporations.

And that will bring in a very different era, for maybe 50-100 years
before corporations also go the way of the dinosaur.
properties (22)
created2020-01-02 01:32:09
last_update2020-01-02 01:32:09
last_payout2020-01-09 01:32:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@steemium ·
3.2 USD has been spent to promote this content using [Steemium](https://steemium.com/?ref=east-vs-west-china-to-dominate-the-world) . <br> Learn more [here!](https://steemit.com/steem/@steemium/annoucing-steemium-steem-promotion-made-easy-cheap-and-intelligent)
properties (22)
created2020-01-02 02:10:48
last_update2020-01-02 02:10:48
last_payout2020-01-09 02:10:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
I wrote in this blog:

>Jim is […] blinded to the Big Picture because (I know from my [prior debates with him](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/succinct-absolute-truth-about-9-11-and-las-vegas-massacre) on his blog that) he wants to believe that it’s only the leftistards in cahoots with the Deep State that ails Western civilization. This is why he also believes that any blame for 9/11 (other than the Muslims he ludicrously thinks actually perpetrated 9/11) can only be attributed to his left singularity theory. Israel’s Mossad [was evidently involved in](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/israel-s-mossad-did-9-11) the perpetration of 9/11 and the truth about 9/11 is available to anyone who bothers to look closely at a detailed analysis of the evidence as I explained in my blogs [Debunking Mark Roberts’ 9/11 Disinformation Tactics](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/debunking-mark-roberts-9-11-disinformation-tactics), [Plane Flyover; Explosives Planted Inside The Pentagon](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/plane-flyover-explosives-planted-inside-the-pentagon),  [Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/disembarkment-of-the-9-11-passengers) and [“You can’t handle the truth!”](https://steemit.com/psychology/@anonymint/you-can-t-handle-the-truth). **`Anyone with even a modicum of physics and engineering knowledge would understand that the NIST reports on 9/11`** [**were bullshit**, and that](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/succinct-absolute-truth-about-9-11-and-las-vegas-massacre) (c.f. [also](https://steemit.com/freedom/@anonymint/in-t-h-e-f-t-a-n-d-m-a-s-s-a-c-r-e-s-we-trust)) most likely **`the WTC were p͟u͟l͟v͟e͟r͟i͟z͟e͟d͟ ͟i͟n͟t͟o͟ ͟m͟i͟c͟r͟o͟s͟c͟o͟p͟i͟c͟ ͟d͟u͟s͟t͟ ͟p͟a͟r͟t͟i͟c͟l͟e͟s͟  `&nbsp; `with small scale, low radiation, tactical “suitcase” nukes planted in the basements after weakening with militarized, nano-thermate cutting charges`** (and the spectrometry evidence of dust samples confirms this).


>Israel had the motive, because they want the U.S.A. engaged in the Middle East to support Israel’s security and existence (as Trump has carried out by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s). There is a much deeper global elite pulling the major strings on this puppet world. They created Bitcoin and when their plan for world domination with Bitcoin 


>I recently also argued to Jim as cited in my blog [End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/end-of-democracy-and-a-civil-cold-war-approaches) that there’s no realistic chance for restoration of a monarchy anytime soon in the whole of the U.S.A.. And that Americans are better off thinking about how to return to our roots of benevolent, decentralized fiefdoms aka manorialism. Jim et al’s rebuke was that without a centralized patriarchy then our manors will be defenseless. It’s essentially summed up in [his blog criticizing Libertarian anarchists](https://blog.jim.com/politics/libertarianism-2/). Indeed if we’re not willing to endure extreme asceticism and walk with nothing to following Jesus, then we are subject to practical matters as to how to defend private property and organize society. Pragmatically […] We must embrace China as our centralized patriarchy for the time being until after the West has self-destructed, i.e. Jim’s own [The strong horse and the weak horse](https://blog.jim.com/uncategorized/the-strong-horse-and-the-weak-horse/) point applies. Why mire ourselves in the coming decades of Western decline and separatism battles between a divided electorate?


>I posted [a comment](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2314836) on Jim’s blog which is awaiting his approval as the moderator:
>>I’m not [namefagging](https://blog.jim.com/science/the-namefag-problem/).
>>Jim, when are you going to realize I won our debate and correct your myopia?
>>You’re referred to in my blogs. Note I agree with and have supported most of your core tenets, except for our major disagreement about the Big Picture behind the curtain.
>>And why were you the first person to respond to Satoshi […] where he announced Bitcoin? Are you a pysops disinformation agent?
>>Please answer and not censor.
>>I will not belabor the point. I only want to read your answer. Please do correct me. I will read with an open mind.

# Discussion at Jim’s blog ensued.

I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2317935):

>Jim replied:
>>I replied:
>>>Jim replied:
>>>>I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316138):
>>>>>Jim, I’ll be ready to fight if I’m not too old, when we can win. My weakness is being too brave and willing to fight (the damn Cherokee genetics I guess), not vice versa. I’ll keep an eye on Trump’s draining of the swamp, and keep one foot in the USA in case opportunity beckons.
>>>>>In the meantime, [Soros is pissed off that](https://www.newsmax.com/bernardkerik/george-soros-trump-china-huawei/2019/09/12/id/932435/) the Chinese patriarchy is succeeding. So perhaps it’s best to align with that strong horse for the time being and keep my head below the tall poppies in their sphere.
>>>>>P.S. I’m writing a blog about Angeles City where I am at the moment. Seems this might be the one of the sweet spots. Mindanao has been a pita. Will be interesting also to observe what happens with Australia. Thanks for allowing the dialogue.
>>>>Mindanao is great, aside from the small problem that Muslims are apt to blow one up or abduct one. I was in Davao when Mayor Rodrigo Duterte made the place safe, and considerably less corrupt, and it was very nice. What did you find wrong with it?
>>>I also first visited Davao in 1994 just after the San Pedro Cathedral had been bombed.
>>>Back then Davao was a paradise but now with development the traffic has become a pita. A coastal road is being constructed which may alleviate for a while, but they’ll [not] stay far ahead of insatiable demand for vehicles. Overpopulation is a drag.
>>>Massive infrastructure projects are planned for Davao, and so I expect this means torn up roads, snarled bumper-to-bumper traffic, mud everywhere, etc.. Which is what I’ve been observing lately under the “Build, Build, Build” program. I’d rather leave while they upgrade Davao and come back in a decade when they’re done.
>>>Additionally Davao is boring. No nightlife. Nothing is Americanized. Can’t even find Chicken Strogonoff or a sports bar that displays the American college football and NFL games. No decent Mexican nor Thai food either. Angeles City has all these because of the former U.S. airbase here. Some 800,000 filipinos here in Angeles with American fathers. So you can see some cuties with American genetics. I am tired of living in a backwater locale with nothing to do other than the Internet.
>>>Also C. and N. Luzon are a few degrees cooler. I am active in outdoor sports so the equatorial heat wears me down. I find it to be a breezier and less humid up north here in Angeles.
>>>The idyllic climate I would choose in Mindanao would be Manolo Fortich. There’s just so many problems lurking such as jealous neighbors, greedy local govt officials, corrupt police, roaming kidnap for ransom gangs, Abu Sayaf, NPA, etc.. Your neighbor can decide to produce charcoal inundating you will smoke. Or run their karaoke so loud you can’t hear yourself talk in your living room. The larger your investment (i.e. if you want a large land area to protect from neighborly misconduct), the more of a target you are.
>>>Tagalogs seem to be more educated and respectful. In the SM Clark mall, 3 times I bumped into someone because of my blinded right eye, and they all profusely apologized to me. I was shocked. In Mindanao they get pissed at me when they cut me off and run into me because I can not see them coming on my right side.
>>>Mindanao was historically a place where every man had several knives strapped to his body. There’s a reason the [Americans had to slaughter the Muslim women and children in 1906](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/trump-assassinated-in-2022-civil-war-by-2026). The Muslims were using them as human shields and then conducting raids on farms.
>>>Mindanao is a pita. Do not try to invest there as a white man.
>>>Jim maybe you’re thinking of something along these lines?
>>>Thanks for the discussion. I will probably go silent again for months or longer.
>>Angeles City is full of whores and thieves, and Filipino street food in Davao is great – fresh bread and lechon baboy.
>>Durian is indeed the King of Fruits. If you are hanging out in Angeles City’s little America with all the other Americans, you missed out on all the good stuff.
>>But if you are a white man in Mindanao without the appropriate social connection, you will likely get killed. I am mildly surprised you survived. Little America in Angelese city will indeed keep you alive.
>>Same old same old. We have been up and down this road for centuries.
>After 27 years [my insanely brave, curious, experimentative and adventurous stay] in the Philippines, I believe it’s a reasonable assumption that there’s nothing in the Philippines I didn’t already experience.
>Each of us have different preferences and priorities, which can change throughout our lifespan.
>A stroll through SM Clark mall reveals that very likely not even ~5% of the female population of Angeles are whores. The “little America” (transitioning now to little Korea) enclave is well stocked with whores. Well depends on how you define a whore. By a strict definition, nearly [every female on earth is a whore in these modern times](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2320068) wherein virtually no one marries a virgin. Jesus invested his ministry effort with the whores.
>Philippines is a shithole in terms of infrastructure and low-trust society compared the glory days or yore in the West. But there’s some benefit here because of the resources Schelling point legacy of the American military’s former presence:
>Running a software company from Angeles City because of the available infrastructure (i.e. including 100 Mbps fiber Internet), wouldn’t stop me from roaming around the Philippines on vacation.
>Schelling points are a very important game theory concept. I believe Angeles city may be the best positioned of any other [location in the Philippines for [a] tech hub](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/q3c2hg).

The `asbaa.org` link quoted above details the ambitious plans for the New Clark City at the former Clark military base.

Although the New Clark City stadium was completed, typical Filipino mismanagement and shoddy construction work plagued preparations for SEA Games event.

[Philippines in firing line over chaotic SEA Games build-up](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/sea-games-2019-philippines-organisation-chaos-12129376):

>In one tweet, the Games’ slogan of `“We Win as One”`, was twisted into **`“Wiwi as One”`** to accompany a photo of one venue’s ladies’ room, where contractors had put two toilets in a single stall […]


Jim replied:

