Un regalo de vida -A gift of life 馃巵ESP/ENG by ricci01

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Un regalo de vida -A gift of life 馃巵ESP/ENG
# <center>SPANISH VERSION</center>

<center>M谩s de 100.000 trasplante a se realizan cada a帽o mundialmente , pero la realidad es, que las personas que lo necesitan, duplican esa cifra. 

El trasplante de 贸rganos puede prolongar la vida, a medida que la ciencia avanza, tambi茅n avanza con ella est谩 pr谩ctica. Aunque en los 煤ltimos a帽os ha aumentado la cifra de donantes, personas que han fallecido y personas vivas que han servido como donantes, las cifras en listas de espera superan la de los donantes. 

Entonces hablemos de aquellos que han encontrado ese regalo. Una segunda oportunidad de vida, aunque mucho se habla de las ventas de 贸rganos, ir谩n es el 煤nico pa铆s con venta legal . Por lo tanto para la mayor铆a del mundo, es un regalo que no tiene precio. 

Una persona que ha sido trasplantada, cuando consigue el alta m茅dica comienza una nueva vida, pero una vida que supone seguir luchando, la primera batalla a ganar es que el nuevo 贸rgano no tenga rechazo, entonces deben tomar medicamentos de por vida. Pero todo esto pasa a煤n segundo plano cuando  ven que pueden siguen viviendo y disfrutando momentos que se vislumbraban perdidos. 

Muchas personas que han sido trasplantadas nunca llegan a conocer qui茅n fue su donante Pero se sienten agradecidos de una segunda oportunidad, por tanto tienen el coraje para vivir una vida plena y feliz. 

Mi amigo Ram贸n y su esposa ten铆an varios a帽os de casados se conoc铆an desde la universidad y ten铆an dos hermosos ni帽os, Ram贸n viv铆a una vida un poco desordenada con respecto a la alimentaci贸n y bebidas alcoh贸licas. Pesaba un poco m谩s de 100 kilos. Un d铆a su cuerpo encendi贸 la alarma, entre visitas m茅dicas y estudios determinaron que sus ri帽ones ya no funcionaban tan bien, y por lo menos necesitaba un trasplante de ri帽贸n. Fueron momentos muy dif铆ciles para el y su familia. Pero el mayor acto de amor lo hizo su esposa, que decidi贸 ser su donante, ella dijo con un ri帽贸n puedo vivir pero el necesita uno m谩s. Laura fue su donante, han pasado seis a帽os desde entonces y la vida de Ram贸n cambio por completo, el valoro su segunda oportunidad, sus cambios de alimentaci贸n lo llevaron a bajar de peso y hoy Ram贸n y Laura viven una vida feliz junto a sus dos ni帽os. 

**Nota:**Esta es una historia verdadera, se cambiaron sus nombres para proteger sus identidades. 
Entre los avances de la medicina sin duda los trasplantes se llevan uno de los mayores logros conseguidos.</center>




<center> More than 100,000 transplants are performed each year worldwide, but the reality is that the people who need it, double that number.

Organ transplantation can prolong life, as science advances, so does this practice. Although the number of donors, people who have died, and living people who have served as donors has increased in recent years, the numbers on waiting lists exceed those of donors.

So let's talk about those who have found that gift. A second chance at life, although much is said about organ sales, Iran is the only country with legal sale. Therefore for most of the world, it is a gift that is priceless.

A person who has been transplanted begins a new life when he is discharged, but a life that involves continuing to fight, the first battle to win is that the new organ does not have rejection, so they must take medications for life. But all this is still in the background when they see that they can continue to live and enjoy moments that were lost.

Many people who have been transplanted never get to know who their donor was. But they are grateful for a second chance, so they have the courage to live a full and happy life.

My friend Ram贸n and his wife had been married for several years, they had known each other since college and had two beautiful children, Ram贸n lived a somewhat disorderly life with regard to food and alcoholic beverages. He weighed a little over 100 kilos. One day his body raised the alarm, between medical visits and studies they determined that his kidneys no longer worked so well, and at least he needed a kidney transplant.

 These were very difficult times for him and his family. But the greatest act of love was done by his wife, who decided to be his donor, she said with one kidney I can live but he needs one more. Laura was his donor, six years have passed since then and Ram贸n's life changed completely, he appreciated his second chance, his diet changes led him to lose weight and today Ram贸n and Laura live a happy life with their two children .

**Note:** This is a true story, their names were changed to protect their identities.
Among the advances in medicine, transplants are undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements. </center>

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properties (23)
created2021-02-25 00:40:03
last_update2021-03-03 02:40:33
last_payout2021-03-04 00:40:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value7.999 SBD
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promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Un regalo de vida -A gift of life 馃巵ESP/ENG"
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vote details (19)