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json_metadata"{"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","app":"Musing","appTitle":"How to treat irrational fear?","appDepth":2,"musingAppVersion":"1.1","musingPostType":"answer","appParentPermlink":"pkycr7v4x","appTags":["fear"],"appParentAuthor":"stmitbackpacker","appCategory":"fear","appBody":"<p>To prove it wrong. I could search some fancy techniques on google and share them in here but I will better give you my personal example and how I am still working on this problem. Last year I've begun having panic attacks and dizziness out of the sudden and didn't knew what they were. I even felt fear getting out of the house and live normally so I went to my doctor. I've done some blood tests, some EKGs and so on and nothing was out of the normal on the charts but I wasn't feeling good and I was fearing of all sorts of diseases thus my doctor sent me to a psychiatrist and talked about my problems. The lady was very nice and explained me how this things worked and she refused to give me any medication. Instead she told me to face my fears and do the exact opposite of fear. If I would fear going out to a restaurant because before I had the sensation of passing out and feeling dizzy I would now had to go and confront the fear and see what happens. It's amazing and funny at the same time, but I haven't passed out although I lived with this feeling for good months. I would still have the &nbsp;symptoms &nbsp;that I mentioned about but every time I would get home and everything would be OK. However I had to face that fear which was obviously irrational and had to defeat it. I have these &nbsp;symptoms &nbsp;sometimes nowadays also, but not on the same intensity but facing that fear so many times they don't have the same effect. The important thing however to your topic is to realize that your fear is actually irrational and not something you should really fear about. If for example you have fear of speaking in public you should face it and see how it works. You could start with a smaller audience and gradually increase your exposure but ultimately if the fear is irrational has to be faced and most often will be conquered. Most of our fears have no relevance and are created around mind made scenarios thus we have to confront them and conquer them. What is mind created will always be mind destroyed. It's just on us to face such fears and go beyond them. Try and face yours and see what I am talking about. Don't take irrational risks though.&nbsp;<\/p>"}"
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