>I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316242):
>>>[Shelby is] The one who declined to answer when I asked him about his current guns.
>>Self-defense is not a right. It’s something we will just do regardless when the stakes are high enough. In the Philippines, afaik we’re allowed to possess and deploy semi-automatic rifles in our homes for self-defense, which is already more permissive than Chile for example. In Latin America, it’s effectively illegal to use your gun for self-defense. And Chile may soon have a Marxist Constitutional change. California will soon if not already have less permissive gun rights than the Philippines.
>>I’m confident you agree that strategic thinking is more important than some gun right edicts from some illegitimate State. When the time is ripe, we’ll take up arms in the West and reestablish the homeland. I’m afraid we may need to stand by first and allow economic, societalcide creative destruction to open the necessary opportunity for it.
>>I’ll argue that strategically we’d be wise to help the societalcide collapse accelerate, rather than resist, so that the idiots won’t even have the organization to get around to taking our guns from every cold, dead hand. And the sooner we can accelerate to Madmax or civil war, the greater the percentage of the population which hasn’t kept up with the radical migration of the Overton window. The more shocking, extreme and devastating the lurch to the left, perhaps the more strong the reaction you want.
>>As I think you’ve alluded to in some blogs about history of left singularities, what we don’t want instead is decades or centuries slow slide of attrition into a Dark Age. IOW, strategically we want a horrific left singularity?!
>>Why would the Chinese patriarchs fear a restoration of Western patriarchy? Are we natural combatants and competitors? Must there be only one superpower in some more well considered future world? Would integrating into their system now help forge an interconnected future economy?
>>>Do you in fact possess a semi automatic rifle in your home in the Philippines?
>>I’m no longer going to be in Mindanao. I recently sold everything (and any guns) currently living in short-term rentals out of two suitcases […] I thought I was headed back to the U.S.A. in January, but I’ve apparently changed my mind again. I have not visited the USA since 2006.
>>>Because if you are in Mindanao, you are going to need it.
>>Can/will you share? Something worse than Marawi imminent? Or just the usual warlordism and roaming kidnappers?
>>Recently I visited Dahican Beach near Mati. A prominent national politician’s son has a beach house there. I was told some foreign lady was banned from the Philippines for taking photos of the DENR violations there. You know how it works in the Philippines. With the right connections, the law can be bent in your favor. When I was there in Dahican I climbed the mountain on the peninsula and was later told I was lucky I had not been abducted by Muslims there.
>>I have traveled all over Mindanao even in Maguindanao and Cotabato City for example. Mindanao is extremely dangerous. As I said I am too brave for my own good. I have even walked around in the mountains in these areas all alone at night and the local Datus thought I was missing a few screws upstairs. I have carried felled trees on my head for up to a kilometer up and down from the mountains to see if I was as strong as the natives (before I contracted the Tuberculosis and Dengue which has so messed up my liver).
>>Jim if you want to lose weight […] Eat only dinner as much food as you want but avoid fructose. Fast more than 18 hours a day. MSM will help you avoid hunger throughout the day and has numerous other positive health benefits. I dropped from 75 to 65 kg [which…] was my weight 30 years ago in my 20s.
>Just the usual Muslim problem Same as it has ever been, but getting a little bit worse because Duterte’s health is failing.
>Five percent Muslim is a crime problem, ten percent Muslim is a crime problem sometimes breaking into low level civil war, thirty percent Muslim is low level civil war sometimes breaking into high level civil war […]
properties (23)
created2020-01-04 18:35:03
last_update2020-01-06 04:59:24
last_payout2020-01-11 18:35:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@anonymint · (edited)
Forgot in my reply to Jim to mention thieves are all over the Philippines. Thus high fences around homes all over the country ­— not exclusive to Angeles City/Clark. That’s one of the reasons living in a gated subdivision is more pleasant as gated communities attempt to model high trust societies we’re accustomed to (presuming those inside the gates are more trustworthy). But it’s not [**nothing like Mexico**](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2319364), c.f. [**also**](https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@anonymint/pzd9pg)! (**←`click those links`**) Latin Americans are emboldened to mug you. Filipinos would much prefer to steal when you’re not looking. Asians are much, much less confrontational. But if you are too far off the beaten path down in Mindanao or some mountainous area in Luzon, it’s possible to be kidnapped where no one else is around to witness the incident. Also it’s possible to get the shit beaten out of you (as happened to me) right in front of everyone, if it’s not clear if you were being abusive and arrogant to Filipinos. Never insult the pride of Asian, especially not in front of others (and not without very polite, reassuring, careful considered wording even if you rebuke in private as), otherwise you’ll vacate their “saving face” cultural restraint.

Filipinos are family-first, local tribe/clan second, and otherwise don’t trust other Filipinos. Filipinos trust and respect foreigners very much, sometimes too much which enables despicable foreigners to take advantage of gullible Filipinas. But there’s many street-smart Filipinas who are manipulating traumatized, black-pilled, nihilistic, defeatist, fatalistic expats and foreigners in virtual Internet “relationships”. The Lord has given us an excellent opportunity to do his work here in the Philippines since we are highly trusted here. So far I observe/presume Jim is too focused on earthly ambitions and not spiritually enough focused, which appears to motivate his authoritarian tendencies. Also he presumes others are idiots when he doesn’t understand their points. Then he proceeds to censor. No wonder he can’t build a larger audience when he censors smart, reasonable discussion.

Jim is “mildly surprised” that I survived for so long with my risky, carefree (brave? stupid?) activities in Mindanao for the past ~25 years. I was probably in much less danger than he might be, because:

1. I’m only 5’7” tall with a few percent of Cherokee native genes. Thus I resemble a mestizo Filipino more than other taller Europeans do. I have always appeared to be about 10 years younger than my actual age, e.g. appeared to be 16 when I was age 26. So up until very recently I looked too boyish to be considered a wealthy businessman target. Circa ~2011 at age 46 I stopped roaming and stayed always inside the house due to chronic illness.

2. I understand and relate to the heart and feelings of the Filipino. Filipinos can feel/ sense my sincerity. A simple, sincere smile can cultivate a lot of friends in the Philippines who are then implicitly protecting you just because they happen to paying attention to you, which demotivates the criminals from acting out where they might be seen by the local community.

3. I don’t flaunt wealth, especially not in Mindanao. I don’t even wear a watch. My ex told me that all her friends and relatives thought I was poor because I dressed in the same short pants, tank top, and slippers everyday.

4. Although I no longer run ~4.5 seconds for a 40 yard dash as I did in my 20s, I probably could still run 5 secs if adrenaline is on full throttle.


I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2317894):

> Jim replied:
>>> Bob [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2315070):
>>>> Would you say expats might be a group more likely to recognize the Cathedral? […]
>> My perhaps partial and unrepresentative perception of expats is that in substantial part they either think of themselves as refugees from the Cathedral, or are likely to easily come to that conclusion.
> Currently my anecdotal experience/observations are that expats are the antithesis of a restoration force stored abroad. We’re traumatized, disillusioned and just trying to GTFO of the system/sickness. Most of us are in no way capable of organizing anything other than ~~telling a~~[asking our] pinay to fetch our breakfast San Miguel.
> Whether that will change and new breed of expats will embrace the opportunity I identified in my blog, remains to be seen. I note some few Youtube vloggers who seem to be in China doing businesses other than just promoting travel to China.
> There were some American expats involved in outsourcing business in the Philippines. The S&R Warehouse is a Costco-like chain in the Philippines (originally at least) 40% owned by Americans. Perhaps I should consult with the American Business Chamber in the Philippines to get some better statistics on American businessmen in the Philippines. Mostly I see Korean investment. with my naked eye.
> One problem has been that Americans could only own up to 40% of the business. Duterte is attempting to change the Constitution [to allow foreigners to own their investments in certain sectors of the economy](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1200903/house-panel-discreetly-oks-reso-relaxing-econ-restrictions-in-charter-extending-terms-of-local-execs-congress-members) [**←read the draft law at the previously linked article**], because he understands the dynasties are retarding the development of the Philippines. I wrote to them in 2018 about related topics and received an official response from Secretary Pineda the head of NEDA.


I wrote on this blog:

> Duterte [is hinting that](https://www.rappler.com/nation/234897-duterte-pushes-charter-change-after-naming-next-house-speaker) if the Constitution isn’t [changed to a Federal system similar to the U.S.A. republic to eliminate](https://www.cfr.org/blog/implications-dutertes-proposed-constitutional-changes) political dynasties (yet with authoritarian tenets such as the suspension of habeas corpus and no enshrined gun rights), then a military coup d’etat may be imminent because of the rampant corruption in the country. Duterte admires former strong-man dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Any such coup d’etat will only be one [that Duterte agrees to](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1139690/duterte-remark-on-restive-afp-warns-of-possible-coup-palace). Hmm. The [most recent press release](https://dilg.gov.ph/news/Duterte-Administration-to-pursue-constitutional-reforms-in-honor-of-Nene-Pimentel/NC-2019-1269) indicates a focus on formalizes revenue sharing with LGUs and [opening up investment to foreigners](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1200903/house-panel-discreetly-oks-reso-relaxing-econ-restrictions-in-charter-extending-terms-of-local-execs-congress-members) (presumably to compete with dynasties). **`So it appears that Duterte et al are scheming to open up the Philippines to Chinese investment.`** If they don’t get it via the democratic process, they’ll resort to a military coup d’etat. Apparently Duterte will have built up so much political capital with the Filipinos, that they’ll support whatever he has to do.


I blogged in [Trump Assassinated in 2022? Civil War by 2026?](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/trump-assassinated-in-2022-civil-war-by-2026):

> For example as of today the **Philippines is [threatening to make it much more difficult](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-usa-duterte/philippines-bans-two-u-s-senators-mulls-new-visa-rules-for-americans-idUSKBN1YV0GX) `for American tourists`**, if the U.S.A. [proceeds with its holier-than-thou crusade](https://www.rappler.com/nation/247190-bato-dela-rosa-says-no-word-yet-united-states-visa-cancellation). Armstrong has also [as early as 2015](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/europes-migrant-crisis/) (or even [as early as 2013](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/writings/2013-2/cycle-of-war-political-economy/) preceding the Ukrainian Revolution) predicted the [end of the era of international travel](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/europes-current-economy/how-europe-will-kill-tourism/) (c.f. [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrong-in-the-media/the-forecaster/freedom-of-movement-three-aspects-under-assault/), [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/looks-like-new-zealand-was-first-to-restrict-travel-for-5000-in-fines/), [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/regulation/the-new-electron-pre-screening-is-still-a-visa/), [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/the-rising-tide-of-civil-unrest-globally-2/), [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/rule-of-law/supreme-court-upholds-trumps-travel-ban-be-careful-what-you-wish-for/), [also](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/europes-current-economy/migrations-always-bring-infectious-diseases/)), because of this **global `1857.6 year collapse cycle` (think 1000 year flood event) in health, religious, ideological, political, economic, and monetary crisis which is developing**. Armstrong blogged [How Empires Collapse – A Orderly Path to Conclusion?](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/how-empires-collapse-a-orderly-path-to-conclusion/) about how empires always collapse from within.


> Tangentially, someone made me aware of [Why Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Distrusts The U.S.](https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/10/11/497487363/why-philippine-president-rodrigo-duterte-distrusts-the-u-s) and [US soldiers pose with the bodies of Moro insurgents, Philippines, 1906](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/moro-insurgents-1906/):
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/u6TzVTx.jpg)<br/>The bodies of Moro insurgents and civilians killed by US troops during the Battle of Bud Dajo in the Philippines, March 7, 1906.](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/moro-insurgents-1906/)</center>
> I don’t have time to dig for it, but many years ago I read about the history of Mindanao, and it was the violent mess of warlords that [still persists to this day in the Muslim regions](https://thedefiant.net/the-ampatuan-massacre-the-most-gruesome-example-of-impunity-youll-ever-hear/), c.f. [also](https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/in-depth/247734-how-ampatuans-commanded-police-carry-out-massacre), [also](https://www.rappler.com/nation/247903-vice-mayor-testified-ampatuan-massacre-ambushed-maguindanao-december-24-2019), [also](https://www.rappler.com/nation/247591-summary-acquitted-convicted-ampatuan-maguindanao-massacre-case). In the 19th and even into the 20th century, every man in Mindanao carried multiple knives strapped on varies parts of his body to be prepared for attacks. Even today if you drive through Muslim Mindanao you will see male children carrying automatic rifles. Let me quote some comments from the above linked 1906 massacre article:
>> "the men used children as living shields." Yes Stephen the same is going on today, Hamas, ISIS, the palestinians any number of terrorist groups are using Human Shields to avoid being attacked so if they are, they can get empathy from ill informed and misguided individuals such as yourself […]
> […]
>> I do have to agree with Ed Stephens that I do Muslims do not assimilate well. all the countries where there are loads of Muslim refugees there are assaults on women, as can be seen in Denmark and Germany. Still, as Ian Stevenson states, killing children is very sad indeed, it is not their fault that the parents follow the Muslim religion, though the Muslim religion is not so nice to their girls (daughters) as can be seen with all the honor killings such as in Canada. No matter what. Islam is not a religion of peace […]
> […]
>> Little tidbit of Philippine History, seems DU30 forgot about it or just did't want to mention it. 
>> On 24 September 1974, in the Malisbong massacre the Armed Forces of the Philippines slaughtered about 1,500 Moro Muslim civilians who were praying at a mosque, in addition to mass raping Moro girls who had been taken aboard a boat
> […]
>> It seems this picture stirs up a lot of emotions, especially against the US. So using it as a benchmark then the US would be well below Japan and the current Philippines President Dutarte in terms of numbers of deaths, and currency; this last year Dutarte has ordered the killings of 7000 people. They were all somebody's children. The picture is terrible, of course it is. But it's over a hundred years ago. Since then well over a hundred million people have been killed in conflicts all over the world, including nearly 1 million Filipinos in ww2, at the hands of the Japanese, who committed far more atrocities on The Philippines than all others that came before them. Since then both regular Filipinos and Moros have committed multiple atrocities on each other as late as last year.
> Let’s not forget what happened in Leyte wherein the Americans offered a reward for every “head” of Japanese captured or killed and brought to the American base. The Waray Filipinos brought in only the heads. The American military had to change the wording of the bounty to “head and body”.
> Let’s not forget that Filipino youth gang attacked me and bludgeoned out my eye with stones and G.I. pipes right in front the police station in non-Muslim Angeles City (on the main Tagalog island of Luzon) across from SkyTrax disco (the same police station that is still there now although it no longer extends all the way to the corner of Fields Ave).
> All of the nicest infrastructure in the Philippines where economic activity now concentrates was built by the Americans or Japanese. Angeles City is booming because of the American investment of Clark Air Base. Ditto Subic Bay. Ditto Cagayan de Oro and the road the Americans cut through to jungle to Bukidnon wherein the Dole pineapple plantation was established in the cool highlands of Manolo Fortich. Ditto Davao which was a base for the Japanese during WW2. Zamboanga City has a fort that was built by the Spanish.
> The native Filipinos if left alone would [do mostly nothing but get drunk and fornicate](https://blog.jim.com/politics/and-another-one-bites-the-dust/#comment-1879329). Tribal attacks on farmers would be routine. It’s the Chinese merchants who run the country and keep the lights turned on. Sorry to say, and I know Filipinos might get offended, but these are the facts from an American who has lived half his life in Philippines (mostly in Mindanao). Let’s not conflate the naturally lawless Filipino natives with my Cherokee ancestors who were ostensibly more [civilized and willing for peaceful restitution with the corrupt USG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherokee_removal#Beginnings).
> Presumably the Muslims in 1906 were employing the mountains and the local civilian population as a refuge from which to launch raids against the economic development activities (e.g. mechanized farming, building roads) of the Americans on the islands. In 2009, a foreigner friend of mine and I even tried to invest, farm, and live up in the mountains around Davao where Duterte’s mother lived and our experience was one of continual theft by locals and being dispossessed by corrupt, drunken Datus. I know exactly where is the house of Duterte’s mother.
> That’s not to argue that perhaps the CIA was not also meddling. I can [understand Duterte is some respects](https://blog.jim.com/war/roman-catholic-church-cuckolded/) and I have also met in 2003 in the Damosa area of Davao self-claimed Davao Death Squad members[ who were polite](https://blog.jim.com/politics/duerte-harry/) and even offered to protect me, but he shouldn’t throw out the baby with bath water and punish innocent American tourists for [natural, end game](https://blog.jim.com/uncategorized/thermodynamics-leftism-organisms-and-chestertons-fence/) politics we can’t control. But let’s not get overly dramatic and pretend that the Filipinos don’t contribute to their own mess. I could go into a lot more convincing detail, but it’s too far off topic for this blog.
properties (22)
created2020-01-04 19:45:27
last_update2020-01-06 06:09:39
last_payout2020-01-11 19:45:27
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2317970):

> Jim replied:
>> I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316682):
>>>> I also lost interest in you because you confidently asserted that we do not need a solution to the problem of coordinating large scale organized violence. We are always ruled by priests or warriors, or something of both, and the bitcoin governance model does not scale, and has hit its scaling limit.
>>> I was referring to my argument that we Westerners need to adopt decentralized fiefdoms because restoration of a monarchy is probably not realistic (if the reasons I reiterated in my recent blog linked above are valid). In said blog I have responded to your original point of contention that we need large-scale patriarchy (i.e. monarchy) for our defense, by suggesting that we move to Asia and live in some country under China’s Belt & Road empire underway. I wonder if Australia or New Zealand will break free from the Five Eyes Uniparty progressivism and join the patriarchal Belt & Road empire? Are too many Australians are cucked? Are the legal immigrants to Australia adherents of demo[n]cracy or patriarchy?
>>> I didn’t argue that we don’t [need] a coordination solution. Rather I argued that your proposal for the restoration of a monarchy is not likely going to be a realistic solution at this juncture. And I proposed looking for other solutions such as decentralized coordination and now I am adding to the suggestion of (at least temporarily) aligning with China’s coordination.
>>> Hey I lost interest before you did. I didn’t reply again after you censored my last comment in the prior discussion some months ago. The discussion had reached a stalemate. Was pointless to waste time. I came back with some more organized/researched articulation in my recent blog and also a new suggestion.
>>>> …but not, however the problem of organizing large scale violence.
>>> Possibly smart contracts might help patriarchy avoid winner-take-all imbalances, deceit, defection, and other problems with coordination. IOW, if 50+% of decentralized fiefdoms concur with some smart contract which calls for them to contribute coordinated violence given some violation signaled by said smart contract. Blockchains can help us check transparency while also enabling privacy. For example, homomorphic proofs can enable proving that some invariants were met or not met without revealing the private details of those.
>>> I’ve been accused of having a highly unrestrained imagination.
>>>> Mining is not a satisfactory solution to governance. Bitcoin is controlled by a single pool of very large miners, totally vulnerable to state power, who have fled the the US hegemony to locations in the Chinese Hegemony…
>>> I mentioned some months ago that there may be a solution to the proof-of-work mining centralization problem. Satoshi appears to have intentionally designed Bitcoin to become centralized whereas I contemplate that a few tweaks could have ameliorated the problem. Note there can be no such thing as CPU-only proof-of-work. For example, I blew up RandomX with both a generalized abstract argument and a specific case of that abstraction that applies to the RandomX design (check their Github issues for the thread).
>>> The one hint I will give you is that it’s not the computational algorithm that needs be tweaked (although I have a significant improvement for that also), rather the protocol rules for choosing the longest chain. I’ve had this solution in mind for more than a year, but I’ve been dealing with liver health problems as a first priority. My liver was preventing me from sustaining enough brain energy to work effectively. Seems to be much improved due to MSM. Now I just need to decide where to settle down again and get back to being a programmer again.
>>> I agree Bitcoin mining is apparently sufficiently centralized to allow the FATF to regulate it:
>>> https://busy.org/@anonymint/our-bitcoins-will-be-taken-frozen-by-the-miners-involuntary-income-tax-on-frozen-bitcoin
>>> Proof-of-stake can not be a solution in any formulation because it will always devolve into patriarchy/oligarchy, which can be rubberhosed. Also decentralization should ideally be an antidote or resistant to the dysfunctional modes of oligarchy.
>>>> You made two foolish assertions, and I judged that if you did not understand the problem, you are unlikely to understand the solutions.
>>> “When you don’t understand what the other person is doing, it can appear indistinguishable from voodoo” — Arthur C. Clarke [humorously paraphrased]
>>> So then the fool thinks he is observing a fool. You’re no fool. Just sometimes a bit overzealous when dealing with nerds like myself who are not that articulate nor on point (probably worse when I was dealing with chronic fatigue, dementia, and discombobulated semi-consciousness).
>>>> My plan is:
>>> Ditto. Just timing and details between here and there we may differ.
>>> (been awake all night and do not have time to proof-read what I wrote)
>> The argument that return to divine right monarchy is not practical is just the argument that reversing progress is not practical.
> […]
>> But progress has happened before, many times, and been reversed before many times, and the first step in that reversal is usually a warrior taking imperial power with the priests trembling before his praetorians.
>> The tide comes in, and then it goes out, and the turning of the tide is warriors taking power from priests.

Note how disingenuously (or unwittingly myopic?) Jim presents counterarguments. I didn’t argue that restoration is not practical forever. I only presented a [political-economic argument](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3m19c) for why restoration of “divine monarchy” may be implausible until after the West has crashed and burned first into the political-economic abyss.

When the counterparty to a discussion refuses to acknowledge the counterpoint and proceeds to argue a strawman, then there is no discussion. Just one guy  (Jim)pretending the other person (myself) isn’t speaking.

When Jim starts behaving as a myopic, authoritarian zealot, that’s when I again realize that it’s both a waste of my time to try to interact with him. Thus he can never be an effective and capable leader of a thought movement  such as for restoring monarchy. Has “incorrigible” (i.e. my absolute truth way or get off my lawn) stamped on his forehead. Also I wouldn’t want to live in a patriarchal monarchy that restored Jim’s sycophants to positions of significant power. I’d trust Xi Jinpeng before I would trust those myopic, arrogant, gullible mofos.

>> If reversing progress is not practical, then we are stuck with child protective services criminalizing the biological family, with Sarbanes Oxley converting accounting from a method of tracking the creation and transfer of value, to an ever growing collection of holy rituals empowering an ever growing collection of priests to screw over merchants whenever merchants attempt to create value and move it around. We are stuck with law that allows a person identifying as a man to have sex with a person identifying as a woman, but criminalizes the heterosexual mating dance, criminalizes the behavior that heterogamous organisms need to successfully reproduce.

Jim pretending I don’t read his blogs and thus that I need to be instructed as the possible ramifications of failing to truncate the left singularity. I have told him numerous times that I have read most of his blogs and I have cited dozens of his blogs in my blogs, even my recent blog [Trump Assassinated in 2022? Civil War by 2026?](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/trump-assassinated-in-2022-civil-war-by-2026).

He’s erecting a strawman that will lead naive readers to think I must not have any valid point because I must not be aware of the seriousness of the matter, completely leading the naive reader away from the fact that the possible implications of not stopping the left singularity are not a refutation of my political-economic argument about the plausibility of stopping the left singularity at this juncture. Note that Jim did not even address that political-economic argument. Instead he erected this strawman to presumably side-step the crux of the discussion. Typical of a disinformation, pysops modus operandi.

That’s misleading and either disingenuous or unwittingly myopic decorum.

Other very smart individuals who have tried to contribute to Jim’s blog have also stopped because it’s so obvious that Jim habitually shoots himself in the foot.

>> Your proposed solution to bitcoin centralization is too idiotic to merit a response. Tweaking the algorithm can only have a modest effect on centralization, which is caused by the necessary coupling between scaling and mining.
> You didn’t even grok what I wrote about it, lol.
> Scaling is easy to solve. It’s the control of the longest chain that is the Achilles Heel.
> Don’t lecture me about things I know better than you.
>> Satoshi believed that we should not let the best be the enemy of the good enough, and figured we could deal with scaling problems when they arrived. The important thing to do was to get a working decentralized crypto currency out there and running. But now scaling problems have arrived.

“Satoshi” was a con-artist who knew exactly what he had created and the long-range plan.

What Jim doesn’t grok is that the scaling issue that causes centralization in Bitcoin doesn’t apply in an alternative sharded system design, but that the 50+% attack on the longest chain remains a centralization threat. And that there’s no way to surely prevent the centralization in mining farms, even if the computational algorithm for the proof-of-work is made less advantageous for ASICs. Thus the Achilles Heel shifts to ameloriating the power of that centralization. Let a thousand forks bloom. So which one of the thousands is the objective one? Jim is so arrogant that he thinks he is sufficiently more knowledgeable than me to justify declaring me to be an idiot about a subject which I researched and blogged about intensely since 2013. I’m still waiting for him to make a claim or point which puts my knowledge on this subject matter to shame.

Jim often can’t see over the forest and gets stuck on tree bark of his limited imagination and expectations.


I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316294):

> Jim replied:
>> Allah replied:
>>> You should really do a full post on your past as a commie entryist. You know how to talk a lot without saying anything. What are Americans doing in Iraq? Keeping Jews Safe?
>>>> what he has to say about nailing an Iranian general.
>>> Big loss for local goyim. If Iran falls, we’ll be next.
>> The American invasion of Iraq was to impose progressivism. Maybe it was also to make Jews safe, but the Obama sponsored Color Revolution in Egypt certainly was not to make Jews safe.
> There can be multiple congruent truths.
> [Soros et al hate patriarchy](https://www.newsmax.com/bernardkerik/george-soros-trump-china-huawei/2019/09/12/id/932435/). Iraq was run by a patriarch Saddam. They want to bring us to a multicultural world that undermines parochial control, wherein the only patriarchs are those who control the entire world via the 666 system. IOW, foster maximum disorder at the local level while consolidating the control grid.
> I’m not blaming the typical Jew. They can be our friends. But those behind the curtain who have hijacked Judaism as Zionism for other purposes…
> Then we can pontificate about who likely created Bitcoin and how this might plausibly become the reserve currency of the 666 system — transaction volume scaling isn’t needed for the reserve currency in a two-tier currency system wherein only $billionaires will transact in Bitcoin.
> All those neocons working for the New American Century seem to be aligned with this consolidation of power in varying degrees of compartmentalization.This is one of the reasons (in addition to the physical evidence and physics considerations) I did not agree with your (what I believe/understand to be) simplistic assessment of 9/11, but I will not reignite that tangential debate again.
> P.S. Seems you and I are not enemies, just some differences in analysis, knowledge, experience, and historical context? I could be swayed though by clear arguments in the future but not here on your blog trying to have a debate about 9/11 in this narrow columnar format. If we want to debate 9/11, we need a conference where we all come together and debate face-to-face with all the necessary experts in the various fields and sub-disciplines.


>>> You tell me, do you think we’ll do better next to a neutralized or Western-subverted Iran?
>> Did the Shah of Iran cause the problems for Turkey that the Ayatollahs are causing for Turkey?
> Saddam was the buffer between the two. Now gone because of the neocons.
> Our military exists to serve the aims of those who want to manufacture Hegelian dialectic crises so that appropriate reactions must be taken which ultimately grind patriarchy into a power vacuum of chaos that can be filled by progressivism, social media, public education, etc…
> Much better to let the patriarchs fight each other and consolidate power among themselves. Every time our military is deployed, we’re losing because it’s always weakening the natural order between competing patriarchs. Sunni and Shia are the two brothers offshoots of the Muslim patriarchy.
> Jim your heart is in the right place. And your mind is sharp. And you’re more articulate than I am. But you sometimes you don’t see over the forest.


Allah replied:

> Jim replied:
>> Allah [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2317819):
>>> You are again ignoring the role of the West in this. Americans and Jews killing Iranians is not going to teach Iranians that killing Turks have consequences, especially not in Iraq. It is certainly good that our enemies fight each other, but it’s not good if one of them wins. If Jews get what they want it is going to be much worse for Turks.
>> It is going to teach the Iranians that attacking Americans in Iraq is a bad idea, which is a broad hint that attacking Turks in Turkey is a bad idea.
> Nonsense.


>>> And how happy are you when one of them eventually wins?
>> I don’t care. I expect the winning side will immediately start purging itself, forever finding new enemies within its own ranks.


>> The more Islamic faction always intends to murder the less Islamic faction, and so Mohammedans always identify with and support those who intend to murder them.
> I am worrying about the West making short work of Iran then quickly turning its sights on us.

Again Jim can’t see over the forest to the fact that globalists want to destabilize all patriarchy except their 666 global one. Jim seems to think that a power vacuum in the Middle East is in our favor. But the power vacuum will be captured by globalist propaganda in mass media and social networks.

Jim seems to incorrectly think that Islam is entirely unstable and naturally devolves to complete absence of patriarchy. No! Islam may be worse than Christianity, [The solution we do not want](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-solution-we-do-not-want/) and [The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-only-good-muslim-is-a-bad-muslim/), but it’s not as bad for all patriarchy (i.e. Christians like us) as fostering a power vacuum of chaos to be captured by the globalist elite propaganda control grid. Cripes Jim!
properties (22)
created2020-01-04 21:05:00
last_update2020-01-06 03:49:45
last_payout2020-01-11 21:05:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
I’m replying to [my prior comment](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3lp8e) above wherein I wrote:

> Again Jim can’t see over the forest to the fact that globalists want to destabilize all patriarchy except their 666 global one. Jim seems to think that a power vacuum in the Middle East is in our favor. But the power vacuum will be captured by globalist propaganda in mass media and social networks.
> Jim seems to incorrectly think that Islam is entirely unstable and naturally devolves to complete absence of patriarchy. No! Islam may be worse than Christianity, [The solution we do not want](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-solution-we-do-not-want/) and [The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-only-good-muslim-is-a-bad-muslim/), but it’s not as bad for all patriarchy (i.e. Christians like us) as fostering a power vacuum of chaos to be captured by the globalist elite propaganda control grid. Cripes Jim!


I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2317829) on Jim’s blog:

> karl [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2313973):
>> Problem is that war is a collective endeavor. Can’t be done without leadership and organisation. Only a leader can choose to make war. If your leader is absent or doesn’t choose war, you only have the choice between getting out and submitting – unless you are an expetional man and have the potential to become a leader.
> The leader of the opposition are the global elite behind the curtain, further behind the curtain of the Deep State. The priests of the mass media work for that apparatus. It goes much deeper than just Hellary, Mueller and the FBI. Those are just some of the public figureheads. Our enemy are the Soros et al (and Soros is somewhat compartmentalized and not in the upper echelon) who want and have been successfully subjugating parochial and even nation-state patriarchy (e.g. monarchy) to their globalization rule. They sow chaos locally while fostering greater economies-of-scale via global trade. They view their righteously in that they think “trival, barbaric” patriarchy impedes the reintegration of the Lost Tribes and the “economic” progress towards the end times. Satan has been given this power for a time. This is why Soros is pissed off about the success of China’s oligarchs transition from Marxism to capitalism without demo[n]cracy/democrazy.
> https://www.newsmax.com/bernardkerik/george-soros-trump-china-huawei/2019/09/12/id/932435/
> So the left singularity will not produce a leadership void, because the zombies are controlled by the control grid of mass media and social media. The Arab Spring was instigated from social media. Wikileaks’ Julian Assange was housed in one of Rothschild’s homes and had a Rothschild attorney representing him.
> The transition of the 666 system is being scripted including the coming destruction of Bitcoin Core on May 14, 2020. The people are being conditioned into a 1984 system.

Again Jim censors these arguments of fact about the globalist elite. And he continually defends the actions which support the Zionist plan of destabilizing patriarchy throughout the Middle East. Makes one contemplate whether Jim is a disinformation agent or just [a witless fool](http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/) suffering from the [usual mental handicaps](http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-piss-me-the-fuck-off-a-guide/).

I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316827):

> Jim replied:
>> I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316813):
>>> Jim replied:
>>>> Luke [astutely questions](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2315933) Jim’s certitude about that which Jim can’t possibly know:
>>>>> I thought I’d ask this here,
>>>>> Why believe that we actually did kill the Iranian general?
>>>>> Could it not also be something that the US military wants to believe, based on intel, and that the Iranians are taking advantage of? Something like, the US believes they got their tit for tat in, relaxes, and Suleimani gets to move around a little easier?
>>>>> Couldn’t this be a lie that is perpetuated in order to advance the prospect of war with Iran?
>>>>> I just don’t understand why this announcement should be taken on face value.
>>>> I know we killed an Iranian general because the Iranians are treating Iraq as a satrapy, therefore go in an out through the airport. Until now.
>>>> Easy target. Next time it will be a harder target.
>>> If the Iranians really shot up the U.S. Embassy they know retaliation could be coming. They would be taking countermeasures against potential drone attacks. The Iranians have a reasonably sophisticate[d] military and nuclear program, and yet you think they would be this careless?
>>> And how do you know what Iranians had been and are doing now? Are you there or have informants who are there?
>>> We can’t trust any (dis)information we receive from the media.
>>> Iran may want escalation and may be participating in some CIA false-flag. This geopolitics situations can be very complex. I haven’t even attempt to research and analyze Iran.
>>> Remember the elite in all these countries become wealthier from war. War focuses power.
>>> We are gullible fools.
>> I knew on January the first that they would be this careless:
>> Trump, leader of the free world, tweets, to the world and to Khamenei, leader of Iran:
>>> “Iran will be held fully responsible for the events in Baghdad … This is a threat”
>> Khamenei, tweets in reply
>>> “You can’t do anything”
>> Trump puts down phone.
>> Khamenei’s tweet reveals the Iranians were under the impression that they are still dealing with Carter, Obama, and Clinton.
>> This gives me good reason to hope that the Durham report will be released with dawn raids on the deep state.
> Tilting at windmills. When you w(h)or(e)ship their fabricated scripts, then you become their mouthpiece.
> It’s all intentional drama to turn us into unproductive zombies.
> Turn it off. Off.
> Focus on real stuff. Pussy is real when I lick it.

A significant feature of our human [reality/consciousness/existence](https://steemit.com/multiverse/@anonymint/information-is-the-fundamental-matter-of-existence-the-multiverse-is-partially-observable) is that people [will believe anything](https://www.quora.com/Why-is-it-easier-to-fool-someone-than-convince-them-they-have-been-fooled) (c.f. [also](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/q16lxj)), even Photoshopped crap, Hollywood scripts, or anything that agrees with their confirmation biases no matter how preposterous or weak the evidence.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” — Mark Twain. It’s easier to tell people what they want to hear.

John McAfee [said](https://u.today/exclusive-interview-with-john-mcafee-epstein-didnt-kill-himself-bitcoin-to-hit-1-million-russian):

> So I felt justified. I waited two days before I decided, “All right, you're going to get your story, but you're going to get the story that I choose for you.”
> I chose the story of John McAfee's insanity, and played that story for him for three weeks. That's what the movie is about, and that’s why it’s a comedy.


> You just pick one up, put it in the gun, and play Russian Roulette. Any magician would have gone and said “that's a good trick.” Any rational person would have gone and said, “That's a trick. How did you do it?” But Josh being naive took it for real. So that was his second day. So for the next three weeks, I ****ed with him in ways that made that look like a kindergartener pick a card and get the wrong card. 


I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2318025):

> Jim censored and replied:
>> I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316861):
>>> Cloudswrest [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316283):
>>>> Saker commentary from Unz.
>>>> https://www.unz.com/tsaker/soleimani-murder-what-could-happen-next/
>>> While Rome burns, guys have nothing better to do but talk about some fabricated PR stunt. So the CIA blew up a car beside a road and suddenly $billions of human productivity time is redirected to pontificating about it. We’re so self-important. As if anything we have to say about it is worth anything at all.
>>> Find something to do which is productive. Such as helping the left burn down the West faster so we can get on with the civil war sooner.
>> Unresponsive. Instead of debating the evidence, you assume your position is obvious.
> So once again you resort to censorship because you can’t tolerate debate.
> Jim expressing an opinion of the Big Picture that subsumes the contrived “evidence” is a valid discussion point. Just not on your blog where only Jim’s truth is allowed.
> I’ve saved all my posts and will be posting them else where as evidence of your corruption.


I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316830):

> Jim replied:
>> I replied:
>>> Luke [continued](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316431):
>>>> My theory is more of a blind guess. I don’t know if faking deaths is useful or even common, it was just an example I came up with because I’m extremely uncertain about the truth of any claim of the US to have killed someone in an airstrike. Seems to me that someone is always getting killed in an airstrike when some kind of PR is needed.
>>> Trump even remarked about he gets to watch such military operations on live reality TV feed. He remarked something to the effect of being nearly the same as being right there. Hollywood special effects? Pixar, etc.. Them Zionist faithful are self-righteously in on cooperating to rid the world of “tribal, barbaric” patriarchy.
>>> Technology has progressed since the 1980s Max Headroom’s Coke commercials.
>>> False-flags are the usual means of inducing mass psychosis.
>>> Perhaps the only thing we can be sure is reality anymore is that whatever happens on the international geopolitical stage is bad for us.
>>> So my stance is just turn off the idiot box and find something more productive to do.
>> We know this is not false flag because we read Trump, leader of the free world, and Khamenei, leader of Iran, sparring over it on Twitter.
> Trump is fooled. Mass media is a propaganda tool of those who are bringing us to the 666 system.
> There’s no real proof of anything.
> At least with 9/11 we had a lot of hard evidence such a sprectometry of the dust. Again I will not reignite those debates. Originally I thought you might be a disinformation agent. Now I think it’s more likely you watch too much TV and you are too hopeful and invested in Trump to back away and take a more somber and sober appraisal based on admitting what you do not and can not know.
> Anyway, Jim I don’t want to fight nor spam your blog. I appreciate what I’ve learned from your many insightful blogs. I do respect you. I just do not respect anyone during the moments of psychosis when they bite on mass media lies.

Lol, Jim trusts social media as [a reliable, non-manipulated source](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1213839069681205254) of evidence! [Unfuckingbelieveable](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1213843457934053376). Cripes Jim, you can’t possibly [be this witless and gullible](https://twitter.com/iamnotback/status/1214015642090668032). As if the national security apparatus can’t create fake Twitter identities or control extant ones. As if the CIA via In-Q-Tel didn’t create Facebook et al. As if all these social media networks have not received gag orders from the NSA. Etc... Were [you born yesterday](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/q16lxj) Jim?

I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2318695):

> You can’t distinguish your asshole from the orifice of sustenance, ~~senile~~[? out-of-touch?] old man:
> https://busy.org/@anonymint/q3liaf#@anonymint/q3ltra
properties (22)
created2020-01-04 22:42:45
last_update2020-01-06 04:13:39
last_payout2020-01-11 22:42:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2318001):

> Jim replied:
>> I replied:
>>> Jim replied:
>>>> I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2316273):
>>>>> Allah wrote:
>>>>>> You should really do a full post on your past as a commie entryist.
>>>>> I don’t want to expend the time to try to dig and research this allegation. Can someone please explain? Jim did you radically (diametrically) change your core ideology later in life, or was there some strategic reason for this alleged past affiliation with commies and Cuba?
>>>>> I’m not aiming to DOXX you.
>>>> https://jim.com/confess.htm
>>> China seems to be going through the similar ideological transformation, from Marxism towards capitalism. Capitalism requires patriarchy. Demo[n]cracy is a power vacuum which subverts patriarchy and property rights. In demo[n]cracy, capitalism is captured by the left singularity (because unearned votes for sale) as evident by [the societalcide TV commercials I viewed this holiday season](https://steemit.com/societalcide/@anonymint/societalcide-decadence-in-western-tv-commercials) for American football games, e.g. two men kissing each other, KFC Chickendales (gay male strippers of Chippendales), etc..
>>> Hey Amerikan has a vote just because he/she/it was born. Said Amerikan is thus vested in believing this “wonderful” snowflake existence wherein value is still created out of nothing. So said Amerikan votes for the delusion. Thus left singularity.
>>> We really need decentralization technology to counteract patriarchy at its dysfunctional winner-take-all end game, which is what I claim the patriarchal elite are trying to do now with a 666 global control grid to subjugate the nation-state patriarchy.
>>> That completes the circle of my understanding of what is going on.


>> It was not a mistake to reject that plan when victory in the Battle of Britain was still in prospect. But with defeat in the Battle of Britain, the correct solution would have been to invade Asia and back off from the total war, total state, economy, to focus on food and raw materials through the Asian market, following the wise advice of Xenophon.
> Ditto analogously with the Trump situation. If Trump can't restore [sane patriarchal order, and truncate the left singularity] quickly and with sufficient violence, then [I’m looking to Asia to sustain [us]](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/east-vs-west-china-to-dominate-the-world) until left cannibalizes itself via economic ruin in the West, before contemplating when to attempt the restoration of the homeland. Live to fight another day.


I [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2317117):

> Jim [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2314274):
>> Filthy Liar [replied](https://blog.jim.com/war/creeping-coup/#comment-2314047):
>>> No. The Boomers are lazy af and the youth view Trump as corrupt. That they also view the Dems as corrupt is beside the point, because the Dems are doing what the youth want, ie getting government out of the bedroom and putting it back in the boardroom. The Cathedral is doing just fine […]


>> Everyone is waiting to see which way the wind blows. If Trump looks like he is about to become the most powerful man in the world in reality there will be a world wide cascade of Trumpists.
>> But until the people that committed crimes against Trump, and vast numbers of other Americans, go to jail, he is not the most powerful man in the world. If he cannot send them to jail, the crimes will escalate, resulting in the elimination of Trump, Trumpists, and the entire right.
> Jim, if Trump ignites the civil war by initiating arrests, then he will be blamed for the economic crisis that is about to obliterate the U.S. economy regardless (e.g. rising interest rates).
> Yet he’s going to blamed for it anyway, so perhaps the ideal strategy would be seize power with lightning speed and ferociousness that he might cause the radical left to react violently enough to initiate a massive slaughter within a civil war. That may be the only hope of a quick restoration.
> Trump’s window of opportunity is closing not primarily because the left grows ever holier than last week, but because [“it’s the economy stupid.”](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/bitcoin-to-usd80-000-before-may-2020-and-usd1-billion-by-december-2020)
> Perhaps better optics for the coming economic collapse though if the left can be enticed to fire the first major shot over the bow.
> (I’m delirious and should sleep)

I blogged in [Bitcoin to $80,000 before May 2020 and $1 billion by December 2020?](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/bitcoin-to-usd80-000-before-may-2020-and-usd1-billion-by-december-2020) about **`the political-economic cliff Trump can’t avoid`**:

>> Unemployment in the West is headed **greater than `30%`** no later than 2033:
><center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/MqZ41DA.jpg)<br/>Fed – No Surprise – The Next Bubble](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/fed-no-surprise-the-next-bubble/) — Armstrong 2013</center>
> The societalcide implications were developed in detail in my past blogs:
> * [End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/end-of-democracy-and-a-civil-cold-war-approaches)
> * [Rise of Hard Money is a Harbinger of Misery](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/rise-of-hard-money-is-a-harbinger-of-misery)
> * [Facebook’s Libra + Bitcoin + Trump + Israel = 666 Orwellian Dystopia](https://steemit.com/libra/@anonymint/facebook-s-libra-bitcoin-trump-israel-666-orwellian-dystopia)
> * [Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/disembarkment-of-the-9-11-passengers)
> * [Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/countries-vulnerable-to-economic-devastation-soon)
> * [“You can’t handle the truth!”](https://steemit.com/psychology/@anonymint/you-can-t-handle-the-truth)
> * [Global Contagion of Bank Failures Coming…](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/global-contagion-of-bank-failures-coming)
> * [A Utility Token is a Unicorn](https://steemit.com/regulation/@anonymint/a-utility-token-is-a-unicorn)
> * [Are Most Cryptocurrencies Doomed to Collapse — because they’re “ICO-issued”?](https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@anonymint/are-most-cryptocurrencies-doomed-to-collapse-because-they-re-ico-issued)
> * [Get Ready for a World Currency](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/get-ready-for-a-world-currency)
> * [Future of DECENTRALIZED Currency Is Not Bitcoin](https://steemit.com/blockchain/@anonymint/future-of-decentralized-currency-is-not-bitcoin)
properties (22)
created2020-01-05 01:24:45
last_update2020-01-05 02:00:24
last_payout2020-01-12 01:24:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
Emphasize why it’s impossible to have peace with Muslims. Thus why Mindanao (with its [24% percentage of Muslims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindanao#Religion) versus nearly 0% outside of Mindanao) isn’t the optimal choice for most Christians.

Philippine government has attempted a peace process with the Muslims, but the [Muslims break into factions because they’re jealous of their own leaders](https://www.getrealpundit.com/2019/01/jolo-terrorist-attack-could-justify-moro-islamic-liberation-front-renege-on-promise-to-disarm/). Islam is the concept of an omnipotent Allah that can fix any sin or mistake, vacating the requirement for self-discipline and asceticism. Muslims covet. Whereas covetousness and surety are criticized in the Bible. The [Christian God isn’t omnipotent and thus requires our correct actions](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-solution-we-do-not-want/) being [compatible with](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240817) science and progress of humanity. Because otherwise [in Christianity humans have the free will](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240833) to completely [destroy themselves](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Samuel+15&version=NIV). And [negentropic](https://steemit.com/politics/@alexis.terree/re-anonymint-is-egalitarianism-unconstitutional-20171208t224445170z), holier-than-thou atheists [misinterpret as the Christian God being evil](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240853) because even with their self-claimed “152+ I.Q.” they’re [incapable of understanding](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240877).

It’s fascinating to read [what I wrote in 2009](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240817) on the [progenitor](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=7834) of ‘open source’,  “152+ I.Q.” (c.f. also **_§Thucydides Trap_** of [this blog](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/east-vs-west-china-to-dominate-the-world)) @**Eric S. Raymond**’s blog, and realize [hence entirely vindicated](https://steemit.com/multiverse/@anonymint/information-is-the-fundamental-matter-of-existence-the-multiverse-is-partially-observable), c.f. [also](https://medium.com/@shelby_78386/i-was-about-to-independently-make-a-similar-comment-about-the-proof-of-the-solution-to-grandis-e9877eaa11f2)! I was [so astutely on point](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240728)! @**Jessica Boxer** [commented](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240815):

> […] The essence of science is not truth but predictive power […] You pollute the minds of school children with nonsense […] Thank god for the enlightenment. No, no, sorry, thank men for the enlightenment.

@**Jim** blogged in [The Enlightenment debunked](https://blog.jim.com/politics/the-enlightenment-debunked/):

> * All men are not equal, nor women equal to men, nor groups and categories of men equal to each other.
> * Nor is man by nature good. In the cold and morally neutral terminology of the dark enlightenment, the natural outcome is defect-defect, and avoiding this outcome, getting to cooperate-cooperate, becomes more and more difficult as the number of people that you have to deal with increases. It takes social institutions, and to deal with these ever larger scales, these institutions have to be ever more finely honed and precisely made, and are ever more vulnerable to entropy and error.


> Tolerance is not extended to the “intolerant” meaning not extended to those who prefer to cooperate with people who are cooperative, and who prefer to refrain from cooperating with those who defect […] Civilization is the advance of technical and scientific knowledge, and most importantly, social organization […] the devaluation and abandonment of the roots of Western Civilization. Our Cathedrals are empty and abandoned.

@**Jim** blogged in [Fixing Christianity](https://blog.jim.com/culture/fixing-christianity/):

> […] Europe was saved, and indeed formed, by the Roman Catholic Church under the holy Roman Emperor, and we got World Empire, Science, and Industrialization […] Today’s progressives are holier than God puritans, who have dumped God for insufficient holiness […] A wall against terrorists would admit the truth about tribalism […] Speaking the truth about women is more terrible by far than driving trucks into nativity scenes to crush the people there […] Proofs of God are not interesting, because they can at most prove the existence of a God vast, cold, indifferent, and far away […] a God that is excessively vast and powerful, the God of Muslims and Jews, is inimical to science and technology.  Notice the total non contribution of Muslims and orthodox Jews to science […] God has omniscience, but we have true choices and free will.  Notice how the Muslims fail to get stuff done, because they always say “I will do such and such, God willing”, whereas a Christian will say “I will do such and such” […]

Muslims [prefer fighting and stealing](https://blog.jim.com/war/red-guards-and-cultural-revolution/) to cooperation and disciplined hard work. [The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim
](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-only-good-muslim-is-a-bad-muslim/) and [Yes, we are at war with Islam](https://blog.jim.com/war/yes-we-are-at-war-with-islam/). Instead of accepting that prosperity via peace and some leaders, working hard to better their position within such, they’d prefer to fracture between themselves into warring, self-important, entitled, covetous factions. Mohammad’s two sons were the genesis warring factions (Shi'ite and Sunni) of the Islamic faith. Muslims will never accept that some land title holder is the rightful owner. They’ll find a way to force to dispossess private property. It's a common theme even in non-Muslim Philippines yet [at least egregiously so in Mindanao](https://blog.jim.com/war/roman-catholic-church-cuckolded/). The story of a foreigner who made a successful beach resort in southern Mindanao and the mayor demanded (paraphrased),  “sell me your resort for $1 or I will kill you.” Foreigner refused so dead. Mindanao is dominated by warlordism and corrupt political dynasties, e.g. the Maguindanao massacre.

To some extent everywhere in the Philippines Filipinos tend to be corrupted by their lazy habits. Which is a reason to invest only where the Filipino middle-class is growing and where significant numbers of other foreigners have successfully invested, e.g. this Ambassador Suites in Angeles City where I’m currently staying which was built in 2012 by two elderly Swiss. Presumably the property title is held in a corporation majority owned by the wife of one of them, the foreigners own the buildings and may have a 50 year lease on the land from the posited corporation. Before President Duterte they encountered corrupt police and/or local government officials asking for bribes. Some of the guys and even young boys around Angeles City seem quite aggressive. Not claiming that all the C. Luzon Filipinos are as respectful and educated as the ones I had a good experience with in the SM Clark mall. A significant undercurrent of poverty hangs around (everywhere in the Philippines).

Davao has some of these attributes (i.e. growing middle-class, other foreigners have invested) but it’s an enclave surrounded by problems — a backwater culturally that so far doesn’t have enough concentration of foreign investment and interest to sustain the culture of a “little America” or even “little Korea”. Ayala Land has a concentrated investment around their Abreeza mall complex in Davao, which is a drastic improvement. But outside of that, not much else. Still no bridge to Samal Island unlike the two bridges ([soon to be three](https://youtu.be/RBts2e6H-J4)) from Cebu City to Mactan island. Maybe infrastructure in Davao will accelerate and eventually become a sufficient for me, but I don’t have time to wait (54.5 years old), to endure the snarled mess of the infrastructure build out phase, nor am I confident that Mindanao won’t regress due to the Muslim problem. Meanwhile Luzon is also advancing so it may be so much better than it is now by the time Davao reaches the bare minimum of what I want now.

Only some parts of N. Mindanao and Bukidnon (e.g. where the significant Christian Cebuanos andDole plantation and cattle farming Americans originally migrated to) have very low percentage of Muslims:


I’d be interested in the Manolo Fortich area if foreigners have an incentive to invest there. Why would they instead of the ostensibly _insurmountable_ Schelling point of Angeles City/Clark. There’s no airport nor **decongested _toll_** roads in Bukidnon. Must to travel to Cagayan de Oro over congested, free public access roads. Though Bukidnon’s elevation provides a cool, refreshing climate. The non-toll, [alternative Talakag-Lantapan-Aglayan Road](http://www.cdodev.com/2019/05/06/random-shots-on-the-road-along-cdo-talakag-lantapan-aglayan-route/) is now fully concreted:


That road above used to be like when I drove it many years ago:


Another short-cut [Kapalong-Talaingod-Valencia City road is now passable](https://edgedavao.net/latest-news/2016/12/06/kapalong-talaingod-valencia-city-road-now-passable/):



Jim has a honeymoon admiration of his visit(s) to Mindanao. Reality sinks in after being in a place for several months. He raves about the very unhealthy Filipino bread. Jim has a severe weight problem (self described Jabba the Hutt) and can’t stare down pizza and soft drinks. I’m much happier so far in Angeles City/Clark with much more Americanized activities, modern investments, infrastructure, American and other foreign foods. He seems to think Mindanao has less whores, which is probably true as Davao has no nightlife for foreigners. Whores aren’t a problem for me. Livens up the place. Is [indicative of foreign interest](https://www.rappler.com/views/imho/98759-dash-sas-prostitution-negotiable-affection) and investment in the area. The roads around Clark SM (leading towards Friendship Gate entrance of the Clark Freeport Zone) are very wide, modern, not overcrowded.

No doubt that Angeles City has crime also. In October 2016, a Korean [was kidnapped and killed by the police](https://www.rappler.com/nation/167268-doj-dumlao-mastermind-jee-slay) but this [isn’t deterring Korean businessmen](https://www.rappler.com/nation/159462-koreans-angeles-city-kidnapping-murder), because the advantages outweigh the slight risk. Note the alleged mastermind [was allowed to](https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/05/07/19/pampanga-court-grants-bail-to-cop-tagged-as-mastermind-in-jee-ick-joo-kidnap-slay) post bail this year.

[Duterte tells Korean businessmen: Slap, kick abusive PH gov't personnel](https://www.rappler.com/nation/204170-duterte-korean-businessmen-slap-kick-abusive-philippine-government-employees).

It’s still not wise to be a known wealthy person in the Philippines. Should have armed security guards.  Following recalls my experience of the Angeles City police driving me to the garbage dump after my eye had been bludgeoned out (presumably to kill me or extort me but I jumped out the window of the police car):


> In the letter, Kwon called Uyami’s attention to an incident involving two Koreans and Angeles City policemen.
> “Last 30 December 2016 at around 6:30PM, the police officers raided the house of Koreans located along Apo Street, Friendship Plaza for allegedly operating an illegal online gambling,” the South Korean embassy official said.
> Kwon said the Koreans “were brought in the ‘police station’ and were placed in the firing range where the police officers indiscriminately fired several gun shots in order to frighten the Koreans into giving in to their demands.”
> “In the end, the Koreans gave them (policemen) P300,000.00 and were released. They were tourists who visited the Philippines for a little leisure such as playing golf,” the minister and consul general disclosed.

Available in the Philippines for security guards or even in the home for personal defense are [“M4 type (5.56 NATO) assault rifles and M110 type (7.62 NATO) precision rifles”](http://www.udmc-weapons.com/):


[Philippines poised to tighten rules on gun ownership](https://gulfnews.com/world/asia/philippines/philippines-poised-to-tighten-rules-on-gun-ownership-1.2030473)

> Published:  May 21, 2017
> Republic Act 10591 also, for the first time since former President Ferdinand Marcos enforced Martial Law in 1972, allowed qualified Filipinos to legally own civilianised, semi-automatic versions of military weapons such as the M4.
> The difference between the military versions is that the latter it can fire in full automatic mode or multiple bullets in a single pull of the trigger, while semi-automatic guns can only fire one round for every press of the trigger.
> Rebels, as well as law enforcers, use automatic weapons, while civilians can only be given permits for semi-automatic guns.
> But, Duterte, in his speech said, he may order the enforcement on limitations on these high calibre military-style weapons. The restrictions could be implemented even if these guns are not capable of firing in automatic mode such as those in the military and police.
> Duterte cited the threat posed by the communist rebels who could steal the guns and use them against law enforcers as was the case in several incidents when insurgents would raid the armouries of mining companies and get the guns of private security guards watching over these establishments.
> “The communist rebels are earning money through extortion from mining companies and large plantation owners,” he said.
> Before announcing these planned restrictions on sales of certain firearms, Duterte, two weeks ago, prohibited the transport and sale to non-military and police personnel, of ammunition for high powered guns, particularly the 5.56mm and 7.62 calibres.
> During the event in Davao City with gun dealers, Duterte said high-powered firearms should not be sold to civilians. He added security guards should not be allowed to own firearms. They can be equipped with shotguns to defend themselves.
> Duterte said he has opposed to arming security guards even before with high calibre firearms particularly those who are assigned to far-flung areas because rebels of the New Peoples’ Army often seize those weapons.

If I choose to stay in the Philippines, I will reside within a large (multi-hectares) exclusive compound (hopefully that I manage) with adequate firepower to secure inside the compound against any rogue elements. If we can’t insure the security of foreigners, then only the most pathetic and desperate foreigners will want to come over.

Yet the West will also become much less secure as it collapses into economic devastation. Whereas, the Philippines can only get better as the expanding middle-class demands their government get tough on crime and corruption — diametrically opposed trajectories for future peace and order for Asia versus the West, because of the diametrically opposed future prospect for economic development versus economic devastation.

To feel my 25 year romance with Mindanao skip to 2:30 in following beautiful song after partaking the indigenous drums intro:

properties (22)
created2020-01-06 07:03:36
last_update2020-01-11 04:20:09
last_payout2020-01-13 07:03:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
More elaboration than could fit into Steem’s 16KiB limit for [my prior comment post](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3obm0) to which this comment replies:

A high trust society Western Christian might not work diligently and with absolute asceticism, but he/she will at least refrain from overt theft to satiate covetousness preferring instead (at least the kick-the-can, mortgage the future, ephemeral illusion of) the prosperous cooperation of peace (although will self-deceptively instead steal from self+collective via the obfuscation of demo[n]cratic redistribution). Whereas low trust societies believe that the savagery of life is reality and every individual must get his/her own albeit perhaps with an exception for immediate clan members.

> […] holier-than-thou atheists [misinterpret as the Christian God being evil](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240853) because even with their self-claimed “152+ I.Q.” they’re [incapable of understanding](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240877).

“Holier-than-thou atheists” who thus create a dogmatic, innocence-seeking [Good vs. Evil]() holiness spiral power vacuum megadeath:

> […] When Gnon defines good and evil, he is telling you that some people and some behaviors make it very hard to achieve cooperate/cooperate equilibrium […] The Old Testament told us to pay attention to tribal taboos and copybook headings. The book of Proverbs is copybook headings, and the book of Deuteronomy is tribal taboos. But in Old Testament times, they had good and working social technology. The New Testament told us to judge a tree by its fruits. In the cold and cynical language of the Dark Enlightenment, the New Testament tells us that when the tribal taboos get holiness spiraled, they are likely to be really bad social technology […] The Jews thought it was more important to observe the pharisaic law on attending synagogue and the pharisaic law on avoiding blood contamination by walking on ground on which chicken blood had been spilled, than to observe the commandments of Gnon on coveting, on theft, and on murder […] Commies kill their friends.
> **`The holy continually invent new ways to be ever more holy.`** Which, because universalism and utilitarianism, requires the continual invention of new and ever more terrible harms caused by inadequate holiness. White privilege. Male privilege. Therefore, being white and male, you are committing all manner of terrible harms, and should rightly be hated and punished. So the sincere leftist will hate you and punish you.
> It is defect/defect equilibrium, because the leftist perceives all near as defectors. **`You cannot establish cooperate/cooperation equilibrium with a leftist, because his perception of cooperation is defective, just as his perception of female sexual desire is defective.`**
> Near is supposedly oppressing far. So the more he hates near the holier he is. The more he harms near, the holier he is

**`IOW, leftists are idealists (the antithesis of realists and pragmatism) thus implicitly demanding either perfection or if perfection is impossible then`** they’re effectively working towards Satanic (w(h)or(e)ship) **`nothing-at-all aka nihilism, defeatism, fatalism, self-deprecation and “fuckitall pill” savagery`**.

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/5eD0Ese.png)](https://www.memecenter.com/fun/2972435/fuck-all/comments)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/PRw3FNq.png)<br/>It Can Be Worse](http://brain-cheese.blogspot.com/2008/03/need-i-say-more.html)<br/>https://i.imgur.com/r7T7wqJ.png<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/3elvIuL.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/485262928589720010/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/o2AiJlJ.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/9077636727446604/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/qIIvtRC.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/667517975992518856/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/z62xWEC.jpg)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/763712049290899724/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/nRaPIfV.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/245446248427489457/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/2TWEHNp.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/861735709930181718/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/zsJnZGj.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/315744623872669069/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/K3jP91J.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/325525879318098882/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/qjfrWLX.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/526569381403446078/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/iWwg742.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/25121710391352932/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/yBiG51T.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/297589487850592403/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/HjjMCcs.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/472033604666189352/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/EloqFIK.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/316800155010067985/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/TtX2NZJ.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/326792516708088641/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/1VQFCJc.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/2181499790967911/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/J9N3i19.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/358106607841399119/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/MV8m8A3.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/599752875354967611/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/ZEQfm4Q.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/102527328996323990/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/4msamv9.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/395824254725596959/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/i00ktLr.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/562950022154435641/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/i3cupF5.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/481251910155045541/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/QbiozQj.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/563442603356135460/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/DIX4GJE.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/849421179696076200/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/Js6LW2w.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/275001120976018803/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/0kHIyd2.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/343681015292036078/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/05PdKeV.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/536491374330703079/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/j36GSvf.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/224757837627933135/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/EkUdNig.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/45599014950679697/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/umQWsGl.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/258182991117451979/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/b3P7PBT.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/387731849170287619/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/CPWeHMD.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/847802698578068310/)<br/><br/>[![](https://i.imgur.com/FGBzWD4.png)](https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/77124212353177445/)</center>

> Leftist males frequently want to cut their own balls off, because they are ashamed and horrified by how much they are oppressing women. But even more, they want to cut your balls off. Especially if you are scoring more pussy than they are, which you probably are.
> A leftist just hates you, he hates his fellow leftists, and he hates himself. He will try to harm you and frequently does. Sometimes he will harm himself in the course of harming you.


> Leftists are nicer and politer than rightists, in part because they are always worried about microaggressions, in part because all bad language oppresses some official victim group, in part because they tend to have no real friends, thus feel weak individually, and unable to openly confront people individually.

IOW, a power vacuum because nobody is taking charge to say “STFU, stop the nonsense.”

> Kathy Forth was industriously destroying the lives of people in Scott Alexander’s social circle, and everyone was far too nice and far to polite to call her out for it or speak up in the defense of those she damaged.
> Scott Alexander on his social circle’s response to an evil and insane woman causing immense damage: “I do think that the people who work on making sure harassment allegations get heard and dealt with have done a really great job, and often while Kathy was stalking them and their friends, and I commend that”
> That politeness and niceness is truly astonishing. Approaching Pol Pot levels of politeness and niceness. It is absolutely obvious that Scott’s social circle is outstandingly nice and polite. But really lousy friends. They were throwing each other to crocodile in the hope of being last to devoured.
> Pol Pot, who murdered everyone with any connection to himself, was a famously nice man. Everyone who met him and survived (which is not very many of those who met him) reported on how remarkably nice he was. None of his family, none of the classmates he went to school with as a child, survived. The amazingly nice Pol Pot was so nice as to eradicate anyone who obstructed immanentizing the eschaton. And since eschaton failed to immanentize, it was obvious that no end of people were obstructing it.
> The collapse of faith in government and social institutions (which we and Trump are riding) is happening because leftists not only behave badly collectively, they behave badly individually. A leftist government is apt to murder millions, and a leftist sister is apt to murder her brother for the inheritance […] The average leftist would like to kill you, and will steal anything not nailed down. The holiness spiral heads to war, because it destroys cooperation, because it destroys the words “Good” and “Evil”, destroys the meaning of those words.
> The end state of this collapse of cooperation is war, frequently the state making one sided war upon its disarmed subjects.


> When I hear leftists talking in moralistic language, they use that language in the same way they use the symbols and language of Christianity, to desecrate and denigrate. They hate goodness and decency and want to destroy it, they shrink from it as a vampire shrinks from sunlight, or Merkel famously shrank from the German flag. They use the language of virtue and goodness like satanists inverting the symbols of Christianity in sacrilegious rituals. “Piss Christ” fails to impress me as an indication of heartfelt Christianity, and leftist claims to be in favor of fairness are as convincing as communist claims to be in favor of the peasants. “Land to the tiller”.
> Did the tiller get land?
> The communists stole his land, and mortgages in the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown were distributed in a way that was a savagely and destructively unfair as it was possible to be. The people who say “Think of our Children” also issued “10 10 No Pressure”. They don’t want to save the earth for our children, any more than the communists intended to give land to the tiller. They want to murder our children in order to save the earth, and are not shy about saying so.
> The warmists want to murder our children, the communists are so vitally concerned about fairness that they want to take the tiller’s land and the worker’s house and force them all to live in giant Le Corbusier Housing projects. Is it fair to take the tiller’s land?
> Complex societies are the result of males cooperating – and the male capacity to cooperate is the result of selection for collective action to hog the most women.
> Failure of the elite to reproduce reflects breakdown of cooperation within the elite. The state religion contains the social technology for cooperation within the elite, thus failure of the elite to reproduce reflects a dysfunctional state religion promoting a dysfunctional moral code, a moral code that prevents cooperation, an evil moral code.

@**Jim** blogged in [The puritan hypothesis in short](https://blog.jim.com/culture/the-puritan-hypothesis-in-short/):

> […] If Christ is the incarnation, then he is, among other things, the incarnation of the logos, and interpretations of his words that give him meanings incompatible with game theory and evolutionary psychology should be treated as heresy […] The death of God led to the death of western philosophy […] And eventually to the death of science, for if there is no truth, what is science? […] An individual atheist scientist can do fine science, but science as a collective endeavor, as a social endeavor, requires a shared belief in the pursuit of truth, and we just have not been successful at maintaining a shared belief in truth without God. Hence the reproducibility crisis and peer review, which replaces evidence with social consensus. Robert Boyle told us that if a scientist talks about consensus, he is likely dishonest, and, honest or not, is facilitating dishonesty. He who believes in consensus, has no regard for truth. Robert Boyle tells us that if a prominent expert tells you experts agree, or gives you third hand evidence, what they supposedly agree upon is unlikely to be true. The supposed expert consensus is being manipulated, and _you_ are being manipulated. If the supposed consensus was not being manipulated, they would invoke evidence from primary sources, not consensus nor third hand evidence […] We should be peaceful to all men of goodwill. A few centuries ago Europe achieved a highly successful social technology for peace on earth, for avoiding terrifying and immensely destructive wars, which social technology which was lost during the twentieth century […]

@**Jim** blogged in [The puritan hypothesis in short](https://blog.jim.com/culture/the-puritan-hypothesis-in-short/):

> Observing leftism in action, it is all holiness spirals. Social Justice Warriors continually out left each other and form circular firing squads.   Every few years they find something new to be holy about. There is no consistent and unchanging core of leftism.  One day they love the proletariat the next they hate the rednecks.  One day they love the peasants, the next they liquidate the kulaks.  The only consistent things in anglosphere leftism have been war on marriage and war on Christmas, but other outbreaks of leftism have not had those elements.
> Leftism is a thousand points of doctrine, but new points continually get added, and old points reinterpreted, or altogether dropped.  Remember when Obama and Clinton opposed Gay Marriage?  Well you may remember, but somehow very few other people do.
> The Bolsheviks were a largely an evil Jewish conspiracy – except that the Jews in question were largely self hating Jews, who proceeded to enthusiastically purge each other until Hitler was able to congratulate the Soviets on having achieved a Judenfrei ruling elite.  The Khmer Rouge were foreign educated intellectuals, who proceeded to murder all the foreign educated intellectuals, then all the intellectuals, then murder most Khmer Rouge members who could count.
> When I read up the writings of the proto puritans, the members of the Church of England who were industriously being ever holier – well at first it was conventional Christian holiness.  Very sincere people being very holy.  Suspiciously holy.  Then, by the time the Puritans set off for America,  it was conventional Christian holiness that had [turned distinctly pharisaical](https://blog.jim.com/culture/puritanism-and-purity/).  And then by the later Cromwell years, the most holy were pushing standard twentieth century leftism, which so alarmed Cromwell that he cracked down.
> Communism is not directly puritan descended, though Marx was influenced by the leftists suppressed by Cromwell, and proceeded to do to Judaism what they had done to Christianity.  Marxist Dialectics is Talmudism transmogrified into left wing politics […] Harvard was the state Church of New England.  Harvard conquered America, and then the world

And then the part where [I diverge from](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3liaf) Jim in my understanding (which I had [mentioned in 2014](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=365141.msg4791573#msg4791573)):

> If the world was currently ruled by the Soviet Union, then Jew hypothesis would be largely true.  But it is ruled by the US state department, which wants Israel destroyed, so the Jew hypothesis is largely false, and the Puritan hypothesis is true

In 2015 [I wrote](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1049048.msg11325168#msg11325168) “**Never follow a person who censors**”.
properties (22)
created2020-01-06 21:57:42
last_update2020-01-07 22:35:06
last_payout2020-01-13 21:57:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@anonymint · (edited)
More elaboration than could fit into Steem’s 16KiB limit for [my prior comment post](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3obm0) to which this comment replies:

# Willful Denial of Physics

> I wrote in this blog:
>> Jim is […] blinded to the Big Picture because (I know from my [prior debates with him](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/succinct-absolute-truth-about-9-11-and-las-vegas-massacre) on his blog that) he wants to believe that it’s only the leftistards in cahoots with the Deep State that ails Western civilization. This is why he also believes that any blame for 9/11 (other than the Muslims he ludicrously thinks actually perpetrated 9/11) can only be attributed to his left singularity theory. Israel’s Mossad [was evidently involved in](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/israel-s-mossad-did-9-11) the perpetration of 9/11 and the truth about 9/11 is available to anyone who bothers to look closely at a detailed analysis of the evidence as I explained in my blogs [Debunking Mark Roberts’ 9/11 Disinformation Tactics](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/debunking-mark-roberts-9-11-disinformation-tactics), [Plane Flyover; Explosives Planted Inside The Pentagon](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/plane-flyover-explosives-planted-inside-the-pentagon),  [Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers](https://steemit.com/info-wars/@anonymint/disembarkment-of-the-9-11-passengers) and [“You can’t handle the truth!”](https://steemit.com/psychology/@anonymint/you-can-t-handle-the-truth). **`Anyone with even a modicum of physics and engineering knowledge would understand that the NIST reports on 9/11`** [**were bullshit**, and that](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/succinct-absolute-truth-about-9-11-and-las-vegas-massacre) (c.f. [also](https://steemit.com/freedom/@anonymint/in-t-h-e-f-t-a-n-d-m-a-s-s-a-c-r-e-s-we-trust)) most likely **`the WTC were p͟u͟l͟v͟e͟r͟i͟z͟e͟d͟ ͟i͟n͟t͟o͟ ͟m͟i͟c͟r͟o͟s͟c͟o͟p͟i͟c͟ ͟d͟u͟s͟t͟ ͟p͟a͟r͟t͟i͟c͟l͟e͟s͟  `&nbsp; `with small scale, low radiation, tactical “suitcase” nukes planted in the basements after weakening with militarized, nano-thermate cutting charges`** (and the spectrometry evidence of dust samples confirms this).
> […]
>> Israel had the motive, because they want the U.S.A. engaged in the Middle East to support Israel’s security and existence (as Trump has carried out by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s). There is a much deeper global elite pulling the major strings on this puppet world. They created Bitcoin and when their plan for world domination with Bitcoin […]

Is it not beyond any shred of doubt impossible for the government’s official narrativeto be implausible? And if so, what are the ramifications for our society? Apology in advance if I will expose you to a Pandora’s box. Yet I want to be rebuked resoundingly on this matter.

There’s many details to explore, e.g. the NIST model of WTC7 which wasn’t even hit by an airplane required some ordered cascade which defies chaos theory [Butterfly effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect) improbabilities. Yet we can start with the implausibility that aluminum airplanes, kerosene, and office fires could pulverize massive steel girders at the base. Simple calculations of energy levels required dictate that an external energy source was required.

# Atheists’ Contemptuous Ignorance of Physics

> […] because even with their self-claimed “152+ I.Q.” they’re [incapable of understanding](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240877).
> It’s fascinating to read [what I wrote in 2009](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240817) on the [progenitor](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=7834) of ‘open source’,  “152+ I.Q.” (c.f. also **_§Thucydides Trap_** of [this blog](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/east-vs-west-china-to-dominate-the-world)) @**Eric S. Raymond**’s blog, and realize [hence entirely vindicated](https://steemit.com/multiverse/@anonymint/information-is-the-fundamental-matter-of-existence-the-multiverse-is-partially-observable), c.f. [also](https://medium.com/@shelby_78386/i-was-about-to-independently-make-a-similar-comment-about-the-proof-of-the-solution-to-grandis-e9877eaa11f2)! I was [so astutely on point](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240728)! […]

Aliasing error accumulates because absent omniscience [which would make our existence imperceptible, **there’s no catching up to**](https://goldwetrust.forumotion.com/t123-psychology#2190) what wasn’t observed in realtime.

# Western Civilization Unraveling

> If […] in the Philippines, I will reside within a large (multi-hectares) exclusive compound (hopefully that I manage) with adequate firepower to secure inside the compound against any rogue elements. If we can’t insure the security of foreigners, then only the most pathetic and desperate foreigners will want to come over.
> Yet the **`West will also become much less secure as it collapses into economic devastation`**. Whereas, the Philippines can only get better as the expanding middle-class demands their government get tough on crime and corruption — diametrically opposed trajectories for future peace and order for Asia versus the West, because of the diametrically opposed future prospect for economic development versus economic devastation.

Current solar minimum cycle [is bottoming 2020, then](https://steemit.com/money/@anonymint/re-anonymint-countries-vulnerable-to-economic-devastation-soon-20180629t105111746z) a deadcat bounce into 2024 and then into accelerating Maunder Minimum climate change especially egregious after 2032.

Our unraveling Western civilization future will not just suddenly become insufferable, although the Repo Crisis is warning that interest rates will start rising:

<center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/8RCRjS3.png)<br/>How Will Europe Respond to Being the Source of the Crisis?](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/banking-crisis/europe-how-will-they-respond-to-being-the-source-of-the-crisis/)</center>

Armstrong blogged in [REPO Crisis](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/bonds/repo-crisis-3/):

> […] the epicenter is outside the domestic jurisdictions of even the Federal Reserve. To avoid this crisis, it will require political action, not just central banks. Thus, I do not believe anyone can avoid this mess because it is being driven by politics which would require a major shift in thinking. To accomplish that, history warns we must first experience the crisis before any politicians would ever act.


> Beyond that, I must be cautious with this crisis because **`it is the Mother of All Financial Crises`** […] I have contacts at the very core of the marketplace who see this coming but cannot speak due to confidentiality agreements. The best I can do is keep it to a private service for the time being. I really do not have any choice. **`The implications can be too great and too broad. It is not something that will affect just Repo. That is simply where it begins. We are talking about a crisis that will dominate the next 8.6-year business cycle.`** Because this involves governments, they will search desperately for someone else to blame.

[Why the Repo Report Must Remain Private](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/interest-rates/why-the-repo-report-must-remain-private/):

> I am asking everyone to please refrain from telling the world what is really taking place. Only the core people involved in high-level finance understand the risks and can see what is unfolding […] Otherwise, when the crisis hits, the government will blame me and you because they cannot admit they have created this nightmare.
> […] So please do not even discuss this in social media. We must let it unfold FIRST, or run the risk of being blamed for creating a panic. It is not worth the risk. **`Just look after yourself right now. This is coming and nobody can stop it.`** So do not stand in the way as a target for they will desperately need scapegoats.

[Is World War III on the Horizon?](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/is-world-war-iii-on-the-horizon/):

> QUESTION:  […] When looking at your war cycle with Russia that started in 2014 and supposedly cycles roughly 25 years, I noticed that correlates nicely with your ECM on Russia peaking around 2039. Coincidence? Is it becoming pretty clear World War 3 between east and west seems just over the horizon past 2032?
> https://i.imgur.com/4mtPG0T.jpg
> ANSWER: Socialism is dying and in the process, we are witnessing the rise in even domestic violence. In the United States, this hatred of Trump-inspired by the Democrats has unleashed the destruction of the United States as we have known it. **`The United States will most likely cease to exist after 2034`** and the same result will impact Russia by 2038.
> The crisis we face is that governments have made so many worthless promises that cannot be funded. When that takes place historically, the political states collapse internally. However, before that happens, they will turn to international war as a means to retain power and distract the people from the real economic crisis which is befalling civilization.

Rather the unraveling will likely be a series of (akin to “death by slowly developing infection from a thousand paper cuts”) downgrades over many years until finally sometime in `~2036+`, we Westerners are essentially worn down to nothing and completely depleted. This is how these “death by attrition” scenarios play out. It’s also the precursor to a Dark Age because of the slow grind into oblivion which doesn’t provoke a reactionary restoration.

That’s why it will be very [difficult for us to “see” it coming](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/mcafee-s-dick-math-illuminating-bitcoin-s-accelerating-price) and do anything about it. Because it the [exponential approach appears nominally just slow enough to confirm](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anonymint/mcafee-s-dick-math-illuminating-bitcoin-s-accelerating-price) all our interim [confirmation bias decisions as being rational. Except they’re not](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3liaf#@anonymint/q3ltra) rational in the long-term outcome.

Potential future required jobs in the West for recipients of universal basic income?


I’m going to leverage one foot in Asia. Asia is the future. I am not ready to turn my future over to the western Titanic, due to some inability to inconvenience myself.

However, I been over here so long, I actually prefer some facets of it to the life I would return to.

For example, we have [no use for toilet paper. Very dirty. We wash with a sprayer and soap](https://goldwetrust.forumotion.com/t26-humor-and-or-wit#2363) which adjoins every toilet here in Asia. Nobody uses toilet paper. That’s why Indonesians will not eat with their left hand.

Much better to be in a slightly warmer climate that will become colder. Some semblance of cold, misty climate can be found that in the mountains here. Or we can visit Korea/China/Japan for snow as it is only a 5 hours flight from Angeles City/Clark.

That’s not to argue that the West (especially the U.S.A.) isn’t superior to the Philippines in many facets at this juncture. I would love to experience some of the American luxuries and culture that I admire and enjoy before they’re gone.

@**anonymous** replied:

> I wrote in email
>> The radical swing to the left will be swift.
> Though Armstrong seems to be of the opinion that socialism is dead. It seems that way in the UK right now. The Left are in disarray. I know you think that following a future financial crash the public will embrace the Left after blaming the the Right for the mess they're in, but I tend to be more inclined to believe a complete mistrust of all career politicians is likely (and quite what might result from such a power vacuum), unless carefully managed narrative control from the mainstream media can pull the wool over enough eyes and redirect the herd. Dunno.

1. I doubt the worst will be before 2033. So you will be much older when it gets really difficult. Which will make it more difficult.

2. Distrust of politicians = we can do it better with a revolution = left singularity holiness spiral ≠ sane, sober reconstruction

   Study history and theory I have been presenting in this thread of comments.


Professor Jorge Stolfi and I [discussed in 2015](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=557732.msg6300865#msg6300865), Western Dark Ages cause the growth to move somewhere else, e.g. moving eastward towards Asia such as the Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire which ultimately collapsed as India and China became dominant by the 11th century during the prior Maunder Minimum.


# Revisiting Some More of My History

In 2008 I was [designing IPFS](http://archive.is/BlG5E#selection-4095.0-4095.55) and partially [designing Bitcoin](http://web.archive.org/web/20081220105656/http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/12.08/solution.html), before Szabo’s [deliberately altered](https://news.bitcoin.com/why-nick-szabo-probably-isnt-satoshi/) publish date [for bitgold](http://unenumerated.blogspot.com/2005/12/bit-gold.html) (not [the original](https://nakamotoinstitute.org/bit-gold/), c.f. [also](https://twitter.com/nickszabo4/status/1012373493252419584)) and Bitcoin itself. Also in 2009 I published [It Was Just Time](http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/03.09/justtime.html). And [in 2011](https://www.gold-eagle.com/article/understand-everything-fundamentally) and 2013 my [knowledge age thesis](https://www.gold-eagle.com/article/no-money-exists-without-majority) and [technological devastation rebirth](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=355212.0), c.f. [also](https://www.peakprosperity.com/prediction-things-will-unravel-faster-than-you-think-2/#comment-25965). In 2019 @zoidsoft even [started a forum thread](https://forum.toshitimes.com/t/anonymint-interesting-character-from-bitcointalk-org-in-the-early-days-of-bitcoin/8380) to asked others if I’m legit or a kook?

My former GoldWeTrust forum [is still available](https://goldwetrust.forumotion.com/). In 2008 I [wrote](https://goldwetrust.forumotion.com/t26-humor-and-or-wit#152):

> I don't hate the politicians, I just think they are by definition of the profession, involved in socialized profit models (i.e. crooks). Many see means to an end with politics. I see NO END of politics.



“We should blast this song as we naruto-run into Area 51”

“When the boogaloo goes down this shit going to be fire”

“We need Muse on the front lines blasting this in WW3”

“This song becomes more relevant with each passing day”

“This song makes me want to overthrow the government to it. Who would join me?”:




Apparently he wasn't “over you” which is the reverse psychology point of the song, as he died from alcohol overdose:






When you want to want to tell someone but they can’t hear you, “Wherever I am girl, I'm always walking with you...Whoever I'm with, I'm always, always talking to you”:


The video of the following song reminds me of the shocking filth and poverty when I first arrived in Manila in 1990 coming from sparkling California:


Did Jesus lead me to the Philippines, and there’s an unfinished work to do here and “abroad”? Filipino “low trust” society criminals shining a compassion/life-purpose light on the path forward? One of them sings to inspire his fellow inmates:

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created2020-01-07 07:02:12
last_update2020-01-07 22:31:27
last_payout2020-01-14 07:02:12
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root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
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vote details (1)
@anonymint · (edited)
More elaboration than could fit into Steem’s 16KiB limit for [my prior comment post](https://steemit.com/globalization/@anonymint/q3obm0) to which this comment replies:

> […] And [negentropic](https://steemit.com/politics/@alexis.terree/re-anonymint-is-egalitarianism-unconstitutional-20171208t224445170z), holier-than-thou atheists [misinterpret as the Christian God being evil](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240853) because even with their self-claimed “152+ I.Q.” they’re [incapable of understanding](http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1271#comment-240877) […]

I blogged two years ago in [Geographical Cultural Ethos → science is dead (Part 2)](https://steemit.com/philosophy/@anonymint/geographical-cultural-ethos-science-is-dead-part-2):

> […] Yet for more than a thousand years prior, the morality had a significant, beneficial impact on minimizing the defection of clannism.
> The idealism of truthfulness and honest work [fostered](https://blog.jim.com/war/the-solution-we-do-not-want/) science:
>> <sup>You will notice that these features of Christianity support a world where truth is spoken, promises are kept, and science is actually scientific. Which is a big part of why it was Christians that made the scientific and Industrial Revolutions, not Jews and not Muslims, why it will be Christians that settle space and conquer the universe.</sup>
> Tangentially it’s not surprising that the [~~Pope~~[False Prophet]](https://thewildvoice.org/pope-francis-chronology-perspective/) and many [in the](https://blog.jim.com/war/roman-catholic-church-cuckolded/) Catholic church [have turned](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aarmstrongeconomics.com+Pope+Francis) further [towards](https://thewildvoice.org/pope-francis-analysis-statements-events/) extreme social justice. Ressentiment was always their fulcrum and there’s no political capital on the righteous side of idealism. For laughs I [may have](https://steemit.com/politics/@anonymint/re-anonymint-israel-s-mossad-did-9-11-20180311t165951651z) a [numerological](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/the-curiosity-of-a-number/) stake in this.
> But _Western_ atheism can’t survive long-term because [it’s negentropic](https://steemit.com/politics/@alexis.terree/re-anonymint-is-egalitarianism-unconstitutional-20171208t224445170z) (i.e. normal distributions should be bell curves not U-shaped):
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/lwUjiKY.png)
IQ distribution of atheists in the U.S.A.](http://www.conservapedia.com/Atheism_and_intelligence#Atheism.2C_intelligence_and_the_United_States)</center>
> Yet the religion [that rises](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/the-contest-between-islam-christianity-returns/) might not be Christian because Islam in the West is [reproducing faster](http://archive.is/1Mklo#selection-69.223-69.348) than the native Westerners. Or if somehow the West merges with the Chinese who are predominantly atheist.
> ## Hajnal line and manorialism
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/fx3iF5Y.jpg)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajnal_line)</center>
> Western Roman Catholicism enforced a ban against cousin marriages which [discouraged clan bequests](https://hbdchick.wordpress.com/2014/03/10/big-summary-post-on-the-hajnal-line/) and encouraged [neolocal households](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neolocal_residence).
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/Vixp4Gm.jpg)
Manorial system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfcX7Em-_ng)</center>
> The [Hajnal line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajnal_line) (aka [Western European marriage pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_European_marriage_pattern)) was likely significantly the result of the aforementioned familial system which was symbiotically interlinked with manorialism forming a geographical distinct culture and economy for Western Europe:
> <center>[![](https://i.imgur.com/Db5Zbv6.jpg)
Traditional family systems of Europe](https://hbdchick.wordpress.com/2014/03/10/big-summary-post-on-the-hajnal-line/)</center>
> This weakened paternalism and diluted clannism defection [in favor of](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_European_marriage_pattern#Christianity_and_manorialism) the power of the Catholic church (which stepped into the power vacuum created by the [rapid spread](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Christianity#Ecclesiology) of Christianity that reduced the [divine right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings#Origins) mandate of emperors) and its alliances with kings, which fostered economic growth and [military alliance](http://unenumerated.blogspot.com/2005/12/security-and-productivity-of-farms.html). Some of the [effects on the gender roles in](https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/327265-reasons-not-date-russian) relationships remains until present day.
> The neolocal and non-paternalistic bequests pattern forced young men and women into the workplace instead of being nurtured collectively by the [patrilineal clan](https://hbdchick.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/fathers-brothers-daughter-marriage/) (extended family) as in cultures east of the Hajnal line […]
properties (23)
created2020-01-07 10:17:15
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root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
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vote details (1)
@patriamreminisci ·
China is not going to become dominant by any measure before the end of this decade. In 200, everyone said China would be on top by 2010. In 2010, they said by 2020. It's 2020 now and China is in a death spiral. Their economy is in such flames that even their own economists are getting arrested for calling BS on their statistics, and in the meantime they have the largest senior population on Earth with one of the world's most primitive healthcare systems, no social security and almost no concept of what a retirement plan is.
As for China's education system, take it from a former professor at a Chinese University (me): the average Chinese grad has roughly enough brain power to mindlessly repeat whatever task is in front of him, as long as there is an expat around to tell him where "in front" is.
By 2025, 2030 at the latest, the US and EU will be struggling to prop up a struggling, barely functional Chinese state against a resurgent Japan.
properties (22)
created2020-01-08 09:27:39
last_update2020-01-08 09:27:39
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root_title"East vs. West: China to dominate the world"
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