Xaya - The fusion of gaming and the blockchain technology by flaws

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· @flaws · (edited)
Xaya - The fusion of gaming and the blockchain technology
<center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVC1TqRsnjwq16m8ukqciGuZfAYzA9yxNS8YTLyWJqv2J/image.png" alt="" /><br/>
<sup><a href="https://xaya.io/?lang=es">Xaya Logo. Source</a></sup></center>

<div class="text-justify">

Imagine a place where you can create and play video games in a totally autonomous and decentralized way, where you can have cryptocurrencies and, most importantly, without servers. You won't need infrastructure costs if you're a small group of developers who want to create your own video game or take years to implement it thanks to this project called Xaya.  

Xaya is a platform that contains the necessary tools for the development of videogames, from being able to create your own game to being able to create your own cryptocurrency to be able to exchange it with CHI or any other type of asset in some other game compatible with Xaya.  

<div class="pull-left">https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmT5rfn4wy2AZb8MgjEdWDDCdGsSjQh7gsaS8Kju2vBpch/Screenshot_61.png <a href="https://xaya.io/downloads/XAYA_White_Paper.pdf"><center>Xaya Platform. Source</center></a></div>
<div class="pull-right">Xaya is a platform that offers many benefits to both players and developers, with the inclusion of blockchain technology this way of creating video games allows you to create and participate in them without the need for servers, which means that we can enjoy video games without having to have worries such as server crashes or loss/modification of our assets in-game. </div> 


Thanks to the fact that it will operate with blockchain technology, security is a totally reliable issue since thanks to the cryptography of the blockchain, fraud is practically impossible without the existence of quantum computers. This would create a safe and unstoppable video game.

When we talk about Xaya we are talking about freedom in videogames, a totally decentralized and autonomous universe that can be accessed at any time without any interruption, where anyone with Internet access in the world can belong to any game that makes use of Xaya. We won't have to worry about server crashes, hackers or any kind of fraud in the game because it will be backed by blockchain technology, something immutable today.  

## What exactly does Xaya offer?

### For Developers
Xaya offers many features thanks to the implementation of blockchain in the world of gaming, the most important features for me are:

- As mentioned above, there will be no need for servers as the games will run on the blockchain, this means avoiding expenses for centralized physical or cloud servers. 

- Being under Xaya's blockchain means that the game will be active 24/7, meaning you can be confident that the game will not experience service drops or anything like that. 

### For Players:
As we said at the beginning, both developers and gamers will be able to enjoy many benefits while participating in Xaya-compatible games, some features that I consider totally incredible are:

- You can exchange any game's assets for CHI and then exchange them for any other item with value in any game that operates with Xaya.

- There will NEVER be fraud. Thanks to the fact that Xaya is an immutable blockchain, hackers or any type of fraud that can be experienced in a game are almost impossible to see since, a blockchain is currently totally immutable. 

## CHI, the fuel of all
<div class=pull-right>https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmT87PEhjtS11tNY6PxnLTw8v2ivZN7Ae4UgHzLZtxxXNJ/Screenshot_62.png <a href="https://xaya.io/?lang=es">Source</a></div>
<div class=pull-left>Xaya will have a cryptocurrency called CHI, the CHI will be the fuel of all the Xaya blockchain, from the creation of accounts in some videogame to being able to exchange CHI for things objects in any other game, and even you will be able to transfer these CHI towards the real world.</div>

All items in games will have a real world value, one of the main problems that Xaya eliminates is the waste of time playing video games, as we usually hear, time is money, right? Therefore, Xaya offers a method to be able to play video games while we obtain objects which we will be able to transfer their value to the real world, thus generating profitability while we play. Incredible, isn't it?

### How does Xaya accomplish this?
Thanks to the cryptocurrency CHI. When the CHI is implemented in the markets, its value will be reflected thanks to the utility it will have within the decentralized and autonomous universes that will exist thanks to Xaya, people transferring CHI from here to there at any time, some to obtain a legendary sword, others to have the best armor of a game, or perhaps some using them to create an account in a game. The CHI is the total fuel of the network and this will make its value solidify at some point and you can exchange the CHI for things of value in real life thanks to the Xaya Asset Trading Platform.

## Let's talk about the past

Previously, the team behind Xaya launched a project called "Huntercoin" in order to test the market and to develop and test the development problems encountered at that time. The project was a success with more than 35,000 characters interacting, the project reached the incredible amount of 6.3 million dollars in its market capitalization in 2017.

The team managed to create a project in 2013 which turned out to be a total success that reached a considerably large figure, Huntercoin was:

<sup><a href="https://xaya.io/downloads/XAYA_White_Paper.pdf">Source</a></sup></center>

This speaks for itself, a project that was only used to test details and also to test the market: it turned out to be a total success, now, the same team behind Huntercoin is the same team as Xaya, a project that seeks to unite the world of gaming with blockchain technology. These guys are tough.

### Not just that.

Xaya's team is associated with the creators of Soccer Manager, a game that has had more than 20 million downloads and is currently expanding even further into the Asian continent.  

<center>![Screenshot_86.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmUmHdpwUzPjiHtGTnC9ECRQBCiVMo9ByyJrGoTBgygvUk/Screenshot_86.png)<sup><a href="http://www.soccermanager.com/crypto/">Source</a></sup></center>

Thanks to this partnership, most people who are currently playing Soccer Manager will begin to interact with Blockchain technology and, because Soccer Manager has its own crypto currency within the game (Soccer Manager Crypto "SMC"), this cryptocurrency can be exchanged in the future for CHI and then taken out into the real world.

## The Xaya Asset Trading Platform

As mentioned above, Xaya will allow you to exchange CHI for items, goods or coins from any other game, thanks to the technology offered by the Xaya team, the only way a deal can be concluded is: Either the deal is not made or each participant in the deal receives what was agreed, this allows a completely clean trade, where trust does not have to be a determining factor and completely safe for both parties, it should be noted that the Xaya Asset Trading Platform will never ask for your private keys, therefore, your data will never be damaged in any way as long as you do everything as it should be. 

These transactions are called Atomic Transactions, first seen in Namecoin thanks to the Xaya team in 2013, this technique makes it easy to trade between objects in a game, coins and even game accounts by CHI, thus ensuring a totally healthy economy and securing the demand for CHI.

## Mini-FAQ
### If I'm a developer, how do I monetize my game? How do I generate revenue from it?
A: In order to monetize games in Xaya, most of the existing traditional methods are used. Some methods could be to place advertisements in the games or sell permanent items or in-game consumables.

### Do I need to learn a specific programming language in order to use Xaya?
A: No! You don't need to learn any other programming language to be able to make your game with Xaya nor should you worry so much about having knowledge in Blockchain.

### Will I have to pay to play games on Xaya?
A: Yes and no. This will depend on the developers since they are the ones who choose the way to monetize their game.

### If my items in the game will have value: How do I exchange them for real life things?
A: At present it is not possible because the XAYA Asset Trading Platform has not yet been released. This will be the platform that will allow you to exchange the CHI you have for other cryptocurrencies or directly for FIAT currencies.

## Xaya and the Virtual Reality, is it possible?

Something very interesting in Xaya is: Virtual reality. This sounds like a utopia, doesn't it? Playing in an environment where hack/crack is impossible, in an environment where decentralization rules and we can access it at any time without experiencing any kind of failure.

Yes, it is possible thanks to Xaya, virtual reality is no exception, playing with virtual reality is something that Xaya does not leave out and are working on it, in March 2019 the Xaya team will find itself developing virtual reality functions so that we can enjoy games where voice/text messages travel in a completely safe way thanks to the cryptography offered by the blockchain of Xaya. Something totally innovative thanks to the compatibility of blockchain technology with the gaming industry. 

# Use cases

### Use case N1: Tom and the servers.
<div class="pull-right">https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmP5raX34PDg4WPSD648mANdWpWFX7GQS6AwFWPnpGBjZu/programming-583923_1280.jpg <center><a href="https://pixabay.com/es/programaci%C3%B3n-c%C3%B3digo-desarrollo-web-583923/">Source</a></center></div>Tom is a programmer who always wanted to make an MMORPG game, he contacted many friends to make that game he always wanted to make and they got down to work. After a few weeks, Tom realizes something: The server. Tom was looking for solutions because he didn't have a server-type machine capable of supporting a large number of users, nor did he have the financial support needed to purchase a physical server or one in the cloud: Tom was going to give up. But one of his friends presented him with Xaya, an opportunity that Tom had never seen before, from that moment Tom started using Xaya and concerns about servers and crashes ran away.

### Use case N2: Daniel's frustration
<div class="pull-left">https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTJgiVxYL1oRzsPNRWzfYstjPQhnq1jXoinWSRcGs3ijc/image.png <a href="https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:EVE_Combat.png"><center>Source</center></a></div>Daniel is an expert MMORPG player for 4 years, he devoted many hours of his life to play and managed to get unique items that no other person could have because they were only limited and that means that getting them now is impossible. One day Daniel was playing very quietly and saw a user who had the same items as him and, confused Daniel asked the user how he got those items since it was impossible, the user just hacked the game and managed to get very precious items in a too easy way. Daniel got frustrated and stopped playing because he saw that his effort was worthless. After a few days Daniel met Xaya and joined one of his MMORPG games, realizing that it was impossible to hack as Xaya has its own blockchain which is now totally impossible to penetrate. 

## Roadmap

## Token Distribution

<center>![Screenshot_85.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmSt2JaY9VrENGDDwF3uQBJwJxtSwdyf7xe37taSvsP4f9/Screenshot_85.png) <a href="https://xaya.io/downloads/XAYA_White_Paper.pdf">Source</a></center>

<h2><div class="phishy">The Team</div></h2>

Core Team |  Advisors Team
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Partners | .
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## Websites and Resources
* <a href="https://xaya.io/downloads/XAYA_White_Paper.pdf">Xaya WhitePaper</a>
* <a href="https://xaya.io/">Xaya Website</a>
* <a href="https://medium.com/@XAYA">Xaya Medium</a>
* <a href="https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1784048.0">Xaya Bitcointalk</a>
* <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/chimaera/">Xaya Reddit</a>
* <a href="https://www.facebook.com/XAYAtech/">Xaya Facebook</a>
* <a href="https://twitter.com/XAYA_tech">Xaya Twitter</a>
* <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/xaya-platform/">Xaya Likedin</a>


xaya2018 <br />
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total_payout_value4.004 SBD
curator_payout_value1.465 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Xaya - The fusion of gaming and the blockchain technology"
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created2018-09-25 06:09:42
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root_title"Xaya - The fusion of gaming and the blockchain technology"
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@flaws ·
Thanks <3
properties (22)
created2018-09-25 06:10:39
last_update2018-09-25 06:10:39
last_payout2018-10-02 06:10:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Xaya - The fusion of gaming and the blockchain technology"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD