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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"pkeqkbj2x","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","musingAppVersion":"1.1","appDepth":2,"appTags":["Love"],"appCategory":"Love","app":"Musing","musingPostType":"answer","appBody":"<p>Ancient Greeks defined eight types of love<\/p>\n<p>1. Eros<\/p>\n<p>Erotic love is sexual passion and desire. It is informed by the reproductive instincts. In our minds, it manifests itself in lust and infatuation. It is fundamentally a selfish kind of love centered around physical pleasure and infatuation. It usually doesn't last very long between two people.<\/p>\n<p>2. &nbsp;Philia or Affectionate Love<\/p>\n<p>Philia also known as friendship. It is platonic love as in without physical attraction. It manifests as loyalty among friends, camaraderie among soldiers and willingness to sacrifice for the team. It is catalyzed by the mind, a sense of affinity created by seeing eye to eye.<\/p>\n<p>3. Storge or Familial Love<\/p>\n<p>Storge is also love without physical attraction but it is about kinship and familiarity. It is between family members. It is catalyzed by shared memories.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>4. Ludus or Playful Love<\/p>\n<p>Ludus is the kind of playful love between young lovers: flirting, teasing and euphoric feelings of joy associated with the early stages of a love relationship. It is very common for this type of love to be lost among couples who've been married a long time. It is catalyzed by emotion. It is a good idea to take a girl to a funfair on a date. Roller coaster rides and things like that evoke childlike emotions associated with play that are essential in the beginning of a relationship.<\/p>\n<p>5. Mania or Obsessive Love<\/p>\n<p>Manic love has to do with self-esteem issues. Manic love is possessive and jealous. An obsessed lover has a powerful sense of needing their lover, even to survive. Manic love draws from survival instincts.<\/p>\n<p>6. Pragma or Enduring Love<\/p>\n<p>Pragma is mature, harmonic and developed love. It is the result of effort and compromises and time. It is not required without time and dedication. It is catalyzed by habit.<\/p>\n<p>7. Philautia or Self Love<\/p>\n<p>Self-love is considered a healthy form of loving oneself or being comfortable in one's own skin. Recognizing the existence of Philautia results from the realization that without being capable of healthy self-love one is not capable of loving others. It is catalyzed by one's recognition and acceptance of one's unique being or soul.<\/p>\n<p>8. Agape or Selfless Love<\/p>\n<p>The Greeks considered agape to be the highest form of love. It is not a sentimental but a spiritual kind of love. It is free from expectations, wants or desires. It is unconditional acceptance of others regardless of their flaws. It is catalyzed by the spiritual in us.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>","appTitle":"What is love?","appParentAuthor":"alfir89"}"
created2018-11-18 20:48:24
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