Monero 錢包的心得 Wallet Usage Tips by ryoplasmic

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· @ryoplasmic · (edited)
Monero 錢包的心得 Wallet Usage Tips
我會講下Monero錢包嘅使用心得。Let's talk about Monero wallets. (English in the middle)


#### 簡介
[Monero]( 中文叫門羅幣,代號XMR,屬分散式私隱加密幣,2022年及之前總發行量為18.132 Million,2023年開始會有tail emission,每個block嘅時間2分鐘就會有0.6 XMR Block Reward。因為咁雖然一般都認為係限量,但其實都係無限。

Monero嘅用途比Bitcoin少,因為佢嘅交易係追查唔到,而家主要用途係代替Bitcoin作為Dark Web嘅交易貨幣。響呢方面黎睇,Monero係Bitcoin以外最多人實際會用黎進行交易嘅加密幣。亦都有人會好似[我先前咁要黎做mixer](。

#### MyMonero
我做完草稿後其實係想放棄唔寫,因為使用上係好簡單,但都值得分享一下[MyMonero](。MyMonero係一個由Monero lead developer Flufflypony所管理嘅Website服務。有好多人會唔信任呢個Web Wallet,而用下面所介紹嘅Monero Wallet。我最近研究過,其實用MyMonero係有佢嘅好處。基本上MyMonero只係會用Account嘅View Key去顯示你Account本身有幾多錢,條Spend Key (Private Key) 都係留響自己部電腦/電話嘅cache內,所以網站嘅管理員係唔會攞到你條Spend Key嘅。

#### 開設新錢包
MyMonero嘅操作方法好簡單,只要去佢個網站,㩒一下Create an Account個制,咁就可以建立一個錢包。之後佢會顯示一組13個字嘅Login Key,其實即係等如Recovery Seed。佢會要求你即時打一次響同一頁嘅指定位置,確認你入啱條key先可以開始用。呢度就唔好Copy and Paste落去喇,你到左下一頁之後,一個唔該time out左 或 唔小心手動refresh個page就冇機會攞得番啱啱新建立嘅錢包㗎喇。

入到去你個Account (Wallet) 度,主要功能都係接收同傳送Monero,冇需要其他Set Up就即時可以用。

#### 接收Monero

> 如果你冇Steemit Account,歡迎Send啲Monero去呢度donate比我^o^


#### 傳送Monero
Send嘅時候首先留意呢個Privacy Level (Ring Size)嘅設定,越高就越令呢個交易更秘密,越保障你嘅私隱,但費用亦都會高少少 - 對比起Bitcoin嘅費用,呢啲真係九牛一毛。然後Address就係對方嘅地址。

Payment ID一般黎講係唔需要嘅,當要到佢嘅時候,係你要入左收錢地址之外再要入Payment ID。要用到佢嘅時候就係有服務商例如交易所只係有一個收錢地址,咁你轉錢入去嘅時候佢就會要你入Payment ID,要黎將啲Monero分番入你個Account。如果佢地要你入,你又冇入到,咁你嘅Monero就會入左佢地個錢包,但分唔到入你Account。呢個情況睇你好唔好彩,有好多交易所就會問你個交易時間,好彩對到啱嘅話就會撥番入你個account度。

#### Backup 錢包
最簡單,只係需要開戶口時嘅13隻字就可以。如果你好似我咁paranoid,就backup埋其餘嘅key。你可以響右上角Account > Account Details搵到 Account Address (Public), View Key (Private)同Spend Key (Private)。呢三樣野係最高機密,加埋就係可以攞晒你啲Monero。呢三條Key亦可以幫你響下面介紹嘅Monero Wallet還原整個錢包。

#### 將現有Monero Wallet搬到MyMonero
[Monero Wallet]( 係指Monero官方出嘅Full Node Wallet,佢嘅Recovery Seed係25個字嘅。你可以將25嗰字嘅Recovery Seed當成Login Key直接打入MyMonero,咁就可以開到個Account出黎用。


有一點要注意,除非你肯比0.1 Monero去做Import Transactions,就咁用25字 Login係連Account balance都睇唔到,以前嘅交易記錄亦都唔會顯示。換言之,如果你好似我先前咁,個Monero Wallet死左用唔到,想Login入MyMonero度Send Monero比其他人,見到balance係0,其實係用唔到。即係話除非你預早比左呢0.1 Monero去做import,否則佢係幫唔到你。


#### Monero Wallet
官方嘅Monero Wallet,所有功能都齊備,而且而家已經有GUI,用起上黎係好簡單,大致上同MyMonero係一樣。而多出嘅功能對日常操作係有幫助,但唔係必需嘅。


我最唔鍾意係佢好蝦人用,問題都係響佢要Sync晒啲Blocks呢一點度。首先你部電腦要夠快,上網亦都要夠快。而家個Database大約係30GB,Sync嘅時候佢都有啲計算要做,就好似BT好多野會慢機咁。有時佢又會停左,要手動停晒所有程序先可以再開始過。每半年一次嘅定期hard fork(呢個唔會令Monero分家,大家齊齊升,唔升用唔到)要你去升級個Wallet先識得Sync,個Wallet係唔會提你,你唔知嘅話就會企左響度Sync唔到又唔知乜事。好似我上次咁就係啱啱Hard Fork所以企左響度唔識Sync。用用下如果hang左機,下次開嘅時候就會有Error,主要連接Monero network嘅程式開Database時即死,要剷晒啲Database再由頭Sync過。

所以我就唔多建議大家用呢個Wallet,用MyMonero好好多。唯一有用嘅時間就係你見到MyMonero臨時上唔到,咁就唯有開番呢個Wallet,等佢Sync完先import MyMonero個account番黎用。

#### 將現有MyMonero錢包搬到Monero Wallet
假設你先前已經Save低左Account Address (Public), View Key (Private)同Spend Key (Private),你就可以用佢地去響Monero Wallet度Recover番MyMonero嘅錢包,代價係要等。我將MyMonero錢包搬到去一個已經完全Sync好晒Database嘅Monero Wallet度,結果入完晒啲key,Restore左之後都仍然係要再等佢快速咁由頭再Scan一次嗰30GB Database,大約4個鐘。雖然你係有權揀由邊度Scan起,不過就算對我呢啲已經算唔怕麻煩嘅人黎講,我個感覺都係「識條鐵」咩。如果冇寫低呢三條key, 都可以用你嘅13字seed響[呢度計番出黎](。

#### Hardware Wallet

而家唯一有機會嘅係Ledger Nano S。佢地已經beta梗Monero,應該年尾之前就會有支援。呢個都係我買左呢個Hardware Wallet嘅原因。我希望Monero嘅支援會令我嘅Monero更方便更安全。

#### 揀邊個Wallet最好?
我覺得最簡單就係用MyMonero,因為就算佢永久消失左,我都仲可以響Monero Wallet度Restore番個Account,而且咁做係唔需要比錢;如果先係用Monero Wallet做好左Account又有Monero,咁就要比錢了,而家係0.1 XMR。Ledger Nano S你未買就等佢真係對應先好買,你已經買左就到時當Bonus好喇。

#### 結語
Monero無論係技術上定係支援上都好優越,我睇唔到短期內持有佢嘅話有乜危機。香港已經有人搞左個 [Local Monero]( 出黎,要黎比用家P2P咁買賣Monero,慢慢應該會有更多Dark Web以外嘅商鋪加入Monero嘅行列(而家localmonero係冇乜人用,因為佢都係成立左一個月多啲,又或者可能用Monero嘅人都係想有多啲私隱啦。)我相信就算將來Bitcoin或者Litecoin加左新嘅私隱功能都好,Monero亦都仍然有佢嘅價值響度。

### English Version
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Monero is a privacy crypto getting popular these days. I am going to talk briefly about Monero and more on its wallets.

#### What is Monero?
Monero have its abbreviation as XMR. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency that have supply of 18.132 Million at the end of 2022, and 0.6 XMR every 2 minutes thereafter. Although for most of the time people think it is limited in supply like Bitcoin, it is not.

The primary usage of Monero is on transactions in Dark Web due to its untraceable property. It is the second most used cryptocurrency. Someone will use it as a mixer as well, [like what I did](

#### MyMonero
[MyMonero]( is very easy to use that I was about to give up writing this story. MyMonero is a service managed by Monero lead developer Flufflypony. Because it is a web wallet, a lot of people is cautious and avoid using it. No, in fact you this is paranoid. Basically, I found that it will only use your View Key to query the balance. The Spend Key (Private Key) is stored in the browser cache, thus the admin of MyMonero is not able to access your fund.

#### Create a Wallet
It is very easy to create a wallet with MyMonero. Go to the website and then hit Create an Account. That’s it. You will need to backup the 13 words seed and then enter them in the box at the end of the page to enter the wallet interface. Do NOT copy and paste and think you will have chance to get it done later on. When you are timeout or manually refreshed the wallet page, you will lose access to your account permanently.

In the wallet, the main operations are just send and receive XMR, no other set up is needed.

#### Receive Monero
The Address can be a very long strings, email like or website like. Like below:


> If you do not have Steemit Account but want to tip me, you can send your donation to this Monero address ^o^

You will only have and need 1 Monero Address for each Wallet. There is no need to switch wallet address for each transactions like Bitcoin does.

#### Sending Monero
For sending, the main focus is on Privacy Level (Ring Size). As Privacy Level increases, the protection to your privacy increases – the fee also increases. Well, it is nothing when compare with Bitcoin’s transaction fee. Then, you need an address from the other party of your transactions.

Payment ID generally is not needed unless you are explicitly told to enter it. Generally, exchanges require you to enter the Payment ID they gave you in addition to address. It is use for allocating the Monero to your account once they received it. If they require you but you did not enter the Payment ID, depending on your luck, sometimes they will ask you for the exact time you send the transaction, to match their receive log. If lucky enough, you will get your Monero back.

#### Backup Wallet
Basically, you only need the 13 words you have written down. If you are paranoid like I do, back up the other keys as well. Just select from the top right of the page Account > Account Details, you will see Account Address (Public), View Key (Private) and Spend Key (Private). This is the top secret for your Monero wallet. With these 3 keys, you can login to MyMonero as well as recovering the wallet in Monero Wallet.

#### Switch from Monero Wallet to MyMonero
[Monero Wallet]( is the official full node wallet of Monero. Their Recovery Seed is 25 words. In fact, the 25-word Recovery Seed can be used as Login Key to use your Monero Wallet fund in MyMonero.

However, in practice there is a catch. To see your fund and transaction history, you will need to pay 0.1 Monero to import transactions. If you never import your transactions to MyMonero, it will not be useful for you for the purpose of accessing your fund.

#### Monero Wallet
Monero wallet is the official wallet with all the features you need in a graphical interface. Using it is as simple as MyMonero. The additional features provided is not essential unless you are advanced users.

Yet, the syncing requirement stopped me to from recommend this wallet. To use the wallet, you will need to sync all the blocks. Your computer has to be powerful enough, so do your internet speed as well. The database is currently around 30GB and the wallet will need to process all the blocks, very similar to downloading a very large file with bittorrents. Sometimes for unknown reasons, a restart of the system is needed. The regular hard fork requires you manually identify the schedule and upgrade your Monero Wallet. Without upgrading the wallet, the blocks will not sync as well. If your computer hangs while using the wallet, the database might corrupt and the wallet will stop working. You will need to delete the database and sync again. All the above will need your troubleshooting skills, there is no alert in the Wallet interface on hard fork time, the need to upgrade the wallet, as well as removing the corrupted database.

MyMonero is therefore much better. The only reason I will keep Monero Wallet is as a backup if MyMonero is not accessible.

#### Use MyMonero fund with Monero Wallet
Let’s say you have written down your Account Address (Public), View Key (Private) and Spend Key (Private). You will be able to use the wallet you created in MyMonero in Monero Wallet. The cost is your time. Just as recovering the Recovery Seed, you can use these 3 keys to recover the wallet. In a fully synchronized Monero Wallet, I still need around 4 hours to let the system scanning all the locally downloaded blocks to set everything up. There is an option to let you scan from a specific block, but as an average user, this is a difficult concept and thus not practical. In case you only have the 13-word Recovery Seed, you can still [calculate all 3 keys here](

#### Hardware Wallet
Trezor once wanted to add Monero support but they have dropped it before releasing officially.

The only hope is on Ledger Nano S. The developers of LedgerWallet is alpha testing the Monero support internally, targeting official release before the year end. This is the reason why I picked up this hardware wallet to secure my Monero in the future.

#### Which Wallet is best for me?
I think it is MyMonero. You can recovery your wallet in Monero Wallet in case MyMonero gone forever. This way it costs nothing to you to switch wallet. Setting up Monero Wallet first will require the 0.1 XMR Import Transaction Charges for using in MyMonero. For Ledger Nano S, if you are not an owner yet, just wait until it releases the support officially. For existing owners, that’s a bonus on top of the current support.

#### Concluding remarks
Monero is superior to a lot of altcoins. I do not see any problem to own them in short term. There are also [Local Monero ]( that let you buy Monero offline. The usage in addition to Dark Web transactions should take off in the near future.


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root_title"Monero 錢包的心得 Wallet Usage Tips"
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vote details (32)
@jonas160 ·
<a target="_blank" href="">great pos,but sorry i don't have a 
lot of steem power. I will support you with a comment and resteem. </a>
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created2017-10-17 02:27:51
last_update2017-10-17 02:27:51
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root_title"Monero 錢包的心得 Wallet Usage Tips"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@deepweeb ·
Very nice completion of post! @ryoplasmic
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["ryoplasmic"], "tags": ["cryptocurrency"]}"
created2017-10-17 05:52:42
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root_title"Monero 錢包的心得 Wallet Usage Tips"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@ryoplasmic ·
Thank you!~
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root_title"Monero 錢包的心得 Wallet Usage Tips"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)