About Red Pomegrnate by fadhila

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· @fadhila · (edited)
About Red Pomegrnate
Contest, Colorchallege, Monday, 11/6/2017 | @fadhila
The glow of the red pink fruits
# <center>Introduction</center>
<center>Picture, Red Pomegranate Fruit</center>
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Photogrpaher | Team @fadhila (mustakim)
------------ | -------------
Location  | Loom Kupi Cafee Aceh
Camera  | Cannon
Lensa | Canon EF 14mm f/2.8 L II USM
Title : Delima Fruit Red![2.PNG](https://steemitimages.com/DQmRPLVMBa9LqBuHg1kZjhfNrU8afYkwQ4s7vyVc3CP7U3i/2.PNG)

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# About, the red pomegranate fruit

>Scientific Classification

Kingdom | Plantea
------------ | -------------
Division | Magnoliophyta
class | Magnoliopsida
subclass | Myrtales
Family |  Lythraceae
Genus | Punica
Species |  P. granatum

# Benefit the red pomegranate fruit

The benefits of these pomegranates can be obtained in various ways, such as in the form of juice or can also eat the seeds, syrup, pasta or pomegranate concentrate. Traditionally, pomegranates are commonly used to cleanse the skin and reduce inflammation of the skin. Pomegranate juice can also reduce the suffering of sore throat. According to research conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pomegranates that are rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.

In addition to the already mentioned earlier, pomegranate efficacy for health, among others, can be for diseases such as stomach disorders, heart problems, cancer, dental care, rheumatism, lack of blood and diabetes.

In Asia, the juice is also thickened into a syrup used as a sauce. In Egypt this fruit is used as a kind of wine, syrup, and fruit juice. In one glass of pomegranate juice more antioxidant content than a glass of red wine, green tea or orange juice. In America, pomegranate juice products known as pom wonderful become the latest health drink trend.

Pomegranate juice drink is known as a healthy fruit juice, high efficacy. Pomegranate juice is high in potassium (potassium), vitamins A, C and E and folic acid. From the edible part of the seed, potassium content per 100 grams (259 mg / g), energy 63 cal, 30 mg of vitamin C. This component is considered very important for heart health (Time, December 2003).

Pomegranate is also high in flavonoid content, a powerful antioxidant that plays an important role in preventing the development of free radicals in the body as well as repair damaged body cells, and is able to provide protection against heart disease, skin cancer, and prostate cancer. Antioxidants contained therein help prevent clogging of arteries by cholesterol.

Even the content of antioxidants in pomegranates is three times more than wine or green tea. Researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center found that people who drank 3 or more juices a week reduced their risk of developing Alzheimer's by up to 76 percent compared to people who did not drink any juice at all.


# Tips Red Pomegranate Cultivation to Fruiting Heavy

Red pomegranate cultivation is usually cultivated in pots into ornamental plants or fruit plants in pots. Pomegranate itself has 3 types of many cultivated, namely white pomegranate, red pomegranate, and purple pomegranate. Pomegranate plant (punica granatum) or often also called pome fruit is a fruit plant that comes from the middle east. The pink red pomegranate is almost similar to the tin but larger. To cultivate pomegranates should be done in the right way to produce pomegranates that bear fruit. Tabulampot red pomegranate is a fruit that has a delicious taste and tasty. 
Red pomegranate plants have a distinctive shape and aroma. That way, for anyone who enjoys red pomegranate would want to always enjoy it again. But tabulampot pomegranates are not many people who know about the existence of this sweet and popular fruit. Red pomegranate farming has a great business opportunity. You must be careful and careful in conducting the cultivation of red pomegranate.

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        <em><a href="http://https://www.google.co.id/search?q=buku+tentang+delima+merah&safe=active&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5vKOVuanXAhVMs48KHXnoAD0QsAQIJQ&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=_dd6cew0RDguqM:">NET</a></em>

Pomegranate is a fruit that has a distinctive shape, a sweet taste, has a bright color when you eat. Red pomegranate cultivation has many benefits for our body especially for body health. Red pomegranate plant itself is a commodity that has many enthusiasts in Indonesia. Pomegranates can be utilized in various preparations, one of which is syrup. For those of you who want to start to cultivate this fruit is a good idea you know the right steps to cultivate pomegranates. Besides aiming as a cultivation, tabulampot red pomegranate can also be used as home page decoration. Because pomegranate tabulampot has an interesting plant appearance and the tree can not grow big aka dwarf. Tabulampot pomegranate also has benefits and great benefits for health and beauty treatments. You will not be disappointed to cultivate the red pomegranate plants because of the benefits contained therein. For more details, just consider the following red pomegranate cultivation.

# Red Pomegranate Cultivation Tips

Usually tabulampot pomegranate fruit fast pomegranate fruit suitable to be planted anywhere. Tabulampot red pomegranate does not choose the weather to grow. That way, the cultivation of red pomegranate is easy to do. In addition, pomegranates can bear fruit with 6 months time. Moreover, pomegranates have a variety of colors, the most famous of which is red. The color of the other people not many people know. The right steps before starting the cultivation of red pomegranate plants is very important, because it will affect the crop.

Pomegranate has many benefits, and the main benefits in treating illness. Because too many benefits are contained then the demand to have this fruit is very high compared to other fruits. No wonder the red pomegranate is widely cultivated. Red pomegranate cultivation in pots is very good when planted in the hot sun directly. But that only applies to red pomegranates. While other colored tabulampot can not be planted in direct sunlight, because it contains different substances. Planting techniques for tabulampot red pomegranate plants, together with other planting techniques. Even so, there is little difference in some planting techniques only.

# How to Pomegranate Pomegranate

How to breed pomegranates can be done through seeds, grafts or stem cuttings, and buds. To produce a fruitful pomegranate tree, it is better to use the way of pomegranate culture with stem grafts. Make a way of transplanting the correct red pomegranate as how to transplant the cultivation of star fruit plants or other fruit trees. If you do not want to be bothered, you can buy seedlings of pomegranate grubs at the seeds of the planter near your residence. To prepare the seeds of pomegranate plants from the seeds, it is necessary to prepare the seedling medium first.

The first technique to be done in cultivating the red pomegranate plant is we must determine the best red pomegranate seeds for planting the pomegranate tabulampot. The best pomegranate seeds will definitely produce good plants as well. Choose a red pomegranate that is very old, split and take the seeds. Dry the pomegranate seeds for 1 day in the sun, lift and place in the shade. Leave for 1 night before seeding. Before sowing, soak the seeds of red pomegranate with warm water for 4 hours (do not overheat). After that drain, after the water does not drip back, do the seeding on the seedlings that have been prepared. Do watering every morning and evening, until pomegranate seeds grow and ready to be moved to permanent planting land.

# Pomegranate Preparation
Red pomegranate cultivation is very fond of land that is loose and fertile and not waterlogged. If you want to cultivate a pomegranate tree in your garden or home garden. Then you need to prepare the location of the plant that is not stagnant water and has a loose soil texture. Dig a hole with size 50 cm x 50 cm with a depth of 50 cm. Then fill the hole with manure until 2/3 part filled. If you want to plant red pomegranate more than 1 bar, then make a hole of the same size at a distance of 5 meters from the previous hole. Then fill the hole you will plant the pomegranate is also with manure. Allow the hole to be planted red pomegranate in the period for 3 weeks before planting while waiting for the seeds ready to move.

If red pomegranate will be cultivated in pots as fruit crops in pot (tabulampot) then prepare pots with large size, fill the pot with a mixture of loose soil with manure. In the determination of pots, we must choose a medium-sized pot, not too big and not too small. After that, enter the planting media with soil that has been mixed with sand, compost and manure, with the same comparison and flat. After planting media inserted into the pot. Then enter the NPK fertilizer, and 2 kg of charcoal flour. The last thing to do is watering. Watering is done must use clean water and has been mixed with chemicals. If the planting technique is done correctly, then the pomegranate tabulampot will bear fruit quickly. The most important skipper at home in note the quality of the seeds before starting to plant. For good pomegranate seeds and quality is also very decisive pomegranate plant.

Various Benefits of Red Pomegranate

1. Heart Health
Red pomegranate juice has a major impact on health, especially for heart health, because Punicalagin content is able to keep the arteries flexible and reduce inflammation in the lining of blood vessels. It is known to reduce atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis itself is one of the main causes of heart disease. Red pomegranate lowers the risk of clogging in the arteries that can lead to blocked blood flow to the heart and brain. In other words red pomegranate has an anti-atherogenic effect on the heart. Red pomegranate is also able to reduce the amount of LDL or bad cholesterol stored in the body and increase the amount of good cholesterol or HDL.

2. Preventing Cancer Risk
Red pomegranate fruit has a high efficacy that is able to remove free radicals from the body and inhibit the growth and development of cancer cells and other diseases. High content of antioxidants contained in red pomegranates stimulates white blood cells to neutralize toxins in the body thereby boosting a strong and healthy immune system. The daily intake of red pomegranates can slow the growth of cancer cells in prostate cancer. In addition, red pomegranate can also block aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgens into estrogen, which is nothing but a hormone that plays an important role in the development of deadly cancers in the breast or can dibilag breast cancer.

3. Prenatal care
Red pomegranate juice is very beneficial for pregnant women. It is a great source of a number of vitamins and minerals including folic acid which is an essential element of prenatal diet. Anti-inflammatory properties of red pomegranate juice ensure healthy blood flow, which is essential for the overall development of the fetus. Potassium content in red pomegranate juice can also help prevent leg cramps that are commonly associated with pregnancy. When the pomegranate juice is consumed regularly by pregnant women, it has been known to reduce the risk of preterm birth or the birth of infants with low birth weight. There is no harm in trying to cultivate pomegranate.

That is a review of red pomegranate cultivation tips to do more for your bushy. Hopefully the article is useful and can be a reference for those of you who seek information about the cultivation of fruit crops.

# Source / refernece

this article is assembled by @fadhila with reference source from the red delim book

Title Book | Helt Of Secret delima merah
------------ | -------------
years | 2017
<div class="pull-left">
        <img src="![book.PNG](https://steemitimages.com/DQmb3pdDj7NRmtiMdT9xYjSJBzxniq4iy2NxsQWAJmLcFKb/book.PNG)" />
        <em><a href="http://source.com/link-to-page">source</a></em>

thank you
please advise and input for me,

I write in steemiteducation, science,

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created2017-11-06 08:12:36
last_update2017-11-07 08:01:03
last_payout2017-11-13 08:12:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.290 SBD
curator_payout_value0.051 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (44)
@kawaiipower ·
wow cool! I have never seen them growing on the tree!
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemiteducation"]}"
created2017-11-06 08:15:21
last_update2017-11-06 08:15:21
last_payout2017-11-13 08:15:21
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total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@fadhila ·
thanks you brother,

Please advise and input to improve this paper
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemiteducation"]}"
created2017-11-06 08:19:15
last_update2017-11-06 08:19:15
last_payout2017-11-13 08:19:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@fadhila ·
Please advise and input to improve this paper
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["kawaiipower"], "tags": ["steemiteducation"]}"
created2017-11-06 08:20:09
last_update2017-11-06 08:20:09
last_payout2017-11-13 08:20:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@syarkawi ·
ajib ajib.......
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemiteducation"]}"
created2017-11-06 08:28:09
last_update2017-11-06 08:28:09
last_payout2017-11-13 08:28:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@ashuli ·
someone (bangkim159)  has copied your post word by word and pic by pic...
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemiteducation"]}"
created2017-11-06 09:12:48
last_update2017-11-06 09:12:48
last_payout2017-11-13 09:12:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@nainaztengra ·
Beautiful post. Love the pomegranates 
 Amazing color. Upvoted and following u as always. 
Regards Nainaz 
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["steemiteducation", "thealliance"]}"
created2017-11-06 13:25:21
last_update2017-11-06 13:25:21
last_payout2017-11-13 13:25:21
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total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@fadhila ·
Thanks, @nainaz
properties (22)
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created2017-11-06 18:33:30
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root_title"About Red Pomegrnate"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD