RE: Confessions of a "Rapist" by quillfire

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· @quillfire · (edited)

As usual, a masterfully written comment. 

One of the challenges with Steemit is that one writes from a "local perspective" to a "global audience." The absurdity about which I wrote in this satirical piece is not global but primarily an artifact of advanced Western countries: In the Anglo-sphere, The United States; Canada; the U.K., Australia and New Zealand.  

As I mentioned in the article:

>You see, up until then, I had erroneously believed that 'rape' entailed a man using his greater physical strength to violently force sexual intercourse upon a woman, **a crime for which I would, without a moment's hesitation, have him castrated, executed ... or both.**

That bolded part ... I was speaking literally, not figuratively. I am not a "rape apologist."

But as I also mentioned:

>Instead of being a universal abomination, "I was raped," becomes an assertion subject to interpretation. Was it literal or figurative? Maybe he grabbed her ass ... or maybe, she was just downwind from a guy who had beans for breakfast. The constant drive of Far Left Post Modernists to scale the ladder of umbrage, so as to claim to be the 'Most Victimized,' **is castrating words of their meaning and, in the process, depriving those who actually need the words to mean what they once did. Like women who were actually raped.**

The women you mentioned in your comment were "ACTUALLY RAPED." They need that word to maintain it's "moral horror" so that society reacts accordingly. 

I could easily provide hundreds of hyperlinks to stories about the degree to which that word has been appropriated by activists seeking to "broaden the scope" so as to elevate themselves to the status of victims. Instead, I will provide one that I provided elsewhere in these comments:

>Here is a long, but engrossing, article that exposes the degree to which the sheer insanity has overtaken Western academia. I **HIGHLY RECOMMEND** its reading. If it does not cause to pause for contemplation, then nothing will. What is perhaps most frightening is the substantial evidence suggesting that such blatant overreach is not the exception at Western universities, but the norm.

>BTW ... UBC is one of Canada's most esteemed universities, habitually jostling for ranking with McGill and the University of Toronto.

>BTW 2 ... "QuillFire" (me) is in no way affiliated with "The Quillette" despite the similarity in names. Although, Quillette ... if you're ever looking for writers ... The Quill is interested.


As I've written before, the philosophical school of thought to which I most closely associate is Aristotle's "Virtue Ethics." Central to that philosophy is that "Virtue is to be found between two extremes of Vice." Indeed, I included such insight in Katie's 16th Birthday poem:

>**Virtue’s in the Middle**   

>Polar regimes, vice in extremes,  
Virtue, you find in between, 
He, Aristotle; would make it the model,  
Ethos, you’ll find at the mean. 
One of the greatest dangers that plague societies throughout history is **_the seeming inability of the majority to identify the dangers of extremism on their own side._** With rose-tinted glasses that never come off,  people are inclined to wail about the dastardly nature of folks on the other side ... while excusing the dastardly nature of folks on their own.

In George Orwell's seminal work, "1984" ... **he was criticizing the excesses of HIS OWN SIDE ... he was an English Socialist.**    

Lunatics on one fringe are no different than lunatics on another. In either case ... *they're lunatics.*

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@fionasfavourites · (edited)

>with Steemit is that one writes from a "local perspective" to a "global audience." 

Indeed.  And I should have engaged my brain.  In my defence, it was 3am and I'd been awake since 2...and as you gathered, a topic where I have not just an opionon, but baggage. Swirling dervishes...

>I was speaking literally, not figuratively. I am not a "rape apologist."

No, you most definitely are not.  And that is exactly how The Husband felt after his sister was raped.

 >sheer insanity has overtaken Western academia

Again, I concur.  The extent to which things have been intellectualised (and by that I mean "academicised" but there is no such word), is frightening and, I think, inappropriate.  I know this is only tangentially "on topic", but I remember being at a conference on TVET - now about 15 years ago - and the pre-occupation was with how artisans could become involved with knowledge generation.  Little credence is given to the fact that many inventors are artisans who create knowledge but they are not, and don't want to be, academic or intellectual.  They question, think and the solve problems;  that's intellectual and academic but not in the received sense of either word.  That's also knowledge production and does not need to be predicated on having a Ph D.  As I was contemplating a Ph D in TVET some years ago, and was offered a scholarship to do one through the Aus university I was working with at the time, a sage opined that the abbreviation also stands for "Permanent head Damage".  Quite apt.  And horrifyingly demonstrated in Quillete's article.  A close friend of mine has an ex in-law who is a senior academic at BC (linquistics) that, and also having had more than enough to do with academe in the last few years, although I am apalled, I am not surprised.  

That said, the other thing that struck me reading that was two things.  Firstly, that truth is scarier than fiction.  Secondly:  how, there are times that I dislike my own gender.  I stomach neither rabid feminism nor victimhood based on having been born XX.  I consider myself a feminist but on the basis that different is not inferior, it is different.  Females are wired differently from males - research shows that.  It doesn't, however, give license to destroy lives.  

>Lunatics on one fringe are no different than lunatics on another. In either case ... they're lunatics.

Indeed.  And none so blind as those who won't see.

👍  ,
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root_title"Confessions of a "Rapist""
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@quillfire ·

Fiona, I love the way you write. You could write a chapter about tying your shoes and I'd undoubtedly be engrossed throughout.

>I consider myself a feminist but on the basis that **different is not inferior, it is different.** 

**If that was the reality of what "feminism" meant, who wouldn't be a feminist?** 

Unfortunately, that's NOT what "feminism" means anymore. It has come to encompass "Radical Feminism," of which there are at least a half-dozen different schools of thought. And "Radical Feminism" includes "Post-Modernism" which includes "Intersectionality (with its endless "Identity Politics") and ... naked "Marxism."  

The closest thing to what you describe is **"Equity Feminism"** of which Christina Hoff-Sommers is a champion. Personally, I would gladly call myself an Equity Feminist. The problem is that the other feminists vehemently denounce her as an "antifeminist." To be a "real feminist," you have to believe all the other crap as well.  

For example, try attending a "feminist rally" ... wearing a Pro-Life button. If you do, many feminists will automatically disqualify you (if not assault you) ... *"You're not a feminist!!!"* You see, if you believe that "men and women are equal," then you would automatically believe that a fetus is just a bunch of cells, similar to an unwanted wart or a tumor, that may be excised at will without moral consequence. And, if you don't believe that ... then, of course, you're lying about believing "men and women are equal" ... and therefore not be a "feminist." This is exactly the kind of advanced logic that only brainiacs who paid $65,00/yr. at an Ivy League to obtain a much-in-demand Masters in Gender Studies, are capable of.  

Aristotle would have been proud.

The theoretical **"Equality Between Men and Women" argument** has become but a bumper-sticker talking point. There is a whole political/cultural/economic ideology that must be adopted as well.   

When a word becomes bastardized to this extent ... **_it loses its original meaning._** "Feminism" has lost its ability to articulate what it once did: **A belief in the legal, cultural and social equality of men and women, despite their differences.**  In a word ... it got "hi-jacked."

>That said, the other thing that struck me reading that was two things. Firstly, **that truth is scarier than fiction.**

If you used that story as a plot for a novel, people would throw it in the garbage bin. Yes, fiction requires "suspension of belief" ... but the plot still has to *feel plausible* given the context. No one in their right mind would believe that such a plot was plausible. 

>Secondly: how, there are times that I dislike my own gender.

It's **NOT** your gender that's to blame. Indeed, much of the most vocal criticism of this lunacy is coming from women. The purveyors of this nonsense are **ideologues (who happen to be women).** But just as men with mustaches are not evil because Hitler and Stalin had mustaches, women are not evil because a few of the more ideologically obsessed have jumped off the deep end. And, know that there are plenty of men peddling this stuff too.

properties (22)
created2019-03-23 23:38:54
last_update2019-03-23 23:38:54
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root_title"Confessions of a "Rapist""
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@wikitextbot ·
<b>Christina Hoff Sommers</b>
Christina Marie Hoff Sommers (born September 28, 1950) is an American author and philosopher. Specializing in ethics, she is currently a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Sommers is known for her critique of contemporary feminism. Her work includes the books Who Stole Feminism?
properties (22)
created2019-03-23 23:39:00
last_update2019-03-23 23:39:00
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cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Confessions of a "Rapist""
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@fionasfavourites · (edited)

>Fiona, I love the way you write. You could write a chapter about tying your shoes and I'd undoubtedly be engrossed throughout.

Thank you. Again.  Now there's a challenge.....

>When a word becomes bastardized to this extent ... it loses its original meaning. "Feminism" has lost its ability to articulate what it once did: A belief in the legal, cultural and social equality of men and women, despite their differences. In a word ... it got "hi-jacked."

Which is exactly why I rarely enter into these debates now and I chose my words carefully:  I <strong><em>consider</em></strong> rather than <strong><em>claim</em></strong> to be a feminist.

Raising the issue of abortion and being pro-life - now there's another issue on which, of course, I have a strong opinion.  For another time.

>If you used that story as a plot for a novel, people would throw it in the garbage bin. Yes, fiction requires "suspension of belief" ... but the plot still has to feel plausible given the context. No one in their right mind would believe that such a plot was plausible.

The thought I had, was that at least one of the protagonists is a stalker...a psychological thriller...  However, that thought makes  mockery of it all.

>just as men with mustaches are not evil because Hitler and Stalin had mustaches, women are not evil because a few of the more ideologically obsessed have jumped off the deep end.

True.  As is so often the case, it's the 80:20 principle and where the 20 taint the 80.

Good day!

PS  Somers' philosophy resonates for me.  Thank you for that reference.  

You may be interested that in early childhood education circles in South Africa, there is increasing increase in the boy child after the skewed focus on the girl child.  A move that began as much as 10 years ago.  Interestingly, my friend and colleague who was using this as a basis for her Ph D, is now living and teaching in Hong Kong.
👍  ,
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created2019-03-24 07:42:18
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root_title"Confessions of a "Rapist""
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@dustsweeper ·
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total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Confessions of a "Rapist""
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD