Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01 by rishabh99946

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· @rishabh99946 ·
Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01
#### <center>Present the Just Swap platform in your way, demonstrating its importance within the Tron ecosystem blockchain</center>

At the present time, the craze and popularity of crytocurrency is at a very high level. And in this world, exchanges plays a very crucial role which helps its user to exchange it's assets for other assets. But these exchanges also depends on liquidity. Without liquidity one has to wait for another buyer both must agree on a same price to exchange the assets. But this would take a lot of time. To tackle this, the concept of liquidity pool was introduced by using which a user can easily exchange it's assets for another asset without waiting for a buyer. 
But now the problem was liquidity in liquidity pool. 

![images (3).png](

After this in mid 2019 a group of tron blockchain developers launched justswap which aimed to provide infinite liquidity in liquidity pool to make this process fast. Justswap is a decentralised exchange which runs on tron blockchain and uses Automated liquidity provider protocol named **automated market maker** which also determines the price of the assets. Using this exchange anyone can swap between TRC 20 coins. And for this to happen, this uses the native coin of the tron blockchain which is TRX. 

The launch of justswap was a direct challenge to uniswap and pan cake swap which are also decentralised exchange but the difference between these all are that these all run on different blockchain. Justswap uses tron blockchain while other two uses ethereum blockchain and BSC respectively. 

Using Justswap one can easily swap between TRC 20 coins such as TRX, USDT and SUN coin. As this is a decentralised exchange users have full control over these transactions and once these transactions are initiated, these can't be changed or terminated. 

Justswap is also very important to tron blockchain as it provides infinite liquidity. It helps in making the tron blockchain more scalable. Now you might be wondering how infinite liquidity is achieved by this exchange. This is done with the help of those users who lock their assets and add their assets in liquidity pool. These users are called **liquidity providers** and in exchange for locking their assets, these people are paid with transaction fees which is levied on every transaction. 

And as this a decentralised exchange, there is no third party involved in this process. Now you might be wondering , how it is done without any third party. So this is done using smart contracts. Which makes this process secure and immutable.


####  <center>  How do I connect my wallet to Is there a mobile app? (Screenshots needed)</center>

As yet there is no mobile application available for Justswap on play store or app store. But you can access this through PC or through tron link wallet. 

To connect your wallet with justswap:-

1. First of all download tron link wallet from your respective app store. 

2. After that log into that wallet using your private key or sign up if you don't have a account. 

3. After that, click on **discover** button and it will redirect you to section containing many dApps. 

4. Now search for **** if you can't see it in **popular section** and then click on it 

5. And now you are connected with justswap. It's that easy. 

6. If you want to make sure you are connected with justswap and are using your desirable account (if you are having multiple accounts in the same tron link wallet) , click on three lines in the top right corner. And you can see your private key there. Just make sure you are connected with the right account. 

After all these processes, you will get connect with justswap using your desirable account.   


#### <center>  What tokens does JustSwap support trading? How is the price of a JustSwap token determined (how it works)? Use an illustration to explain it. (screenshot required)</center>

Justswap supports many TRC 20 tokens. In this section, below I will name some of those tokens which can be used for trading on justswap. 

To see the list of available tokens on justswap:-

1. Go to justswap through tron link wallet on your phone. 

2. On the home screen under swap section, just click on **TRX** icon to change it. Now it will show you a list of all tokens which be used for trading here. 

Here I am writing down the supported tokens for trading:-


Here you can see, there are many types of coins some of these are stable coins and some of those are non stable coins and some of these are Penny crytocurrency too. So you can say this supports a large variety of tokens to chose from for trading 

**Now let's discuss how justswap determines price of a asset**:-

In justswap **automated liquidity provider protocol** is used which is called **automated market maker** and this determines the price of the asset in a pair on the basis of the quantity of the tokens in the liquidity pool. 

This uses a formula which is **X** * **Y** = K where X is any TRC 20 token and Y is native coin of with which token X is in pair which is TRX usually. And K is called determining constant which is a constant and price of the asset are changed in such a way that this contant remains a constant. 

After every swap or exchange, the quantity of either one of a tokens is increased and the quantity of other one is decreased. Now as K is a constant now using a smart contract the price is changed in such a way that this constant remains same. The price of the token whose quantity is decreased, is increased and the price of the token whose quantity was decreased, is increased to maintain the equilibrium. 

For example'- I swapped USDT for TRX. Now in the liquidity pool, the quantity of USDT will be increased as my USDT will also be there and some of the TRX from liquidity pool will be transferred to my account so the quantity of TRX will be decreased. Now to make the K Constant, the price of USDT will be decreased and price of TRX will be increased. 

Usually because of huge quantity of token in liquidity pool, with mere a single transaction this value doens't change much so we can see not after every transaction the price of the asset is changed.


#### <center> Include a real example of your interaction with Just Swap, demonstrate how you can trade on the platform. (screenshots required)</center>

We have understood that what is justswap, when it was launched and by whom. We also understand theoretically how it works. Let's now do a practical how we trade or swap assets on justswap. 

Swapping on justswap is done using smart contracts so no thrid party is allowed to intervene and once a user have initiated the swapping process, no one can stop it until it is completed. 

To trade on justswap:-

1. Open your dApp through tron link wallet.

2. Now under **swap** section, you can select which asset you want to swap with. It is set to TRX by default and just above the TRX icon, it will show you your remaining balance. You can enter the amount you want to swap or you can click on **max** if yiu want to swap your whole balance. 
You can now select your token for which you want to swap this token. And beside this selected token, you would see the amount you will receive. 

3. Here I am selecting TRX and DICE for swapping and I am entering the amount of TRX 2, and soon enough I saw the amount I would receive that is 11.51 DICE. You can also see the graph of price there. 

4. Then, click on confirm swap for confirming that this is not a mistake. Here you can see **liquidity provider fees** which is levied on you and will be paid to liquidity provider as a reward for adding it's asset in liquidity pool. And this process is done using smart contracts without the intervention of any third party. 

5. Then select your mode through which you wish to complete this action. I am clicking on **fast mode** but alternatively you can click on **safe mode**.

6. Then again give your nod to this swapping process. 

6. Now this action requires your password to get completed so enter your password. 

8. Then soon enough your action will be completed and you will receive a notification like this that your swapping has been completed and the amount you will receive will mention here.

9. Other important information regarding to this swapping can be viewed on tronscan. To see that, go to tron wallet app and click on the token you used for swapping. And then click on history under that token name. 
There on the bottom you can see **view on tronscan** icon. Just click on that. 

10. In that transaction detail, you can see every minor detail about that transaction. Such as how much bandwidth and energy was consumed for this process and the number of TRX burnt for this process if there is any. 

**Thus you can swap/exchange your asset for other assets using Justswap.**


#### <center> Include a real example of your interaction with Just Swap, explain How to add liquidity to JustSwap. (screenshot required)</center>
I have mentioned earlier that on justswap liquidity provider adds their assets in liquidity pool and in return they are paid with transaction fees. 
Now let's do a practical how we can add our asset in liquidity pool. 

First of all, we only can add a pair of asset in liquidity pool. Be it TRX/USDT pair, TRX/USDJ or TRX/ DICE pair. 

So I will add my TRX/DICE pair as I recently swapped my TRX for DICE. 

1. Go to justswap through tron link wallet. 

2. Now beside the swap section where we swapped our asset, you will find a section named **pool** which is for liquidity pool. Click on this and then click on **add liquidity**

3. Now select your preferable pair you want to add into liquidity pool. Here I am selecting TRX and DICE. And then enter the amount you want to add. Here I am entering the amount of Dice 11 and appropriate amount of TRX will be shown there. 
After all this, click on Supply. 

4. Now select your mode similar to the previous one. I am clicking on **fast mode** you can click on safe mode alternatively. 

5. Now confirm this transaction. Only after this your pair will be added to the liquidity pool. 

6. Enter your password for confirmation that it is not a mistake. 

7. Then, you will see a message stating that how much **pool tokens** will you get against adding this liquidity into liquidity pool. And click on **confirm supply** if you wish to lock your asset for this sum. 

8. Now again click on confirm to give you consent. 

9. After this, your transaction will be submitted to the blockchain and once confirmed you will get a message like this stating that liquidity added. 

And in this was we can add our asset into the liquidity pool easily and can earn passive income generated from rewards.

#### <center> Conclusion </center>
Justswap is a leading decentralised exchange running on tron blockchain and it is a direct competitor of uniswap running on ethereum blockchain and pan cak me swap running on Binance smart chain. It has theoretically infinite liquidity that is added by many users in order to earn reward and at the same time by holding funds. 

In the task we learnt much about justswap and also tried to understand it's working. But at the same time we also did some real time practical work to understand how the things we saw theoretically works in real life. 

The main difference between justswap and other decentralised exchange is its user friendly interface. We saw how easy it is to add liquidity into liquidity pool and swapping TRC 20 tokens. 


Thank you professor @kouba01
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
created2021-10-09 14:39:51
last_update2021-10-09 14:39:51
last_payout2021-10-16 14:39:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value28.205 SBD
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root_title"Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (31)
@layersinn · (edited)
Amazing!info on crypto academy:)thnx for visiting my post on 09/09/2021
properties (22)
created2021-10-10 02:40:09
last_update2021-10-10 03:51:21
last_payout2021-10-17 02:40:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@alexcarlos ·
You have presented about justswap vary well.
properties (22)
created2021-10-10 08:58:09
last_update2021-10-10 08:58:09
last_payout2021-10-17 08:58:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@kouba01 ·
Hello @rishabh99946,
Thank you for participating in the 5th Week Crypto Course in its 4th season and for your efforts to complete the suggested tasks, you deserve a  ***Total***|***8/10*** rating, according to the following scale:
Originality | Compliance with topic | Consistency of method | Quality of analysis | Clarity of structure & language   
--------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
<center>(1.5/2)</center> | <center>(2/2)</center> | <center>(1.5/2)</center> | <center>(1.5/2)</center> | <center>(1.5/2)</center>
<b>My review :</b>

Good content in which you tried to implement what was asked of you to explain it with distinction. Here are some notes I give you.

- In your explanation of how JustSwap works, you are asked to prepare an illustration.

Thanks again for your effort, and we look forward to reading your next work.
properties (22)
created2021-10-10 15:25:51
last_update2021-10-10 15:25:51
last_payout2021-10-17 15:25:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@steemcurator07 ·
You have been upvoted by @sapwood, a Country Representative from INDIA. We are voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator07 account to support the newcomers coming into Steemit.

Engagement is essential to foster a sense of community. Therefore we would request our members to visit each other's post and make insightful comments. 

Thank you.
properties (22)
created2021-10-11 00:24:18
last_update2021-10-11 00:24:18
last_payout2021-10-18 00:24:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Crypto academy season 4 | week 5 | homework task for professor @kouba01"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD