The Replacement 1.6 by jeff-kubitz

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· @jeff-kubitz · (edited)
The Replacement 1.6
# _The Exciting Conclusion of The Replacement:_

There was a knock at the door as Ezra and Ephrayim were about to leave and Ezra opened the door to greet Hilda, “Hello Hilda.”  He said.

“Hello Ezra, Why are you in uniform?”  Hilda asked.

“We will approach the city about the sewage problem and thought we would receive better results if we wore our uniforms.”  Ezra answered and said, “Would you like to come in or can I help you with anything?”

“Oh, that makes sense,” Hilda agreed and continued, “I heard from Ela about the sewer and wanted to ask if you would watch our house for us, we have decided to stay in a hotel until the sewer is working again.”

“We will watch the house for you but it is really not necessary.  We can dig a drain pit in the yard for you and everything will be fine.”  Ezra said.

“It is not necessary.  The embassy will pay for our stay during the problem and Franz is sending a car around to pick us up in a few minutes to take us to the hotel.”  Hilda replied.

“Perhaps we should talk come on in,” Ezra moved to open the door for Hilda to enter but she said,

“No the car will be around shortly and we must be ready to leave but we will talk when we return.”  Hilda replied.

“Oh, we just found out about this sewage problem this morning.  Hilda, do you know something we should know?”  Ezra asked, “Would you like to talk to Zsa Zsa about it or one of the ladies instead of me?”

“No, I don’t know anything other than Franz will be sending the car around shortly and we will stay at the Imperial Hotel again until this situation is safe to return and we would thank you if you watched our house.”

Ephrayim moved into the doorway so Hilda could see him, “Hello Hilda.”  He said, “I was just wondering how you could contact each other while he is at work, Hilda?”  

“Yes Hilda,” Ezra said before she could answer, “Is there something that you might tell us to save us the trip downtown?”

“Umm…,” Hilda struggled with the questions, “I am not supposed to say anything to anyone.”

Ezra adopted an easy manner and asked her very quietly in a very nice tone of voice, “Not say what, Hilda?” 

Hilda looked around like someone might be watching and the she whispered, “There have been riots in the poorer sections of the city.  I did not tell you this and now I must go.”

“So if we go downtown, we might expect trouble of some sort?”  Ezra asked.

“I didn’t say anything and I really must be ready to go Ezra, Ephrayim, and good bye.”  Hilda said.

“We will watch your house for you Hilda, have no worries.”  Ezra answered in a calm and happy voice.

“Thank you Ezra and Ephrayim.  I must gather the boys.  Good bye!”  Hilda ran off to the boys digging.  “Joseph, Hans come home with me immediately!  Yes, Right now!  You are filthy and you must get cleaned up, immediately.  We are going back to the hotel, now go home immediately and stop arguing.”

“Zsa Zsa was right.  The boys do like digging the hole in the yard.”  Ezra laughingly said to Ephrayim.

Ephrayim asked Ezra, “Do we go downtown or do we stay?”

“We wait for the Doctor to return from his visit with the general,” Ezra answered, “And I think we need to have the boys switch to armed guard while we are gone.”

“Yes, I thought as much myself,” Ephrayim agreed.

“Boys!  Family meeting come inside now!”  Ezra turned away from the door and yelled, “Zsa Zsa!  Everyone, a family meeting in the parlor now!”  Ezra turned to Ephrayim, “Let’s go and get the rifles and the ammunition.”

Ephrayim turned and led the way as he was deeper in the house and Ezra followed.  He turned his head back, “Something is not right.”

“I know.”  Ezra answered.

While Joseph and Hans washed, Hilda was on the radio and used an encoder, the Enigma.  The message she sent was, “Hurry. They know.”

“What is the report from the sewer details?”  The general asked his second in command?

The painting was removed and leaned against the wall.  In its place was a huge map of the city.  Next to it on another easel was a map of the neighborhood.  A colonel stood before it, “These three streets are clogged with bodies, here, here, here.  The guess is that it could be a thousand or so as all three of these lines are trunks with the largest the center one here.  These two feed into this one which is on Dale Hollow Street and that continues to the river, here.”

The general stood looking at it for a few moments with his chin in his hand, “Let’s roll that up and put it in a case to take with us.  Recall the sewer details.  And send in my butler.”  The colonel left to give orders which were carried out while the general walked to his desk.  He reached in a drawer, pulled out a piece of paper, and started to write but his hand was shaky.  The colonel noticed it and walked up to the desk, 

“How many orders do you need sir?”

“I believe there are eight officers in the neighborhood two in the Schwartz house so that will be seven.”

“You, you, and you come here to the desk and take the orders for the general.  I will have to ask you to move Doctor.”

“Yes, come on Lazlo, Sasha make room,” Doctor Szalabo said standing and all moving away from the chairs.  Lazlo and Sasha following him out of the way  to a clear area.  Three officers took the chairs and the general handed them paper and pens from his desk.

“My officers,” The general dictated.  “There is a dire situation in the neighborhood and possibly the city.  I count on you to 'hold your positions and  organize the neighborhood for defense.

‘The sewers are filled with approximately a thousand bodies of the dead.  The dead are citizens of this city and have been shot 'and then thrown into the sewers to hide murder.
‘I have heard that many of you plan to approach the regent.  I will approach the regent with my command later this afternoon 'and petition him on our behalf.  This is not likely to succeed nevertheless we will try.

‘Again, your orders are to organize and hold your neighborhoods.  You are to resist if possible for the sake of Hungary.  You are 'not to yield under any circumstances for the sake of Hungary.

‘Work quickly for the sake of Hungary!  As I and my command leave to approach the regent as soon as I send these orders, you 'must act to secure this area.

‘I will send in reinforcements from other areas of the city.

‘Colonel Hrothgre has command from my house and my house shall be the center of command for the area.  Set up runners 'for messaging.

‘May God be with you in our national struggle.

‘General Leopold Francis Groszegre”  

The general paused, “I am finished, make that eight copies.  Colonel you will need a copy of your orders.”

“Yes sir,” the colonel replied.

“I will take half the command and leave you half.  You may choose your staff and men.”

“Yes sir.”

“I give you the Sergeant Major.”  The general said.

“Sir, I protest.”  The Sergeant Major said at attention.

“I know your loyalty and your skills Sergeant Major and you are transferred to the Colonel while I am away.  You will support him as you would me.  You will accept and obey my direct orders for the sake of Hungary.”

“Yes sir.”  The Sergeant Major answered.

The general took each order as they were completed and signed each one and placed his seal on it.  Seven of them he handed to Sasha and Lazlo.

“Lazlo you know where each of these men lives?”  The general asked him.

“Yes.  I do general.”

“You two will deliver these orders in Doctor Szalabo’s car immediately then return here.  You should give these orders to your brothers in law first so they do not run off to the regent and instead organize the defense, understood?”

“Yes general,” Lazlo and Sasha answered.

“Well, get going.”  The general ordered.

“Yes general!”  Lazlo and Sasha moved fast as the butler entered the room and approached the desk.  Because the room was so large, they heard the conversation.

“The house will most likely be attacked today or in the coming days, you will release the staff and yourself from any further duties.”  The general said to the butler.

“We have already decided to stay, sir.”  The butler replied.

“Then see to it arms are passed out to the staff.”  The general said to the butler.

“Yes sir.”  The butler turned to leave.

“Are the sewer details returned?”  The general asked the colonel.

“About half are back, the rest return and will arrive shortly.”

“I will take half of what is here.  You have command of the rest.”  The general said to the colonel.  The he turned to Doctor Szalabo, “Ready coddler?”

“I am with you sir.”

“To the cars then,” The general stood and shook hands with the colonel, “Good luck.”  He then turned to the group of officers which would leave with him.  The General exclaimed “For Hungary!”  They replied in kind.  He marched from the room and they followed.

It only took maybe two minutes once they were in the car to reach the house.  Sasha took a copy of the orders while Lazlo waited out front in the car and ran up to the house.  At the front door he was unexpectedly met by Gayorgy who said, “There is a family meeting in the parlor.”

Gayorgy held a rifle and he closed the door as Sasha passed through the door and stepped quickly into the parlor.  “These orders are for you both from the general.”  Sasha handed the orders to Ezra who read them and passed the paper to Ephrayim.  “Excuse me, I must deliver the rest.”

“Hurry!”  Ezra said to Sasha and then turned to the family as Sasha ran out of the house, “It is official.  Ephrayim and I have orders to organize the neighborhood for a resistance.  Now, you boys and girls will leave your guns here and run through the neighborhood as fast as possible to tell everyone that this street is the center of command for our street and a meeting will be here as soon as everyone gathers.  You will tell them they must arm themselves.  As you deliver the message to peoples’ houses you will watch and if you see anything that looks like danger, you will immediately run home.  Take no risk is that understood?”  All the children nodded.

“Should we run through the back ways?”  One of the boys excitedly asked.

“Yes, stay as hidden as possible,” Ephrayim spoke up, “Knock on the back doors of the houses and don’t go to Franz and Hilda’s house, Ephrayim and I will go there.”

“Go everyone.”  Ezra said.  Ephrayim stood and they walked to the front door, “Gayorgy you are the house guard.”

“Yes father.”  Gayorgy said as they left the house and turned to walk toward Hilda’s house.  At the property line they saw a car driving down the street toward them at a normal speed.  They walked up to the porch entrance and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”  Hilda asked.

“It is Ezra and Ephrayim,” Ezra happily answered.  The car turned in the street and pulled up to the curb.  Hilda opened the door, closed it behind her as she stepped onto the threshold of the porch, “The car is here to take us to the hotel.  What do you need?”

“Hilda, the city is in a state of emergency.”  Ezra politely said.  “By order of General Groszegre it is not safe to leave the area.  You may come over to our house and stay as it is the neighborhood command center during the emergency.”

“We have diplomatic immunity and are required to follow the orders of our embassy.  The car is here and we will be safe, thank you.”  Hilda responded.

Two S.S. soldiers approached the steps, “Is there any trouble madam?”

“I am in command of this area as per the orders of General Groszegre,” Ezra stated to the two soldiers.  “You will lower your weapons and obey my orders for the safety of the residents of the area.”

Ephrayim drew his pistol like lightening as the soldiers started to swing their weapons forward.  “You will obey the commander of this area now!  Drop your weapons!”

“Now, now we are allies,” Ezra smiled at the soldiers.  “Let us not be hasty in front of the lady.”

“Set them on the ground now or I will shoot you!”  Ephrayim ordered.  Hilda gasped audibly.

“Madam, what are your orders?”  The lieutenant asked.

“Ezra we have diplomatic immunity and we must leave immediately or they will shoot you.”  Hilda said.

Ezra slowly drew his revolver so as not to cause concern while Ephrayim held the soldiers at bay menacingly.  “Lieutenant, you have not dropped your weapons as the good captain has ordered you to do under the authority of General Groszegre.”  Ezra held the revolver level, directly at the lieutenant S.S. officer.

“I must protest sir.”  The lieutenant said.

“Protest noted.”  Ezra responded.

“The house contains diplomatic materials and they must be retrieved immediately,” The lieutenant said calmly.

“Shoot them!”  Hilda screamed.

The lieutenant and his charge were dead before they could swing their weapons forward to fire.  Ezra turned toward Hilda with his weapon leveled, “Hilda, you and the boys must come to my house immediately.

“This will reach the regent!”  Hilda yelled.

“That’s the idea.”  Ezra responded.  “Come with us and no harm will fall to you or your sons.”

“They are washing, I must get them.”

"I will wait, hurry."  Ezra urged.

About two kilometers up the street toward the center of Budapest, “Did we just hear shots?” the S.S. colonel said to his staff.

“The car is not back yet sir.”  His major said.

“Mount up!”  The S.S. colonel ordered.  Each soldier quickly moved to his vehicle.  There were five troop transport trucks of S.S. “Forward!”  The colonel yelled.

“Captain, grab that and take it to headquarters for evaluation.  Use their car.”  Ezra said to Ephrayim.

“Yes sir.”  Ephrayim grabbed the two heavy diplomatic bags and ran with them to the car.  They contained the Enigma, radio, and small generator.”

Four men ran out from behind the house and carted off the two dead S.S. soldiers.  Ephrayim pulled a u-turn away from the curb and headed off.  “Good luck my brother.”  Ezra said to himself and holstered his pistol.

Hilda came with Hans and Josef from the back of the house.  She whispered in Ezra's ear, “What you are doing might end our alliance.”  

“Rumor is you do not treat your allies very well,” Ezra whispered back.

Hilda yelled as she walked out the door with her two boys.

As they reached the door to his house, Ezra heard the convoy approach in the distance.  “Go on in Hilda, you too boys.  I shall wait out here to greet those who come.”

“They will kill you and everyone for what you have taken,”  Hilda whispered in Ezra's ear before she walked up to the door.

“Hilda, just send the boys in.  You will wait out here with me to greet them.”  Ezra watched as the family’s children ran back from across the street toward the house.

“Joseph, Franz into the house immediately,” Hilda ordered.

“Papa,” the children pointed, “Soldiers are coming, soldiers are coming!”

“That is good, now into the house with everyone else.  Everyone go into the house and listen to your mothers.”  Ezra said to the children and they obeyed.  Once the children were all in the house he turned to Hilda, “Let’s walk out to the street to meet them.  Your high heels, I should have offered my arm, my arm madam?”

“Yes, thank you.”  Hilda took his arm and they walked out to the street to wait on the curb.

“The entire street is alerted and armed?”

“Yes.”  Ezra answered as they came to a halt, “Here on the sidewalk?”

“Yes.”  Hilda continued to hold his arm.  As the soldiers, approached she held tighter.  Ezra had thought she would have let go.  “I am very much afraid of what might happen.”  Hilda confided, “You are not a bad person.  I can see that.  It is just the way things have worked out.”

“If I may suggest Madam, if you politely introduce me as the neighborhood commander, we both might live through this.”  Ezra offered.

“Yes, you are right.  Behave as if nothing is wrong be sociable and cordial.”  Hilda shook as she held Ezra’s arm. “I think I am about to faint.”  She said as the S.S. Colonel was visible in the open Mercedes with his driver and aides.  They pulled to the curb.

“Breathe deeply and evenly.”  Ezra consoled her, “Take a deep breath slowly and now breathe it out.”  Hilda obeyed while Ezra patted her arm.

“I have failed my country.”  Hilda whispered and Ezra knew she smiled with embarrassment as she said it.  The S.S. Colonel exited the parked Mercedes.  Other Mercedes with other officers and the trucks parked along the street.  Soldiers began to deploy.  The colonel walked up to Hilda and Ezra.

“Good day Colonel Herschler.”  Hilda said said with a shaky voice, “I would like to introduce to you the commandant of the neighborhood, Major Schwartz.”  Ezra heard and felt her fright.

“Good day Madam, Major, where is the car, did we hear shots?”  The S.S. Colonel asked.

“The car was stolen.  The officer taken captive and I think he and his driver shot by rioters.”  Hilda looked ashen and trembled.

“Which way did they go?”  Colonel Herschler asked.

“That way, straight down the road as far as we could see.”  Ezra replied.

“How many were there?”  Colonel Herschler asked.

“Four plus the lieutenant and his driver.  If you will excuse me colonel…Ezra I think I may faint.”

“She saw the whole thing - ran over to our house.”  Ezra said.

“Major did you hear that?  Go after them!” Colonel Herschler ordered.

“Jawohl Colonel!”  The S.S. Major saluted.  “You and you in your cars and follow me!”

Two cars came from the left and parked at the curb.  A Hungarian officer exited and other soldiers exited with him.  “Good day to you Sir.”  The officer addressed the S.S. Colonel.  “Gunshots were reported in this area.  I represent the area commander.  Has there been an incident?”

“Yes, major, a shooting and robbery by rioters just occurred?”  Ezra said.

“And who are you?”  The Hungarian officer asked Ezra.

“This woman witnessed it and is distraught sir.  I am the neighborhood Commander Major Ezra Schwartz, retired.”  Ezra answered.

“Someone fetch a blanket for the lady.”  The major ordered and moved to support Hilda.  He asked Hilda, “Are you alright Madam, you do not look well.  You weren’t shot or wounded in any way?”  He asked as he took her arm.

“I am so faint.”  Hilda muttered about to swoon.

“I am S.S. Colonel Herschler.  This woman is a diplomat and I must ask her a question immediately,” The Colonel said to the Major. 

“Lay that blanket out there men she is about to faint I can feel it.” The Area Commander said to Herschler, “Can’t it wait a few moments, can’t you see she is in shock?”

“Let’s lay her down, sir.”  Ezra said to his commander.

“Yes, yes gently now, oh there she goes.”  The area commander said as Hilda lost consciousness.  "Grab her head."

“I must ask her a question.”  Colonel Herschler stated forcefully.  “Privately, Please.”

“Perhaps you should help fan her so she regains consciousness so you can ask her your question,” The area commander said.  Ezra already had his hat off and fanned Hilda.

“Secure that house and search it.  You secure this area!  Now!”  Colonel Herschler ordered.

“Colonel Herschler, I protest!”  The area commander rose.  “The house is yours to search but the area is obviously secure and there is no need to incite panic.  I order you to station your unnecessary troops in their transports unless necessary.”

“This area will be secured until what may be lost is found!”  Colonel Herschler stated.  “I am placing you under arrest and your men until this incident is cleared up.”

The area commander drew himself up in front of the Colonel Herschler, “Sir, there are more than two hundred guns pointed at your men because of the theft and possible murder.  I suggest strongly that you do nothing other than search the house because as I said, this area is secure.  Furthermore, you do not have the authority to arrest anyone while I am here.  Order your unnecessary troops back to their transports immediately.”  The major waited and stared Colonel Herschler straight in the eye.

A few moments passed while Colonel Herschler returned the glare.  He turned his head to a subordinate and  ordered, “You, order trucks two through five back to their transports.  The rest, search the house.  I will see to the lady personally.”  Colonel Herschler removed his hat and approached Hilda to help fan her as Zsa Zsa ran up and asked,

“What is wrong with Hilda?”

“She witnessed a shooting and a car was stolen.  She has fainted.”  Ezra said to his wife.

“You men should be placing cold compresses on her, not just fanning her.”  Zsa Zsa ordered.  “Don’t you know how to treat a woman who has fainted from shock?  Move out of the way.  Doesn’t anyone have any water, a handkerchief?”

“She is right.”  Colonel Herschler conceded to the other two officers, “We are probably making this worse.”  He took his handkerchief and handed it to Zsa Zsa then stood, “You bring your canteen to this woman.” An enlisted ran over.

“You find out if there is any word from Major Schoopler on the pursuit.”  The Colonel ordered.  A soldier ran to one of the cars that contained a radio.  The soldier stood there about two minutes and ran back to the Colonel.  He stood at attention and saluted,

“Colonel, they see the car about a half mile ahead are gaining on it.”

“Keep me informed soldier.”  Colonel Herschler ordered.  The colonel turned to the Hungarian Major who was the area commander, “Major, it appears they are in pursuit of the rioters who stole the car.  I apologize I over-reacted to the situation.”

“Hilda is coming around,” Zsa Zsa said loudly.  Colonel Herschler knelt next to Hilda opposite Zsa Zsa.

“Can she speak?” The colonel asked Zsa Zsa who examined Hilda,

“Yes, I think so.”  Zsa Zsa said to the colonel.

“Madam, this is Colonel Herschler, can you understand me?”

“What?  Oh colonel it was horrible what happened.”  Hilda said weakly.

“Yes Madam I am sure it was, where are the diplomatic concerns are they in the house?”

“No the officer carried those to the car, then these men ran out and…”  Hilda fainted again.

“Too much too soon,” Zsa Zsa tried to say but the colonel was already up and ordering his men,

“Cancel the search of the house.  My assistant will stay.  All units but truck one support Major Schoopler!”  Vehicles and trucks rolled immediately.

“Commander, do you have the situation under control?”   The Major asked Ezra.

“Yes sir.”  Ezra answered.

“Colonel we shall follow your men in pursuit of the suspects of the murder, robbery, and theft.”  The Major said to Colonel Herschler.

“Yes, major it is gracious of you to oversee this.”  Colonel Hershler said and then turned, “To the cars!  Pursue the suspects!”  Each officer turned and hurried to their respective vehicles, entered them with their troops and left in pursuit.

When they were gone, “It is all right Hilda.”  Zsa Zsa said, “Can we help you to the house?”

“Is everyone gone?”  Hilda asked weakly.

“Just Ezra and I are left should we help you up?”  Zsa Zsa asked.

“Franz is going to be really mad at me,” Hilda mumbled weakly.

“No he won’t be angry,” Zsa Zsa said, “The boys heard the gunshots but didn’t see anything and your secrets are safe with us.”

“I should never have worn heels for a mission like this.”  Hilda moaned.  “I have failed Germany.”

“Yes, but you helped the empire and that is what counts,”  Ezra said.

“I did?”  Hilda asked.

“Yes you did,” Ezra said.

“Oh well, if the empire is saved I am glad I wore heels for a day like that then,”  Hilda smiled and said, “Would you help me up?”

Ezra and Zsa Zsa carefully lifted Hilda to her feet and Ezra said, “Now don’t ever tell Franz what happened, just keep it in your heart that you saved the empire, dear.”

“No, never tell Franz or anyone else,” Hilda agreed.

“Agreed third cousin so would you like some Unicum to help you recover?”  Zsa Zsa said with a giggle as they walked Hilda to the house.

“Not in front of the boys, what would they think of their mother,” Hilda responded a little livelier, “They don’t know I love to Zwack my troubles away like you do.”

“I think you will be okay?”  Ezra asked Hilda.

“With Zsa Zsa to support me, yes I will make it.”

“Where is the Schnapps in the house and I will go get it for you.”  Ezra offered.

“In the study just like at your house,” Hilda answered a little stronger, “But I do not really like Schnapps.”

“Well before Franz shows up you can take a drink or two to hide the smell of your favorite drink.”  Ezra offered.

“Yes, it won’t taste so bad then will it?”  Hilda agreed and Ezra left her side for her house.

And that is how the Enigma was taken in Hungary.  Spy versus Spy.  Unfortunately, the empire was crushed for a while by the Soviets but the alternative was that everyone in the neighborhood was about to be sent to Auschwitz along with a minimum of 478,000 other Hungarians.  Sometimes you have to look on the bright side.

[Part 1.1](
[Part 1.2](
[Part 1.3](
[Part 1.4](
[Part 1.5](
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
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vote details (53)
@jlufer ·
A real pleasure to visit your blog dear friend @ jeff-kubitz and enjoy a good reading, thank you very much for this material.
have a good weekend
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created2017-04-22 21:37:21
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cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@jeff-kubitz ·
I appreciate your compliments my dear friend @jlufer
properties (22)
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created2017-04-22 21:43:12
last_update2017-04-22 21:43:12
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root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@honeywish ·
Yes it is a very good story and I am sorry it has not made that much but don't give up not everyone will like it but I do
👍  ,
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created2017-04-23 03:08:03
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root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (2)
@jeff-kubitz ·
Thank you @honeywish
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["honeywish"], "tags": ["story"]}"
created2017-04-23 14:34:15
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root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@honeywish ·
Yes this is a very good story I am sorry it has not made that Much on it
properties (23)
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created2017-04-23 03:11:45
last_update2017-04-23 03:11:45
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promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@mars9 ·
Excellent work dear friend  it is always good to learn something new, now that you mention it I realize the difference, thank you very much for this information
👍  ,
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root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (2)
@jeff-kubitz ·
My dear friend @mars9 thank you for your compliment
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["mars9"], "tags": ["story"]}"
created2017-04-23 14:33:09
last_update2017-04-23 14:33:09
last_payout2017-04-30 14:33:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"The Replacement 1.6"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD