【第 陆壹伍 期】CN 中文区每日【财富总值】【活跃统计数据】 (2019-07-06) by dailychina

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· @dailychina ·
【第 陆壹伍 期】CN 中文区每日【财富总值】【活跃统计数据】 (2019-07-06)
*第 615 期日报 (No. 615 Daily Report)*
生成时间: 2019-07-06 13:01:01 (UTC)
*[上一期第 614 期日报 Last Report - No. 614 Daily Report](https://steemit.com/cn-stats/@dailychina/--cn--2019-07-05)*
## @arcange [SteemSQL.com](https://steemsql.com)
- 同步块: 34425256
- 同步时间: 2019-07-06 12:12:51 (UTC)
- 同步延时: 70 秒
## 2019-07-06 CN区财富总值
*[图片来源: 每日BING桌面壁纸 2019-07-06](https://steemit.com/@superbing/daily-bing-wallpaper-bing-2019-07-06)* by @superbing

CN 微信群一共有: 
一共 Total SP: 
一共 有效ESP Total ESP: 
一共 财富总值 Total Values (SBD): 

按*10*次100%点赞来算,**2332525.07** SP 能得到大约 **2192.57** SBD,如果这些 SP 都用来给CN区的人点赞,那么每人每天平均收入是 **3.85** SBD。

1. [SteemIt 好友微信群排行榜](https://steemyy.com/wechat/) 
2. [Github 名单](https://github.com/DoctorLai/steemit-wechat-group/blob/master/members.txt)
3. [加入方法: wexin@justyy.com](https://github.com/DoctorLai/steemit-wechat-group)
4. 通过 [SP 代理工具](https://steemyy.com/delegate-form/?delegatee=justyy) 成为YY银行股东,好处多多。只要代理至少 **5 SP** 给 @justyy 即可自动成为YY股东。

| | 最小值 Min| 最大值 Max| 平均 Avg| 中位数 Median|  标准方差 STD|
|SBD |0 |3855.66 | 55.78 |4.1 |258.57 |
|等级 Reputation |-6.28 |77.79 | 47.05 |48.15 |14.83 |
|Steem Power |0 |204816.42 | 2337.16 |46.07 |12829.11 |
|有效 ESP |0 |966594.4 | 4077.81 |19.18 |43256.88 |
|STEEM |0 |22651.67 | 123.45 |1.03 |1059.76 |
|帐号价值 $ |0 |71436.59 | 913.57 |39.84 |4650.73 |
|投票能量 VP % |0 |100 | 70.26 |93.94 |38.9 |
|帐号天数 Days |18 |1188 | 620.01 |608.5 |174.03 |
## 2019-07-06 过去24小时活跃用户 (Active Users Last 24 Hrs)
| | Active User | 发贴数(文章+评论) Number of Posts | 
| 1| [@partiko](https://steemit.com/@partiko) | 382|
| 2| [@cnbuddy](https://steemit.com/@cnbuddy) | 107|
| 3| [@teamcn-shop](https://steemit.com/@teamcn-shop) | 94|
| 4| [@annepink](https://steemit.com/@annepink) | 26|
| 5| [@ericet](https://steemit.com/@ericet) | 21|
| 6| [@abcallen](https://steemit.com/@abcallen) | 20|
| 7| [@wilhb81](https://steemit.com/@wilhb81) | 20|
| 8| [@rosatravels](https://steemit.com/@rosatravels) | 19|
| 9| [@janicechua](https://steemit.com/@janicechua) | 18|
| 10| [@itchyfeetdonica](https://steemit.com/@itchyfeetdonica) | 13|
| 11| [@aellly](https://steemit.com/@aellly) | 13|
| 12| [@ace108](https://steemit.com/@ace108) | 12|
| 13| [@deanliu](https://steemit.com/@deanliu) | 12|
| 14| [@elizacheng](https://steemit.com/@elizacheng) | 11|
| 15| [@hmayak](https://steemit.com/@hmayak) | 10|
| 16| [@joythewanderer](https://steemit.com/@joythewanderer) | 10|
| 17| [@davidke20](https://steemit.com/@davidke20) | 10|
| 18| [@dailychina](https://steemit.com/@dailychina) | 8|
| 19| [@julian2013](https://steemit.com/@julian2013) | 8|
| 20| [@hqy](https://steemit.com/@hqy) | 8|
| 21| [@devyleona](https://steemit.com/@devyleona) | 8|
| 22| [@sunai](https://steemit.com/@sunai) | 8|
| 23| [@kissfirer](https://steemit.com/@kissfirer) | 8|
| 24| [@liuzg](https://steemit.com/@liuzg) | 7|
| 25| [@tydebbie](https://steemit.com/@tydebbie) | 6|
| 26| [@rivalhw](https://steemit.com/@rivalhw) | 6|
| 27| [@softmetal](https://steemit.com/@softmetal) | 6|
| 28| [@honoru](https://steemit.com/@honoru) | 6|
| 29| [@angelina6688](https://steemit.com/@angelina6688) | 5|
| 30| [@catwomanteresa](https://steemit.com/@catwomanteresa) | 5|
| 31| [@travelgirl](https://steemit.com/@travelgirl) | 5|
| 32| [@nuagnorab](https://steemit.com/@nuagnorab) | 5|
| 33| [@xiaoshancun](https://steemit.com/@xiaoshancun) | 5|
| 34| [@yellowbird](https://steemit.com/@yellowbird) | 4|
| 35| [@liumei](https://steemit.com/@liumei) | 4|
| 36| [@cherryzz](https://steemit.com/@cherryzz) | 4|
| 37| [@dailystats](https://steemit.com/@dailystats) | 4|
| 38| [@chinadaily](https://steemit.com/@chinadaily) | 4|
| 39| [@aaronli](https://steemit.com/@aaronli) | 4|
| 40| [@andrewma](https://steemit.com/@andrewma) | 3|
| 41| [@bxt](https://steemit.com/@bxt) | 3|
| 42| [@goplayer](https://steemit.com/@goplayer) | 3|
| 43| [@nostalgic1212](https://steemit.com/@nostalgic1212) | 3|
| 44| [@rea](https://steemit.com/@rea) | 3|
| 45| [@oflyhigh](https://steemit.com/@oflyhigh) | 2|
| 46| [@john371911](https://steemit.com/@john371911) | 2|
| 47| [@nanosesame](https://steemit.com/@nanosesame) | 2|
| 48| [@kelvinzhang](https://steemit.com/@kelvinzhang) | 2|
| 49| [@lovelemon](https://steemit.com/@lovelemon) | 2|
| 50| [@magicmonk](https://steemit.com/@magicmonk) | 2|
| 51| [@stepbie](https://steemit.com/@stepbie) | 2|
| 52| [@shieha](https://steemit.com/@shieha) | 2|
| 53| [@robertyan](https://steemit.com/@robertyan) | 2|
| 54| [@htliao](https://steemit.com/@htliao) | 2|
| 55| [@iguazi123](https://steemit.com/@iguazi123) | 2|
| 56| [@amao1018](https://steemit.com/@amao1018) | 2|
| 57| [@wongshiying](https://steemit.com/@wongshiying) | 2|
| 58| [@xiaoyuanwmm](https://steemit.com/@xiaoyuanwmm) | 2|
| 59| [@yasu24](https://steemit.com/@yasu24) | 1|
| 60| [@bring](https://steemit.com/@bring) | 1|
| 61| [@cheva](https://steemit.com/@cheva) | 1|
| 62| [@ivysrono](https://steemit.com/@ivysrono) | 1|
| 63| [@justyy](https://steemit.com/@justyy) | 1|
| 64| [@jiangchen](https://steemit.com/@jiangchen) | 1|
| 65| [@doveyan](https://steemit.com/@doveyan) | 1|
| 66| [@emmali](https://steemit.com/@emmali) | 1|
| 67| [@shenchensucc](https://steemit.com/@shenchensucc) | 1|
| 68| [@shentrading](https://steemit.com/@shentrading) | 1|
| 69| [@shuxuan](https://steemit.com/@shuxuan) | 1|
| 70| [@superbing](https://steemit.com/@superbing) | 1|
| 71| [@susanli3769](https://steemit.com/@susanli3769) | 1|
| 72| [@weisheng167388](https://steemit.com/@weisheng167388) | 1|
| 73| [@windowglass](https://steemit.com/@windowglass) | 1|
| 74| [@minloulou](https://steemit.com/@minloulou) | 1|
| 75| [@moneybaby](https://steemit.com/@moneybaby) | 1|
| 76| [@mygoblin](https://steemit.com/@mygoblin) | 1|
| 77| [@kenchung](https://steemit.com/@kenchung) | 1|
| 78| [@kimzwarch](https://steemit.com/@kimzwarch) | 1|
| 79| [@pgr](https://steemit.com/@pgr) | 1|
##  过去14天活跃情况 Activity Last 14 Days
| 日期 Date | 发贴数(文章+评论)Number of Posts | 
| 2019-7-5 | 1024|
| 2019-7-4 | 931|
| 2019-7-3 | 1041|
| 2019-7-2 | 950|
| 2019-7-1 | 1119|
| 2019-6-30 | 933|
| 2019-6-29 | 1010|
| 2019-6-28 | 1055|
| 2019-6-27 | 1102|
| 2019-6-26 | 1102|
| 2019-6-25 | 1067|
| 2019-6-24 | 1059|
| 2019-6-23 | 1009|
| 2019-6-22 | 975|

*@dailystats 提供过去7天和30天全网潜在收益前30名的排名*
*check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 and 30 days sorted by potential payout*

这个报告的年龄为: 615天。 
> @justyy 是 https://justyy.com 的博主,写些帖子挣些小钱养家糊口。**@justyy 也是CN 区的点赞机器人**,对优质内容进行点赞,只要代理给 @justyy 每天收利息(年化率 8-10%)并且能获得一次相应至少2倍的点赞,可以认为是VP 200%+。加入计划最低代理 **5 SP**。

1. [CN 区最低保障系统 上线了!](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/cn-introduction-to-the-cn-wechat-group-voting-robot-justyy) 
2. [CN 区低保计划(鼓励新人)真的适合你么?](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/56dta3-cn)
3. [CN 区优质内容点赞机器人上线了!](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/a-good-content-upvote-bot-cn) 
4. [点赞机器人每日点赞记录整合到每日报表中!](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/good-content-upvoting-history-now-integrated-into-to-daily-ranking-table)
5. [虽然不挣钱,但是CN区低保计划还会继续下去](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/cn)
6. [cnbuddy 和 YY 银行的区别,哪个更适合你?](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/cnbuddy-yy)
7. [YY 银行明天加息到 年利率 8%,点赞比重增加](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/yy-8)
8. [YY 银行开启互抱大腿模式](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/yy)
9. [大家好才是真的好,YY银行足球队,你还有啥理由不加入银行?](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/xi2jn-yy)
10. [YY 银行迎来第100个股东!感谢一路上有你们!5 SP即可加盟!](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/yy-100-5-sp)
11. [YY 银行有条件加息试行条例](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/2bwmvk-yy)
12. **[现在上车还来得及,行长欢迎你!](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/rudez)**
13. **[涨息!听说你们为了几个TOKEN就投靠韩国人?!](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/token)**

## [随着行长权力越来越大,股东们的福利是越来越好的,一起加油吧 骚年](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/3gzezi)

通过 [SP 代理工具](https://steemyy.com/delegate-form/?delegatee=justyy) 成为 YY银行股东,好处多多。只要代理至少 **5 SP** 给 @justyy 即可自动成为YY股东。用同样的工具输入0取消代理退出股东。来去自由,取消代理后系统需要7天才能将您代理的SP退回到您的帐号上。友情提示,不建议把所有SP都代理给银行,因为你需要留一些能量发贴。
> [SteemYY.com - SteemIt 教程、机器人、在线工具和API接口](https://steemyy.com/steemit-tools/)
> [代理SP给YY银行](https://steemyy.com/list-of-delegators/?id=justyy)是很划算的 每日发利息,从不间断。祝股东们都在2018里赚大钱,实现[财务自由](https://justyy.com/archives/3954)啊!

> 加入[公众号](https://justyy.com/archives/6086) **justyyuk** 即可以实时查询 [BTC](https://justyy.com/archives/5685), SBD, STEEM, [YOYOW](https://justyy.com/archives/5657), LTC, [ETH](https://justyy.com/archives/5653) 等[虚拟货币的价格](https://justyy.com/archives/6076).

### Discord 机器人
- 中文 cnsteem 的 [discord](https://justyy.com/archives/6095) 群: https://discord.gg/7ctT3Xt
- Discord 虚拟货币查询[机器人](https://justyy.com/archives/6089)
- Discord 机器人 [steemit](https://justyy.com/archives/6091)      

*这个报告为 BETA 版本,欢迎 @justyy 提建议,谢谢!*
> [SteemYY.com - SteemIt Tutorials, Robots, Tools and APIs](https://steemyy.com/)

## 股东工具
1. 成为股东:[代理5 SP 即可 (退出股东 输入 0即可)](https://steemyy.com/delegate-form/?delegatee=justyy)
2. [查询当前股东](https://steemyy.com/list-of-delegators/?id=justyy)

> 请注意:每次代理都是以最后一次输入的SP数量为标准,比如已经代理10 SP,想多代理5 SP则需要输入 最后的数字 15 SP(而不是 5!)

## 支持我的工作 支持我成为 [见证人](https://steemit.com/cn/@justyy/5h6gyv-cn) 
1. [我的见证人信息](https://steemyy.com/witness-lookup/justyy) - *感谢投票,每一票都很重要!*
2. [请在 这里 投我一票](https://steemconnect.com/sign/account_witness_vote?approve=1&witness=justyy), 或者
3. 设置我 [为代理](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-proxy?proxy=justyy&approve=1).

### 我的一些贡献
1. [SteemYY.com - SteemIt 工具、API接口、机器人和教程](https://steemyy.com/steemit-tools/)
2. [好用的 SteemTools 浏览器插件](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steem-tools/emjfpeecopppojbhkigjjmcahbfahhbn)
3. [VPS 搜索引擎](https://anothervps.com/vps/)
4. [在线视频下载](https://weibomiaopai.com/)
5. [Cryptocurrency Discord 机器人](https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=417847038697406467&permissions=522304&scope=bot)
6. [SteemIt Discord 机器人](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=418196534660694037&permissions=522304&scope=bot)

中文 Discord 频道 cnsteem: https://discord.gg/SnNaaYS

## Delegate to @justyy
@justyy runs a automatic delegation service for quite a long time. Delegate to @justyy for at least 5 SP and start receiving daily payout as interests (from 8% to 10% APR). Also, as a supporter, the delegators will start to receive complimentary/curation upvotes (as a thank you) per day  e.g @justyy and a few other curation trails. For more information, [read this](https://github.com/DoctorLai/steemit-wechat-group). The voting weight algorithm is [open source](https://steemit.com/busy/@justyy/bank-of-china-implements-a-new-voting-algorithm).

- Delegate to @justyy - [at least 5 SP to join (automatically)](https://steemyy.com/sp-delegate-form/?delegatee=justyy)
- [Undelegate to @justyy (Quit) - SP returned by steem blockchain in 5 days](https://steemyy.com/sp-delegate-form/?delegatee=justyy&amount=0)
- [View Current Delegators/Supporters](https://steemyy.com/delegators/?id=justyy)

> Please note that the SP you enter is the final amount to delegate. For example, if you already delegate 10 SP and you want to delegate another 5 SP, you will need to enter 15 SP (instead of 5 SP) in the delegation form.

# Your Vote is much appreciated, and every vote counts.
Check out [My Witness Page](https://steemyy.com/witness-data/justyy)

## Support me and my work as a witness - [witness thread](https://steemit.com/witness-category/@justyy/justyy-just-another-witness) and [One Year Witnessversary - A Great Start!](https://steemit.com/witness-category/@justyy/one-year-winessversary-a-great-start) by 
1. voting me [here](https://steemconnect.com/sign/account_witness_vote?approve=1&witness=justyy), or
2. voting me as [a witness proxy](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-proxy?proxy=justyy&approve=1) - let @justyy represent you.

### Some of my contributions: 
1. [SteemIt Tools, Bots, APIs and Tutorial](https://steemyy.com)
2. [SteemTools Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steem-tools/emjfpeecopppojbhkigjjmcahbfahhbn)
3. [VPS Database](https://anothervps.com/vps-database/)
4. [Video Downloader](https://weibomiaopai.com/download-video-parser.php)
5. [Cryptocurrency Discord Bot](https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=417847038697406467&permissions=522304&scope=bot)
6. [SteemIt Discord Bot](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=418196534660694037&permissions=522304&scope=bot)

Join cnsteem Discord channel: https://discord.gg/SnNaaYS

👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
created2019-07-06 13:01:06
last_update2019-07-06 13:01:06
last_payout2019-07-13 13:01:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.388 SBD
curator_payout_value0.117 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"【第 陆壹伍 期】CN 中文区每日【财富总值】【活跃统计数据】 (2019-07-06)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (57)
@yasu24 ·
Thank you 

Posted using [Partiko iOS](https://partiko.app/referral/yasu24)
properties (22)
created2019-07-06 14:36:54
last_update2019-07-06 14:36:54
last_payout2019-07-13 14:36:54
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"【第 陆壹伍 期】CN 中文区每日【财富总值】【活跃统计数据】 (2019-07-06)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD